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Text File  |  1996-03-30  |  585KB  |  15,008 lines

  1. Œ³:ŠUniversal Databank
  2. /Ruler of€Terra Alpha colony.decreed‚€
  3. colonistsƒ„…happy,†pain of being arrested‡ˆHappiness
  4. Patrol‰publicly executed.Š‹Œ‰Ace¿rebels
  5. overthrowˆregime. Afterˆpet Fifi died, Helen Aã
  6. realized‚happinessŽnothing without sadness.
  7. /Foreman of a quarry's blasting crew.set up€
  8. explosionµóEldrad's hand back„€surface.
  9. /Argolin¶€Leisure Hive.
  10. /Leader of€hunting party of Shobogans‘ÞLeela 
  11. ‰Rodan.‰’leader, Nesbin,¿them‰€“
  12. Œrepel€Sontarans' Invasion of Gallifrey.
  13. /See YETI.
  14. /Young Gond male selected„become•of€Krotons' 
  15. 'companions'‰Žsubsequently–‡them.
  16. /Art gallery†Sirius Five.
  17. /One of€‹˜companions. A young English girl
  18. *Ace
  19. ¶Perivale‘™been a problem child, she™run away 
  20. îˆÎšhomemade gelignite blew up parts of 
  21. ˆschool. Her real nameŽDorothy.Ž•of€
  22. 'Wolves' of Fenric, descendants of€ancient Vikings‘™
  23. ó€flask containing€evil entity back„England. 
  24. Fenric pulledˆout of space‰·‰leftˆ†Iceworld, 
  25. èsheça job›a waitress.accompanied€‹
  26. Œ(Whom she called 'Professor')†’questœ€
  27. Dragonfire‰¿žKane.aidedõ€
  28. Daleks,€ ‰€God of Ragnarok. Ace held Excaliber 
  29. ‰ÉMorgaine at Carbury.ŠŒ¡çˆback„
  30. 1883 Perivale„confrontˆfears of€evil house, Gabriel 
  31. Chase. Afterwards, AceÍinstrumental¢Fenric's release¢
  32. 1943 Northumberland. There, she metˆmother, Audrey,›a 
  33. baby,‰¿ˆgrandmother, Kathleen Dudman,„Ý€
  34. Haemovores.also fell¢loveš€Russian Red Army 
  35. Captain, Sorin.ŠŒ‰Ace¡returned„Perivale, 
  36. èshe¿Ê€Master,‰þturned®•
  37. of€Cheetah People. Ace's favourite weaponsƒexplosives, 
  38. ¢particular nitro-nine. According„some accounts, Ace 
  39. ­left€Œ„live¢1880 France,èshe 
  40. married•of Sorin's Ancestors.
  41. /One of€minerals mined‡Zarak.
  42. /A brave Greek warrior¯€Trojan war.Šfirst 
  43. Œ¼¿slay’enemy, Trojan warrior 
  44. Hector.Ž°–‡Troilus.
  45. /Title߇€Tesh.
  46. /Disfigured Tartar warrior¢Tegana's employ.
  47. /Name of€star sector¢µMetebelis 3Žlocated. 
  48. Šterm 'galaxy' applied„²‡€Œis not strictly 
  49. accurate,›²is likely‚€Acteon System is of€Milky 
  50. Way Galaxy.
  51. /See CASTLE, NIGEL.
  52. /Stangmoor prison officer.
  53. /Corporal stationed¢Devesham.ŠKraalsï¤
  54. android duplicate of him.
  55. /Earth Government official whose job²Ž„sort out 
  56. claims†newly discovered planets.ŠËŖ
  57. ‰impersonated¤ajudicator name Martin Jurgans,‘™been 
  58. sent„Exarius›¤arbitrator¯a disputeôAshe's 
  59. colonists‰€Interplanetary Mining Corporation.
  60. /One of€Çtourists‘crashlanded¢Wales¢1959. 
  61. Ž–‡€Bannermen.
  62. /Treacherous Sensorite‘Ísecond Elder of 
  63. €Sense-Sphere.ä„kill€©Œ‰’
  64. ҉Ž­exiled‡’people.
  65. /Tyrannical ruler of Chloris, a world rich¢
  66. vegetable matter¥poor¢minerals.owned€only metal mine
  67. †Chloris. However, thisŽrunning out of metal,‰¦€
  68. Tythonian ambassador, Erato, arrived†Chloris„offer„trade
  69. chlorophyllœmetal,„preserveˆpower, Adraska kept
  70. prisoner¢€mines (whichÍknown›€Pit)œfifteen
  71. years. During‚time,š€help of€Huntsmen‰’
  72. carnivorous Wolf Weeds, she preventedˆñ¶rebelling.Š
  73. fourthŒ‰Romana discovered Erato's true nature‰exposed
  74. Adrasta's duplicity. Herñturnedõˆ‰sheŽ
  75. ­–‡Erato.
  76. /Companion of€“‰¸Doctors.Ža young
  77. *Adr
  78. Alzarian‘™earned a badgeœmathematical excellence.Š
  79. “Œmet Adric†Alzarius¢E-Space,蹿
  80. ‰Romana solve€mystery of€Marshmen. Adric¡stowed away
  81. †€Ã‰¿€“Œž€ØVampire,
  82. ‰free€Tharils¶Rorvik. Back¢normal space,¹¿€
  83. “ŒÊ€Ë†Traken, Logopolis‰Earth. There,
  84. ¹watched€“Œregenerate. Soon afterwards¹Ž
  85. ù‡€Master,‘ß’mathematical abilities„create
  86. Castrovalva.¡Éalongside€¸Doctor, Nyssa‰
  87. TeganõMonarch,€Mara‰€Terileptils‰George
  88. Cranleigh. After fighting€Cybermen,¹sacrificed himself„save
  89. £‡staying†board a doomed spaceship, taking²back through
  90. ·65 millionöuntil²crashed†Earth.
  91. /Leader of€Trojan survivors‘went†„find
  92. Rome.
  93. /Brother of Menelaus‰King of Mycene.started€
  94. Trojan War, some claimed,„control€trade routes„Asia Minor.
  95. After€fall of troy, CassandraÍAgamemnon's slave.
  96. /One of€Movellans servingêCommander Sharrel†
  97. Skaro.Ždisarmed‰reprogrammed‡Tyssan.
  98. /Allegedly mythical beast protecting€ºPeladon‰
  99. it's rulers. It turned out„…a very real creature,ê€
  100. control of High Priest Hepesh,‘ß²„prevent’º¶
  101. joining€Federation.ŠthirdŒtamed²ša song‰a
  102. mirror. Later,¦Hepeshä„use Aggedor„kill€·lord,
  103. Ageddor–€High Priest instead.Štraitor Eckersley
  104. ßa machineµprojected a holographic image of aggedorša
  105. heat ray„take over€trisilicate mines of PeladonœGalaxy
  106. Five.Šreal Aggedor–Eckersley,‘™taken Queen Thalira
  107. hostage,¥Žhimself°–¢€battle.
  108. /Saxon woman¶Wulnoth's village.
  109. /Professor Scarman's Egyptian servant.warned€professor
  110. not„open Sutekh's tomb.
  111. /The¨ŒßVenusian Aikidoõa
  112. variety of people, including¾Stahlman, Mike Yates, a
  113. Stangmoor prisoner named Charlie, Colonel Trenchard's guards,
  114. €Marshal's men, Global Chemicals' thugs,
  115. Linx, Sergeant Benton, Ortron's guards,‰€
  116. Spiders' field-guards.
  117. /Former miner‰•of Torvin's band of rebels†
  118. Chloris.
  119. /See GASES.
  120. /One of€Kangs of Paradise Towers.
  121. /Nickname given„€miners of Megro-polis Three†
  122. Pluto.
  123. /Famous scientist whose mindŽstolen‡Skagra at€
  124. Think Tank space station.´¢€Ïof€
  125. station.
  126. /Captain Pike's pirate ship.
  127. /American Senator‰delegate„€World Peace
  128. Conference.þÍa victim of Chin Lee,¥ŽÛ
  129. ‡€¨Doctor.
  130. /Member of Rorvik's crew.´¢€Ïof€
  131. privateer's ship.
  132. /Fierce young Scottish warrior, member of Colin McLaren's
  133. partyîCulloden.Ž–‡€Red-coats.
  134. /27thĺnotedœgalloping inflation.
  135. /Incarnation of€evil Xeraphin.
  136. /IMC security guard‰member of€expedition„Exarius.
  137. Ž–‡a Primitive.
  138. /The AllianceŽa loose federationôEarth, some of
  139. its colonies (independent¶²or not),‰severalÇpowers,
  140. such›€Draconians‰€Cyrennic Empire, whose
  141. purposeŽ„Ê€ ‰€Daleks.ŠAllianceŽ
  142. probably formed¯€©Cyber Wars early¢€23rd
  143. century.
  144.    During€25th century,€Ÿä„use a space plague
  145. õ€Alliance.ŠresultŽ€ªDalek War,
  146. µforced€Ÿaway¶Skaro.
  147.    In€26th century,€Alliance met†£„discuss€
  148. renewed threat.Š ä„sabotage€
  149. conference,‰€ªCyber Wars followed.
  150.   ŠŸ‰€Ëäbreaking apart€Alliance‡
  151. fomenting aìô£‰€Draconian Empire. They
  152. ¡prepared„attack€Allianceša huge invisible army based
  153. †Spiridon,¥‚plotŽaverted‡€¨Œ‰€
  154. Thals. A¨Dalekëensued.
  155.    All these wars depleted€resources of€Alliance,‰¢
  156. particular‚of€older Draconian Empire. Under€pressure of
  157. Earth's growing imperialism,€Alliance­broke apart¢
  158. €27th century.
  159.   ŠAlliance is not„…confusedš€SUPREME ALLIANCE‰
  160. €ICELANDIC ALLIANCE, both£political entities¶€51st
  161. century.
  162. /Gathering of aliens‘joined forcesš€
  163. Ÿ„attack€Solar System¢AD 4000. They included Mavic
  164. Chen, Zephon, Celation, Malpha, Trantis, Beau, Warrien, Sentreal‰
  165. Gearon. Mostƒeither–or betrayed‡€Daleks.
  167. /Nickname given‡€ªŒ„•of€three
  168. 'humanized' Daleks.
  169. /One-eyed, six-tentacled representative¶€star
  170. *Alp
  171. system Alpha Centauri.Ž•of€Federation's delegates„
  172. Peladon. Even though¹Ža sticklerœprotocol‰legalities,
  173. ¹¿€¨Œunmask Hepesh‰Arcturus,‰thereby
  174. facilitate Peladon's accession„€Federation. Fiftyö
  175. later,¦€¨Œreturned„Peladon, Alpha CentauriŽ
  176. Federation Ambassador there.vouchedœ’identity‰¿
  177. expose Azaxyr‰Eckersley.
  178. /Space beacon attacked‰×‡pirate Caven. It
  179. ™been guarded‡Lieutenant Sorba of€intl. Space Corps. It
  180. Žalso耪˜Ãrematerialized.
  181. /Real name of€Pipe People,€natives of Terra
  182. Alpha.
  184. /A young inhabitant of Marinus.accompanied€©
  185. Œ†’questœ€Keys of Marinus‰­married
  186. Sabetha.
  187. /The“Œ‰Erato teamed up„weave¤
  188. aluminium shell around a neutron star‰redirect it.
  189. /One of€Supervisors¢charge of€work shifts¢€
  190. gas mines of€Macra-dominated space colony.
  191. /Thal‘gave Susan¤anti-radiation drug soonîshe
  192. landed†Skaro.ŽelectedÔîTemmosus's death.Š
  193. ©Œ¿Alydon‰’ñž€branch of€
  194. Ÿ‘™survived¢€City‰ƒpreparing„exterminate
  195. €Thals through increased radiation.
  196. /The native Alzariansƒ€Marshmen‘™evolved
  197. ¶spiders. A tribe of Marshmen further evolved®Terrordonian-
  198. like humanoids,‰forgot«origins. Native Alzarians shared¤
  199. empathic linkšeach other,µcould…transmitted„other
  200. species. RomanaÍthus affectedîbeing bitten‡¤
  201. Alzarian spider.
  202. /Planet located¢E-space uponµa Terradonian
  203. starliner crashed. Its original passengersƒ–‡€native
  204. Marshmen,‘evolved®Terradonian-like humandoids, forgetting
  205. «origins. Eventually,€“Œ¿€Starliner
  206. community rediscover€truth‰leave Alzarius.
  207. /Federation ambassador„Peladon‘Žimpersonated‡
  208. ۬Doctor.
  209. /See DIPLOMACY.
  210. /Nickname given„€three radioactive aliens
  211. ‘™been sent„£›peaceful ambassadors,îreplacing
  212. €crews of€spaceships Mars Probe 7‰Recovery 7.Š
  213. xenophobic General CarringtonÞthem‰ßthem„try„
  214. create aìô£‰«people. Thanks„€
  215. Úof€¨Doctor, CarringtonŽstopped‰€
  216. Ambassadorsƒreturned„«people.
  217. /Right-hand man of€Catholic leaders of France
  218. ‰lookalike of€©Doctor. Tavannes blamedœ€failed
  219. assassination of Admiral De Coligny‰™executed. His death
  220. Žblamed†€Huguenots‰ß›a pretext„launch€
  221. Massacre.
  222. /Director of Historical Research of Manussa‰custodian of
  223. €ØCrystal of€Mara.disregarded€¸˜
  224. warningsø€Mara's return,‰Žmanipulated‡Lon®
  225. using€Crystal¢a ceremony meant„recreate€Mara.
  226. /Goddess of€Atlanteans. Her high priest, Lolem,ä„
  227. sacrifice€ªŒ‰’Ò„her,¥Ž
  228. stopped‡¾Zaroff.
  230. /An American confederate armyŽù‡
  231. €Warlords, using·technology stolen¶€Times Lords,‰
  232. went†„take part¢€ëGames, until theseƒó„a
  233. stop‡€ª˜intervention.
  234. /One of€Thals.
  235. /Term߇€Kinda„refer„themselves.
  236. /Rival company of Galatron Minin Corporation.
  237. /See MATRIX.
  238. /Dutch city visited‡€¸Œ¦¹É
  239. Omega.
  240. /Sarn Unbeliever‘climbed€Fire Mountain. He, Sorasta
  241. ‰Roskalƒarrested‡Timanov‰ƒcondemned„…
  242. sacrificed„€Fire Mountain. They¿€¸Œž
  243. €Master. AmyandŽmistakenœLogar because¹wore a Trion
  244. vulcanologist's suitµenabled„order’ñ„
  245. evacuate«villageæ€volcano×it.
  246. /GuerillaÔ¶¤alternate 22ndÄè€
  247. Ÿ™Ìinvaded£îWorldëThree. She,
  248. Shura‰Boaz went back¢·„kill diplomat Sir Reginald
  249. Styles, not realizing‚²Ž«actionsµcaused€war.
  250. ¿€¨Œž€Daleks.
  251. /One of€Kinda.
  252. /His full nameŽAncelyn ap Gwalchmai, nick-named€
  253. Sperhawk.ŽKnight General of€Britons¢another dimension
  254. ruled‡Morgaine.came„£„recover Excaliber.É
  255. alongside€‹Œ‰Brigadier Bambera of½õ
  256. Morgaine‰Modred.Žattracted„Bambera.
  257. /The last surviving member of€Haemovore race.
  258. —of€'Wolves' of Fenric,¹Žóback¢·‡€
  259. evil entity„help²secure its release‰turned Northumbia
  260. villagers®pseudo-haemovores.Š‹ŒÕ¢
  261. convincing‚Fenric's plans would ultimately doom’race, so
  262. ¹mentally׀pseudo-haemovores¹™ò‰–
  263. Fenric's host body (Sorin's)ša deadly toxin. According„
  264. some accounts,’real nameŽIngiger.
  265. /Gallifreyan book dating back„€
  266. days of Rassilon. It™mysterious, physical properties‰·ran
  267. backwards over it. Because²contained€location of Shada,€
  268. prisonºof€¬Lords,²Žstolen‡Salyavin,‘ß
  269. ’mentalü„make€¬Lords forgetøit. Later,
  270. Salyavin (posing›Prof. Chronotis) summoned€“Œ
  271. because¹wanted„ð€book„Gallifrey. But€book
  272. ™been mistakenly borrowed‡Chris Parsons. ItŽstolen‡
  273. Skagra,‘ß²„find Shada. ItŽ­returned„
  274. Gallifrey‡€“Doctor.
  275. /Province of Spainè€SixthŒÛ€
  276. ªŒ¶Chessene‰€Sontarans.
  277. /Manager of a bar†Iceworld.fired Aceîshe
  278. spilled a drink†a customer.
  279. /Leader of€Sevateem.banished Leela‰Ž°
  280. –‡•of Xoanon's invisible, kinetic monsters.
  281. /Commander of Gallifrey's Chancellery Guards.Žwounded
  282. while helping€“Œrepel€Vardans'‰€Sontarans'
  283. invasion.married Leela.
  284. /Terminal—duty officer at Heathrow¦Concorde
  285. Flight 192 disappeared.
  286. /Lieutenant aboard€SS Bernice.Ž¤unwitting
  287. prisoner of Vorg's Scope,¥Ž­restored„’proper
  288. ú¢space‰·‡€¨Doctor.
  289. /Extremely strong‰savage denizens of a slightly
  290. radioactiveº¢€¨Zone.ŠAndrogumsƒregrouped¢
  291. tribes (named Grigs), linked„each other through blood ties‰
  292. arcane rituals. Their primary interest, other than violence, appeared
  293. „…food. Theyƒß›labour force‡€more civilized
  294. races of€¨Zone.
  295. /Robots¢ýform.ŠMovellansƒa race of
  296. sentient androids.ŠDalek extermination team sentî€
  297. ©Doctor,ߤandroid duplicate,µ€Œdestroyed.
  298. Š©Œalso met realistic android versions of Dracula
  299. ‰€Frankenstein Monster.
  300.    Among master android-makersƒ€Kraal scientist Styggron,‘
  301. devised android duplicates of€“Doctor, Harry Sullivan‰
  302. ¤entireývillage;€Tarans; Monarch of Urbanka,
  303. ‘built androidsšrealýmemories stored†silicon
  304. chips; Sharaz Jek,‘built android duplicates of€¸
  305. Doctor, Peri‰Salateen‰ßandroids„harvest€deadly
  306. spectrox†Androzani Minor;€Borad,‘built a blue-skinned
  307. guardian;‰Bellboy of€Psychic Circus,‘designed deadly
  308. android clowns.Š alsoßfaceless androidsœ
  309. menial surveillance work.
  310.    Other noteable androids included€Auton Replicas;
  311. €Terileptils' Grim Reaper;€shape-changing Kamelion
  312. ‰€Raston Robot. Also see DUPLICATES, REPLICAS,
  313. ROBOTS.
  314. /Spies (later known›'Sleepers')¶Andromeda
  315. Ìinfiltrated€Gallifreyan Matrix, choosing£›
  316. «base of operations. When they discovered€Andromedans' plan,
  317. €¬Lords struck back.Šactions theyçõAndromeda
  318. itself are unknown,¥they moved£out of€Solar System‰
  319. rechristened²Ravalox.ŠRavalox StratagemŽ­
  320. uncovered five hundredö°‡€SixthŒWhen¹‰
  321. Peri visited Ravalox.ŠWirrn's breeding colonies×
  322. ‡€Empireƒlocated†Andromeda Gamma Epsilon. Andromeda
  323. Žfamousœits bloodstones. Sabalom Glitz's home planet,
  324. Salostopus,Žlocated¢Andromeda. CastrovalvaŽÈ
  325. „…located¢€Andromedan Phylox Series.
  326. /Homeworld of€Wirrn.
  327. /Planet located¢€Sirius sector. ItŽ€
  328. headquarters of€Sirius Conglomerateµcontrolled€supplies
  329. of spectrox.
  330. /Twinºof Androzani Major. It featured¤
  331. intricate network of caves,èspectrox-producing giant bats
  332. lived.Š¸Œ‰PeriÍinvolved¢a conflict over
  333. spectroxôSharaz Jek‰General Chellak†Androzani Minor.
  334. When€ºmove closer„Androzani Major, mud burst rose¶
  335. Androzani Minor's core.
  336. /Peacefulºµpaid tribute„Skonnos¢€form of
  337. hymetusite crystals‰seven young victims,„…sacrificed„€
  338. Nimon.
  339. /One of Ace's friends¶Perivale.
  340. /One of€Kinda.
  341. /Large, spider-like parasite, concealing itself behind a
  342. blinding, white light.Žliterally€mind behind€Zarbi's
  343. attack†Vortis.Š©ŒÉ€Animus,‰Barbara
  344. Wrightßa special isotope„destroy it.
  345. /Oscar Botcherby's girlfriend.¿€SixthŒ
  346. uncover Chessene's plans.
  347. /Incarnation of€good side of€Xeraphin.¾
  348. Hayter's sacrifice enabled„come„€fore‰communicate
  349. š€¸Doctor.
  350. /See LAKH.
  351. /See TALBOT, ANN.
  352. /Captain Trask's slaving ship.
  353. /Location of€South Pole Space Tracking Station attacked
  354. ‡€ ¶Mondas. Two buried Krynoid podsƒ
  355. located near Antarctica Camp Three of€World Ecology Bureau
  356. expedition.
  357. /Star sector known„€Morestrans¢€far
  358. future.
  359. /The study of man‰man's history begins¦
  360. Scaroth's»exploded, creating life†£around 3.5 billion
  361. öago. During€Jurassic era,€petrified hand of€
  362. Kastrian Eldrad landed†£‰Ía fossil.Švarious
  363. reptiles scooped up‡Prof. Whitaker's·deviceƒalso taken
  364. ¶€Jurassic. Around 140 millionöago, towards€
  365. end of€Jurassic,€powerful Xeraphin visited Earth.
  366.     ItŽ¯€Cretaceous era‚€(misnamed) 'Silurians'
  367. ‰«aquatic brethren,€Sea Devils, ruled€
  368. Earth. Mammals must already have evolved®some kind of early
  369. primate, since†several occasions, members of both reptilian races
  370. indicated‚theyƒfamiliaršthis type of creature.
  371.     At€end of€Mesozoic era (65 millionöago),€
  372. Silurians‰€Sea Devilsƒdriven underground‡some›yet
  373. unknown, cosmic event. Members of€Silurian species encountered‡
  374. €¨Œblamed²†a sudden change¢€Van Allen
  375. radiation belt. Some theories include other cosmic phenomenon
  376. such›movements of€Moon, or of Earth's twin planet, Mondas.
  377. There is also a possibility‚€Silurians somehowÍaware
  378. of€forthcoming crash of a space liner¶€future.
  379.    Near€beginning of€Pliocene era (40 millionöago),€
  380. Fendahl Skull landed†£‰began„influence man's evolution.
  381. During€Paleolithic era, cica 100000 BC,€©Œ
  382. ‰’companions, Susan, Ian Chesterton‰Barbara Wright,¿
  383. a tribe of Neanderthal cavemen rediscover€secret of fire.
  384. Around€same time,€Çbeing known›'Light' visited€
  385. Earth, intending„catalogue its evolution.
  386.     Between 50,000‰30,000 BC,€NeanderthalsÍextinct‰
  387. ƒreplaced‡early modern humans, thanks„€Úof
  388. €awesome aliens know›€Daemons. Also, twoÇ
  389. vegetable Krynoid pods landed¢€Antartic‰buried themselves
  390. ®€permafrost.
  391.     During€°part of€Paleolithic era (20,000„8000 BC),
  392. £Žvisited‡€Modasions,¶Earth's twin planet,‘
  393. left behind legends of Space Gods‰Giants‘walked€Earth;
  394. ‰‡a Martian»whose crewÍburied¢a
  395. glacier. During€Neolithic era (between 6000‰3000 BC),
  396. €powerfulÇOsirians visited Ancient Egypt, creating a new
  397. pantheon of gods¢«image. Another of€so-called
  398. Egyptian 'gods' was,¢reality, a splinter of Scaroth of€
  399. Jagaroth.
  400.     Circa 3000 BC,€Çvillainess Cessair of Diplos, landed†
  401. £‰impersonated a Druidic goddess,€Cailleach. Soon
  402. afterwards,€ÇUrbankans visited€£œ€first time,
  403. kidnapping¤Austrailian Aborigine named Kurkutji. During€
  404. late Neolithic era (1800-1400 BC),€Meddling Monk¿build
  405. Stonehenge.
  406. /The supernovaò‡Omega collapsed‰turned
  407. ®a black hole, trapping€great Solar engineer¢a universe of
  408. anti-matter.Žpresumed dead¢a matter/anti-matter explosion
  409. caused¦’anti-matter being came¢contactš€ª
  410. ˜positive matter recorder.
  411.    Omega survived‰returned¶€anti-matter universe‡using
  412. €Arc of Infinity, a region of space filledšQuad magnetism,
  413. €only thing capable of shielding anti-matter¶positive matter.
  414. ŠŒ¡ßa matter converter„destroyæa huge
  415. anti-matter explosion could destroy Amsterdam.
  416.    A gateway®a universe of anti-matter existed†Zeta Minor.
  417. Captain Briggs's space freighterßanti-matter fuel.
  418. /Period of£history frequently visited‡€©
  419. Doctor: Ancient Egypt circa 2600 BC,€Trojanë(1300 BC),
  420. ‰Rome¢64 AD.
  421. /Thal¶Skaro,‰Ganatus's brother.¿€©
  422. ŒÊ€Daleks.Žterrified‡€Lake of Mutations
  423. ¥ended up sacrificing’life„save Ian's.
  424. /Hovercraft pilot‘mistook€ªŒœ
  425. Salamander.
  426. /Name of a galaxy known„€Morestrans¢€far
  427. future.
  428. /See MATRIX.
  429. /Chlorisian astrological symbol.
  430. /Atlantean servant girl whose father™once been•of King
  431. Thous's councillors‰‘™been–‡Zaroff.¿€
  432. ªŒ‰’Òž€mad scientist.
  433. /Leader of€rebellionõ€Spiders†Metabelis 3.
  434. Žsought‡€Queen Spiderœhaving attacked Draga,•ofˆ
  435. field-guards. In spite of€¨˜help,¹fell backê
  436. €Spider's control,¥Žfreed¦€Ø—died.
  438. |Typical citizen of Varos.ŽEtta's husband.Žõ
  439. €Governor's policies.
  440. /Young Karfelon rebel.Ž–‡€board.
  441. /Elderly Spanish lady‘Ž–‡Shockeye. Her
  442. haviendaÀ›a base of operationsœChessene.
  443. /Dona Arana's late husband.
  444. /According„Turlough, theyƒnatives of Heiradi,‘
  445. built a huge subterranean city¯€twenty-aeon war.
  446. /Keeper of€Conscience of Marinus.blackmailed€
  447. ©Œ‰’Ò®searchingœits five missing
  448. keys.Ž–‡Yartek.
  449. /Name given„€region of space near Rondel,
  450. devoid of all stellar activity, because²Ž€location of a
  451. burned-out Q star. ItŽ€perfect gateway„a universe of anti-
  452. matter. Omegaß²„try„take over€¸˜
  453. body.
  454. /One of€¬Lords' colleges.ŠArcalians colourŽ
  455. green.
  456. /A dangerous profession, demonstrated‡€fates of
  457. ¾Parryî¹û€Tomb of€ †
  458. Telos,¾Horner at Devil's End,¾Scarman
  459. î¹broke®Sutekh's tomb¢Egypt, Dr Fendelman,
  460. ‰€paleontologists‘ƒmurdered‡€ ¢€25th
  461. century.¾Rumford, however, survivedˆinvestigation
  462. ®€Stones of Blood,‰Peter WarmslyŽevacuatedæ
  463. Morgaine's attack.ŠŸsent¤archeological expedition
  464. „find Davros¢€ruins of Skaro.
  465. /Army colonel of€bomb disposal squad sentš¾
  466. Laird„investigate mysterious artefacts (cylinders containing€
  467. Dalek-killing Movellan virus buried at€end of a Dalek·
  468. corridor)¢€Ùwarehouse district.Ž–‡Lytton's
  469. men‰replaced‡a duplicate.
  470. /Taran religious prelate‘married Prince Reynart
  471. ‰Princess Strella.
  472. /See CITIES.
  473. /Multi-strand organism¶€Arcturian star system. In
  474. order„survive¢Earth-like environments, Arcturians needed„…
  475. placed inside a globe of«native lifefluids, mounted†a
  476. traction unit.ŠArcturians‰€Martian Ice Warriorsƒ
  477. deadly enemies. An ArcturianŽ•of€Federation's delegates
  478. „Peladon.Žsecretly¢leaguešHepesh„prevent Peladon
  479. ¶joining€Federation.É€¨Œ‰Ž
  480. –‡Ssorg.
  481. /Acheologist¯€Ice Age of AD 3000.û€body
  482. of Varga‰Ž­–‡€Ice Warriors.
  483. /Varos rebel.¿€SixthŒÝ¶€
  484. Punishment Dome. Later, she‰Periƒþtransmogrified
  485. (Areta®a reptile)‡Quillam's nuclear beams,¥sheŽ
  486. ۇ€sixthŒ‘stopped€process¢time.
  487. /Inhabitants of Argolis. After«20-minute욀
  488. Foamasi,€ArgolinsÍsterile.Šradiation also slowed down
  489. «metabolic rate, making them appear agelessœa long period of
  490. time, until they suddenly began aging‰´¢a matter of hours.
  491. Thanks„€efforts of€“Doctor,€Argolin leader, Mena,
  492. ‰ˆlover,€Earthman Hardin,€Argolinsƒable„use€
  493. Tachyon Recreation Generator„rejuvenate«race.
  494. /First of€Leisure planets. ArgolisÍradioactive
  495. î€Argolins' 20-minute욀Foamasi.Šsurviving
  496. Argolins¡built€Leisure Hive,‰abandoned«war-like
  497. culture„promote peace‰understandingôÇraces.
  498. /Precious mineralµcombined€incorruptibility of
  499. gold‰€strength of titanium,ûonly¢deep space. Argonite
  500. minesƒdiscovered‰exploited‡Dom Issigri‰Milo Clancy.
  501. It̀object of a battleô€International Space
  502. Corps‰space pirate Caven.
  503. /The inhabitants of Aridiusƒonce¤advanced amphibian
  504. race living¢undersea cities. As«worldÍever drier,
  505. they faced increasing hardships, forced„recycle all«water,
  506. ‰livingêconstant attack‡€Mire Beasts.ŠŸ
  507. blackmailed€Aridians®handing€©Œover„
  508. them.
  509. /An ancient world once covered‡vast oceans. After a
  510. dramatic change¢orbitµcaused€º„move closer„
  511. its twin suns,€oceans slowly evaporated, leaving a desertº
  512. still inhabited‡€Aridians‰€Mire Beasts. ItŽ€first
  513. stop¢€Daleks' pursuit of€©Œthrough·‰
  514. space.
  515. /Chlorisian astrological sign.
  516. /Young Kinda‘Žpossessed‡€Mara‰Ž€first of
  517. ’kind„speak aloud (in Kinda terminology:€gift of voice).
  518. Under€Mara's evil influence,¹wanted„attack€£
  519. expedition's Dome,µwould have resulted¢€Ïof
  520. Deva Loka.Žfreed of€Mara‡€¸˜
  521. intervention.
  522. /Time¦€ØVampireŽsupposed„rise,
  523. îa thousandöbeing fed€blood‰spirits of countless
  524. sacrifices‡Aukon, Zargo‰Camilla.
  525. /Giant spaceship built‡Man¢€57th segment of¬
  526. (about ten millionö¢€future)„save Earth's population
  527. 怺plunged®€Sun. It carried not only humans,
  528. ¥also€ÇMonoids,›well›various samples of animal
  529. life.Šbulk of€population™been miniaturised†micro-cell
  530. slides.ŠArkŽvisited twice‡€©Œ¯its
  531. 700-year-long journey„Refusis: first, at€journey's onset,¦
  532. Dodo's cold virus wreaked havoc†its population;¡again, at€
  533. journey's end,¦€Œ¿save mankind¶€
  534. Monoids.
  535. /See NERVA, TERRA NOVA.
  536. *Ark
  537. /The Armageddon ConventionŽa galactic treatyµ
  538. ä„ban€more powerfulÏdevices such›€
  539. Cyberbombs. But€ refused„subscribe„it.Š
  540. Armaggedon FactorŽ€mutualÏìɇAtrios
  541. ‰Zeos.
  542. /Member of€Nosferatu crew sold‡Glitz‰frozen‡
  543. Kane.
  544. /Staff sergeant¢€army task forceµÉ€
  545. ØIntelligence¢€Ùunderground.Žsecretly taken
  546. over‡€Intelligence‰sabotaged€ª˜efforts.
  547. His body withered„a husk¦Jamie wrenched€Intelligence's
  548. mind-draining device¶€˜head.
  549. /One of Gavrok's Bannermen.Ž–‡€Chimeron
  550. Princess's ultrasonic powers.
  551. /The“˜ÃŽonce mistakenœa work of art
  552. ¢a Parisian gallery.ŠTARDIS'S power station could assume
  553. €outward appearance of¤art exhibit. Scaroth€Jagaroth
  554. forced Leonardo da Vinci„paint several Mona Lisas¢order„
  555. finance’time-travel experiments. A number of paintings
  556. portrayed€various identities taken‡Cessair of Diplos
  557. throughout€ages. Kane commissioned a sculptor„sculpt¤
  558. ice statue of Xana,’long-dead lover,†Iceworld.
  559. /Legendary King of England¢€8th century. In a parallel
  560. world,’wizak  MerlinŽ¤incarnation of€Doctor. Arthur
  561. ´¯€final battlešMorgaine. Still holding Excaliber,
  562. ’bodyŽplaced¢a spaceship‰buried¢Vortegern's Lake near
  563. Carbury†our world‡€Doctor,¢¤unrecorded adventure.
  564. /Article of€¬Lords' Constitutionµenabled
  565. €“Œ„…guaranteed’liberty‡offering himself
  566. ›a candidateœ€presidency while¹sought„expose
  567. Goth.
  568. /See COMPUTERS.
  569. /Force said„help power TARDISES.
  570. /Mute assassin hired„kill Maximus Pettullian.
  571. /Hospital耨ŒŽtaken soon
  572. î¹arrived†£‰collapsed.
  573. /John Ashe's daughter,‰•of€Exarius colonists.
  574. ¿€¨Œ‰Jo Grant.
  575. /Leader of€Exarius colony. Even though’
  576. colonyŽbeing attack‡Dent,¹opposed any violenceõ€
  577. men¶IMC.assisted€¨Œ¢’investigations‰
  578. ­sacrificed himself‡taking off¢€colonists' old
  579. spaceship,µ¹knewŽlikely„explode, giving€others a
  580. chance„recapture€world.
  581. /Villain‘smuggled food‰ñ¢‰out of€
  582. Daleks' Bedfordshire site¯«Invasion of£of AD 2164.
  583. Ž–‡€Slyther.
  584. /Roman town;€©Œstayed¢a nearby
  585. villa.
  586. /Royal Princess of Atrois‘turned out„…€sixth‰
  587. *Ast
  588. final segment of€Key„Time.Ž€sixth Princess of€
  589. sixth dynasty of€sixth Royal House of Atrois. AstraŽù
  590. ‡€Shadow‰°transmuted„ˆtrue shape. After€
  591. “Œdefied€Black Guardian,‰€White Guardian™
  592. ߀Key„restore€universal balance, Princess AstraŽ
  593. Årestored„ˆýform‰returned„a normal life,
  594. rulingˆº‰Åmarrying Merak. Soon
  595. afterwards, Romana decided„adopt Princess Astra's shape¦she
  596. regenerated.
  598. |Destination of Vicki‰Bennett's ship.
  599. /Assistant„Giles Kent‘Û€ªŒ†¤
  600. Australian beach.
  602. |Wife of€only Viking survivor„arrive†€Northumbrian
  603. coast.
  604. /Circa 1500 BC,€volcano†€island of Thera,¢€
  605. Aegean Sea, erupted¢a violent explosion,•of€most
  606. stupendous of all times. According„ancient Egyptian records°
  607. rewritten‡Plato, thisŽ€site of a flourishing civilisation,
  608. known›Atlantis,µÐ¢€cataclysm.ŠeruptionŽ
  609. triggered¦€Ëreleased -¢spite of€¨˜
  610. Ú-€·- devouring entity known›Kronos,µ€
  611. Altanteans™trapped¢a crystal.
  612.   Šinhabitants of a lonely Atlantean outpost located south of€
  613. Azores¢€middle of€Atlantic Oceanƒcut off¶«
  614. civilisation‰forced„eke out a miserable underground existence
  615. œnearly 35 centuries. Theyƒdiscovered‡¾Zaroff¢
  616. 1968,‰ß¢’insane plans„destroy€world.Š
  617. Daemons may have been€•‘gave€Kronos Crystal„€
  618. ancient Atlanteans.
  619. /Devices worn‡€©Œ‰’
  620. ҆Vortis.
  621. /See NUCLEAR POWER.
  622. /Twinºof Zeos, located at€edge of€Helical
  623. Galaxy, involved¢¤unending spaceìõits neighbour.Š
  624. Atrian MarshalŽsecretly controlled‡€Shadow‘desired„
  625. obtain Princess Astra,¢Â€sixth segment of€Key„
  626. Time. Atrios‰Zeosƒsaved¶mutualχ€
  627. “Doctor, Romana‰Drax.
  628. /(aka NIGHTSHADE) Substance߇€Commander„poison
  629. €Sensorites.
  630. /English colonel‰Algernon Ffinch's commanding
  631. officer.
  632. /He‰Ortezoƒtwo Mogarians‘™embarked†€
  633. Hyperion III space liner. They prevented€»¶being plunged
  634. ®€black hole of Tartarus,¥¡ƒß‡Rudge„
  635. hijack it. They wanted„recover its precious cargo of vionesium,
  636. µthey deemed„have been 'stolen'¶«planet. Theyƒ
  637. –‡Doland.
  638. /17thÄdiarist whose scandalous stories included
  639. someøDruidism.
  640. /See DUDMAN, AUDREY.
  641. /(aka ANTONY O'CONNER) Former Science Officer of€£
  642. »HYDRAX,µŽdrawn®E-Space‡€ØVampire. Under
  643. ’master's influence, O'ConnerÍHigh Councillor Aukon,•of
  644. €three immortal vampiric rulers of€ØVampire's world.
  645. Aukonä„recruit Adric„become€ØVampire's Chosen
  646. One,¥´¦€“Œ×’master.
  647. /Sir Reginald Styles's house. ItŽblown up‡
  648. Shura.
  649. /Country visited‡€ªŒ¢€21stÄ
  650. ¯’encounteršSalamander. Magnus GreelŽknown›
  651. €Butcher of Brisbane. KurkutjiŽ¤Australian Aborigine
  652. ù‡€Urbankans circa 3019 BC (Australian Aborigines are
  653. estimated„have first populated Australiaô40,000 BC‰
  654. 25,000 BC). Tegan JovankaŽAustralian.
  655. /High Priest of Knowledge of€Aztecs. BarbaraÕ¢
  656. convincingof€horrors ofýsacrifice‰¹°
  657. abandoned’people.
  658. /Leading British manufacturer of plastics.Š
  659. company‰its managing director, Hibbert,ƒtaken over‡€
  660. Nestene,‘߀factory„manufacture Autons.
  661. /Androidsïof plastics‰inhabited‡€Nestene
  662. consciousness.Šfirst generation of Autonsƒï„look like
  663. store dummies,‰ƒequippedšdeadly wrist-blasters. A more
  664. advanced type of Autonƒ€humanoid replicas. During«
  665. second invasion,¢addition„€deadly, dummy-like Autons,€
  666. Nestene also controlled a murderous range of plastic items such›a
  667. chair, a doll, a telephone cord‰plastic daffodils activated‡
  668. short-wave radio.
  669. /Notorious 17thÄpirate,êwhom Pike, Longfoot‰
  670. Cherub served. During a mutiny Longfoot‰Avery abscondedš
  671. Avery's treasure. After Avery's death, Pike‰Cherubä„find
  672. €treasure¥ƒí‡€©Doctor.
  673. /Young man¶€Elders' city. With Flowers,¹acted›
  674. Steven‰Dodo's guide.
  675. /The very substance of Axos.ŠAxons offered²„mankind
  676. claiming‚²would absorb, convert‰transmit all forms of
  677. energy. In reality,²would have reached its Nutrition Cycle
  678. 72 hours later,‰would have drained£of all its Energy.
  679. /Axons first appeared†£›a trio of golden humanoids,
  680. *axon
  681. ‘claimed„…€sole survivor of a world drained of energy‡
  682. solar flares. Later, theyƒrevealed„…tentacled monsters,
  683. members of a single collective intelligenceµincluded«»
  684. ‰Axonite.
  685. /AxosŽa space scavenger‘Þ€Master,‘¡
  686. 睄Earth. There Axos offered Axonite„Mankind. Once
  687. Axonite reached its nutritional cycle, AxosŽplanning„drain all
  688. of Earth's energy. It alsoä„force€¨Œ„give
  689. ²€secret of·travel. ItŽ­trapped¢a·
  690. loop thanks„€combined efforts of€¨Œ‰€
  691. Master.
  692. /Gond guard‘ÉJamie.
  693. /(aka AYDON) Millenius Treasure Vault guard‰Kala's
  694. husband.–Eprin and,¢cahootsš’wife‰Eyesen,
  695. á•of€Keys of Marinus.Ž°shot‡’
  696. accomplices.
  697. /Insane Varosian morgue attendant.‰Ozaƒsupposed„
  698. dispose of€Sixth˜body¢¤acid bath,¥instead fell
  699. ®€bath themselves.
  700. /Last of€Daemons.Ž¢a miniaturized state of
  701. *Azal
  702. suspended animationêDevil's Hump¦¹Žóback„
  703. life‡€Master. Azalå„judge Man‰pass†’power,
  704. µ¹offered„€¨Doctor,‘refused. Azal¡ä„
  705. kill him,¥Jo Grant threw herself¢front of€Doctor. This
  706. seemingly irrational action caused Azal„commit suicide.
  707. /Ice Lord of Mars‰Ôof€Federation troops sent„
  708. Peladon.turned out„…a member of a breakaway fraction eager
  709. „ð„€Ice Warriors' former militaristic glories.Í
  710. ¤agent of Galaxy Five and,šEckersley's help,ä„take
  711. over€trisilicate mines of Peladon.Ží‡€¨
  712. Doctor,‰–‡Sskel's sonic÷while fighting
  713. Gebek.
  714. /(aka¾Edgeworth)¬Lord,‰former mentor of
  715. €Doctor.left Galifrey„becomeËof Jaconda. Later,€
  716. gastropod Mestorçover Jaconda¶Azmael, whom¹forced„do
  717. ’bidding. On Mestor's behest, AzmaelùRomulus‰Remus
  718. „force them„work out€equations‚would have enabled
  719. Mestor„throw aº®Jaconda's sun, thereby creating¤
  720. explosion‚would spread its eggs throughout€universe. Azmael
  721. ­rebelled.ŠSixthŒ×Mestor's body while
  722. €gastropodŽengaged¢mental battlešAzmael. Azmael¡
  723. ×Mestor's mind‡committing suicide through a last, fatal
  724. regeneration.
  725. /Central American race‘replaced€Mayans,‰ƒ
  726. ­eradicated‡€Spanish.Š©Œ‰’
  727. Òvisited€Aztecs¢€15th century.
  728. /Vacation planet.Šcruise liner Empress crashed®Hecate
  729. ¦both ships emerged simultaneously¶hyperspace®its
  730. orbit.
  731. /Guardian chosen‡Zentos„act›Prosecuter of€©
  732. Œ‰’ÒîDodo's cold virus infected€
  733. Ark.
  734. /Game playedô€©Œ‰Kublai
  735. Khan.
  736. /One of€Zygons.
  737. *Zyg
  738. /English philosopher of€16th century. His image
  739. Žprojected†€©˜Space-Time Visualizer.
  740. /One of Lieutenant Scott's men.
  741. /Member of Dortmun's resistanceõ€Ÿ¯
  742. «AD 2164 invasion.
  744. |Retired British army major, once forced„resignî¤
  745. incident of recklessness.Žhired›security officer at Wenley
  746. Moor‰Íincreasingly paranoid¯€Silurians' attack.
  747. refused„heed€¨˜advice‰wounded€Young
  748. Silurian.Ž°Þ‡€Silurians‘infected
  749. ša deadly virus„spread among mankind.­´¶
  750. €virus.
  751. /Sarah Jane Smith's Aunt Layinia's neighbour¢
  752. Moreton Harwood;•of€few inhabitants‘ƒnot worshippers
  753. of Hecate.
  754. /Howard Baker's wife.
  755. /Dulcian educator sentšKando‰Teel„check radiation
  756. levels†€Island of Death.first disbelieved Cully's story
  757. ø€Dominators,¥Ž°Þ‰put„work‡€
  758. ruthless aliens. Toba ordered–‡a Quark.
  759. /The universal balanceôChaos‰Order is maintained
  760. ‡€Guardians of¬š€Key„Time.
  761. /Stun gas߇€Company†Pluto.
  762. /Pralix's grandmother.Žafraid of challenging€
  763. Captain of Zanak,‰feared€Mentiads.
  764. /Young citizen¶UK Habitat‘™read€Books of
  765. Knowledge‰Žsent„€surface‡Merdeen. Balazer aided
  766. Katryca‰Broken Tooth„invade€Habitat,‰°¿€
  767. SixthŒ„save€Habitat¶€Black Light explosion
  768. triggered‡€Ïof Drathro's Maglem converter.
  769. /One of¾Sorenson's Morestran crew–†Zeta
  770. Minor‡€anti-matter creatures.
  771. /UNIT brigadier.Éalongside€‹
  772. Œ‰Lethbridge-StewartõMorgaine's men at Carbury.
  773. Žattracted„Ancelyn.
  774. /Planet rich¢Orlion,‰ša population of over
  775. a hundred million,µŽ×‡Zanak.ŠCaptain™
  776. incorporated its shrunken remains¢’trophy room.Š“
  777. Œ­ß²„fill Zanak's hollow centre.
  778. /Neighbouringºof Karfel inhabited‡intelligent
  779. reptilian aliens. A peace treaty involving food shipments¶Karfel
  780. „BandrilŽnegotiated‡Makrif‰€¨Œ¢¤
  781. unrecorded adventure.ŠtreatyŽbroken‡€Borad‘wanted
  782. „trigger aìô€two worlds„destroy Karfel's
  783. population. His plansƒí‡€Sixth Doctor,‘again
  784. arrangedœpeaceôBandril‰Karfel.
  785. /One of Lieutenant Scott's troopers,–‡€
  786. Cybermen.
  787. /Merciless galactic mercenaries, led‡Gavrok,‘
  788. exterminated€Chimerons. They pursued€Chimeron Queen Delta„
  789. €1959 Welsh holiday camp of Shangri-La. There, theyƒí
  790. ‡€‹Doctor, Billy‰Ray, Goronwy‰two US secret
  791. agents, Hawk‰Weismuller. Theyƒãÿ‡€young
  792. Chimeron Princess's ultrasonic powers, broadcast over Shrangri-La's
  793. public address system. Theyƒtaken prisoners‡Delta‰
  794. Billy.
  795. /See WRIGHT, BARBARA.
  796. /Austrailian physicist at€Snowcap Space Tracking Station
  797. at€·of€Mondasian invasion.¿€©
  798. Doctor, Ben‰Pollyž€Mondasian ‰prevent
  799. General Cutler¶using€Z-Bomb.
  801. |Guard at€prisonè€ËŽkept.Ž–
  802. ‡€Sea Devils.
  803. /Member of Lupton's psychic circle at K'anpo's Tibetan
  804. Monastery.Žtaken over‡€Spiders,¥Žfreed¦€
  805. ؗdied.
  806. /Moreton Harwood resident‰member of€cult
  807. of Hecate.
  808. /Refreshing Department Supervisor†€Macra-dominated
  809. space colony.
  810. /Prisoner at Stangmoor, subjected„€
  811. Keller Machine‰turned®¤imbecile.Š¨Œ
  812. discovered that, because’mindŽnow without any evil,’
  813. presence acted›a dampener†€Mind Parasite.Ž­
  814. –‡€Master.
  815. /French revolutionary (1755-1829)‘plottedš
  816. Napoleon‰arrested Robespierre.
  817. /British army Major‘ȹŽfightingõ
  818. €Germans¢WorldëI. In reality,¹Žpart of€ëGames.
  819. suspected€Œ‰’Òof being spies.Ž
  820. ­returned„’properú¢·‡€¬
  821. Lords.
  822. /Reference guide„planets¢use
  823. at€·of€Alliance.
  824. /19thÄBritish miner whose brain fluidsƒstolen
  825. ‡€Rani.Žturned®a tree¦¹stepped†•of€
  826. Rani's deadly mines.
  827. /He‰Strattonƒspace pilotsއ€
  828.  †Telos. Their limbsƒreplaced‡cybernetic parts.Š
  829. Cryons arrangedœ«escape,‰plottedœthem‰Lytton„
  830. steal€Cybermen's·vessel. Instead, theyƒ–‡€
  831. Cybermen.
  832. /Captainêcommander Millington's command¢
  833. Northumberland.­joined forcesšVershinin.
  834. /Inventor of a polymerization process߇€¨
  835. Œ‰¾Jones„ž€Green Death.
  836. /On€ØVampire's planet, batsƒê€mental
  837. control of Aukon. SpectroxŽrefined¶bat guano mined†
  838. Androzani Minor. Also see VAMPIRES.
  839. /Combination of a youngýgirl‰a
  840. Dalek biomechanoid control centre.ŠBattle ComputerŽß‡
  841. €Ÿ„supervise Ratcliffe¢«Êõ€
  842. ImperialŸ‰€‹Œœ€Hand of Omega. She/it
  843. provided€Ÿš€intuition‰creativity they lacked.
  844. Its technologyŽprobably developed›a result of€Daleks'sì
  845. š€Movellans. After killing Mike Smith¢¤attempt„
  846. recover€¬Controller,€Battle ComputerŽdestroyed.Š
  847. little girl‘Žpart of²Ž¡freed.
  848. /Varos technician¢charge of communications.
  849. /Chief of€off-shore Euro-Sea Gas Control Rig. His
  850. platformŽsurrounded‰engulfed‡€Weed.Ž­
  851. freed thanks„€Úof€ªDoctor.
  852. /Doland's lab assistant. While†Mogar, a speck of
  853. Çpollen™enteredˆbody‰turnedˆ®a vegetable
  854. monster. Lasky, Bruchner‰Doland secretly carriedˆaboard€
  855. Hyperion III hoping„find a cureœˆ†Earth.Ž–
  856. ‡€Vervoids.
  857. /One of Kane's troopers†Iceworld.‰McLuhanƒsent
  858. î€Dragon. BazinŽwounded. After McLuhan shot€Dragon,
  859. theyƒboth disintegrated‡€Dragonfire crystal.
  860. /British Research Establishment whose radio-telescope
  861. dishes€Ë߄contact€Nestene. When€¨Œ
  862. showed up„investigate, a¬Lord warnedø€Master's
  863. presence†Earth.
  864. /Hypnotic device߇€ œ«
  865. Invasion of Earth. Tobias Vaugn¿€ªŒ‰½
  866. destroy it.
  867. /Mythical creature rumoured„have–two
  868. men‰left•mad†€island of Fang Rock. ReubenȲ
  869. existed‰would someday return, while€FouthŒexplained²
  870. ›nothing¥murder‰madness. ItŽgiven mysterious‡
  871. €arrival of a deadly Rutan.
  872. /Popular 20thÄBritish musicians. Their image
  873. Žprojected†€©˜Space-Time Visualizer.
  874. /Family name of€Marquess of Cranleigh.
  875. ”CRANLEIGH.
  876. /Member of€Dalek Alliance¢«Masterplanõ
  877. Earth.Ž­betrayed‡Mavic Chen‰€Daleks,¥
  878. returned home‰joined€ýforces.
  879. /Eccentric senior surgical consultant at Ashbridge
  880. Cottage Hospital called¢‡Dr Henderson„look at€newly
  881. regenerated¨Doctor.Š¬Lordá’clothing‰car
  882. ¦¹escaped¶hospital.
  883. /One of€Moonbase crew.discovered€ª
  884. ˜arrival.
  885. /Location of a faultµ€Ÿå„split,
  886. ¢order„drain Earth's core‰replace²šgiant starship
  887. engines¯«AD 2164 invasion.
  888. /See PEKING.
  889. /Young female, stranded†Iceworld¦sheŽsixteen.
  890. fellêKane's charm‰agreed„workœhim. Twentyö
  891. later, she™become Captain of’guards‰desperately wanted„
  892. leave.ä„get possession of Glitz's Nosferatu II,¥Kane
  893. refused.enlisted Kracauer's help¢¤attempt„kill Kane. Her
  894. attempt failed‰Kane–ˆinstead.
  895. /UNIT Corporal‘¿€Brigadierš€security of
  896. €World Peace Conference,‰¡againõ€threat
  897. of Axos.
  898. /One of€few Exxilons‘™not reverted„savagery
  899. ¦cast out‡€City. Hisñlived underground. Bellal
  900. ¿€¨ŒÊ€Ÿ‰­destroy€
  901. City.
  902. /With Flowerchild, a founding member of€Pschic Circus
  903. ‘ä„escape,‰€master robot-builder‘™designed
  904. €Bus Conductor‰€robotic clowns.Žrecaptured‡€
  905. Chief Clown‰°–‡’own robots.
  906. /See JACKSON, BEN.
  907. /Weapon߇€Bandrils. It could annihilate all
  908. life forms supporting a central nervous system. If²™been
  909. employed†Karfel,›€borad planned,²would have–all
  910. €Karfelons¥left€Morlox unharmed.
  911. /Salamander's deputy‰chief henchman.Ž­
  912. arrestedœ’crimes.
  913. /25thÄspaceman‘–a crew member†a»
  914. en route„Astra. When€»crashed†Dido,¹–€other
  915. crew members,›well›most of€Didonians,„protect himself.
  916. ¡ò€fake identity of Koquillion planning„use Vicki
  917. „corroborate’story.Žexposed‡€©Œ‰fell
  918. „’death¦¹faced€ghost of€Didonians.
  919. Also see KOQUILLION.
  920. /Commander of€Wheel¢Space. During€attack
  921. of€Cybermen,¹Íincreasingly paranoid,‰hampered€
  922. ª˜investigations. Finally,¹broke down completely.
  923. His second¢command, Dr Gemma Corwyn,çover. After Dr Corwyn's
  924. Death,¹reasserted himself¥Ž–‡€Cybermen.
  925. /Frenchâ„Hobson¯€ 
  926. attack†€Moonbase.
  927. /Physicist†€Moonbase¯€ 
  928. attack.
  929. /Assigned„½soonîits foundation,¹firstÀ
  930. ›a corporalêBrigadier Lethbridge-Stewart‰É€
  931.  alongside€ªDoctor.Ž¡promoted„
  932. Sergeant,‰become•of Lethbridge Stewart's most trusted
  933. assistants.¿€¨Œ‰’companions, Liz shaw,
  934. Jo Grant‰Sarah Jane Smith,Êa number of threats›diverse
  935. ›€Master,€Nestene‰«deadly Autons, General Carrington
  936. ‰’so-called 'Ambassador of Death', Professer Stahlman's 
  937. Inferno Project (duringµ€Œmet Benton's counterpart
  938. ¶a parallel fascistic Earth, Platoon Under-Leader Benton),€
  939. Mind of Evil, Axos,€Daemons,€Daleks, Kronos (during
  940. µ¹Žturned®a baby‡TOM-TIT), Omega (during
  941. µ¹met€©‰ªDoctors), BOSS,¤é
  942. of Dinosaurs masterminded‡Sir Charles Grover (duringµ
  943. Mike Yates betrayed½‰Benton punched General Finch),‰
  944. ã€Giant Spiders of Metebelis 3.
  945.   Ž¡promoted„RSM,‰¿€“Œž
  946. ¾Kettlewell's Giant Robot‰€Scientific Reform Society,
  947. €Zygons‰€Kraals.retired¢1979, two
  948. öîLethbridge-Stewart,‰went†„open a car
  949. dealership.
  950. /Thoros-Alphan,•of Sil's bearers.
  951. /UNIT Major‘¿€“Œdestroy€
  952. Krynoid.
  953. /Captain Brigg's navigator.¿€FithŒÊ
  954. € ‰escaped„safety¢€TARDIS.
  955. /(SS) 1926 Indian Ocean linerµŽen route„
  956. Singapore¦²ŽÞ‡Vorg's Scope.Š¨˜
  957. Ãrematerialized¢its hull. BerniceŽ­restored„
  958. its properú¢space‰·‡€¨Doctor.
  959. /Landlord of€Cloven Hoof¢Devil's End.À€
  960. ˉä„kill€¨Doctor,¥Žcowed®
  961. surrendering¦€Œdemonstrated’remote control of
  962. Bessie.ŽÞ‡Benton,¥Ž°–‡Bok.
  964. |See PRITCHARD, BERT.
  966. |See ROWSE, BERT.
  967. /Yellow roadster acquired‡€¨Œ¯’stay
  968. †Earth. Its licence plateŽ'WHO 1'.ŠŒfirstß²„
  969. travel„Wenley Moor,¡„€British Space Center,
  970. „€Inferno Project,„Beacon Hill Research Establishment,
  971. „Stangmoor Prison,„€Nuton Power Complex,„Devil's End,
  972. „Cambridge‰„Llanfairfach. BessieŽß†Omega's world
  973. ‰†Galifrey¢€Death Zone.ŠBrigadierß²„rescue
  974. €Œ¶Reegan‰„pursue Lupton¢€Whomobile.
  975. Šdoctor built remote-control capabilitiesµonce saved’
  976. life.Š“Œdrove²once¦¹É€Giant Robot.
  977. Š‹Œdrove²¢CarburySphen¹ÉMorgane.
  978. /Nickname given‡€ªŒ„•of€three
  979. 'humanized' Daleks.
  981. |The Gonds' controller of Science.arguedõEelek's
  982. insane plan„attack€Krotons. Later, following€ª
  983. ˜advice,¹prepared sulphuric acid‰¿destroy
  984. €Krotons.
  985. /Type of spaceship߇€Issigri Mining Company.
  986. Cavenߕ„ÝTa,¥Žblown up‡€International
  987. Space Corps.
  988. /Original destination of€Hydrax. ItŽlocated¢€
  989. Perugelis sector.
  990. /Planetµfinished a close second behind£¯
  991. €Intergalactic Olympic games of€27th century.
  992. /One of€Thal Minister's guards.organized€first
  993. resistance groupõ€Daleks.
  994. /UNIT soldier¢Llanfairfach.
  995. /Weak-willedÔof€Lakertyans, held hostage‡€
  996. Rani.ŽFaroon's husband‰Sarn's father.ã¿
  997. €‹ŒÊ€Rani, sacrificing himself„save’
  998. ñ‰delay€launch ofˆrocket, causing²„miss€
  999. Strange Matter asteroid.
  1000. /50thÄspace centreœAlien Biomorphology
  1001. orbiting¢€asteroid belt†Asteroid K4067.Š“Doctor,
  1002. Leela,¾Marius‰K9ɀNucleas of€Virus
  1003. of€purpose there.
  1005. /See CREATION.
  1006. /Greek philosopher¶Athensù‡€Urbankans,
  1007. probably circa 519 BC. His memoriesƒstored†silicon chips,‰
  1008. ߄animate¤android¢’image. After€¸Œ
  1009. ÿMonarch,¹‰’fellow androids decided„lookœ
  1010. anotherº†µ„settle.
  1011. /One of Lytton's two bodyguards. Theyƒdisguised›Ù
  1012. policemen. Bill‰David came„£„capture or killñ‘
  1013. ™escaped through€Daleks'·corridor. Theyƒ­
  1014. caught‡€Sixth Doctor.
  1015. /Young welsh boy‘fell¢lovešChimeron Queen Delta.
  1016. ŽShangri-La's mechanic.‰’would-be girlfriend Ray
  1017. ¿€‹ŒžGavrok's Bannermen. Billy ingested a
  1018. Chimeron substanceµcaused„mutate‰become more like a
  1019. Chimeron‰returned„ChimeriašDelta„helpˆrepopulate
  1020. ˆplanet.
  1021. /First Officer of€Concorde flight€¸
  1022. Œß„rescue Flight 192.¿€¬Lordž€
  1023. ˉfree€Xeraphin¢€Jurassic era.
  1024. /See BOSS.
  1025. /One of€Red Kangs of Paradise Towers.¿€
  1026. ‹Œ‰MelžKroagnon.
  1027. /Riban astronomer‘È‚€lights¢€skies
  1028. *Bin
  1029. ƒstars‰not ice cystals,‰‚€climatic changes†
  1030. Ribosƒcausing€planet's elliptical orbit‰not‡€ì
  1031. ô€Sun Gods‰€Ice Gods. Dubbed›a heretic, Binro
  1032. ™’hands broken‰Žforced„live›a beggar.Ž
  1033. –‡•of€Graff Vynda-K's men,¥thanks„Unstoffe,
  1034. ¹´knowing¹™been right all along.
  1035. /Ace's computer-studies teacher.
  1036. /Leader of€time-sensitive Tharils. While prisoner of
  1037. *Bir
  1038. Rorvik,¹manipulated€privateer's»„bring²‰€
  1039. Āzero pointôN-Space‰E-Space.¡escaped
  1040. through€Gateway®E-Space‰advised€“Œ„let
  1041. events follow«natural course. Rorvik­×’
  1042. own»‡trying„blast through€Gateway, thus allowing
  1043. another Tharil, Lazlo,„free€other Tharils‚ƒprisoners
  1044. †board. Romana‰K-9 Mark II stayedšBiroc„help free€
  1045. other Tharils¶slavery.
  1046. /HeŽkept prisoner¢•of€Company's correction
  1047. centres†Pluto because¹™û¤antidoteœPCM gas.Ž
  1048. freed‡Leela‰¿€“Œ‰Mandrel overthrow€
  1049. Company‰free€Citizens.
  1050. /Also known›Dalek Supreme.ŠBlackŸare€
  1051. Daleks' Warlords. A Black Dalekçpart¢€AD 2164éof
  1052. £‰ordered¤assassination squad„chase€©
  1053. Œthrough·‰space. A Black Dalek inspected€Dalek
  1054. army hidden†Spiridon,‰sent Lytton†a raid„free
  1055. Davros. Finally, another Black Dalek committed suicide¦€
  1056. ‹Œshowed€extent of€Daleks'ž¢Ù
  1057. ¢1963.”also GOLD DALEK.
  1058. /A conceptual entity embodying Darkness‰Chaos.
  1059. ߀Shadow„stop€“Œ¶claiming Princess
  1060. Astra  of Atrios,€sixth segment of€Key„Time. After€
  1061. Œÿ€Shadow,¹assembled€Key‰outwitted€
  1062. Black Guardian, enabling€White Guardian„restore€universal
  1063. balance.ŠBlack Guardian swore revengeõ€Œ
  1064. and,°ßTurlough„try„kill€¸Doctor.Š
  1065. White Guardian‰€Black Guardian offered Enlightenment,
  1066. symbolised‡a crystal of unknownü‰great value,›€
  1067. prize„€winner of a planet-spanning space race undertaken‡€
  1068. Eternals.ŠBlack Guardian hoped‚šsuch a prize,€
  1069. Eternals might wreak havoc throughout€Universe. Instead,€
  1070. ¸Œwon€race¥turned down Enlightenment,µŽ
  1071. offered instead„Turlough.ŠBlack Guardian reminded Turlough
  1072. that,„get€crystal¹™„kill€Doctor. But Turlough
  1073. refused‰threw€crystal at€Black Guardian,‘vanished¢
  1074. a burst of flames. However,€White Guardian explained‚€
  1075. Black Guardian would exist›long›¹did, until neitherƒ
  1076. needed any longer.
  1077. /The supernovaò‡Omega collapsed‰turned
  1078. ®a black hole trapping€great Solar engineer¢a universe of
  1079. anti-matter. Presumably,‚black holeŽ€same black
  1080. hole¡Þ‡Rassilon,‰µÍknown›€Eye of
  1081. Harmony,‰óa constant supply of power„Gallifrey.
  1082. Omega­returned through€Arc of Infinity, a collapsed
  1083. star.
  1084.   ŠNimon travelled through space‡using black holesò‡
  1085. hymetusite crystals. Bruchnerþcaused€Hyperion III
  1086. space liner„fall®€black hole of Tartarus.
  1088. /George CranlieghŽdisfigured‡€Butiu Indians
  1089. because¹™stolen a black orchid,µtheyÈsacred.
  1090. Black OrchidŽ€title of€account¹wrote of’journey;
  1091. Lady Cranliegh gave a copy„€¸Doctor.
  1092. /Name given‡€Morestrans„€gateway†Zeta
  1093. Minorµopened onto¤anti-matter universe.
  1094. /Chinese tong‘ÀMagnus Greel
  1095. ¢London. ItŽdisbandedŒÿ€
  1096. criminal¶€51st century.
  1098. /Giant cliffµfeatured€huge, sculpted face of
  1099. €“Doctor. ItŽa three-dimensional illusion protecting
  1100. Xoanon's ship.
  1101. /(?-1718) Real name: Edward Teach (or Thatch). Notorious
  1102. pirate whose fictional counterpartŽencountered‡€ª
  1103. Doctor, Jamie‰Zoe¢€Land of Fiction.
  1104. /Chameleon Tours's chief pilot‰controller of€
  1105. Chameleons' operations at Gatwick Airport.Žexposed‡€
  1106. ªDoctor. Eventually¹proved willing„negotiateš€
  1107. humans,¥Žarrested‡€Director.
  1108. /A king's revenuer.saved€©˜life
  1109. ‡killing Captain Pike¢17thÄCornwall.
  1110. /Corporal¢€army task forceµÉ€Ø
  1111. Intelligence¢€ÙUnderground.Ž–‡a Yeti's
  1112. web gun›¹Éalongside Colonal Lethbridge-Stewart.
  1113. /Liverpool policeman.
  1114. /One of€laws of¬Travel dealing
  1115. ša traveller meeting’other selves. ItŽinvoked‡€
  1116. ¨Doctor.Š¸Œß²„explain€energy
  1117. released¦€1977 Brigadier met€1983 Brigadier¢Mawdryn's
  1118. ship.
  1119. /As€21stÄbegan, countries grouped themselves®
  1120. Blocs, sometimes at oddsšeach other. Later, these grew®
  1121. Zones.
  1122. /Method of modelling space/time events
  1123. through pure calculation.ŠLogopolitansƒmasters of
  1124. Block Transfer Computations,‰ßthem„copy Earth's Pharos
  1125. project‰„create Charged Vacuum Emboitements„get rid of
  1126. entropy‰prolong€life of€Universe.ŠËßAdric
  1127. „create Castrovalva through Block Transfer Computations.
  1128. /See VAMPIRES/
  1129. /12thÄWessex brigand‰Irongron's second¢
  1130. command.É€¨Œ‰Å´¦
  1131. Linx's spaceship blew up.
  1132. /Queen Thalira of Peladon's Champion.Ž–‡
  1133. Eckersley's Aggedor projector/heat ray device.
  1134. /Early steam-powered engine built‡George Stephenson‰
  1135. ߇€SixthŒ¢’Êõ€Ë‰€
  1136. Rani.
  1137. /One of€perfect crystals of Metebelis 3. It™€
  1138. power„clear minds‰amplify power.Šcrystals of Metebelis 3
  1139. ƒresponsibleœ€mutation of€Spiders‰ƒalso
  1140. radioactive.Š¨Œpicked up€Blue Crystal¯’
  1141. first visit„Metebelis Three. It proved useful„cancel BOSS's
  1142. mind control‰enabled€¨Œ„free Steven's mind.
  1143. Afterwards,€Œgave€Blue Crystal„Jo Grant‰
  1144. ¾Clifford Jones›a wedding present. Jo­sent²
  1145. back„€Œbecause€Amazonian nativesƒafraid of it.
  1146. ŠØ—of Metebelis 3 sent its Spiders„£because²
  1147. wanted€Blue Crystal back„increase its mental power„
  1148. infinity, instead²×her.
  1149. /See KANGS.
  1150. /Royal Navy third officer‰Captain Hart's secretary.
  1151. ¿€¨ŒÊ€Sea Devils.
  1152. /One of€Xeron rebels.
  1153. /Guerrilla¶¤alternate 22nd century,耟™
  1154. Ìinvaded£îWorldëIII. He, Shura‰Anat
  1155. travelled back¢·„kill diplomat Sir Reginald Styles, not
  1156. realizing‚²Ž«actionsµcaused€war. His
  1157. behaviour caused½„call¢€¨Doctor.­
  1158. sacrificed himself„destroy€Daleks.
  1159. /A Boer armyŽù‡€Warlords, using·
  1160. technology stolen¶€¬Lords.Šsoldiers went†„take
  1161. part¢€ëGames, until theseƒó„a stop‡€
  1162. ª˜intervention.
  1163. /(1885-1962) Danish physisist‰major contribution„
  1164. €contribution„€development of quantum physics,•of€
  1165. eleven geniusesù‡€Rani„make upˆgiant Brain.
  1166. ŽÛ‡€‹Doctor,‘returned„’exact
  1167. ú¢·‰space.
  1168. /Gargoyle animated‡€Daemon Azal's psionic powers. ItŽ
  1169. *Bok
  1170. ­×‡UNIT.
  1171. /AnÇtourist‘crashlanded¢1959 Wales‰Ž
  1172. –‡€Bannermen.
  1173. /See NAPOLEAN.
  1174. /Planet where, according„€“Doctor, there
  1175. ƒmethane-catalyzing refineries¢every town.
  1176. /Conservative politician‘ïSkinsale nervous.
  1177. /Moby Dick,ŠWater Babies‰ŠUK Habitats
  1178. of€Canadian Gooseƒ€three Books of Knowledgeµ
  1179. survived€fireball‰ƒkept at€UK Habitat†
  1180. Ravalox.
  1181. /One of€Vanir,€first„discover‚Terminus's
  1182. remaining engineŽunstable.Žwounded while trying„repair
  1183. it.‰€other Vanir stayed†TerminusšNyssa.
  1184. /Karfelon scientist once called 'Mad' Megelen.™
  1185. been reported‡€¨Œ„€Inner Sanctumœ’
  1186. unethicalΆ€Morlox (in¤unrecorded adventure).
  1187. Megelen°accidently sprayed himselfšM-80 while conducting
  1188. further, unauthorizedΆ€Morlox. As a result,¹
  1189. turned®a half-Karfelon, half Morlox, gaining superior strength,
  1190. ü‰longevity.Íknown›€Borad‰çover
  1191. Karfelîkilling€Maylin Makrif.ßKontron crystals„
  1192. dabble¢·research, designing a·acceleration beam‰a
  1193. ·tunnel called 'Time Lash',µ¹ß„banish€rebels„
  1194. ’rule.also cloned himself.ŠBorad secretlyå„
  1195. murder all€Karfelons‡causing a욫neighbours,€
  1196. Bandrils.¡å„repopulate Karfelšcreatures like
  1197. himself, startingšPeri.ŠSixthŒßa Kontron¬
  1198. Crystal„kill•of€Borad's clones.¡ïpeaceš
  1199. €Bandrils. Soon afterwards,€Œpushed€real Borad®
  1200. €Timelash.ŠBoradŽtransported„12thÄScotland,
  1201. near Inverness.çresidence¢Loch Ness. Presumably¹Ž
  1202. –‡€Zygons‰«Skarasen¦theyçover€Loch
  1203. ¢AD 1676.
  1204. /Crew member of€Sandminer‘thought€“Œ‰
  1205. Leelaƒore raiders.Ž–‡Robots of Death.
  1206. /One of Karlton's men.
  1207. /He surveyed€circle of€Stones of Blood¢
  1208. AD 1754.—of€stones fell†‰–him.
  1209. /One of€criminals imprisoned†Desperus.ä„take
  1210. over€©˜ship,€Spar 7-40,¥Žfelled‡a stun
  1211. charge.
  1212. /Cardinal of€¬Lords‰•of€most powerful
  1213. *Bor
  1214. figures¢«history.Žonce€˜(andÅ
  1215. €Master's,€Rani's‰Drax's) teacher at€¬Lord
  1216. Academy. According„€Doctor,¹supposedly said‚'Only¢
  1217. mathematics will you find€truth'. BorusaŽ•of€major
  1218. movers¢Gallifreyan politics.Žvery much concernedš€
  1219. properties, legalities‰appearances of things. When€“
  1220. Œsaved Gallifrey¶€Ë‰Chancellor Goth, Borusa
  1221. ordered Castellan Spandrell„prepare a cover-up storyœ€
  1222. general population. Soon afterwards, a regenerated BorusaÍ
  1223. Chancellor‰¿€“Œ¦GallifreyŽinvaded‡
  1224. €Vardans‰€Sontarans.came„express a grudging respect
  1225. œ’former pupil‰surrendered€trueØKey of Rassilon,
  1226. µenabled€Œ„tap€power of Harmony„power€
  1227. Demat Gun.Ž¡ïpresident of€High Council of Galifrey
  1228. ¢úof€Doctor.
  1229.     However,¦OmegaƄð„our universe‡
  1230. taking over€¸˜body, Borusa voted„condemn€
  1231. Œ„death. A further regeneration may have unbalanced’
  1232. mind,‰¹fell victim„a megalomaniacal passion.decided¹
  1233. wanted„rule forever‰acquire€true immortality oncehe tmised
  1234. ‡Rassilon. In order hi break through€Tomb of Rassilon,¹ß
  1235. €Five Doctors‰«companions, pitting themõvarious
  1236. threats¢€Death Zone. Rassilonãgave€immortality
  1237. ¹sought‡turning®a living statue.
  1238. /British villageè€ÇCessair of Diplos
  1239. lived.
  1240. /Location of€Nine Travellers,‰•of€three
  1241. Gorsedds of Britain.
  1243. computer,„…linked„aýbrain -‚of Dr Stevens. From
  1244. this,¹learned‚€secret ofýsuccessŽineffficiency
  1245. ‰illogicality. BOSS¡programmed Stevens„add those features
  1246. „himself,‰Ísentient‰self controlling, not„mention
  1247. megalomaniacal. After€Green Death fiasco at€Llanfairfach
  1248. Refinery. BOSSä„take over€world,¥Ží‡
  1249. €¨Œ‰UNIT.Š¨Œß€Blue Crystal„
  1250. free Stevens,‘×BOSS.
  1251. /Orcini's squire.Ž–‡•of Davros'sŸ
  1252. îshooting off Davros's hand¯€attack†Tranquil
  1253. Repose.
  1254. /One of€crew of€Mary Celeste.
  1255. /Butterfly collector, would-be actor‰manager
  1256. of La Piranella restaurant¢Seville.‰’girlfriend Anita
  1257. ¿€SixthŒuncover Chessene's plans.Ž–‡
  1258. Shockeye.
  1259. /Deputy Director of Dulkis.refused„believe€
  1260. Dominatorsƒa threat„’planet.
  1261. /Vessels designed‡Rassilon„destroy€Ç
  1262. vampires. Theyƒswift spacecraft‚fired bolts of steel„
  1263. transfix vampires through€heart.
  1264. /Leading telegraphist at Captain Hart's navy base.
  1265. /See JHANA BOX.
  1266. /One of General Chellak's men.Ž–‡€
  1267. Magma beast.
  1268. /Treacherous head of scrutiny‰rebelÔof€Vulcan
  1269. colony.Žexposed‡€second Doctor.ä„take over
  1270. €colonyš€help of€Daleks,µ™been repowered‡
  1271. Lesterson,¥they turnedõ€humans. BragenŽ­
  1272. –‡Valmar.
  1273. /Device߇Crozier„enhance€size of€
  1274. brain. Eventually, its effect proved deadly„Lord Kiv.
  1275. /Slang word߇€Kangs„designate«
  1276. headquarters.
  1277. /The©ŒÉ€Brains‘ruled Mor-Photon†
  1278. Marinus; theyƒ×‡Barbara Wright.ŠAnimus‘
  1279. controlled€ZarbiŽlike a giant spider-brain.ŠMaster-
  1280. Brain of€Land of FictionŽaàlinked„a brain.
  1281. ŠMind Parasite,‘fed†evil,Ž¤Çbrain. Axos
  1282. functioned›a giant brain.Šbrain of€renegade¬
  1283. Lord Morbius™been preserved‡Solon.ŠXeraphin™
  1284. amalgamated®one, single collective intelligence. Crozier
  1285. ™invented a Brain Transformerµ¹ß„enhance€
  1286. Mentors' brains. Kroagon's brainŽsecretly buried¢Paradise
  1287. Towers' basementî¹ä„preventñ¶living¢’
  1288. creation.ŠŸthemselvesƒlittle more than brains
  1289. švestigal limbs inside a casing.ŠRani combined eleven of€
  1290. Universe's greatest minds®a single, giant brain.
  1291. /Air Force Major‰squadronԑɀ
  1292.  Invasion.
  1293. /One of¾Sorenson's Morestran crew–†
  1294. Zeta Minor‡€anti-matter creatures.
  1295. /Alien art gallery.
  1296. /Captain Revere's second¢command‰Chief Orderly of€
  1297. ýcolony†Frontios.Žobssessedšmaintaining law‰
  1298. order and, at first, hampered€¸˜investigations.
  1299. °changed’mind‰Ž–‡€Tractators' excavating
  1300. machine.
  1302. LOST SHIPS.
  1303. /British public school attended‡Turlough. After’
  1304. retirement¶UNIT,€Brigadier worked there›a mathematics
  1305. teacher. In 1977,¯€Mawdryn affair, Tegan visited€
  1306. school.Š¸Œsaw²¢1983.
  1307. /Scientist‘designed‰engineered WOTON,¹
  1308. *Bret
  1309. Žhypnotized‡’creation,¥survived€crisis.
  1310. /Gia Kelly's assistant.
  1312. /Lord Cranleigh's butler.
  1313. /Citadel¶µ€Captain controlled€vast transmat
  1314. enginesµenabled Zanak„travel through space. It also housed
  1315. Xanxia's·dams‰€Captain's trophy room. ItŽblown up‡
  1316. €“Œ‰€Mentiads.
  1317. /One of Kroagnon's buildings.
  1318. /Person„whom Richard Maynarde owed money.
  1320. |Captain of a 26thÄspace freighterµ™been
  1321. infiltrated‡€Cybermen.Š å„crashˆ»
  1322. †£„destroy¤Alliance conference. Theyƒí‡
  1323. Adric‰€¸Doctor. Briggs escaped„safety¢€
  1324. TARDIS.
  1325. /Captain of€Mary Celeste.
  1326. /Samantha's brother, whose identityŽtaken over‡
  1327. €Chameleons†¤alleged tour„Rome.
  1328. /Afterˆbrother, Brian,Žtaken over‡€
  1329. Chameleons, Samantha Briggs tipped off€police‘sent Inspector
  1330. Gascoigne„Gatwick Airport„investigate.¡teamed upš
  1331. €ªŒ„expose‰ž€aliens.
  1332. /Captain Brigg's wife.
  1333. /Captain Brigg's daughter.
  1334. /He surveyed€circle of€Stones of
  1335. Blood¢AD 1820.
  1336. /Seaside resort†€south coast of England.Š“
  1337. Œ‰Romana stopped thereætravelling„€Leisure
  1338. Hive,‰K-9Ždamaged‡sea water. Brigadier Lethbridge-
  1339. Stewart‰Doris once spent some romantic·¢a Brighton
  1340. Hotel.
  1341. /Component of€Kartz-Reimer transference module
  1342. removed‡€Sixth Doctor.
  1343. /British baseµä„use€Ionizer„
  1344. halt€ice's progress¢AD 3000. ItŽê€command of
  1345. Client‰Ž°invaded‡Varga's Ice Warriors,‰saved‡
  1346. ۻDoctor.
  1347. /DeVries's group,
  1348. µÀCessair.
  1349. /British space research establishment¯
  1350. €late 1950s‰early 1960s, run‡¾Bernard Quatermass.
  1351. ItŽknown„Rachel Jensen‰Allison Williams.
  1352. /Earth tour agent‘represented Argolis's
  1353. interests.‰’lawyer, Klout,ƒimpersonated‡members of
  1354. €West Lodge Foamasi,‘ä„pressure Mena„sell€
  1355. Leisure Hive„€Foamasi. BrockŽãexposed‡a Foamasi
  1356. investigator.°escaped,¥’»Žblown up‡€
  1357. Argolins.
  1358. /Katryca's Counciller.once lived¢€UK Habitat
  1359. ‰ŽBalazer's friend.Žsaved¶€Cullings‡Merdeen
  1360. ‰went„€surface„join€Free.Ž–‡Drathro
  1361. ¦¹‰Katryca invaded€Habitat.
  1362. /One of€Inferno project's technicians attacked‡
  1363. Slocum.mutated®a Primord.
  1364. /Book‡¾Emilia
  1365. Rumford.
  1366. /Earth congressman¶€26thđfavoured strong
  1367. retaliationõ€percieved Draconian attacks.
  1368. /One of lieutenant Scott's men.
  1369. /Gaztak lieutenant‰General Grugger's second in-command.
  1370. BrotadacТZolfa-Thura's explosion.
  1371. /See LOGICIANS.
  1372. /Cult of Demnos worshippers, led‡Hieronlymous,
  1373. supposed„have´out¢€3rd century,¥ƒstill active
  1374. ¢San Martino¢€15thÄItaly. ItŽtaken over‡€
  1375. Mandragora Helix,‰Ådisbanded‡Giulianoî€
  1376. “Œbanished€evil energy entity.
  1377. /Warlord of€Zygons. When¹learned‚€Zygon
  1378. *Zyg
  1379. homeworld™been×¢a steller explosion‰‚’
  1380. people's space fleetŽlookingœa new home¹decided„conquer
  1381. Earth.ß€Skarasen„sink three oil rigs‰impersonated
  1382. €Duke of Forgill„destroy a World Energy Conference. His plans
  1383. ƒí‡€“Œ‰¹Ž–‡€
  1384. Brigadier.
  1385. /Companion„both€¸‰Sixth
  1386. Doctors.Ž¤American whom€¸Œmet†a Greek
  1387. islandèˆstepfather,¾Foster,™just located a
  1388. Trion artefact.¡travelled„Sarn,èshe¿
  1389. ž€Master.Žinfectedšraw Spectrox†Androzani
  1390. Minor,‰€¸Œsacrificed’life„give Peri€
  1391. antidote.watchedregenerate‰™„put upš€mood
  1392. swingsµimmediately followed€regeneration.aided€
  1393. SixthŒžMestor‰€Cybermen. On Varos, sheŽþ
  1394. transmogrified®a bird‰¿€ŒžSil.¡
  1395. ¿Ê€Ë‰€Rani.encountered€ª
  1396. Œ‰Jamie,‰¿€two Doctorsž€Sontarans.
  1397. ¡Éalongside€Œõ€Borad, Davros‰
  1398. ’Daleks,‰Drathro†Ravolox. On Thoros-Beta, sheŽÞ
  1399. ‡€Mentors‰þ–‡Crozier¦¹ä
  1400. transferring Kiv's mind®ˆbody. (The Valeyardßa doctored
  1401. version of this event,¢µPeriŽactually killed,¯€
  1402. Trial of€Doctor.) In reality, PeriŽsaved‡King Yrcanos of
  1403. Krontep, whom she°married.
  1404. /Pompous civil servant‘asked½„look®a
  1405. mysterious wave of deaths‡asphyxiation, caused‡Nestene-
  1406. controlled plastic items.
  1407. /Head of World Security appointed‡Salamander, whom
  1408. ¹­¿€ªŒ„expose‰defeat.
  1409. /One of¾Lasky's assistants, partly responsible
  1410. œ€creation of€Vervoids. When¹realized€extent of€
  1411. Vervoids' threat,¹ä„destroy€Hyperion III space liner‡
  1412. causing²„plunge®€Black Hole of Tartatus.Ž–
  1413. ‡€Vervoids' poison gas.
  1414. /Member of€Karfelon Inner Sanctum.À€Borad.
  1415. ä„push€SixthŒ®€Timelash,¥insteadŽ
  1416. himself consigned„‚fate‡Mykros.
  1417. /Planet incorporated®Tryst's CET.
  1418. /One of€three Gorsedds of England. ItŽlocated
  1419. ¢Wales.
  1420. /Gullible½private‘¿€¨Œ¯€
  1421. Dinosaur Invasion.
  1422. /Captain Wrack's ship.
  1423. /British WVS officer‰ambulance driver‘
  1424. ÈsheŽfightingõ€Germans¢WorldëI. In
  1425. reality, sheŽpart of€ëGames. With Lieutenant Carstairs,
  1426. she¿€ªDoctor, Jamie‰Zoež€ë
  1427. Lords.
  1428. /Capitol of Hungary‰location of Alexander Denes's
  1429. headquarters.
  1430. /Lieutenant of Sea Base Four.¿€¸ŒÊ
  1431. €Silurians‰€Sea Devils.
  1432. /London cabdriver whose wife, Emma,™been
  1433. ù‡Li H'Sen Chang.Žmurdered‡Mr Sin.
  1434. /London womanù‡Li H'Sen Chang. Her life
  1435. essenceŽstolen‡Magnus Greel.
  1436. /Kaled citadelèDavroså€creation of€
  1437. Daleks.
  1438. /Official organization¶
  1439. 26thÄEarth.
  1440. /British army sergeant-major‘ȹŽfighting
  1441. õ€Germans¢WorldëI¢1917, near Ypres,êMajor
  1442. Barrington. In reality,¹Žpart of€ëGames.
  1443. /Welsh manager of€Shangri-La holiday camp.
  1444. ¿€‹ŒžGavrok's Bannermen‡arrangingœ
  1445. €young Chimeron Princess's ultasonicü„…broadcast over
  1446. Shrangri-La's public address system.
  1447. /MurderousÖdesigned‡Bellboy. It guarded€
  1448. original hippy busµç€Psychic Circus„Segonax‰€
  1449. Gods of Ragnarok's medallionµcured Kingpin. ItŽfirst
  1450. disabled‡€‹Doctor,‰°×‡Ace.
  1451. /Companion„both€Sixth‰‹Doctors.
  1452. *Mel
  1453. originally came¶Pease Pottage, Sussex,‰™a virtually
  1454. photographic memory.met€SixthŒ¢¤unrecorded
  1455. adventure. Afterwards, sheŽvery likely experienced a number of
  1456. other unrecorded adventures,µ°Ípart of¤alternate
  1457. ·line,î€SixthŒŽpulled out of·‰space„
  1458. …ä‡a corrupt¬Lord High Council.Šonly recorded
  1459. adventure of‚periodŽintroduced›evidence‡€Œat
  1460. ’trial. It showed€Œ‰Mel rematerializing aboard€
  1461. Hyperion III space liner en route¶Mogar„Earth. There, they
  1462. ¿save€crew¶€Vervoids.ŠË¡pulled Mel
  1463. out of·‰space‰sentˆ(with Sabalom Glitz)„€
  1464. Trial„help€Œž€Valeyard. Soon afterwards,€
  1465. Rani caused€˜Ã„crash†Lakertya, causing„
  1466. regenerate. Mel¡¿€‹Œž€Rani.
  1467. ÉalongsideõKroagnon, Gavrok‰’Bannermen‰
  1468. Kane,€evil master of Iceworld. There, she met Ace,‰Glitz
  1469. again,‰¿find€Dragonfire.¡decided„goš
  1470. Glitz†€Nosferatu II.
  1471. /Throughout£history,€Œhas come across
  1472. traders‰businessmen, some good, others evil.Š©Œmet
  1473. some¢Ancient Rome,¢Palestine,¢Asia,è¹met
  1474. Venetian trader Marco Polo,‰¢Tombstone, Arizona. In AD
  1475. 1650,€©Œexposed a ring of smugglers†€Cornish
  1476. Coast. In AD 1746,€ªŒput¤end„Gray's slave
  1477. traffic.
  1478.    During€20th century,€©Œran afoul of€evil
  1479. industrial Forester.ŠªŒsaved€Euro-Gas
  1480. Corporation¶€Weed‰ÉTobias Vaughn's
  1481. International Electromatics.Š¨Œexposed€Auton
  1482. takeover of Autoplastics Ltd‰Rex Farrel's plastics company
  1483. ‰ÉGlobal Chemicals.Š“Œ
  1484. encountered a number of successful, yet misguided businessmen, such
  1485. ›Harrison Chase, Lord Palmerdale‰Dr Fendelman.
  1486. Scaroth€Jagaroth™commissioned da Vinci„paint several
  1487. Mona Lisas¢order„raise money„finance’time-travel
  1488. experiments.
  1489.    In€future, Earth's multiplanetary corporations thrived,
  1490. displaying a ruthlessness¢€pursuit of«business objectives
  1491. µïthem formidable foes. Among thoseƒ€Issigr Mining
  1492. Company,€Interplanetary Mining Corporation,€
  1493. companyµowned€refinery†Delta Magna's moon,
  1494. Terminus Inc.‰€Sirius Conglomerate. Other
  1495. multiplanetary corporations included€companyµowned€
  1496. Sandminer,€Megellan Mining Company, Galactic Salvage,
  1497. Amorb‰Search-Conv Corporation.
  1498.    Crooked businessmen of€Áincluded con artists Garron‰
  1499. Unstoffe, Dymond,€Vraxoin smuggler, slave trader
  1500. Rorvik, Sabalom Glitz‰Iceworld operator Kane.
  1501.   £corporations™business competitorsšcunning‰
  1502. rapacity„match«own, such›€Mentors of Thoros-Beta
  1503. ‘߀Galatron Corporation„try„corner€market
  1504. †Zyton-7. Much later,€Usurian-run Company moved mankind„
  1505. Mars,¡„Pluto, aroundµ²™built six artificial
  1506. suns.
  1507.    AmongÇplanets run›businessesƒ€Leisure Hive,
  1508. €mortuaryºof Nekros‰€Iceworld trading post of
  1509. Svartos.
  1510. /Nickname of General Smythe.
  1511. /Nickname of Magnus Greel.
  1512. /Amazonian Indians‘disfigued George Cranliegh because¹
  1513. ™stolen a Black Orchid.
  1514. /FormerÙfireman‘acted›Sir Charles Grover's
  1515. henchman¯€Dinosaur Invasion.ŽÅarrested
  1516. Œstopped Operation Golden Age.
  1517. /British intelligence department¢charge of€½liason.
  1518. Sir John Sudbury workedœit.
  1519. /Cargo»è€¨Œ‰Jo Grant
  1520. rematerialized¢€26th century. ItŽ°attacked‡€
  1521. Ogrons, posiing›€Draconians.
  1522. /Helen A's companion. After€‹Œ¿a
  1523. revolution overthrow Helen A's regime,¹‰Gilbert M fled Terra
  1524. Alpha¢a space shuttle originally intendedœHelen A.
  1525. /The Duke of Forgill's gamekeeper, impersonated‡a
  1526. Zygon‘–Munro‰wounded Harry Sullivan.Šreal CaberŽ
  1527. ­freed‡€“Doctor.
  1528. /Druidic goddess ofì‰magic, impersonated‡€
  1529. Çvillainess, Cessair of Diplos.Žworshipped‡
  1530. De Vrie's Druids.
  1531. /Army sergeant sent alongšColonel Archer's men‰
  1532. ¾Laird„investigate mysterious artefacts¢€Ù
  1533. warehouse district,¢Âcylinders containing€Dalek-killing
  1534. Movellan virus, buried at€end of a Dalek·corridor.Ž
  1535. –‡€Ÿ‰replaced‡a duplicate.
  1536. /Famous neurologist whose mindŽstolen‡Skagra at
  1537. €Think Tank space station.Š“Œtemporarily tapped
  1538. Chris Parsons' mental energy„enable Caldera„reveal what¹
  1539. knewøSkagra. Caldera´¢€Ïof€
  1540. station.
  1541. /Mining engineer‰member of€Interplaentary Mining
  1542. Corporation expedition„Exarius. After¹discovered Dent's
  1543. ruthlessness,¹ç€side of Ashe's colonists,‰­
  1544. stayedšthem†Exarius.
  1545. /Practical‰somewhat devious counciller of€Servateem.
  1546. did not believe XoanonŽa god,‰¿€“Œ
  1547. ‰LeelaʀTesh‰ž€supercomputer. Afterwards,
  1548. ¹Žleft„arguešJabel over‘would rule€reunited
  1549. tribes of€Servateem‰€Tesh.
  1550. /Alias߇€©Œ¢Tombstone.
  1551. /One of Gavrok's Bannermen.Ždisabled‡€Chimeron
  1552. Princess's ultasonic powers,‰taken prisoner‡Delta‰
  1553. Billy.
  1554. /Captain Hopper's first officer†¾Parry's
  1555. expedition„€Tombs of€ †Telos.
  1556. /Ice-coated, uninhabited worldµŽÞ‡Zanaak
  1557. ‰reduced„a football-size husk. In reality,²Ž
  1558. €second segment of€Key„Time,‰Ž­recovered
  1559. ‡€“Œ‰Romana.
  1560. /See CESSAIR.
  1561. /The Cambridge university fiasco of 1959Žtied„¤
  1562. unsuccessful attempt„open Devil's Hump.ŠMaster, posing
  1563. ›¾Thascales, worked at€Newton Research Institute¢
  1564. Cambridge†TOM-TIT‰€Kronos Crystal.Š“Œ
  1565. ‰Romana visited St Cedd's College„see¾Chronotis.
  1566. During‚visit,€ŒÉSkagra‰mentioned¹™
  1567. taken¤honorary degree¢1960.ŠŒ‰Romanaƒ
  1568. ¡ù‡Borusa's¬Scoop‰Ítrapped¢a·
  1569. eddy.
  1570. /Elderly Aztec lady„whom€©Œ¼
  1571. proposed,¦¹shared a cup of cocoašher.
  1572. /Governer of Stangmoor Prison.Ž–‡
  1573. Mailer.
  1574. /Former Navigation Officer of€
  1575. £»Hydrax,µŽdrawn®E-Space‡€ØVampire.
  1576. Underˆmaster's influence. MacmillanÍLady Camilla,•of
  1577. €three immortal vampiric rulers of€ØVampire's World.
  1578. ´¦€“Œ×ˆmaster.
  1579. /Scotsman working¢UNIT's scientific supply
  1580. section.
  1581. /Young Scotish member of Dortmun's resistance
  1582. õ€Daleks,¯«AD 2164 Invasion of Earth.¿
  1583. €©Œž€Ÿ‰fell¢lovešSusan.
  1584. stayed behind‰Åmarried him.
  1585. /See SUSAN.
  1586. /Constellation耓Œûa supernova
  1587. ¢µ„dump€Fendahl Skull.
  1588. /Chlorisian astrological sign.
  1589. /See DASK.
  1590. /Citadel of€¬Lords of Gallifrey. Its heartŽ€
  1591. Panopticon,굀Eye of HarmonyŽkept.
  1592. /Leader of€Riban Shrieves Guards.
  1593. After•of’menŽ–‡€Graff Vynda-K,¹ßa
  1594. cannon„trigger a rockfall,µ–Sholakh‰€Graff's
  1595. men.
  1596. /Space raider‰brillient engineer‘once
  1597. *Cap
  1598. commanded€»Vantarialis. After¹crashed†Zanak,¹Ž
  1599. rebuilt®a half man, half-machine cyborg‡Queen Xanxia,‘
  1600. secretly controlled’machine self.ŠCaptain designed€huge
  1601. transmat enginesµturned Zanak®a pirate planet, stealing
  1602. energy¶€worlds²captured.Šstolen energyŽß„
  1603. maintain Xanxia's·dams‰Ž„­enableˆ„
  1604. reincorporate herself. But€Captain secretly plotted„kill her,
  1605. thanks„€energy gathered¢’trophy room,µcontained€
  1606. shrunken remains of€worlds Zanak™plundered.ŠCaptain ruled
  1607. ’crew‡fear,š€help of’murderous pet,€Polyphase
  1608. Avatron. With€Mentiads' help,€“ŒÉ€
  1609. Captain‰prevented¶destroying Earth.ŠCaptainŽ
  1610. –‡Xanxia›¹ä„killˆ„avenge€death of’
  1611. loyal first officer, Mr Fibuli.
  1612. /See COOK, CAPTAIN.
  1613. /English village nearµVortigern's LakeŽlocated.
  1614. Š‹Doctor, Ace, Lethbridge-Stewart‰BamberaÉ
  1615. Morgaine, Mordred‰ˆmen there.
  1616. /Organization sponsoring€excavations at Carbury.
  1617. /Honorific title߇€¬Lords of Gallifrey.
  1618. BorusaŽCardinalæ¹ÍPresident.
  1619. /Those‘çcare of Paradise Towers.
  1620. /Young Tigellan Savant‘advocated reclaiming€planet's
  1621. surface¶its vegetation.‰Deedrix¿€“Œ
  1622. žMeglos.
  1623. /Chief of Euro-Sea Gas's off-shore rig D whose platform
  1624. Žattacked‡€Weed.Ž­freed thanks„€
  1625. Úof€ªDoctor.
  1626. /Officer¢charge of€arrangmentsœdumping€
  1627. Thunderbolt Missile.
  1628. /British general¢charge of€Space Security
  1629. Department. As astronaut†Mars Probe 6,¹met peaceful,
  1630. radioactive aliens‘asked„pave€wayœ«
  1631. Ambassadors. After¹returned„Earth, Carrington,¢leagueš
  1632. Sir James Quinlan, arrangedœ€aliens„replace astronauts of
  1633. €Probe 7‰Recovery 7 shipsš«Ambassadors. When€
  1634. ÇAmbassadors arrived,¹ù‰ßthem„try„start
  1635. aìô£‰€aliens.Ž­stopped thanks
  1636. „€¨˜intervention.
  1637. /Crewman aboard Captain Brigg's space freighter.Ž
  1638. –‡€Cybermen.
  1639. /British army lieutenant‘ȹŽ
  1640. fighting€Germans¢WorldëI. In reality,¹Žpart of€
  1641. ëGames. With Lady Buckingham,¹¿€ªDoctor, Jamie
  1642. ‰Zoež€ëLords.
  1643. /Pathologist‘studied Eldrad's hand. His mindŽ
  1644. taken over‡Eldrad,‰¹°fell„’death while
  1645. attacking€“Doctor.
  1646. /Member of€Imperial£Expedition Force„Deva Loka.
  1647. disappeared†€mission.
  1649. |One of Lieutenant Scott's men.Ž–‡€
  1650. Cybermen.
  1652. |Moreton Harwood Police constable.Žnot part of€
  1653. cult of Hecate.
  1654. /Llanfairfach resident whose catŽinjured.
  1655. /A member of€staff of€Wheel¢Space.
  1656. ¿€ªŒž€Cybermen.
  1657. /Irish doorman‘worked at Henry Gordon Jago's Palace
  1658. Theatre.´of frightîseeing Magnus Greel's face.
  1659. /Crewmember of€Sandminer. Leelaû’body
  1660. been–‡€Robots of Death.
  1662. |Ensign¢€Federation squadron sent„Androzani Minor‰
  1663. led‡General Chellak.discovered‚€bodies of€¸
  1664. Œ‰Periƒandroid Replicas.
  1665. /Daughter of King Priam‰High Priestess of Troy, she
  1666. Žcursedš€gift of foretelling. Unable„avert€fall of
  1667. Troy, sheŽcarried off‡Agamemnon.
  1668. /Matron at Brendon School.
  1669. /The“Œonce suggested„Sarah‚they
  1670. should go thereœa vacation.ŠCVE€ËƄ
  1671. closeŽlocated there.
  1672. /Outerºof€Solar System, located beyond Pluto.
  1673. /Title given„€Chief of Security of€¬Lords of
  1674. Gallifrey. Castellan Spandrell¿€“Œ„prove’
  1675. innocence¢€murder of€President,‰„žGoth‰€
  1676. Master. His successor, Castellan Kelner,Ža coward‘
  1677. betrayed Gallifrey„€Vardans‰€Sontarans. When Omega
  1678. Ƅtake over€¸˜body,€Castellan went
  1679. alongš€High Council's decision„terminate€Œ‰
  1680. evenä„shoot him.Šsame CastellanŽframed‡
  1681. Borusa,‘arrangedœ„appear„…¢possession of€
  1682. Scrolls of Rassilon.Žsentenced„…mind-probed,‰Žshot
  1683. ‡•of€Chancellery Guards¦¹ä„escape.
  1684. /Famous novelist. As Adam,¹Ž•of Sir Charles
  1685. Grover's 'People'. After over-hearing Grover's conversationš
  1686. Sarah‰Mark,¹¿convince€others‚theyƒnot†a
  1687. spaceship en route„a New Earth.
  1688. /Drathro's dwelling¢€UK Habitat.
  1689. /Peaceful city†¤un-named world
  1690. located¢€Andromendan Phylox seriesèTegan‰Nyssaç
  1691. €¸Œjustî’regeneration. It turned out„…a
  1692. recursive occlusion - a space-time trap engineered‡€Ë
  1693. (disguised›Castrovalva's Portreeve)‰ò‡Adric through
  1694. Block Transfer Computations. By freeing Adric,€Œdoomed
  1695. Castrolvalva.Š¬Lord‰’friends escaped,¥€Ë
  1696. þÍtrapped¢its collapse.
  1697. /Vast underground maze built‡€ancient Ribans„
  1698. house«dead.ŠIce Godsƒsaid„haunt them. Shrievenzales
  1699. ßthem›«lair.Š“Œ‰Garronɀ
  1700. Graff Vynda-K¢€Catacombs.
  1701. /Name given„ancient China.
  1702. /The Cheetah People‰€KitlingsƒÇfelinesš
  1703. *Che
  1704. üof teleportation.ŠTharils™feline ancestry.
  1705. /Abode of€Ø—†Metebelis 3. Because of
  1706. €crystal concentration,²Žradioactive‰×€¨
  1707. Doctors body. It­explodedî€ØOne's death.
  1708. /Location of€
  1709. Ceremony, takingúevery ten years,¢µ€Manussans
  1710. celebrated€Mara's banishment. ItŽthere‚€¸Œ
  1711. ­×€evil entity.
  1712. /The©Œmet€Tribe of Gum¢€year
  1713. 100,000 BC. Also see NEANDERTHALS.
  1714. /Notorios space pirate‘preyed†argonite
  1715. shipments.ÞDom Issigri‰heldhostage„ensure’
  1716. daughter Madeleine's cooperation. After¹Žexposed‡€ª
  1717. Doctor,¹Æ„destroy Ta. Instead, Caven‰’
  1718. lieutenant, Dervish,ƒblown up‡€International Space
  1719. Corps.
  1720. /Ranulf Fitzwilliam's gaoler.
  1721. /Member of€Dalek Alliance¢«Masterplanõ
  1722. Earth.Ž­betray‡Mavic Chen‰€Daleks,¥
  1723. returned home‰joined€ýforces.
  1724. /Device߇€ „ú€staff of
  1725. €Wheel¢Spaceê«hypnotic control.ŠªŒ
  1726. countered²‡attaching a metal plate‰a transistor„€head
  1727. of€victims.
  1728. /The¸Œclaimed„wear a celery stick because¹
  1729. Žallergic„certain gases¢€Priaxsis range of€sprectrum;
  1730. if€gasesƒpresent,€celery would turn purple.
  1731. /Covert intelligence agencyß
  1732. ‡€¬Lords,¢spite of«official policy of
  1733. non-intervention¢galactic affairs,„protect«own interests.
  1734. ŠCIAŽÅê€direct control of€President‰
  1735. €High Council. Among known CIA operations predating€˜
  1736. involvementƒ€·looping of€¸Planet of€Solar
  1737. System,¢¤attempt„destroy€Fendahl,‰€resolution
  1738. of€Morbius affair.
  1739.    Early on,€CIA decided„use€Œ›«agent. They
  1740. ™€power„control€Ã¶Gallifrey,‰therefore may
  1741. have been responsibleœa large number of€©‰ª
  1742. ˜unforseen landings,¢particular thoseµforced€
  1743. ©‰ªDoctors„dealšissues concerning Gallifreyan
  1744. security such›€Daleks,€Cybermen,€Monk,€
  1745. Celestial Toymaker,€ØIntelligence, etc.
  1746.    More specificially,€CIAçpart¢€Trials of€ª
  1747. Œ‰€ëLords.ŠTribunal's indulgence might…
  1748. explained‡€fact‚€CIA™pulled€ªŒ‰
  1749. Jamie out of«normal·lines„send them„Space Station
  1750. J7„deliver a warning„Dastariøunauthorized·
  1751. experiments.Šª˜memories of‚missionƒ°
  1752. erased.ŠCIA pulled€same trick¦²convinced€
  1753. President„bring€Three Doctors together„žOmega.
  1754.   ŠCIA probably warned€Œø€Master's arrival†
  1755. Earth. Then,²ß„goî€Ë¦²
  1756. discovered‚€Renegade¬Lord™acquired knowledge of€
  1757. Doomsday Weapon,„help Peladon's entry¢€Federation,
  1758. ‰„help€Solonians achieve«super-human form,
  1759. possibly¢¤effort„bring down Earth's Empire.
  1760.   ŠCIA sent€“Œback¢·„prevent€
  1761. creation of€Daleks,µmay have been€only•of€
  1762. many steps²ç„ensure«final destruction. It also sent
  1763. „Karn„dealš€Brain of Morbius.
  1764.   Šrole of€CIA¢€Ravalox StratagemŽnot known,¥
  1765. ²Žvery likely (in light of«use of two‰¡three
  1766. Doctors¢simultaneous incarnations)‚theyƒbehind€
  1767. creation of€Valeyard,¢¤effort„prevent€SixthŒ
  1768. ¶exposing€corruption of€High Council.
  1769. /See TOYMAKER.
  1770. /One of Crozier's devices. It affected€Sixth
  1771. ˜behaviour, makinghostile, cowardly‰even more
  1772. erratic than usual.
  1773. /Deadly deviceߢ€voting process†
  1774. Varos.
  1775. /Device߇Queen Xanxia of Zanak„recreate a
  1776. younger self.Š“Œß²„trick€Captain®
  1777. believing¹™ïwalk€plank.
  1778. /Experimental teleportation machine߇
  1779. Froyn‰Rhynmal„send€©Œ‰’Ò„
  1780. Mira.
  1781. /The‹Œsaid¹™„go there just
  1782. î¹regenerated.
  1783. /One of€eleven geniusesù‡€Rani„
  1784. make upˆgiant Brain.
  1785. /US intelligence agency. Bill Filer,‘
  1786. ¿€¨ŒžAxos, may have been a CIA agent.
  1787. Hawk‰Weismuller may have been CIA agents too.
  1788. /Professor Warmsly's dog.
  1789. /A device capable of
  1790. generating emotional impulses­ß‡Tobias Vaughan
  1791. õ€Cybermen. Its inventor,¾Watkins, originally
  1792. devised²›a sophisticated teaching aid.
  1793. /Alien villainess¶Diplos,‘™–„steal€
  1794. *Fay
  1795. ØSeal of Diplos,µŽ¢Â€third segment„€
  1796. Key„Time.ŠSeal gave Cessair immortality,›well›€power
  1797. „alterˆshape‰„travel„hysperspace‰back.ß²
  1798. „ݶ€Megara justice machines,‰ûrefuge†£
  1799. circa 3000 BCšˆthree Ogri,µÍpart of a native
  1800. stone circle. Cessair first impersonated€Druidic goddess
  1801. Cailleach. Throughout€ages, she assumed a number of identities,
  1802. such›€Mother Superior of€Little Sisters of St Gudula, Lady
  1803. Montcalm, Wicked Senhora Camara, Mrs Trefusis and, finally, Vivien
  1804. Fay,€aliasêµsheɀ“Doctor.ŠŒ
  1805. exposedˆtrue identity‰sheŽturned„stone‡€
  1806. Megara.
  1808. /TheÎstalledôCetes‰Scalpor¦²ran
  1809. out of Zyton-7.
  1810. /Fiercely spiked fruits grown†€penal plantations of
  1811. Androzani Major.
  1812. /Leader of€Savages.¿Steven‰Dodo rescue€
  1813. ©Œ‰Žthere¦Jano׀life transference
  1814. machines.asked Steven„become«new leader.
  1815. /One of€Menoptera‘invaded Vortis.
  1816. /See CAVE OF THE SNAKE.
  1817. /Unseen proprietor of€Fantasy Factory.
  1818. /Cabinet minister–‡€Giant Robot. His
  1819. safe held€atomic missiles' destructor codes.
  1820. /Deviceµenabled TARDIS's outer plasmic
  1821. *Con
  1822. shell„alter«appearances„blendš«surroundings.
  1823. Š˜TARDIS's chameleon circuit firstÍstuck¢€
  1824. form of aÙpolice box¦€©Œstopped¢Totter's
  1825. Lane¢1963لdispose of€Hand of Omega.Š
  1826. “Œä„use€Logopolitans' Block Transfer
  1827. Computations„repair it,¥€Ëíhim.Š
  1828. Chameleon CircuitŽrepaired briefly, again¢Totter's Lane,¦
  1829. €SixthŒÉ€Cybermen.ŠÃ¡assumed€
  1830. shape of¤organ.
  1831.   ŠMaster's TARDIS's chameleon circuit has caused’Ä
  1832. assume, at various times,€appearance of a horse box, a
  1833. Corinthian column, a grandfather clock, a statue of€Melkur,
  1834. €Portreeve's fireplace, a Concorde airplane,¤Iron Maiden,‰
  1835. even another police box. Without€chameleon circuit, aÃ
  1836. looked like a cabinetša door.ŠRani'sÃlooked like
  1837. a cabinet,¡a pyramid.ŠMonk'sÃlooked like a
  1838. sarcophagus. On Tigus,²looked like a boulder. Then,€
  1839. ©Œï²take€successive shapes of¤Ionic column,
  1840. a stage coach, a tree,¤igloo, a Sopwith Camel‰¤Ç
  1841. artefact,æturning²®a duplicate of’own TARDIS.
  1842. /Cover߇€Chameleonsœ«kidnapping
  1843. operations.
  1844. /Mutated race of faceless aliens,Ƈ
  1845. extinction, caused‡¤atomic explosion. These launched a secret
  1846. operation using holiday tours„kidnap humans, take them„a space
  1847. station„steal«identities and, ultimately,«lives. They
  1848. depended†black armbands (while«ý'original' wore white
  1849. ones)„maintain«ýappearanceîtransferrence. They
  1850. ƒultimately exposed‰ÿ‡€ªDoctor,‘
  1851. Ƅremove€white armbands¶€humans kept at
  1852. Gatwick Airport,‰thereby doom€Chameleons.ŠChameleons¡
  1853. agreed„release«prisoners‰ð„«planet.Š
  1854. Œgave them a formulaœ€solution„«problem.
  1855. /UNIT corporal‘Žinvolved¢€matter of€three
  1856. radioactiveÇAmbassadors.
  1857. /Name given„€security guards of€Capitol
  1858. of Gallifrey. They reported„€Castellan,‘probably reported
  1859. „€Chancellor.
  1860. /The highest-ranking member of€High Council of¬
  1861. Lords of Gallifreyî€President.ŠChancellor (no name
  1862. provided)Ž•of€three¬Lords‘passed judgement†€
  1863. ªDoctor. During€Omega crisis,€Chancellor objected
  1864. „violating€laws of·‰bringing€Three Doctors together,
  1865. until¹Žcountermanded‡€President. That Chancellor
  1866. Ž°replaced‡Goth.
  1867.    When Goth discovered‚¹would not…€President's chosen
  1868. successor,¹plottedš€Ë„kill‰frame€
  1869. “Œœ€murder.ŠË­–Gothî
  1870. ’defeat. BorusaÕGoth›Chancellor, a title¹held
  1871. ¦¹¿€“Œž€Vardans‰€Sontarans.
  1872.     When BorusaÍPresident, ThaliaÍChancellor.voted
  1873. „condemn€¸Œ„death¦OmegaƄ
  1874. ð„our universe‡taking over’body. ThaliaŽ
  1875. Ŗ¢€Death Zone,‰Žreplaced‡Flavia.
  1876. After Rassilon turned Borusa®a living statue, Flavia‰€
  1877. High Council reappointed€¸Œ›President,¥¹
  1878. deputisedˆ„carry out’powers,‰managed„escape.
  1879. /Villager of 1643 Little Hodcombe, transported„
  1880. 1984‡€power of€Malus.¿€¸ŒÊ€
  1881. Malus‰threw Sir George Hutchinson®€evil entity's
  1882. jaws.
  1883. /Amelia Ducat claimed„have been visitingˆ›a
  1884. pretextœshowing up†Harrison Chase's doorstep.
  1885. /A member of€staff of€Wheel¢Space.Ž
  1886. murdered‡€Cybermen.
  1887. /See LIH'SEN CHANG.
  1888. /Superior type of Auton known›a replica,ï‡
  1889. Hibbert, whose mindŽcontrolled‡€Nestene. Channingçover
  1890. €firm‰ß²„manufacture more Autons.Ž­
  1891. ÿ‡€“Œ‰Liz Shaw,‰ceased
  1892. functioning.
  1893. /The concepts of Chaos‰Darknessƒembodied‡€Black
  1894. Guardian.
  1895. /One of€Aztecs.
  1896. /One of€©Doctors companions.
  1897. *Dodo
  1898. might have been a descendant of Anne Chaplette throughˆFrench
  1899. grandfather. Dodo first rushed®€Ã¢Wimbledon Common¢
  1900. 1966, lookingœa telephone.unfortunately carried a cold
  1901. virus,µ¡infected€Ark'sýpopulation†«next
  1902. stop. Dodo°¿€Œ‰Stevenõ€Celestial
  1903. Toymaker, Tombstone's gunfighters‰€Elders. Uponˆð„
  1904. London, sheŽhypnotized‡WOTON‰sent„€country„
  1905. convalesce.°sent Ben Jackson„tell€Œshe no
  1906. longer wished„travel through·‰space.
  1907. /Young servant girl‘managed„Ý€Abbot
  1908. of Amboise's men,¥Žleft behind›€massacreŽø„
  1909. begin. Her ultimate fateŽunknown, although Dodo Chaplet's
  1910. existenceŽtaken›evidence‚at least•male member ofˆ
  1911. family survived€massacre.
  1912. /Holes¢space leading®E-Space.
  1913. While†its way back„Gallifrey,€˜Ãwent through
  1914. a CVE‰ended up†Alzarius.ŠŒ°learned‚
  1915. €CVE'sƒa mathematical creation of Logopolis.Š
  1916. Logopolitans™discovered‚€universe™long passed€
  1917. point of fatal collapse. To dispose of€entropy, theyßblock
  1918. transfer computations„create CVE's„create voids®other
  1919. universes. After€Ëdisrupted€workings of Logopolis,€
  1920. CVE's began closing. Fortunately,€Logopolitans also discovered
  1921. ¤equation‚would stabilize€CVE's. In spite of€Master's
  1922. attempts„stop‰blackmail€Universe,€“Œ
  1923. Õ¢using€Pharos Project†£„broadcast€
  1924. Logopolitans' calculations.
  1925. /London underground station invaded‡€Web of
  1926. Fear.
  1927. /Barman of€Last Chance Saloon¢Tombstone.Žshot
  1928. ‡Johnny Ringo.
  1930. |One of€prisoners at Stangmoor Prison.‰Vosper let
  1931. €¨Œescape.Ž°–‡€Mind
  1932. Parasite.
  1934. |Nickname given„€IMC robot.
  1935. /Harrison Chase's ancestor.Žexecuted¢1572,
  1936. ‰’ghostŽsupposed„haunt Chase mansion.
  1937. /British millionaire‘™assembled€world's
  1938. largest collection of plants.sent Scorbie‰Keeler„
  1939. Antartica„steal€Krynoid pod.Špod opened‰çover
  1940. Keeler's body. Chase went mad‰É€“Œ„ensure
  1941. €Krynoid's victory.Ž­crushed‰turned®
  1942. compost, a fate¹™åœSarah Jane Smith.
  1943. /Marshal¢charge of€Kraaléof Earth.™
  1944. *Kraal
  1945. little patienceœStyggron's delays¢proceedingš€
  1946. éof Earth.‰’space fleetÅreturned„
  1947. OseidonîStyggron'sžat€hands of€“
  1948. Doctor.
  1949. /Savage race of catlike humanoids, descendants of
  1950. *Che
  1951. €ancient civilised race‘™bred€kitlings,‰ƒ
  1952. obsessedšhunting.ŠCheetahñ™€ability„teleport
  1953. through space„find«prey,‰back home again. They
  1954. ­reverted„brutal savagery.ŠCheetah Peopleƒ
  1955. Å×alongš€Cheetah Planet¢€final
  1956. combatô€‹Œ‰€Master.
  1957. /A mysterious symbiotic relationshipô€
  1958. *Che
  1959. Cheetah People‰«ºtriggered volcanic phenomena›€
  1960. degree of violence increased.ŠËÍtrapped†€
  1961. Cheetah Planet,‰ß€‹Œ‰Ace„escape. But¹
  1962. fellê€Cheetah People's curse‰lost control„’
  1963. animalistic side.ŠCheetahºŽpresumed„…×¢
  1964. €final combatô€Œ‰€Master.
  1965. /Ambril's assistant,¹È€¸˜warnings
  1966. ø€Mara's return.
  1967. /General of€Federation troops sent„Androzani Minor„
  1968. force out Sharaz Jek. Morgus forced„order€execution of€
  1969. ¸Œ‰Peri. Chellak led a final assaultõJek‰
  1970. unmasked¢physical combat,¥Žcarried away¢a mud
  1971. burst.
  1972. /One of€Ùlocations耩Œ
  1973. ɀŸ¯«éof£¢AD 2164.
  1974. /Guardian of€Solar System at€·of€Daleks'
  1975. Masterplan.Ž°revealed„…a power-hungry megalomaniac,
  1976. ‘delivered€taranium core,€Ÿneeded„power«
  1977. ¬destructor. After€©Œá€core, Chenä„
  1978. stop him,¥failed.Ždriven mad‡’failures,‰’
  1979. discovery of€Daleks' intention„betray him.Ž­
  1980. –‡€Daleks.
  1981. /Chinese manager of€way station at Tun-Huang.
  1982. /Chinese general¢charge of€Chinese delegation„
  1983. €World Peace Conference.Ž–‡Chin Lee,ê€
  1984. Master's control.
  1985. /Also called€White City. ItŽa rest stop†€
  1986. road„Peking.
  1987. /Pike's first mate. Pike sent„intimidate Longfoot‰
  1988. maketellèAvery's treasureŽhidden. Instead, Cherub
  1989. mistakenly–Longfoot.Ž°–‡Pike¦€two
  1990. menɜ€treasure.
  1991. /TheŒonceÿFenric at a game of chess (in¤
  1992. unrecorded adventure). Towards€end of WorldëII, Fenricç
  1993. over Dr Judson's body„challenge€‹Œ„another game
  1994. of chess. Ace¼¿win it. Romulus‰Remus
  1995. Sylvestƒbrillient players.
  1996. /Androgum‘™been technologically
  1997. augmented‡Dastari.allied herselfšSontaran Group Marshal
  1998. Stike„capture€ªDoctor. DastariŽ„dissect„
  1999. obtain€secret of€Rassilon Imprimature,‰give Chessene€
  2000. ability„travel through time. Her plansƒ­í‡
  2001. €Sixth Doctor.betrayed€Sontarans,–Dastari,‰
  2002. ´of molecular disintegration¦sheä„Ý¢€
  2003. Kartz-Reimer·cabinet.
  2004. /Medical doctor¶South Bend.Û€“
  2005. Œ‰Sarahî€Ïof Antartic camp‚™been
  2006. taken over‡€Krynoid.
  2007. /One of€©˜Ò‰a science
  2008. *Ian
  2009. teacher at Coal Hill School.accompanied€©Œ†a
  2010. series of adventures,¯µ¹showed Za how„make fire,‰
  2011. met€Ÿ‰Marco Polo. IanŽaccused of murder†Marinus,
  2012. ¡went†„encounter€Aztecs‰€Sensorites.Í
  2013. temporarily miniaturized„ant size,¡¿„rescue Vicki.
  2014. IanŽ°Þ‡Roman slave traders‰É€Zarbi.
  2015. After being pursued through·‰space‡€Daleks,¹‰
  2016. Barbara­decided„ð„Ù¢€Dalek¬
  2017. Machineއ€Doctor. They arrived twoöîthey™
  2018. left.
  2019. /Member of€Macra-dominated space colony.
  2020. /See PERIERA.
  2021. /Head of Caretakers of Paradise Towers.mistook
  2022. *Taker
  2023. €‹Œœ€ØArchitect‰ä„have
  2024. killed. Later, Kroagnonçover€Chief Caretaker's body. With
  2025. €help of Pex‰€Kangs,€‹Œmanaged„expose
  2026. ‰destroy Kroagnon.
  2027. /Evil henchman of€Gods of Ragnarok‘controlled
  2028. €Psychic Circusš€help of€deadly robotic clowns
  2029. designed‡Bellboy.É€‹Œ‰Ž­
  2030. –‡•of Bellboy's rogue robots while battling Ace‰
  2031. Kingpin.
  2032. /Employee of€Euro-Sea Gas Refinery attacked‡
  2033. €Weed.workedêRobson‰Harris,‰assisted€ª
  2034. Œ¢’efforts„destroy€Parasitic intelligence.
  2035. /Varosian official¢charge of security‰
  2036. administration.Žsecretly employed‡Sil„keep Zyton-7
  2037. prices low. When€SixthŒrevealed€true value of Zyton,
  2038. ¹ä„havekilled.alsoä„have Governer executed
  2039. š€Cell Disintegrator.Ž–‡€Punishment Dome's
  2040. deadly vines while pursuing€Doctor.
  2041. /One name of€Chimeron Princess.
  2042. /See J7.
  2043. /Known›€garden planet,‰€home
  2044. world of Delta. ItŽþׇ€Bannermen.
  2045. /Peaceful natives of Chimeria, exterminated‡Gavrok's
  2046. Bannermen.
  2047. /Gateway of€Mara†Deva Loka.Ševil entityßthem
  2048. „take over Tegan.
  2049. /Captain of€Chinese People's Army.Žsecretly
  2050. controlled‡€Master,‘equippedˆša telepathic
  2051. amplifier,¡ßˆ‰€Mind Parasite„sabotage€World
  2052. Peace Conference.Ž­exposed‰freed‡€¨
  2053. Doctor.
  2054. /Country visited‡€Œ†several occasions. Lin Futu
  2055. Ža Chinese mandarin¶€so-called 'Futu' dynasty,ù‡
  2056. €Urbankans, probably circa 1769 BC.(There is no trace of€
  2057. 'Futu' dynasty¢China, however€Shang Dynasty - 18th„12th
  2058. ÄBC - would…consistantšLin Futu, based†
  2059. archeological discoveriesïat€buriel site of Fu Hao, a royal
  2060. member of‚dynasty.) Lin Futu met€¸Œaboard
  2061. Monarch's ship. In¤unrecorded adventure,€ŒÉ
  2062. Fenric¢China¢€3rdÄAD‰trappedinside a
  2063. flask.
  2064.   Š©Œ¡visited€court of Kublai Khan¢€13th
  2065. century. In 19thÄLondon,€“ŒÉõ
  2066. €Chinese Tong of€Black Scorpion, led‡Magnus Greel, aì
  2067. criminal¶€51st century,‘impersonated€Chinese god
  2068. Weng-Chiang.
  2069.    In€20th century, ChinaŽa key participant¢a World Peace
  2070. ConferenceƇ€Ë‰saved‡€¨Doctor,
  2071. ‘claimed„have met Mao Tse Tung¯€Long March.
  2072. Afterwards,€Chinese wanted„pull out of a similar conference,
  2073. ¥Sir Reginald Styles convinced them„change«minds.
  2074. Li Shou YuingŽa young archeologist of Chinese descent‘
  2075. Éalongside AceõMorgaine at Carbury. A member of
  2076. staff of€wheel of spaceŽcalled Chang.
  2077. /Ministry of Security civil servant¢charge of½
  2078. supervision.wantodldo investigate€¨Doct`r. When Axos
  2079. landed†Earth,¹firstä„obtain€exclusivity of Axonite
  2080. œEngland. Foiled‡Axos,¹Ž¡put¢charge of
  2081. distributing²throughout€world.ŽÅdiscredited
  2082. î€real nature of Axos's threat™been exposed.
  2083. /Neighbouring village of Moreton Harwood.
  2084. /World rich¢vegetable matter¥extremely poor¢
  2085. minerals, ruled‡€despotic Lady Adrasta.ŠŒ‰Erato
  2086. saved Chloris¶totalχa Neutron Starµ™
  2087. been diverted‡€Tythonians›a form of reprisal.
  2088. /The green colouring material of plants. Because€
  2089. Tythonians needed chlorophyll, they sent¤ambassador, Erato,„
  2090. Chloris.
  2091. /Venerable monk¢charge at K'anpo's Tibetan monastry;¢
  2092. reality, a projection of K'anpo.¦K'anpo regenerated,¹assumed
  2093. Cho-Je's physical appearance.
  2094. /Publicity-hungry TV journalist‘proved a 
  2095. hindrance at€army task forceµÉ€Yeti¢€Ù
  2096. underground.Žwrongly suspected of being a traitor,¥
  2097. survived„expose€real traitor (Sergeant Arnold),‰help€
  2098. ªŒž€ØIntelligence.
  2099. /Name given„€100,000ñchosen„…
  2100. *Ark
  2101. preserved¢€Ark¢Space. Among€ChosenƒNoah, Vira,
  2102. Libra, Lycett, Rogin‰Dune.
  2103. /Title borne‡Malkon†Sarn.
  2104. /Name߇Aukonœ€Áservants of€
  2105. ØVampire. AdricŽmeant„become€first of€
  2106. Chosen Ones.
  2107. /Time loop employed‡Meglos„trap€
  2108. “Doctor.
  2109. /Crystalline substance߇€“Œ„make
  2110. a substitute sixth peaceœ€Key„Time.
  2111. /See SALYAVIN.
  2112. /Meteorologist‰crewmember of€Sandminer,€first
  2113. victim of€Robots of Death.
  2114. /Nickname given‡Vicki„€Rills' wobbling
  2115. robots.
  2116. /See CHIMERIA.
  2117. /Scientist¶€future, involved¢time-travel
  2118. research.
  2119. /See LONGFOOT, JOSEPH.
  2121. AGENCY.
  2122. /Planet visited‡€Psychic Circusæ²went
  2123. „Segonax.
  2124. /TheËrematerialized¢Rossini's International
  2125. Circusæpreparing„face€¨Doctor.ŠGods of
  2126. Ragnarok™taken over€Psychic Circus†Segonax.
  2127. /Great cities of£visited‡€Œincluded Rome¢
  2128. AD 64,¦€©ŒÍinstrumental¢its burning‡
  2129. Nero. Coincidentally,€¸ŒŽresponsibleœ€
  2130. ØFire ofÙ¢1666. Other famous cities visited‡€
  2131. Œincluded: Amsterdam, Beijing; New York; Paris; Seville,
  2132. Tombstone, Arizona;‰€legendary cities of Atlantis‰Troy.
  2133.    Futuristic cities included€Dalek city†Skaro, Morphoton
  2134. †Marinus; Mechanus;€sentient, computer-controlled
  2135. perfect City of€Exxilons;€Megropolises of Pluto;
  2136. €Argolins' Leisure Hive;€underground city of€
  2137. Tigellans; Kroagnon's Miracle City‰€Paradise Towers;
  2138. ‰€colony of Terra Alpha.
  2139.    LogopolisŽa cityµfunctioned›a living computer.
  2140. CastrovalvaŽa Block Transfer Computationò‡Adric at€
  2141. Master's behest.
  2142. /Name given‡€Company„€ýworkers (or work-
  2143. units)†Pluto.
  2144. /Computer-controlled complex built‡€Exxilons‚
  2145. thought itself so perfect‚²­cast out its creators.
  2146. ItŽsupposed„…•of€700 wonders of€universe. It™
  2147. €ability„drain power¶passing spaceships„sustain itself,
  2148. ‰send tendrils®€ground„lookœmetal„replace its
  2149. damaged parts.Š¨Œ‰BellalɀŸthere,
  2150. ‰ultimatelyÕ¢reprogramming€à‰
  2151. destroying€City.
  2152. /London location耩Œ
  2153. ɀŸ¯«éof£¢AD 2164.
  2154. /Old space traveller,‰a pioneer of argonite space
  2155. mining. Nearly ruined‡space pirates,¹°ÉCaven
  2156. alongside€ªDoctor. Thanks„€¬Lord's intervention,
  2157. ClanceyŽ­reunitedš’partner. His»Ž€
  2158. erratic LIZ 79.
  2159. /One of€Clanton brothers.´¯€
  2160. gunfight at€OK Corral.
  2161. /The oldest of€Clanton brothers.Žintent†
  2162. getting revenge†Doc Holidayœallegedly killing’Ü
  2163. Reuben. This­led„confront Wyatt Earp‰kill’
  2164. brother, Warren,µ¢turn led„€gunfight at€OK Corral,
  2165. è¹died.
  2166. /Head of€Clanton family, a gang of cattle rustlers
  2167. ¢Arizona.could not stop’sons¶taking part¢€
  2168. gunfight at€OK Corral.
  2169. /One of€Clanton brothers.Žlocked up¢
  2170. jailîtrying„hang Steven.°´at€gunfight at
  2171. €OK Corral.
  2172. /One of€Clanton brothers, allegedly–‡
  2173. Doc Holiday.
  2174. /One of€deadly pawns߇€Toymaker (in
  2175. tandemšJoey)¦¹challenged€©Doctor, Steven‰
  2176. Dodo.
  2177. /Maintenance employee†€Sea Fort attacked‡€
  2178. Sea Devils.Žsaved‡€¨Doctor.
  2179. /The Alliance-classified planets (such›Ribos)µ™
  2180. not yet reached Earth's 20thÄscientific level›Class-3
  2181. (or Grade-3)‰protected them¶Çinterference. Planets
  2182. could…contacted only¦they reached Class-2 level.
  2183. Barhtolomew's Planetary Gazeteer provided a comprehensive listing of
  2184. all known world classes.
  2185. /Robotic Self-Activating Megapodic Mark 7Z cleanersµ
  2186. ƒsupposed„keep Paradise Towers clean,¥µƒsecretly
  2187. killing€KangsêKroagnon's influence.
  2188. /Self-proclaimed 'Mind Reader
  2189. Extraordinaire'‘developed real mind powers.Žinadvertently
  2190. –‡€Spiders of Metebelis 3›¹Žfocusing’ü
  2191. †€Blue Crystal.
  2192. /Poacher†¾Scarman's land.Ž–
  2193. ‡Sutekh's Mummies.
  2194. /Leader of€Britannicus Base team trying„stop€ice's
  2195. progress¢AD 3000.dared not make a decision without€
  2196. computers,‰™alienated’chief scientist, Penley.¿
  2197. €ªŒž€Ice Warriors‰­reconciled
  2198. himselfšPenley.
  2199. /One of€crew†€Concorde flightµŽ
  2200. hijacked„€Jurassic period‡€Master.ŽÛ
  2201. thanks„€¸˜efforts.
  2202. /Mechanical creatures encountered‡€
  2203. ªDoctor, Jamie‰Zoe¢€Land of Fiction.
  2204. /TheÃequivalent of¤alarm system signalling
  2205. *Con
  2206. vast‰impending danger.
  2207. /Cloning began„…practised̆£¢€
  2208. year AD 3922. Thanks„€Kilbracken technique of rapid holograph
  2209. cloning,€“Œ™himself‰Leela cloned‰
  2210. miniturized„ž€Nucleus.ŠŸcloned people,
  2211. transferring«mental patterns„€newlyò'Duplicates',
  2212. ‰destroying€originals. Among such duplicatesƒStien‰
  2213. Colonel Archer.ŠSontaransƒa race of clones.Šborad
  2214. ™ò24 clones of himself. Also”DUPLICATES.
  2215. /Bert's pub¢Devil's End.
  2216. /The Celestial ToymakerßClara‰Joey€Clowns
  2217. õSteven‰Dodo. Bellboy designed robotic clownsœ€
  2218. Psychic Circus.ŠChief Clownßthese„hold€Circus¢a
  2219. grip of fear.
  2220. /London school attended‡Susan while€©
  2221. ŒŽ†business connectedš€Hand of Omega. There, she
  2222. met two teachers, Ian Chesterton‰Barbara Wright,‘Í€
  2223. ˜companions.ŠschoolŽ°invaded‡€
  2224. Imperial Daleks.
  2225. /Frontios orderly.deserted‰Í€Ôof
  2226. €Retrogrades. After Brazen's death,¹çover’role›
  2227. Chief Orderly of€colony.
  2228. /Varosian animal.
  2229. /One of€Thals sent„Spiridon„stop€Daleks.
  2230. /Planet耓Œclaimed„have first
  2231. seen a Sandminer.
  2232. /Frenchman pretending„…workingšJames
  2233. Stirling„aid prisoners݀guillotine,¥¢Âa spy
  2234. œ€Revolution.¿€©Œ‰’companions.
  2235. Ž­–‡Jules Renan.
  2236. /French Catholic Nobleman workingœ€Abbot of
  2237. Amboise.
  2238. /Paleontologist‘worked at€Fetch Prioryš
  2239. Dr Fendelman‰Thea Ransome.¿€“Œ‰Leela
  2240. ž€Fendahl.
  2241. /Planet rich¢Orlion.
  2242. /In appearance, a small, bald man sitting¢a wheeled
  2243. *Coll
  2244. chair hooked up„€Company's computers. In reality,¹Ž€
  2245. Usurian¢charge of€Company's operations†Pluto.retained
  2246. ýform through€use of stratified paricle radiation.Š
  2247. “Œexposed‰òa deadly inflation spiralµ
  2248. caused„revert„’normal form‰slink back inside’
  2249. chair,蹎imprisoned.
  2250. /Chapters regrouping€¬Lords of Gallifrey.Šmost
  2251. notoriousƒ€Prydonians,€Arcalians‰€Patrexes.
  2252. /Member of Captain Striker's crew.
  2253. /Professor Scarman's old manservant,–‡•of
  2254. Sutekh's mummies.
  2256. |One of Lieutenant Scott's men.
  2257. /British army privateêGeneral Carrington's command.
  2258. Žtaken prisoner‡UNIT,¥°freed.
  2259. /Hard metalߢ€construction of€methane
  2260. refinery.
  2261. /In€early days of€21st century, men
  2262. launchedÖprobes‰several interstellar sub-light ships (some
  2263. ofµÍlost). At€end of€21st century, mankind
  2264. discovered faster-than-light propulsion‰launched a second wave of
  2265. ships (some ofµŽalso lost). That periodÍknown›€
  2266. ©Break Out. Colonies¶this period include Vulcan,µŽ
  2267. þovertaken‡€Daleks; another colony (unnamed),µ
  2268. Žsecretly controlled‡€Macra;‰Metabelis 3,µŽ
  2269. taken over‡mutated spiders¶Earth.
  2270.    During€24th century,Dalek‰Cyber Wars,
  2271. mankind pursued its expansion®space. Ruthless interplanetary
  2272. corporations such›Interplanetary Mining Corporation,€
  2273. Magellanic Mining Company, Terminus, etc. thrived. On Exarius, a new
  2274. colonyŽþtorn apart‡a conflictô€colonists‰
  2275. €IMC. As a result, coloniesÍincreasingly independant.
  2276. VarosŽa colony originally inhabited‡€criminally
  2277. insane.ŠTerra Alpha colonistsƒforced„…happyê
  2278. threat of death.Šresurgence of€Dalek‰Cyber Wars
  2279. ­resulted¢€creation of€Alliance.
  2280.    After€disbanding of€Alliance‰€birth of€Empire
  2281. ¢€27th century, a new period of aggressive colonization began.
  2282. Šrobotic mechanoidsƒlaunched. Because of man's increasing
  2283. apetiteœnatural resources,ýcoloniesƒnot always
  2284. welcome: because of«rich supply of molybdenum,€Sensorites
  2285. ƒ (rightly so) afraid of being colonized‡Earth.Š
  2286. Wirrn‰€Mogariansƒruthlessly exploited. On Deva
  2287. Loka,€evil Maraä„engineer a conflictô€native
  2288. Kinda‰¤Imperial£Exploration Force. DesperusŽa
  2289. colonyߛa prison planet,›SarnŽœ€Trion.
  2290. SolosŽ¤inhabitedºwhose atmosphere‰civilizationƒ
  2291. þtotallyׇEarth's colonization process. This,
  2292. ‰other factors,­led„€Fall of€Empire‰€
  2293. beginning of€Federation‡€31st century.
  2294.    After€“Dalek뉀end of€Federation,£
  2295. fell prey„many civil wars;€ºitselfŽincreasingly
  2296. poluted. A second, or Great, Break Out occured (with more lost
  2297. ships).ŠSons of£ï«appearance. These did not want
  2298. „see other worlds become›poluted›Earth. TheyÉý
  2299. colonists‘™relocated€natives of Delta Magna„a
  2300. moon. In€solar system, manŽforced„move„Mars,
  2301. ¡Pluto, a colony secretly run‡€Usurians.
  2302.    After€Ravalox interlude (blamed†solar flares), circa
  2303. AD 15,000,£Žreclaimed‡space colonists¶Galsec Seven,
  2304. ‘rallied„rebuild€planet.
  2305.    Considering Earth's track record,²is understandable that,¢
  2306. €far future,€Refusiansƒsomewhat reluctant„€idea
  2307. of sharing«ºš€Moniods‰€last humans¶€
  2308. Ark. Also¢€far future,†€colony of Frontios,€
  2309. Tractatorsßhumans›living power batteries.£itself
  2310. Žþcolonized‡would-be invaders (See INVASIONS). Also see
  2312. /Martian colonyèBret VyonŽborn.
  2313. /Crewmaster of Nerva Beacon‘´¶
  2314. Neurotrope X.
  2315. /See GORDON, CHARLES.
  2316. /InsaneÔof a failed£expedition„€Sense-
  2317. Sphere. With two other survivors,¹äpoisoning€Sensorites
  2318. šnightshade.Žexposed‡€©Doctor.
  2319. /See TRAVERS.
  2320. /See SMITH, JOHN.
  2321. /By€52nd century,£™become so polluted›
  2322. „…virtually uninhabitable.ŠCompany, a frontœ€Ç
  2323. Usurians, offered„move mankind„Mars,¢exchangeœ«
  2324. labour. Several centuries later,€Company moved men„Pluto,
  2325. aroundµthey built six small, artificial suns. There, men lived
  2326. a heavy taxed life until they rebelled‰overthrew€Company,
  2327. thanks„€Úof€“Œ‰Leela.
  2328. /See NIMON COMPLEX.
  2329. /TheŒencountered a number of giant computers‘
  2330. ™developed artificial intelligence‰sentience, such as:
  2331. WOTON;€ËBrain‘ruled€Land of Fiction;
  2332. BOSS;€à‘controlled€Perfect City of€
  2333. Exxilons;€schizophrenic Xoanonµ€Œhimself™
  2334. reprogrammedša Sidelian Memory Transfer;‰€Minyan
  2335. Oracle. Skagra's»Žpiloted‡¤artificial intelligence
  2336. computer.
  2337.    Other giant computers, such›€Conscience of Marinus;€
  2338. Ark¢Space'sà‰€Mentalis machine of Zeos,
  2339. ƒnot sentient.
  2340.   Šcity of LogopolisŽa living computer.ŠŸß
  2341. a young girl hooked up„aà›a battle computer.
  2342. Also see ROBOTS.
  2343. /Notorious French prison߯€French
  2344. Revolution. LemaitreŽits prison governor. Ian, Barbara‰Susan
  2345. stayed there.
  2346. /Supersonic airplane. Golf Victor Foxtrot Flight 192Ž
  2347. hijacked„€Jurassic era‡€Master.Š¸Œßa
  2348. second Concorde„rescue€first.
  2349. /Series of thirty books
  2350. purporting„tell€history of Castrovalva,µgave€¸
  2351. Œ’first clues›„its real nature.
  2352. /Misshapen, dimwitted servant of Dr Solon‘claimed„have
  2353. dragged¶€wreck of a Dravidian spaceship. Solon™stolen
  2354. ’arm„graft²†„€Morbius Monster. Condo­
  2355. saved Sarah Jane Smith's life, rebelledõSolon‰Ž–
  2356. ‡€Morbius Monster.
  2357. /See BUS CONDUCTOR.
  2358. /Giantàµeliminated evil¶€minds of
  2359. €inhabitants of Marinus. ItŽêArbitan's keeper-ship,‰
  2360. could…controlh d‡five microcircuits called 'keys'. Arbitan sent
  2361. €©Œ‰’Ò†a mission„gather€four,
  2362. missing keys.ŠConscienceŽ°×‡€Voords, whom
  2363. Ian™tricked®using a fake Keyï‡Darrius.
  2364. /Title borne‡€five rulers of€Union of Traken. At
  2365. €·€“Œvisited Traken, theseƒTremas, Kassia,
  2366. Seron, Katura‰Luvic.Šfive consular ringsƒneeded„
  2367. perform certain operations, such›€resetting of€Source
  2368. Manipulator.
  2369. /Company's financial institution†Pluto.Š“
  2370. ŒŽarrested¦¹ä„rob•š¤Ajack credit
  2371. card.
  2372. /Machine invented‡zoologist
  2373. Tryst‰¾Stein„capture‰study specimens ofÇ
  2374. fauna‰flora. It functioned›a primative version of€Scope.
  2375. It converted samples of planetary ecology®electromagnetic
  2376. signals, stored†evenet crystals.Šimage projection enabled€
  2377. operator„study€specimens. Tryst߀CET„capture‰
  2378. transport€savage Mandrels.Š“Œ­ß€
  2379. CET„capture Tryst‰’fellow vraxoin smuggler, Dymond.
  2380. /Alien¶Light's»‘evolved®a woman.
  2381. ¿€‹Œthwart Josiah Samuel Smith's plans. After
  2382. Light's defeat, she left¢’»šFenn-Cooper‰Nimrod.
  2383. /Leader of€Macra-dominated space colony, seen only›
  2384. a still picture†a broadcast system. In reality,¹Ža frail old
  2385. manêMacra's control.Žexposed‡€ªDoctor.
  2387. |One of€appointed rulers of€alternate 22ndÄ
  2388. 耟™Ìinvaded£îWorldëIII.
  2389. ­came„realise¹™been a traitor„’own race,
  2390. ‰¿€¨Œž€Daleks,‘–him.
  2391. /A neutron barrier߄protect€
  2392. Wheel¢Space. It could not, however, deflect meteors of more than
  2393. 200 tons.
  2394. /Chairman of€Grants Committereale went„
  2395. Cambridge„invesundete TOM-TIT.
  2396. /Boastful‰untrustworthy space explorer.came„
  2397. €Psychic Circus„compete¢a talent contestš’protegee
  2398. Mags. In reality,¹Žtrying„make a dealš€Gods of
  2399. Ragnarok.Ž–‡Mags›¹ä„forceˆ„murder
  2400. €‹Doctor. His bodyŽbriefly reanimated‡€Gods of
  2401. Ragnarok„prevent Ace‰Mags¶helping€Doctor.
  2403. /Skonnan space pilot whose»carried€Anethan tribute
  2404. „Skonnos. His nameŽSardor.Š“Œ¿repair
  2405. ’ship,¥€co-pilot¡leftstranded‰ù
  2406. Romana.Žsent‡Soldeed®€Nimon Complex蹎
  2407. –‡€Nimon.
  2408. /D-grade citizen of Pluto‘Žþdriven„suicide
  2409. because¹could not pay€Company’father's death taxes.Ž
  2410. ۇ€“Œ‘睄Mandrel's Others.
  2411. ­triumphed over’fears,‰bravely¿€Œ
  2412. ‰Leela overthrow€Company.
  2413. /Wandlike device given„Romana‡€White Guardian
  2414. „helpˆ‰€“Œidentify€six segments of€
  2415. Key„¬‰ðthem„«true shape.
  2416. /Alzarian scientist‘™studied€events leading„
  2417. Mistfall.
  2418. /One of¾Foster's colleagues.
  2419. /Director of€British Space Centre,
  2420. ‘monitored€Mars Probes‰Recovery missions.¿€
  2421. ¨Œ‰½solve€puzzle of€radioactiveÇ
  2422. ambassadors,‰ä„stop General Carrington's insane
  2423. plan.
  2424. /The©Doctor, Ben‰PollyÉCaptain Pike's
  2425. pirates¢17thÄCornwall.
  2426. /The©ŒÉ€ëMachines
  2427. here.
  2428. /On Trionñblew through two-corpera coinsœ
  2429. luck.
  2430. /One of€three symbols of power worn‡€
  2431. President of€High Council of€¬Lords of Gallifrey. (The
  2432. other twoƒ€Sash‰€Rod of Rassilon.) Its functionŽ„
  2433. link€President's mind„€Matrix. ItŽworn‡€“
  2434. Œ¦¹Žproclaimed president. Later, Borusaß²
  2435. „bend€Œ„’will.
  2436. /See BUSINESS.
  2437. /Second-in command of€Wheel¢Space.™
  2438. lostˆhusband¢a space accident†€asteroid belt.saved
  2439. €ª˜life‡stopping Bennett¶destroying€
  2440. Silver Carrier Ship. After Bennett's mental breakdown, sheçover
  2441. ‰­sacrificedˆlife„prevent€ ¶
  2442. poisoning€air¢€Wheel's Operation Room.
  2443. /Agent of Space Special Security dispatched„Kembel„
  2444. check®a Dalek buildup.Ž­–‡€Daleks,
  2445. ¥not湙·„discover€details of«plot‰
  2446. record²†a tape,µŽ°û‡€©Doctor.
  2447. /Officer of€Azure Customs‰Excise Service.‰’
  2448. colleague Fiskƒsent aboard€Empress„investigate vraxoin
  2449. smuggling. They first suspected€“Doctor,¥°arrested
  2450. €real smugglers, Tryst‰Dymond.
  2451. /British army Major‘assisted½¢retaking Stangmoor
  2452. Prison‰destroying€Thunderbolt Missile.
  2453. /One of€Marshal's men†Solos.‰Stubbs agreed„
  2454. help€¨Œdefend€Solonians. After€Marshal's
  2455. death, CottonÍacting Marshal of Solos.
  2456. /London underground station invaded‡€Web of
  2457. Fear.
  2458. /Its creationŽ€result of€use of€
  2459. Doomsday Machine.
  2460. /Scientist‘dismissed€possibility of¬
  2461. travel.
  2462. /Victim of€Ÿ¯«AD 2164 Invasion
  2463. of Earth.Žturned®a Roboman.
  2464. /British army lieutenant‘ȹŽfightingõ
  2465. €Germans¢WorldëI,¢1917, near Ypres. In reality,¹Ž
  2466. part of€ëGames.Ž­returned„’proper
  2467. ú¢·‰space‡€¬Lords.
  2469. |Overprotective nurse¢charge of Dr Judson.Ž–‡
  2470. €Haemovores.
  2471. /Younger of€two
  2472. Cranleigh sons. After’ÜGeorge,Žsupposed„have´
  2473. ¢€Amazon,¹ÍMarquess of Cranliegh‰Žø„
  2474. marry Ann Talbot,¦€¸Œdiscovered€truthø
  2475. George.
  2476. /Residence of€Cranlieghs.
  2477. /Railway station located near Cranliegh Hall.
  2478. *Tar
  2479. /Older of€two Cranliegh sons‰Charles's
  2480. *Geor
  2481. brother.explored€Orinoco portion of€Amazon‰Ž
  2482. horribly disfigured‡€Butiu Indians because¹™stolen a
  2483. sacred Black Orchid (also€title of’book).Žsaved‡
  2484. Latoni‰óback„Cranliegh Hall,è’existanceŽ
  2485. known only„’mother. Driven madšjealousy at€news of’
  2486. former fiancee Ann Talbot's wedding„’brother,¹escaped‰
  2487. –two servants, James‰Digby. Exposed‡€¸Doctor,
  2488. GeorgeùNyssa (Ann's lookalike)¥fell„’death.
  2489. /Dowager Marquess of Cranliegh‰mother of
  2490. George‰Charles. When George returned disfigured¶€Amazon,
  2491. she secretly hidat Cranliegh Hall,‰even covered upœ
  2492. murdered James‰Digby¢a fit of insanity.
  2493. /Location of€Zarbi headquarters†Vortis.
  2494. /Medical doctor¢charge of manufacturing€
  2495. antidoteõ€Silurian virus.
  2496. /Earth astronaut‘Žthought„have´¦’
  2497. experimental spaceship, XK5, disappeared near Jupiter. In reality,¹
  2498. ŽÞ‡€Kraals,‘brainwashed®believing‚
  2499. £™sentoff¢a faulty rocketµŽdestroyed,‰
  2500. ‚€Kraals rebuilt(minus•eye).¿Stryggron plot
  2501. €éof Earth. When€“Œshowed‚€
  2502. Kraals™lied„(his missing eyeŽstill¢its socket),‰
  2503. ƒplanning„exterminate mankindša virus, Crayford rebelled.
  2504. Ž–‡Styggron.
  2505. /Member of€cult of Hecate.
  2506. /The TARDIS's 'Fast Return' jammed‰þç€
  2507. ©Œbeyond 'Event One'.ŠËengineered€same
  2508. plan„destroy€¸Œat€beginning of’regeneration.
  2509. Š¸Œ°ÿMonarch of Urbanka,‘™
  2510. exhausted’planet's resources¢pursuit of’mad dream of going
  2511. back„€beginning of·„meet, or„become, God.Š
  2512. Raniå„blow up¤asteroid of Strange Matter¢order„
  2513. recreate€conditions of€Leptonic Era, a period of·µ
  2514. çúa microsecondî€Big Bang. This would have produced
  2515. Helium 2,š‚€Raniå„turnˆartificial Brain
  2516. ®a planet-sized¬Manipulator.
  2517.   Š¸Œdiscovered‚€Big Bang™been caused‡
  2518. ¤explosion of•of Terminus's giant engines,‰barely averted
  2519. a second explosion.Ševil entity known›Fenric probably
  2520. originated at€beginning of time.
  2521. /Nickname given‡€ñof Chloris„
  2522. Erato.
  2523. /See VICKI.
  2524. /Planetè€Graff Vynda-K's menÉ¢€Alliance
  2525. Wars. After€battle, Sholakh planted€Graff's flag¢€body
  2526. of€Crestan general.
  2527. /ItŽ¯€Cretaceous Period - 136„65 million
  2528. öago -‚€Dinosaurs,€Silurians‰€Sea Devils
  2529. ruled€Earth. Also”ANTHROPOLOGY, SILURIANS.
  2530. /UNIT colonel‘ÕBrigadier Lethbridge-
  2531. Stewartî¹retired.briefly met€ªDoctor,‘™
  2532. come„shake handsš€Brigadier€day of¤annual½
  2533. reunion.ŠŒû'unpromising'.
  2534. /Former athlete. As Mark,¹Ž•of Sir Charles
  2535. Grover's People.Ž€first„believe Sarah¦she revealed
  2536. theyƒnot aboard a spaceship en route„a New Earth.
  2537. /The act of breaking€law. Among€petty crooks‰
  2538. thieves were: poacher Seeley; circus owner Rossini;
  2539. crooked financier Lord Palmerdale‰con artists Garron,
  2540. Unstoffe,‰Sabalom Glitz. Lytton turned„bank
  2541. robbing while stranded¢20thÄEngland. Smugglers
  2542. included:€Cornish smugglers; gun runners Rohm-Dutt‰
  2543. Stotz; drug smugglers Tryst‰Dymond.
  2544.    Murderers included: Eyesen, Bennett,‰Doland;
  2545. hired killers: Johnny Ringo,€Bannermen‰Keillor;
  2546. pirates : Pike, Caven‰€Captain of Zanak;‰
  2547. slave traders Sevcheria, El Akir, Gray‰Rorvik.
  2548. Other ruthless murderers-for-profit included: Captain Dent of IMC
  2549. ‰€medieval Warlords Irongron‰Bloodaxe. Ian
  2550. ChestertonŽaccused of murder†Marinus,¥Žcleared‡€
  2551. ©Doctor.ŠSixthŒçpart¢a murder
  2552. investigation†€»Hyperion III.
  2553.    Traitors of€ýrace included: evil industrialist Forester;
  2554. would-be dictator Salamander; General Carrington;
  2555. Mavic Chen, Theodore Maxtible‰Ratcliffe,‘À€
  2556. Daleks; Klieg, Kaftan, Tobias Vaugn‰Dr Kellman,
  2557. ‘¿€Cybermen; Fewsham‰Eckersley,‘
  2558. assisted€Ice Warriors; Dr Quinn,‘cooperatedš€
  2559. Silurians; Stevens,‘ÀBOSS; Lupton,‘¿
  2560. €Spiders of Metebelis 3; Harrison Chase,‘worshipped€
  2561. Krynoids; Stael,‘summoned€Fendahl;‰Aukon, Zargo‰
  2562. Camilla,‘À€ØVampire.
  2563.    OnÇplanets, crime could…defined differently than†
  2564. Earth. On Interminor, immigration of anyÇlife formŽseverely
  2565. prohibited;†Pluto,€Usurians™set up a repressive
  2566. taxation society;†Terra Alpha,„…unhappyŽa crime
  2567. punishable‡death. VarosŽinhabited‡€descendants¶
  2568. a colonyœ€criminally insane,‘thrived†public torture›
  2569. a form of punishment.
  2570.    Alien justiceŽ›different›Çcrimes,‰creative forms
  2571. of execution (or exile) remained a constant.ŠMegara justice
  2572. machinesû«creators¢contempt‰×them.
  2573. EldradŽsentenced„€deadly test of€Horda;†Pluto,
  2574. criminalsƒsteamed alive;†Chloris, theyƒcrushed
  2575. êa rock;†Traken, criminalsƒturned®living
  2576. statues. On Trion, political prisonersƒexiled„Sarn;†
  2577. Varos, criminalsƒsent„€Punishment Dome‰«
  2578. executionsƒrecorded‰broadcast;†Karfel,€Borad
  2579. sentenced rebels„…exiled®€past through€Timelash;
  2580. †Proamon, KaneŽexiled„Svartos;†Terra Alpha,
  2581. criminalsƒdrowned¢boiling candy;¢€UK Habitat,
  2582. water thievesƒstoned.
  2583.   Š¬Lords considered interfering¢€development of other
  2584. planets a crime. They sentenced€ªŒ„exile†Earth,
  2585. ‰executed€ëLordœit.Š“ŒŽ°
  2586. framedœ€murder of€President (inÂcommitted‡Goth
  2587. ê€influence ofŠMaster)‰condemned„death‡
  2588. vapourization.Š“ŒŽalso condemned„deathœ
  2589. a technicality‡€Megara.Š¸ŒŽagain
  2590. sentenced„a similar death¦Omega bondedšhim.Š
  2591. SixthŒŽäœgenocide.
  2592. /Planetׇ€Nimon,‘¡prepared„invade
  2593. Skonnos.
  2594. /One of€Eternals,‘wore€guise of€captain of a
  2595. Greek galley¢€raceœEnlightenment. His»Ž×
  2596. ‡Captain Wrack,¥¹himself returned„eternity.
  2597. /Elder of€High Council of Atlantis.Ž–¦
  2598. queen Galleia over threw King Dalios.
  2599. /Guard at€Luna Penal Colony.pretended„help€
  2600. ¨Œ‰¾Dale„escape,¥Ž¢fact preparing
  2601. „kill them.
  2602. /Detective inspector¢charge of investigating
  2603. Gascoigne's disappearance. His identityŽtaken over‡€
  2604. Chameleons' Director,¥¹Žfreed‡Jamie.
  2605. /Alien tourist‘crashlanded¢Wales¢1959.Ž
  2606. –‡€Bannermen.
  2607. /Currency unit of Iceworld.
  2608. /Scientist workingœ€Mentors of Thoros-Beta.™
  2609. devised a brain transformerµenhanced brains‰µ¹™
  2610. ߆Lord Kiv. But KivŽdying, so Crozier experimentedša
  2611. process„transfer€dying Mentor Lord's mind®another body
  2612. (Peri's). At Sil's request,¹ß’Cell Discriminator†€
  2613. Sixth Doctor, causing„appear hostile‰more erratic than
  2614. usual. Crozier's mind-transfer processŽdeemed too dangerousœ
  2615. €course of natural evolution‡€¬Lords, so they
  2616. manipulated events„arrangeœKing Yrcanos of Krontep„kill
  2617. Crozier, Kiv‰Sil,‰rescue Peri.
  2618. /Doctor at€Bi-Al Foundation.‰Hedgesƒtaken
  2619. over‡Lowe's Virus.Žshot‡K-9,¥managed„infect
  2620. temporilyš€virusæ¹died.
  2621. /Military expeditions undertaken‡Western European
  2622. *Rich
  2623. ChristiansôAD 1095 snf 1270„recover Jerusalem¶Saracen
  2624. control.Š©Œ¿King Richard€Lionheart
  2625. towards€end of€¨Crusade (circa AD 1191).
  2626. /Method of executionœblasphemers†Tigella.Š“
  2627. ŒŽþcrushed„deathîbeing accused of stealing
  2628. €Dodecahedron.
  2629. /Method of preservation of bodies involving€use of
  2630. extremely cold temperatures.ŠTranquil Repose mortuaryß
  2631. Cryogenics„preserve dying millionaires‰politicians.
  2632. Cryogenicsƒß„keep Davros prisoner,‰€Cryons'
  2633. civilisationŽbased†cryogenics.
  2634.    Aliens‘haveßcryogenics„keep a supply of captive
  2635. soldiers include€Daleks;€Ice Warriors;‰Kane.
  2637. /Elfin-like natives of Telos, driven underground‡€
  2638. Cybermen.ŠSixthŒ‰Lytton¿them reclaim«
  2639. planet.
  2640. /Life began†£¯€Cryptozoic Period,
  2641. around 3.5 billionöago,¦Scaroth's spaceship exploded while
  2642. taking off. ThisŽincorrectly reported‡€“Œ
  2643. ›having happened 400 millionöago. Also”ANTHROPOLOGY.
  2644. /Crystalline life forms included€Krotons,€
  2645. Kastrians‰€Krargs. Many crystals encountered‡€
  2646. Œƒstones of great power:ŠKey„¬Ža perfect,
  2647. crystalline cube. Later, EnlightenmentŽoffered‡€
  2648. White Guardian¢€form of a crystal.
  2649.   Špriests of AtlantisÞte essence of€powerful
  2650. kronavore Kronos‰imprisoned²¢€Kronos Crystal.
  2651. Kontron crystalsƒû¢certain areas of€space-time vortex
  2652. ‰contained energies capable of harnessing space‰time.Š
  2653. Boradßthem„power a·tunnel called 'Timelash'.Š
  2654. Kronos Crystal might have been a Kontron Crystal. Kontron crystals
  2655. may…ïof taranium.
  2656.   ŠZolfa-Thuran Dodecahedron powered€underground Tigellan
  2657. civilization.ŠManussanØCrystalò€Mara¶
  2658. €evil within€Manussans' minds.Šcrystals of Metebelis
  2659. 3™€power„clear minds‰amplify power. Theyƒ
  2660. responsibleœ€mutation of€Spiders‰ƒalso,„a
  2661. degree, radioactive.
  2662.    Radioactive hyetusite existed¢natural, crystalline form. ItŽ
  2663. paid›a tribute‡Aneth„Skonnos; JasoniteŽ¤electro-
  2664. magnetic boosting crystalûonly†Crinoth.Šsecret of
  2665. €DragonfireŽa powerful energy crystal (which may have been
  2666. hynetusite).Š¨Œ¿€Solonian Ky achieve’
  2667. final mutation®a super-beingša radioactive crystal.
  2668.    Voolium‰Madronite 1-5ƒcrystalsû†Calufraxµ
  2669. could…ß„power a Psychic Interference Transmitter.
  2670. Tryst's Continuous Event Transmitter recordingsƒ†crystals.
  2671. ŠTerileptilsßVintaric crystals„provide lighting.
  2672. Quarb Crystalsƒß¢hyperspatial engines.
  2673. ”also MINERALS.
  2674. /Former politician, real name Lady Cullingford,
  2675. active¢ecological circles.Ž•of Sir Charles Grover's
  2676. 'People'.refused„believe Sarah‰Mark¦they toldˆ
  2677. ‚theyƒnot†a spaceship en route„a New Earth. Adam
  2678. ãconvincedˆ„at least listen„Sarah. When€truthŽ
  2679. exposed, she confronted Grover.
  2680. /Selection processµDrathro߄keep€
  2681. population of€UK Habitat constant. Merdeen¿some intended
  2682. victims„Ý€Cullings‡letting them out„€surface„
  2683. liveš€Free.
  2684. /The last battle of€'Forty-five Rebellion', held†
  2685. 6th April 1746¦€JacobitesêCharles Edward,€Young
  2686. Pretender (Bonnie Prince Charlie),ƒÿ‡€English army,
  2687. led‡€Duke of Cumberland.ŠªŒmet Jamie soon
  2688. afterwards.
  2689. /Son of DulcianÔSenex. Unlike other Dulcians, Cully
  2690. sought excitement‰ran¤illegal tour business.discovered
  2691. €Dominators¦¹ça party of clients„€Island of
  2692. Death. Afterwards,¹ä„convince€Dulcian council of€
  2693. threat posed‡€aliens,¥failed.­¿€
  2694. ªDoctor, Jamie‰Zoe save’planet.
  2695. /One of€crew†€Concorde flightµŽ
  2696. hijacked„€Jurassic Period‡€Master.ŽÛthanks
  2697. „€¸˜efforts.
  2698. /Police constable‘wanted„arrest€¸Œœ
  2699. Digby's murder at Cranliegh Hall.
  2700. /Hovercraft pilot‘mistook€ªŒœ
  2701. Salamander.
  2702. /Professor Foster's assistant.
  2703. /Official involvedš€Thunderbolt Missile.
  2704. /Trion's political police.
  2705. /American General¢charge of€Snowcap Space Tracking
  2706. Station at€·of€Mondasian Cybermen's invasion.refused
  2707. „listen„€©˜advice. Desperate„save’son's
  2708. life, CutlerÍmentally unbalanced‰Æ„use€
  2709. Z-BombõMondas, unable„realize‚²would also
  2710. endanger Earth.Ž­–‡Cyberleader Krang.
  2711. /Lieutenant‰son of General Cutler.piloted€
  2712. Zeus V space capsule‚ŽÆ‡€Cybermen.
  2714. /Powerful explosive devices‚€ ä„
  2715. use„blow up€fragment of Voga. They™been banned‡¤
  2716. Armageddon Convention.Š¸Œdisarmed a Cyberbomb
  2717. hidden¢¤underground network of caves¢€26th century.
  2718. /Communications device߇Tobias Vaughn„
  2719. communicateš€Cybermen.
  2720. /SupremeÔof€Cybermen.Ž
  2721. distinguishable‡’enlarged cranium.ŠCybercontroller first
  2722. appeared¢€Tombs of€ †Telos,è¹­
  2723. seemed„have been×¢aʚToberman. However,
  2724. a Cybercontroller (claiming„…€same entity)°masterminded
  2725. €ðof€ „Telos‰«plan„change history.
  2726. Ž–‡Lytton.
  2727. /The Cyberleader's deputy.
  2728. *Cyb
  2729. /Rodent-sized, quasirobotic creatures, capable of
  2730. detecting humans‡«brainwaves,‰programmed„leap upon‰
  2731. sting«preys. Theyƒß‡€ „attack€
  2732. ªŒ‰’Ò†Telos. Theyƒalsoß
  2733. †€Wheel¢Space„destroy€bernalium supply.Šª
  2734. Œ×them‡broadcasting high current phase constrasts.
  2735. Theyƒ°ß‡Dr Kellman„infect space beacon Nerva
  2736. š€Cybermen's Neurotrope X virus.
  2737. /The originally evolved¶€inhabitants of
  2738. *Cyb
  2739. Mondas, Earth's twin planet.ŠMondasian civilization developed
  2740. more quickly than Earth's‰Mondasians may have visited outº
  2741. ¢prehistoric times. At•point¢ancient history,œreasons
  2742. yet unknown, Mondas left€Solar System. ItŽ¯‚period
  2743. of wandering‚€Mondasians evolved®creatures of ruthless
  2744. logic;«organsƒreplaced‡cybernetic parts until they
  2745. ÍCybermen.Š are virtually immortal,«only
  2746. recorded weaknesses being gold (which crippled«breathing
  2747. mechanisms)‰high susceptibility„gravitation‰certain forms
  2748. of radiation.Š have evolved®numerous forms,
  2749. including‚of Cybercontrollers.
  2750.    It has been surmised that, at a certain point¯«space
  2751. journey, some left Mondas„form a planetary empire,
  2752. enslaving other civilisations‰turning them®Cybermen. This
  2753. empire included planets such›Planet 14. Eventually, these
  2754. 'galactic' began„feelƇEarth's technological
  2755. advance‰foreys®space. They launched¤éof£¢
  2756. 1970,š€help of Tobias Vaughn, head of International
  2757. Electromatics. They recognized€ªŒ›a hostileÇ
  2758. ¶a so-far unrecorded encounter†Planet 14.ŠŒ‰a
  2759. newly formed½í«plans,‰most of«space fleet
  2760. Ždestroyed. In 1988,€same launched yet another
  2761. attackõEarth,¥this time, theyƒÿ‡€
  2762. ‹Doctor;€remains of«fleetƒ×‡€
  2763. Silver Nemesis.
  2764.    Meanwhile, twoöearlier,¢1986, Mondas™returned„€
  2765. Solar System. Its å„steal Earth's energy„replace
  2766. «own depleted resources.ŠMondasian launched¤
  2767. attack†€planet, planning„drain²of its energy„repower
  2768. Mondas. Theyƒíat€South Pole‡€©Doctor.
  2769. Mondas absorbed too much energy‰Ždestroyed. ¶
  2770. €future, using a hijacked·vessel, secretly travelled back¢
  2771. ·„1985‰ä„crash Halley's Comet®£„save
  2772. Mondas. Theyƒÿ‡€SixthŒ‰Lytton.
  2773.    In AD 2030,€galactic launched another attackõ
  2774. Earth, this·planning„use€Wheel¢Space.
  2775.    In  2070, they invaded€moonbase. In both cases, theyƒ
  2776. ÿ‡€ªDoctor.
  2777.    Finally, Earth's expansion®spaceómankind¢direct
  2778. conflictš€Cybermen. Humanityûitself of€side of
  2779. thoseÇspecies‘™been fighting€Cybermen,‰formed
  2780. €Alliance. During€first Cyber Wars,€Alliance discovered
  2781. ‚gold,µexisted¢abundance†Voga,Žfatal„«
  2782. enemies,‰began using glitterguns. Driven¶«worlds,€
  2783.  ™no choice¥„flee. Before they did, theyï¤
  2784. attempt„destroy Voga,¥ƒonly partially successful. A
  2785. fragment survived‰began„drift towards€Solar System.
  2786. Soon afterwards,€ conquered€ºTelos‰drove
  2787. its native Cryons underground. They turned€Cryons' cities®
  2788. 'Tombs',¢¤attempt„heal‰preserve«speciesœ
  2789. Áassaults.
  2790.    Towards€end of€25th century,€“Doctor, Sarah Jane
  2791. Smith‰Harry Sullivaní€efforts of a small band of
  2792. isolated ‘ƒtrying„destroy€remains of Voga,
  2793. µ™drifted near Space Beacon Nerva¢Earth's Solar System.
  2794.    At€beginning of€26th century,€insane Logician Klieg
  2795. attempted„resurrect€Cybermen, whose Tombs™been located†
  2796. Telos. His plansƒfoiled‡€ªDoctor, Jamie‰Victoria
  2797. Waterfield. Once€Tombs™been opened, either€ 
  2798. continued„…reactivated, or other Cyber Forces drifting¢space
  2799. ƒsummoned„complete€job Klieg™begun. In any event,€
  2800.  ™·„regroup,‰reemerge›a serious galactic
  2801. threat.
  2802.    In AD 2526,ïaware of this new Cyber menace,€Alliance
  2803. agreed„meet†£¢a Galactic Congress„decide what steps
  2804. „take.Š ¡attempted„crash†€planet,¥
  2805. «schemeŽí‡€¸Œ‰’companions,
  2806. resulting¢€death of Adric.
  2807.    A second series of Cyber Wars ensued. HavingûVoga,€
  2808. AllianceŽagain¢possession of a vast supply of gold.Šresult
  2809. Žyet anotheržœ€Cybermen. Justæ€Alliance's
  2810. forcesïa final attack†Telos,€Cybermen's stronghold,€
  2811.  ßa hijacked·vessel„launch a final, desperate
  2812. attack. Theyä„not only save themselves,¥alter€course
  2813. of history (see above).Š·vessel may have been of Morok
  2814. origins,›theyƒ•of€few speciesšlimited·travel
  2815. capabilities at‚time. However,€ ƒÿ‡
  2816. €SixthŒ‰€courageous Cryons.
  2817.    At•point¢time, a crew of galactic ƒß‡
  2818. Borusa›pawns¢€Game of Rassilon.
  2819. /Dumb servant of Odysseus¯€Trojan War.
  2820. /See DE BERGERAC.
  2821. /Small galactic empire„µplanets such›
  2822. Ribos, Levithia, Skythros‰Cyrennis Minima belonged. ItŽallied
  2823. „€Alliance‰Éalongside²õ€Ÿ‰€
  2824. Cybermen.
  2825. /Planet of€Cyrennic Empire. Garron‰Unstoffe
  2826. stopped thereætravelling„Ribos.
  2827. /Perhaps€deadliest of all€pawns߇
  2828. €Toymaker„challenge€©Doctor, Steven‰Dodo.
  2829. /Sutekh powered’Mummiesša cytronic particle
  2830. accelerator.
  2831. /Skaro's identification¢€Movellan star
  2832. charts.
  2833. /Robot‘masqueraded›a Dum,¥Žactually a
  2834. semi-sentient Super-Voc sent aboard€SandmineršPoul„look
  2835. œTaren Capel.¿€“Œexpose Dask‰
  2836. sacrificed’life„save€¬Lords.
  2837. /(1452-1519) Italian painter, sculptor,
  2838. architect, engineer whose genius epitomized€Renaissance. About AD
  2839. 1503,€“Œ‰Sarah Jane Smithÿ€Mandragora
  2840. Helix¢€Dukedom of San Martino, Italy,‰¿save Leonardo
  2841. da Vinci's life‰€Renaissance. A fewölater,€same
  2842. Œmet•of Scaroth's twelve splinters, Captain Tancredi,¢
  2843. Leonardo da vinci's house.ŠJagaroth™commissioned€painter
  2844. „òseveral Mona Lisas¢order„enable’Áself„
  2845. finance’time-travel experiments.ŠMeddling Monk claimed
  2846. „have met Leonardo‰discussed€possibilities of powered
  2847. flightšhim.
  2848. /Human avatar of€three Gods of Ragnarok at€Psychic
  2849. Circus.
  2850. /Immensely powerful aliens¶Demos,‘looked like
  2851. *Azal
  2852. giant, goatlike, horned humanoids,‰ƒmasters of psionic
  2853. science. They arrived†£circa 100,000 BC,‰started mankind
  2854. †€road„civilization. It is likely‚€Daemonsƒ
  2855. partly responsibleœ€mysterious extinction of€
  2856. Neanderthals‰«replacement‡early modern humans.Š
  2857. Daemonsïa deep‰everlasting impression†€native cavemen,
  2858. ‰contributed„shaping«mythology.ŠDaemons revisited
  2859. £at irregular intervals„check†€results of«
  2860. evolutionary experiments. When theyãdeparted,€Daemons
  2861. left•of«own, Azal, behind¢a miniturized, suspended-
  2862. animation state;¹Žintended­„judge mankind‰
  2863. pass†’power. AzalŽsummoned back„life‡€Master,¥
  2864. Ž­ÿ‡Jo Grant's willingness„sacrificeˆ
  2865. own life„save‚of€¨Doctor. They may have given
  2866. €Kronos crystal„€ancient Atlanteans.
  2867. /A merchant of Jaffa.
  2868. /Newspaperµpublished¤articleø€
  2869. ¨˜non-human origins¯’stay at Ashbridge Cottage
  2870. Hospital.
  2871. /One of€Xeron rebels‘É€Moroks alongside€
  2872. ©Œ¢€Space Museum.
  2873. /Notorious member of€£Peace Party,
  2874. opposed„욀Draconians‰kept prisoner†€Luna
  2875. Penal Colony.‰€¨Œƒþ–‡Cross
  2876. ¦theyä„escape.
  2877. /Very dense, synthetic substance
  2878. Åò‡Davros‰ß¢€making of€Daleks'
  2879. mobile casing. Under certain conditions,²Žalso a powerful
  2880. explosive.
  2881. /Created‡Davros,€Ÿƒ€mutated descendants
  2882. *Dalek
  2883. of€Kaleds (aka Dals),•of€two races living†€º
  2884. Skaro.ŠŸlived inside a mobile casingµŽequipped
  2885. šsensor discs, a unique iris‰lens, a sucker-stick arm‰a
  2886. special extermination weapon. Their natural form appeared„…
  2887. small, green, bloblike, octopodsšclaws. They™•purpose:„
  2888. exterminate all other life forms‰become€dominant species¢
  2889. €universe.ŠEmperor DalekŽ€supreme Dalek leader. Mention
  2890. Žïof a Dalek Council,Åreporting„€Emperor.
  2891. Beneath²ƒ€warlords such›€Black or Gold Daleks.
  2892.   ŠDaleks' history is subject„different interpretations. It is
  2893. said‚€Ÿbegan›a humanoid race first known›Dals,
  2894. ¡°›Kaleds,†ºSkaro. Their enemiesƒ€Thals,
  2895. šwhom they engaged¢fierce warfare, lasting a thousand years,
  2896. culminatingš€neutronic warsµ×most of Skaro‰
  2897. ï²radioactive.ŠKaled scientist Davros studied‰further
  2898. developed some of€mutations resulting¶€wars,¡ò
  2899. a mobile casingœthem‰christened’new creatures Daleks.Š
  2900. Daleks' mobile casingŽbased†Davros's own life-support chair.
  2901. Earlier versionsƒpowered‡static electricity. Later versions
  2902. ßvarious forms of energy, including solar power.
  2903.   Š¬Lords sent€“Œ„Skaro„stop€
  2904. development of€Daleks,¥¹failed, succeeding only¢
  2905. entombing them¢€Kaled bunker,îthey™turnedõ
  2906. «creator.
  2907.    Later, some crippled Kaled survivors discovered€remnants of
  2908. Davros's earlyΉmutated themselves®new Daleks.
  2909. Š©Œmet€newŸ¢€Dalek City‰foiled
  2910. «attempt„destroy€surviving Thals‡increasing Skaro's
  2911. radiation levels. Those newŸÅЦ€Thals
  2912. ׫power controls.
  2913.   ŠoriginalŸultimately resurfaced‰çover Skaro,
  2914. driving€Thals®exile. Their ruthlessness enabled them„
  2915. conquer«space sector. Mankind's slow¥steady space expansion
  2916. attracted€Ÿattention. By AD 2160,€Ÿlaunched a
  2917. secret plan„invade Earth. First, they spread virulent plagues
  2918. through a swarm of meteorites. As a result,€solar systemŽ
  2919. quarantined‡€otherýcolonies.ŠŸstruck¢
  2920. AD 2164, invading¤þdepopulated Earth. Any attempt at space
  2921. ڎfirmly deltš‡€Daleks' space fleet. This
  2922. Íknown›€©Dalek War.ŠŸå„extract
  2923. Earth's molten core‰turn€º®a giant spaceship. But,
  2924. ¢AD 2167,€©Doctor, Susan, Ian Chesterton‰Barbara
  2925. Wright¿freedom fighters Dortman, Tyler‰David Campbell
  2926. ž€invaders. (The sameéՆa parallel
  2927. £èWorldëIII™occurred,¥Ž­erased
  2928. ¶€·continuum¦€¨Œprevented€death
  2929. of a 20thÄdiplomat Sir Reginald Styles.)
  2930.    SomeŸ‘™survived this©Dalekëcrashed†
  2931. Vulcan‰°ä„take over€ýcolony there,¥ƒ
  2932. ÿ‡€ªDoctor, Ben Jackson‰Polly.
  2933.   £É€Ÿagainîtheyä„blackmail€
  2934. galaxy‡controlling€only supply of parrinium (a mineralû
  2935. only†Exxilon),€cure„a space plague,µ€Ÿ™
  2936. probably started. Theyƒí‡€¨Doctor, Sarah Jane
  2937. Smith‰Earth's Marine Space Corps. Once€Daleks' role¢
  2938. €space plagueÍknown, several galactic races (including€
  2939. Draconians), probably stirred up‡€exiled Thals, united„
  2940. attack‰punish€Daleks. ThusŽborn€Alliance.Šë
  2941. ‚ensuedŽknown›€ªDalek War.ŠŸƒ¡
  2942. driven¶Skaro,µŽretaken‡€Thals.ŠŸƒ
  2943. forced„relocate„another world which, out of pride, they
  2944. christened Skaro (herein dubbed 'Skaro II').
  2945.    Circa AD 2540,€Ÿdecided‚«best tactic would…
  2946. „create a splitô€Alliance's two most powerful members:
  2947. £‰Draconia. They engaged€services of€Ë„
  2948. foment aìô€humans‰€Draconians, even offering
  2949. €use of«Ogron slaves. But€Master's schemeŽ
  2950. exposed‰ÿ‡€efforts of€¨Œ‰Jo Grant.
  2951.   ŠŸ¡plotted„attack€Allianceš€secret of
  2952. invisibility‰a 10,000-strong Dalek army, kept frozen†Spiridon.
  2953. Š¨Œ‰Jo,š€help of a Thal commando unit‚
  2954. ™been monitoring€Daleks' moves¶Skaro,íthem again.
  2955. ŠThals notified€Alliance of€Daleks' activities,‰
  2956. €Alliance struck back, leading„€¨Dalek War. At•
  2957. point¯€war, a Dalek casingŽput†exhibit¢€
  2958. Moroks' Space Museum,‰provided a hidingúœ€©
  2959. Doctor. Also, a DalekŽß‡Borusa›a pawn¢€Game of
  2960. Rassilon.
  2961.   ŠŸ­çadvantage of€Alliance's slow
  2962. disintegration¯€26thĄlaunch¤attack†Skaro.
  2963. TheyÕ¢exterminating most of€Thals,¥€º
  2964. itselfŽturned®a bombed-out ruin of no further use„them -
  2965. or so they thought. Towards€end of€26th century,€Ÿ
  2966. encountered€equally aggressive robotic Movellans,µthey
  2967. could not crush. Caughtô€still powerful Alliance‰€
  2968. undefeated Movellans,€Ÿfelt trapped. So,›€27th
  2969. Äbegan, they returned„Skaro„recover«long buried
  2970. creator, Davros. But«effortsƒí‡€“Œ
  2971. ‰Romana. DavrosŽtaken„£è¹Žsentenced„life
  2972. ¢suspended animation.
  2973.    Deprived of Davros's help,€Ÿlost«ìõ€
  2974. Movellans,‘ßa special virus„decimate them. While striving
  2975. „ž€Movellans,€Ÿ™become aware of€¬
  2976. Lords' existence‰discovered€rudiments of·travel
  2977. technology, involving€use of·corridors. Ninetyöî
  2978. Davros's trial,€Ÿhired Lytton„free Davros¶€space
  2979. penitentiary蹎kept. They alsoހ¸Œ
  2980. ‰plotted„useõ€¬Lords,‘™Å
  2981. ä„stop€Daleks' discovery of·travel.ŠŒ
  2982. ÿ€Ÿ¥Davros escaped, now intent†creating new
  2983. Daleks, subservient only„him.
  2984.    Davros secretly located„Nekros where, posing›€Ø
  2985. Healer,¹ß€bodies stored¢€mortuary known›Tranquil
  2986. Repose„create’own White (or Imperial) Daleks. But¹Ž
  2987. exposed‰depaated‡€Sixth Doctor. Davrept›taken back„
  2988. Skaro II‡€Daleks.
  2989.    Davros apparently escaped, since¹‰€ŸÉagain¢
  2990. orøAD 2963.Štwo campsß«·corridor technology
  2991. „travel back¢·„1963لcapture€Hand of Omega.
  2992. As a result of€‹˜intervention, both Dalek races
  2993. ƒutterly devastated, Either Skaro's, or Skaro II's, sunŽ
  2994. destroyed. However, Davros,‘™already taken„calling himself
  2995. €Emperor Dalek, escaped.
  2996.    A long period of inactivity ensued. Sometimeô€32nd‰
  2997. 38th centuries,€Ÿrestored Skaro (or Skaro II?)„its
  2998. former glory. They also refined«·travel technology. Using
  2999. taranium, theyƒnow able„build crude·travel machines.
  3000. —of«first enterprisesŽ„send¤exterminating team„
  3001. chase€©Doctor, Vicki, Ian‰Barbara through·‰
  3002. space.ŠDalek squadŽ­×‡€
  3003. Mechanoids.
  3004.    Circa AD 4000,€Ÿagainä„take over€Solar
  3005. Systemµthey percieved (possibly blinded‡«centuries-old
  3006. feudšmankind)›€Federation's lynchpin. This time, they
  3007. allied themselvesšother space races (including Galaxy 5). This
  3008. Íknown›€“Dalek War.
  3009.   ŠDaleképlansƒfirst discovered†ºKembel‡
  3010. Space Security Agent Marc Cory,‘Žmurdered‡€Daleks.
  3011.    Soon afterwards,€©Doctor, Steven Taylor‰Katarina
  3012. arrived†Kembel,‰discovered a tape left‡Cory. With€help
  3013. of another Space Security Agent, Bret Vyon, they decided„warn
  3014. £of€impending Dalek attack,‰of€treachery of Mavic
  3015. Chen,€Guardian of€Solar System. Chen™given€Ÿ€
  3016. replacement taranium they needed„activate«supreme weapon:
  3017. €¬Destructor.
  3018.   Š·travellersá€Daleks' taranium core,‰fled
  3019. Kembel. In€coarse of«escape, Katarina sacrificed herself
  3020. „saveˆcompanions. Bret VyonŽ–‡’sister, Sara
  3021. Kingdom,‘°ûout€truth‰¿€Doctor. When
  3022. €¬DestructorŽãactivated,²Ž†Kembel,µ
  3023. put a stop„€Dalek invasion. Unfortunately, its deadly effects
  3024. also–Sara Kingdom.
  3025.    Presumably,€Federation¡retaliated,‰€Ÿƒ
  3026. again driven back„Skaro,«power‰influence severely
  3027. curtailed.
  3028.    AÄor so later, however,€Ÿmanaged„obtain some
  3029. more taranium,‰decided again„use«·travel
  3030. capabilities„attack Earth. By then, theyƒruled‡¤Emperor
  3031. Dalek,‘could very well have been Davros,îpossibly
  3032. subjecting himself„further mutations.
  3033.    Resorting again„«favorite weapon,€biological one,
  3034. €Ÿå„infect humanityš€Dalek factor. Having
  3035. detected¾Waterfield's early·travel experiments,€
  3036. Ÿtravelled„AD 1866 Earth.ŠEmperor's effortsƒ
  3037. 퇀ªDoctor, Jamie‰Victoria Waterfield. Instead
  3038. of infecting mankind,€ŸthemselvesÍcontaminatedš
  3039. €ýfactor. A civil좵€Dalek raceÐ
  3040. erupted†Skaro.
  3041.    However, some humanizedŸmay have survived, thereby making
  3042. €“˜prophecy‚­a greater good would
  3043. come of€Ÿcreation come true.Šfact‚€Ÿ
  3044. ­Íextinct, thanks mostly„€Úof€
  3045. Œ(often manipulated‡€Celestial Intervention Agency),
  3046. may…evidence of¬Lord intervention.
  3047. /King of Atlantis‘livedœ537 years.™realized
  3048. ‚€short-term benifitsó„Atlantis‡€use of€
  3049. Kronos Crystal would spell long-term doom,‰forbade its use. His
  3050. Queen, Galleia, betrayed„€Master,‘overthrew‰
  3051. ™beaten.´¢€third˜arms, having forseen
  3052. ’kingdom's doom.
  3053. /See DALEKS.
  3054. /Retired British major‰passenger of€SS Bernice.Ž
  3055. ¤unwitting prisoner of Vorg's Scope,¥Ž­restore
  3056. „’properú¢space‰·‡€¨Doctor.
  3057. /Major Daly's daughter, a passenger of€SS Bernice
  3058. ‰¤unwitting prisoner of Vorg's Scope,¥Ž­
  3059. restored„ˆproperú¢space‰·‡€¨Doctor.
  3060. /Galifreyan technician‘reported€transmission of€
  3061. ¸˜biodata„Omega.¿€Œexpose
  3062. Omega.
  3063. /British astronaut†board€Mars Probe 6»‘
  3064. Žactually–‡a radioactive alien.
  3065. /Frenchman‘Žtrying„ݶ€guillotine
  3066. ¦¹stumbled onto€©Œ‰’companions.
  3067. /See TOMB OF RASSILON.
  3068. /See CHAOS.
  3069. /Professor Hayter worked there.
  3070. /Planet incorporated®Tryst's CET.
  3071. /Old scientist‘Žguarding•of€missing Keys¢
  3072. €jungles of Marinus,‰‘™accelerated its flora's
  3073. evolutionšDE 302.ïa fake key,µIan°gave„
  3074. Yartek.
  3075. /Notorious French swordsman‰musketeer. His fictional
  3076. counterpartŽencountered‡€ªDoctor, Jamie,‰Zoe¢
  3077. €Land of Fiction.
  3078. /Ace's friend. According„Auge,¹married Flo.
  3079. /(1809-82) English naturalist‘first formulated
  3080. €theory of evolution,‰•of€eleven geniusesù‡
  3081. €Rani„make upˆgiant Brain. Following€publication
  3082. of’seminal book, On€Origin Of Species, Josiah Samuel Smith
  3083. wrote several articles endorsing’views.
  3084. /Chief Fixer of€Sandminer crew. In reality,¹ŽTaren
  3085. Capel, a scientist‘™been raised‡robots‰thought of them
  3086. ›’brothers.wanted Robots„take control of mankind,‰
  3087. ßa Laserson Probe„reprogramme€Robots aboard€Sandminer
  3088. „kill’crewmates.Ž–‡SV7¦€“Œ
  3089. released helium¢€atmosphere, changing’voice‰therefore
  3090. making²impossibleœ€Robot„recognize him.
  3091. /Subject Guardian enslaved‡€Ark's Monoids. After€
  3092. Monoids' defeat,¹‰Venussa led€humans®making¤
  3093. honourable peaceš€Monoids‰living¢harmony†Refusis.
  3094. /Scientist‰head of projects†Space
  3095. Station J7.™technologically augmented Chessene‰¿ˆ
  3096. capture€ªDoctor.Žprepared„dissect„obtain
  3097. €secret of Rassilon Imprimature,‰give Chessene€ability„
  3098. travel through time. When¹realized sheŽstill a bloodthirsty
  3099. androgum,¹rebelled‰refused„kill€Doctor. Chessene shot
  3100. him.
  3101. /See GRIFFITHS, DAVE.
  3102. /One of€Eternals‘wore€guise of€captain of a
  3103. 19thÄclipper„engage¢€planet-spanning space race,
  3104. œenlightenment. His»Ž×‡Captain Wrack,¥¹
  3105. himself returned„eternity.
  3106. /See BILL.
  3107. /One of€Chameleons' tour operators.
  3108. /Arden's assistant.Ž–¢¤ice avalanche.
  3110. |Wenley Moor technician‘´of fright while spelunking¢
  3111. €Silurian caves.
  3113. |Police constable‘investigated Aunt Vanessa's murder.
  3114. /One of€Llanfairfach miners.
  3115. /Great¥twisted‰crippled Kaled scientist. DavrosŽ
  3116. *Davros
  3117. permanently attached„a mobile life-support chair. His vision,‰
  3118. probably’other senses›well,ƒreplaced‡mechanical aids.
  3119. ™þlost€use of’left arm. DavrosŽChief
  3120. Scientist of€Kaleds‰€person responsibleœ€creation
  3121. of€Daleks, whose mobile casingŽbased†Davros's own life-
  3122. support chair.
  3123.    DavrosÉõ€“Doctor,‘™been sent‡€
  3124. ¬Lords„Skaro„stop€creation of€Daleks,‰Davros 
  3125. even plotted€Ïof’ownñ„further’
  3126. creations. DavrosŽ­blasted‡€Daleks,‘turned
  3127. õhim,‰Žleftœdead¢€Kaled bunker.
  3128.   ŠŸóDavros back„life¢€27th century,¦
  3129. they needed’helpõ€Movellans. But, thanks„€“
  3130. ˜intervention, DavrosŽÞ‰sentenced„life¢
  3131. suspended animation¢a space station. Ninetyöî’
  3132. trial, DavrosŽfreed‡galactic mercenary Lytton,‘™been
  3133. hired‡€Daleks,‘again needed«creator's helpõ
  3134. €Movellan-designed virus. Davros¡decided„òa new
  3135. race of Daleks, subservient only„him. But’plansƒ
  3136. 퇀¸Doctor. Afflictedš€Movellan virus,
  3137. DavrosŽthought„have´¢€Ïof€space
  3138. Penitentary.
  3139.    However, Davros™survived. Under€identity of€Ø
  3140. Healer,¹çover€Tranquil Repose mortuary†Nekros,è¹
  3141. ßýbodies¢suspended animation„ãcreate’own
  3142. army of White (Or Imperial) Daleks. But€SixthŒÿhim.
  3143. Betrayed‡¤employee of Tranquil Repose, DavrosŽÞ‡
  3144. €Ÿ‰taken back„Skaro (or Skaro II).
  3145.    Davros resurfaced againøAD 2963. Leading’White Daleks,
  3146. ‰using€identity of€Emperor Dalek, Davros߀Daleks'
  3147. time-corridor technology„travel back¢·„1963ل
  3148. capture€Hand of Omega. There,¹É€regular Daleks, led
  3149. ‡a Black Dalek. Both Dalek racesƒutterly devastated. Either
  3150. Skaro's, or Skaro II's, sunŽdestroyed,¥Davros escaped
  3151. again.
  3152.    It is possible‚Davrosãachieved’dream of
  3153. reclaiming control over’creations.ŠEmperor Dalek of°
  3154. ömay very well have been¤evolved version of Davros.
  3155. /(1778-1829) Famous English chemist, invited„a
  3156. meeting‡George Stephenson.ŠËwanted„kidnap„
  3157. harness’genius,¥Ží‡€Sixth Doctor.
  3158. /Theodore Maxtible's maid.
  3159. /Dr Lawrence'sâat Wenley Moore.Ž
  3160. fond of Dr Quinn,‘™confided¢her,’secret relationship
  3161. š€Silurians. After Quinn's death, she told€¨Œ
  3162. all she knewø€Silurians.
  3163. /Earthman‘owned¤experimental plantèBret Vyon
  3164. chose„land€Spar 7-40¦¹‰€©Œƒtrying
  3165. „stop€Daleks' Masterplan. Vyon thought DaxterŽ’friend,
  3166. ¥Daxter betrayed„Karlton,‰Vyon–him.
  3167. /Day¦€Gundans slew€Tharils.
  3168. /Chemicalò‡Darrius„accelerate€evolution of
  3169. Marinus's plants.
  3170. /(1619-55) French swordsman, poet‰writer.
  3171. His fictional counterpartŽencountered‡€ªDoctor,
  3172. Jamie‰Zoe¢€Land of Fiction.
  3173. /(1519-72) Admiral of France‰Ôof€Huguenots.
  3174. Wary of’growing influence†€King,¹™been targetedœ
  3175. death‡Catherine de Medici. A first assassination attemptŽï
  3176. õ†22nd August 1572,¥failed thanks„Steven‰Anne
  3177. Chaplette's intervention. De ColignyŽ–two days°¯
  3178. €St Bartholomew's Day Massacre.
  3179. /Leader of a gang of Nazi refugees¢South America.
  3180. *Flores
  3181. ™managed„obtain€Silver Nemesis's bow. After€statue
  3182. landed back at Windsor,¹É€‹Doctor, Lady Peinforte
  3183. ‰€ „gain control of it.Ž–‡€
  3184. Cybermen.
  3185. /Officer aboard€Morestran spaceship sent„Zeta Minor.
  3186. Ža member of Vishinsky's landing party,µû€“
  3187. Doctor.Ž°–‡Sorenson¦€scientist turned
  3188. ®a neanderthal-like monster.
  3189. /Ranulf Fitzwilliam's cousin.Ž
  3190. އ€Ëî¹ónews‚€real King John
  3191. Ž¢London.ŽÛ‡€¸Doctor.
  3192. /French Huguenot workingœAdmiral de Coligny.
  3193. refused„believe Steven‰Anne Chaplette¦they toldof
  3194. €plotõ’master's life.
  3195. /One of King Richard I's knights.Ž–
  3196. ¯El Akir's ambush.
  3197. /(1519-89) Queen Mother of France¯
  3198. Charles IX's reign. Worriedø€growing influence of Huguenot
  3199. ÔAdmiral de Coligny†€King, she plotted’assassination
  3200. ‰later,€St Bartholomew's Day Massacre.
  3201. /One of King Richard I's knights.Žwounded
  3202. ¯El Akir's ambush,¥ŽÛ‡€©Œ‰’
  3203. companions.
  3204. /Leader of€British InstituteœDruidic Studies.
  3205. ɀ“Œ¢€service of€ÇCessair of
  3206. Diplos,‰Ž°–‡¤Ogri.
  3207. /Device assembled‡€“Œ„destroy€
  3208. robots of Death. ItŽß‡D84„save€˜life, at€
  3209. cost of’own.
  3210. /See KINGPIN.
  3211. /Early¢«history,€¬Lordsò€Death
  3212. Zone,ècreatures scooped¶various places¢·‰space
  3213. ƒforced„Êœ«amusement. Eventually, Rassilon closed
  3214. €Death Zone‰banned€¬Scoop.ŠTomb of RassilonŽ
  3215. °erected at€centre of€Death Zone.
  3216. /French city†€Channel coast. Colonel Skinsale lost a
  3217. large sum of money„Lord Palmerdale¢its casinoæbecoming
  3218. shipwrecked†Fang Rock.
  3219. /Ruling council of three Alzarian citizens, comprised of
  3220. Draith, Nefred,‰Garif. After Draith's death,€more decisive
  3221. LoginŽappointed Decider.Š©Decider (Draith,¡Nefred)
  3222. Ž€only•‘knew€truthø€Alzarians.also knew
  3223. ‚€StarlinerŽfully repaired,‰ready„leave at any
  3224. time. After€“Œsaved€Alzarians, Garif asked„
  3225. become a Decider,¥€Œrefused.
  3226. /One of€inner group of Tigellan savants.‰Caris
  3227. ¿€“ŒžMeglos,‰led«ñ„
  3228. reclaim Tigella's surface.
  3229. /Scale use„measure storms†Delta Magna.
  3230. /Force field߇Sutekh„seal€Old
  3231. Priory.
  3232. /Alzarian scientist‘™studied€events leading„
  3233. Mistfall.
  3234. /Tryst'sↀVolante zoological expedition.
  3235. Ž¢lovešˆfellow expedition member, Stott.Žaboard
  3236. €Empress¦²crashed®€Hecate. After sheû‚
  3237. Tryst‰Dymondƒsmuggling vraxoin, sheŽshot‡Dymond,¥
  3238. ŽÛ‡€“Doctor.
  3239. /Greek slave whom Ian met†a Roman galley.ÉIan›
  3240. a gladiator. Later,¹–Sevcheria,¡escaped¯€
  3241. ØFire‰returned„’homeland.
  3242. /According„€¨Doctor, aºwhose nativesß
  3243. «eyebrows„communicate.
  3244. /Young queen of€Chimeron. Afterˆñƒ
  3245. exterminated‡Gavrok's Bannermen, she managed„Ý„€1959
  3246. Welsh holiday camp of Shrangri-La,š€egg of a young Chimeron
  3247. Princess. There,€Bannermenƒí‡€‹Doctor,
  3248. Billy‰Ray, Goronwy‰two US secret agents, Hawk‰Weismuller.
  3249. Theyƒãÿ‡€young Chimeron Princess's
  3250. ultrasonic powers, broadcast over Shrangri-La's public address
  3251. system. Billy returned„Chimeriašˆ„helpˆrepopulate
  3252. ˆplanet.
  3253. /Planet whose third moon™become a resevationœits
  3254. green-skinned natives known›'Swampies',‘worshipped€god
  3255. Kroll.Šthird moon also housed a methane refinery whose
  3256. controller, Thawn,ä„exterminate€Swampies.
  3257. /One of€ultimate weaponsò‡Rassilon„
  3258. protect Gallifrey. ItŽa powerful disintegrator powered‡€
  3259. energy of€Eye of Harmony‰activated‡€ØKey.
  3260. Rassilon™forbidden its use,¥€“Œrecreated²
  3261. „destroy€Sontarans‘™invaded Gallifrey. After²™been
  3262. used,€Demat Gun vanished‰its knowledgeŽerased¶€
  3263. ˜memory.
  3264. /Mutant seeds developed‡Lasky. Bruchner‰Doland.
  3265. They could grow†desert sands‰yielded large food returns.
  3266. /Roman deity worshipped‡€Brothers of Demnos.
  3267. requiredýsacrifices.
  3268. /See MAGIC, RELIGION.
  3269. /Home world of€Daemons, supposedly locatedøsixty
  3270. *Azal
  3271. thousand lightöaway¶Earth,†€other side of€Milky
  3272. Way galaxy.
  3273. /Controller of Central European Zone‰Giles
  3274. Kent's last ally¢’ÊõSalamander. Salamander™
  3275. imprisoned.Žshot while trying„escape.
  3276. /Captain¢charge of€Interplanetary Mining Corporation
  3277. expedition„Exarius. Because€ºŽrich¢Duralinium,¹
  3278. Ždetermined„wrest²¶Ashe's colonists.‰’first
  3279. officer, Morgan,ßall kinds of tricksõ€colonists,
  3280. including using a miningÖequipped„simulate lizard attacks,
  3281. taking hostages,‰forcing€colonists, at gunpoint,„take off
  3282. ¢a»likely„explode. But theyƒfoiled‡€¨
  3283. Doctor, Ashe‰Winton. Dent‰’menƒ­sent back
  3284. „Earth.
  3285. /Tigellans‘worshipped€god Ti‰€Dodecahedron.
  3286. Theyƒled‡Lexa‰ƒvehemently opposed„any study of€
  3287. Dodecahedron, or any plans„reclaim€Tigellan surface.
  3288. /Right-hand man of€Chief Caretaker of
  3289. Paradise Towers. When¹realized‚Kroagnon™taken over€
  3290. Chief,¹joined forcesš€‹Doctor,€Kangs‰€
  3291. Rezzies„destroy€ØArchitect.
  3292. /Location of€British atomic research station of
  3293. Wenley Moor,‰of€Silurian's shelters.
  3294. /One of Ace's friends¶Perivale.Žù‡€
  3295. Cheetah People,‰­taken back„£‡Ace.
  3296. /One of€Trion agents‘Ža tax inspector†Derveg.
  3297. /Space pirate‰Caven's lieutenant.once workedœ
  3298. Earth,¥Žcaught stealing.É€ªŒ™
  3299. К’boss¦«Beta Dart»Žblown up‡
  3300. €International Space Corps.
  3301. /One of King Richard I's knights. To save€
  3302. King,¹impersonated¯El Akir's ambush.‰Barbara
  3303. ƒÞ‰taken„Saladin,‘saw through€
  3304. imposture.
  3305. /An£prison worldèincorrigible criminalsƒ
  3306. dumped„fendœthemselves or die.Š©Œcrashed
  3307. there†€Spar 7-40 while trying„stop€Daleks'
  3308. Masterplan.
  3309. /Also known›€'Lord of Darkness' or€'Eater
  3310. of Worlds'.Ža mysterious other-dimensional entity of great
  3311. magical power.Žbound¢chains of silver‡Morgaine,‘
  3312. released†Earth.intended„'devour'€planet,¥Ž
  3313. shot (andÅkilled)‡€Brigadier,‘ßsilver
  3314. bullets.
  3315. /Tibetan monasteryµ€Œfirst visited¯
  3316. €17thÄ¢¤unrecorded adventure.ŠªŒ
  3317. returned there¢€mid-1930's„Êits High Lama, 
  3318. Padmasambhava, whose mind™been taken over‡€Ø
  3319. Intelligence,‰€ÖYeti.
  3320. /Beautifulºinhabited‡€peaceful, telepathic
  3321. Kinda‰known¢£terms›S14. ItŽ­reclassified
  3322. ›unsuitableœcolonization.
  3323. /British village copied‡€Kraals„serve›a testing
  3324. *Kraal
  3325. groundœ«androidéof Earth. ItŽnear a Space
  3326. Research Station,°invaded‡€Kraals' androids.
  3327. /VillageèDevil's HumpŽlocated.
  3328. /Barrow moundèAzalŽburied.
  3329. /Alzarian chief scientist.Žstrangled‡€
  3330. Marshchild›¹Žpreparing„dissectalive.
  3331. /Galactic swindler‘accompanied Sabalom Glitz„Ravalox.
  3332. *Dibber
  3333. Their goalŽ„steal€secrets previously stolen¶€¬
  3334. Lords' Matrix‡€Andromedan Sleepers.×Drathro's
  3335. Maglem converter,‰¼triggered¤explosion‚would
  3336. have endangered€entire universe, if€SixthŒ™not
  3337. stopped it. After Drathro's destruction,¹suggested¹‰Glitz
  3338. could make money¶selling€converter's siligtone.
  3339. /One of€Llanfairfach miners.
  3340. /Roman slave-trader‰Sevcheria's partner.
  3341. /MountainousºµŽsparsely inhabited‡a few,
  3342. peaceful humanoids,‰some Sand Beasts. ItŽthere‚€©
  3343. Doctor, Ian‰BarbaraÛVicki¶€murderous Bennett.
  3344. /(aka DIDOI) A gentle, peaceful race of humanoids,‘™
  3345. once been visited‡€©Doctor. Later, most of€Didonians
  3346. ƒmurdered‡Bennett¢’mad scheme„save himself¶a
  3347. murder charge. Two Didonians°reappeared‰caused Bennett„
  3348. fall„’death.
  3349. /Servant hired‡Lady Cranleigh„careœˆson,
  3350. George. George–¯a fit of insanity.
  3351. /American tourist‘met€©Œ†top of
  3352. €Empire State Building,¦€¬Lord‰’Ò
  3353. ƒbeing pursued through·‰space‡€Daleks.
  3355. /Scientist‘told¾Rubeish‚€
  3356. real Lavinia SmithŽ¢America.
  3358. /The¨Œ‰½Édinosaurs‘ƒß
  3359. *Trex
  3360. ‡€Silurians„protect«shelters. They°É
  3361. dinosaurs scooped up‡¾Witaker's·device,„help Sir
  3362. Charles Grover's Operation Golden Age.Š¨Œ
  3363. encountered a plesiosaurus¢Vorg's Scope.ŠSixthŒ
  3364. sent€Ë‰€Rani spinning®€outer fringes of€
  3365. universe at€mercy of a growing Tyrannosaurus Rex embryo.
  3366.    At€end of€Mesozoic (65 millionöago),€dinosaurs
  3367. Íextinct due„¤yet unknown cosmic event. Members of€
  3368. Silurian species encountered‡€¨Œblamed²†a
  3369. sudden change¢€Van Allen radiation belt. Some theories
  3370. include other cosmic phenomenon such›movements of€Moon, or of
  3371. Earth's twin planet, Mondas. Lastly,€extinction of€
  3372. Dinosaurs may have been caused‡€crash of a space liner¶
  3373. €future. Also see ANTHROPOLOGY.
  3374. /Fallen Greek warrior impersonated‡Steven¯€
  3375. Trojan War.
  3376. /Planet visited‡Captain Cook.
  3377. /The¨Œ¿rescue€peaceful radioactive
  3378. aliens known›'Ambassadors of Death'¶General Carrington.
  3379. also¿save a Chinese delegate¶€Ëat€World
  3380. Peace Conference,‰Sir Reginald Styles¶€twin menace
  3381. of€Ÿ‰guerillas¶€future.Š¨Œ
  3382. impersonated¤£Federation deledgate„Peladon. During
  3383. €£- Draconian conflict,€Ëimpersonated a
  3384. commissioner¶Sirius Four;€Draconian Ambassador†£Ž
  3385. €son of€Draconian Emperor. EratoŽsent›€
  3386. ambassador¶Tythonus„Chloris„exchange metalsœ
  3387. chlorophyll,¥Žkept¢a Pit‡Lady Adrasta.Š¨
  3388. ‰Sixth Doctors mediated€conflictsôKarfel‰€
  3389. Bandrils.Š¨Œimpersonated£Federation
  3390. delegate„Peladon, Amazonia.
  3391. /G-typeº¢€Tau Ceti star system. ItŽ€
  3392. homeworld of Cessair,‘™stolen itsØSeal.
  3393. /Alien tourist‘crashlanded¢Wales¢1959‰Ž
  3394. –‡€Bannermen.
  3395. /Leader of€Chameleons' expedition„Earth.ç
  3396. over Crossland's identity,¥refused„bargainš€humans.
  3397. disintergrated¦Jamie removed€real Crossland's white
  3398. armband.
  3399. /See END OF THE WORLD.
  3400. /Three insane Earthmenƒusing nightshade„poison€
  3401. Sensorites,‘blamed€deaths†a plague.Šinsecticide
  3402. DN6 would­have–off€ýrace because of its
  3403. stable molecules.Š ßa neurotropic virus„attack
  3404. €Moonbase‰Space Beacon Nerva. A space plagueŽ
  3405. cured‡parriniumû†Exxilon.ŠDaleks,€
  3406. Silurians,€Kraals, Monarch of Urbanka‰€
  3407. Terileptils allå„exterminated mankindšviruses (in
  3408. €case of€Terileptils,€Black Plague).ŠMovellans
  3409. designed a virus‚would kill Daleks.Š¸Œß
  3410. hexachromite„kill€Silurians‘attacked Sea Base Four.
  3411. Špollutants generated‡Global Chemicalsò€Green Death,
  3412. µcould have×Earth.
  3413.    Radiation sicknessƀŒ‰’Ò†
  3414. Skaro, until€Thals gave them¤antidote. Jo GrantŽ
  3415. similarlyÛ¶deadly spores†Spiridon. Dodo's simple
  3416. cold virus upset€entire civilisation of€Ark, enabling€
  3417. Monoids„gain power. TerminusŽa space stationߛa
  3418. final homeœ€victims of€incurable lazar disease.
  3419. Š¸Œ‰Periƒpoisoned‡raw spectrox
  3420. (spectrox toxaemia), a substance so deadly‚only androids could
  3421. harvest it.
  3422.   ŠRaniŽa master of genetic engineering‰could create
  3423. monstrous diseases.Š“Œß¤antimetal virus
  3424. „destroy¾Kettlewell's Giant Robot. 
  3425.   Švirus of€Purpose‰€Nimonƒlife forms
  3426. ‘behaved like cosmic diseases. Also see DRUGS.
  3427. /See ENERGY.
  3428. /Experimental gun stolen¶½‰ß‡
  3429. ¾Kettlewell's Giant Robot.
  3430. /Famous amusement park located¢Anaheim California.
  3431. A company operating a hyperspatial tollport offered a trip„
  3432. 1959 Disneyland›a prize„selected customers. Chimeron Queen
  3433. Delta joined€trip, trying„ÝGavrok's Bannermen.
  3434. /Time of deathœ€Keeper of Traken. It occurred
  3435. øevery thousand years.
  3436. /Disc Jockey employed at€Tranquil Repose mortuary„play
  3437. *DJ
  3438. music‰keep€ñfrozen¢suspended animation informed.
  3439. Ž–‡€Daleks.
  3440. /Powerful insecticide discovered‡Smithers, a scientist
  3441. financially backed‡Forester. Because its moleculesƒ
  3442. permanently stable,¢time,²would have׀whole of
  3443. Mankind.
  3444. /One of Lord Ravensworth's guards.
  3445. /Computer scientist‘¿Liz Shaw crack€coded
  3446. messages of€radioactive aliens.Žsecretly workingœ
  3447. General Carrington.
  3448. /Powerful, five-sided energy crystal originally
  3449. ò†Zolfa-Thura. Meglos wanted„use²œwarlike purposes,
  3450. ¥²Žtaken‡€Zolfa-Thuran peace partyԑ粄
  3451. Tigella. Eventually,²Žû‡€Tigellan Deons‘worshipped
  3452. ²›a gift of€god Ti.ŠTigellansß²„power«
  3453. civilisation. Ten thousandölater, Meglos߀shape of€
  3454. “Œ„steal€Dodecahedron‰take²back„Zolfa
  3455. Thura.å„use²¢connectionš€Screens¹™
  3456. designed„make himself master of€galaxy. But¹Žbetrayed‡
  3457. €Gaztaks‰í‡€“Doctor.Š
  3458. Dodecahedron×itself, alongšZolfa-Thura.
  3459. /See CHAPLET, DODO.
  3460. /A mineral mined‡Zanak.
  3461. /Last of€Manussan Snakedancers.taught€¸
  3462. Œ€ritualsµenabled„destroy€Mara.
  3463. /One of¾Lasky's assistants, partly responsibleœ
  3464. €creation of€Vervoids. Once aboard€Hyperion III space
  3465. liner,¹murdered Edwardes, Hallet,‰°€two Morgarians
  3466. Atza‰Ortezo,¢¤effort„protect€fortune¹thought¹
  3467. could make‡selling€Vervoids›slave labour.Žexposed‡
  3468. €Sixth Doctor,‰–‡€Vervoids.
  3469. /Deadly pawns߇€Toymaker.
  3470. /Name given„€structure erected‡€£Expedition
  3471. Force„Deva Loka.
  3472. /Ruthless spacefaring race of warriors, so-called master
  3473. of ten galaxies. They sent Rago, Toba‰«deadly robotic
  3474. servants,€Quarks,„Dulkis„turn€º®radioactive
  3475. waste„power«fleet. Theyƒí‡€ª
  3476. Doctor.
  3477. /Extremely powerful device built‡a race of
  3478. super-beings‘once lived†ºExarius. It™been
  3479. responsibleœ€formation of€Crab Nebula. Its radiation™
  3480. ­caused€death of its creators,‰kept Exarius barren.
  3481. Šinformation concerning€Doomsday Machine's existanceŽ
  3482. stolen¶€Matrix‡€Master. But€¨Œconvinced
  3483. €Guardian‚€Machine should not fall®evilhands,‰
  3484. €Guardian×it.
  3485. /He‰TollundƒLady Adrasta's scientists†Chloris.
  3486. ™thrown®€Pit because¹™failed„detect any sign
  3487. of life¢€remains of Erato's ship.
  3488. /Argolin guide.
  3489. /See LUKOSER.
  3490. /See ACE.
  3491. /Crippled genius‘led€resistanceõ€Ÿ
  3492. ¯«AD 2164 Invasion of Earth.¿€©Œ
  3493. ž€Daleks,¥Ž–‡€invaders.
  3494. /Draconian home world‰seat of a powerful space
  3495. *Drac
  3496. empire.
  3497. /Advanced reptilian aliens‘ruled a vast space empire.
  3498. *Drac
  3499. Men came®contactš€Draconians¢€24th or 25th
  3500. century. TheyÉbeside them¢€Alliance¯€ª
  3501. Dalek‰Cyber Wars of€25th‰26th century. However, conflicts
  3502. ô£‰€Draconiansø«respective areas of
  3503. colonization began„erupt›Earth's influence grew.—such
  3504. conflictŽstarted‡General Williams. Twentyölater,€
  3505. Ÿengaged€services of€Ë‰€Ogrons„try„
  3506. foment aìô£‰€Draconians, even offering€
  3507. use of«Ogron slaves. But€Master's schemesƒultimately
  3508. exposed‰í‡€¨Doctor). After€revelation
  3509. of€existence of a 10,000 Dalek army poised„attack€
  3510. Alliance†Spiridon,€Draconians teamed upš£‰€
  3511. Thals„strike back at€Daleks. After€¨Dalek war,
  3512. €Draconian Empire, its resource depleted, unable„competeš
  3513. Earth, entered®a long period of stagnation.
  3514. /Known›'the flower of many faces'. ItŽprobably
  3515. ¶Bandril.
  3516. /The©Œmet this robotic version of€
  3517. legendary vampire¢a 1996 House of Horrors. It¡É€
  3518. Daleks.
  3519. /Field-guard of€Queen Spider of Metebelis 3.™been
  3520. attacked‡Arak.
  3521. /Living mechanoid‘roamed€depths of Iceworld.Š
  3522. ‹Œdiscovered‚’body hid a powerful energy crystal
  3523. known›'Dragonfire'.ŽKane's guardian.Ž­
  3524. ׇMcLuhan‰Bazin.
  3525. /Powerful energy crystal hidden inside€dragon-shaped
  3526. mechanoidµroamed Iceworld.Š‹Œtraded²„
  3527. Kane„save Ace's life. Kaneß²„turn Iceworld back®a
  3528. spaceship.
  3529. /A derogatoryýnicknameœ€Draconians.
  3530. /Planet located¢Galaxy Four,‰home world of€
  3531. Drahvin. Its sunŽcooling‰its vegetationŽdying, so€
  3532. Drahvin™„find another inhabitable planet.ŠDrahvin
  3533. populationŽþexclusively female, men being cultivated¢
  3534. test tubes›‰¦called for.
  3535. /Solon claimed„have dragged Condo¶€wreck of a
  3536. Dravidian spaceship.
  3537. /Beautiful, amazonian, emotionless women¶Drahva. A team
  3538. of Drahvin, led‡Maaga, attacked€Rills‰caused both ships
  3539. „crashland†a doomedº¢Galaxy Four. Theyƒ­
  3540. ÿ‡€©Doctor.
  3541. /Azarian Decider.Ž–at€onset of
  3542. Mistfall,¥™·„give Adric a cluedø€peculiar
  3543. nature of evolution†Alzarius.
  3544. /One of€Jacondans serving Azmael. Mestor–‡
  3545. using’brain„spy†Azmael.
  3546. /Savage swamp monstersÞ¢Vorg's Scope. They
  3547. originated†•of Grundle's satelites. They™powerful clawed
  3548. legs, sinuous necks‰jaws filledšrazor-sharp teeth,‰
  3549. ƒcapable of eating virtually anything. Thanks„Kalik's
  3550. machinations, theyƒallowed„pursue€¨Œthrough
  3551. €Scope‰ã݄rampage†Inter Minor, until Vorg
  3552. ×themš€Eradicator.—of€Drashigs™
  3553. previously–Kalik.
  3554. /Andomedan L-3Öwhose missionŽ„guard€three
  3555. Andromedan Sleepers. After€¬Lords moved£‰
  3556. rechristened²Ravalox, Drathroçover€UK Habitat,‰
  3557. ruled²›€Immortal. DrathroŽpowered‡a Maglem converter.
  3558. After Dibber blew up€converter, DrathroŽconned‡Glitz
  3559. ®giving€tape containing€Sleepers' stolen secrets.
  3560. Žãצ€SixthŒshut down’energy
  3561. system.
  3562. /Renegade¬Lord‰mechanical genius‘™been at€
  3563. ¬Lord Academy at€same·›€Doctor. Drax built€
  3564. Mentalisàof Zeos.ŽÛ¶€Shadow‡€
  3565. “Œ‰¿disable Mentalisæ€àcould
  3566. trigger€armageddon factor‚would have×both Zeos
  3567. ‰Atrios. After€ìŽover,¹¿€Marshal rebuild
  3568. Atrios.
  3569. /Perivale location.
  3570. /Guard at€prisonè€ËŽkept.Ž–
  3571. ‡€Sea Devils.
  3572. /Insect¶Delta Magna's third moon.
  3573. /One of€Red Kangs of Paradise Towers.
  3574. ¿€‹Œ‰MelžKroagnon.
  3575. /Number two¢charge of€Nuclear Research Complex
  3576. headed‡¾Watson. His mindŽtaken over‡Eldrad.
  3577. ´¦¹stepped®¤atomic furnace whose energy Eldrad
  3578. needed„regenerate.
  3579. /Workers¶€flatlands of Terra Alpha. They launched a
  3580. revolution which,š€‹˜support overthrew
  3581. Helen A's regime.
  3582. /Skagra's native planet. In€Gallifreyan past,îa
  3583. schismš€Cardinals, a rival President temporarily elected„
  3584. relocate„Dronid.
  3585. /Radiation sicknessƀ©Œ‰’
  3586. ҆Skaro, until€Thals gave them¤antidote.
  3587. Jo GrantŽsimilarlyÛ¶deadly spores†Spiridon.
  3588. A space plagueŽcured‡parriniumû†Exxilon.
  3589.   ŠSisterhood's Elixir‰spectrox, prepared¶
  3590. Androzanian bat guano,ƒlife-prolonging drugs.ŠChinese
  3591. Tong of€Black Scorpion also trafficked¢Opium.Š
  3592. Usurians released PCM gas¢Pluto's megropolises' atmosphere„
  3593. keep€humans pacified. VraxoinŽ•of€most
  3594. dangerously addictive drugs¢€Universe;²Žï¶€
  3595. very essence of€Mandrels. Terminus, Inc. controlled€
  3596. victims of lazar disease through«pain-killing hydromel
  3597. drug.
  3598.    NightshadeŽß„poison€Sensorites.Š¸
  3599. Œßhexachromite„kill€Silurians‘attacked Sea Base
  3600. Four. A Chimeron drug¿Billy mutate®a consortœ
  3601. Queen Delta.”DISEASES.
  3602. /The British InstituteœDruidic StudiesŽled‡
  3603. De Vries‰À€ÇCessair of Diplos.ŠË
  3604. òa Druidic-like cult„awaken Azal. Sarah Jane‰
  3605. K-9 (Mark III)ÿa coven of Druids led‡Commander Pollock
  3606. ‰Lily Gregson¢€village of Moreton Harwood.
  3607. /The Swampies' nicknameœ€humans.
  3608. /French soldier‘É¢€Resistance„put¤end
  3609. „€ëGames.
  3610. /French Catholic henchman of Marshall Tavannes.
  3611. /One of€world's leading flower artists.Ž
  3612. paid a thousand pounds‡Harrison Chaseœa painting.
  3613. /Nickname given„Polly‡Ben.
  3614. /Ace's mother's maiden name. Ace metˆ›a baby,
  3615. ‰¿saveˆ¶€Haemovores.
  3616. /Ace's grandfather,‰Kathleen's husband. A merchant
  3617. navy officer,¹Žreported missing¢action¯
  3618. WorldëII.
  3619. /Ace's grandmother,•of Commander Millington's
  3620. radio operators¢charge of monitoring German transmissions¯
  3621. WorldëII. Ace¿ˆÝ¶€Haemovores¦€
  3622. Curse of Fenric struckˆNorthumberland village.¡moved„
  3623. 17 Old Terrace, Stratham.
  3624. /Sergeant‘É€Dinosaur Invasion.
  3625. /Manussan barker‘owned€hall of mirrors‰thusŽ
  3626. responsibleœLon becoming possessed‡€Mara.Ž–‡
  3627. €MaraÀ’purpose.
  3628. /Crew member of€methane refinery†Delta Magna's moon.
  3629. Ž–‡Thawn›¹ä„prevent€launch of a deadly
  3630. rocket‚would have wiped out€entire Swampie race.
  3631. /A member of€staff of€Wheel¢Space‘
  3632. discovered‚€Cybermatsƒeating€station's bernalium
  3633. supply.ŽblamedœRudkin's death,‰°´a victim of
  3634. €Cybermen's Celensky capsules.
  3635. /English detective‘Žinvestigating Count Scarlioni's
  3636. art sales¢Paris¢1980.¿€“Œ‰Romana
  3637. expose€Count's true nature›Scaroth, last of€Jagaroth.
  3638. travelled backšthem¢·„3.5 million BC where,ša
  3639. well-placed punch,¹stopped Scaroth¶preventing’ship's
  3640. ωthereby ensuring€creation of life†Earth.
  3641. /One of€Kinda.
  3642. /Gentle, peace-loving race of Dulkis. After atomic weapons
  3643. וof«islands (since¡nicknamed 'Island of
  3644. Death'),€Dulcians banned such arms‰turned„peace;€
  3645. islandŽconverted®a museum. Because theyƒprone„too
  3646. much talking‰not enough action, theyþallowed«º
  3647. „…ׇ€Dominators,‘wanted„turn²®
  3648. radioactive waste„power«fleet,‰ƒsaved only‡€
  3649. Úof€ªDoctor.
  3650. /Peacefulºvisited twice‡€Doctor.
  3651. /Member of Rorvik's crew.´¢€Ïof€
  3652. privateer's ship.
  3653. /Lower class of mute robots‘ƒß›a labour force
  3654. aboard€Sandminer.
  3655. /Employee of€World Ecology Bureau‘sold
  3656. informationø€Krynoid pods„Harrison Chase.ä„
  3657. make upœ’treachery,¥Ž–‡€Krynoid.
  3658. /Power technician,•of€Chosen¢€Ark¢Space‰
  3659. *Ark
  3660. €original hostœ€Wirrn Queen's eggs.
  3661. /The Dalek extermination team sentŒ
  3662. ßa robotic duplicate,µŽ×‡€Doctor.Š
  3663. Ÿ°perfected‚method‡cloning people, transferring
  3664. «mental patterns„€newlyò'Duplicate' (in theory,
  3665. loyal„€Daleks),‰destroying€originals. Among such
  3666. duplicatesƒStien‰Colonel Archer.
  3667.   ŠKraal scientist Styggron devised android duplicates,¢
  3668. particular of€“Œ‰Harry Sullivan. Sharaz Jek
  3669. ïandroid duplicates of€¸Œ‰Peri.Š
  3670. Taransƒmaster android builders.
  3671.   Š“Œ™himself cloned‰miniatuized, alongš
  3672. Leela,„ž€Nucleas,‰Žagain duplicated‡€
  3673. Leisure Hive's Tachyon Recreation Generator. Omega adopted€
  3674. appearance of€¸Doctor,¥€bondingŽincomplete‰
  3675. would have caused a huge explosion.ŠBorad™ò
  3676. twenty-four clones of himself.
  3677.    Duplicates also occur naturally: At€·of St Bartholomew's
  3678. Massacre,€Abbot of AmboiseŽa striking duplicate of€©
  3679. Doctor. Would-be dictator SalamanderŽ¤equally striking
  3680. duplicate of€ªDoctor. Princess Stella of TaraŽa
  3681. natural duplicate of Romana-I who,¦she regenerated, chose
  3682. €form of Princess Astra of Atrios.ŠZygons™€ability
  3683. „duplicate other people's forms. Their leader, Broton, impersonated
  3684. €Duke of Forgill. Meglos°assumed€appearance of€
  3685. “Œ„steal€Tigellan Dodecahedron.Š
  3686. Chameleons,€Rutans‰€android Kamelion also™
  3687. €ability„duplicate other people's form.
  3688.   ŠAlzarian Marshmen evolved®duplicates of€Terradonians.
  3689. ŠsentientàXoanonŽa mentally twisted duplicate
  3690. of€“Doctor. K-9Žduplicated twice‡€“
  3691. Doctor. Also see CLONES, REPLICAS.
  3692. /Metalߢ€construction of building units†
  3693. £¢€year AD 2972. BecauseºExariusŽrich¢it,
  3694. Captain Dent of€Interplanetary Mining CorporationŽ
  3695. determined„wrest²away¶Ashe's colonists. ItŽ
  3696. also߆Peladon.
  3697. /Hard metal߆€Terra Nova Ark.
  3698. /Metal߇€federation.
  3699. /Very dense metal,€only substance‚could
  3700. keep€time-shifting Tharils prisoner.Šhull of Rorvik's»
  3701. Žïof Dwarf Star Alloy,µ™¤unstabilizing effect†
  3702. €Zero point耻™rematerialized.
  3703. /See CASTROVALVA.
  3704. /Captain of€Hecate.Žexposed‡€“Œ
  3705. ‰Romana›a vraxoin smuggler¢leaguešTryst,‰Ž
  3706. ­arrested.
  3707. /Chambers's safeŽïof case hardened dyastream,¥
  3708. Žnevertheless disintergrated‡€Giant Robot.
  3709. /Kroton machineš€capability of draining‰
  3710. converting mental energy®other kinds of power. ItŽß‡
  3711. €Krotons†€Gonds. When€DynatropeŽß†€ª
  3712. Œ‰Zoe,²generated enough power„grow‰give life„
  3713. new Krotons. It needed at least four 'high-brains'œwork at full
  3714. capability (including space flight).
  3715. /TARDIS component exhausted‡€Master.
  3716. Stranded†Jurassic Earth,¹å„replace²š€
  3717. Xeraphin intelligence.
  3718. /A young Thal woman‰Alydon's lover. By threatening„take
  3719. ˆ„€Daleks, Ian forced Alydon„forego’pacifism.
  3720. /British chief engineer at€Snowcap Space
  3721. Tracking Station.¿€©Doctor, Ben‰Pollyž
  3722. €Mondasian Cybermen.
  3723. /The opposite of Utopias: a worldèchaos or evil
  3724. reigned,‰normal valuesƒtwisted. Among theseƒ€ý
  3725. colony secretly controlled‡€Macra;€Usurian-dominated
  3726. colony of Pluto;€ºof E-space ruled‡€Ø
  3727. Vampire;€former penal colony of Varos;€wierd
  3728. society of Paradise Towers;‰Helen A's Terra Alpha,è
  3729. unhappiness could lead„death. Also see UTOPIAS.
  3730. /Explosive߆Skaro.
  3731. /Exo-Space¬continuum. Pocket universe located outside
  3732. normal space (N-Space).ŠÃÍtrapped¢E-Spaceî
  3733. going through a Charged Vacuum Emboitement. While¢E-Space,€
  3734. “Œ‰Romana stopped†Alzarius,¡ÿ€
  3735. ØVampire,‘™escaped„E-Spaceîfleeing¶€
  3736. ¬Lords. Romana¿free€Tharils¶Rorvik‰
  3737. elected„stay¢E-SpacešK9 (Mark II).ŠŒ°
  3738. û‚€LogopolitansßE-Space„save€Universe¶
  3739. heat death.
  3740. /One of Wyatt Earp's brothers.
  3741. /Marshall of Dodge City.came„Tombstone„help
  3742. ’ÜWyatt¢€gunfight at€OK Corral. Later,¹
  3743. ÍTombstone's sheriff.
  3744. /Younger of€Earp brothers.Ž–‡€
  3745. Clantons¦they came„free Phineas Clanton¶jail.
  3746. /(1848-1929) Legendary frontiersman of€American
  3747. West.™four brothers: James, Virgil, Morgan‰Warren. In
  3748. 1878, EarpÍMarshall of Tombstone, Arizona,è’friend
  3749. Bat MastersonŽtown sheriff. In 1881,î€Clantons™
  3750. –’ÜWarren,¹challenged them„a gunfight at€
  3751. OK Corral¶which,šDoc Holiday's help,¹emerged
  3752. victorious.
  3753. /See MORRIS, GEORGE.
  3754. /One of€Destroyer's names.
  3755. /Moreton Harwood's newspaper. Sarah Jane Smith's Aunt
  3756. Lavinia wrote a letter„its editor, Henry Tobias,ø
  3757. witchcraft.
  3758. /One of€Federation trisilicate mining engineers†
  3759. Peladon (the otherŽVega Nexos).turned out„…a
  3760. traitor hired‡Galaxy Five„help Azaxyr take over€mines. To
  3761. do so,¹ßa machine„project a holographic image of Aggedor,
  3762. µŽalso a heat ray. After¹Žexposed‡€¨
  3763. Doctor,¹fled, taking€Queen Thalia hostage.Ž–‡
  3764. €real Aggedor, whom¹murdered.
  3765. /See POLLUTION.
  3766. /Resident of Lydda‘swore vengence†El Akir
  3767. ’wife‰son,‰ravished•of’two
  3768. daughters.¿save Barbara¶El Akir's clutches,‰
  3769. ­–€evil Emir.
  3770. /Captain of€Elders' city.þçoverîJano's
  3771. defection,¥Íparanoid‰Žãstopped‡Steven.
  3772. /Savage worldè€deadly Mandrels originated. Stott™
  3773. been left„die†Eden.
  3774. /See AZMAEL.
  3775. /Saxon woman¶Wulnoth's village.ŽWulnoth's wife,
  3776. ‰Ž°wounded¢a Viking raid.
  3777. /Former miner‰•of Torvin's band of rebels†
  3778. Chloris.
  3779. /Susan attended€Coal Hill Secondary School.
  3780. Ian Chesterton‰Barbara Wrightƒteachers. Adric won a star›
  3781. a badge of excellence at mathematics.ŠŒç¤honorary
  3782. degree at St Cedd's College¢Cambridge¢1960. Among€
  3783. students‘attended€¬Lords' Academy at€same·›€
  3784. Œƒ€Master,€Rani‰Drax. BorusaŽ•of
  3785. «teachers. Zoe attended€School of Parapsychologyµ
  3786. placed emphasis†pure logic.
  3787. /(1003-1066) King of England who,†’
  3788. deathbed, named Harold›’successor, even though¹allegedly™
  3789. already promised€crown„William€Conqueror.
  3790. /Lord of Wessex Castle.sent’
  3791. messenger Eric„askœassistance¢crushing Irongron,‘Ž
  3792. pillaging’lands.‰’wife, Lady Eleanor,¿€¨
  3793. Œ„žLinx.
  3794. /Communications Officer of€Hyperion III space liner.
  3795. Želectrocuted¢€hydroponic centre‡a booby trap set up
  3796. ‡Doland.Šresulting light burst awoke€Vervoids.
  3797. /Ambitious Gond Deputy Council Leader.deposed Selris,‰
  3798. plotted„attack€Krotons,¥þwrecked€planet. Later,
  3799. ¹agreed„hand€ªŒ‰Zoe over„€Krotons.
  3800. Žtotally discreditedî«defeat.
  3801. /The©Œvisited Egypt at€·of€
  3802. construction of Kephren's Pyramid, circa 2600 BC. Later,€
  3803. “Œûhimself trapped¢Sutekh's Pyramid. SutekhŽ
  3804. €last of€Osirians,¤Çrace‘ƒ€source of€
  3805. Ancient Egyptians' mythology. Scaroth€JagarothŽ
  3806. mistakenœa god‡€Ancient Egyptians.
  3807. /Name‚€Spiders of Metebelis 3 called
  3808. themselves.Šword 'Spider' reminded them of«humble
  3809. origins.
  3810. /(1879-1955) German - American physicist‘
  3811. developed€theory of relativity‰•of€eleven geniuses
  3812. ù‡€Rani„make upˆgiant Brain.
  3813. /Watch commander of€Vanir†Terminus.Ž¢control
  3814. of€hydromel.agreed„step down¢favour of Valgard if€
  3815. latter󀸌back¶€Forbidden Zone.
  3816. ‰€other Vanir­remained†Terminus„help Nyssa
  3817. run²›a regular hospital.
  3818. /Scarfaced Saracen leader.ä„capture King
  3819. Richard I,¥Žduped‡William des Preaux‰Barbara.°
  3820. ÞBarbara‰çˆ„Lydda,’fortress city,¥she
  3821. ŽÛ‡Ian. El AkirŽ–‡Haroun Ed Diin, a man
  3822. whose wife‰son¹™killed.
  3823. /Doc Holliday's wife.Ža singer at€Last
  3824. Chance Saloon¢Tombstone.
  3825. /Leaders of¤advanced yet sterile civilizationµ
  3826. relied†stealing€life essence of€so-called 'Savages'‰
  3827. transferring²„its own people,„give them greater energy‰
  3828. talent.ŠEldersƒable„chart€TARDIS's travels through
  3829. ·‰space. JanoŽ«Council Leader,‰îabsorbing
  3830. €©˜life essence,¹ïpeaceš€Savages
  3831. ‰ultimately convinced€Elders„put¤end„«lifestyle.
  3832. Šnew society¡chose Steven›«leader.
  3834. |Name߇€leaders of Sarn.
  3835. /Kastrian genius‰arch-villain‘designed€Kastrian
  3836. silicon-based life forms‰€force-field barriersµïlife
  3837. †€Kastrian surface possible. Eldrad׀barriers¦
  3838. €Kastrians would not submit„’rule, thus dooming all Kastrian
  3839. life. King Rokon™placed¢a space capsule‰obliterated,
  3840. ¥Eldrad's hand landed†£¯€Jurassic Period‰
  3841. Ía fossil. ItŽdug up¢1977‰ß‡Sarah Jane Smith,
  3842. ¡Driscoll,„create a nuclear explosion,€energy ofµ
  3843. enabled„regenerate. (Eldrad carried’genetic code¢a
  3844. ring.)¡tricked€“Œ®takingback„
  3845. Kastria. When Eldradûout‚KastriaŽa dead world,¹
  3846. ä„ð„conquer£¥Žfoiled‡€Doctor,‘
  3847. abandonedthere.
  3848. /Saxon farmer¶Wulnoth's village.Žwounded¢a
  3849. Viking raid.
  3850. /Retired professor‰rocket engineer.
  3851. established a museum dedicated„space travel.Žinstrumental
  3852. ¢helping€ªŒž€Ice Warriors‰«
  3853. 'Seeds of Death'.
  3854. /Wife of Sir Edward of Wessex.¿
  3855. ۬ΛLynx.
  3856. /Member of€Intergalactic Pursuit Squadron.
  3857. /Public Relations officer of Global Chemicals at€
  3858. Llanfairfach Refinery.¿’friend FellÊoff BOSS's
  3859. programming,‰saved€¨˜life.Ž­
  3860. processed‡BOSS.
  3861. /Employee of€Nuclear Research Complex attacked‡
  3862. Eldrad.
  3863. /Alzarian class of citizens‘recieved superior
  3864. education.
  3865. /Name of Sauvix's Sea Devil Commando.
  3866. /Substance produced‡€Sacred Flame of Karn. It
  3867. ™€power„extend life‰boost psionic powers. After€
  3868. ¬LordsÿMorbius,€Sisterhood agreed„share€
  3869. Elixirš€High Council.Š¬LordsÅß²„
  3870. facilitate difficult regenerations, increase«mentalüand,
  3871. possibly, boost-start a new cycle of regenerations,›evidenced‡
  3872. €fact‚€High Council once offered•such cycle„€
  3873. Master.
  3874. /Squire John's daughter.saw€Terileptils'»
  3875. crash„£‰Ž–‡them.
  3876. /(1543-1603) Queen of England. Her imageŽprojected
  3877. †€©˜Space-Time Visualizer.
  3878. /Contemporary Queen of England. Her pathþ
  3879. crossed‚of€‹Œat Windsor.
  3880. /Liverpool police sergeant.
  3881. /A Thal¶Skaro,–‡a creature¶€Lake of
  3882. Mutations.
  3883. /Sergeant¢€British army squadron sent„Ê€
  3884. Ÿ¢€Coal Hill area,¢1963.
  3885. /Electronics firm robbed‡€Giant Robot.
  3886. /See TELEPATHY.
  3887. /The supremeÔof€original Daleks.Žnot
  3888. *Dalek
  3889. „…confusedš€alias߇Davros„lead’own Imperial
  3890. Daleks.ŠEmperor DalekŽ×¢€fightingô
  3891. humanized‰unchangedŸ†Skaro.may have been¤
  3892. even further evolved version of Davros.
  3893. /Supreme Leader of€Draconian Empire. In€
  3894. *Drac
  3895. 26th Century,¦€Ÿ‰€Ëä„foment aì
  3896. ô£‰€Draconians,€Emperor's sonŽambassador„
  3897. Earth. That Emperor spared€¨˜life‰¿
  3898. avert€war. In€21st century,€fifteenth Emperor of Draconia
  3899. a noble of Draconia.
  3900. /The£Empire arose sometime¢€26th century,
  3901. justæ€end of€Alliance‰€Dalek-Movellan Wars.
  3902. After€disappearance of€rival Draconian Empire,²grew„
  3903. rule a large portion of€Milky Way galaxy until€end of€
  3904. 30th century, mercilesly crushing‰exploitingÇraces„serve
  3905. its own needs.
  3906.   Š©Œprevented€Sensorites¶becoming•of€
  3907. Empire's victims.Š¸Œ¿preserve€
  3908. Kinda. Other racesƒnot so lucky:€Wirrn‰€
  3909. Morgariansƒruthlessly exploited‡€Empire.ŠEmpire
  3910. ŽÅresponsibleœ€žof€Movellans,‘™
  3911. won a pyrrhic victoryõ€Daleks.
  3912.    It is possible‚€¬Lordsƒsecretly afraid of€
  3913. Empire, since•of€factors‚óøits downfallŽ
  3914. €Solos Crisis,µoccured near€end of€30th century.
  3915. Thisçú¦€¬Lords sent€¨Œ„help
  3916. €Solonian Mutants reach«true, superhuman form.Š
  3917. Solonians¡went†„lead a series of revolutionsµ
  3918. severely damaged€Empire. Other factors‚contributed„€
  3919. Empire's Fallƒ¤unprecedented string of solar flares¶
  3920. Earth's sun, followed‡€advent of a new ice age.Š
  3921. EmpireŽreplaced‡€Federation.
  3922. /Until 1954, thisŽ€highest skyscraper
  3923. ¢New York City. ItŽcompleted¢1931,‰Ž€second stop
  3924. ¢€Daleks' pursuit of€©Œthrough·‰space.
  3925. /Spouse of Kublai Khan.
  3927. |Interstellar cruise linerµcrashed®€Hecate¦
  3928. emerging¶hyperspace above€ºAzure.Š“
  3929. Œexposed•of its passengers, Tryst,›a Vraxoin smuggler.
  3930. /Manmade disastersµcould haveóø
  3931. €end of€world included: Forester's deadly insecticide DN6;
  3932. WOTAN'sìmachines;¾Zaroff's plan„drain€
  3933. ocean®€Earth's core; Salamander's volcanic disaster;
  3934. ¾Stahlman's 'Inferno' project;‰Sir Charles
  3935. Grover's Operation Golden Age.
  3936.    WorldëIIIŽþprovoked‡€Master;€
  3937. Daleks;€Scientific Reform Society;€Silurians‰
  3938. €Sea Devils. PollutionÆ£¢€form of€
  3939. Weed‰€Green Death. Also see WORLD WAR III,
  3940. POLLUTION.
  3941.    Natural disasters‚could have spelled out€end of€world
  3942. (or of its civilization) included: a new ice age; solar flares;
  3943. ‰ã€sun going nova.
  3944.    Aliens‘would have liked„destroy£(Instead of
  3945. conquering it) included€Daleks,€Cybermen; Axos; Sutekh;
  3946. €Krynoids;€Fendahl;€captain of Zanak; Monarch; Omega;
  3947. €corrupt High Council of€¬Lords,¦they decided upon
  3948. €Ravolox Stratagem;€Destroyer;‰Light. Also see
  3949. INVASIONS.
  3950. /The SixthŒclaimed’trialŽ€
  3951. greatest travesty of justice since theirs.
  3952. /Conventional sources of energy߆£included: coal,
  3953. oil; natural gas; nuclear energy;‰even
  3954. good, old fashioned fire. A World Energy ConferenceŽþ
  3955. sabotaged‡€Zygons. Solar energyŽÞ¢€21st
  3956. ćSalamander,‘ß’Suncatcher satellite,
  3957. ¾Stahlmanþ×£¦¹ä„break€
  3958. Earth's crust„tap Stahlman's Gas. Much later,€Usurians
  3959. kept a portion of humanity enslaved†Pluto‡providing²š€
  3960. energy of small, aritificial suns.
  3961.    Aliens relied†various other sources of energy:€¬Lords
  3962. ߀energy of a captive black hole;€Ÿßstatic
  3963. electricity‰solar power„move around,‰taranium„
  3964. power«¬Destructor.ŠElders߀Savages' life
  3965. force›¤energy source.ŠDominators did not hesitate„
  3966. turn aº®a radioactive massœ«fuel supply.
  3967. ŠËBrain of€Land of Fiction needed men's creative
  3968. energy.ŠKrotonsß«Dynatrope„convert mental
  3969. energy®power.ŠAxons' AxoniteŽboth a source of
  3970. energy‰part of Axos.¾ Sorensonä„use anti-
  3971. matter,¥failed, although anti-matter fuel powered Captain
  3972. Brigg's ship.ŠUnion of TrakenŽheld together‡€
  3973. bioelectronic Source. VarosŽ¤important supplier of
  3974. Zyton-7.
  3975.    Many types of crystalsƒsources of energy:€Nimon needed
  3976. hymetusite crystals.ŠTigellan civilisationŽpowered‡
  3977. €Dodecahedron. Voolium‰Madronite 1-5 crystalsû†
  3978. Calufrax could…ß„power a Psychic Interference Transmitter.
  3979. ŠTerileptilsßVintaric crystals„provide lighting.
  3980. Quarb Crystalsƒß¢hyperspatial engines.Š
  3981. DragonfireŽa powerful energy crystal (maybe hymetusite?).
  3983.    Intelligent entitiesïof energy included:€Ø
  3984. Intelligence;€Nestene; Omega;€Mandragora Helix;€
  3985. Mara;€Xeraphin‰possibly€Guardians of Time;€
  3986. Fendahl‰Fenric.
  3987. /Coordinator¢charge of€Gallifreyan Matrix.¿
  3988. €“Œ‰Castellan Spandrell expose Goth‰ž€
  3989. Master. Also”KEEPER OF THE MATRIX.
  3990. /Water world visited‡€©Doctor.
  3991. /Name߇€Eternals„refer„€Guardians of
  3992. Time.
  3993. /A crystal of unknownü‰great value offered
  3994. ‡€Guardians of¬›€prize„€winner of a planet-
  3995. spanning space race undertaken‡€Eternals.ŠBlack Guardian
  3996. hoped that,šsuch a prize,€Eternals might wreak havoc
  3997. throughout€Universe. Instead,€¸Œwon€race¥
  3998. turned down Enlightenment. When Turlough threw€crystal at€
  3999. Black Guardian,¹vanished¢a burst of flames.Š¸Œ
  4000. explained‚EnlightenmentŽnot€crystal¥€moral
  4001. choice.
  4003. |She‰PersuasionƒMonarch's two Urbankan android
  4004. ministers. EnlightenmentŽ×‡Adric.
  4005. /British boys' magazine.ŠËof€Land of
  4006. FictionŽ•of its copywriters.
  4007. /Waste energy‚builds up¢any system. According„€
  4008. ªLaw of Thermodynamics,²must inevitably increase.
  4010. /See HALLET.
  4011. /Term߇€Eternals„refer„all other
  4012. living species.
  4013. /Altos's friend.Žsent‡Arbitan„Millenius†a
  4014. questœ€Keys of Marinus,‰Ž–‡Kala, Aydan‰
  4015. Eyesen,‘ä„frame Ianœ’murder.
  4016. /Planet targeted‡€Dominators.
  4017. /Device߇€Inter Minorans„try„kill all
  4018. life forms contained¢Vorg's Scope. Vorg ended up using²„kill
  4019. €rampaging Drashigs.
  4020. /One of€five£colonists¶Galsec Seven stranded†
  4021. £circa AD 15,000î«»Ž×while
  4022. answering a fake mayday signal.ŠSontaran Styre performed cruel
  4023. Ά„determine€limits ofýresistance.
  4024. Žsaved‡€“Doctor.
  4025. /Tythonian ambassador„Chloris;¹looked like a giant,
  4026. green brain.™been sent„Chloris„trade chlorophyllœ
  4027. metal. To preserveˆpower, Lady Adrasta keptprisonerœ
  4028. fifteenö¢€mines (where¹Íknown›€Creature
  4029. ¶€Pit).Š“Œ‰Romana­discovered
  4030. Erato's true nature,‰ûa way„communicatešhim. Erato
  4031. –Adrasta,¡¿€Œsave Chloris¶total
  4032. χa Neutron Star,µ™been diverted‡€
  4033. Tythonians›a form of reprisal.
  4034. /Reptilian creature‘ÀOmega¦¹ä„bond
  4035. š€¸˜body¢Amsterdam.
  4036. /Sir Edward of Wessex's messenger.ŽÞ‡
  4037. Bloodaxe‰°freed‡Hal.
  4038. /Hardiman'sâat€Nuton Power Complex.¿
  4039. €¨Œ‰½žAxos.
  4041. |One of¾Sorenson's Morestran crew–†Zeta
  4042. Minor‡€anti-matter creatures.
  4043. /See TELEPATHY.
  4044. /One of€Sensorites.
  4045. /Alias߇€Master. Under€guise of
  4046. King John's Champion,¹ä„turn€Baronsõ€King
  4047. ‰prevent€signing of€Magna Carta.
  4048. /Race of powerful beings‘exist outside of time,‰
  4049. lived forever¢eternity. Even though theyƒgiftedšgreat
  4050. mental powers,«minds™grown devoid of emotions.Š
  4051. Guardians of¬offered them Enlightenment›€prize of a
  4052. planet-spanning space race.ŠEternalsƒbanished„«
  4053. eternal void‡€White Guardian.
  4054. /Interplanetary companyµß€
  4055. Miniscopesætheyƒoutlawed.
  4056. /Alien tourist‘crashlanded¢Wales¢1959‰Ž
  4057. –‡€Bannermen.
  4058. /One of Cully's tour party,¹Ž–‡€
  4059. Dominators.
  4060. /Typical citizen of Varos,‰Arak's wife.supported€
  4061. Governor's policies.
  4062. /ExtremistÔof€trisilicate miners†Peladon.
  4063. hated€Federation‰ä„destroy Queen Thalira's palaceš
  4064. €sonic lance. But a self-destruct mechanism caused²„explode
  4065. ¦activated,‰²–Ettis instead.
  4066. /Planet visited‡€Psychic Circusæ²moved†„
  4067. Segonax.
  4068. /Company whose Nothe Sea refinery‰
  4069. off-shore rigsƒattacked‡€Weed. It supplied natural gas„
  4070. England‰Wales. ItsÙBoard member, Megan Jones,¿€
  4071. ªŒdestroy€Weed‰free€refinery controller,
  4072. Robson.
  4073. /Moonbase doctor‘Ž€first„succumb„€
  4074. Cybermen's neurotropic virus. Turned®a 'zombie',¹nearlyß
  4075. €Gravitron„flood€Earth.
  4076. /Private¢€army task forceµÉ€Ø
  4077. Intelligence¢€Ùunderground.survived€Ï
  4078. of€ammunition convoy¹Ždriving,‰¿€ª
  4079. ŒÊ€Yeti.
  4080. /One of€Llanfairfach miners.´¶€Green
  4081. Death.
  4082. /See CREATION.
  4083. /Employee of€Brittanicus Base.
  4084. /The lesser villains encountered‡€Œƒusually
  4085. motivated‡€basic evil of greed -¥this did not make them
  4086. less dangerous. Evilýmen included: Kal€caveman; Aydan
  4087. ‰Eyesen; Forester; Bennet; Sevcheria; El Akir; Johnny Ringo; Gray;
  4088. Caven; Pike; Theodore Maxtible; Dent; Irongron‰Bloodaxe;
  4089. Eckersley; Lupton; Dr Kellman; Count Federico; Lord Palmerdale;
  4090. Count Grendal of Tara;€Graff Vynda-K; Tryst‰Dymond; Rorvik;
  4091. Morgus‰Stotz;€Chief Officer of Varos; Doland;‰Keillor;
  4092. Evilýwomen included: Kala; Queen Xanxia; Vivien Fay;
  4093. Lady Adrasta; Kara;‰Lady Peinforte. Aliens included:€Usurians;
  4094. €Gaztaks;€Mentors‰€Bannermen.
  4095.     Misguided fanaticsƒalso formidable opponents. Among these
  4096. were: Tegana; Tlotoxl; Robespierre; Klieg‰Kaftan; General
  4097. Carrington; Professot Stahlman; Hepesh; Colonel Trenchard;
  4098. Sir Charles Grover; Prof. Kettlewell‰Miss Winters; Sorenson;
  4099. Harrison Chase; Hieronymous; Dask; Stael; Kassia of Traken;
  4100. Timanov; Sir George Hutchinson; Dastari‰Helen A.
  4101.    On a greater scaleƒvillains motivated‡sheer megalomania
  4102. and/or¤unquenchable thirstœconquest. Among these were:
  4103. renegade¬Lords such›€Master,€Rani, Borusa‰
  4104. Morbius;Çtyrants such›€Animus, Eldrad, Meglos, Monarch,
  4105. Mestor,€Borad, Kroagnon‰Kane;Çraces such›€Ice
  4106. Warriors,€Voord,€Drahvins,€Macra,€Dominators,€
  4107. Krotons,€ëLords,€Nestene, Axos,€Zygons,€Kraals,
  4108. €Krynoids,€Virus of€Purpose,€Movellans,€Nimon,
  4109. €Terileptils‰€Tractators.£megalomaniacs included:
  4110. €mad computers WOTON‰BOSS;¾Zaroff; Salamander;
  4111. Tobias Vaughn; Magnus Greel‰Mogaine. Grander examples of a
  4112. xenophobic desireœtotal domination over all other species include
  4113. €Daleks,€ ‰€Sontarans.
  4114.    Finally, thereƒcosmic entities‘couldþ…called
  4115. evil incarnate, such›€Celestial Toymaker;€Ø
  4116. Intelligence; Sutekh;€Mandragora Helix;€Fendahl;
  4117. €Black Guardian‰’servant,€Shadow;€ØVampire;
  4118. €Mara;€Gods of Ragnarok;€Destroyer‰Fenric.
  4119.    Some entitiesƒdriven„become villians‡a cruel twist of
  4120. fate, such as: Omega;€Wirrn; Xoanon; Scaroth; Mawdryn; Sharaz Jek
  4121. ‰€Silurians‰Sea Devils.
  4122.    At last, thereƒentities whose action may appear evil„
  4123. humans,¥‘ƒultimately motivated‡factors beyondý
  4124. notions of good‰evil. For example:€Daemons; Kronos;
  4125. €Xeraphin‰€Eternals.
  4126. /Nickname given„€“Œ‡€Sevateem
  4127. because’faceŽcarved†€Black Wall behindµ«
  4128. god, Xoanon,ŽÈ„…held prisoner.
  4129. /The powerfulÇLight once catalogued all of Earth's
  4130. species,¥¦¹learned‚’catalogue™beenï
  4131. obsolete,¹wanted„destroy Earth.disintergrated¦€
  4132. ‹Œshowed‚no one, even Light, could stop
  4133. evolution. Both€Fendahl‰€Daemonsƒ
  4134. Ȅhave affected Man's evolution.
  4135.   ŠMarshmen of Alzarius evolved®replicas of€
  4136. Terradonians.ŠThoros-Betans evolved®€Mentors.
  4137. Sergeant Paterson honestlyÈ¢€'survival of€fittest'
  4138. adage. Also see ANTHROPOLOGY, MUTATIONS.
  4139. /Earth examiner sent„Vulcan„investigate governor
  4140. Hansell's handling of€rebels.Žmurdered‡Bragen‰
  4141. impersonated‡€ªDoctor.
  4142. /According„some reports,²Ž€name of€º
  4143. which,¢€öAD 2972,Žcoveted‡both Ashe's colonists‰
  4144. captain Dent¶€Interplanetary Mining Corporation,‘wanted
  4145. its duralinium resources. ItŽalso inhabited‡primitives‰
  4146. non-humanoid priests, all of whom worshipped€Guardian of€
  4147. Doomsday Machine. Thanks„€Úof€¨Œ‰
  4148. Jo Grant,€colonistsÿDent's evil schemes‰kept«
  4149. planet.
  4150. /King Arthur's sword, buriedš¢a spaceshipê
  4151. Vortigern's Lake. ItŽdrawn‡Ace‰Í€object of a
  4152. fierce battleô€‹Œ‰Morgaine.
  4153. /Vast amphitheatre߇€Company†Plutoœ
  4154. its executions‰other public functions.
  4155. /Captain of€Elder's city.ŽÞ‡Steven,‰
  4156. kept prisoner‡€Savages,¥­escaped. However,
  4157. Nanina's words™shaken’beliefs.
  4158. /Dalek credo.
  4159. /Hidden, mist-shroudedºonce inhabited‡a highly
  4160. *Exxil
  4161. advanced race of silicon-based beings.ŠExxilon visited£‰
  4162. ƒmistakenœspace gods‡€Incas. Theyò€City,
  4163. a computer-controlled complex‚thought itself so perfect,‚²
  4164. cast out its creators,‘¡reverted„savagery. A group of
  4165. Exxilon, led‡Bellal, stopped worshipping€City. They¿€
  4166. ¨ŒÊ€Ÿand, ultimately, destroy€City.Š
  4167. mineral parrinium,€only antidote„a space plague,Žû
  4168. only†Exxilon.
  4169. /Name given„€black holeއRassilon
  4170. ‰óback„Gallifrey. It™probably beenò‡€
  4171. collapse of Omega's supernova.ŠEye of HarmonyŽencased
  4172. ¢¤hexagonal, monolithic structure,‰secretly locatedê€
  4173. Panopticon. It could…accessed onlyš€ØKey (or Rod) of
  4174. Rassilon.ŠEye of HarmonyŽ€virtually inexhaustible source
  4175. of energyµpowered Gallifrey‰ï·travel possible.Š
  4176. ˎable„absorb enough energy¶€Eye of Harmony„
  4177. prolong life,þcondemning Gallifrey¢€process.
  4178. /Device built‡Horus„imprison’evilÜ
  4179. Sutekh†Earth.ŠEye of HorusŽhoused inside€Pyramids of
  4180. Mars,‰Žprotected‡various traps‰guardians. Sutekh forced
  4181. €“Œ„take„Mars‰ß€body of¾
  4182. Marcus Scarman„destroy it.
  4183. /For some²Ž€most tranquilú¢€
  4184. Universe.Š¸ŒŽthere¦¹fell victim„Borusa's
  4185. playing of€Game of Rassilon.
  4186. /Native plants of Spiridon.
  4187. /One of Skagra's Think Tank colleagues.
  4188. /Representaiveœ€Court of Millenius. He,
  4189. Aydan, Kala‰Eprin conspired„steal a Key of Marinus. Later,¹
  4190. attempted„frame IanœEprin's murder,¥Žãunmasked
  4191. ‡€©Doctor.
  4192. /Name given‡€Kangs„«scouts.
  4193. /Tigellan‘É€Gaztaks.
  4194. /See V, HAROLD.
  4195. /Commander of€Intergalactic Pursuit Squadron‘assigned
  4196. Lieutenant Lang„goî€kidnappers of Romulus‰Remus.
  4197. /Planet visited‡Captain Cook.
  4198. /Remote rocky island a few miles off€Channel coast. It
  4199. Ž€location of a lighthouse,‰Žrumoured„…haunted‡a
  4200. mysterious Beast. In€early 1900s,€“Œ×a
  4201. stranded Rutan‘™taken€shape of lighthouse-keeper Reuben.
  4202. /The Valeyard's Dickensian base inside€Matrix.
  4203. Its proprietorŽsupposed„…•J.J. Chambers. ItŽthere
  4204. ‚€SixthŒÿ€Valeyard.
  4205. /UNIT colonel¢charge of€Devesham Space Research
  4206. Station while Brigadier Lethbridge-StewartŽ¢Geneva.ŠKraals
  4207. ï¤android duplicate of him.¿€“Œž
  4208. them.
  4209. /(1791-1867) Famous English physicist.ŠË
  4210. wanted„kidnap„harness’genius,¥Ží‡€
  4211. Sixth Doctor.
  4212. /Salamander's official food taster.leftšAstrid,¥
  4213. Ž°–‡Benik.
  4214. /One of€crew†€Eternal's ships.
  4215. /British military installation whose resourcesƒß
  4216. „Ê€Daleks.
  4217. /Lakertyan female, Beyus's wife‰Sarn's mother.¿
  4218. €‹Œž€Rani.
  4219. /Taran swordsman‘ÀPrince Reynart.
  4220. /Former owner of€Farrel plastics factory.
  4221. retired„let’son, Rex, take over. Alerted‡McDermott„€
  4222. changes introduced‡€Master,¹Ìresisted€
  4223. renegade¬Lord's hypnotic commands.ŠË™–‡
  4224. a Nestene-controlled plastic doll.
  4225. /John Farrel's wife.þsawˆhusband
  4226. murdered‡€Nestene-controlled plastic doll.
  4227. /Son of John‰Mary Farrel. His father™retired,
  4228. leaving¢charge of€Farrel plastics factory.ŠË
  4229. placedê’hypnotic control‰ß’factory„
  4230. manufacture Autons‰other murderous Nestene-controlled plastic
  4231. products. After€Nestene'sžat€hands of€¨
  4232. Doctor,€Ëߝ›a decoy„escape.
  4233. /Government inspector‘discovered‚€
  4234. insecticide DN6 would­kill€ýrace.Žmurdered
  4235. ‡Foresteræ¹could report²„’superiors.
  4236. /TARDIS console instrument which, once jammed,
  4237. *Con
  4238. nearly sent€Ã‰its crew back„€very beginning of
  4239. time.
  4240. /(aka FTL, HYPERSPACE or WARP) Man
  4241. discovered FTL propulsion at€end of€21st century. A notorious
  4242. FTL accident occurred¦€Empresss‰€Hecate crashed®
  4243. •another¦simultaneously emerging out of hyperspace above€
  4244. ºAzure.ŠMegaran‰Mawdryn's shipsƒboth¢stationery
  4245. hyperspace (or warp ellipse) orbits above Earth. Planet Zanak™
  4246. been equippedšmassive transmat engines enabling²„travel
  4247. through space. Quarb crystalsƒß„power hyperspatial engines.
  4249. /Indian woman prisoner¢El Akir's harem.
  4250. /See CESSAIR.
  4251. /Political entityµemerged sometime¢€32nd
  4252. Ąreplace€£Empire (which™ended circa€30th
  4253. century),îa period of solar flares‰a new Ice Age†Earth.
  4254. ŠFederationŽa loose combine ofý‰Çraces,
  4255. including€Alpha Centauri,€Arcturians,€newly peaceful
  4256. Martian Ice Warriors,‰Å€Draconians.
  4257.    Around AD 3700,€¨Œ¿€ºPeladon join€
  4258. Federation,‰exposed¤Arcturian plot. Fiftyölater,
  4259. ¹prevented€hostile Galaxy 5¶using€traitor Eckersley„
  4260. take over Peladon's trisilicate mines.
  4261.   ŠFederation°evolved®a more militaristic entity,
  4262. perhaps due„€challenge of€Ÿ¢AD 4000,‰€
  4263. ensuing,“Dalek War,›well›€discovery of life-
  4264. extending Spectrox.ŠFederation­disintergrated
  4265. ®new empires,‰could…considered›extinct‡€
  4266. beginning of€50th century.
  4267. /Ruler of Manussa‰husband of Lady Tanha.
  4268. /Count of€Dukedom of San Martino¢15thÄItaly.
  4269. coveted€Dukedom of its rightful ruler,’nephew Giuliano,
  4270. whom¹plotted„kill.Ží‡€“Doctor,‰Ž
  4271. ­–‡€Mandragora Helixtaken over
  4272. Hieronymous's body.
  4273. /Denes's deputy. Salamander poisoned Fedorin because¹
  4274. couldn't bring himself„kill Denes.
  4275. /Scientific officer of Global Chemicals at€
  4276. Llanfairfach Refinery.Žcontrolled‡BOSS's programming,¥
  4277. broke freeîElgin begged„save€¨˜life.
  4278. When BOSSû‚¹could not reprogram him,¹ordered„
  4279. jump„’death.
  4280. /An entity‘fed†€full spectrum of life
  4281. itself. It originated†€¸Planet of€Solar System,µ
  4282. Ž·looped‡€¬Lords¢¤attempt„contain it,¥
  4283. ²escaped‰travelled„Mars‰thence, 12 millionöago,
  4284. „Earth,è²arrived¢€form of a skull. ItŽburied¢a
  4285. volcanic eruption,¥secretly affectedýevolution.Š
  4286. Fendahl skull contained a pentagram-shaped neural relayè€
  4287. Fendahl EnergyŽstored, waiting„…reactivated. In€late
  4288. 20th century,€skullŽû‡Dr Fendelman,‘ó²„
  4289. €Fetch Priory,貎studied‡Thea Ransome, Colby‰
  4290. Stael. Stael turned out„…€Ôof€covenµrecreated
  4291. €Fendahl.Š“Œ­ßFendelman's¬
  4292. Scanner„set up a·implosionµ×€Fendahl Core
  4293. ‰€Fendahleen.°jettisoned€Fendahl Skull near a
  4294. supernova,貎Ådestroyed.
  4295. /The Fendahl turned Thea Ransome®a Fendahl Core.
  4296. In‚guise, sheÍa golden, Medusa-like womanšwrithing
  4297. hair‰huge, deadly eyes.
  4298. /Large, snakelike entitiesšno eyes‰ša mass
  4299. of writhing tentaclesè«mouths should have been. They™
  4300. €power„freeze«victims psychically.ŠFendahl needed
  4301. twelve Fendahleen„…complete,‰turned€members of Stael's
  4302. coven®Fendahleen. But€“Œ–•šrock
  4303. salt,‰Stael's suicide saved¶becoming one, thus keeping
  4304. €Fendahl gestalt incomplete. TheyЦ€“
  4305. Œset up a·implosionµutterly׀Fetch
  4306. Priory.
  4307. /One of€richest‰most powerful men¢€
  4308. world, thanks„’firm, Fendelman Electronics. His twin hobbies,
  4309. archeology‰electronics, led„develop a¬Scannerš
  4310. µ¹studied€origins of man.û‰ó€
  4311. Fendahl Skull„€Fetch Priory,貎studied‡Thea
  4312. Ransome, Colby‰Stael.­realized‚¹™been
  4313. only a pawn of€Fendahl,‰Žmurdered‡Stael.
  4314. /Famous British explorer‘first discovered
  4315. Light's ship.Ímentally unbalanced¦¹first beheld
  4316. Light,‰fellê€control of Josiah Samuel Smith.Ž
  4317. kept prisoner at Gabriel Chase‡Smith,‘plotted„use„
  4318. assassinate Queen Victoria. Once¹recovered’sanity,¹
  4319. ¿€‹ŒžLight.¡left¢€Ç
  4320. »šControl‰Nimrod.
  4321. /Thawn's second-in-command at€methane refinery†
  4322. Delta Magna's moon. After Thawn's death‰Kroll's destruction,¹
  4323. sent¤SOS„Delta Magna,‰help feed€Swampies.
  4324. /Name given‡€ancient Vikings„¤evil entity¶€
  4325. dawn of time. In€Far East of€3rd century,€Œ(in¤
  4326. unrecorded adventure)Ìchallenged Fenric„solve a chess
  4327. problem. As a result, FenricŽimprisoned¢a shadow dimension,
  4328. while’Earthly essenceŽtrapped inside a flask. That flaskŽ
  4329. ó„Northumberland‡€Vikings, whom¹dubbed’'Wolves'
  4330. ®engineering’return. Fenric's eventual releaseçú¢
  4331. Northumberland¢€1940s, justæ€end of WorldëII.
  4332. å„release a deadly toxinµwould have×mankind,
  4333. ¥Žagainÿ‡€‹Doctor. Fenric's host body
  4334. (Captain Sorin's)Ž–‡€Ancient Haemovore.
  4335. /TV personality¢charge of covering¾
  4336. Horner's excavation at Devil's Hump.
  4337. /Assistant„Giles Kent, whose father™been
  4338. murdered‡Salamander.¿€ªŒž
  4339. Salamander.
  4340. /Astrid's father‰Finance Deputy of€European
  4341. Zone.Žmurdered‡Salamander.
  4342. /Genoese trader‘hoped„establish trade
  4343. contractšSaladin.¿El Akir capture Barbara.
  4344. /Location of Dr Fendelman's laboratory. ItŽutterly
  4345. ׇ€·implosion set up‡€“Œ„
  4346. destroy€Fendahl Core‰€Fendehleen.
  4347. /English villageè€Fetch PrioryŽlocated.
  4348. /T-Mat operator†€Moon¦²Žtaken over‡€
  4349. Ice Warriors. Fearingœ’life,¹reluctantly cooperatedš
  4350. €Ice Warriors,¥­redeemed himself‡sacrificing’
  4351. life„stay†€Moon‰betray€Martians.
  4352. /Elegant lieutenant‰commanding
  4353. officer of€Redcoats patrol‘arrested€ªŒî
  4354. Culloden. Polly‰Kirsty McLaren blackmailed®helping them.
  4355. Later,¹Žhanded Gray›a prisoner.
  4356. /Loyal©Officer„€Captain of Zanak.Ž–
  4357. ¦Zanak's Bridge controls exploded›€“Œß€
  4358. Äprevent Zanak¶rematerializing around Earth.
  4359. /See LAND OF FICTION.
  4360. /Helen A's pet, a mean‰aggressive creature, known›a
  4361. stigorax,¶Terra Alpha. Fifi hunted killjoysœHelen A‰Ž
  4362. ultimately–‡¤avalanche of candy crystals caused‡€
  4363. ‹Doctor. His deathïHelen Aãrealize‚happiness
  4364. is nothing without sadness.
  4365. /Planet of€Solar Systemè€Fendahl
  4366. originated. ItŽ·looped‡€¬Lords¢¤attempt„
  4367. contain€evil entity.
  4368. /American intelligence agent sent„liaiseš½
  4369. ø€Master.Žù‰duplicated‡Axos,¥
  4370. managed„escape.¿€¨Œ‰½ž
  4371. Axos.
  4372. /British general¢charge of military operations¢Ù
  4373. ¯€Dinosaur Invasion. In reality,¹ŽworkingšSir
  4374. Charles Grover†Operation Golden Age.Ž­exposed‡
  4375. €¨Doctor, arrested‡Benton‰°court-martialled.
  4376. /51stÄscientist‘discovered€double nexus
  4377. particle,µsentýscience®a technological cul-de-sac
  4378. explaining€failure of€Zigma Experiment.
  4379. /One of€Red Kangs of Paradise Towers.¿€
  4380. ‹Œ‰MelžKroagnon.
  4381. /Sarnian sacred volcanoµproduced€Numismaton
  4382. flame. ItŽsaid„…€home of€god Logar. In reality,€
  4383. Trion™equipped²ša seismic control centre,µŽ
  4384. sabotaged‡€Master.
  4385. /The©Œ¼inspired€ØFire
  4386. of Rome¢AD 64.Š¸ŒŽresponsibleœ€
  4387. ØFire ofÙ¢AD 1666.
  4388. /Draconian officer serving¢€Draconian Embassy
  4389. *Drac
  4390. †Earth.
  4391. /Men converted®amphibious scaly creatures whose job²
  4392. Ž„produce foodœAtlanteans. Jacko convinced them„go†
  4393. strike„helpžZaroff.
  4394. /See COSTA.
  4395. /London locationè€ÃŽ'parked'¯
  4396. €©˜confrontationšWOTAN.
  4397. /Lord of Wallingford‰•of King John's
  4398. faithful Barons.Íincreasingly distraught›¹watched€
  4399. evil deeds of Kamelion,‘™assumed King John's likeness at€
  4400. Master's behest.­¿€¸Œž€
  4401. Master.
  4402. /Ranulf‰Isabella's hot-tempered son, easily
  4403. manipulated‡€Master.
  4404. /Ranulf's wife.
  4405. /Name given„a quartz-filled caveè250
  4406. Hashashins™once been slain‡Mongol conqueror Hulagu. Tegana
  4407. ß²„trap Barbara.
  4408. /Drinks dispenser߇€Kangs›a way of
  4409. communication.
  4410. /See SACRED FLAME.
  4411. /(aka FLANNIGAN) Engineer†€Wheel¢Space.
  4412. Õ¢repairing€X-ray laser sabotaged‡Jamie.Ž
  4413. taken over‡€Cybermen,¥°freed‡€ªDoctor.
  4414. ¡¿ž€invaders.
  4415. /Drunken customer of€Inferno discotheque.
  4416. /Cryon prisoner of€Cybermen.ŠSixthŒgaveˆa
  4417. thermal lance,µshe buried¢a box of vastial.Š 
  4418. ¡exposedˆ„above-zero temperatures,µ–her. But
  4419. €thermal lance triggered€vastial's explosion,µ×
  4420. € ‰freed Telos.
  4421. /Chancellor of€High Council of€¬Lords of
  4422. Gallifrey‘replaced Thalia. When€Death ZoneŽreactivated,
  4423. she voted¢favour of sending€Ë„help€Five Doctors,
  4424. õBorusa's wishes. After Rassilon™turned Borusa®a
  4425. living statue, Flavia‰€High Council reappointed€¸
  4426. Œ›President,¥¹deputised’ü„ˆ‰managed
  4427. „escape.
  4428. /Owner of€Roman villa耩Œ
  4429. ‰’Òstayed.
  4430. /Name given‡Monarch„what¹deemed„…€·
  4431. of primitive, fleshly existence,›opposed„android lifeš
  4432. silicon chip memories.
  4433. /Name of€Devesham pub.
  4435. /Perivale resident.
  4436. /He led¤unsuccessful attempt„open
  4437. Devil's Hump¢1793. His miners returned„Cornwall, leaving
  4438. œdead.
  4439. /According„€¨Doctor,²Žaºcoveredš
  4440. flowers,•of€most beautiful¢€galaxy.
  4441. /Young woman¶€Elders' city. With Avon, she acted›
  4442. Steven‰Dodo's guide.
  4443. /Landmark of Vortis.
  4444. /She‰Bellboyƒfounding members of€Psychic
  4445. Circus. Theyä„escape,¥sheŽ–‡€Bus
  4446. Conductor.
  4448. /Native Gallifreyan bird or insect. Romana suggested
  4449. studying its life cycle.
  4450. /Type of spaceship߇€Ÿ¢«AD
  4451. 2164 Invasion of Earth.
  4452. /Reegan's henchman.Ž–‡€Brigadier.
  4453. /Reptilian race‘Éa deadly 20-minuteìof mutual
  4454. exterminationš€Argolins. After€war,€Foamasi survivors
  4455. Íresistant„radioactivity.—of«clans,€West
  4456. Lodge Foamasi, impersonated Brock‰Klout,‰ä„sabotage
  4457. €Leisure Hive so‚they could¡buy Argolis. Theyƒ
  4458. exposed‡a Foamasi Government Investigator.Šsaboteurs°
  4459. escaped,¥ƒ×‡€Argolins.ŠArgolin leader,
  4460. Mena, rejuvented thanks„€“˜efforts,‰ïa
  4461. lasting peaceš€Foamasi.
  4462. /The methane refined†Delta Magna's third moonŽturned
  4463. ®a source of protein. Kara's protein factory†Nekrosß
  4464. €bodies stored at Tranquil Repose›a source of protein. Later,
  4465. €SixthŒshowed€Tranquil Repose employees how„convert
  4466. local flowers„protein.—of€Androgums' chief interests
  4467. Žfood; Shockeyeä„kill‰eat Peri‰Jamie. Oscar
  4468. BotcherbyŽ€manager of La Piranella restaurant¢Seville.
  4469.    Marsh Minnowsƒa delicacy praised‡€Mentors. According„
  4470. €Sixth Doctor,€gumblejackŽ€finest fish¢€
  4471. galaxy. BillyŽmutated‡a Chimerons food like
  4472. substance. A peace treaty involving food shipments¶Karfel
  4473. „BandrilŽnegotiated‡€¨Doctor. Also see
  4475. /The Tardis's food dispenser.
  4476. /UNIT Corporal‘Ž–‡¤Auton.
  4477. /Part of Terminusè€Vanir did not dare„
  4478. go. ItŽthere‚€Garm lived.
  4479. /Scrap merchant‘owned€junkyard located at
  4480. 76 Totters Laneµ€©‰Sixth Doctorsߛ
  4481. rematerialisation points. Foreman's YardŽalso€site
  4482. of a battleôBritish soldiers‰€Daleks.
  4483. /See SUSAN.
  4484. /Ruthless financial backer of Smithers,€scientist‘
  4485. discovered€deadly insecticide, DN6.Žprepared„go„any
  4486. lengths„market it.Š©Œ‰’Òimprovised
  4487. ¤explosive device„stop him.
  4489. |Donald Bruce's deputy.
  4490. /Scottish Duke, president of€Scottish Energy Commission.
  4491. Žimpersonated‡Broton,Ôof€Zygons,‘ß’
  4492. form¢¤attempt„destroy a World Energy Conference.Šreal
  4493. DukeŽ­Û‡€“Doctor.
  4494. /One of Leiutenant Scott's men.
  4495. /American archeologist, Peri's
  4496. grandfather, whom€Œmet†a field trip†a Greek Island.
  4497. discovered a Trion beacon†€neighbouring sea bed. Kamelion
  4498. assumed’shape¦€¸Œtravelled„Sarn.
  4499. /Union of Traken's guard. Several of themƒ–‡€
  4500. Melkur. Their ProctorŽNeman.
  4501. /Archaeologist mentioned‡¾
  4502. Rumford.
  4503. /Space station
  4504. nicknamed Think TankèSkagraá€Sphere.
  4505. /Landmark of Paradise Towers.
  4506. /Alien tourist‘crashlanded¢Wales¢1959‰Ž–
  4507. ‡€Bannermen.
  4508. /Country visited‡€©Œ¯€French
  4509. Revolution, allegedly’'favourite period¢history',‰at
  4510. €·of€St Batholomew's Day's Massacre.Š“Œ
  4511. ‰RomanaÉScaroth¢Paris. A French Napoleonic armyŽ
  4512. ù‡€Warlords¯€ëGames. Lord Palmerdale
  4513. ™just returned¶Deauville¦’»crashed†Fang
  4514. Rock.ŠªŒmet Frenchman Jules Benoit†€
  4515. Moonbase. After being freed‡€ªDoctor, Colin McLaren
  4516. ‰’supporters sailed„France. According„some accounts,
  4517. Ace­chose„live¢1880 France,èshe married•of
  4518. Sorin's ancestors.
  4519. /One of€Devil's End villagers.
  4520. /The©Œmet this robotic version of
  4521. €legendary monsterò‡Mary Shelley¢a 1996 House of
  4522. Horrors. It¡É€Daleks.
  4523. /One of€Moonbase crew 'zombified'‡€Cybermen.
  4524. /Chessene's tribe.
  4525. /Thoros-Alphan faithful„€Mentors.Ž€commander of
  4526. €guards at Lord Kiv's citadel†Thoros-Beta.Ž–‡
  4527. Ycanos.
  4528. /Tegan's cousin. While¢Amsterdam,¹ŽÞ
  4529. ‡Omega‰°Û‡€¸Doctor.
  4530. /Employee at Jago's theatre.
  4531. /Tribe of humans living†€surface of Ravolox (Earth).
  4532. They worshipped€god Haldron. A number of them (such›Broken
  4533. Tooth)ƒintended victims of€UK Habitat's Cullings,¥ƒ
  4534. saved‡Merdeen.ŠFreeƒruled‡Katryca,‘­led
  4535. ¤assault†€Habitat. After€SixthŒ×Draithro,
  4536. €population of UK Habitat joined€Free.
  4537. /Name given„€revolutionary movement‚
  4538. overthrew€French monarchy‰shook Franceô1787‰1799.
  4539. Š©Œcalled²’'favourite period¢history'.
  4540. /According„Gharman, a Kaled opposed„Davros.
  4541. /Labyrinthºètwo legions of€Graff Vynda-K's
  4542. armyÉ¢€Alliance Wars.
  4543. /Nickname given‡€'humanized'Ÿ„€ª
  4544. Doctor.
  4545. /See THINK TANK.
  4546. /Planet located¢€Veruna system. After Earth's sun
  4547. suffered a cosmic collision, a group of survivors, led‡Captain
  4548. Revere, relocated there.ŠºŽsecretly infected ‡€
  4549. Tractators‘™drawn€colonists„Frontios because they
  4550. needed„use«bodies‰minds„power«excavating
  4551. machines. Their leader,€Gravis,å„turn Frontios®a
  4552. hollow spaceshipšµ€Tractators could roam€Universe.
  4553. Š¸Œÿ‰restored€colony¢€hands
  4554. of Captain Revere's son, Plantagenet.
  4555. /He‰Rhynmalƒ£scientists involved¢
  4556. experimental matter transmission. Theyß«Cellular
  4557. Projector„send€©Œ„Mira.
  4559. /Chinese delegate„€World Peace Conference‘
  4560. replaced Cheng Teik.developed a friendly relationshipš€
  4561. ¨Doctor.
  4562. /One of€prisoners of Stangmoor Prison.¿capture
  4563. €¨Œ‰Jo.
  4564. /Name given„slave workers†Inter Minor. A rebel
  4565. functionaryŽshot‡Kalik; President Zarbä„improve«
  4566. lot.
  4567. /Hostile plants of Mechanus.
  4568. /Device߇€¸Œ„žOmega.
  4569. /See LIN FUTU.
  4570. /Codenameœ€Sontaran intelligence
  4571. division„µStyre reported.
  4572. /Evil house located¢Perivale. Ace burned²down
  4573. ¢1983,‰€‹Œçˆback„²¢1883¦they
  4574. discovered€houseŽêcontrol of Josiah Samuel Smith.
  4575. Gabriel Chase™been built†top of€spaceship of€powerful
  4576. alien, Light.
  4577. /According„€“Doctor, this tyrant
  4578. once offered a whole star system›a priceœ’head.
  4579. /One of€Xeron rebels.
  4580. /Terran bueaucracy set up„take€census
  4581. of€colonies.Š‹Œencountered•of its agents,
  4582. Trevor Sigma,†Terra Alpha.
  4583. /Space insurance company, formed¢Ù¢
  4584. AD 2068,¥disbanded¢2096. Several decades later,€“
  4585. Œbetrayed himself†board€Empress¦¹pretended„…
  4586. •of its employees.
  4587. /Companyµ™chartered Captain
  4588. Brigg's freighter.
  4589. /Interplanetary mining corporation run
  4590. ‡€Mentors of Thoros-Beta. ItŽbuying Zyton-7¶Varos. Its
  4591. agent, Sil, bribed€Chief Officer of Varos„keep€prices low,
  4592. ¥¹Ží‡€Sixth Doctor.¡attempted„take
  4593. over€planet,¥failed. Sil's superior, Kiv, replaced‰
  4594. negotiated fairer pricesœZyton-7.
  4595. /Location of€doomedºuponµ€Drahvin -
  4596. Rill confrontation occurred.
  4597. /Militaristic space power located¢a neighbouring
  4598. galaxy. During€38th century, Galaxy Five went„욀
  4599. Federation. ItßAzaxyr‰Eckersley„try„take over€
  4600. trisilicate mines of Peladon. When they failed,²Žforced„sue
  4601. œpeace. Later, Galaxy Five's self-proclaimed Master, Zephon,
  4602. allied himselfš€Ÿ„attack€Solar System,¥Ž
  4603. –‡them. Presumably, Galaxy Five's powerŽ¡totally
  4604. crushed‡€Federation.
  4605. /Queen of Atlantis.ŠËcharmedˆ®overthrowing
  4606. *Gall
  4607. King Dalios. When she learned‚€Renegade¬Lord™caused
  4608. Dalios's death, she turnedõhim,¥too late.´¦
  4609. €Kronavore×Atlantis.
  4610. /Homeºof€¬Lords, first mentioned‡€
  4611. ¨Œ¦¹Žinterrogated‡Linx. ItŽlocated
  4612. ¢€constellation of Kasterborus, 29,000 lightö¶Earth.
  4613. GallifreyŽ€location of€trial of€ªDoctor,‰
  4614. Žbriefly invaded‡€ëLords. Later,²Žþ
  4615. ׯ€Omega crisis,¥Žsaved‡€Three
  4616. Doctors. ItŽÆ‡€Ë¦¹þ
  4617. released€Eye of Harmony. ItŽ¡invaded‡€Vardans
  4618. ‰€Sontarans. In both cases, GallifreyŽsaved‡€
  4619. “Doctor.Š¸ŒŽä†Gallifrey¦Omega
  4620. Ƅtake over’body. Finally, Borusaó€
  4621. Five Doctors„Gallifrey's Death Zone„helpunlock€
  4622. secret of€Tomb of Rassilon.
  4623.    GallifreyŽprotected‡impenetreble force fields known›
  4624. transduction barriers. ItŽ€location of€Capitol,€¬
  4625. Lords' seat of power. A great deal of€surface of€ºŽ
  4626. barren‰wild,‰inhabited‡€Shobogans, or Outsiders.
  4627. ŠDeath ZoneŽa forbidden area, protected‡force fields, at
  4628. €center ofµŽ€Tomb of Rassilon, known›€Dark
  4629. Tower.Š¨Œonce mentioned‚¹lived†a
  4630. mountainside¢South Gallifrey. Also see TIME LORDS.
  4631. /Ruthless£marine lieutenant‰member of€
  4632. *Gallo
  4633. space corps expedition sent„Exxilon„bring back parrinium.
  4634. met€¨Œ‰­sacrificed’life„destroy
  4635. €Daleks.
  4636. /Dalek prisoner‘escapedšStien through€·
  4637. corridor„20thÄLondon.Ž–‡•of Lytton's
  4638. men.
  4639. /Human colony¶µ€five humansއ
  4640. Styre originated.
  4641. /Name given‡€¬Lords„€process of
  4642. using€¬Scoop„pull various creatures out of space‰time,
  4643. ‰drop them off¢€Death Zone†Gallifrey„watch them fight.
  4644. In spite of its name,²Žsaid„have been banned‡Rassilon.
  4645. Borusa played€Game of Rassilonš€Five Doctors,‰
  4646. Ò(Susan,€Brigadier, Sarah Jane Smith, Tegan‰
  4647. Turlough)‰«enemies (Daleks, Cybermen, Yeti)„find€
  4648. secret of true immortality located¢€Tomb of Rassilon.
  4649. /The©Œlost€Ãplaying backgammonš
  4650. Kublai Khan,‰ÿ€Celestial Toymaker at’own
  4651. Trilogic Game.ŠªŒ¿solve a series of riddles
  4652. protecting€Tomb of€Cybermen.Š“Œalso
  4653. solved a series of riddlesµprotected€Eye of Horus†Mars.
  4654. °engaged¢a fierce contest of minds known›'mind
  4655. bending'šMorbius.ŠEternals played gamesšmortals„
  4656. entertain themselves.Š¸Œloved cricket.
  4657. Š‹ŒÉa deadly game of chessšFenric.
  4658. Romulus‰Remus Sylvestƒbrillient chess players. Games
  4659. playedšliving beings included€Romans' Circus Games,
  4660. €ëGames‰€Game of Rassilon.
  4661. /Thal¶Skaro‰Alydon's friend.Žproved right¢
  4662. ’mistrust of€Daleks.¿€©Œ‰led€
  4663. expedition„€Daleks' city‡way of€dreaded Lake of
  4664. Mutations.
  4665. /Agent sent‡Space Special Security„Kembelš
  4666. Bret Vyon.Ž–‡€Daleks.
  4667. /Moon of Jupiter. ItŽalso€name of€Space Beacon
  4668. µçover¶Nervabeen quarantined.
  4669. /One of Captain Pike's pirates.
  4670. /Aztec homeœold citizens耩
  4671. Œaccidentally proposed„Cameca.
  4672. /Captain of€£battle cruiser‘ÛHardy‰
  4673. Stewart's C-982 cargo»î²™been attacked‡€Ogrons.
  4674. /One of€criminals of Desperus.ä„take over€
  4675. ©˜ship,€spar 7-40,¥Žfelled‡a stun
  4676. charge.
  4677. /See BOK.
  4678. /Alzarian Decider.Žextremely indecisive,‰
  4679. relied†Login‰€“Œ„Ê€Marshmen.
  4680. /Mysterious dog-headedǑlived†Terminus.Ž
  4681. quite strong,‰cured some of€Lazarsšcontrolled radiation.
  4682. His ministrations saved Nyssa¶lazar disease.¿€¸
  4683. Œdisable€unstable engineµÆ€universe;¢
  4684. exchange,€Œfreed¶€sonic boxµenabled€
  4685. Vanir„control him.
  4686. /Combat pilot servingš€¨Galactic
  4687. Fleet.Ž–‡€Ÿ†Skaro.
  4688. /Technician†Clent's team.¿€ª
  4689. Œž€Ice Warriors.
  4690. /Earth con artist originally¶Hackneywick, Somerset.
  4691. *Garron
  4692. Žforced„flee£because¹refused„sell€Sidney
  4693. Opera House„a rich Arab.‰’younger assistant, Unstoffe,
  4694. embarked†a career›galactic conmen, selling planets„
  4695. unsuspecting victims. Garronä„sell Ribos„€Graff
  4696. Vynda-K using a lump of jethrik,µturned out„…a segment of
  4697. €Key„Time. When€Graffûout€truth, Garron‰€
  4698. “Œƒforced„join forces. Garron­ended up
  4699. š€Graff's spaceship, filledšeighteenöof plunder.
  4700. /Spaceman‘landed†KembelšMarc Cory.Ž
  4701. injured‡a Varga plant,¡–‡Cory„putout of’
  4702. misery.
  4703. /The vicar's verger‰€Master's henchman¢Devil's End.
  4704. ùMiss Hawthorne,¥Ž°incinerated‡Azal's
  4705. psionic powers.
  4706. /Detective inspector shot¢Gatwick‡Spencer.Ž
  4707. investigating€Chameleonsîreceiving a tip-off¶
  4708. Samantha Briggs.
  4709. /Mankindßpoison gases¯WorldëI. Poison
  4710. gasesƒß›natural weapons‡€parasitic Weed,µfed
  4711. †natural gas,‰‡€ÇVervoids. Bothƒ
  4712. vulnerable„pure Oxygen.ŠAlzarians alsoßpure oxygen„
  4713. drive€Marshmen away.
  4714.    Oxygen (or, more accurately,€mixture of oxygen‰azote
  4715. called air)Ž•of€commodities necessaryœ€
  4716. preservation ofýlifeêwater;¢space;†
  4717. airless worlds such›Earth's Moon;‰†worldsš
  4718. other types of atmospheres such›Titan.ŠSunmakers sold air
  4719. „€Pluto colony‰ßa pacifying gas called PCM„maintain
  4720. «domination. They alsoßa stun gas called Balarium.Š
  4721. Moroksßa paralyzing gas named Zaphra.ŠTerileptils
  4722. breathed a mixture of air‰a gas nemed Soliton.ŠMarshal
  4723. wanted„alter Solos's atmosphere„make²habitable‡humans.
  4724.    Š©Œßa gas jet‰a match„get rid of
  4725. Forester.Š“Œreleased helium¢€Sandminer's
  4726. atmosphere„trick€Robots of Death.Š¸Œß
  4727. hexachromite„destroy€Silurians‰Sea Devils‘™taken
  4728. over Sea Base Four.
  4729.    Planets Karn‰Sarn both generated a volcanic gasµhad,
  4730. êcertain local conditions,€power„extend life. On Karn,²
  4731. Žcalled€Sacred Flame‰†Sarn€Numismaton Flame.
  4732. An unidentified green gasŽpart of€process leading„
  4733. €creation of€Krargs. On Alzarius, periodic orbital shifts
  4734. released non-toxic subterranean gasesµboosted evolution.
  4735. Vorum gasŽß„protect Space Station J7's computer.
  4736. /Half-humanoid, half-slug creatures, once considered
  4737. mythical†€ºJaconda, most ofµthey destroyed. Their
  4738. leader, Mestor,çover‰å„throw aº®
  4739. Jaconda's sun„spread’eggs throughout€universe.Ž
  4740. ÿ‡€SixthŒ‰Azmael.
  4741. /Stone archway erected‡€Tharils at€Zero Point
  4742. ôN-Space‰E-Space.ŠZero Point,€archway,‰€
  4743. mirrors inside formed€Gateway.
  4744. /One of London's airports. In 1966,€ªŒÉ
  4745. €Chameleons there.
  4746. /MercilessÔof€Bannermen‘pursued Delta„1959
  4747. Wales. GavrokŽoutwitted‡€‹Œ‰–‡’
  4748. own sonic cone.
  4749. /Russian corporal whose mind snappedîseeing€
  4750. Haemovores.
  4751. /Young Karfelon rebel.Žbanished through€Timelash‡
  4752. €Borad.
  4753. /Space mercenaries hired‡Meglos„bring¤
  4754. Earthling (George Morris),¡„attack Tigella„help€Zolfa-
  4755. Thuran steal€Dodecahedron. Theyƒled‡Grugger‰Brotadac.
  4756. ŠGaztaks­betrayed Meglos. Theyƒoutsmarted‡€
  4757. “Œ‰Ð¢Zolfa-Thura's explosion.
  4758. /Member of€Dalek Alliance¢«Masterplanõ€
  4759. Earth.Ž­–‡Mavic Chen.
  4760. /ReasonableÔof€trisilicate miners of Peladon. At
  4761. first alliedšEttis, because of’opposition„€
  4762. Federation,¹Íreceptive„€¨˜wishes„help
  4763. €miners.­¿€¬Lord expose Azaxyr‰
  4764. Eckersley. At€˜suggestion,¹Ž­appointed
  4765. new ChancellorîOrtron's death.
  4766. /Omega's mindless agents.ßthem„attack€
  4767. Three Doctors.
  4768. /Manßgeneration starshipsœinterstellar
  4769. travelæ€discovery of faster than light (or warp)
  4770. propulsion.ŠArk‰Terra Nova could…considered
  4771. generation starships. Also see CRYOGENICS‰SUSPENDED ANIMATION.
  4772. /Dastari™technically augmented€androgum
  4773. Chessene, without changingˆsavage nature.ŠVervoids
  4774. ƒgenetically engineered‡¾Lasky. Other master
  4775. geneticists included€Rani‰Davros. Also see CLONES.
  4776. /TheÏof¤entire species.ŠŸƒ
  4777. guilty of attempted genocide. However, no matter what blows€
  4778. Œdealt„€Daleks,¹Žnever able or willing„eradicate
  4779. them completely. Other aliens‘ƒguilty of attempted
  4780. genocide included:€Cybermen;€Dominators;€Krotons;
  4781. €Ice Warriors; Axos; Sutekh;€Kraals;€Krynoids;€
  4782. Fendahl;€pirateºof Zanak; Scaroth;€Nimon;€Vampires;
  4783. Monarch of Urbanka;€Terileptils;‰Mestor.
  4784. ŠSiluriansä„cause€ýrace„exterminate itself.
  4785. Š¬Lordsþ׀ýrace¦they moved
  4786. £through space‰renamed²Ravolox.
  4787.    A number ofývillainsþcaused€Ïof
  4788. mankind: Forester;¾Zaroff;¾Stahlman; Sir Charles
  4789. Grover;‰€Scientific Reform Society.ŠËŽresponsible
  4790. œ€annihilation of many planets, including Traken,µŽ
  4791. ךLogopolis.
  4792.   ŠValeyard accused€SixthŒof genocide - a criminal
  4793. offenceêArticle 7 of Gallifreyan law -œhaving׀
  4794. Vervoids.ŠýEmpireþcommitted genocide†races such›
  4795. €Solonians or€Wirrn.ŠKastrians committed racial suicide
  4796. rather than face Eldrad's return. Also see END OF THE WORLD, WAR.
  4797. /Chief Acolyte of€Tesh.Éalongside Jabelõ
  4798. €“Œ‰€Sevateem.
  4799. /See MINERALS.
  4800. /Thoros-Alphan rebel‘followed Tusa‰Yrcanos.Ž
  4801. –‡€Mentors.
  4802. /Mondasian Cyberleader‘çover€Geneva headquarters of
  4803. €International Space Command‰´îMondas's destruction.
  4804. /One of Skaro's Mutos.
  4805. /The location of€1996 World's Fair, whose House of Horrors
  4806. Žbriefly visited‡€©Œ‰€Daleks.
  4807. /Davros's associate¢€creation of€Daleks.
  4808. ­led a rebellionõ€evil scientist,¥Ž–
  4809. ‡€Daleks.
  4810. /Codenamed K-1,¹Ž€creation of¾
  4811. *Rob
  4812. Kettlewell. His purposeŽ„replace men¢a variety of
  4813. dangerous tasks‰’prime directiveŽ„serve humanity.
  4814. However,²Žsubverted‡Miss Winters‰€Scientific Reform
  4815. Society,‘ߝ¢«plan„become masters of€World.
  4816. ŠRobot inadvertently–Kettlewell‰went mad. Fond of
  4817. Sarah,¹çˆhostage‰ä„start WorldëIII.Š
  4818. “Œ×š¤anti-metal virus.
  4819. /Stormyºincorporated®Tryst's CET.
  4820. /On Voris,€©Œmet€Zarbi,‘ƒ
  4821. similar„gigantic£ants,‰€Menoptera,‘ƒlike
  4822. gigantic£butterflies.ŠªŒmet€Macra,‘
  4823. ƒnot unlike giant crabs.Š¨ŒÉgiant
  4824. maggots‰giant flies caused‡€Green Death,‰giant
  4825. Spiders†Metebelis Three.Š“ŒÉa giant
  4826. Robot, a giant Krynoid†Harrison Chase's estate, Weng-
  4827. Chiang's giant rat¢€ÙSewers, Kroll,€gigantic god
  4828. of€Swampies,†Delta Magna's moon, and,¢E-Space,€
  4829. ØVampire‘looked like a giant humanoidšbat-like
  4830. features.Š¸ŒÉ€Mara,‘appeared›a
  4831. giant snake.
  4832. /One of€Çtourists‘crashlanded¢Wales¢1959.
  4833. Ž–‡€Bannermen.
  4834. /Group Captain¢charge of€British army squadron
  4835. sent„Ê€Ÿ‘™invaded€Coal hill area¢1963.
  4836. Žassisted‡¾Rachel Jensen, of whom¹Žvery fond,
  4837. ‰¿€‹Œž€Daleks.
  4838. /One of€inhabitants of Devil's Endê€
  4839. Master's control.á•of UNIT's helicopters‰ä„
  4840. kill€¨Œ‡driving®Azal's heat barrier.
  4841. ended up crashing®€barrier himself.
  4843. |Royal Navy seaman‘É€Sea Devils.
  4844. /Rightful young ruler of€Dukedom of San Martino,¢
  4845. 15thÄItaly. His uncle, Count Federico,ä„kill„
  4846. take over€Dukedom,¥failed.Ža man of science,¤
  4847. artesan of€Renaissance,‰¿€“Œbanish€
  4848. evil Mandragora Helix.
  4849. /See ANCELYN.
  4850. /Guns shooting gold particles, developed¯€
  4851. Cyber Wars„Ê€Cybermen.
  4852. /Galactic swindler¶Salostopus¢Andromeda.
  4853. *Glitz
  4854. ‰’associate, Dibber, travelled„Ravolox. Their goalŽ„
  4855. steal€secrets previously stolen¶€¬Lords' Matrix‡
  4856. €Andromedan Sleepers. GlitzŽsentenced„death‡Katryca.
  4857. After Dibber׀Maglem converter, Glitz conned Drathro
  4858. ®giving€tape containing€Sleepers' secrets. But€
  4859. tapeŽ°destroyed, alongšDrathro,¦€SixthŒ
  4860. shut down€energy systems„prevent a black light explosion.
  4861. Then,€Ësent Glitz,›well›Mel,„€trial of€
  4862. Œ„help€¬Lord expose€Valeyard's secret identity.
  4863. ŠValeyard fled®€Matrix,€Œhot¢pursuit. Glitz
  4864. followed‰recovered€Sleepers' secrets¶€Valeyard
  4865. œ€Master. However,€Valeyard™tricked him, givinga
  4866. Limbo Atrophier instead. Glitz‰€ËÍtrapped¢€
  4867. Matrix. GlitzŽ°stranded†Iceworld, because¹owed
  4868. money„Kane,„whom¹™already sold€crew of’ship,€
  4869. Nosferatu. Kane manipulated‰€‹Œ®looking
  4870. œ€Dragonfire. After Kane's suicide, Glitz remained¢charge of
  4871. Iceworld (now a spaceship rechristened Nosferatu II),‰leftš
  4872. Mel.
  4873. /Multinational corporationµowned‰operated
  4874. €Llanfairfach Refinery. ItŽpumping chemical waste®€
  4875. local mines,µ­Ž€cause of€Green Death‰
  4876. its deadly swarm of giant maggots. It developed€àBOSS.
  4877. /The©Œ‰’Òcrossed²along
  4878. šMarco Polo‰Tegana.
  4879. /See MAGIC, RELIGION.
  4880. /See RAGNAROK, GODS OF.
  4881. /Director of€Inferno project.ïseveral
  4882. attempts„slow down¾Stahlman's Inferno Project, such›
  4883. calling¢Greg Sutton‰going over Stahlman's head„€€
  4884. Minister,‰would have failed if€¨Œ™not
  4885. intervened. On a parallel world, Sir KeithŽ–¢a car
  4886. accident arranged‡Stahlman.
  4887. /Precious metal,€cause of much evil among greedy men.
  4888. GoldŽdeadly„€Cybermen,‰Žû¢
  4889. abundance†Voga,€so-called 'planet of gold'.
  4890. /Like€Black Dalek, ofµ¹may…¤avater, a
  4891. *Dalek
  4892. Dalek Warlord.led€éof£¢€22nd century.
  4893. /The“Œß€robes of a Gold Usher„
  4894. enter€Panopticon„try„prevent€President's assassination.
  4895. A Gold Usher led€ceremonies¦€ŒŽ°
  4896. proclaimed President.
  4898. /Expression߇€Captain of Zanak„
  4899. signal‚ZanakŽø„crush another world‰therefore
  4900. replenish its mineral wealth.
  4901. /Form of compassionate euthanasia߇€Company
  4902. †Pluto. Cordo's father´a deluxe Golden death,µcost
  4903. Cordo 117 talmars.
  4904. /One of Kroagnon's buildings.
  4905. /Concorde flight߇€¸Œ„
  4906. rescue Flight 192. Its captainŽStapley.
  4907. /Concorde flight 192,µŽhijacked„
  4908. €Jurassic Period‡€Master. Its captainŽUrquhart.
  4909. /Planet visited‡Captain Cook.
  4910. /Time Lords' Surgeon General‘attended€induction of€
  4911. “Œ›President of€High Council.Ž°
  4912. expelled outside€Capitol,‰joined€Shobogans‰Leela
  4913. ¢fighting€invaders of Gallifrey.
  4914. /Peaceful race‘lived¢¤underground city enclosed‡
  4915. €machines of€Krotons,«unseen masters. Every month,
  4916. €two most intelligent Gondsƒselected„become€Krotons'
  4917. 'companions'. In reality, two Krotonsƒdraining«mental
  4918. energy„recharge themselves.
  4919. /Technician at€Beacon Hill Research Establishment.Ž
  4920. –‡€Master's Tissue Compression Eliminator.
  4921. /Nicknamed 'Commandant',¹Ž€manager of
  4922. Gatwick Airport¦€ªŒÉ€Chameleons.
  4923. /Pat Rowlinson's hotel¢Carbury.
  4924. /Welsh bee-keeper‘¿€‹Œž
  4925. Gavrok's Bannermen.
  4926. /According„Welsh legend, aúof augurs.Šthree
  4927. Gorsedds¢BritainƒStonehenge, Bryn Gwiddon‰Boscombe
  4928. Moor.
  4929. /British colonel‰prison camp commander‘ȹ
  4930. Žfightingõ€Germans¢WorldëI. In reality,¹Ž
  4931. part of€ëGames.Žtricked‡€ªŒ®
  4932. letting Zoe escape.
  4933. /Alfred Buller's mother-in-law.
  4934. /One of€subterranean Exxilons‘™not reverted„
  4935. savagery¦cast out‡€City.
  4936. /Chancellor of€High Council of€¬Lords. When€
  4937. PresidentŽø„resign,‰Gothûout‚¹Žnot
  4938. going„…’chosen successor,¹plottedš€Master, whom
  4939. ¹™discovered hiding†Tersurus,„kill€President‰
  4940. frame€“Doctor. GothŽ­ÿ‡€
  4941. Œ¢mental battle inside€Matrix,‰–‡€
  4942. Master.
  4943. /One of€crew of€Mary Celeste.
  4944. /One of Mandrel's rebels.¿€“Œ‰
  4945. Leela overthrow€Company†Pluto.
  4946. /Governer of€Luna Penal Colony„µ€
  4947. ¨Œ‰Jo Grantƒsentîtheyƒaccused of being
  4948. Draconian spies.ŠËtricked®turning€¬Lord
  4949. ‰’Òover„him.
  4950. /See CAMFORD VICTOR.
  4951. /Forty-fifthÔof Varos.ä„
  4952. *Gov
  4953. negotiate higher pricesœZyton-7¶€Galatron Mining
  4954. Corporation. Sil bribed€Chief Officer of Varos„keep€prices
  4955. low,¥Ží‡€Sixth Doctor.ŠGoverner would have
  4956. ´‡€Cell Disintergrater if¹™not beenۇ
  4957. Meldak. Sil's superior, KIv, replaced‰negotiated fairer
  4958. pricesœZyton-7.
  4959. /Count Grendel's Castle.
  4960. /System of classification of€Company's Citizens†Pluto:
  4961. A,B,C,D, etc. CordoŽa D-grade citizen. Also see CLASSES.
  4962. /Title given„€ruler of Levithia.
  4963. /PlanetׇZanak.
  4964. /Title given‡Slaar„€Ôof€invading
  4965. Ice Warrior space fleet.ŠªŒtransmitted a fake
  4966. guiding beaconµsent«fleet®€sun.
  4967. /Washington technician–‡€opening of a
  4968. Martian seed pod.
  4969. /Newsman‘interviewed Mavic Chen.
  4970. /One of€¨˜companions.Ža
  4971. *Jo
  4972. ½agent fully trained¢cryptology, explosives‰safebreaking,
  4973. ‰owedˆassignment„ˆuncle, a cabinet minister.¿
  4974. €Œmany timesõ€Ë‰twiceõ€
  4975. Daleks.alsoɀNestene‰«deadly
  4976. Autons,€Mind of Evil, Axos‰€evil designs of€
  4977. Interplanetary Mining Corporation. Her attempt„sacrificeˆlife
  4978. „save€˜led„€Daemon Azal's defeat.¡
  4979. ¿€ŒÊ€Sea Devils,€evil Marshal of Solos,
  4980. Kronos‰Omega.¿Ý¶€Scope,‰travelled
  4981. š„Peladon,èsheŽnot insensitive„€charms of
  4982. King Peladon. But ultimately, she fell¢love with,‰
  4983. married,¾Clifford Jones,‘¿€ŒžBOSS
  4984. ‰€Green Death. Afterˆwedding, she sent€blue
  4985. crystal¶Metebelis 3‚€Œ™given her, back„
  4986. him.also travelledš€Œ„Karfel¢¤
  4987. unrecorded adventure.
  4988. /Corporal¢€British army squadron sent„Ê€
  4989. Ÿ‘™invaded€Coal Hill area¢1963.
  4990. /Leader of€Tractators,‘functioned like a queen bee;
  4991. without’guiding intelligence,€Tractatorsƒmindless
  4992. burrowers.ŠGravis™tremendousüof gravity control.
  4993. ™secretly drawnýcolonists„Frontios because¹needed„
  4994. use«bodies‰minds„power’excavating machines. With
  4995. these,¹å„turn Frontios®a hollow spaceship.Š
  4996. GravisŽsusceptible„flattery,‰’desireœ€Ã
  4997. enabled€¸Œ„cutoff¶€other Tractators
  4998. ‰render them helpless.ŠŒ¡abandoned€Gravis
  4999. †Kolkokron.
  5000. /A gravity-controlling machine located†€Moonbase,
  5001. µ¿control Earth's weather (via€tides). In AD 2070,
  5002. ²Í€object of a Cyberman attack.ŠªŒß€
  5003. gravitron„send€ ‰«»hurtling off®
  5004. space.
  5005. /The gravitronŽa machine built†€Moon,‰µ
  5006. could control gravity. ItŽß‡€ªŒõ€
  5007. Cybermen.ŠTractators™great naturalüof gravity
  5008. control.ŠCrystal of€MaraŽdesigned¢a zero-gravity
  5009. environment.
  5010. /Former solicitor‘abused’position›
  5011. Prison Commisioner illegally„sell Scottish rebels›slaves„
  5012. …transported„€West Indies.Ž­Þ‡€
  5013. ªŒ‰handed over„Ffinch.
  5014. /See KROAGNON.
  5015. /Powerful stoneòover eight hundred
  5016. öago‡€Manussans. Its perfect molecular structureŽ
  5017. attuned„€exact wavelength of€ýmind. It™been
  5018. designed‡molecular engineering¢a zero-gravity environment.Š
  5019. Crystal absorbed€evil within€Manussans' minds, amplified it,
  5020. ‰ò€Mara.
  5021. Also see CRYSTALS.
  5022. /Started‡€¸Œ¢AD 1666¢¤
  5023. effort„destroy€plague rats infected‡€Terileptils.
  5024. /Starliner roomè€Deciders met.
  5025. In reality,²Ž€bridge of€ship.
  5026. /Alias߇Davros at€Tranquil Repose mortuary.
  5027. *Davros
  5028. /Entity¶another dimension,µŽexiled
  5029. ®ours,‰condemned„hoverô€stars without physical
  5030. substance. It­çover Padmasambhava's mind. Itå
  5031. „reincorporate itself‰conquer Earth,¦its gelatinous
  5032. substance flowed through a pyramid gateway. In spite of itsÖ
  5033. Yeti,€Intelligence's planŽí‡€ªDoctor,
  5034. Jamie, Victoria‰¾Travers¢€mid-1930s.Šentity
  5035. Žbanished¦€Œheld²¢check mentally while Jamie
  5036. ‰Thomni smashed its pyramid.
  5037.    Thirtyölater, Travers reactivated aÖYeti's silver
  5038. sphere,µled€Intelligence„launch a new attack, this·
  5039. ¢€ÙUnderground. ItŽagain opposed‡€ªDoctor,
  5040. š€help of Travers, Jamie, Victoria‰Colenal Lethbridge-
  5041. Stewart.ŠIntelligence plotted„drain€˜mind,¥€
  5042. Œsecretly reversed€polarities of€device,‰would have
  5043. turned€tables†’enemy if Jamie™not¼wrenched
  5044. €device¶€˜head at€last minute, thereby
  5045. releasing€evil entity.
  5046. /Name given‡€Nimon„«travel¶
  5047. º„planet.
  5048. /Another nameœ€Rod of Rassilon.
  5049. Not„…confusedš€Key of Rassilon.
  5050. /Giant spider of Metebelis 3. It™gathered all€
  5051. crystals¢€Cave of Crystals,‰™grown„gigantic physical
  5052. ‰mental size. It needed€Blue Crystal„complete its crystal
  5053. web‰increase its mental power„infinity. When€¨Œ
  5054. ó€Blue Crystal back, its feedback׀Ø
  5055. One.
  5057. |Title߇Aukon„refer„€ØVampire.
  5058. /Leader of€Çvampires‘ƒ×‡
  5059. €¬Lords. Wounded‰þdying,¹fled®E-Space,è
  5060. ¹still™strength mentally„lure€£»Hydrax.
  5061. offered its three officers, Aukon, Zargo‰Camilla, vapiric
  5062. immortality if theyÀhim. They fedš€blood of€
  5063. ýcolonists‰«descendantsœa thousand years, planning
  5064. œ€¬of Arising,¦¹would swarm back®normal space.
  5065. ŠØVampire's plansƒí‡€“Doctor,‘
  5066. ߕof€Hydrax scout ships like a stake„kill him.
  5067. /Nickname of€Psychic Circus.
  5068. /The ancient civilization of Atlantis, located¢€island
  5069. of Thera¢€Aegean Sea,Ž€object of stories written‡
  5070. Plato. Ancient GreeceŽ•of€protagonists involved¢
  5071. €Trojan War,¢µboth€©Œ‰€Rani
  5072. çpart. BigonŽa Greek philosopherù‡€Urbankans,
  5073. probably circa 519 BC. DelosŽa Greek slave‘befriended
  5074. Ian aboard a Roman galley.—of€Eternals wore€guise of
  5075. Critas,€captain of a Greek galley.Š¸Œ‰
  5076. Turlough met Peri†a Greek Island, nearµa Trion»™
  5077. crashed.
  5078. /51stÄAustralian dictator‰scientist whose
  5079. *Greel
  5080. questœeternal life led„devise€flawed·travel
  5081. method known›€Zygma Experiment.Žresponsibleœ
  5082. hundreds of thousands of deaths,‰Ždubbed€Butcher of
  5083. Brisbane. Greelò€Peking Homunculus,µset off World
  5084. ëVI‰¿‰other dictators take over€£›€
  5085. Supreme Alliance. Greel̀Alliance's infamous Minister of
  5086. Justice. After€AllianceŽoverthrown at€Battle of
  5087. Reykjavik, Greel‰€Homunculus escaped„19thÄChina¢
  5088. €Zygma¬Cabinet. But’metabolismŽ×‡temporal
  5089. distortion. GreelÍhorribly disfigured,‰needed„absorb
  5090. other humans' life essences¢order„survive.Žû‡a
  5091. Chinese peasant, Li H'Sen Chang,‘睄€god Weng-Chiang.
  5092. While GreelŽrecovering’¬CabinetŽsiezed‡€Chinese
  5093. Emperor T'ungchi,‰­ended up¢Ù¢¾
  5094. Litefoot's hands. Greel,’worshippers,€Tong of€Black
  5095. Scorpions,‰€Homunculus travelled„England„recover€
  5096. Cabinet. But«effortsƒí‡€“Doctor, Leela,
  5097. Litefoot‰Henry Gordon Jago. After discarding Chang, GreelŽ
  5098. ­struck down‡€Homunculus's laser fire‰´of
  5099. cellular collapse.
  5100. /Hollywood director whose film€©
  5101. Œinterrupted.
  5102. /Post Office Tower security officerš€rank of Major.
  5103. Žhypnotised‡WOTON,¥Žfreed¦€©Œ
  5104. ׀ëMachines.
  5106. |Guard at Stangmoor Prison.Ž–¦Mailerçover
  5107. €Prison.
  5108. /19thÄBritish miner whose brain fluidsƒ
  5109. stolen‡€Rani.
  5110. /Lethal effects of€deadly swarms of giant maggots
  5111. ‰poisonous, glowing green slimeò‡€chemical waste
  5112. pumped®€local mines‡€Global Chemicals refinery¢
  5113. Llanfairfach.
  5114. /Intended„lastœever,²Ž€material of
  5115. µ€Ark's statueŽmade.
  5116. /International Electromatics' Chief Researcher. Corporal
  5117. Benton shotæ¹could kill¾Watkins.
  5118. /United Nations Pleniptentiary‰Minister
  5119. šspecial responsibilityœT-Mat.assisted€ª
  5120. Œ¢’Êõ€Ice Warriors‰«Seeds of
  5121. Death.
  5122. /Gossipy post office clerk¢Moreton Harwood,‰€
  5123. High Priestess of Hecate.‰Commander Pollockƒarrested
  5124. thanks„€efforts of Sarah Jane Smith‰K-9 Mark III.
  5125. /Chief Guard of UK Habitat.suspected Merdeen of helping
  5126. ñݶ€Cullings. Merdeen shot„prevent
  5127. ¶betraying him.
  5128. /Taran knight, Lord of Castle Gracht,‰
  5129. *Gren
  5130. Swordsmaster of€Ninth Degree.desperately wanted„…King
  5131. of Tara. To achieve’ends,¹ä„assassinate Prince Reynart
  5132. ‰„use Romana's resemblance„Princess Stella. His plansƒ
  5133. 퇀“Doctor,‘ÿ¢a sword fight.
  5134. Grendal managed„escape.
  5135. /See HALLET.
  5136. /British Army sergeantêGeneral Carringon's command.
  5138. |See GRAY.
  5139. /Chief technician of€Devesham Space Research Station.
  5140. ¿€“ŒÊ€Kraals‰Žwounded‡•
  5141. of Styggron's androids.
  5142. /Denes's palace chief.
  5143. /Lytton's second-in-command.agreed„help
  5144. ’boss steal€Cybermen's·vesselœ€Cryons,œa price
  5145. of two million pounds¢diamonds.Ž–‡€Cybermen.
  5146. /One of€Llanfairfach miners.
  5147. /Androgum tribe.
  5148. /Natasha's friend.convinced„helpˆlookœ
  5149. ˆfather¢€vaults of Tranquil Repose.Ž–‡•of
  5150. Davros's Daleks.
  5151. /Terileptil androidï„look like€figure of
  5152. death.
  5153. /Miss Hawthorne's cat.
  5154. /UNIT soldier saved‡Sarah.
  5155. /Another nameœrobophobia.
  5156. /According„€‹Doctor, aºša
  5157. spectacular swimming poolßexclusively‡€Gulmeres.
  5158. /One of€crew†€Eternals' ships.
  5159. /Planet visited‡Captain Cook.
  5160. /Police constable of Devil's End.Žcrushed‡Azal's
  5161. psionic powers.
  5162. /Day housekeeper at Gabriel Chase.allowed Reverend
  5163. Matthews in.
  5164. /Form of galactic currency valued‡Sabalom Glitz.
  5165. /Garden†TrakenèMelkurŽkept.
  5166. /MinisteršSpecial Powers¯€
  5167. Dinosaur Invasion. In reality,¹Ž€mastermind behind€
  5168. invasion,‰Operation Golden Age,µconsisted¢rolling·
  5169. back„restore£„¤age¦²Žfree of pollution‰
  5170. technology.Žexposed‡€¨Doctor. After seeing’
  5171. scheme fall apart, GroveräѾWhitaker's
  5172. device‰€two menƒsent back„prehistory.
  5173. /Creature¶€Vortisša venomous sting.
  5174. /General of€Gaztak mercenaries.Žhired‡Meglos
  5175. ¥Ž­outsmarted‡€“Œ‰Ð¢
  5176. Zolfa-Thura's explosion.
  5177. /King Peladon's Champion.Ža mute soldier of considerable
  5178. strength,‰fiercly loyal„€King.first assisted Hepesh
  5179. then, realizing¹™been misguided,¹¿€¨Œ
  5180. expose€High Priest.
  5181. /The Drashigs' star-system of origin.
  5182. /Sole survivor of€super-beings‘once occupied
  5183. Exarius‰built€Doomsday Machine, whose radiation also kept
  5184. alive.Š¨Œconvinced‚€Machine should not
  5185. fall®evil hands - specifically,€Master's -‰€Guardian
  5186. ×it.Ðšit.
  5188. |See MINOTAURS.
  5190. |Corps of humans responsibleœ€security aboard€Ark.
  5191. After Dodo's cold virus™sapped«will, theỳ
  5192. Monoids' servants.
  5193. /Militery elite of Voga;«ÔŽVorus.
  5194. /Immensely powerful conceptual entities‘
  5195. embodied€concept of Light/Order (White Guardian)‰
  5196. Darkness/Chaos (Black Guardian). They maintained€universal
  5197. balance through¤artefact known›€Key„Time.Šexistence
  5198. of€GuardiansŽknown„few. Among thoseƒ€¬Lords'
  5199. High Council,‰€Eternals,‘called them Enlighteners.Š
  5200. White Guardian enlisted€help of€“Œ„gather€
  5201. six segments of€Key„¬¢order„restore€universal
  5202. balance of€cosmos. Eventually€ŒÕ‰
  5203. assembled€key, outwitting€Black Guardian‰enabling€
  5204. White Guardian„restore€balance.
  5205.   ŠBlack Guardian°ßTurlough„try„kill€¸
  5206. Doctor.ŠBlack Guardianä„offer€prize of
  5207. Enlightenment„€Eternals,¥Ží‡€¸
  5208. Doctor.Štwo Guardians will exist until neither is needed any
  5209. longer.”also ENLIGHTENMENT.
  5210. /Karfelon guards‘À€Borad.
  5211. /Specific name of caste of Minyans‘ƒ¢charge of
  5212. controlling€Trogs¢€Underworld. They obeyed€Seers,
  5213. ‘reported„€Oracle.
  5214. /See CESSAIR.
  5215. /Fictional character invented‡Jonathan Swift.
  5216. ¿€Doctor, Jamie‰Zoe¢€Land of Fiction.could
  5217. speak only words given„‡Swift.
  5218. /Flesh-eating octopi¶Griophos.
  5219. /Young Alzarian Outler–‡€Marshmen.
  5220. /Tribe of cavemen‘™lost€secret of fire.
  5221. /According„€Sixth Doctor,€finest fish¢€
  5222. Galaxy.
  5223. /Axe-wielding robots built‡€humanoid races once
  5224. enslaved‡€Tharils. Theyƒdesigned„face€·winds,
  5225. enter€Gateway‰slay€Tharils. After they™broken€
  5226. Tharils' power,€Gundans remained„guard€Gateway.Š“
  5227. Œtricked two Gundans®destroying each other.
  5228. /Giant Viking raider.Žslain‡€Saxons¶
  5229. Wulnoth's village.
  5230. /One of¾Sorenson's Morestran crew–‡€
  5231. antimatter creatures†Zeta Minor.
  5232. /First book¢€western world printedš
  5233. movable type,‰produced¢AD 1455¢Germany‡Gutenberg
  5234. himself.—of Scaroth's twelve fragments (possibly Captain
  5235. Tancredi) obtained several copies. Theseƒsold‡Count Scarlioni
  5236. ¢1980„finance¾Kerensky's·experiments.
  5238. /One of€Xeron rebels.
  5239. /Captain of€Guards‘ÀLord Zargo†€Ø
  5240. Vampires's world.Ž­–‡Ivo.
  5241. /American tourist‘gave a ride„Lady
  5242. Peinforte‰Richard near Windsor. Lady Peinforte™once poisoned
  5243. ˆancestor Dorothea Remington.
  5244. /Megropolis—resident†Pluto.
  5245. /Garron's hometown¢Somerset.
  5246. /Vain‰greedy senior tax collectorœ€
  5247. *Hade
  5248. Company¢Megropolis—†Pluto.Éõ€“
  5249. Œ‰Leela,¥Žpowerless„stop€rebellion.Ž
  5250. thrown off a roof‡€rebels‰died.
  5251. /Web of energy߇€Ë„keep Adric
  5252. prisoner while¹òCastrovalva.
  5254. /An evolutionary offshoot of€ýrace, half a
  5255. *Haem
  5256. millionö¢€future,‰monstrous humanoids who, like€
  5257. vampires of legends,ƒimpervious„bullets‰craved blood.
  5258. Theyƒalso repelled‡€psychic barriers caused‡a potential
  5259. victim's strong faith. Haemovores could surviveêwater,‰™
  5260. tremendous strength. Fenricóseveral Haemovores back through
  5261. time,µgave rise„€vampiric legends.”also
  5263. /Woman prisoner¢El Akir's harem.
  5264. /Swampy high priest at€·of Kroll's third manifestation.
  5265. /B-grade technician‘joined Mandrel's rebels‰¿
  5266. overthrow€Company†Pluto.
  5267. /The¸Œpostulated‚€MalusŽa Hakol
  5268. psychic probe.
  5269. /Archer serving Sir Edward of Wessex.¿€¨Œ
  5270. ‰Sarah Jane SmithžIrongron,‰­–
  5271. Linx‡shooting¤arrow®’Probic Vent.
  5272. /Earth divinity worshipped‡€Free†Ravolox. They
  5273. thought‚Drathro's Maglem converterŽHaldron's totem.
  5274. /Mechanic at Gatwick Airport‘told€ªŒ
  5275. ‚’ÃŽrequisitioned‰taken away‡a certain
  5276. 'J. Smith'.
  5277. /Hall built‡€Trions†Sarn„exploit€
  5278. Numismaton Flame.
  5279. /Interplanetary investigator previously known to,‰admired
  5280. by,€Doctor.investigated€granaries shortage†Stella
  5281. Stora,è¹met Kimber,‘recognized¦¹embarked†
  5282. €Hyperion III space linerê€identity of Grenville. Hallet
  5283. ¡decided„disguise himself›Enzu, a Mogarian‘™boarded
  5284. €»at€last minute.summoned€SixthŒša
  5285. mayday call,¥Žrecognized‡’intended quarry, Doland,‘
  5286. poisoned him.
  5287. /Famous cometµpasses near£approximately
  5288. every 76 years. ¶€Áå„crash²®€
  5289. £¢1986, justîMondas™reenergized itself,‰thus
  5290. save«home world.Š¬Lords' Celestial Intervention Agency
  5291. manipulated€SixthŒ®thwarting«plans.
  5292. /Earth marine lieutenant‰member of€space
  5293. corps expedition sent„Exxilon„bring back parrinium.
  5294. ¿€¨Œž€Daleks,‰Žattracted„
  5295. Jill Tarrant.
  5297. /Little Hodcombe school teacher‰Ben Wolsey's
  5298. friend.refused„participate¢Sir George Hutchinson'sì
  5299. games,‰¿€¸Œž€Malus.
  5300. /Stellar manipulatorò‡Omega„turn a star
  5301. ®a supernova. ItŽendowedša rudimentary form of
  5302. intelligence.Š©Œleft€Hand of Omega†£¢
  5303. 1963, intending„bury it. ItŽlocated‡both€Ÿ
  5304. ‰€Imperial Daleks,‘travelled back¢·„Êœits
  5305. possession.Š‹Œdid manage„bury it,¥²Ž
  5306. dug up‡Ratcliffe.Š‹Œallowed€ImperialŸ
  5307. „seize it,¡manipulated‡Davros®using it.ŠHand of
  5308. Omega turned Skaro's (or Skaro II's?) sun®a supernova‰
  5309. ×Davros's ship. Its ultimate fate is unknown.
  5310. /Lord Cranleigh's friend¶’
  5311. schooldays.
  5312. /Police force of Terra Alpha organized‡Helen A
  5313. „forceñ„…happy. Sad people, dubbed 'killjoys'ƒ
  5314. arrested‡€Happiness Patrol,¡publicly drowned¢boiling
  5315. candy.Š‹Œ‰Ace¿organize a revolution
  5316. µoverthrew Helen A's regime.
  5317. /Overprotective, prudish, middle-aged Northumberland
  5318. woman, Jean‰Phyllis's guardian.Ž–‡€two girls
  5319. îtheyƒturned®Haemovores.
  5320. /Head of€Nuton Power Complex.
  5321. sacrificed’life„save€Complex¶a power surge
  5322. rechannelled‡Axos.
  5323. /He‰Stimsonƒtwo confidence tricksters¶£‘
  5324. pretended„…able„rejuvenate Menaš€Tachyon Recreation
  5325. Generator¢order„gain money. Hardin fell¢lovešMena,‰
  5326. ­re-engineered€TRG‰Õ¢rejuvenating
  5327. Mena.
  5328. /Space pilot of€C-982 cargo»†µ€¨
  5329. Œrematerialized¢AD 2540. ItŽattacked‡€Ogrons‘
  5330. ƒhelping€Ëfoment aìô£‰€
  5331. Draconians.
  5332. /Methane refinery crew member†Delta Magna's moon.Ž
  5333. –‡Kroll.
  5334. /Harrison Chase's butler.Ž–‡Krynoid-
  5335. controlled plants.
  5336. /Fictional character.
  5337. /British army captain. Following Chinn's orders,¹placed
  5338. €Brigadier‰’½menêarrest.
  5340. |Coxswain of Lord Palmerdale's lifeboat.Žshipwrecked†
  5341. Fang rock,‰–‡€Rutan.
  5342. /Planet of€Cyrennic Empire.
  5343. /(c.1020-1066) Last Saxon King of England,–at€
  5344. Battle of Hastings.Š©Œstopped€Meddling Monk¶
  5345. preventing’defeat.
  5346. /Musical instrument which, once a certain tuneŽ
  5347. played†it, revealed€hidden control room of€Game of
  5348. Rassilon.
  5349. /Gambler‰gunfighter‘™thrown¢’lotš
  5350. €Clantons.Žshot‡Doc Holiday¦¹ä„kill him.
  5351. /Black confederate trooper‘É¢€Resistance
  5352. alongside€ªDoctor, Jamie‰Lady Buckingham,„put¤end
  5353. „€ëGames.Ž­–‡•of€ëLords'
  5354. guards.
  5355. /Robson's second-in-command.opposed’superior
  5356. ‰¿€ªŒdestroy€Weed. Victoria Waterfield
  5357. ­chose„stayš€Harris family.
  5358. /Frank Harris's wife.Žtaken over‡€Weed,
  5359. ¥Ž­freed thanks„€Úofˆhusband
  5360. ‰€ªDoctor.
  5361. /UNIT Private wounded¯€ Invasion.
  5362. /Location of€British Government¯€Dinosaur
  5363. Invasion.
  5364. /See SULLIVAN, HARRY.
  5366. |Radar operator‘first detected Axos.
  5368. |Television floor manager¢charge of covering Prof. Horner's
  5369. excavation at Devil's Hump.
  5371. |Guard workingœGeorge Stephenson.Ž–‡€
  5372. Master.
  5374. |Owner of Harry's Cafe,èAce met Mike Smith.
  5375. /UNIT sergeant–‡€Silurians.
  5376. /Royal Navy Captain.Ž¢charge of€naval base
  5377. µŽinvestigating€ships‚™been sunk‡€Sea
  5378. Devils. His baseŽ°taken over‡€Sea Devils,‰¹
  5379. ¿€¨Œ‰Jo Grant repel€invaders.
  5380. /VictorianÙgirlއLi H'Sen Chang.
  5381. would have™ˆlife essence drained‡Magnus Greel if Leela
  5382. ™not takenˆplace.
  5383. /One of Harrison Chase's guards.
  5384. /Employee of Dr Fendelman.
  5385. /A grocery store employee¢Perivale.
  5387. |One of€moonbase staff,–‡€Ice Warriors.
  5388. /Oriental sect of fanatic killers, ofµ250ƒ
  5389. slain‡Hulagu at€Cave of Five Hundred Eyes.
  5390. /The©Œprevented€Meddling Monk
  5391. ¶changing€course of history‡altering€result of this
  5392. battle.”HAROLD II.
  5393. /Saracen encountered‡Ian.
  5394. /Medical doctor‘Žcalled¢at Cranliegh Hall„
  5395. investigate Digby's murder.
  5396. /He‰Weismullerƒtwo US secret agents‘¿
  5397. €‹Œthwart Gavrok's Bannermen‰save Delta.
  5398. /UNIT captain‘É€silurians.Ž–‡€
  5399. young Silurian¦¹came„€Brigadier's rescue.
  5400. /Young lighthouse-keeper†Fang Rock.Ž–
  5401. ‡€Rutan.
  5402. /White witch‘warned¾Horner not„
  5403. open Devil's Hump.also resisted€Master's attempts„control
  5404. her.saved€¨˜life‰¿him, Jo Grant‰
  5405. ½ž€Ë‰Azal.
  5406. /(aka HAYDEN) Member of¾Parry's expedition
  5407. †Telos.Ž–‡•of€murderous traps set¢€
  5408. Tombs of€Cybermen.
  5409. /Scientist¶€University of Darlington,‘
  5410. specialized¢hypnosis.Ža passenger†€Concorde flight
  5411. hijacked„€Jurassic‡€Master,¥refused„believe¢€
  5412. Âof’experience. When¹ãaccepted€truth,¹
  5413. sacrificed himself„join€Xeraphin‰help them communicate
  5414. š€¸Doctor.
  5415. /One of€crew of€Mary Celeste.
  5416. /Unnamed slave of€Terileptils.
  5417. /Unnamed headmaster at Brendon School.
  5419. |Unidentified headmaster of Coal Hill Secondary School.
  5420. Ža thrall of€Imperial Daleks.
  5421. /The King, Queen‰Knave of Heartsƒsome of€
  5422. deadly pawns߇€Toymaker¦¹challenged€©
  5423. Doctor, Stephen‰Dodo.
  5424. /Galsec Seven colonist–‡Styre.
  5425. /London airport. TeganŽ†ˆway there¦sheÍ
  5426. involved¢€“˜clashš€Master.Š¸
  5427. Œçˆback„€Heathrow site,¥¢AD 1666. Soon
  5428. afterwards,¹¿rescue a Concorde planeµ™been hijacked
  5429. „€Jurassic Period‡€Master. Tegan accidentally remained
  5430. behind.
  5431. /Spaceship piloted‡Dymondµcrashed®€Empress
  5432. ¦²emerged¶hyperspace above€ºAzure.
  5434. |Pagan goddess worshipped‡a cult led‡Commander Pollock
  5435. Lily Gregson. Because€local cropsƒnot faring well,€
  5436. cult wanted„sacrifice Brendan,¥ƒstopped‡
  5437. Sarah Jane Smith‰K-9 Mark III.
  5438. /Son of King Priam‰€best warrior¢Troy.Ž
  5439. –‡Achilles, following€unwittingÚof€
  5440. ©Doctor.
  5441. /Doctor at€Bi-Al Foundation.‰Cruikshankƒ
  5442. taken over‡Lowe's Virus.Žblasted‡K-9.
  5443. /Member of€¬Lords' High Council. As a historian,¹
  5444. felt Omega™been wronged, so¹¿invade€Matrix¢
  5445. ¤attempt„bond himselfš€¸˜body. After¹Ž
  5446. exposed,¹sacrificed’life„save‚of€Doctor,¢order
  5447. „enable Omega„complete€bonding.
  5448. /Homeºof€Arar-Jecks.
  5449. /Young Alzarian Outler‘´at€onset of Mistfall.
  5450. /Scientist workingœGeneral Carrington.Ž
  5451. €first„examine€three radioactive,Çambassadors.Ž
  5452. shot‡•of Reegan's men.
  5453. /Location of Atrios‰Zeos.
  5454. /See LEPTONIC ERA.
  5456. /Chassis߇Nostalgia Trips†«galactic tour
  5457. buses.
  5458. /Namedî€great Argolin leader,²Ž€
  5459. symbol of Argolis's warlike past. Pangol wore²¦¹went®
  5460. €TRG.
  5461. /Medical doctor¢charge of examining€¨Œ
  5462. ¯’stay at Ashbridge Cottage Hospital.
  5464. |UNIT Sergeant‘¿€“ŒÊ€
  5465. Krynoid.Žcrushed,¡turned®compost,‡
  5466. Harrison Chase.
  5467. /British military installation whose resourcesƒ
  5468. ߄ʀCybermen.
  5469. /Footman at Cranleigh Hall.
  5470. /Ineffectual governor of€Vulcan colony‘met€
  5471. ªDoctor.Ž–‡a Dalek 'working'œ€
  5472. treacherous head of security,‰rebel leader, Bragen.
  5473. /High Priest of Peladon.genuinelyȂPeladon
  5474. should not join€Federation,‰allied himselfšArcturus„
  5475. stop it.ßAggedor„kill Torbis,‰evenätaking€
  5476. King hostage. After¹Žexposed‡€¨Doctor,¹ä
  5477. using Aggedor„…rid of him,¥€beast turnedõ‰
  5478. –instead.
  5479. /A star¢Messia 13‚went nova›Zoe predicted.
  5480. Its gamma radiation flux deflected meteors towards€Wheel¢
  5481. Space.
  5482. /Official title of€Argolin leader.
  5483. /Winstansley's dog.
  5484. /(aka HERRIOT or HERRIET)—of€ª˜
  5485. *Zoe
  5486. companions. A former student of€£School of Parapsychology,
  5487. µemphasized pure logic‰science, at first she lacked
  5488. emotions,¥she overcame this¯ˆtravelsš€Œ
  5489. ‰Jamie.met€¬Lord†€Wheel¢Space,èsheŽ
  5490. a librarian‰astrophysicist,‰¿ž€Cybermen.
  5491. ¡¿‰JamieʀDominators,€
  5492.  (again),€Krotons,€Ice Warriors,‰Caven's Space
  5493. Pirates.Žparticularly adeptšcomputers,›she
  5494. demonstratedõ€Master-Brain of€Land of Fiction,€
  5495. Kroton Machine,‰‡out-smarting Tobias Vaughn's security
  5496. system. Her computerlike mind worked out€firing plan‚
  5497. ׀invading Cyberfleet. After taking part¢€ë
  5498. Games, ZoeŽreturned„ˆown era‡€¬Lords, justî
  5499. €end ofˆfirst adventureš€Doctor. Zoe's
  5500. imageŽß‡Rassilon„ward off€ªDoctor.
  5501. /International Space Corps General‘led€
  5502. Êagainst,‰Žultimately responsibleœ€Ïof,
  5503. €notorious space pirate Caven.
  5504. /Count Scarlioni's henchman‘É€“Œ‰
  5505. Romana.Žunaware‚’masterŽ¢ÂScaroth. When
  5506. Scaroth returned„€20thÄîfailing„prevent’
  5507. ship's explosion,€sight of’real shape so frightened Hermann
  5508. ‚¹caused¤explosionµ–them both.
  5509. /Role models߇€Marshalœ’ì
  5510. effort propaganda.
  5511. /One of€Çtourists‘crashlanded¢Wales¢1959.
  5512. Ž–‡€Bannermen.
  5513. /Hotheaded member of Jackson's crew.É€Oracle¢
  5514. €Underworld alongside€“Œ‰Leela.ŽÞ
  5515. ‰interrogated‡€Seers,¥Ž­returned„
  5516. Jackson‰went back„Minyos II.
  5517. /RAF air controller‘supervised€tracking of€
  5518. Chameleons' plane.
  5519. /Leader of€pygmy Menoptera‘stayed behind„live¤
  5520. underground existence†Vortis.­rallied„help€
  5521. ©Œ‰€Menopteraž€Zarbi.
  5522. /Gas߄seal underwater structures. ItŽ
  5523. harmless„humans,¥deadly„reptile underwater life.Š¸
  5524. Œreluctantlyß²„kill€Silurians‰Sea Devils‘
  5525. ™taken over Sea Base Four.
  5526. /Managing Director of Autoplastics, Ltd.û
  5527. €first Nestene meteorite‰fell victim„its mind control.
  5528. ï€replica known›Channing.Ž­freed‡€
  5529. ¨Doctor. When¹ä„destroy’handiwork,¹Ž–
  5530. ‡¤Auton.
  5531. /Maintenance employee†€Sea Fort attacked‡€Sea
  5532. Devils,‘–him.
  5533. /Court astrologer¢€Dukedom of San Martino¢
  5534. 15thÄItaly, a charlatan‘¿Count Federico try„
  5535. assassinate’nephew, Giuliano.Žalso€secretÔof
  5536. €Brothers of Demnos. His bodyŽtaken over‡€
  5537. Mandragora Helix.
  5538. /Nickname given‡€Krotons„€ªŒ‰
  5539. Zoe, whose great stores of mental energyƒhalf€power needed
  5540. „activate€Dynatrope's space travel capabilities.
  5541. /Ruling body of Atlantis, presided over‡King
  5542. Dalios.
  5543. /Ruling body of€¬Lords of
  5544. Galifrey. ItŽcomprised of€President,€Chancellor‰
  5545. various Cardinals (or head of colleges)‰other highranking¬
  5546. Lords.ŠHigh Council passed judgement†€ëLords‰€
  5547. ªDoctor,‰summoned€Three Doctors„žOmega.
  5548. When€PresidentŽassassinated‡Chancellor Goth,€
  5549. High CouncilŽthrown®disarray. ThisŽalso€case
  5550. ¦€Vardans‰€Sontarans invaded Gallifrey. When
  5551. OmegaƄð„our universe‡taking over€¸
  5552. ˜body,€High Council, now led‡Borusa, voted„
  5553. condemn€Œ„death. Against Borusa's wishes,€
  5554. High Council voted„ask€Ë„help€Five Doctors
  5555. trapped inside€Death Zone. Afterwards, a new‰corrupt
  5556. High Council initiated€Ravolox Stratagem„strike back at€
  5557. Andromedan Sleepers. Afraid‚€Œwould find out, they
  5558. ߀Valeyard„prosecute€SixthŒat a trial. After
  5559. €SixthŒexposed€Council's plot¯€trial,€
  5560. High CouncilŽdeposed.
  5561. /King Arthur's title.
  5562. /Padmasambhava's title.
  5563. /Unnamed Brother of Demnos, servingêHieronymous.
  5564. wanted„sacrifice Sarah„’god.
  5565. /See ROWSE, HILDA.
  5566. /Captain of€Menopteraéforce.
  5567. /(aka HILDRED) Young, eager‰ultimately incompetent
  5568. commander of€Chancellery GuardsêCastellan Spandrell.
  5569. tortured€“Œ‰Ž­–‡€Master.
  5570. /See TIBET.
  5571. /Young officer‰member of€Imperial£expedition
  5572. force„Deva Loka.ŠKinda's attempts„have‰Commander
  5573. Sanders mind-meldšthem caused them„become mentally
  5574. unbalanced. Spurred‡€Mara, Hindleþ׀planet.
  5575. Žcured‡€¸Œš€Kinda's Jhana Box,‰
  5576. left Deva Loka purged of’inner fears.
  5577. /Steven's henchman.ä„murder Jo‰Bert,‰Ž
  5578. °–‡•of€Green Death maggots.
  5579. /Young member of€Atlantean High Council„whom King
  5580. Dalios entrusted€secret of€Kronos Crystal.wanted Dalios
  5581. „use²„ð€island„its former glories.Ž¢love
  5582. šQueen Galleia.saved Jo Grant's life,¥Ž°–
  5583. ‡€Minotaur.
  5584. /The©Œmet Ulysses‰€other Greek
  5585. warriors of€Trojan War. In AD 64,¹met Roman emperor Nero
  5586. ‰Poppaea. In¤alternate future,‰unrecorded adventure,
  5587. €ŒÍMerlin at King Arthur's court. In AD 1192,€
  5588. ©Œmet King Richard€Lionheart¢Palestine. In
  5589. 1215,€¸Œÿ€Ë‘ßKamelion„
  5590. impersonate King John Lackland. In 1289,€©Œplayed
  5591. backgammon with,‰saved€life of, Kublai Khan¢China;¹
  5592. also met Marco Polo.
  5593.   Š“Œþmet Leonardo da Vinci twice.Š
  5594. Artist had, however met€Meddling Monk. In 1572,€©
  5595. ŒŽþcaught¢€infamous St Bartholomew's Day
  5596. Massacre¢Paris.Š“Œclaimed„have¿
  5597. Shakespeare write Hamlet.
  5598.    In 1746,€ªŒÛJamieî€battle of
  5599. Culloden. In 1794,€©Œaccidentally returned„
  5600. France¯€French Revolution‰just missed meeting young
  5601. Napoleon Bonaparte.
  5602.   ŠSixthŒmet George Stephenson at€beginning of€
  5603. Industrial Revolution. In 1872,€©Œïa brief
  5604. stop aboard€Mary-Celeste. In 1881,¹Éalongside
  5605. famous gunslingers Wyatt Earp‰Doc Holiday¢Tombstone, Arizona.
  5606. Soon afterwards,€SixthŒmet young H.G. Wells‘™
  5607. been vacationing¢Scotland.
  5608.    Albert Einstein‰a bevy of other modern scientific geniuses
  5609. ƒù‡€Rani,¥returned„«proper places¢
  5610. ·‰space‡€‹Doctor.ŠBeatles appeared†
  5611. €©˜visualizer.Š‹Œdid not get„
  5612. meet Queen Elizabeth II while at Windsor.
  5613. /Name given‡€Nucleas of€Virus„€úè²
  5614. could swarm.ŠVirusçover€Titan base‰™itsý
  5615. hosts turn®a Hive,¥²Žblown up‡€“Œ
  5616. æ€swarm could escape.Šhomeworld of€WirrnŽ
  5617. a Hive World. Also see LEISURE HIVE.
  5618. /Menoptera.ŽPrapilius's daughter.
  5619. /Chinese member of€Tong of€Black Scorpion‘replaced
  5620. Lee›Greel's main servant.Ž–‡Mr Sin's laser
  5621. fire.
  5622. /British commander of€Moonbase¯€
  5623.  attack. At first,¹disbelieved€ª˜
  5624. warningsø€Cybermen,¥°came around‰¿save
  5625. €base.
  5626. /Exarius colony's electrician.‰’Primitive
  5627. ⃖‡Norton.
  5628. /The¸ŒÉOmega¢Amsterdam.
  5629. /Gambler, gunman‰sometime dentist of
  5630. €American West‘lived¶1852„1887. Suffering¶
  5631. consumption,¹moved west, ending up¢Tombstone, Arizona,è¹
  5632. established a dental practice. Accused of killing Reuben Clanton,¹
  5633. Žtargetedœrevenge‡€Clanton family.firstä„
  5634. pass off€©Œ(who™come„see„have a tooth
  5635. removed)›himself,¡fled„a neighbouring town,¥°
  5636. returned„take part¢€gunfight at€OK Corral.allegedly
  5637. shot Johnny Ringo. Married„Kate Elder,¹left Tombstoneša
  5638. $2000 prize†’head.
  5639. /TheŸå„hollow out Earth's core‰
  5640. turn€º®a spaceship.ŠTractatorså€
  5641. same fateœFrontios.ŠPirate planet, Zanak,Žalready a
  5642. hollow worldµfunctioned›a spaceship.
  5643. /The©Œstopped there briefly¯’flight
  5644. ¶€Dalek's Masterplan.
  5645. /In€50th century, Kilbracken developed€technique
  5646. of holographic cloning. Such clones™only a ten minute life
  5647. span.
  5648. /UNIT corporal attacked‡Lupton.
  5649. /Captain of€»µcarried¾Parry's
  5650. expedition„Telos.¿€ªŒž€
  5651.  ‰reclose«Tombs.
  5652. /Ferocious, white, snakelike creatures.ŠSevateem߀
  5653. Test of€Horda„try those‘did not believe¢Xoanon.
  5654. /One of€cavemen of€Tribe of Gum.
  5655. /Archeologist‘opened up Devil's
  5656. Hump,¢spite of Miss Hawthorne's warnings.Žfrozen„death
  5657. ¦¹opened€barrow.
  5658. /Heathrow air-traffic controller‘Ž†duty
  5659. ¦Concorde flight 192 disappeared.
  5660. /Egyptian god of light,‰Sutekh's brother.Ž€
  5661. Ôof€godlike Osirians,‘visited£¢€days of
  5662. Ancient Egypt.‰€other OsiriansÿSutekh‰
  5663. imprisonedinside a secret pyramid.
  5664. /When€Krotons turned
  5665. €power of€Dynatropeõ€TARDIS,²dematerialized
  5666. ‰rematialized¢a nearby, safer location.
  5667. /Famous magician whom€Œclaimed„have
  5668. met.
  5669. /Television programme¶Zoe's time.ŠKarkus
  5670. Ža fictional adventurer‘starred¢it.
  5671. /Temple of Weng-Chiang¢London.Šstatue
  5672. of€dragon housed a sophisticated‰deadly laser cannon¢its
  5673. eyes.
  5674. /The fourth stop¢€Daleks' pursuit of€
  5675. ©Œthrough·‰space. ItŽlocated at€1996
  5676. World's Fair¢Ghana,‰featured robotic versions of Dracula‰
  5677. €Frankenstein Monster.
  5678. /One of€Menoptera's landing party†Vortis.Ž
  5679. *Men
  5680. suspicious of Barbara‰advocated killing her.
  5681. /One of€Menoptera, Vrestin's deputy†Vortis.
  5682. *Men
  5683. /Inhabitant of Metabelis 3.
  5684. /Operations director of€oil company whose platformsƒ
  5685. attacked‡€Zygons' Skarasen.
  5686. /Professor Litefoot's housekeeper.
  5687. /One of€Llanfairfach miners,‰€first victim of
  5688. €Green Death.
  5689. /Name given„€French Protestants‘developed
  5690. ¯€16thÄReformation.
  5691. /The Aztecs' cruel god.
  5692. /Mongol conqueror‘slew 250 Hashashins.
  5693. /He‰Tandrellƒtwins¶€UK Habitat, selected„
  5694. serve Drathro because of«intellectual abilities. They thrived
  5695. †contradiction. After€SixthŒ×Drathro, they
  5696. escaped„€world outside.
  5697. /Location of€Central European Zone's headquartersè
  5698. Denes confronted Salamander.
  5699. /Lady Adrasta's enforcer†Chloris.ß’
  5700. carnivorous Wolf Weeds„keep€population obedient. After€
  5701. “Œrevealed Adrasta's duplicity,¹turnedõˆ‰
  5702. refused„obeyˆorders.
  5703. /Young cavewoman of€Tribe of Gum.Ž¢loveš
  5704. Za.
  5705. /Czech½major‘evacuated€civilians‰À
  5706. êBrigadier Bambera¯€battle at Carburyõ
  5707. Morgaine.
  5708. /Lord of€Manor of Little Hodcombe,‘
  5709. ɀ¸Doctor. His unbalanced mind awakened€Malus.
  5710. Under’evil influence,¹began a series of deadlyìgames
  5711. reenacting€English Civil War.­went completely mad,
  5712. ‰Ítotally possessed‡€Malus.´¦Will Chandler
  5713. threw®€Malus's jaws.
  5714. /The Master'sâ†TOM-TIT at€Newton
  5715. Research Institute.Žaged¶25„80¢a matter of seconds
  5716. ‡Kronos,¥Ž­cured‡€¨Doctor.
  5717. /Earth exploration vessel„Beta Two. Its captainŽ
  5718. Miles Sharkey, its navigation officerŽLauren Macmillan‰its
  5719. science officerŽAnthony O'Conner.ŠØVampire drew²
  5720. through E-Space„¤unnamed world.
  5721. /A hydrazine steam generator provided€Frontios
  5722. colonyšelectricity.
  5723. /Pain-killing drug developed‡Terminus, Inc.„control
  5724. €victims of lazar disease. Nyssaå„synthesize it, thereby
  5725. freeing€men¶Terminus, Inc.'s grip.
  5726. /Khepren's first officer.Ž–‡€Daleks.
  5727. /Radioactive crystalsµƒpart of€tribute
  5728. requested‡€Nimon,‰exacted‡€Skonnans¶Aneth.
  5729. ŠNimonßthem„power€black holes‚enabled them„
  5730. travel through space‰invade unsuspecting worlds.
  5731. /Name of€spaceship bringing€£Investigator
  5732. „Solos.
  5733. /Space linerêCommodore Travers's commandµ
  5734. ferriedôMogar‰£¢AD 2986. ItŽþhijacked
  5735. ‡Rudge.ŠSixthŒsaved its crew¶being–‡€
  5736. Vervoids.
  5737. /Another dimension of spaceµŽvirtually a
  5738. theoretical absurdity. Yet€Prison Shipµ™transported
  5739. Cessair of DiplosŽstuck¢hyperspace. Also see
  5741. /The ability„impose one's will†others.ŠË
  5742. Ža supremely talented hypnotist; only humansšvery strong
  5743. wills could resist him.ß’hypnotic techniques, amplified
  5744. šultrasonics,„try„foment aìô£‰€
  5745. Draconians.ŠRani could enslave a man‡makingswallow
  5746. •ofˆdeadly slugs. President Borusa߀Coronet of
  5747. Rassilon„bend€¸˜will.
  5748.    Entities giftedšnatural hypnoticüincluded:€
  5749. Brains of Morphoton;€Sensorites;€Animus;€
  5750. Celestial Toymaker;€Elders;€ØIntelligence;€
  5751. Weed;€ËBrain;€Mind Parasite;€Spiders of
  5752. Metebelis 3; Sutekh;€Mandragora Helix; Eldrad; Xoanon;€Virus
  5753. of€Purpose;€Fendahl;€Shadow;€ØVampire‰’
  5754. servants;€Mara;€Xeraphin;€Eternals;€Malus; Mestor;
  5755. €Gods of Ragnarok; Morgaine‰Fenric. Also see TELEPATHY.
  5756.    A number of villainsßartificial means„impose«will†
  5757. others. Among these were:€Daleks;€Cybermen,‘relied†
  5758. celensky capsules‰«hypnotic beam pulser; WOTON;€Macra;
  5759. €Chameleons;€ëLords;€Nestene; BOSS; Skagra,‘ß
  5760. ’mind-transference sphere;€Terileptils‰€Tractators.
  5761. /Famous biologist whose mindŽstolen‡Skagra at€Think
  5762. Tank space station.´¢€Ïof€station.
  5763. /See CHESTERTON, IAN.
  5764. /Turlough's lumpish friend at Brendon.
  5765. /Saracen bandit‘attacked Ian,¡reluctantly¿
  5766. õEl Akir.
  5768. /The Martians scouted£¯•of its prehistoric
  5769. Ice Ages. A squadron, led‡Varga,Žaccidentally trapped‰
  5770. frozen¢ice. Another Ice Age caused‡a drop¢carbon dioxyde
  5771. level‰deforestation occurred¢AD 3000¥Žstopped thanks
  5772. „€World Ionizer program. Also see ANTHROPOLOGY.
  5773. /A landmark of Iceworld's underworld.
  5774. /A landmark of Iceworld's underworld. In reality,²
  5775. Ža disguised star chart.
  5776. /Divinities worshipped†Ribos. Theyƒsaid„live¢
  5777. €catacombs.
  5778. /Four frozen warriors protecting•of€Keys
  5779. of Marinus.
  5780. /Ribos's 32-year-long winter, caused‡€planet's
  5781. elliptical orbit.ŠRibans thought²Ža product of€ì
  5782. ô€Sun Gods‰€Ice Gods.
  5783. /See VOLCANO.
  5784. /Native Martians. Theyƒhuge, green, scaly
  5785. creatures, equippedšsonic guns (on«claws)‰heavy
  5786. armour. Coming¶a super-cold environment,€Ice Warriorsƒ
  5787. sensitive„heat,µŽ«only known weakness.Šleaders
  5788. appeared„…slightly sleeker‰less bulky than€warriors.
  5789.   ŠMartians scouted£¯its first Ice Age. A squadron
  5790. led‡VargaŽaccidentally trapped‰frozen¢ice. Soon
  5791. afterwards, possibly because they™not heard¶Varga,€
  5792. Martians decided„leave«dyingº‰emigrate„another
  5793. world¢€galaxy.
  5794.   ŠªŒfirst came across€Martians¦Varga‰
  5795. ’menƒûburied¢a glacier¢AD 3000.Šname
  5796. 'Ice Warrior'Žoriginally coined‡Walters,¥²Ž
  5797. apparently close„€original Martian term, since they also
  5798. referred„themselves‡‚name.ŠŒfoiled Varga's
  5799. attempts at conquest‰×€Ice Warriors‰«
  5800. ship.
  5801.   ŠªŒmet€Martians again when, towards€end of
  5802. €21st century, a warlike party of Ice Warriors,êSlaar's
  5803. leadership, returned„€Solar System‰ä„conquer£
  5804. ‡using€so-called 'Seeds of Death'. Slaar'sžseemed„
  5805. have convinced€other Martians„abandon any further attempts at
  5806. attacking€Solar System.
  5807.   ŠMartians¡built a small,Åpeaceful, empire of
  5808. «own,‰­joined€Federation. Their ambassador„
  5809. Peladon, Izlyr,¿€¨Œthwart Arcturus's plans.
  5810. A renegade Ice Warrior, Azaxyr,°betrayed€Federation
  5811. „Galaxy 5†Peladon,¥Žfoiled‡€¨Doctor.
  5812. /North Atlantic islandµŽ€seat of€peaceful
  5813. Icelandic Alliance¢€51st century. After its CommisionerŽ
  5814. assassinated‡Greel's Peking Homunculus, WorldëSix erupted
  5815. ‰€ruthless Supreme Alliance came®power. ItŽã
  5816. overthrown at€battle of Reykjavik.
  5817. /Peaceful 51stÄpowerµfellî
  5818. its CommissionerŽassassinated‡Magnus Greel's Peking
  5819. Homunculus.
  5820. /Space trading post located†€dark side of Svartos,
  5821. owned‰controlled‡€merciless Kane;¢Âa huge
  5822. spaceshipµneeded€dragonfire„start up again. After Kane's
  5823. suicide, Iceworld fell®€possession of Glitz,‘
  5824. rechristened²Nosferatu II.”also DRAGON.
  5825. /Silurian scientist‰third member of€Silurian triad
  5826. *Sil
  5827. µincluded€Old‰€Young Silurians.Ž¢charge of
  5828. reanimating€Silurians¶Wenley Moor.¿€Young
  5829. Silurian inoculate Major Bakerša virus meant„wipe out
  5830. mankind,‰°set up€Molecular Disperser„destroy€
  5831. Van Allen Belt. Tricked‡€¨Doctor,¹‰’brethren
  5832. went back®hibernation. Their shelterŽ°blown up‡
  5833. UNIT.
  5834.    Icthar obviously survived since¹returned¢€year AD 2084
  5835. š’ÒScibus‰Tarpok.¡reanimated a
  5836. Sea Devil commando led‡Sauvix,‰attacked Sea Base Four. His
  5837. planŽ„launch nuclear missiles„provoke aìô€
  5838. two blocs,‰thus eradicate mankind (as™been€Young
  5839. Silurian's last wish).´¦€¸Œßdeadly
  5840. hexachromite gas. According„some reports,’Silurian
  5841. nameŽalso spelled K'to.
  5842. /One of€Trogs of€Underworld.¿€“
  5843. Œ‰Jackson's crewʀOracle‰steal€Minyan
  5844. Race Banks.‰a number of’ñescaped€Underworld's
  5845. χleaving aboard Jackson's ship.
  5846. /One of€Trogs of€Underworld,‰Idas's father. His
  5847. wife‰daughterƒ–¢a skyfall‰¹barely
  5848. escaped being put„death‡€Oracle.
  5850. /Young Lakertyan‘¿€‹Œ‰Peri
  5851. ž€Rani.Žbethrothed„Sarn,‰Í€
  5852. Lakertyans' newÔîBeyus's sacrifice.Èthat,
  5853. if’ñƒ„survive, they™„meet«own challenges
  5854. without outside help.
  5855. /Device built‡€
  5856. ¨Œ„translate thoughts®images.
  5858. /Name given„Drathro‡€citizens of€UK
  5859. Habitat.
  5860. /The¬Lords' ability„regenerateŽa form of
  5861. immortality (see REGENERATION). However, true immortality,›
  5862. promised‡Rassilon,Ža trap. Other entities‘ƒ
  5863. virtually immortal included:€Guardians of Time;€Celestial
  5864. Toymaker;€Elders;€ØIntelligence;€Nestene; Axos;€
  5865. Daemons; Kronos;€Osirians;€Sisterhood of Karn;€Mandragora
  5866. Helix;€Katrians;€Fendahl; Cessair; Meglos;€Vampires;€
  5867. Mara;€Xeraphin;€Eternals;€Gods of Ragnarok; Morgaine;
  5868. Light;‰Fenric.
  5869.    Queen Xanxiaä„keepˆbody alive‡using€energies
  5870. pillaged‡Zanak. Monarch of Urbanka™devised¤artifical
  5871. form of immortality‡storing memories†silicon chips, implanted
  5872. ¢lifelike androids. Mawdryn‰’fellow scientistsƒ
  5873. condemned„live¢a horrible state of perpetual regeneration.
  5874. Š¬Lords prevented Crozier¶developing a mind-transfer
  5875. deviceµwould have led„a form of immortality.
  5876.    Barring destruction,€ ƒprobably immortal since
  5877. they could replace«body parts. ManyÇraces, such›€
  5878. Zygons;€Ice Warriors;€Silurians‰€Sea Devils;
  5879. €Ogri;€Tharils;€Morlox;‰Kane of Proamon™longer
  5880. life spans than man.
  5881. /(aka White Daleks) A race ofŸò‡
  5882. *Dalek
  5883. Davros„…totally subservient„him. Theyƒfirstò
  5884. ¶€bodies kept¢€Tranquil Repose mortuary. Later
  5885. christened Imperial Daleks, theyƒß‡Davros„capture
  5886. €hand of Omega†Earth. TheyÅЦ€Œ
  5887. ߀Hand of Omega„destroy«ship.
  5889. /South Americanñvisited‡€Exxilons.
  5890. /The SS BerniceŽcrossing€Indian Ocean en route
  5891. „Singapore¢1926¦²ŽÞ‡Vorg's Scope.
  5892. /TheËþprevented²¶happening
  5893. because¹wanted„harness‰kidnap€geniuses behind²
  5894. (Stephenson, Faraday, Watt, etc.)‰harness themœ’own ends.
  5895. ŠSixthŒstopped him.
  5896. /One of€Sensorites.
  5897. /Deviceߢ€corridor leading„€
  5898. Bridge of Zanak.
  5899. /Codename of•of€Daleks' operationsõ£
  5900. ¯€Masterplan.
  5902. |London discotequeèPolly met Ben Jackson.
  5904. |Nickname given„¾Stahlman's pet project,µ
  5905. consisted of drilling beneath€Earth's crust¢order„tap
  5906. pockets of Stahlman's Gas,¢theory a new, massive source of energy.
  5907. In addition„releasing a green slimeµcaused men„turn®
  5908. Primords,€completion of Inferno would have released so much
  5909. energy‚€£would have been turned®a molten mass of
  5910. gases. SuchŽindeed€fate of a parallel£è€
  5911. ¨Œcould not stop Inferno¢time.
  5912. /Lazar of Terminus‘befriended Nyssa.
  5914. /One of€Master's assistants†TOM-TIT at€
  5915. Newton Research Institute.
  5916. /PletracƄ
  5917. refer€¨Œ„€ICCAœcoming illegally„Inter
  5918. Minor.
  5919. /See HIGH COUNCIL.
  5920. /The Collector's special police force†Pluto.
  5921. /Karfel's ruling body.
  5922. /Urbanka's planetary system.
  5923. /Female¬Lord‘presided over€Trial of
  5924. *Inq
  5925. €Sixth Doctor,Ž­convinced of’innocence‰
  5926. dismissed all charges.ä„persuade€Œ„again
  5927. become President of€€High Council,¥¹refused.
  5928. /The miniaturized©Œencountered what„
  5929. seemed„…giant insects. On Voris,¹encountered€giant
  5930. antlike Zarbi‰€butterfly like Menoptera.Š¨
  5931. Œencountered giant maggotsò‡€Green Death
  5932. ‰giant, mutated, intelligence spiders†Metabelis 3.
  5933. Š“Œ¿free€Space Ark¶€wasplike
  5934. Wirrn.ŠChimerons' biologyŽsimilar„‚of insects;
  5935. «queen, Delta,Žable„communicatešGoronwy's bees.
  5936. ŠRanißa swarm of deadly insects„control€
  5937. Lakertyans.
  5939. STUDIES.
  5941. /AlienºµŽonce struck‡a space plague,
  5942. possibly€same plague‚Ž­cured‡parrinium,
  5943. ‰which,›a result,Ívery xenophobic.Š¨
  5944. Œ‰Vorg outwitted its Immigration Commissioner, Kalik.
  5945. /The“Œclaimed„…
  5946. honorary president of this organization.
  5947. /Interplanetary organization devoted
  5948. „fighting drugs. Rigg thought‚€“ŒŽ•of
  5949. its agents.
  5950. /Earth-based space commando unit
  5951. summoned„goîRomulus‰Remus, Sylvest's kidnappers. Its
  5952. chief, Commander Fabian, assigned‚specific job„Lieutenant
  5953. Hugo Lang.
  5954. /Name of Rossini's circus.
  5955. /Secretive multinational corporation
  5956. µ™gained a virtual monopoly†à‰electronic
  5957. equipment. Its managing director, Tobias Vaughn, allied himselfš
  5958. € „take over€world, using micro-monolithic
  5959. circuitry hidden¢transistor radios sold¢a million units across
  5960. €globe. These would blanket€ºša hypnotic signal.Š
  5961. InvasionŽ­ÿ‡€ªŒ‰UNIT,š
  5962. Vaughn himself turningõ€ ¦¹realized they
  5963. å„destroy allýlife.
  5965. /Geneva-based, multinational entity¢
  5966. charge of Earth's space program¢general,‰€Snowcap Space
  5967. Tracking Station¢particular. Its Secretary-GeneralŽWigner.
  5968. In 2070, RingbergŽcontroller of International Space
  5969. Command¦€ attacked€Moonbase.
  5970. /See SPACE CORPS.
  5971. /Ruthless corporationµ
  5972. ä„wrest Exarius¶its legitimate colonists.
  5973. /Interplanetary organization invoked
  5974. ‡€¨Œ†Inter Minor.
  5975. /VariousÇentities‰races attempted„either
  5976. enslave or destroy£(or its colonies), or take control of its
  5977. resources. Among these were:€Daleks;€Cybermen;€Master;
  5978. €Ice Warriors;€Sontarans;€Silurians‰€Sea Devils;
  5979. €ØIntelligence;€Macra;€ëLords;€
  5980. Nestene; Axos;€Daemons;€Spiders of Metebelis 3;€Wirrn;
  5981. €Zygons; Sutekh;€Kraals;€Krynoids;€Mandragora Helix;
  5982. Eldrad;€Rutans;€Virus of€Purpose;€Fendahl;€
  5983. Usurians; Zanak; Scaroth;€Urbankans;€Terileptils;€
  5984. Tractators;€Destroyer;‰Light.Š¬Lords themselves
  5985. nearly×£because²sheltered€Andromedan Sleepers.
  5986. Also see END OF THE WORLD.
  5987. /Scottish town¶µGray conducted’slave
  5988. trade.
  5989. /Earth Imperial Council member sent„Solos„
  5990. investigate€Marshal's activities.Šsight of•of€
  5991. Solonian mutants convinced„restore€Marshal„power.
  5992. /Name given‡€Graff Vyda-K„’personal guard.
  5993. /Invisible creatures included€Visians of Mira;
  5994. €Refusians;‰€Spiridons.ŠCelestial Toymakerï€
  5995. ©Œinvisible. Zeta Minor's anti-matter creatures‰
  5996. Xoanon's kinetic monstersƒmostly invisible.
  5997. /Device߇€SixthŒ„overload
  5998. €Valeyard's particle Disseminator.
  5999. /DeviceߢAD 3000„prevent a new Ice Age. ItŽ
  6000. also߇€ªŒ„destroy€Ice Warriors.
  6001. /Planet visited‡Captain Cook.
  6003. /Leader of a band of 12thÄWessex brigands.
  6004. *Iron
  6005. allied himselfš€stranded Sontaran, Linx, offering
  6006. shelter¢exhangeœmodern weapons.Ží‡€
  6007. ¨Œ‰Ž­–‡Linx.
  6008. /One of Varga's Ice Warrior crew‘Žóback„
  6009. life¢AD 3000.
  6010. /Name€Dulcians gave„€islandµ™
  6011. once been contaminated‡radiation. It™been converted®a
  6012. ìmuseum,‰Ž€site of€Dominators' landing.
  6013. /GalaxyèVortisŽlocated.
  6014. /(aka WEB DESTRUCTION) Device designed‡€Menoptera
  6015. Invasion force„destroy€Animus,Ì߇
  6016. Barbara Wright.
  6017. /Pioneer of argonite space miningš’partner
  6018. Milo Clancey.founded€Issigri Mining Company,µowned
  6019. giant argonite mines†€ºTa.Žù‰held
  6020. hostage‡space pirate Caven„ensure’daughter Madeleine's
  6021. cooperation.Žfreed thanks„€Úof€
  6022. ªDoctor.
  6023. /Daughter of Dom Issigri‰head of€Issigri
  6024. Mining Companyîˆfather's disappearence. When sheûout
  6025. ‚Caven heldˆfather hostage, sheŽforced„cooperate
  6026. šhim,¥­turnedõ€space pirate.¿
  6027. €ªŒžCaven‰Žãreunitedšˆ
  6028. father.
  6029. /Founded‡Dom Issigri. It owned vast
  6030. argonite mines†Ta,‰Žmanaged‡Madeleine Issigri.
  6031. /The©Œvisited Rome¢€year AD 64.
  6032. Š“ŒŽ¢Italy twice¯€Renaissance, first
  6033. ¢San Martino,¡¢Leonardo da Vinci's house.
  6034. /One of€Viking raidersÿ‡Wulnoth's Saxons.
  6035. /Burly village headman†€ØVampire's world.Ž
  6036. Marta's husband‰Karl's father.Žsecretly helping
  6037. Kalmar's rebels.­led€attack†€Tower,è
  6038. ¹–Habris.
  6039. /Chosen Warrior of€Aztecs.­fell„’death
  6040. while trying„kill Ian.
  6041. /Martian Ice Warrior Ice Lord.Ž•of€Federation's
  6042. delegates„Peladon.‰’warrior, Ssorg,¿€¨
  6043. Œunmask Hepesh‰Arcturus,‰facilitate Peladon's
  6044. accession„€Federation.
  6045. /(aka CHIMERA) Space station located¢€¨Zone,ê
  6046. Dastari's management,€seat of Kartz‰Reimer's unortherized
  6047. ·experiments. Chessene arrangedœ€Station„…attacked
  6048. ‡€Sontarans„frame€¬Lords.
  6049. /Captain of€Tesh, giftedšpsionic powers.É
  6050. õ€“Œ‰Leela„protect Xoanon,’god.
  6051. Afterwards,¹Žleft„arguešCalib over‘would rule€
  6052. reunited tribes of€Sevateem‰€Tesh.
  6053. /Member of€group of Shobogans‘ÞLeela‰
  6054. Rodan.¿them‰€“Œrepel€Sontarans'
  6055. Invasion of Gallifrey.Ž–‡a Sontaran.
  6056. /Scientist‘discovered‚€only
  6057. antidote„spectrox toxaemiaŽ€milk of a queen bat.
  6058. /Shipwreck survivor labouring¢Atlantis's mines.
  6059. ¿€ªŒž¾Zaroff,¢particular‡
  6060. convincing€Fish Men„go†strike.
  6061. /Companion of€©‰ªDoctor,‰a young
  6062. *Ben
  6063. merchant sailor.‰Polly Lopez¿€©Œõ
  6064. WOTAN. Afterwards, they followed®€TARDIS,‰¿
  6065. Ê17thÄsmugglers‰€Cybermen. They watched€
  6066. ©Œregenerate. Ben‰Polly¡aided€ªŒ
  6067. õ€Daleks,€Cybermen,¾Zaroff,‰€Macra.
  6068. They first met Jamie¢Scotland¢1748. Finally,îdefeating
  6069. €Chameleons, they discovered theyƒback¢Ù†€
  6070. same day they™left,‰chose„remain there.
  6071. /Professor Watson'sâat€Nuclear Research
  6072. Complex attacked‡Eldrad.
  6073. /Leader of€Minyan crew sent†a Quest„find€
  6074. P7E‰bring€Race Banks back„Minyos II. With€help of€
  6075. “Œ‰Leela,¹É€Oracle¢€Underworld,‰
  6076. Ž­able„take€Race Banks‰a number of Trogs
  6077. back„Minyos II.
  6079. |Member of Captain Striker's crew.
  6080. /Fertile‰peacefulºonce ruled‡€retired
  6081. ¬Lord, Azmael. ItŽþׇ€gastropods‰
  6082. «ÔMestor.
  6083. /Birdlike aliens‘lived†Jaconda. After Mestor's
  6084. ž‰Azmael's death, Hugo Lang̀newËof€
  6085. Jacondans.
  6086. /Scientist‘workedœ€Marshal†Skybase
  6087. One. His jobŽpermanently„alter Solos's atmosphere„make²
  6088. habitable‡humans.Ž–¢€explosion of’
  6089. atmospheric regeneration machine.
  6090. /The market city of Palestine.Š©Œ‰’
  6091. Òrematerialized nearby at€·of€¨Crusade.
  6092. /Green-skinned, one-eyedÇrace of conquerors. Their
  6093. *Scar
  6094. last survivorsІ£¦«ship, piloted‡Scaroth,
  6095. exploded†take-off.
  6096. /Bombastic owner of€19thÄÙ
  6097. Palace TheatreèLi H'Sen Chang performed’magic act‰
  6098. which, unbeknownst„him, alsoÀ›Magnus Greel's lair.‰
  6099. ¾Litefoot¿€“Œ‰LeelažGreel
  6100. ‰saveÙ¶destruction.
  6101. /Passenger†a space»Þ‡€Daleks,‰taken„
  6102. Skaro„become part of€slave labour force searchingœDavros.
  6103. /One of Captain Pike's pirates.Ž–‡Pikeœ
  6104. allowing€©Œ„escape.
  6105. /Employee of Global Chemicals at€Llanfairfach Refinery.
  6106. Žcontrolled‡BOSS's mental programming,¥Mike Yates
  6107. freedš€Blue Crystal.Ž°–‡BOSS.
  6109. |Servant at Cranleigh Hall murdered‡George Cranleigh¢a
  6110. fit of insanity.
  6111. /See JAMESON, DONALD.
  6112. /In 1870¹‰’elder brother, Robert, went†
  6113. Tulloch Moor cutting peat; DonaldŽdriven mad‡Zygons,‰
  6114. RobertŽkilled.
  6115. /See McCRIMMON, JAMIE.
  6116. /Reference work quoted‡€“
  6117. Doctor.
  6118. /Stewardess aboard€Hyperion III.¿€Sixth
  6119. Œ‰Mel avert a hijacking‰ž€Vervoids.
  6120. /Poisonous thornû†€Sevateemº‰ß
  6121. ›a÷‡Leela. It induced paralysis‰death.
  6122. /One of Lesterson's assistants†Vulcan.Ž•of
  6123. Bragen's rebels‰´saving Valmar¶€Daleks' death ray.
  6124. /Leader of€Council of Elders. After absorbing€©
  6125. ˜life essence,¹ïpeaceš€Savages,‰
  6126. ultimately convinced€Elders„put¤end„«cruel way
  6127. of life.
  6128. /One of Denes's guards.
  6129. /Mondasian Cyberman workingêKrang.invaded€
  6130. *Cyb
  6131. South Pole Space Tracking Station‰ä„destroy£š
  6132. €Z-Bomb.
  6133. /Member of€group of Shobogans‘ÞLeela‰
  6134. Rodan.¿them‰€“Œrepel€Sontarans'
  6135. Invasion of Gallifrey.Ž–‡a Sontaran.
  6136. /Mineralšelectromagnetic boostering propertiesû
  6137. †Crinoth. ItŽß‡Sezom„boost€power of’staff
  6138. „attack€Nimon.
  6140. /Perivale resident.
  6141. /Frenchman workingšJames Stirling„help prisonersÝ
  6142. €guillotine.
  6144. |She‰Phyllisƒtwo East End refugees stayingšMiss
  6145. Hardaker¢Northumberland¯WorldëII. Theyƒturned®
  6146. Haemovores. After helping secure Fenric's release, theyƒ–
  6147. ‡€Ancient Haemovore.
  6148. /Young French boy‘told€©Œ‰’
  6149. Òtheyƒ¢19thÄFrance‰not 20thÄ
  6150. England.
  6151. /Once€partner of Morgus, whose Sirius Conglomerate
  6152. provided€financial backingœ€exploitation of spectrox. Jek,
  6153. a master roboticist, built€androids necessary„handle€
  6154. poisonous substance. Morgus arrangedœ„…caught¢•of
  6155. Androzani Minor's deadly mud bursts. Jek survived‡locking himself
  6156. inside a baking chamber,蹎horribly disfigured. Seeking
  6157. revengeõMorgus, Jek seized control of€caves of
  6158. Androzani Minor,‰thus controlled all spectrox supplies. Jek
  6159. ۀ¸Œ‰Peri¶General Chellak,‰fell¢
  6160. lovešPeri.Žshot‡Stotz just›¹–Morgus.
  6161. /Think Tank public relations officer.‰Miss Winters
  6162. ƒalso¢charge of€Scientific Reform Society. JellicoeŽ
  6163. arrested‡Harry Sullivan.
  6164. /One of Devil's End villagers.
  6166. |One of€crew†€Eternals' ships.
  6167. /Immigration officer at Gatwick Airport. His
  6168. identityŽtaken over‡€Chameleons. HisÇdoubleŽ
  6169. –¦Gordon pulled€black armband offf€original's
  6170. arm.
  6171. /Cynical young woman‘Žpart of Dortmun's resistance
  6172. õ€Ÿ¯«AD 2164 Invasion of Earth.
  6173. ¿€©Œž€Daleks.
  6174. /One of Frontios's colonists.
  6175. /British scientist.‰Allison
  6176. Williams assisted Group Captain Gilmore‰¿€‹
  6177. ŒÊ€Ÿ‘invaded€Coal Hill area¢
  6178. 1963.
  6179. /Member of¾Jone's commune.
  6180. /Member of¾Jone's commune.
  6181. /Rare mineral, a vital component of space warp drives.
  6182. Galactic con artists Garron‰Unstoffe plotted„use a lump of
  6183. Jethrik„con€Graff Vynda-K®buying Ribos;‚lump turned
  6184. out„…a segment of€Key„Time.Š“Œoutwitted
  6185. Garron‰palmed€lump of jethrikæleaving Ribos.
  6186. /Device߇€Kinda„facilitate€mental merging
  6187. ô€members of€£Expedition Force‰themselves.
  6188. It looked like¤ordinary Jack-in-the-Box.Š¸Œß²
  6189. „cure Hindle‰Sanders.
  6190. /Reporter sent„Ashbridge Cottage Hospital.
  6191. /See GRANT, JOSEPHINE.
  6192. /Former Queen of Sicily‰King Richard's sister. Richard
  6193. wanted„arrange a marriageôˆ‰Saphadin„seal
  6194. peace¢Palestine,¥she obstinately refused.
  6195. /Vain supervisor of€Tranquil Repose mortuary.ä„
  6196. thwart€Sixth˜investigations,¥failed. Davros
  6197. arrangedœ„…–‡Tasambeker, whom¹™spurned‰
  6198. humiliated.
  6199. /Observatory whose radioscopesƒß„Ê
  6200. €Daleks.
  6201. /One of€deadly pawns߇€Toymaker¦
  6202. ¹challenged€©Doctor, Steven‰Dodo.
  6203. /King of England¶1199„1216.lostþ
  6204. all of England's French territories¢aìšFrench King
  6205. Philip II. In 1215,¹Žforced„sign€Magna Cartaîa
  6206. revolt of€barons.ŠËßKamelion„impersonate
  6207. „try„prevent€signing,¥Ží‡€¸
  6208. Doctor.
  6209. /Mineralogist aboard Captain Maitland's»¢orbit around
  6210. €Sense-Spere.Š»Žheld captive‡€Sensorites. Thanks
  6211. „€©˜intervention,¹Ž­allowed„
  6212. ð„Earth,î¹promised„protect€secret of€
  6213. Sensorites' existence.
  6215. |British squire. He,’daughter Elizabeth‰’son
  6216. Charlesƒ–‡€Terileptils.
  6218. |Owner of a tea stall¢1963 London.™a philosophical
  6219. discussionš€‹Œødestiny‰sugar.
  6220. /Pop band Susan loved. John Smith's
  6221. real nameŽAubrey Waites.
  6222. /One of Reegan's henchmen.
  6224. |Crew member†Ridgeway's submarine.
  6226. |Warder¢Stangmoor Prison's Special Wing.Ž¢charge
  6227. of€death row inmates.
  6228. /British soldier‘É€Sea Devils.
  6229. /One of€deadly pawns߇€Toymaker¦¹
  6230. challenged€©Doctor, Steven‰Dodo.
  6231. /Varosian rebel,Û¶€Punishment Dome‡€
  6232. Sixth Doctor.‰Aleta¿€¬Lordž€evil
  6233. schemes of Sil‰€Chief Officer.
  6234. /One of€inhabitants of Devil's Endê€Master's
  6235. control.
  6236. /Nobel Prize winnerœ’study of
  6237. DNA synthesis. With’prize money,¹established€commune of
  6238. Nuthutch¢Llanfairfach, Wales.Ž€first„warn€
  6239. inhabitants of Llanfairfachø€dangers of€pollution
  6240. caused‡Global Chemicals.¿€¨Œ‰½Ê
  6241. BOSS‰€Green Death.Šgiant maggotsƒ–‡a fungus
  6242. µ¹discovered.­married Jo Grant;€two
  6243. ¡went†¤expedition„€Amazon„research a new
  6244. fungus.
  6245. /Physics lecturer at Churchill College, Cambridge;¹
  6246. may have been involvedšInternational Electromatics.
  6247. /London board member of€Euro-Sea Gas Corporation.
  6248. ŽRobson's friend,‰¿€ªŒdestroy€
  6249. Weed.
  6250. /Member of Rorvik's crew.´¢€Ïof€
  6251. privateer's ship.
  6252. /(aka OLD JOSH or PIGBIN JOSH) Tramp‘Žcaptured,
  6253. analyzed,¡–‡Axos.
  6255. |One of€Rani's assistants¢19thÄEngland.ŠRani
  6256. –¦she no longer needed him.
  6258. /Companion of€“‰¸Doctors,¤
  6259. *Teg
  6260. Australian air hostess‘met€“Œ‰Adric soonî
  6261. €Ë™–ˆaunt Vanessa.travelledš„
  6262. Logopolis‰¿ž€Master.watched€“
  6263. Œregenerate,‰É€Ëagain†Castrovalva.
  6264. Afterwards, she¿€¸ŒõMonarch,€Mara
  6265. (which possessed her),€Terileptils, George Cranleigh,€
  6266.  ‰€Ëyet again (disguised›Kalid).Ž
  6267. accidentally left behind¦€Ãdematerialized¢Heathrow,
  6268. ¥rejoined€¸Œ‰Nyssa¢Amsterdam,èshe
  6269. ¿them freeˆcousin Colin‰žOmega.¡again
  6270. fellê€Mara's control. Soon afterwards, she met€Brigadier
  6271. ‰Turlough (whom she mistrusted)›€¸ŒÉ
  6272. Mawdryn.aided¢’battlesõTerminus, Inc.,€
  6273. Eternals,€Ë(disguised›Sir Gilles Estram)‰Borasu,
  6274. ¯µshe teamed upš€©Œ‰met€ª
  6275. ‰¨Doctors.¡É€Silurians‰€Sea Devils.
  6276. When€Œçˆ„visitˆgrandfather, Andrew Verney,¢
  6277. Little Hodcombe, sheŽchosen„become€Queen of May, aý
  6278. sacrifice„€Malus.É€Tractators†Frontios,‰
  6279. ã€Daleks. Tired of all€deaths‰€violence, she
  6280. left€Ãright afterwards.
  6281. /Spanish driver met‡€Sixth Doctor.
  6282. /Crippled scientist‰€designer of€Ultima
  6283. *Jud
  6284. Machine, a 1940s computer.Žalso•of€'Wolves' of Fenric.
  6285. ¼¿arrange Fenric's release‡feeding ancient
  6286. runes„’machine. Fenricçover Dr Judson's body„challenge
  6287. €‹Œat a game of chess.Šreal Dr Judson probably
  6288. ´at‚moment.
  6289. /One of€¨˜favourite
  6290. interjections.
  6291. /Former member of€Psychic Circus.
  6292. /Guy Crayford's spaceshipŽÞ‡€Kraals near
  6293. Jupiter.
  6294. /ItŽ¯€Jurassic period - 195„136
  6295. millionöago -‚Eldrad's hand landed†Earth.
  6296. ”also ANTHROPOLOGY.
  6297. /See ADJUDICATOR.
  6298. /See CRIME.
  6299. /See GIANT ROBOT.
  6300. /Asteroid location of€Bi-Al Foundation.
  6301. /K-9 mark IŽa mobileࢀshape of a dog,
  6302. *K-9
  6303. designed‡¾Marius,„replace’real dog left behind†
  6304. Earth. K-9Ža databank of considerable capacity.Žalso
  6305. equippedša blasterœoffensive‰defensive actions. His
  6306. blaster could kill, stun ot paralyze living things,‰melt or
  6307. disintergrate metal. K-9Žshown„…capable of regeneration.
  6308. could interfaceš€TARDIS,€Matrix‰other machines.
  6309.    K-9 mark I¿€“Œ‰Leelaõ€Virus
  6310. of€Purpose,µbriefly infected him. When¾Marius
  6311. ûout‚¹could not take K-9 back„£šhim,¹
  6312. asked€Œ„take him. K-9¡accompanied€Œ
  6313. ‰Leela†«travels,‰¿themʀSunmakers‰
  6314. €Oracle. After helping€Œfree Gallifrey¶€invading
  6315. Vardans‰Sontarans, K-9 mark I chose„remainšLeela†€
  6316. ºof€¬Lords.
  6317.   Š“Œbuilt a K-9 mark II,µ™greater mobility
  6318. ‰would respond„a silent dog whistle. K-9 mark II accompanied
  6319. €Œ‰Romana†€Questœ€Key„Time.É€
  6320. Graff Vynda-K,€Captain of Zanak's Polyphase Avatron, Vivien Fay's
  6321. Ogri,‰interfacedš€Mentalis machine,¥Žunable„
  6322. take part¢€battle†Delta Magna's moon because of its swampy
  6323. terrain. Later, speech circuit defects (or space laryngitis)
  6324. prevented K-9¶helping€“Œ‰€newly
  6325. regenerated Romanaõ€Ÿ‰Scaroth. But¹soon joined
  6326. themõLady Adrasta,€Mandrels,€Nimon, Pangol‰€
  6327. Foamasi, Meglos,€Marshmen (who severely damaged it)‰€
  6328. ØVampire. K-9 mark IIŽgravely damaged‡€
  6329. ¬Winds¯€˜battlešRorvik‰elected„stay
  6330. ¢E-SpacešRomana‰€Tharils.
  6331.   ŠŒsent¤already assembled K-9 mark III›a present
  6332. „Sarah Jane Smith.¿ˆža coven of witches‘
  6333. worshipped€pagan goddess Hecate¢Moreton Harwood.
  6334. K-9 mark IIIä„warn Sarah Jane of Borusa's·scoop,
  6335. ¥Žignored.
  6336. /Lieutenant¢€Happiness Patrol of Terra Alpha.
  6337. Žoutsmarted several times‡€‹Œ‰Ace.
  6338. After€revolution overthrew Helen A's regime, sheŽcondemned
  6339. „repaint€Ã¢its original colour.
  6340. /Member of€brotherhood of Logicians, Eric Klieg's
  6341. companion†’expedition„€Tombs of€ †Telos.
  6342. É€ªŒ¢order„free€Cybermen. Later,
  6343. sheŽ–‡€Cybercontroller.
  6344. /Dr Kyle's▇€Cybermen.
  6345. /Caveman member of€Tribe of Gum.ŽZa's rivalœ
  6346. control of€Tribe,‰ù€©Œ„gain€
  6347. secret of fire.Žexpelledîkilling Old Mother,‰Ž
  6348. °–‡Za.
  6349. /Aydan's wife. She, Eprin‰Eyesen conspired„steal‰
  6350. sell•of€Keys of Marinus.Žunmasked‡€©
  6351. Doctor.
  6352. /Planet visited‡Captain Cook.
  6353. /Future city known„€Sandminer's crew.
  6354. /See DALEKS.
  6355. /Arab sorcerer alias߇€Ë¯€Jurassic
  6356. period›a focusœ€evil Xeraphin.
  6357. /Brother of Inter Minor's President Zarb,‰Commissioner of
  6358. €Aliens' Admission Commission.Žõ’brother's
  6359. liberal policies,‰äusing Vorg's defective scope„
  6360. discredit€President.arrangedœ€Drashigs„escape,¥
  6361. Ží‡€¨Œ‰Vorg.Ž°–‡
  6362. •of€creatures.
  6363. /Incarnation of€evil side of€Xeraphin.
  6364. /Scientifically mindedÔof€rebellion†€Ø
  6365. Vampire's world.¿€“Œ‰Romana destroy€
  6366. ØVampire.
  6367. /Shape-changing androidµ€Ë皝¦
  6368. *Kam
  6369. ¹escaped¶Xeriphas.Ža tool,߇¤earlier invader
  6370. of Xeriphas.ŠËßKamelion„impersonate King John of
  6371. England,¥Ží‡€¸Œ‘çover control
  6372. of€android¢a mental battle. Kamelion stayedš€
  6373. Œ¢€TARDIS,¥€ËÕ¢reestablishing
  6374. control of‰ß€android„bring€Œ„Sarn.
  6375. first assumed¾Foster's likesness,¡turned®€
  6376. Master. In€end,¹begged€¸Œ„destroyš
  6377. €Tissue Compression Eliminator.
  6378. /Dulcian student sentšTeel„check€radiation levels
  6379. †€Island of DeathêBalan's supervision.ŽÞ
  6380. ‰put„work‡€Dominators. Kando­¿€
  6381. ªŒž€ruthless aliens.
  6382. /Executive‘defrauded€Company of a million talmars.
  6383. Žapprehended,‰survived threeö¢a correction
  6384. centre.
  6385. /Combination of a laboratory‰candy factoryè
  6386. Gilbert M worked‰µ€Kandy Man ruled.
  6387. /Helen A's ultimate enforcer†€Terra Alpha
  6388. colony.Ž¤androidò‡Gilbert M¶sugar materials.
  6389. Š‹Œimmobilizedšlemonade,‰¹Ž
  6390. ­×‡a flow of’own boiling candy¢€pipes
  6391. beneath€city.
  6392. /Megalomaniac ruler of Iceworld.could exist only¢sub-
  6393. *Kane
  6394. zero temperatures,‰could kill a man or freeze¤objectš’
  6395. icy touch. Kane manipulated€‹Œ‰Glitz®
  6396. finding€Dragonfire. Kaneå„ð„’home planet,
  6397. Proamon,¶µ¹™been exiled 3000öbefore,š¤
  6398. army of mercenaries„exact’revenge.‰’lover, Xana,
  6399. ™been€leaders of a deadly gang of criminals. XanaŽ–
  6400. while resisting arrest,‰Kane™a sculptor create¤ice
  6401. statue ofˆ¢€Restricted Zone of Iceworld. When€Œ
  6402. revealed‚Proamon's sun™gone nova 2000öbefore, Kane
  6403. committed suicide‡exposing himself„direct sunlight.
  6404. /Gang of youths‘lived¢Paradise Towers,‰‘ƒ
  6405. being secretly exterminated‡€robotic Cleaners. When€
  6406. ‹Œmet€Blue‰€Red Kangs,€last of€
  6407. Yellow Kangs™just been–‡€Cleaners.ŠŒ
  6408. convinced€Kangs„join forcesš€Caretakers‰€
  6409. Rezzies,‰help destroy Kroagnon.
  6410. /Croziers assistant,–‡King Yrcanos¦
  6411. ¹ÛPeri.
  6412. /Abbot¢charge of€Tibetan Monasteryþ
  6413. taken over‡€Spiders of Metebelis 3. In reality,¹Ža
  6414. ¬Lord. When¹reincarnated,¹assumed€physical
  6415. appearance of’projection, Cho-Je.°¿€¨
  6416. ˜regeneration. K'AnpoŽonce¤old hermit, or
  6417. guru,†Gallifrey,‘taught€Œmuchølife,
  6418. sprituality‰€mind‰told€legends of€
  6419. ØVampires.
  6420. /Tropicalº‰homeworld of Major Garrant,
  6421. •of€Dalek's victims.
  6422. /Dorf's birthplace.
  6423. /Head of Nekros's protein factory.Ž¢partnership
  6424. šDavros, using€bodies at Tranquil Reposeœsource
  6425. material.hired Ocrcini„kill Davros, while secretly setting
  6426. up„die instead.Žexposed‡€Sixth Doctor.
  6427. When Orcini learned€truth,¹–her.
  6428. /Lady Adrasta's vizier.–Torvin,¥ˆdreams
  6429. of powerƒí‡€“Doctor.
  6430. /Planet orbiting around two suns called Rearbus‰
  6431. Selynx. ItŽinhabited‡€humanoid Karfelons‰€savage
  6432. Morlox,‘lived underground. It shared¤uneasy relationship
  6433. šits neighbouring planet, Bandril. ItŽvisited‡both€
  6434. ¨‰Sixth Doctors.
  6435. /Humanoid inhabitants of Karfel. TheirˀBorad,
  6436. a half-Karfelon, half-Morlox freak, secretlyå„murder all
  6437. €Karfelons‡causing a욫neighbours,€Bandrils.
  6438. ¡å„repopulate Karfelšcreatures like himself,
  6439. startingšPeri.ŠSixthŒïpeaceš€Bandrils
  6440. ‰pushed€real Borad®€Timelash.
  6441. /She‰Olvirƒspace pirates‘mistakenly boarded a
  6442. »enroute„Terminus.¿€¸Œsave€
  6443. universe‰free Terminus.
  6444. /Lieutenant†Sea Base Four.Ž–‡Maddox.
  6445. /Fictional comic strip character¶Zoe Heriot's
  6446. time.appeared¢ŠHourly Telepress Programme.¿€
  6447. Doctor, Jamie‰Zoe¢€Land of Fiction.
  6448. /Ivo‰Marta's son.unsuccessfullyä„Ý€
  6449. Selection‰Ž–‡€vampires.
  6451. |Member of De Flores's Nazi gang.Ž–‡€
  6452. Cybermen.
  6453. /Leader of Earth's Space Special Security.dispatched
  6454. Marc Cory„Kembel. Later,¹turned out„…a traitor¢
  6455. leaguešMavic Chen.ordered Sara Kingdom„killˆ
  6456. ܉fellow agent, Bret Vyon.failed„stop€©
  6457. Doctor,‰Žpossibly arrestedîChen's defeat.
  6458. /Bleak, stormyºè€evil¬Lord MorbiusŽ
  6459. ­defeated,ä‰executed. It also housed€
  6460. Sisterhood, guardians of€Sacred Flame.
  6461. /One of€Cheetah People. After Ace savedˆlife, she
  6462. *Che
  6463. treatedˆ›'sister'.ÛAce¶Midge's gang‰
  6464. Ž–‡€Master. Afterˆdeath, she reverted„ý
  6465. form. Her bodyŽtaken back„€Cheetah Planet.
  6466. /With Reimer, KartzŽa scientist of€¨
  6467. Zone. They conducted unauthorized·Î†Space Station
  6468. J7,‰built¤operational·cabinetµneeded only„…
  6469. primedš€Rassilon Imprimature„function like a true
  6470. TARDIS.
  6471. /Young Kinda wise-woman‘inherited all of Panna's
  6472. knowledgeîˆdeath.¿€¸Œfree Aris
  6473. ‰banish€Mara.
  6474. /Structure at€centre ofµŽ€Animus.
  6475. /One of€five Consuls of Traken.Žmarried„Tremas
  6476. ‰Žafraid of losingif¹Í€new Keeper. As a child
  6477. she™been chosen„tend€Melkur,¥fellê’evil
  6478. influence. After€Keeper's death,€Melkur (in reality,€
  6479. Master) manipulatedˆ®fighting€“Doctor,‰
  6480. ­becoming€new Keeper.ŠMelkur¡×ˆ‰
  6481. çˆplace.
  6482. /ConstellationèGallifreyŽlocated.
  6483. /Bleak, deserted world, ravaged‡cosmic winds,‰exposed
  6484. „€cold of space. Life†its surfaceŽpossible only because
  6485. of force-field barriers designed,‰ultimately destroyed,‡
  6486. Eldrad. Kastria¡returned„being a dead‰desolate world.
  6487. /Natives of Kastria. Their silicon-based formsƒ
  6488. designed‡Eldrad,‘°×€force-field barriers
  6489. µïlife†€surface of€ºpossible. King Rokon‰
  6490. €Kastrians condemned Eldrad„death,¡chose„dieî
  6491. destroying«Race Banks rather than,•day, being forced„
  6492. submit„Eldrad's rule¢€event of’return.ŠKastrians™
  6493. €power„regenerate‰physically control various forms of
  6494. energy.
  6495. /Planet visited‡Captain Cook.
  6496. /Young Trojan woman‘ÛSteven Taylor¯€
  6497. fall of Troy.çback„€TARDIS, thus becoming•of
  6498. €©˜companions. Katarina sacrificedˆlife‡
  6499. ejecting herself‰Kirksen®space so‚€©Œ‰
  6500. Bret Vyon could reach£‰alert²„€Dalek's
  6501. Masterplan.
  6502. /See ELDER, KATE.
  6503. /Leader of€Tribe of€Free†Ravolox.sentenced
  6504. *Kat
  6505. Glitz‰€SixthŒ„death. Later, she led¤assault
  6506. õ€UK Habitat,¥Ž–‡Drathro.
  6507. /One of€five Consuls of Traken.Žoverly concerned
  6508. špropriety,‰would even have accepted€Melkur›new
  6509. Keeper of Traken.
  6510. /Sezon's second-in-command¢€rebellionõ€Borad
  6511. †Karfel.Ž€daughter of Makrif.¿€Sixth
  6512. Œž€Borad.
  6513. /Quartermaster-sergeant¢€British army squadron sent
  6514. „Ê€Ÿ¢€Coal Hill area¢1963.
  6515. /One of Davros's Kaled scientists,‰°Gharman's
  6516. co-conspirator.Ž–‡€Daleks.
  6517. /See LOGIN, KEARA.
  6518. /Member of Lupton's psychic circle at K'Anpo's Tibetan
  6519. Monastery. His mindŽtaken over‡€Spiders,¥¹Žfreed
  6520. ¦€Ø—died.
  6521. /One of€Vulcan colonists.
  6522. /Tibetan encountered‡€ªDoctor.
  6523. /Ore processed aboard€Sandminer.
  6524. /Type of Megropolis Three residents†Pluto.
  6525. /Harrison Chase's botanical adviser. In spite
  6526. of€“˜efforts,¹‰Scorbieáa Krynoid pod
  6527. ¶€Antarctica World Ecology Bureau Expedition camp‰ó
  6528. ²back„England.Špod­çover Keeler's body‰
  6529. grew„monstrous size. His consciousness´¦€KrynoidŽ
  6530. ׇ€Royal Air Force.
  6531. /(aka COORDINATOR) Title given„€¬Lord
  6532. ¢charge of€Matrix. EnginŽcoordinator¦€Ë‰
  6533. GothÆGallifrey.Šbody of another Keeper of€
  6534. Matrix (name unknown)Ž­taken over‡€Valeyardî
  6535. ’battleš€SixthŒinside€Matrix.
  6536. /Individual‘controlled€Sourceµkept
  6537. €Union of Traken¢a state of harmony. Because of€channelling
  6538. of such considerable energy through’person,€Keeper held
  6539. great powers, including teleportation‰energy manipulation.
  6540. When€“Œmet him,¹Žþa thousandöold,
  6541. ‰nearing€·of’Dissolution.ŠKeeper asked€Œ
  6542. „come„Traken, fearing€Melkur's evil influence. After¹
  6543. died, TremasŽmeant„become€new Keeper but, thanks„€
  6544. Melkur's schemes, KassiaŽïKeeper instead. Then,€Melkur
  6545. (in reality,€Master)–Kassia‰çover€Keepership.
  6546. ŠDoctor, Adric‰Nyssa tamperedš€Source¢order„
  6547. expose€Master. Afraid of destruction,€Ëfled. Luvic
  6548. ̀new Keeper.
  6549. /Young Cambridge student,‰Chris Parson's
  6550. friend. Salyavin temporarilyçoverˆmind„help repair’
  6551. ÉÊSkagra.
  6552. /Galactic bounty hunter‘Žaboard€tour busµ
  6553. crashlanded¢1959 Wales.told€BannermenèDelta was,
  6554. ¡ä„kill€‹Doctor,¥Ž–¦Gavrok
  6555. blew up’transmitter‡remote control.
  6556. /One of€Sisterhood–‡€Morbius Monster.
  6557. /Alias߇€Ë¦¹posed›
  6558. €Swiss inventor of a machineµwould remove evil impulses
  6559. ¶hardened criminals.
  6560. /Device intended„isolate‰extract a man's
  6561. evil impulses. ItŽbeing tested at Stangmoor Prison¦²came
  6562. „€¨˜attention. In reality,²housed a Mind
  6563. Parasite󄣇€Master,‘å„use²„
  6564. sabotage a World Peace Conference. ItŽ×¦€
  6565. Thunderbolt MissileŽdetonated.
  6566. /Scientist aboard Space Beacon Nerva. Seduced
  6567. ‡€Vogan's gold,¹Žhired‡Vorus„summon a small band
  6568. of isolated Cybermen, remnants of€©Cyber Wars,„Voga,
  6569. èthey could…ׇ’Skystriker missile. Under
  6570. instructions¶€Cybermen, Kellman߀Cybermats„
  6571. infect€beaconš€Neurotropic X virus.Ž­
  6572. –¢a rockslide†Voga.
  6573. /Scientist‰senior supervisor of€T-Mat system.
  6574. discovered‚€Moon controlsƒno longer operational
  6575. ‰alertedˆsuperior, Commander Radnor.¿€
  6576. ªŒž€Ice Warriors¦theyäusing
  6577. T-Mat„spread«deadly Seeds of Death†Earth.
  6578. /Cowardly Gallifreyan Castellan‘betrayed€¬Lords
  6579. *Kel
  6580. ‡cooperating firstš€Vardans,¡š€Sontarans.
  6581. After€“Œÿ€invaders,¹ŽÅ
  6582. demoted‰punished‡Borusa.
  6583. /(aka KEMBAL) Planet߇€Ÿ›«
  6584. headquarters¢«MasterplanõEarth. Its Varga plants
  6585. (originally¶Skaro)ï²very hostile. Marc Cory´†
  6586. Kembel. All life†€ºŽ­×‡€
  6587. ¬Destructor.
  6588. /Mute Turkish strongman¢Theodore Maxtible's employ.
  6589. After Jamie saved’life,¹joined€ªŒ¢’
  6590. Êõ€Daleks.­fell„’death†
  6591. Skaro, fighting Theodore Maxtible.
  6592. /Lieutenant servingêCaptain Gardiner.
  6593. /Weak-willed member of€Karfelon Inner Sanctum.Ž
  6594. accused of treachery‡Tekker‰–‡€Borad.
  6595. /Sir Charles Summers's chauffeur.
  6597. |A burglar‘äbreaking®Edward Waterfield's safe,
  6598. ¥Ž–‡€Daleks.
  6599. /Australian location of Salamander's Sun Conservation
  6600. Centre‰secret underground Sanctum.
  6601. /Former Deputy Security CommissionerœEurope‰
  6602. North Africa.Ždismissed at Salamander's instigation.É
  6603. Salamander,¥¢Âintended„assassinate‰take’
  6604. place.Žexposed‡€ªŒ‰´¢Salamander's
  6605. Sanctum,¢¤explosion of’own making.
  6606. /Misguided scientist‘Ž
  6607. hired‡Scaroth (as Count Scarlioni)„build a·machine which,
  6608. ¹thought, could…ß„cure famine. Eventually, Kerensky
  6609. succeeded,¥rebelled¦¹ûout€true nature of
  6610. Scaroth's plans. Scaroth trapped¢€·machine‰
  6611. accelerated Kerensky's·cycle until¹aged‰died.
  6612. /Frontios Orderly.
  6613. /Crew member of€Sandminer.Ž–‡€
  6614. Robots of Death.
  6615. /Scientist¢charge of€Keller machine at
  6616. Stangmoor Prison.refused„heed€¨˜warnings,
  6617. ‰Ž–‡€Mind Parasite.
  6618. /Idealist, age-ing scientist
  6619. interested¢alternative technologies.wanted„stop pollution,
  6620. ‰Ž€creator of€giantÖK-1. When Kettlewell
  6621. discovered‚Miss Winters intended„carry outˆthreats,¹
  6622. rebelled‰Žinadvertently–‡’robot. K-1 went mad
  6623. ‰Ž°×‡€“Doctor.
  6624. /Innkeeper¢€17thÄCornish Villageè
  6625. €©ŒÉCaptain Pike's pirates.was,¢reality,
  6626. •of€Squire's smugglers,‰Ž°shot‡Cherub.
  6627. /Not„…confusedš€ØKeyµŽa
  6628. rod, also known›€Rod of Rassilon.ŠKey of Rassilon
  6629. looked like¤ordinary key‰Žsecretly entrusted„€
  6630. Cardinal of€High Council. ItÀ„tap€Eye of Harmony„
  6631. power€Demat Gun. Borusa entrusted²„€“Œ„
  6632. ž€Sontarans¦they invaded Gallifrey,¥ç²back
  6633. afterwards.ŠKeeper of€Matrix claimed no•could enter
  6634. ²without€Key of Rassilon,µ¹kept. This KeyŽ
  6635. Åa more vulgar object,ò„divert attention¶€
  6636. real Key.
  6637. /Immensely powerful, mythic artefactšµ€
  6638. Guardians of¬maintained€universal balanceôorder‰
  6639. chaos. ItŽshaped¢€form of a perfect, crystalline cube.
  6640. When€balanceŽupset,€White Guardian enlisted€help of
  6641. €“Œ‰Romana„gather€Key's six segments,µ
  6642. ƒdisguised›follows: a lump of jethrik, taken„Ribos‡
  6643. Garron;ºCalufrax, shrunk„football size‡€pirate
  6644. ºZanak;€formerØSeal of Diplos, kept¢€form
  6645. of a necklace†Earth; a Taran statue; a holy relic of
  6646. €Swampies swallowed‡Kroll†Delta Magna's moon;‰
  6647. ãPrincess Astra of Atrios.ŠBlack Guardian߀
  6648. Shadow„stop€“Œ¶claiming€sixth segment.
  6649. After€Œÿ€Shadow,¹assembled€Key‰
  6650. outwitted€Black Guardian, enabling€White Guardian„
  6651. restore€universal balance.ŠKey„¬Ž¡broken apart
  6652. ‰scattered throughout€Universe again,Åassuming
  6653. five new shapes,‰restoring Princess Astra„ˆýform.
  6654. /Five microcircuitsµcontrolled€Conscience
  6655. of Marinus. Arbitan kept•Key‰sent€©Œ‰’
  6656. ҄gather€other four;•Žkept¢Morphoton,•
  6657. ¢€jungle,•¢€ice wilderness,‰€lastŽ¢€
  6658. city of Millenius.
  6659. /Commander of a small elite army of Egyptian soldiers at€
  6660. ·of€completion of€ØPyramid of Cheops (circa 2600
  6661. BC).met€©Œ¯’Êõ€Daleks'
  6662. Masterplan,‰Ž–‡€Daleks.
  6663. /Leader of€warrior monks of Det-Sen monastery.
  6664. ɀØIntelligence'sÖYeti‰Ž–‡
  6665. Songsten, himselfê€Intelligences's control.
  6666. /Inventor of€technique of rapid holographic cloning
  6667. µ€“Œß„track down€Nucleus.
  6668. /Colliery owned‡Lord RavensworthèGeorge
  6669. Stevenson built€Blucher,¤early steam-powered locomotive,‰
  6670. è€SixthŒÉ€Ë‰€Rani.
  6671. /Term applied†Terra Alpha„ñ‘ƒnot happy.
  6672. They could…arrested‰executed‡€Happiness Patrol.
  6673. /Elderly passenger of€Hyperion III space liner.
  6674. recognized Hallet¶a previous investigation†granary shortage
  6675. †Stella Stora.Ž°–‡€Vervoids.
  6676. /Pralix's friend‰Mula's boyfriend.¿€
  6677. “Œ‰Romanaž€Captain of Zanak.
  6678. /Peaceful, telepathic natives of Deva Loka‘shared a
  6679. gestalt-like society. Their attempts„get€members of€
  6680. £Expedition Force„mentally mergešthem unbalanced
  6681. €Earthmen's minds.ŠMara possessed•of them, Aris,‰
  6682. ä„create chaos‡inciting€Kinda„attack€
  6683. Earthmen's Dome.ŠKinda's Jhana Box¿restore Commander
  6684. Sander's sanity. Thanks„Sander's desire„protect€Kinda,
  6685. Deva LokaŽ­reclassified›unsuitableœ
  6686. colonization.
  6687. /Space Special Security agent.followed Karlton's
  6688. *Kingd
  6689. orders‰–ˆbrother, Bret Vyon, whom she™been toldŽ
  6690. a traitor. After Steven Taylor‰€©Œtoldˆ€
  6691. truth, she joined them¢«Ê„stop€Daleks'
  6692. Masterplan. Sara´†Kembel¦€¬DestructorŽ
  6693. activated.
  6694. /Founder of€Psychic Circus. His brainŽdamaged‡€
  6695. Gods of Ragnarok,‰¹Ía menial labourer known›Deadbeat.
  6696. ŽÛ‡€‹Doctor.‰Aceû€Gods's
  6697. medallion,µrestored’sanity. After€Gods's defeat,¹
  6698. å„launch a new circusšMags.
  6699. /One of€criminals of Desperus.ä„force€
  6700. ©Œ„ð„Kembel‡holding Katarina hostage¢€
  6701. Spar 7-40's airlock,¥she foiled’plan‡ejecting them both
  6702. ®space.
  6703. /One of Lytton's engineers. His mindŽtaken over‡
  6704. Davros,‰¹Ž­–‡€Daleks.
  6705. /A race of creatures virtually identical„£cats,
  6706. ¥bred‡€original Cheetah People.ŠKitlings™€
  6707. power„teleport through space‰generate a sybiotic mindlink
  6708. š«owners, thus enabling them„see‰hear through
  6709. «senses. They fed†carrion left‡«hunting masters.
  6710. /Manageress of€Inferno discotheque.
  6711. /ReptilianÔof€Mentors of Thoros-Beta.™’
  6712. brain expanded‡Crozier's brain transformer.would have´if
  6713. Crozier™notûa way„transplant’mind®another
  6714. being,‘turned out„…Peri. PeriŽsaved‡King Yrcanos of
  6715. Krontep,‘–Crozier, Kiv‰Silæ€mind transfer
  6716. çplace.
  6717. /Megalomanical president of€Brotherhood of
  6718. Logicians,‰financial backer of¾Parry's expedition„
  6719. Telos. With Kaftan's help,¹É€ªŒ„resurrect
  6720. €Cybermen.å„form¤alliancešthem,¥Ž
  6721. ­betrayed‰–‡€Cybermen.
  6722. /One of€Underworld's guards.Ž–‡Herrick.
  6723. /Brock's lawyer,¢Âa West Lodge Foamasi saboteur.
  6724. Žexposed‡a Foamasi Investigator.‰Brock°escaped,
  6725. ¥«»Žblown up‡€Argolins.
  6726. /Captain¢€army task forceµÉ€Ø
  6727. Intelligence¢€Ùunderground.Ž–‡a Yeti.
  6728. /TheÔof Morgaine's men.´¯€
  6729. battle at Carbury.
  6730. /The©Œsaved€life of King Richard¯€
  6731. ¨Crusade.ŠË߀Kronos Crystal„scoop a
  6732. medieval knight out of·‰useõMike Yates.
  6733. Linx built aÖknightœIrongron.ŠÃ
  6734. rematerialized¯a joust¢AD 1215 Britain.Šparallel
  6735. £¶µMorgaine, Mordred‰Ancelin cameŽa medieval
  6736. worldèknights still ruled.
  6737. /Danish-born Hollywood film director.
  6738. /Deserted rockyºè€¸Œdropped
  6739. €Gravis.
  6740. /Crystalsû¢certain areas of€space-time
  6741. vortexµcontained energies capable of harnessing space‰
  6742. time.ŠBoradßKontron crystals„dabble¢·research
  6743. designing a time-acceleration beam‰a·tunnel called
  6744. Timelash.ŠSixthŒßthem„manufacture short, portable
  6745. ·loops,‰bounce back€Borad's time-acceleration beam.
  6746. ŠKronos Crystal might have been a Kontron Crystal. Kontron
  6747. Crystals may…ïof taranium.
  6748. /Fake identityò‡Bennett, using¤imposing,
  6749. Didonian sand-beast-like spiked suit. As Koquillion, BenettŽ
  6750. armedša jewelled club‚emitted a blasting ray.Ž
  6751. exposed‡€©Doctor.
  6752. /Planet atìšVardon. Their crossfire accidentally
  6753. ×Xeriphas.
  6754. /Inhabitants of Oseidon, aºµthey™ruined
  6755. *Kraal
  6756. through internecine atomic wars.ŠKraals relied heavily†
  6757. android technology. Theyå„abandon«increasingly
  6758. radioactive world‰conquer other planets. Their chief scientist,
  6759. Styggron,ßastronaut Guy Crayford‰ýandroid duplicates
  6760. „take over€Devesham Space Research Station.¡å
  6761. „exterminate mankindša special virus. His effortsƒ
  6762. 퇀“Doctor.
  6763. /Sergeant¢Kane's forces†Iceworld. Belasz enlisted
  6764. ’help¢a conspiracy„kill Kane.failed‰Kane–
  6765. him.
  6766. /Mondasian Cyberleader of€first team of „
  6767. invade€Snowcap Space Tracking Station.‰’teamƒ
  6768. ׇBen.
  6769. /Mondasian Cyberleader‘çover¶Krail at€
  6770. Snowcap Space Tracking Station.–General Cutler‰å
  6771. „destroy£š€Z-Bomb,¥Žstopped‡€
  6772. ©Doctor.
  6773. /One of€five Galsec Seven colonists stranded†£
  6774. circa AD 15,000î«»Ž×¦they answered a
  6775. fake Mayday signal.ŠSontaran Styre performed cruelÎ
  6776. †„determine€limits ofýresistance.Žsaved‡
  6777. €“Doctor.
  6778. /Crystalline life forms‘ÀSkagra. Theyƒ
  6779. manufactured¢generation chambers,‡condensing crystals around
  6780. a predesigned skeleton¢a special gaseous atmosphere. Romana
  6781. ߀same gas„dissolve€Krargs.
  6782. /High Priest of Poseidon¢Atlantis.fellê€
  6783. Master's control‰¿overthrow King Dalios.´when,
  6784. ¢spite of€¨˜warnings,€Ë߀Kronos
  6785. Crystal„summon€Kronavore,‘×Atlantis.
  6786. /Androzani equivalent of Ms.
  6787. /One of Davros's scientists.Ž–‡€Daleks.
  6788. /Stotz's whiny second¢command.Ž–‡Stotz
  6789. ¦¹ä„defect.
  6790. /Professor Brett'sↀWOTON
  6791. project.Žhypnotized‡WOTAN,‰´trying„save€
  6792. computer.
  6793. /Thal¶Skaro,‰Ganatus's friend.
  6794. /InsectoidǑcrashed†Karn‰Ž–‡
  6795. Condo.
  6796. /One of€Graff Vynda-K's men.Žstunned‡K-9.Š
  6797. “Œß’uniform„trick€Graff.
  6798. /Great Architect of€Paradise Towers. His previous
  6799. designs includes Golden Dream Park,€Bridge of Perpetual
  6800. Motion,‰Miracle City, a forerunner of€Paradise Towers.
  6801. His brainŽsecretly buried¢€Towers basementî¹
  6802. ä„preventñ¶living¢’creation. Under Kroagnon's
  6803. influence,€robotic Cleaners began„exterminate allýlife
  6804. inside€Towers. Then Kroagnonçover€Chief Caretaker's
  6805. body. With€help of Pex‰€Kangs,€‹Œ
  6806. managed„expose‰destroy Kroagnon.
  6807. /Name given‡€Swampies of Delta Magna's third moon„
  6808. «god. KrollŽa gigantic squidlike monsterïup of many,
  6809. smaller squid. It™reached its gigantic size because²™
  6810. once swallowed€Swampies' holy relic,¢Â€fifth
  6811. segment of€Key„Time. When€“Œ‰Romana
  6812. recovered€segment, KrollŽbroken apart®hundreds of
  6813. little squid.
  6814. /(aka KRONOVORES) Time-eaters, mysterious creatures
  6815. living inside€·vortex‰feeding†€very substance of
  6816. time. KronosŽa kronavore.
  6817. /Possibly€most powerful of€Kronavores. His name
  6818. *Kron
  6819. gave rise„€legend of€Greek Titan‘ate’children,
  6820. •of whomŽPosiedon, god of Atlantis. KronosŽdrawn¶
  6821. €·vortex‡€priests of Atlantis,‘imprisoned’
  6822. essence¢€Kronos Crystal.ŠË­released
  6823. Kronos,‰ä„control him,¥failed,‰€
  6824. Kronavore×Atlantis.Š¨Œengineered a¬
  6825. Ramô’É€Master's,µreleased Kronos
  6826. ‰×€Crystal.
  6827. /Giant crystalµexisted transdimensionally
  6828. both¢€·vortex‰¢our space-time continuum. ItŽ
  6829. þindestructable.Šancient Atlantean priestsß²„
  6830. draw Kronos¶€·vortex‰imprison its essence. King
  6831. Dalios came„realise‚€short-term benefits‚€use of
  6832. €Kronos CrystalóAtlantis would spell long-term doom,‰
  6833. forbade its use.ŠCrystalŽguarded‡€Minotaur. When King
  6834. Daliosä„have²destroyed,¹onlyÕ¢splitting
  6835. ²®a smaller version,µsurvived throughout€20th
  6836. century,貎û‡€Ë‰ß¢connectionš
  6837. TOM-TIT„summon King Kronos. Itça¬Ramô€
  6838. ˜‰€Master's TARDISes­„destroy€
  6839. Crystal‰release Kronos.ŠKronos Crystal may have been a
  6840. Kontron Crystal,ïof taranium.ŠDaemons may have
  6841. been€ones‘gave²„€ancient Atlanteans.
  6842. /Name of King Yrcanos's home world.ŠMentorsƒselling
  6843. laser weapons„Krontep‰Thordon,‰kept Yrcanos prisoner†
  6844. Thoros-Beta„induce„cooperate. After’victory over€
  6845. Mentors, YrcanosÅreturned„KrontepšPeri›’
  6846. queen.
  6847. /Crystalline beingsïof tellurium. Four Krotons‘™
  6848. been involved¢¤interplanetaryìƒshot down†€º
  6849. of€Gonds. Exhausted‡€drain†«mental energies,
  6850. two died.Štwoµsurvived enslaved€Gonds‰went®a
  6851. form of suspended animation. Every month,€two most intelligent
  6852. Gondsƒselected„become€Krotons' 'companions'. In reality,
  6853. €Krotons use«Dynatrope„drain«mental energy„
  6854. recharge themselves.ŠªŒ­ßsulphuric
  6855. acid„dissolve€Krotons‰free€Gonds.
  6856. /Hostile, vegetal life formsµpreyed†animals.
  6857. Around 20,000 BC, two Krynoid pods landed¢€Antarctic‰
  6858. buried themselves®€permafrost. Theyƒ­dug up¢
  6859. 1977‡a World Ecology Bureau expedition.—Krynoidçcontrol
  6860. of Winlett's body,¥Ž°×¦Scorby blew up€
  6861. camp.Šother podŽstolen‡Harrison Chase. Itçcontrol of
  6862. Keeler's body‰Chase's mind,‰grew„monstrous size. It began
  6863. „turn plantsõmankind,¥Žblown up‡€Royal Air
  6864. Forceæ²could germinate. In both cases,€“˜
  6865. Ú¿bringø€Krynoids' end.
  6866. /See ICTHAR.
  6867. /Mongolian general‰statesman, grandson of Genghis
  6868. Khan‘livedô1215‰1294.ŽMarco Polo's friend‰
  6869. met€©Doctor,¶whom¹won€Ã¢a game of
  6870. backgammon. Later,€Œsaved¶Tegana's assassination
  6871. attempt.
  6872. /Chinese official workingêWang-Lo.Žbribed‡
  6873. Tegana.
  6874. /Australian Aborigineù‡€Urbankans,
  6875. probably circa 3019 BC. His memoriesƒstored†silicon chips,
  6876. ‰ß„animate¤android¢’image. After€¸Œ
  6877. ÿMonarch,¹‰’fellow androids decided„lookœ
  6878. anotherº†µ„settle.
  6879. /Count Grendel's henchman.Žknocked unconscious‡
  6880. Romana‰Princess Strella.
  6881. /Young Solonianԑdistrusted Varan‰€£
  6882. Empire.Žframed‡€Marshalœ€murder of€£
  6883. Administrator,‰fled back„Solos.Š¨Œ¿
  6884. complete’mutation‰turn®a super-being. Ky¡–
  6885. €Marshal, freed’friends‰¿’ñreach«
  6886. final state.
  6887. /26thÄpaleontologist. Under€protection
  6888. of Lieutenant Scott‰’men, sheŽintent†exploring a
  6889. network of underground cavesèeight other scientists™been
  6890. –‡ androids protecting a hidden Cyberbomb.
  6891. ¿€¸Œdisarm€bomb,¡travelled aboard€
  6892. ÄCaptain Briggs's space freighter,èsheŽ–‡
  6893. a Cyberman.
  6894. /British police sergeant‘interrogated€“Œ
  6895. ‰Leelaîthey™been attacked‡members of€Tong of
  6896. €Black Scorpion.
  6897. /DrathroŽ¤Andromedan L-3 robot.
  6898. /See Q, SUSAN.
  6899. /Atlantean officer‘assignedñ„work
  6900. ¢€mines.
  6901. /Scientist sentšColonel Archer's men„
  6902. investigate mysterious happenings (in reality,€end of a Dalek
  6903. ·corridor)¢€Ùwarehouse district.Ž–‡
  6904. €Dalek-duplicate, Archer.
  6905. /Horror-filled swamp†Skaro,µclaimed€
  6906. lives of Antodus‰Elyon.
  6907. /One of€landmarks of Iceworld's
  6908. underworld.
  6909. /Peacefulºµ€Raniçover¦she detected
  6910. ¤asteroidïup of Strange Matter¢its orbit.å„
  6911. blow up€asteroidša Loyhargil rocket. Successful completion
  6912. ofˆplan would have completely×Lakertya,¥sheŽ
  6913. 퇀‹Doctor.
  6914. /Golden-skinned natives of Lakertya. They™evolved
  6915. ¶reptiles‰ƒcommitted„a peaceful, indolent life.
  6916. ŠRaniçcontrol of them,‰theyƒÛ‡€
  6917. ‹Œ‰Ikona.
  6918. /He‰Ankh, Minyans whose heads™been replaced‡
  6919. machines,ƒ€two Seers‘ruled€Underworld directly
  6920. beneath€Oracle. Theyɀ“Œ‰Jackson's
  6921. Minyans,‰´¢€Ïof€Underworld caused‡two
  6922. fission grenades disguised›€Race Banks,µ€Oracle™
  6923. intended„use„destroy Jackson's ship.
  6924. /Queen Galleia's slave girl.Ð¦Kronos
  6925. ×Atlantis.
  6926. /A member of€staff of€Wheel¢Space. His
  6927. mindŽtaken over‡€Cybermen.Ž­killed.
  6928. /Remarkably gifted race, pioneers of steady-state micro
  6929. welding. According„€¨Doctor, they™nine opposable
  6930. digits.
  6931. /Count Grendel's surgeon-engineer‰master-android
  6932. *Lamia
  6933. maker.Žsecretly¢lovešGrendel,‘߈only„
  6934. further’ambitions.Žaccidentally–‡•of
  6935. Grendel's men.
  6936. /Tulloch nurse‘çcare of Harry Sullivan
  6937. shot‡€Caber.Žimpersonated‡€Zygon
  6938. Odda.
  6939. /One of€Movellans servingêCommander Sharrel†Skaro.
  6940. Ždisarmed‰reprogrammed‡Tyssan.
  6941. /Medieval knight of€Round Table.ŠªDoctor,
  6942. Jamie‰Zoe encountered’fictional counterpart¢€
  6943. Land of Fiction.
  6944. /Member of Lupton's psychic circus at K'anpo's Tibetan
  6945. Monastery. His mindŽtaken over‡€Spiders,¥¹Ž
  6946. freed¦€Ø—died.
  6947. /Nickname given„a mysterious pocket universe
  6948. *Toy
  6949. ècreations of€ýmind could…materialized‰given
  6950. a semblance of life.ŠLand of FictionŽruled‡€Ë
  6951. Brain,‘ßaýpawn,€Master,„fill its worldš
  6952. a variety of fictional characters.ŠLand of Fiction disappeared
  6953. ¦€ËBrainŽ×‡Zoe.
  6954. /Corporal¢€army task forceµÉ€Ø
  6955. Intelligence¢€Ùunderground.Ž–‡€
  6956. Yeti's web.
  6958. |Member of Rorvik's crew.´¢€Ïof€
  6959. privateer's ship.
  6960. /Intergalactic Pursuit Squadron Lieutenant‘Ž
  6961. assigned€job of goingîRomulus‰Remus Sylvest's
  6962. kidnappers.crashed†Titan Three‰ŽÛ‡€newly
  6963. regenerated Sixth Doctor. Lang travelledš€¬Lord¢€
  6964. ÄJaconda,蹿žMestor. Stranded†
  6965. Jaconda,¹decided„remain there‰help€natives rebuild
  6966. «world.
  6967. /TheŒ‰’Òalways seem„…able„
  6968. speak€local languages of€places they visit.Š“
  6969. Œtold Sarah‚²Ža¬Lord 'gift'. This
  6970. talentŽundoubtedly€result of€¬Lords' telepathic
  6971. abilities, possibly aided‡€TARDIS.
  6972. /Young Lakertyan, Ikona's brother.chose„follow
  6973. Beyus's orders rather than rebelõ€Rani.Ž–‡
  6974. €Rani's deadly insects.
  6975. /Officer of€Court of Millenius.
  6976. /Weapon߆Vortis.
  6977. /The Wheel¢Space™¤X-ray laser cannon.
  6978. /Device߇Dask„reprogram€Robots of
  6979. Death.
  6980. /Thremmatologist (science dealingš€
  6981. breeding‰propagating of animals‰plantsœdomestication)
  6982. ‘embarked†€Hyperion III space lineršˆtwo assistants,
  6983. Bruchner‰Doland.Žprimarily responsibleœ€creation
  6984. of€Vervoids,¥™never meantœthem„become hostile life
  6985. forms.¿€SixthŒsave€»¶Rudge's hijack
  6986. attempt. Later, sheŽ–‡€Vervoids.
  6987. /Tombstone saloon.
  6988. /One of€Thals sent„Spiridon„stop€Daleks.
  6989. ¿€¨Œž€Daleks.Žattracted„
  6990. Jo Grant.
  6991. /One of€individuals working at€Inferno Project
  6992. site.
  6993. /Chief of€Utobi Indians‘once saved George
  6994. Cranleigh¶€Butiu.accompanied„England,‰
  6995. secretly livedšat Cranleigh Hall.
  6996. /UNIT pilot lieutenant.flew Lethbridge-
  6997. Stewart's helicopter„Carbury. Morgaine causedˆhelicopter„
  6998. crash.°áLavel's memories,¡–her.
  6999. /See SMITH, LAVINIA.
  7000. /See CRIME.
  7001. /Director of€Wenley Moor atomic
  7002. research station,µŽattacked‡€Silurians. His sole,
  7003. overriding concernŽ„preserve’position.Žno help„
  7004. €¨Doctor,‰Ž­–‡€Silurian virus
  7005. spread‡Major Baker.
  7006. /Reputedly incurable space disease. Terminus, Inc.
  7007. exiled its victims„Terminus,‰kept themêits control
  7008. šhydromel. Nyssaå„synthesize hydromel, thereby
  7009. freeing€men¶Terminus, Inc.'s grip.
  7010. /Name given„those afflictedšLazar disease.Š
  7011. company Terminus, Inc. promised them a cure,¥instead shipped
  7012. them„Terminus,ètheyƒherded®€Forbidden Zone‡
  7013. €Vanir. There, some of themƒcured‡€Garm,¡shipped
  7014. back„civilization.
  7015. /Time-sensitive Tharil‘Žselected‡Aldo‰Royce
  7016. „replace Biroc.°escaped®E-SpacešRomana,‰
  7017. ­led’fellow Tharils„freedom.
  7018. /Metal߇€“Œ›a shield„block€
  7019. Vardan's powers.
  7020. /Archaeologist mentioned‡¾
  7021. Rumford.
  7022. /Chinese member of€Tong of€Black Scorpion‘
  7023. replaced Li H'Sen Chang›Greel's main servant. Greel forced
  7024. „commit suicide›a penaltyœfailure.
  7025. /One of€“˜companions.Ža member of
  7026. *Leela
  7027. €Sevateem tribe‘refused„believe XoanonŽa god.
  7028. ¿€“ŒÊ€Tesh‰cure Xoanon.¡
  7029. accompanied¢€TARDIS.¿Ê€Robots of
  7030. Death; Magnus Greel; a Rutan of€island of Fang Rock;€
  7031. Nucleas of€Virus of€Purpose (when she first met K-9 mark I)
  7032. ‰„µsheŽnaturally immune;€Fendahl;€Usurians;
  7033. €Oracle;‰ã€Vardans‰€Sontarans†Gallifrey.
  7034. There, she fell¢lovešCommander Andred of€Chancellery
  7035. Guards.‰K-9 mark I elected„remain†Gallifrey.™
  7036. a savage¥trusting nature,‰ˆfavourite÷Ž€
  7037. poisonous Janis thorn.
  7038. /Exarius colonist‘󀨌‰
  7039. Jo Grant„Ashe.Ž°–‡€IMC robot,µ
  7040. ï’death look like€result of a lizard attack.
  7041. /A species of giant flowering lettuce unique„
  7042. Chloris.
  7043. /Hollywood actress.
  7044. /British astronaut†board€Mars Probe 7»‘
  7045. ŽÞ‡mysterious, radioactive aliens.Ž­
  7046. returned„£thanks„€¨˜intervention.
  7047. /The Earl of LeicesterŽa warlike Crusader deeply
  7048. opposed„peaceš€Saracens.would have–€
  7049. ©Œif²™not beenœIan's timely intervention.
  7050. /Army sergeantêCommander Millington's command¢
  7051. Northumberland.Ž–‡€Haemovores.
  7052. /Vast entertainment centre†Argolis. It contained
  7053. different environments designed„produce physical‰psychic
  7054. regeneration. Its key attractionŽ€Tachyon Recreation
  7055. Generator.ŠWest Lodge Foamasi sabotaged€Leisure Hive,‰
  7056. impersonated Brock‰Klout„try„buy²¶itsÔMena.
  7057. But theyƒexposed‡€“Œ‰a Foamasi
  7058. investigator.Š“ŒalsoíPangol's
  7059. megalomaniacal dreams,‰fixed€TRG so‚€Argolins could
  7060. …rejuvenated.
  7061. /Governor of€Conciergerie.Ž¢ÂBritish
  7062. master spy James Stirling whose missionŽ„save prisoners¶
  7063. €guillotine. His path crossed‚of€©Œ‰Ian
  7064. ¯€French Revolution.
  7065. /A grocery-store employee¢Perivale.
  7066. /Renegade scientist‘™been hired‡Reegan„
  7067. watch over€three radioactiveÇambassadors¹™
  7068. kidnapped. In reality,¹ŽworkingœGeneral Carrington. Filled
  7069. šremorse,¹turned himself¢„UNIT,¥Ž–¦
  7070. Carrington arrangedœradioactive isotopeds„…deliveredš
  7071. ’food.
  7072. /See DA VINCI, LEONARDO.
  7073. /Planet visited‡Captain Cook.
  7074. /A period of·µçúa microsecondî
  7075. €Big Bang. It produced Helium 2,µ€Raniå„use„
  7076. turnˆartificial Brain®a planet-sized¬Manipulator.
  7077. /Astronomer†€Wheel¢Space‰Leo Ryan's
  7078. girlfriend,‘¿€ªŒž€Cybermen.
  7079. met Zoe againîsheŽreturned„ˆproperú¢
  7080. ·‰space‡€¬Lordî€ëGames.
  7081. /Confederate soldier‘ȹŽfighting€
  7082. American Civil War. In reality,¹Žpart of€ëGames.
  7083. /Young French girl‰Lord Palmerdale's
  7084. confidential secretary.Žshipwrecked†Fang Rock and,¢
  7085. spite of€“˜efforts,Ž°–‡€
  7086. Rutan.
  7087. /One of€officers aboard Space Beacon Nerva.¿€
  7088. “ŒÊ€Cybermen.
  7089. /Chief Scientist of€Vulcan colony.È€
  7090. Ÿ¹™û¢a crashed»ƒrobots‘could…
  7091. repaired„help€colony. In spite of€ª˜
  7092. warnings,¹repowered them. Later,›€Ÿä„take
  7093. over€colony,¹realized’mistake‰sacrificed’life
  7094. so‚€Œcould deactivate€Ÿagain.
  7095. /One of UNIT's founding members'.
  7096. *Brig
  7097. conceived€ideaî¹É€Yeti‰€Ø
  7098. Intelligence¢Ùalongside€ªDoctor.Ž¡a
  7099. Colonel¢€British Army. After UNIT's formation,¹Ž
  7100. promoted„Brigadier‰Í•of€heads of its British
  7101. branch. reporting directly„a United Nations Secretary¢
  7102. Geneva.‰€ªŒ¡ía Cybermanéof
  7103. England.
  7104.    Soon afterwards, Lethbridge-StewartŽamong€firstñ„
  7105. meet€¨Doctor, whom¹ïUNIT's Scientific Advisor.
  7106. Žalways„remain slightly disturbed‡€˜
  7107. regenerative abilities. Togetherš€help of Liz Shaw, Jo Grant,
  7108. Sarah Jane Smith, Sergeant Benton‰Mike Yates, theyÉa
  7109. number of threats›diverse›€Master;€Nestene‰«
  7110. deadly Autons;€Silurians; General Carrington‰’so-called
  7111. 'Ambassadors of Death';¾Stahlman's Inferno Project¦€
  7112. Œmet€Brigadier's counterpart¶a parallel fascistic
  7113. Earth. Brigade-Leader Lethbridge-Stewart;€Mind of Evil; Axos;
  7114. €Daemons;€Daleks; Kronos; Omega, ¦¹met€©‰
  7115. ªDoctors; BOSS;€Sontarans;¤éof dinosaurs
  7116. masterminded‡Sir Charles Grover¦Mike Yates betrayed UNIT;‰
  7117. ã€Giant Spiders of Metebelis 3.
  7118.    ItŽ¡‚€Brigadier watched€Œregenerate®
  7119. ’“Incarnation,šwhom¹(and Harry Sullivan)É
  7120. ¾Kettlewell's Giant Robot‰€Scientific Reform
  7121. Society,‰€Zygons.
  7122.    Lethbridge-Stewart's jobÍincreasingly more political,‰
  7123. ¹Ž¢Geneva¯€Kraal Invasion‰€Krynoid
  7124. attack. Perhaps because of this,¢1977, Lethbridge-Stewart
  7125. chose„retire.¡went†„teach maths at Brendon School.
  7126.    In 1977,¯’meetingš€¸Doctor,€Brigadier
  7127. encountered’own self¶1983, provoking¤energy discharge
  7128. µreleased Mawdryn‰’fellow aliens¶«unending
  7129. life.Šdischarge caused€Brigadier„suffer¶amnesia¶
  7130. 1977 until 1983,¦¹recovered’memory. Soon afterwards,
  7131. ¹left’teaching post‰married Doris,•of’former
  7132. ½colleagues.
  7133.   Šday of€next annual½reunion,¹again met€ª
  7134. Doctor,‰Í•of Borusa's pawns¢€Game of Rassilon.
  7135. Togetherš€˜other incarnations‰various
  7136. companions,¹¿thwart€megalomaniacal¬Lord's plans
  7137. œimmortality.
  7138.    Lethbridge-Stewart­came out of retirement„Ê
  7139. alongside€‹Doctor, Ace‰Brigadier Bambera,õ
  7140. Morgaine's forces at Carbury. During this battle,¹nearly
  7141. sacrificed himself„kill€Destroyer‰save Earth.
  7142. /Alistair's wife.workedœ½¢
  7143. ¤undisclosed capacityæmarrying€Brigadier.saw
  7144. ð„active duty„ÊMorgaine. In 1964,æthey
  7145. ƒmarried, Doris spent some romantic·šLethbridge-Stewart
  7146. ¢a hotel¢Brighton,èshe gavea gold watch.
  7147. /Planet of€Cyrennic Empire,‰homeworld of€
  7148. tyrannical Graff Vynda-K. When€Graff left Levithia„Ê¢
  7149. €Alliance Wars,¹Žreplaced‡’half-brother„€
  7150. satisfaction of€Levithians.
  7151. /High Priestess of€Deons.worshipped€Dodecahedon
  7152. ‰Žvehemently opposed„any plans„reclaim€planet's
  7153. surface. After Meglos, using€“˜shapeá€
  7154. Crystal, sheþ™€¬Lord executed. But she­
  7155. saw€error ofˆways‰Ž–‡a Gaztak while
  7156. saving Romana's life.
  7157. /Chinese peasant‘ûMagnus Greel and,
  7158. mistakingœ€god Weng-Chiang, nursedback„health.
  7159. Greel gavehypnotic powers. Chang followed’master„London,
  7160. providingšyoung girls whose life essences¹needed„
  7161. drain¢order„survive,‰assisting¢trying„locate’
  7162. ¬Cabinet.ß’gifts‰€Peking Homunculus„pose
  7163. ›a magician,‰worked at Henry Gordon Jago's Palace Theatre.
  7164. ɀ“Œ‰Leela,¥’repeated failures
  7165. caused„…dismissed‡Greel. Soon afterwards,¹Žfatally
  7166. wounded‡Greel's Giant Rat. Finally realizing‚GreelŽnot a
  7167. god, Chang´warning€Œ„beware of€Eye of€
  7168. Dragon.
  7169. /One of€Chosen†€Ark¢Space.Ž–‡
  7170. Noah.
  7171. /Weapon߇€Minyans.
  7172. /The Elders™discovered a mechanical way„steal
  7173. ‰transfer€life energy of€so-called Savages. In time,
  7174. €victims recovered, only„…drained again later.
  7175. /PowerfulǑlanded†£¯€Paleolithic
  7176. *Light
  7177. era„catalogue all of its species.ÛNimrod, a
  7178. Neanderthal,‰ïimmortal.¡slept¢’spaceship
  7179. until€19th century,¦¹Ždiscovered‡British explorer
  7180. Redvers Fenn-Cooper,‘Ímentally unbalanced. Actingê€
  7181. influence of Josiah Samuel Smith, a survey agent of Light's‘™
  7182. evolved®a human, Fenn-CooperçLight's»back„England
  7183. ‰buried²êGabriel Chase. Ace caused Light„reawaken.
  7184. When¹learned‚’catalogue™beenïobsolete‡
  7185. evolution, Lightä„destroy mankind. But¹disintergrated¦
  7186. €‹Œshowed‚no one, not even himself, could
  7187. stop evolution.
  7189. |The concept of Order‰Lightƒembodied‡€White
  7190. Guardian.
  7192. /Weaponsßõ€Savages‡€Elders'
  7193. guards.
  7194. /One of€employees at Tranquil Repose.joined Takis¢
  7195. calling¢€Ÿ¶Skaro. After Tranquil Repose's
  7196. destruction,€sixthŒshowed him, Takis‰€other
  7197. employees how„make proteins out of local flowers.
  7198. /Device߇€Valeyard„trap€Ë‰
  7199. Sabalom Glitz inside€Matrix.
  7200. /Recreational planet.
  7201. /Chinese mandarin¶€so-called 'Futu' dynasty,
  7202. ù‡€Urbankans, probably circa 1769 BC. (There is no
  7203. trace of a 'Futu' dynasty¢China, however€Shang Dynasty
  7204. (18th„12thÄBC) would…consistentšLin Futu, based†
  7205. archeological discoveriesïat€buriel site of Fu Hao, a royal
  7206. member of‚dynasty.) His memoriesƒstored†silicon chips,
  7207. ‰ß„animate¤android¢’image. After€¸Œ
  7208. ÿMonarch,¹‰’fellow androids decided„lookœ
  7209. anotherº†µ„settle.
  7210. /Sixteenth President of€United States. His
  7211. imageŽprojected†€©˜Space-Time Visualizer.
  7212. /A Chinese Captain¢Kublai Khan's army.Ž­
  7213. promoted„Commander,‰married Ping-Cho.
  7214. /One of€Thoros-Alphan prisoners†Thoros-Beta.Ž
  7215. rapidly aged„death‡Crozier's experiments.
  7216. /First victim of€Mind Parasite at Stangmoor Prison.
  7217. /Sontaran warrior whose»Ždamaged‡€Rutans,‰‘
  7218. *Sont
  7219. Žstranded¢12thÄWessex.allied himselfšIrongron,
  7220. €local brigand,‘offeredshelter¢exchangeœmodern
  7221. weapons. Linxùscientists¶€20thĄhelp
  7222. repair’ship,µó®conflictš€¨
  7223. Doctor.´¦a local archer, Hal, shot¤arrow®’
  7224. probic vent›’»Žready„take off.Š»exploded soon
  7225. afterwards.
  7226. /See RICHARD I.
  7227. /Professor Litefoot's father.went„China
  7228. ¢AD 1860›part of a punitive expedition,‰stayed†¢
  7229. Peking›palace attache until’death.
  7230. /A dedicated medical doctor‘™chosen„
  7231. work¢¤East EndÙhospital.‰Henry Gordon Jago
  7232. ¿€“Œ‰LeelažMagnus Greel‰save
  7233. Ù¶destruction. Litefoot™grown up¢China,è€
  7234. Emperor Tungchi™given Greel's¬Cabinet„’family›a
  7235. present.
  7236. /Human avatar of€three Gods of Ragnarok at€
  7237. Psychic Circus.
  7238. /English Villageׯ€English Civil
  7239. ë¢1643. ItŽèTegan's grandfather Andrew Verney, lived.
  7240. Verney discovered€ÇMalus buried beneath its church. Thanks
  7241. „€¸˜intervention,€Malus­×
  7242. itself,‰peace returned„Little Hodcombe.
  7243. /The©Œstopped thereœChristmas¯’
  7244. flight¶€Daleks' Masterplan.
  7245. /See SHAW, LIZ.
  7246. /Milo Clancey's erratic, battered old spaceship.
  7247. /Operator at Space Special Security's Control Building.
  7248. /Quiet Welsh mining village,€site of both€
  7249. Nuthutch commune‰€Global Chemicals refineryè€
  7250. Green Death occurred.
  7251. /Commander of€Moroks' Space Museum†Xeros.ä„
  7252. turn€©Œ‰’Ò®exhibits.Ž–
  7253. ¯€Xeron rebellion.
  7255. |PlanetèMilo Clancey's argonite minesƒlocated.
  7256. /See CORE LOCATOR.
  7257. /Circa AD 1179, Loch Ness̀home of€Borad, a
  7258. monstrous, quasi-reptilianǶPlanet Karfel,µ™been
  7259. banished through a·tunnel known›Timelash‡€Sixth Doctor.
  7260. Circa 1676,€crippled spaceship of€Zygons landed¢
  7261. Loch Ness.ŠZygons‰«SkarasenŖ€
  7262. Borad,‰€Skarasen¡Í€Loch Ness Monster. In 1976,
  7263. €Zygons߀Skarasen„sink some oil rigs‰sabotage a
  7264. World Energy Conference. Freed¶€Zygons‡€“Doctor,
  7265. €Skarasen returned„Loch Ness where, presumably,¹lived
  7266. peacefully forever afterwards.
  7267. /T-Mat operator†€Moonbase,¦²Žtaken over‡€
  7268. Ice Warriors.Ž–‡Slaar,‘caughtsending a
  7269. warning„Earth.
  7270. /Official poisoner of Imperial Rome. When•ofˆpoisons
  7271. failed, Poppaea orderedˆthrown„€Lions.
  7272. /One of€lootersÞ¢Ù¯€Dinosaur
  7273. Invasion.
  7274. /Lord of€Fire Mountain worshipped‡€Sarns. In
  7275. reality,¹Ž€deification of a Trion vulcanologist.
  7276. /The greatest gathering ofý
  7277. intelligence ever assembled.ŠLogiciansȂlogic‰
  7278. intelligence should have power over€destinies of Man‰other
  7279. species. At€beginning of€26th century,€Logicians'
  7280. megalomaniacal president, Eric Klieg, financed¾Parry's
  7281. expedition„Telos,‰resurrected€Cybermen. It is
  7282. possible‚€Brotherhood of Logicians evolved¶€21st
  7283. Ä£School of Parapsychology,µshared its emphasis†
  7284. pure logic.
  7285. /Alzarian chief engineer‰Keara's father.Ž
  7286. appointed DeciderîDraith's death. More decisive than’two
  7287. colleagues,¹assumed leadership¯€Marshmen's attack,‰
  7288. ¿€“Œdiscover€Alzarians' true nature.
  7289. /Young Alzarian Outler‰Login's daughter.
  7290. /Community of pure mathematicians‘lived†¤unnamed
  7291. Çplanet. They spent«lives intoning calculations inside
  7292. caves carved®€rock. Their Block Transfer Computations™€
  7293. power„affectÂitself.ŠLogopolitans discovered‚€
  7294. universe™long ago passed€point of fatal collapse. To dispose
  7295. of€entropy, theyßBlock Transfer Computations„create
  7296. Charged Vacuum Emboitements„open voids®other universes. After
  7297. €Ëdisrupted€workings of Logopolis, Logopolis itself fell
  7298. apart‰Ždestroyed. ŠCVEs began closing. Fortunately,€
  7299. Logopolitans™discovered¤equation‚would stabilize€
  7300. CVEs. In spite of€Master's attempts„stop‰blackmail€
  7301. universe,€“ŒÕ¢using€Pharos Project†
  7302. £„broadcast€Logopolitans calculations.
  7303. /High priest of Amdo,€Atlanteans' goddess.hated
  7304. ¾Zaroff, whom¹rightly saw›having׫
  7305. peaceful (but primitive) isolated life.É€ªŒ
  7306. ‰´fightingš€mad scientist¦€sea broke through
  7307. Zaroff's laboratory.
  7308. /Leisure Hive visitor‘suggested‚€tachyonics
  7309. display arranged‡PangolŽa trick.Žinvited„step®
  7310. €machine‰Žaccidentally torn apart.
  7311. /Captain of€Trion rescue»summoned‡Turlough‰
  7312. sent„Sarn„evacuate its people.
  7313. /Medical doctor„whom Dr. Henderson™sent samples
  7314. of€¨˜bloodœanalysis.
  7315. /Son of Lady Tanha of Manussa. His ancestor™banished€
  7316. *Lon
  7317. Mara five hundredöearlier.Žpossessed‡€Mara,
  7318. ‰persuaded Ambril„letuse€ØCrystal¯€
  7319. ceremony¢µ€Maraå„recreate itself.ŠMaraŽ
  7320. ׇ€¸Doctor,‰LonŽfreed.
  7321. /Exarius colonist.supported Winton's call„armsõ
  7322. Dent.
  7323. /Churchwarden¢a small Cornish village.Ž
  7324. once a pirate‘™ÀêCaptain Averyšfellow
  7325. crewmembers Pike‰Cherub. Longfoot knewèAvery's treasure
  7326. Žhidden,¥Ž–‡Cherub - not, however,湙
  7327. ·„impart clues„€©Doctor.
  7328. /Rest stop†€©˜road„China.
  7329. /Companion of€©‰ªDoctors,‰
  7330. *Pol
  7331. ¾Brett's secretary.‰Ben Jackson¿€©
  7332. ŒõWOTAN. Afterwards, they followed¢€Ã
  7333. ‰¿Ê17thÄsmugglers‰€Cybermen. They
  7334. watched€©Œregenerate. Polly‰Ben¡aided€
  7335. ªŒõ€Daleks,€Cybermen,¾Zaroff,‰
  7336. €Macra. They first met Jamie¢1746 Scotland. Finally,î
  7337. defeating€Chameleons, they discovered theyƒback¢Ù†
  7338. €same day they™left,‰chose„remain there.
  7339. /One of€Destroyer's names.
  7340. /Billy's band at Shangri-La.
  7341. /One of€crew of€Mary Celeste.
  7342. /One of¾Sorenson's Morestran crew–†Zeta
  7343. Minor‡€anti-matter creatures.
  7344. /The first Lost Shipsƒlaunchedæ€discovery
  7345. of faster than light propulsion,¯€early part of€21st
  7346. century. Theyßvolunteers placed¢hibernation. Among theseŽ
  7347. €»µ­landed†Vulcan. A second wave of
  7348. Lost Ships occurredî€discovery of FTL propulsion,¢€
  7349. last days of€21stĉ€early part of€22nd century.
  7350. Among theseƒ€Hydrax,µŽdiverted®E-Space‡
  7351. €ØVampire,‰€»‘crashed†Metebelis 3.
  7352. Another wave of Lost Ships followed€ª(or Great)
  7353. Break Out¢€51st century. Among theseŽ€Mordee, whose
  7354. àÍXoanon. Also see BREAK OUTS, COLONIZATION OF
  7356. /Royal Navy officer‘É€Sea Devils.
  7357. /Supervisor of€Titan base. His mindŽtaken over‡€
  7358. VirusæMeeker died,‰¹É€“Œ‰Leela
  7359. „save€Nucleus. A miniaturised holographic clone version of
  7360. ´within€˜body.ó€Nucleus back„Titan,
  7361. ¥Ž–‡K-9 mark I.
  7362. /Captain of€»µçMarc Cory„Kembel.
  7363. Žinjured‡a Varga plant,¡–‡Cory„putout
  7364. of’misery.
  7365. /Special alloy devised‡€Rani's artificial Brain,
  7366. µ€Rani loaded¢ˆrocket„blow up€Strange Matter
  7367. asteroid.
  7368. /Ore processed aboard€Sandminer.
  7369. /German army lieutenant‘ȹŽfightingõ
  7370. €British¢WorldëI. In reality,¹Žpart of€
  7371. ëGames.
  7372. /Violent attacks conducted‡19thÄ
  7373. handicraftsmenõmachinery. Some attacksƒindirectly
  7374. caused‡€Rani's removal of humans' brain fluids.
  7375. /Member of€Sevateem tribe.Ž°–‡•of
  7376. Xoanon's invisible, telekinetic monsters.
  7377. /Werewolf-like being, originally Dorf, enquerry„King
  7378. Yrcanos of Krontep,‰a pathetic product of Crozier's
  7379. experiments,‘¿Peri‰YrcanosʀMentors.
  7380. saved Yrcanos's life‡taking a deadly blast meantœ’King.
  7381. /One of¾Sorenson's Morestran crew–†
  7382. Zeta Minor‡€anti-matter creatures.
  7383. /See MOON.
  7384. /Leader of€psychic circleµsummoned€Spiders of
  7385. Metebelis 3„K'anpo's Tibetan Monastery.Žonce fired¶’
  7386. job,‰wanted power‰revenge.á€Blue Crystal¶
  7387. UNIT,‰allied himselfš€Spiders. His plansƒí‡
  7388. €¨Doctor,‰¹Ž–‡€Spiders¦¹rebelled
  7389. ‰called them‡«true name of Spiders instead of 'Eight-Legs'.
  7390. /Vorg's home world.
  7391. /The youngest of Traken's five Consuls.ÍKeeperî
  7392. €“Œÿ€Master.
  7393. /See WEREWOLVES.
  7394. /One of€Chosen†€Ark¢Space.‰Rogin¿
  7395. €“ŒÊ€Wirrn.Žabsorbed‡€Ç
  7396. larvae.
  7397. /El Akir's home city.
  7398. /Galactic mercenaryš€title of commander.
  7399. *Lyt
  7400. Žborn†Riften 5, a satellite of Vita 15 (Star System 690),
  7401. known„…aºof warriors.first workedœ€Daleks,
  7402. commanding a taskforce whose job²Ž„rescue Davros¶a space
  7403. penitentiary.É€¸Doctor,‰ultimately escaped
  7404. through€Daleks'·corridor„1984 London.
  7405.    There,¹turned„organizing robberies„provideš€
  7406. money„buy sophisticated electronics equipment,µ¹ß„
  7407. set up a transmitter broadcasting a distress call. ThisŽfirst
  7408. picked up‡€Cryons,‰°‡€Sixth Doctor.ŠCryons
  7409. hired Lytton„steal back a·vessel stolen‡€Cybermen.
  7410. Lytton met€ ¢€Ùsewers‰pretended„help
  7411. them,¥Žûout.Žtortured,¡€ began
  7412. €conversion work„turn®•of«own. Before¹lost
  7413. ’humanity, a partially converted Lytton sacrificed himself„kill
  7414. €Cybercontroller.
  7415. /Type of fuelߜ€Recovery 8 rocket.
  7416. /Planetary system located beyond€Sigmus Gap catalogued‡
  7417. Tryst.
  7418. /See MUSKATOZENE-80.
  7419. /Absent-minded scientist¶Vasilip‘designed€
  7420. Kandy Man. After€‹Œ¿„overthrow Helen A's
  7421. regime,¹‰Joseph C fled Terra Alpha¢a space shuttle
  7422. originally intendedœHelen A.
  7423. /Commander of€Drahvin team stranded†€doomedº
  7424. of Galaxy Four.Ž€only true Drahvin,€other women being
  7425. programmed products of test tubes. Maagaä„enlist€©
  7426. ˜help¢ˆconfrontationš€Rills,¥¹refused.
  7427. ‰ˆcrewТ€planet's destruction.
  7428. /Out-of-work actor¶€17th century.¿
  7429. €¸Doctor, Tegan, Adric‰Nyssaž€Terilelptils.
  7431. /Substance߇€¬Lords¢«courtroom.
  7432. According„Glitz,²Žworth quite a few grotzis.
  7433. /Television reporter covering€peace
  7434. conference.
  7435. /Former captain of€Annabelle‰supporter of€
  7436. Scottish rebellion.Žbetrayed„€English‡Trask,‘
  7437. ¡á’ship.
  7438. /Explorer‰¾Travers's friend.Ž–‡
  7439. €ØIntelligence'sÖYeti.
  7440. /Scotland Yard inspector‘™come„Gabriel Chase„
  7441. investigate€disappearance of Sir George‰Lady Margaret
  7442. Pritchard,€owners of€house.™beenމ
  7443. preservedœtwoö‡Josiah Samuel Smith.Š‹Œ
  7444. reanimated him,¥¹Ž°–‡Light,‘devolved
  7445. back®primeval soup.
  7446. /See CAMILLA.
  7447. /Crablike aliens‘™Õ¢secretly dominating a
  7448. ýspace colony‰forcing them„extract‰refine€gas
  7449. µŽnecessary„«survival. Theyƒexposed‰
  7450. ÿ‡€ªDoctor.
  7451. /Component of Zanak's transmat engines.
  7452. It burned out while Zanak‰€Ãä„rematerialize†
  7453. Calufrax at€same time.ŠCaptainŽready„crush£„
  7454. obtain€mineral PJX 18 (quartz)„replace it.
  7455. /Sea Base Four's junior crew member.replaced Michaels
  7456. ›synch operator,¥felt inadequate.Žbrain-washed‡
  7457. Nilson‰Solow‰forced„kill Karina.Ž­–
  7458. ‡Nilson.
  7459. /One of€younger Rezzies of Paradise Towers‰Tilda's
  7460. ‰Tabby's neighbour.joined forcesš€‹Doctor,
  7461. €Kangs‰€Caretakers„destroy€ØArchitect.
  7463. /Space sectorè€Rutansɀ
  7464. Sontarans.
  7465. /Phil Madison's wife.
  7466. /He¿€©ŒÊ€Ÿ¯
  7467. «éof£¢AD 2164. HisÜPhil™been turned
  7468. ®a Roboman‰worked at€Bedfordshire site. Both¹‰Phil
  7469. ƒ–‡€Daleks.
  7470. /TheŸturned®a Roboman„work¢«
  7471. Bedfordshire site¯«Invasion of£¢AD 2164. Both¹
  7472. ‰’ÜLarryƒ–‡€Daleks.
  7473. /TheÃòa state of temporary insanity¢€
  7474. ©˜Ò¢order„alert them„€fact‚€
  7475. Fast Return SwitchŽjammed. Xoanon wa a schizophrenic
  7476. computer. Varos™once been a colonyœ€criminally insane.
  7477. ŠŒmet a great number of mad scientists such›
  7478. ¾Zaroff, Dr Solon, Magnus Greel, Kroagnon, etc.
  7479. Also see EVIL.
  7480. /Name of€Zygon‘impersonated Harry Sullivan.
  7481. *Zyg
  7482. ´while attacking Sarah.
  7483. /Karfelon rebel.
  7484. /One of€minerals extracted¶Calufrax‡Zanak.
  7485. ItŽß‡Mr Fibuli„power€Psychic Interference
  7486. Transmitter‚€Captain߄stop€Mentiads.
  7487. /One of Earth's multiplanetary
  7488. corporations. Garron posed›its agent¦¹ä„sell Ribos
  7489. „€Graff Vynda-K.
  7490. /The¨ŒÉdeadly swarms of giant maggots‰
  7491. green slime, also known›€Green Death,¢Llanfairfach. They
  7492. ƒ–‡fungusû‡¾Clifford Jones.
  7493. /According„Clarke's Law, sufficently advanced technology
  7494. is indistinguishable¶magic (and vice versa). Therefore,
  7495. scientific explanations usually accountedœall€seemingly
  7496. supernatural phenomena. Supernatural beings turned out„…superior
  7497. entities preying†less evolved beings.
  7498.    Among those entities‘ƒthought„…gods or demons at•
  7499. ·or another¢Earth's history,‰µofteǹ
  7500. center of a cult of worshippers, were:€ÇLight;€Daemons;
  7501. €Mondasians; Sutekh, Horus‰€Osirians; Scaroth of€
  7502. Jagaroth; Kronos; Cessair of Diplos (posing›€celtic goddess
  7503. Caileach)‰ˆStones of Blood;€ancient Exxilon;€
  7504. embodiment of evil known›Fenric;€Mandragora Helix,‘ç
  7505. over€Brotherhood of Demnos;€Malus;€Terileptil android
  7506. dubbed 'Grim Reaper';‰Magnus Greel, posing›€Chinese
  7507. god Weng-Chiang.Š©ŒhimselfŽmistakenœZeus
  7508. ¯€Trojan War, while Barbara WrightŽthought‡€Aztecs
  7509. „…Yetaxa's reincarnation. Morgaine's parellel£appeared„…
  7510. ruled‡magic, although Morgaine's talentsƒÅ€result
  7511. of parapsychological abilities.Šgoddess HecateŽa pagan concept
  7512. worshipped‡a cult of witches¢
  7513. Moreton Harwood.
  7514.    OnÇworlds,€Œcame¢contactša number of
  7515. religionsèprimitiveñworshipped a powerful seemingly
  7516. supernatural entity. These included:€Exxilon City;
  7517. Xoanon;€Oracle; Kroll;€Mara;‰€Gods of Ragnarok.
  7519. /Alias߇€Ë¢Devil's End.
  7520. /8,000-mile-long space amoeba, often mistakenœa planet.
  7521. /A Maglem Mark-7 converterïof siligtoneŽ
  7522. €deviceµconverted ultraviolet light®black light,µ
  7523. Ž¡transmitted down„€UK Habitat,貎߄
  7524. power Drathro.ŠMaglem converterŽalso€sacred totem of
  7525. Haldron,•of€gods of€Tribe of€Free. ItŽ×
  7526. ‡Dibber,¼triggering a black light explosion‚
  7527. could have endangered€entire universe, if²™not been stopped
  7528. ‡€Sixth Doctor. After Drathro's destruction, Dibber suggested
  7529. she‰Glitz could make money¶selling€converter's siligtone.
  7530. /Monster‘lived¢€caves of Androzani Minor. It
  7531. ™€body of¤armadillo‰powerful, fanged jaws. ItŽ–
  7532. ¯€mud burst.
  7533. /Charter of English liberties granted‡King John¢
  7534. 1215êthreat of Civil War.ŠËßKamelion¢¤
  7535. attempt„turn€baronsõKing John„prevent its signing.
  7536. /Metalû†Skaro,߇€Thals„recharge
  7537. «hand lights.
  7538. /Device߇€¬Lords' corrupt High Council„
  7539. move£out of€Solar System¯€Ravolox Stratagem.
  7540. /Vorus's chief assistant,‰engineer of€Skystriker
  7541. missile.É€ „free Voga.
  7542. /Protegee of Captain Cook,‘ûˆ†Vulpana,‰•of
  7543. €contestants¢€talent contest organized‡€Psychic
  7544. Circus„entertain€Gods of Ragnarok. Mags turned out„…a
  7545. werewolf.Š‹Œ¿ˆrebelõ€Captain,
  7546. whom she killed. Afterwards, she stayedšKingpin„launch a new
  7547. circus.
  7548. /Subject Guardian‰willing Monoid collaborator.Ž
  7549. –‡crossfire¢€battleôMonoids—‰Four†
  7550. Refusis.
  7551. /Promontory near€Northumberland villageè
  7552. Fenric's flaskŽburied.
  7553. /Prisoner at Stangmoor Prison‘staged¤
  7554. unsuccessful riot.ŠË¡¿take over€Prison,
  7555. ‰°ß„hijack€Thunderbolt Missile.Ž
  7556. ­shot‡€Brigadier›¹Žø„kill€
  7557. ¨Doctor.
  7558. /The daughter of Haroun Ed Diin, taken‡El Akirœ’
  7559. harem.¿BarbaraÝEl Akir's clutches.
  7560. /Captain of€£»¢orbit around€Sense-
  7561. Sphere.‰’crew, Carol Richmond‰John,ƒheld captive
  7562. ‡€Sensorites. Thanks„€©˜efforts,¹Ž
  7563. ­allowed„ð„Earth,îhaving promised„
  7564. protect€secret of€Sensorites' existence.
  7565. /Maylin of Karfel‘Žmurdered‡€Borad.Ž
  7566. Katz's father.Žfriendsš€¨Doctor,‰¿
  7567. negotiate€original peace treatyšBandril (in¤unrecorded
  7568. story).
  7569. /Young Varosian guard.Žmoved‡€Governor's appeal
  7570. „’decency,‰Û‰Peri¶death‡€
  7571. Cell Disintegrator.
  7572. /Old Tartar¢Tegana's employ.
  7573. /Young Sarn boy‘destined„become Sarn'sÔbecause
  7574. ¹™been chosen‡Logar. In reality,¹ŽTurlough's brother,
  7575. ‰™crash-landed†Sarn. Malkon bore€Misos Triangle.Ž
  7576. wounded‡¤Elder‰cured‡€Numismaton flame.returned
  7577. „TrionšTurlough.
  7578. /Member of€Dalek Alliance¢«Masterplanõ
  7579. Earth.Ž­betrayed‡Mavic Chen‰€Daleks,¥
  7580. returned home‰joined€ýforces.
  7581. /Aridian‘met€©Œ‰¿Ý
  7582. ¶€Daleks.
  7583. /EvilÇentity‘arrived¢Little Hodcombe¢
  7584. 1643. Itßpsychic projections„feed†€villagers' fears
  7585. ¯€English Civil War,¡Ídormant. ItŽ
  7586. rediscovered¢€local church‡Tegan's grandfather, Andrew
  7587. Verney.ŠMalusŽawakened‡Sir George Hutchinson's
  7588. unbalanced mind. Under«combined influences, a series of deadly
  7589. ìgames re-enacting€CivilëŽlaunched.Š¸Œ
  7590. Žable„cut²off¶€villagers' emotions. After Sir
  7591. George's death,€Malus×itself‰€church.
  7592. Later,€¸Œtheorized‚€MalusŽa Hakol
  7593. psychic probe.
  7594. /Spiral-shaped energy life form, giftedš
  7595. *Man
  7596. collective intelligence, living¢uncharted areas of€space-time
  7597. vortex,ša mysterious relationš€stars. It travelled„
  7598. 15thÄItaly¢€TARDIS,‰çover Hieronymous‰€
  7599. cult of€Brothers of Demnos. It wanted„enslave mankind„
  7600. prevent them¶reaching€stars‰becoming a threat. Its plan
  7601. Ž„prevent€Renaissance‰thus perpetuate€Dark Ages. It
  7602. Ž­short-circuited‰banished‡€“Doctor,¥
  7603. €starsƒfavourable„itsð‡€end of€20th
  7604. century.
  7605. /Leader of€rebellionõ€Company†Pluto.
  7606. ™attacked a supervisor‰been sent„a correction centre.
  7607. escaped‰lived¢€UndercityšGoudry, Veet‰€others.
  7608. ¿- reluctantly, at first -€“Œ‰Leela„
  7609. overthrow€Company.
  7610. /Savage monsters¶€ºEden. Tryst discovered
  7611. ‚€deadly drug vraxoin could…manufactured¶€Mandrels'
  7612. essenceîthey™beenׇheat.ß’CET
  7613. machine„capture‰transport€Mandrels,¥they escapedî
  7614. €Empress‰€Hecate crashed above€ºAzure¦both
  7615. ships simultaneously emerged¶hyperspace.Š“Œlured
  7616. €Mandrels back„€Eden projection inside€CET.
  7617. /Silurian device߇Icthar„launch Sea Base
  7618. Four's missiles without aýsynch operator.
  7619. /Captain Wrack's first mate.Š¸Œthrew‰
  7620. Wrack overboard.
  7621. /RAF officer.
  7622. /One of€Dukian directors‘initiated research®
  7623. atomic energy.
  7624. /Planet located¢€Scrampus system. ItŽonce€
  7625. seat of two powerful, interplanetary empires:€Sumaran‰€
  7626. Manussan Empires.
  7627. /The Manussans' once great technology enabled them„
  7628. produce€ØCrystal,µamplified€evil inside«
  7629. minds‰ò€Mara.ŠMaràdriving force behind
  7630. €Sumaran Empire. Three hundredölater, thanks„€
  7631. Snakedancers‰Lon's ancestor,€Manussans banished€Mara®
  7632. a dark dimension. Five hundredöîthat, Tegan returned²„
  7633. Manussa. But€¸Œß€Snakedance„destroy²
  7634. æ²could recreate itself.
  7635. /Mellium's friend.defended€©Œ¦Dodo's
  7636. cold virus infected€Ark.
  7637. /Evil entityµŽ€sum of€evil within€
  7638. Manussans' minds. ItŽabsorbed, reflected‰given independant
  7639. life‡€ØCrystal,‰manifested itself¢€form of a
  7640. snake. It led€Sumaran Empire. Three hundredöîits
  7641. creation, thanks„€magic of€Snakedancers,²Žbanished
  7642. ‡€Manussans®a dark dimension of€collective mind. ItŽ
  7643. somehow drawn„€telepathic Kinda of Deva Loka,¥onlyûa
  7644. passage back®€real world¦²possessed Tegan. Then,²
  7645. çover€young Kinda, Aris,‰sought„plunge Deva Loka®
  7646. chaos‡inciting€Kinda„attack€Dome of¤£Expedition
  7647. Force,µwould have prompted€insane Hindle„start a massive
  7648. explosion.Š¸Œtrapped€Mara inside a circle of
  7649. mirrors,‰banished²once more. But€evil entity™
  7650. secretly remained¢contactšTegan‰compelledˆ„ð
  7651. „ Manussa, 500öîits original exile. There,€Mara
  7652. possessed Lon,‰å„recreate itselfš€ØCrystal.
  7653. ItŽ×‡€¸Doctor,‘™learned€
  7654. Snakedancing rituals¶Dejjen,‰‘seized€Crystal‰
  7655. broke€Mara's spell†Manussa.
  7656. /One of€Thals sent„Spiridon„stop€Daleks.
  7657. Éalongside€¨Doctor,¥Ž–‡€Daleks.
  7658. /Deformed version of Marble Arch Station. ItŽ•of
  7659. €stations¢€UK Habitat,€underground civilization ruled
  7660. ‡Drathro.
  7661. /Giuliano's friend‰confident.¿€“
  7662. Œž€Mandragora Helix.
  7663. /See POLO, MARCO.
  7664. /High priestess of€Sisterhood of Karn. When€Sacred
  7665. Flame appeared„…dying, she suspected€“Œof being
  7666. a¬Lord spy, sent„steal€remaining Elixir.felt too old
  7667. „ÊMorbius,‰let Ohica destroy€Monster. Later, she gave
  7668. upˆown, last ration of Elixir of Life„save€“˜
  7669. life,‰´¢€Sacred Flame. Ohica¡assumed€
  7670. leadership of€Sisterhood.
  7671. /Earth's elite space commandos. A unit led‡
  7672. Commander StewartŽsent„Exxilon„bring back parrinium,‰
  7673. ɀŸalongside€¨Doctor.
  7674. /Planet whose populationŽmind-controlled (to ensure good
  7675. behaviour)‡a giantàcalled€Conscience, located†¤
  7676. island of glasslike sand, surrounded‡a sea of Acid.Š
  7677. Conscience's Keeper, Arbitan, blackmailed€©Œ‰’
  7678. Ò®searchingœfour of its five Keys.ŠislandŽ
  7679. invaded‡€Voord,‰€ConscienceŽ°destroyed, freeing
  7680. Marinus.
  7681. /New Heidelberg University specialist¢extra-
  7682. terrestrial, pathological endomorphisms.worked at€Bi-Al
  7683. Foundation¢€50th century.¿€“Œ‰
  7684. Leelaž€Nucleas of€Virus,‰Žhimself briefly
  7685. infected.Žalso€designer of K-9 mark I, whom¹gave„€
  7686. Œ¦¹û¹could not takeback„Earth.
  7687. /See CRICHTON, JOHN.
  7688. /Police sergeant‘Žcalled¢at Cranleigh Hall„
  7689. investigate Digby's murder.Š¸Œgave‰Sir Muir a
  7690. tour of’TARDIS.
  7691. /Gatherer Hade's assistant.­elected„join€
  7692. rebellionõ€Company.
  7693. /Mentor of Thoros-Beta workingœLord Kiv.™a strong
  7694. aversion„loud noises.
  7695. /Planet visited‡€Psychic Circusæ²went„
  7696. Segonax.
  7697. /One of€Eternals.Š¸Œmet¢€guise
  7698. of€first mate†Captain Striker's space yacht¢€raceœ
  7699. Enlightenment.discovered love¶contactšTegan,¥Ž
  7700. banished‡€White Guardian.
  7701. /Fourthº¶€sun. During Earth's prehistoric times,
  7702. MarsŽ€home of€Ice Warriors.ŠFendahl attacked
  7703. Mars,¥Ždriven away,ҀIce Warriors,‰moved
  7704. onto Earth. When«ºbegan„die,€Martians sent
  7705. Varga‰a scouting expedition„Earth,¥theyƒfrozen inside
  7706. a glacier‰never returned. Because of this, or possibly›a
  7707. consequence of€Fendahl's devastating attack,€Martians decided
  7708. „leave«dying world‰emigrated„another part of€
  7709. galaxy.
  7710.   Šgod-like Osirian Horus°chose a relatively deserted
  7711. corner of Mars„build a pyramid housing€Eye of Horus,µ
  7712. somehow kept’ÜSutekh prisoner†Earth.
  7713.    During€°20th century, mankind sent€Probe spaceships
  7714. „Mars. Probes 6‰7ïcontactšpeaceful, radioactive
  7715. aliens‘™elected„inhabit€planet. After€Ç
  7716. Ambassadorsƒù‰ß‡General Carrington,€aliens
  7717. left€Solar System.
  7718.    In€far future, MarsŽterraformed‡Mankind. Bret VyonŽ
  7719. born†Coloney 16†Mars. Much later,êUsurian influence,
  7720. a segment of Humanity temporily moved„Mars,¡†„Pluto,
  7721. îdepleting Earth's natural resources.”also ICE WARRIORS.
  7722. /British space projectµsent€Probes„
  7723. Mars,‰later,€Recovery 7‰8.
  7724. /Delicacies enjoyed‡€Mentors.
  7725. /War chief of Atrios‘Žsecretlyê€
  7726. Shadow's mental command.led’º¢a fanatical, unending
  7727. spaceìõZeos.launched a final assault, unaware‚²
  7728. would trigger Mentalis„destroy both planets.Š“Œ
  7729. placed¢a·loop,‰­redirected’attack„
  7730. destroy€Shadow's planetoid. After€ìŽover,€Marshal
  7731. ¿Drax rebuild Atrios.
  7732. /Sadistic Imperial£agent†Solos. His plan
  7733. Ž„permanently alter€planet's atmosphere„make²
  7734. habitableœhumans.loved„hunt‰kill Solonian mutants.
  7735. ßVaran's son„kill€£Administrator,¡framed Ky.
  7736. É€¨Doctor, until¹Ž–‡Kyî€
  7737. latter™turned®a super-being.
  7738. /Styre reported„a Sontaran Marshal.
  7739. /See GRAND MARSHAL.
  7740. /Young marsh creature‘followed€“Œ
  7741. ®€Starliner. It–Dexeter›€scientistŽø„
  7742. dissect²alive.ŠMarshchild´of electrocution›¹ä„
  7743. escape.
  7744. /Extremely adaptable‰intelligent native Alzarian life
  7745. forms, evolved¶spiders. After€Terradonian Starliner crashed
  7746. †Alzarius, Marshmen–²original passengers. Over€course
  7747. of four thousand generations, they¡evolved®Terradonian-like
  7748. humanoids‘forgot«true origins. Eventually, at Mistfall, a
  7749. new Marshmen rose„again attack€Starliner.Š“Œ
  7750. ¿€Starliner community rediscover€truth‰leave
  7751. Alzarius.
  7752. /Village woman†€ØVampire's world.ŽIvo's
  7753. wife‰Karl's mother.
  7754. /One of€crew of€Mary Celeste.
  7755. /High Priestess of€Cult of€Cailleach. In reality, she
  7756. ‰De VriesÀ€ÇCessair of Diplos.Ž–‡
  7757. ¤Ogri.
  7758. /Exarius colonist‘first saw€lizards‰wanted„
  7759. ð„Earth.
  7761. |Assistant„€undertaker„whom€©Œentrusted
  7762. €casket containing€Hand of Omega.Š‹Œcame„
  7763. collect it.
  7764. /Martin's wife, Exarius colonist‘supported Ashe's
  7765. desire„stay†Exarius.
  7766. /Servant girl at Irongron's castle.
  7767. /Brigµleft New York†4th November 1872. ItŽ
  7768. found, completely deserted,†4th December, 600 miles off€
  7769. Portuguese coast. ItŽ€third stop¢€Daleks' pursuit of€
  7770. ©Œthrough·‰space.ŠŸpanicked€crew,
  7771. ‘jumped overboard.
  7773. /Renegade¬Lord.studied,š€Doctor,ê
  7774. *Mas
  7775. Borusa, at€¬Lord Academy (aparently getting better grades
  7776. than€Doctor),è¹also met€Rani and, presumably, Drax.
  7777. gloried¢chaos‰destruction,‰sought ultimate control of
  7778. €universe. Like all¬Lords,¹Žpartly telepathic,‰™
  7779. also developed incredible hypnotic powers. His favourite÷Ž
  7780. ’Tissue Compression Eliminator. HisÎa more advanced
  7781. model than€Doctor's,‰™¤operable chameleon circuit.
  7782.    Having led a dangerous life,€ËŽalready¢’twelve
  7783. incarnation¦¹escaped¶Gallifrey‰arrived†Earth, at
  7784. Rossini's International Circus,’Ãtaking†€shape of a
  7785. horsebox. Under€alias of Colonel Masters,€Ëçover
  7786. €Farrel plastics factory‰¿€Nestene„launch a second
  7787. invasion,¥ended up helping€¨Œ„banish them.
  7788. Under€alias of¾Emil Keller,€Ëóa Mind
  7789. Parasite„£‰ä„use²„sabotage a World Peace
  7790. Conference.
  7791.   ŠË¡ÍAxos's prisoner, whom¹ó„Earth.
  7792. ‰€Œƒ­forced„work together„
  7793. imprison Axos¢a·loop.ŠËá€location of
  7794. €Doomsday Machine¶€Matrix‰impersonated¤£
  7795. Adjudicator¢order„misappropriate it,¥€Œ
  7796. convinced its Guardian„destroy it. Under€alias of
  7797. Mr Magister,€Ëposed›a vicar,‰€Ôof a black
  7798. magic coven,¢Devil's End¢order„summon€Daemon Azal back
  7799. „life,‰„ask„…granted’power.failed‰Ž
  7800. arrested‡UNIT.
  7801.    While¢prison,€Ëûa way„trick’warden,
  7802. Colonel Trenchard,‰ally himselfš€Sea Devils. After they
  7803. ƒÿ‡€Doctor,¹escaped. Posing›¾
  7804. Thascales,€Ë߀Kronos Crystal‰TOM-TIT„summon
  7805. ‰control Kronos.caused€fall of Atlantis,¥Žotherwise
  7806. foiled‡€Doctor,‘interceded†’behalfšKronos.
  7807. ŠË¡allied himselfš€Daleks,‰ß€Ogrons
  7808. „try„foment aìô£‰€Draconians¢€26th
  7809. century,¥Žagain퇀Doctor.
  7810.    Having reaced’twelve‰final regeneration,€Ë
  7811. turned®a decaying corpse.Ždying¦Chancellor Goth
  7812. ûhiding†Tersurus.ŠËpromised Goth power‰
  7813. convinced€Chancellor„bringsecretly„Gallifrey. There,
  7814. ¹¿Goth assassinate€President‰frame€ForthŒ
  7815. œ€murder. But what¹really wantedŽaccess„€
  7816. unlimited energy of€Eye of Harmony„boost-start a new
  7817. regeneration cycle.Ží‡€Doctor,¥managed„
  7818. steal enough energy„prolong’life‰escape. Still a
  7819. decaying husk,€Ëtravelled„Trakenè’Ã
  7820. assumed€shape of a Melkur, enabling€Renegade¬Lord„
  7821. influence Kassia. As Melkur,€Ë­Í€new
  7822. Keeper of Traken.å„use’control of€Source„turn
  7823. €Union of Traken®¤all-conquering force,‰seize another
  7824. bodyœhimself. After¹Žexposed‰prevented¶remaining
  7825. Keeper‡€“Doctor,€Ëseized‰çover€
  7826. body of Council Tremas. Because Tremas's bodyŽnot‚of a
  7827. ¬Lord, however,²could not regenerate,¥would age instead,
  7828. ­forcing€Ë„steal another body„survive.
  7829.   ŠËnext–Tegan's Aunt Vanessa,‰ä„trap€
  7830. Œinside’TARDIS.followed€Œ„Logopolis,‰
  7831. Žresponsibleœits destruction, thereby endangering€whole
  7832. universe.ŠËä„use€Logopolitans' final
  7833. calculations, meant„save€Universe¶collapsing,„
  7834. blackmail€Universe®submission,¥Ží‡€
  7835. Doctor. However,¹caused€Œ„fall‰þdie,
  7836. triggering another regeneration.ŠË¡ùAdric
  7837. ‰forced„use Block Transfer Computations„create€
  7838. seemingly peaceful city of Castrovalva,¢Âa space-time trap
  7839. œ€newly-regenerated¸Doctor.ŠŒdiscovered€
  7840. true nature of Castrovalva, exposed€Ë(whoŽdisguised
  7841. ›Castrovalva's Portreeve‰freed Adric.Š¬Lord‰’
  7842. friends escaped,¥€ËŽþtrapped¢Castrovalva's
  7843. collapse.
  7844.    After escaping¶Castrovalva,€Ëexhausted€
  7845. dynamorphic generator of’ÉÍstranded¢€
  7846. Jurassic.discovered€powerfulÇXeraphin,‰å„
  7847. use«nucleas intelligence¢’TARDIS. Posing›€Arab
  7848. magician Kalid,¹drew a Concorde flight through a·contour¢
  7849. order„draw€Œ‰’TARDIS,µ¹needed„break
  7850. down€Xeraphin's barriers.¡seduced€evil side of€
  7851. Xeraphin‰Õ¢incorporating them›part of’TARDIS.
  7852. But€¸Œsecretly reprogrammed€Master'sÉ
  7853. exiled„Xeriphas.ŠË°escaped¶Xeriphas,
  7854. takingš€shape-changing android, Kamelion. Posing›Sir
  7855. Gilles Estram,€Ëforced Kamelion„assume€likeness of
  7856. King John¢¤attempt„turn€Baronsõhim,‰prevent
  7857. €signing of€Magna Carta,¥¹Ží‡€Doctor.
  7858.    When€Death ZoneŽreactivated,€High Council summoned€
  7859. ˉoffereda full pardon,›well›a new cycle of
  7860. regeneration, if¹¿€Five Doctors.ŠËä„
  7861. seize Rassilon's secret of immortality,¥Žstopped‡€
  7862. Brigadier.Ž­banished‡Rassilon.
  7863.   ŠË¡accidentally shrank himself„doll sizeš’
  7864. Tissue Compression Eliminator.againçover Kamelion,‰
  7865. travelled„Sarn. There,¹plotted„bathe himself¢€
  7866. volcanic Numismaton Flame„restore’size‰extend’powers.
  7867. Š¸Œcaused„…trapped inside€flame›²Ž
  7868. turning caloric‰²seemed›if€Ë™been vaporised.
  7869. But¹managed„݉set a trapœ€SixthŒ
  7870. ¢19thÄEngland,è¹ä„alter history‡
  7871. preventing€industrial revolutionœ’own ends. Instead,¹
  7872. ran afoul of€Rani,‘Žconductingˆown biological
  7873. Ά€locals.Štwo renegade¬Lords entered®
  7874. ¤uneasy alliance,¥ƒstill out-witted‡€Doctor,‘
  7875. sent them both spinning®€outer fringes of€universe¢
  7876. €Rani's TARDIS.
  7877.   ŠË­regained’TARDIS.hired Sabalom Glitz
  7878. „gain possession of€secrets of€Matrix,µ™been
  7879. stolen‡€Andromedan Sleepers. After Glitz failed,€Ë
  7880. entered€Matrix. Worryingøcompetingš€Valeyard¢
  7881. evil,¹dispatched Glitz‰Mel„testify at€trial of€
  7882. Œ‰expose€Valeyard.ŠValeyard fled®€Matrix,
  7883. pursued‡€Doctor.ŠËhoped€Valeyard‰€Œ
  7884. would destroy each other,‰ä„use Glitz„recover€
  7885. Matrix's secrets.ŠŒ­ÿ€Valeyard,¥
  7886. €latter™replaced€secretsša Limbo Atrophier,µ
  7887. trapped€Ë‰Glitz inside€Matrix.
  7888.   ŠËagain managed„escape, this·seemingly without
  7889. ’TARDIS,¥Žtrapped†€savage, quasi-living world of
  7890. €Cheetah People.began„turn®•of€Cheetah People,
  7891. ‰ß«teleportational abilities„Ýback„Earth,
  7892. è¹É€‹Doctor. Eventually,«conflictç
  7893. them back„€dying Cheetah Planet,è€Ëreverted„
  7894. savagery. It is uncertain whether¹managed„recover’sanity
  7895. ¢·„Ý€Ïof€Cheetah World.
  7896. /A combination of a giant brain‰a computer,‰€
  7897. true ruler -‰possibly creator - of€pocket universe known›
  7898. €Land of Fiction. It firstä„replace its servant,€
  7899. so-calledË(a copywriter¶1926 England),š€ª
  7900. Doctor. It¡attempted„incorporate€¬Lord within its
  7901. à„take over Earth. It failed‰Ž×‡Zoe.
  7902. /A former copywriter†€Ensign
  7903. *Toy
  7904. boys' magazine‘Žspirited away¶1926 England‡€Ë
  7905. Brain‘ruled€Land of Fiction.ŠËBrain hoped¹would
  7906. provide²šenough creative energy„fill its pocket universe
  7907. šfictional characters.Ía virtual prisoner, even though
  7908. ¹denied²„himself,‰sensing’imminent death,€Ë
  7909. Brainä„replaceš€ªDoctor,¥failed‰Ž
  7910. ׇZoe. When€Land of FictionŽdestroyed,€Ë
  7911. ŽÅrestored„’properú¢·‰space.
  7912. /Permanent Under Secretary responsibleœ
  7913. €supervision of€Wenley Moor atomic research station,‰¤
  7914. old school mate of Dr Lawrence's.Ž­–‡€
  7915. Silurian virus spread‡Major Baker.
  7916. /One of Reegan's henchmen.
  7917. /Alias߇€Ë¢’dealingsš
  7918. Rex Farrel.
  7919. /Gambler‰gunfighter¢€American West,‰
  7920. Wyatt Earp's friend.ŽTombstone's sheriff at€·of€
  7921. gunfight at€OK Corral‰€©˜visit.
  7922. /Huge communal electronic brainïup of trillions of
  7923. electro-chemical cells arranged¢a continuous matrix pattern.
  7924. ŠMatrix (also known›€Amplified Panatropic Computations
  7925. Network) contained€sum total of€knowledge of all€¬
  7926. Lords. At€instant of a¬Lord's death,¤electrical scanŽ
  7927. ïof’brain, transferring its pattern‰information„€
  7928. Matrix.
  7929.   Š¬Lords߀Matrix„monitor various events
  7930. throughout·‰space.ŠMatrix could even predictÁ
  7931. events.ŠPresident of€¬LordsŽlinked„€Matrix
  7932. through€Coronet of Rassilon.ŠMatrixŽ€responsibility of
  7933. €Keeper of€Matrix, also known›Coordinator.
  7934.   ŠMatrixŽinvaded‡€Ë‰Goth,‘ß²
  7935. „frame€“Œœ€assassination of€President.
  7936. Š“Œ¡entered€Matrix‰ÿGoth.Š
  7937. MatrixŽ°invaded‡€Vardans, aliensš€power„
  7938. travel along wavelengths,î•of€¬Lords' scan beams hit
  7939. «planet.Š“Œplugged K-9 mark I®€Matrix¢
  7940. order„find€Vardans' home planet,¡placed€latter¢a
  7941. ·loop.ŠMatrixŽinvaded‡Omega, thanks„€help
  7942. of Counciller Hedin,¦¹Žtrying„take over€body of€
  7943. ¸Doctor.ŠMatrixŽfurther invaded‡€Andromedan
  7944. Sleepers,‘ávarious secrets¶it,µled€¡
  7945. corrupt High Council of€¬Lords„adopt€Ravolox
  7946. Stratagem. Afraid€Œwould find out, they߀Valeyard
  7947. „put€SixthŒ†trial.ŠValeyardßfalsified
  7948. evidence¶€Matrix, including a false account of Peri's death,
  7949. „accuse€Doctor.Šsecrets¶€Matrixƒ
  7950. recoveredœ€Ë‡Sabalom Glitz.ŠMatrix¡Í€
  7951. theatre of a titanic battleô€Sixth Doctor,€Ë‰
  7952. €Valeyard.ŠËended up trapped inside€Matrix,¥€
  7953. Valeyard escaped‡taking over€Keeper of€Matrix.
  7955. /Devesham Space Research Station employee.
  7957. |British soldier–while fighting€Ÿ¢Totters
  7958. Lane¢1963.
  7960. |Police sergeant involved¢€investigation of Commander
  7961. Pollock's disappearance.
  7962. /Clergyman‰dean of Mortarhouse College.Ž
  7963. fiercely opposed„Darwin's theory of evolution‰went„Gabriel
  7964. Chase„discuss²šJosiah Samuel Smith.met€‹
  7965. Doctor. Later,¹Ždevolved®a monkey‡Smith,¡–‡
  7966. Gwendoline.
  7967. /Leader of a team of eightÇscientists‘áa
  7968. Metamorphic Symbiosis Regenerator¶Gallifrey. Thisò¤
  7969. unending life of perpetual mutation,«bodies eternally renewed
  7970. ®vile travesties of«former selves. Their»Žcaught¢
  7971. a warp ellipse but, every seventy years, space beacons guided²
  7972. within transmat distance of Earth. Mawdryn claimed‚only€life
  7973. force of a¬Lord's incarnation could put¤end„«misery.
  7974. Š¸ŒŽready„sacrifice’remaining regenerations,
  7975. however,€energy released‡€meetingô€1977‰
  7976. 1983 BrigadiersŽenough„end€lives of Mawdryn‰’fellow
  7977. aliens.
  7978. /Trigger-happy commander of Gallifrey's Chancellery Guards at
  7979. €·¦Omegaä„bond himselfš€¸Doctor.
  7980. arrested€Doctor.
  7981. /Theodore Maxtible's daughter.Žengaged„
  7982. Arthur Terral.
  7983. /Scientist whose time-travelΚ
  7984. Edward Waterfieldƒß‡€Daleks,‘promised€
  7985. secret of turning lead®gold.Í«willing agent,‰
  7986. ɀªDoctor. MaxtibleŽ­turned®a
  7987. ýDalek,‰fell„’death while fighting Kemel†Skaro.
  7988. /The¨ŒŽþburned at•¢Devil's End.
  7989. /TeganŽdesignated„become Queen of€May, aý
  7990. sacrifice,¯€deadlyìgames re-enacted¢Little
  7991. Hodcombe‡Sir George Hutchinson.
  7992. /Civilization‚ruled Central Americaæ€Aztecs,
  7993. ôAD 250‰900. VillagraŽa Mayan princessù‡
  7994. €Urbankans, probably circa 731.
  7995. /Title borne‡€ruler of Karfel.
  7996. /Lady Peinforte's servant;¹travelledšˆ
  7997. „1888‰reluctantlyɚˆ„gain control of€
  7998. Silver Nemesis. After she mergedš€statue,¹–€Cyber
  7999. Leader.Š‹Œreturned„’proper·‰place.
  8000. /One of€ª˜
  8001. *Jam
  8002. companions, Laird Colin McLaren's piper.ŠªŒmet
  8003. soonî€Battle of Culloden¢1746.¡¿€¬
  8004. Lord, Ben‰PollyݶGray's sinister clutches.stayed
  8005. š€ªŒthroughout€rest of’incarnation,
  8006. travelling firstšBen‰Polly,¡šVictoria,‰ã
  8007. šZoe. Jamie¿€ŒÊ¾Zaroff,€
  8008. Cybermen,€Macra,€Chameleons,€Daleks,€Ø
  8009. Intelligence‰its Yeti,€Ice Warriors, Salamander,‰€
  8010. Weed. Justîthat,¦€Œ™left Victoriaš
  8011. €Harisses,€¬Lords (or, more likely,€Celestial
  8012. Intervention Agency) pulled€Œ‰Jamie out of«normal
  8013. timelines‰sent them off„Space Station J7„deliver a warning
  8014. „Dastariøunauthorized·experiments. Jamie¿€
  8015. SixthŒ‰Peri„ÊChessene‰€Sontarans,‰Í
  8016. €target of Shockeye's antrophagous lust. Afterwards’memories
  8017. of this missionƒerased‡€¬Lords. During’
  8018. travelsšZoe, Jamie¿€ŒÊ€Cybermen,€
  8019. Dominators,€ËBrain of€Land of Fiction (who altered
  8020. Jamie's physical appearance),€Krotons,‰Caven's space pirates.
  8021. After taking part¢€ëGames, JamieŽreturned‡€¬
  8022. Lords„’own era, justî€end of’first adventureš
  8023. €Doctor. Jamie's imageŽß‡Rassilon„ward off
  8024. ۻDoctor.
  8025. /Head of production at€Farrel plastics
  8026. factory.ŠË™–‡a Nestene-controlled plastic
  8027. chair.
  8028. /Scottish laird, injured at Culloden. He, Ben‰
  8029. JamieƒÞ‡Ffinch,¡taken‡Gray„…sold®
  8030. slavery. Theyƒ­freed thanks„€ª˜
  8031. intervention. He, Kirsty‰€other highlanders­sailed
  8032. œFrance‰freedom.
  8033. /Colin McLaren's daughter.¿€ª
  8034. Œ‰Polly freeˆfather, Jamie,‰Ben¶Gray's
  8035. clutches. She,ˆfather,‰€other highlanders­
  8036. sailedœFrance.
  8037. /Sergeant¢Kane's forces†Iceworld, sentšBazin
  8038. î€Dragon. After she shot€Dragon, theyƒboth
  8039. disintergrated‡€Dragonfire crystal.
  8040. /Landlord of€Tulloch Inn.Ž–
  8041. ‡€Zygon‘impersonated Sister Lamont.
  8042. /Gatwick air-traffic controller. His identityŽ
  8043. taken over‡€Chameleons.
  8044. /(aka MECHONOIDS or MECHONS) Large, spherical,
  8045. intelligent robots designed‰built‡£„prepareÇ
  8046. worldsœcolonization. A group of Mechanoids abandoned†Mechanus
  8047. ™built«own city,‰ƒawaitingýsettlers. When
  8048. Steven Taylor crashed†€planet,€Mechanoids keptprisoner
  8049. because¹did not know€proper control codes‚would have
  8050. identified›a colonist. Theyހ©Œ‰’
  8051. Ò¢€same fashion,‰°Éš€Dalek
  8052. extermination team sentîthem.ŠMechanoids‰€Ÿ
  8053. ­×each other.
  8054. /The fifth‰last stop¢€Daleks' pursuit of€
  8055. ©Œthrough·‰space. ItŽa world overgrownš
  8056. hostile vegetation, including€Fungoids,‰Žfirst settled‡
  8057. €Mechanoids. After€Mechanoids‰€Ÿ×each
  8058. other,²returned„its original inhabited status.
  8059. /See MECHANOIDS.
  8060. /See MECHANOIDS.
  8061. /See MONK.
  8062. /See DISEASES.
  8063. /Member of€Macra-dominated space colony.Ž€first
  8064. „expose€Macra threat‰Žthought mad.Ž–‡€
  8065. Macra,¥only·„alert€ªDoctor.
  8066. /Mythological character encountered‡€ªDoctor,
  8067. Jamie,‰Zoe¢€Land of Fiction.ŠFendahl Core appeared
  8068. ›golden, Medusa-like woman.
  8069. /Aliens resembling hairy jellyfishšclaws, teeth‰
  8070. legs.Š¨Œclaimed theyޝen route„¤
  8071. Intergalactic Peace Conference.
  8072. /Officer of€Titan shuttle taken over‡€Virus.Ž
  8073. –‡Leela¢self-defence.
  8074. /Cook at Irongron's castle.
  8075. /Component of Zanak's transmat engines.
  8076. ItŽsmashed‡a spanner wrench psychically operated‡€
  8077. “Œ‰€Mentiads,¢order„prevent€pirateº
  8078. ¶crushing Earth.
  8079. /Justice machinesµlooked like small, shiny, floating
  8080. spheres‰µacted›judge, jury‰executioner.Š“
  8081. Œclaimed they™onceû«creators¢contempt‰
  8082. ×them.ŠŒfreed two Megara¶a Prision Ship stuck
  8083. ¢hyperspace,¥‡so doing committed¤infraction.Žjudged
  8084. ‡€Megara‰condemned„death. However,¯’trial,¹
  8085. Õ¢exposing Cessair of Diplos,€Megara's first target,
  8086. ‘Ž¡turned®stone.ŠŒ¡ß€third
  8087. segment of€Key„¬„banish€Megara back„Diplos.
  8088. /(aka MEGESHRA) Mountain of Peladon,€location of€
  8089. trisilicate mines.
  8090. /See BORAD, THE.
  8091. /Last of€Zolfa-Thurans‰a xerophyte, a cactuslike
  8092. being‘Žable„take over other bodies‰change’shape.
  8093. Meglos designed€Screens of Zolfa-Thura„use€Dodecahedron›
  8094. a weapon,¥€crystalŽtaken„Tigella‡€Zolfa-Thuran
  8095. peace party leader. Eventually,²Žû‡€Tigellans‘
  8096. worshipped it,‰ß²„power«civilization. Ten thousand
  8097. ölater, Meglos hired€Gaztaks„bring€body of¤
  8098. Earthling (George Morris).¡ß€shape of€“
  8099. Œ„steal€Dodecahedron‰take²back„Zolfa Thura,
  8100. è¹intended„use²„make himself master of€galaxy.
  8101. Žbetrayed‡€Gaztaks,‰í‡€“Doctor.
  8102. MeglosŽdestroyed, alongšZolfa-Thura,¢€Dodecahedron
  8103. explosion.
  8104. /Ordinary police force of€Pluto Megropolises.
  8105. /Name given‡€Company„its sixýsettlements
  8106. †Pluto.Šrebellion engineered‡€“Œçú¢
  8107. Megropolis One.
  8108. /See BUSH, MELANIE.
  8109. /Planet visited‡Captain Cook.Š‹Œalso
  8110. claimed„…familiarš€planet.
  8111. /Name given‡€citizens of Traken„€evil beings whom
  8112. *Melkur
  8113. €Source turned®calcified statues (It meant 'a fly caught‡
  8114. honey'.)ŠMaster'sÃassumed€shape of a Melkur, enabling
  8115. €Ë„influence Kassia. Later,€Ë̀new
  8116. Keeper of Traken,‰å„use’control of€Source„
  8117. turn€Union of Traken®¤all-conquering force‰seize
  8118. another bodyœhimself.Žexposed‰prevented¶remaining
  8119. Keeper‡€“Doctor, Adric, Nyssa‰Council Tremas.
  8120. /Daughter of€Ark's Commander,‰Manyak's friend.
  8121. defended€©Œ¦Dodo's cold virus infected€Ark.
  8122. /One of€Toymaker's devices.
  8123. /Argolinԑreplaced Morix.ÈHardin's TRG
  8124. could rejuvenateˆ‰ˆrace,‰refused„sell€Leisure
  8125. Hive„€West Lodge Foamasi. When she began ageing rapidly, she
  8126. Žoverthrown‡Pangol. Her£lover, Hardin, pushedˆ‰
  8127. Pangol inside€TRG,µ™been repaired‡€“Doctor.
  8128. Žrejuvenated‰ïpeaceš€Foamasi.
  8129. /King of Sparta‰Agamemnon's brother. When’wife,
  8130. Helen, elopedšParis,²led„€Trojan War.
  8131. /Butterfly-like humanoids¶Vortis. Theyƒdriven
  8132. *Men
  8133. away¶«homeworld‡€antlike Zarbi, controlled‡€
  8134. evil Animus. Some of€Menoptera remained†Vortis,‰Í
  8135. pigmy Menoptera, led‡Hetra.Šother Menoptera survived†€
  8136. ºPictos until theyƒready„launch¤éforce, led
  8137. ‡Vrestin,„reconquer Vortis. With€©˜help,€
  8138. Menopteraƒable„destroy€Animus‰regain«planet.
  8139. PrapiliusÍÔof€Menoptera.
  8140. /Swampie spy‘worked at€methane refinery†Delta
  8141. Magna's third moon.Ž–‡Kroll.
  8142. /Powerful pyramid-shapedà†Zeos, built‡Drax,
  8143. µconducted¤unending spaceìõAtrios. When
  8144. ƚχ€Marshal, MentalisŽprogrammed
  8145. „destroy itself‰both planets (the so-called 'Amageddon
  8146. Factor').ŠàŽ­disabled‡Drax‰€
  8147. “Doctor.
  8148. /Gestalt of Zanak telepaths. They started„appear¦
  8149. €latent telepaths began„absorb€life force released‡€
  8150. planets crushed‡Zanak. Led‡Prolix, they¿€“
  8151. Œž€Captain‰blow up€Bridge.
  8152. /Rapacious, cunning amphibians¶Thoros-Beta. Their
  8153. mobilityŽseverely restricted,‰they required frequent
  8154. watering¢order„breathe. In«primitive forms, they also
  8155. bore a tail stingšdeadly venom.ŠMentorsƒ€evolved
  8156. Thoros-Betans‘™become€leaders of a vast business empire,
  8157. µincluded€Galatron Mining Corporation‰other businesses,
  8158. ‰virtually enslaved€Thoros-Alphans,‘™become«
  8159. bearers‰guards.ŠSixthŒíMentors Sil's plans†
  8160. Varos,‰°crossed swordsšSil's lord, Kiv†
  8161. Thoros Beta.
  8162. /Chief Surgeon of Atrios.¿€“Œ‰
  8163. Romanaž€Shadow,‰­married Princess Astra.
  8164. /Survivor of€Dalek raid†€space penitentiaryè
  8165. DavrosŽkept.Ž–‡Lytton's men.
  8166. /Element necessaryœ€proper functioning of€
  8167. *Con
  8168. TARDIS's¬Vector Generator.Š©Œreplenished its
  8169. supply†Skaro. Later,€ªŒ‰Jamie™„look
  8170. œmore†€Wheel¢Space. Planet Vulcan contained mercury
  8171. swamps.Š£ExaminerŽ–¢themæQuinn‰Bragen
  8172. û€ªŒ‰’companions.
  8173. /Drathro's senior servant¢UK Habitat.secretly¿
  8174. ñ݀Cullings‰reach€surface„liveš€
  8175. Free.‰Balazar¿€SixthŒdestroy Drathro‰save
  8176. €population of€UK Habitat¶€black light explosion
  8177. triggered‡€Ïof Drathro's Maglem converter.
  8178. /Medical doctor at€Wenley Moor atomic research
  8179. station.
  8180. /Physician‰exercise devotee†Castrovalva.Ð
  8181. ¢€collapse of’city.
  8182. /One of€Xeron rebels.
  8183. /Famous wizard of King Arthur's court.Ž•of€
  8184. ˜Áincarnations¢¤alternate dimension. MerlinÉ
  8185. alongside King ArthurõMorgaine,‰­buried’
  8186. bodyšExcalibur¢a living spaceship leftêVortigern's
  8187. lake, near Carbury,†€‹˜Earth.
  8188. /Mind-controlling device߇Morphoton's Brains„
  8189. enslave€residents.
  8190. /Star sector¢µ€Hercules 208 star went nova,›
  8191. Zoe predicted. Its gamma radiation flux deflected meteors towards€
  8192. Wheel¢Space.
  8193. /GiantÔof€Gastropods.çcontrol of Jaconda
  8194. ¶Azmael, whom¹forced„do’bidding.™Romulus‰
  8195. Remus Sylvestù„force them„work out€equations‚
  8196. would have enabled„throw aº®Jaconda's sun,‰
  8197. å„create¤explosion‚would spread’eggs throughout
  8198. €universe. His planŽí‡€SixthŒ‰Hugo
  8199. Lang. While¢mental battlešAzmael,€Œ×
  8200. Mestor's body. Azmael¡×Mestor's mind‡committing
  8201. suicide through a last, fatal regeneration.
  8202. /The“Œß²„destroy€Giant Robot.
  8203. /See MINERALS.
  8204. /Machine߇€¬Lords¢
  8205. cases of acute regenerative crisis, stolen¶Gallifrey‡Mawdryn
  8206. ‰sevenÇscientists‰ß‡them„create¤unending
  8207. life of perpetual mutation,«bodies eternally renewed®vile
  8208. travesties of«former selves.
  8209. /A blueºša blue sun located¢€Acteon
  8210. star sector.Š¨Œfirstä„take Jo Grant there soon
  8211. pardoned‡€¬Lords.­
  8212. visited²alone,¥û€ºfull of hostile life forms.
  8213. From‚visit,¹óback a Blue Crystalµenabled„
  8214. cancel BOSS's hypnotic powers. Metebelis 3Ž°settled‡
  8215. a Lost Ship launched¢€22nd century. Under€influence of its
  8216. crystals,€£spidersµ€»carried mutated‰ended
  8217. up ruling€colonists. Approximately four hundred‰thirtyö
  8218. later, circa 2530,€Spiders of Metebelis 3 plotted„conquer
  8219. Earth. TheyßLupton's psychic circle„send•of«own„
  8220. £„fetch€Blue Crystal required‡€ØOne. Their
  8221. plansƒí‡€¨Doctor,‘­returned„
  8222. give€Blue Crystal„€ØOne. It–her,‰€
  8223. Spiders,ãfreeing€colonists.
  8224. /The Nestene intelligence arrived†£¢€form of
  8225. a shower of meteorites.ŠŸßmeteorite bombardments
  8226. ›a preludeœ«éof£¢2164.ŠTractators
  8227. ßmeteorite bombardments¢«ìõ€Frontios
  8228. colonists. CrashingÇspaceshipsƒoften mistakenœ
  8229. meteorites.
  8230. /Natural gasû¢abundance†Delta Magna's third
  8231. moon,貎refined‰turned®a source of protein.Š
  8232. “Œ‰Romana saved€refinery¶€power of
  8233. Kroll.
  8234. /One of€magazinesœµSarah Jane Smith
  8235. worked.
  8236. /Space sectorè€Union of TrakenŽlocated.
  8237. ItŽ×¦€ËtamperedšLogopolis.
  8238. /Mexican rebelsƒù‡€Warlords,
  8239. using·technology stolen¶€¬Lords. Those soldiers went
  8240. †„take part¢€ëGames, until theseƒó„a stop
  8241. ‡€ª˜intervention.
  8243. /Planet enslaved‡€Rani.
  8244. /Inhabitants of Miasimia Gora. They™been enslaved‡
  8245. €Rani who, trying„increase«productivity, gave them a
  8246. drug ofˆown design. Instead,²deprived them of sleep‰turned
  8247. them®savages. To cure€problem,€Rani travelled„Earth,
  8248. plotting„steal€brain fluids‚enable humans„sleep‰
  8249. µsheå„feed„€Miasimians.Ží‡€
  8250. Sixth Doctor.
  8251. /British astronaut aboard€Mars Probe 7 ship.
  8252. ŽÞ‡mysterious, radioactive aliens,¥Ž­
  8253. returned„£thanks„€¨˜intervention.
  8254. /Sea Base Four synch operator‘´soonæ€
  8255. ¸˜arrival.Žreplaced‡Maddox.
  8256. /One of Ace's friends¶Perivale,ù‡€Cheetah
  8257. People. After¹savagely murdered•of€Cheetahs,’animal
  8258. nature overtook‰¹gained€power„teleport back„
  8259. Earth.ŠËߝ„get revenge†€Doctor. Midge's
  8260. creed of 'survival of€fittest' led„die
  8261. wounded¢a motorcycle accident.
  8262. /(aka MILLENIUM) Highly civilized city†Marinus,è
  8263. €©Œ™„clear Ian of a murder charge¯’
  8264. questœ€Keys of Marinus.
  8265. /Unnamed slave of€Terileptils.
  8266. /Commander of a secret naval base†€
  8267. *Mil
  8268. Northumberland Coast¢€1940s.Žobsessed‡Norse
  8269. mythology,‰plotted„strike at€Russians‡letting•of
  8270. «commandors steal€'core' of€Ultima Machine,µ¹
  8271. ™booby-trappedša deadly toxin. MillingtonŽalso•of€
  8272. 'Wolves of Fenric'.
  8273. /Daughter of•of Commander Millington's
  8274. ancestors.lived only 13 days.
  8275. /See BRAINS, ENERGY.
  8276. /Deadly mind game played‡€¬Lords.Š“
  8277. ŒÿMorbius¢a mind-bending contest.
  8278. /(aka MIND OF EVIL) Evil, brainlike entityó„
  8279. £‡€Master,‘å„use²„sabotage a World Peace
  8280. Conference. ItŽhoused¢€Keller Machine,‰fed†evil. It
  8281. could…–‡using people's deepest fears,‰°developed
  8282. €ability„teleport.ŠParasite­turnedõ€
  8283. Master,‘Žforced„enlist€¨˜help„destroy
  8284. it. With Barnham's help,€ŒŽable„control€Parasite,
  8285. µŽãצ€Thunderbolt MissileŽ
  8286. detonated.
  8288. /Mineral life forms included:€Krotons (tellurium-based);
  8289. €Exxilons;€Kastrians;€Ogri;€Krargs;‰€Silver
  8290. Nemesis,µŽïof deadly validium. Both Cessair of Diplos
  8291. ‰Borusaƒturned®living statues. On Traken, criminals
  8292. turned®calcified statues dubbed Melkurs.
  8293.    Planets rich¢mineral resources included:€Sense-Sphere,š
  8294. its abundant supply of Molybdenum;€space colony coveted‡
  8295. IMC,µŽrich¢Duralinium; Solos,µŽrich¢
  8296. Thaesium; Exxilon,šits supply of Parrinium,€only known
  8297. antidote„a space plague; Peladon, rich¢Trisilicate;
  8298. Voga,€ºof gold, deadly„Cybermen; Zanak,€pirate
  8299. planet, whose entire economy revolved around plundering minerals;
  8300. Tythonus;‰Varos, rich¢Zyton-7. On€other
  8301. hand, ChlorisŽaºþdevoid of minerals.Š
  8302. SandminerŽa mobile ore-processing plant; among€precious ores
  8303. ²minedƒlucanol, zelanite‰keefan. Acetenite 455,
  8304. Dodrium, Vessilium‰Vulniumƒamong€minerals mined‡
  8305. Zanek. Hard metals included Duralinium, Durilium‰Duranium.
  8306.    Rare minerals included: taranium,û†Uranus,•of€
  8307. rarest minerals¢€Universe,߇€Ÿ„power«
  8308. ·machine‰·destructor; argonite,µcombined€
  8309. incorruptibility of gold‰€strength of titanium; 
  8310. dalekenium, a super-dense metal߇€Ÿœthier mobile
  8311. casing‰›a super-powerful explosive; jethrik,ߢ
  8312. space warp drive engines; madronite 1-5‰voolium,û†
  8313. Calufrax; orlion,û†Collactin‰Bandraginus 5;
  8314. hymetusite, a type of radioactive crystal required›a tribute‡
  8315. €Nimon,‰û†Aneth;‰jasonite,¤electromagnetic
  8316. boosterûonly†Crinoth.
  8317.    A mineral compound of anti-matterŽû†Zeta Minor.
  8318. Hullsïof dwarf star alloy blocked€Tharils' natural time-
  8319. travelling capabilities.Š“Œß¤anti-metal
  8320. virus„destroy¾Kettlewell's Giant Robot.Š
  8321. mineral PJX 18 (quartz) could…ß„replace a Macromat
  8322. Field Intergrator. VastialŽhighly explosive mineral‚Ž
  8323. only safe at sub-zero temperatures. SiligtoneŽ•of€
  8324. hardest metals¢€universe;²Žemployed‡€Andromedans¢
  8325. €manufacture of Maglem converters. VionesiumŽa magnesium-
  8326. like metalû†Mogar; exposed„air,²released intense light.
  8327. ŠSixthŒß²„destroy€Vervoids. LoyhargilŽ
  8328. a special alloy devised‡€Rani's made-up Brain,šµshe
  8329. å„blow up a Strange Matter asteroid. Dynastream
  8330. ‰Colodinƒother types of hard metals. Gregarian rockŽ
  8331. supposed„last forever.
  8332.   Š“ŒßChronodyne„make a substitute sixth piece
  8333. œ€Key„Time.Š¬Lordsßmachonite¢«
  8334. courtroom.ŠJacondan's matter transporter left behind a dust-
  8335. like deposit of Zanium. Also see CRYSTALS.
  8336. /AÃmalfunction resulted¢¤accidental
  8337. miniaturization of€©Œ‰’companions. Earth's
  8338. populationŽminiaturized‰carried†micro-cell slides¢€
  8339. Ark.ŠChameleons kept«ýprisoners miniaturized.
  8340. ŠDaemon Azal,›well›’spaceship, existed¢a miniaturized
  8341. stateêDevil's Hump.Š¨Œ‰Jo Grantƒ
  8342. miniaturized withing Vorg's Scope†Inter Minor.Š“
  8343. Œcloned‰miniaturized himself‰Leela„track down€
  8344. Nucleas of€Virus of€Purpose within’own body.‰
  8345. Drax miniaturized themselves„ž€Shadow.
  8346.    Whole areas of land, alongš«fauna‰flora, could…
  8347. removed‰stored†laser crystals inside a Continuous Event
  8348. Transmitter.ŠTissue Compression Eliminator߇€
  8349. Ëreduced its victims„doll size.ŠËonce accidentally
  8350. shrank himselfšit,¥ß€Numismaton Flame„restore
  8351. himself. Meglosßa Redimensioner„miniaturize€
  8352. Dodecahhedron.
  8353. /Major-General RutlidgeŽ¢charge of supervising
  8354. Lethbridge-Stewart's½operations†British soil at€Ministry
  8355. of Defence. His mindŽcontrolled‡Tobias Vaughn,‘forced
  8356. „kill himself.Š¨Œdealtšvarious British
  8357. ministers, including: Sir James Quinlan, Minister of Technology‰
  8358. Space Development;€Minister‘appointed Chinn;‰
  8359. €Minister of Ecology. Sir Charles Grover,€mastermind
  8360. behind Operation Golden Age,ŽMinisteršSpecial Powers¯
  8361. €Dinosaur Invasion. Jo Grant owedˆposition at½„
  8362. ˆuncle, a cabinet minister.ŠGiant Robot–Cabinet
  8363. Minister Joseph Chambers.ŠBrigadier spokeš€PM
  8364. (Margaraet Thatcher)¯€Zygons' attack.Š‹
  8365. Œßa forged authorization‡€PM„see Dr Judson.
  8366. /Short-range spaceships߇€International
  8367. Space Corpsœdeep space fightingõpirates such›
  8368. Caven.
  8369. /Inhabitants of Inter Minor. Theirº™once been
  8370. devastated‡a space plague and,›a result, they™become
  8371. highly xenophobic. Their president, Zarb,äimproving€lot of
  8372. its slave population (called Functionaries)‰opening€º
  8373. „aliens once again,¥’brother, Kalik,äusing Vorg's
  8374. Scope„discredit him.Žstopped‡€¨Doctor.
  8375. /Mythological character encountered‡€ªDoctor,
  8376. Jamie,‰Zoe¢€Land of Fiction.Š¨Œ
  8377. encountered a real Minotaur¢a labyrinth¢Ancient Atlantis. It
  8378. Ž€Guardian of€Kronos Crystal,‰a friend of King Dalios,
  8379. ‘™been turned®a man-beast‡Kronos.Šextra-
  8380. terrestrial race of€Nimon™certain features¢commonš
  8381. €Minotaur.
  8382. /Wildlife sanctuaryèMr OllisûOmega's energy
  8383. blob.
  8384. /Humanoid race¶Minyos. Early¢€history of«
  8385. civilization,€¬Lords discovered€Minyans‰¿them
  8386. progress‡giving them scientific secrets, such›knowledge of€
  8387. atom,œµtheyƒnot ready.ŠMinyans­rejected
  8388. €¬Lords,¡×each other‰«º¢
  8389. nuclear war. This dramatic event led€¬Lords„adopt«
  8390. policy of non-interference. However, a few Minyans escaped‰moved
  8391. „a new world‚they christened Minyos II. They developed€
  8392. pacifier„quell aggressive instincts,‰gathered€genetic
  8393. heritage of«race¢a race bankµthey placed aboard€
  8394. »P7E en route„Minyos II. However,€P7EÍlost.
  8395. Another ship, captained‡Jackson,Žsent„find it. That quest
  8396. lasted over a hundred thousand years. Eventually,š€help of
  8397. €“Œ‰Leela, Jacksonû€P7E‰Žable„
  8398. bring€Race Banks back„Minyos II,ètheyƒÅ
  8399. ߄recreate€Minyan race.
  8400. /Homeworld of€Minyans. ItŽ×‡nuclear wars
  8401. caused‡€Minyan's lack of maturity‰«inability„
  8402. handle€scientific knowledge€¬Lords™given them.
  8403. /New home world set up‡a few survivors¶Minyos.
  8404. /Planet inhabited‡€Visians, giant, hostile, invisible
  8405. creatures.Š©ŒŽsent there¶£‡Froyn‰
  8406. Rhynmal's experimental matter transmitter.
  8407. /Planet fraudulently sold‡galactic con artist
  8408. Garron.
  8409. /One of Kroagnon's designs. ItŽsupposed„…’
  8410. masterpiece.loved²so much‚¹refused„move out,‰™
  8411. „…evicted. As revenge,¹booby-trapped²‰several livesƒ
  8412. lost. ItŽa forerunner of what¹Ž„doš€Paradise
  8413. Towers.
  8414. /The other inhabitants of Aridius,¤ancient world once
  8415. covered‡vast oceans, turned®a desertic planet. Theyƒ
  8416. tough, nearly indestructible predators‘progressively drove€
  8417. Aridians out of«sealed cities.
  8418. /Young member of€High Council of Atlantis.Ð
  8419. ¦Kronos×Atlantis.
  8420. /Two interlocked triangles tattooed†€arms of
  8421. €Trion Family sent¢exile. Turlough‰Malkon bore‚
  8422. mark.
  8423. /Periodic orbital shiftµaffected Alzarius every
  8424. fifty years. It released non-toxic subterranean gasesµ
  8425. boosted evolution.
  8426. /Leader of€security team hired‡Dr Fendelman
  8427. „guard€Fetch Priory.Ž–‡a Fendahleen.
  8428. /Royal Navy sub-lieutenant‘ÀêRidgeway
  8429. aboard€submarineއ€Sea Devils.Š¨Œ
  8430. ¿them escape.
  8431. /SergeantêLieutenant Scott's command,–‡€
  8432. Cybermen's androids¯¾Kyle's underground exploration.
  8433. /Scientist working at€Antarctic camp of€
  8434. World Ecology Bureau expeditionµdiscovered€Krynoid pods.
  8435. In spite of€“˜efforts,¹Ž–‡€
  8436. Krynoid‘™taken over Winlett's body.
  8437. /Medical laboratory aboard Monarch's ship.
  8439. /Oxygen-freeºlocated¢Perseus. ItŽa rich source
  8440. of rare minerals, including vionesium. ItŽseverely exploited‡
  8441. €£Empire.
  8442. /Gentle‰peaceful natives of Mogar. They™„wear
  8443. airtight masks‰suits,›well›translating devices,„
  8444. interfacešmankind. Two Mogarians, Atza‰Ortezo,ƒß‡
  8445. Rudge¢¤attempted hijack of€Hyperion III space liner,¥
  8446. theyƒ–‡Doland. Galactic investigator Hallet posed›a
  8447. Mogarian named Enzu,¥€SixthŒunmasked him.
  8448. /(aka MOGREN) Kaled councillor whom€“Œalerted
  8449. „Davros's creation of€Daleks.Ð¢€Ïof
  8450. €Kaled City.
  8451. /Microwave-producing device‚Icthar‰€
  8452. Young Silurian plotted„use„destroy€Van Allen Belt.
  8453. /Kitchen maid¢Gray's prison.
  8454. /Metalû¢abundance†€Sense-Sphere.
  8455. /Jagaroth commissioned Leonardo da Vinci„paint several
  8456. Mona Lisas„enable’Áself„finance’time-travel
  8457. experiments.
  8458. /Leader of€Urbankans.™exhausted all€
  8459. resources of’homeº¢’mad desire„travel faster than
  8460. light,‰back through time,„witness€creation of€
  8461. Universe (MonarchÈhimself„…God).stored€memories
  8462. of€three billion Urbankans†silicon chips‰travelled„
  8463. Earth,µ¹™previously visited four times. During these
  8464. visits,¹™ùKurkutji, Lin Futu, Bigon‰Villagra,‰
  8465. transformed them®androids.å„poison€population
  8466. of£‰replace²š€Urbankans,‘would…reincarnated
  8467. ¢android form,‰„strip€ºof its resources¢€
  8468. pursuit of’obsession. His plansƒí‡€¸
  8469. Doctor,‘ß’own toxin„kill him. ItŽ¡revealed‚
  8470. Monarch™remained¢€'flesh time'‰™not joined’
  8471. android brethren.
  8472. /Earth's twinº‰€Cybermen's home world. It™
  8473. *Cyb
  8474. orbited around€Sun millions ofö¢€past. Its
  8475. civilization developed more quickly than Earth's‰Mondasians
  8476. visited ourº¢prehistoric times. Later,œunknown reasons,
  8477. Mondas left€Solar System;²Ž¯this period of wandering
  8478. ‚€Mondasians evolved®Cybermen.
  8479.    An energy-starved Mondas returned„€Solar System¢1986; its
  8480. Cybermen's plan„drain energy¶€£‰cybernize its
  8481. populationŽí‡€©Œ- Mondas absorbed too
  8482. much energy‰Ždestroyed. Future galactic ä„
  8483. prevent Mondas'sχattempting„launch Halley's Comet
  8484. ®€£æ€above events,¥ƒÿ‡€
  8485. SixthŒ‰€Cryons. Also see CYBERMEN.
  8486. /Among€variousljÁcurrencies encountered‡
  8487. €Œat•·or another were: talmars; opeks;
  8488. nargs; grotzis; crowns;‰even a curious insectoid
  8489. creature. On Trion,ñblew through tow-corpera coinsœ
  8490. luck.
  8491. /GuerillaÔ¶¤alternate 22ndÄè€
  8492. Ÿ™Ìinvaded£îWorldëIII.
  8493. ¿€¨Œð„€past‰ž€Daleks.
  8494. /Leader of Logopolis.ähelping€“
  8495. Doctor,¥ÐalongšLogopolisî€Ëtampered
  8496. š€workings of’city.
  8497. /(aka THE MEDDLING MONK) Renegade¬Lord whom€©
  8498. *Monk
  8499. Œmet¢England¢AD 1066. Disguised›a monk,¹ä„
  8500. change€course of history‡reversing€outcome of€Battle
  8501. of Hastings.ŠŒstranded‡tamperingš’TARDIS.
  8502. However,€Monk managed„repair’Éresurfaced†
  8503. Tigus,è¹ä„get revenge‡locking€Œout of’
  8504. TARDIS,¥failed.¡followed€Œ„Ancient Egypt
  8505. è¹got involved¢€˜Êõ€Daleks'
  8506. Masterplan.ŠMonk switched sides‰­escaped.û
  8507. himself again stranded, this·†¤unnamed ice world, because
  8508. €Œ™managed„snatch’TARDIS's directional unit.
  8509. ŠMonk claimed„have¿€early Britons build Stonehenge
  8510. šanti-grav units,‰„have discussed flying machinesš
  8511. Leonardo da Vinci.
  8512. /Leader of€Monoids.å„relocate’ñ
  8513. *Mon
  8514. „Refusis,‰detonate a fission bomb†€Ark, thus destroying
  8515. €ýrace.Ží‡€©Doctor,‰´¯
  8516. a rebellion led‡Monoid Four.
  8517. /Monoidԑlanded†Refusis‰–Yendom.
  8518. *Mon
  8519. ´¢€explosion of’launcher.
  8520. /Monoidԑ´¯€battleô
  8521. *Mon
  8522. Monoids—‰Four.
  8523. /Monoidԑquestioned Monoid One's decision„
  8524. *Mon
  8525. relocate†Refusis.´¯’battleõMonoid One.
  8526. /One-eyed, reptilian aliensšno visible facial features,
  8527. *Mon
  8528. ‘arrived†£î«own world™died. They offered
  8529. «servitudeœshelter. Theyƒtaken aboard€Ark¦€
  8530. £plunged®€Sun. After Dodo's cold virus sapped€will
  8531. of€humans, theyçover€Ark (using a speech box„
  8532. communicate).Š©Œprevented€Monoid leader, Monoid
  8533. One,¶destroying€ýrace.Šremaining Monoids learned„
  8534. live¢peaceš€humans†Refusis.
  8535. /Floating spheres߇Monarch„spy†whatŽ
  8536. happening inside’ship.
  8537. /TheŒexposed a number of legendary creatures and/or
  8538. supernatural monsters›being aliens, machines, or creatures out of
  8539. time.
  8540.     Aliens:€Daemonsƒpowerful aliens.ŠLoch Ness
  8541. MonsterŽa Zygon Skarasen. Although¢AD 1179,²probably
  8542. Ž€Borad.Šcreature assembled‡Solon„house€
  8543. brain of MorbiusŽa Frankenstein-like creatureïup of various
  8544. Çparts. Whatever€real Horror of Fang Rock was,€
  8545. monsterׇ€“ŒŽa stranded Rutan.
  8546. GiantÇvampiresƒonceׇ€¬Lords. Mags
  8547. Ž¤Çwerewolf.
  8548.    Machines:Š©Œonce met a robotic version of Dracula
  8549. ‰€Frankenstein Monster.ŠYetiƒ€robotic agents of
  8550. €ØIntelligence;€real Yetiƒharmless.ŠMummiesƒ
  8551. Osirian robots.Šlegendary Dragon of IceworldŽa
  8552. mechanoid.
  8553.    Creatures out of time:ŠSilurians‰Sea Devilsƒa
  8554. reptilian lifeform predating man.ŠMinotaur of AtlantisŽ
  8555. Kronos's creation. On Earth,€vampiresƒHaemovores¶
  8556. €Átransported back¢·‡Fenric. Morgaine's
  8557. Destroyer came¶a parallel Earth.
  8558.    OnÇworlds, monstersƒnot always what they seemed:
  8559. Aggedor,€Monster of Peladon,Ža peaceful animal.Šgiant
  8560. squidlike Kroll of Delta Magna's third moonŽa hidden segment of
  8561. €Key„Time. On Chloris,€Creature¶€PitŽ¤
  8562. ambassador¶€neighbouring planet, Tythonus.ŠNimon
  8563. ƒa plague of space locusts. On Terminus,€GarmŽalso
  8564. a well-meaning alien. Also see MAGIC.
  8565. /See CESSAIR.
  8566. /The hid«Invasion Fleet†€dark side of€
  8567. Moon,¯€20th century.
  8568.    A Moon baseŽestablished¢€early part of€21st century,
  8569. ê€jurisdiction of€International Space Command. In 2070,
  8570. ²Žattacked‡€Cybermen,‘wanted„use its gravitron„
  8571. destroy£through weather control. Theyƒÿ‡€
  8572. ªDoctor,‰Moon Base's scientists, Hobson‰Benoit.
  8573. Half aÄlater,€Moon Basèlocation of€
  8574. controls of T-Mat,‰Žtaken over‡€Ice Warriors who,ê
  8575. Slaar's leadership, plotted„conquer£using€Seeds of
  8576. Death. Theyƒÿ‡€ªDoctor.
  8577.    In€26th century,€Moon™become€seat of€Luna
  8578. Penal Colony,„µ€¨Œ‰Jo Grantƒsent¦
  8579. theyƒaccused of being Draconian spies.
  8580. /Soldier‘É¢€ëGames.­broke free
  8581. of Von Weich's hypnotic control‰–him.
  8582. /Victim of€Zygons.
  8583. /Raceµßsilent gas dirigibles„approach Karn,¥
  8584. ‘ƒdetected‡€Sisterhood.
  8585. /Renegade¬Lord‘Ža member of€High Council of
  8586. Gallifrey.sought„lead€¬Lords†a path of conquest.
  8587. Rejected‡’peers,¹left Gallifrey‰raised¤army of
  8588. followers, promising them·travel‰immortality, using€
  8589. Elixir of Life produced‡€Sisterhood of Karn's Sacred Flame.
  8590. Eventually, Morbius‰’armyƒÿ‡€¬Lords†
  8591. Karn.ŠRenegade¬LordŽplaced¢a disposal chamber‰’
  8592. bodyŽvapourized.
  8593.    Severalölater,€Celestial Intervention Agencyûout
  8594. ‚€Brain of Morbius™been secretly preserved‡•of’
  8595. followers, Dr Solon. They sent€“Œ‰Sarah Jane Smith
  8596. „Karn. There,€Œ×€brain of Morbius, now
  8597. housed¢a monstrous new bodyò‡Solon,¢a mental battle.
  8598. Šbody itselfŽ°×‡Ohica of€Sisterhood.
  8599. ŠMorbius CrisisŽprobably•of€factorsµled€
  8600. ¬Lords' increasing control over«secrets and,
  8601. ultimately,„€Ravolox Stratagem.
  8602. /Incarnation of€evil side of€Xeraphin.
  8603. /The MordeeŽ•of€shipsµleft£at€
  8604. ·of€great Break Out of€52nd century. It crashed†a
  8605. nameless planet. In¤unrecorded adventure,€“Doctor, fresh
  8606. ¶’regeneration,ä„fix Xoanon, its sentient computer,
  8607. ¥instead rendered²schizophrenic.ŠŒ­returned
  8608. ‰cured Xoanon.
  8609. /Extra-dimensional knight‰Morgaine's son.came„our
  8610. *Mor
  8611. £†€trail of Ancelyn,„recover Excalibur.Ž
  8612. ­ÿ‡€‹Œ‰remanded„UNIT's
  8613. custody.
  8614. /Science officer aboard€Morestran spaceship„Zeta
  8615. Minor.Ž°–‡Sorenson¦€scientist turned®
  8616. a neanderthal-like monster.
  8617. /Space-faring empire of€far future.Šcontinued
  8618. existence of€Morestran civilizationŽÆ‡«dying
  8619. sun.¾Sorenson went„Zeta Minor lookingœnew,
  8620. inexhaustable source of energy,‰thought¹™û²¢
  8621. anti-matter.Š“Œ­steeredtowards
  8622. researching€kinetic force of€planets' movements.
  8623. /Circa AD 37166,€“Œ‰Sarah Jane Smith
  8624. ۀcrew of a Morestran spaceship¶anti-matter creatures.
  8625. These™been sent„check†¾Sorenson's expedition„
  8626. Zeta Minor.
  8627. /Small British villageèSarah Jane Smith's Aunt
  8628. Lavinia lived. Sarah‰K-9 Mark III exposed‰ÿa sect of
  8629. €worshippers of€pagan goddess Hecate.
  8630. /Powerful, immortal sorceress‘ruled a parallel
  8631. dimension.claimed„…of€Fey (or faerie) people.
  8632. loved, yet hated King Arthur, whose fall‰ultimate death she
  8633. caused.ÉMerlin,¤incarnation of€Doctor.
  8634. ­Í€Dominator of€Thirteen Worlds, Sunkiller,
  8635. ‰€Battle Queen of€S'Rax.‰ˆson, Mordred, met€
  8636. ‹Doctor, Lethbridge-Stewart,‰Bambera upon€battlefield
  8637. of Carbury,†€˜Earth.freed€Destroyer,¥ˆ
  8638. sense of honour preventedˆ¶detonating€Salamander 6-0
  8639. missile.Ž­remanded„UNIT's custody.
  8640. /Ruthless©Officer of€Inter-planetary Mining
  8641. Corporation expedition„Exarius. With Captain Dent,¹ßa
  8642. variety of tricksõAshe's colonists, including using a mining
  8643. Öequipped„simulate lizard attacks.Žfoiled‡€
  8644. ¨Œ‰Winton,‰Ž­–¢a battleš
  8645. €colonists.
  8647. |Landlord of€Devesham pub.ŠKraalsï¤android
  8648. duplicate of him.
  8649. /Founding member,‰fortune teller, of€Psychic Circus.
  8650. ‰€Ringmasterƒ­sacrificed„€Gods of
  8651. Ragnarok‡€Chief Clown.
  8652. /TheØMorgoŽa divinity praised‡€Mentors.
  8653. /Chairman‰Chief Director of€Sirius Conglomerate of
  8654. Androzani Major.Žonce Sharaz Jek's partner, providing
  8655. financial backingœ€exploitation of spectrox, while Jek, a
  8656. master roboticist, built€androids necessary„handle€
  8657. poisonous substance. Morgus arrangedœJek„become caught¢•
  8658. of Andozani Minor's deadly mud bursts and, subsequently, horribly
  8659. disfigured. After Jek seized control of€caves of Androzani Minor,
  8660. ‰€supply of spectrox, Morgus secretlyßStotz„supply
  8661. šguns.Žthus able„prolong€conflict‰cause
  8662. spectrox prices„rise. Fearful of being exposed, Morgus
  8663. assassinated€President,¡fled„Androzani Minor, planning„
  8664. seize Jek's private spectrox hoard.Ží‡€¸
  8665. Doctor.Žreplaced‡’assistant, Timmin,‰Ž°
  8666. –‡Jek.
  8667. /Heresiarch of Argolis‘´of old age just›Brockä
  8668. „convince„sell€º„€Foamasi.ŽÕ
  8669. ‡Mena.
  8670. /See YOUNG SILURIAN.
  8671. /Race of savage reptiles‘lived underground†Karfel.
  8672. Karfelon scientist Megelen (aka€Borad) sprayed himselfšM-80
  8673. while conducting unethicalΆ€Morlox. As a result¹
  8674. Íhalf Morlox, half Karfelon.ŠMorloxƒundoubtedly€
  8675. source of H.G. Well's inspirationœ'The¬Machine'.
  8676. /Once€conquerors of a vast galactic empireµ
  8677. ­fell,‰•of€remnants of€Morok EmpireŽ€
  8678. Space Museum†Xeros,µŽ­closed due„€©
  8679. ˜intervention.ŠMoroks™limited·travel
  8680. capabilities; therefore,€fall of«Empire may…attributed
  8681. „¬Lord interference.Š may have stolen a Morok
  8682. ¬Vessel„save Mondas‰alter history.
  8683. /Inhabitants of Morphoton.
  8684. /City†Marinus‰location of€first Key. ItŽ
  8685. ruled‡Giant Brains‘kept its population enslavedša mind-
  8686. controlling device. Theyƒÿ‡€©Doctor.
  8687. /See CAILLEACH.
  8688. /See CAILLEACH.
  8689. /Earthling abducted‡€Gaztaks. His bodyŽ
  8690. taken over‡Meglos.Ž­freed, thanks„€“
  8691. ˜intervention,‰returned„Earth.
  8692. /Archeologist rival of¾Rumford's.
  8693. /Dancers‘paraded around€May Pole at Devil's
  8694. End. Bert disguised himself›•„entrap€¨Doctor.
  8695. /Scientistù‡Linx.
  8696. /Oxford college. Its deanŽReverend Matthews.
  8697. /British townèK'anpo's Tibetan MonasteryŽlocated.
  8698. /Member of Wenley Moor's staff.
  8700. |Megropolis—resident.
  8701. /Member of Lupton's psychic circle at K'anpo's Tibetan
  8702. Monastery.Žafraid of being discovered,‰struck Mike Yates.
  8703. Ž­controlled‡€Spiders,¥Žfreed¦€
  8704. ؗdied.
  8705. /Fetchborough farmer‘Žsecretly a member of Stael's
  8706. coven.Žturned®a Fendahleen‡€Fendahl and,¢‚
  8707. form,Ц€“Œß€¬Scanner„
  8708. destroy€Fetch Priory.
  8709. /Race of androids resembling beautiful humans. Their power
  8710. source appeared„…small energy packs they carried†«belts.
  8711. ŠMovellansûthemselves at욀Ÿ¦theyä
  8712. „invadeýspace. Both speciesÍlocked¢a stalemate
  8713. caused‡«over-reliance†logic‰computers.ŠŸ
  8714. ä„win€ì‡recovering Davros,¥ƒí‡€
  8715. “Doctor, Tyssan,‰Movellan commander, Sharrel.Š
  8716. Movellans­designed a virusµþwiped out€
  8717. Daleks.Šfate of€Movellans is unknown,¥²is likely
  8718. ‚«over-reliance†logic caused them„…ÿ‡€
  8719. Empire¦they actually attempted«éof€ý
  8720. space.
  8721. /Deadly natural phenomenon caused¦Androzani Minor
  8722. moved closer„Androzani Major. Heated mud¶Androzani Minor's
  8723. core rose„€surface, sweeping away everything¢its path.
  8724. /The Cranleighs' friend.Žalso Chief
  8725. Constable of€area,‰investigated James'‰Digby's murders.
  8726. Š¸Œgave‰Sergeant Markham a tour of€
  8727. Äprove€veracity of’story.
  8728. /Pralix's sister‰Kimus's girlfriend.¿€“
  8729. Œ‰€Mentiadsž€Captain of Zanak.
  8730. /Ashbridge Cottage Hospital porter‘overheard a report
  8731. ø€¨˜blood samples,‰sold€news„
  8732. Wagstaffe.
  8733. /Human avatar of•of€three Gods of Ragnarok at€
  8734. Psychic Circus.
  8735. /Osirian service robots, also called Servicers,߇
  8736. Sutekh,‰powered‡a cytronic particle accelerator.ŠMonk
  8737. Žtrussed up›a mummy‡€©Doctor.
  8738. /UNIT Captain‘cordoned off Oxley Woodsî€second
  8739. fall of Nestene meteorites.Ž€first„come across€
  8740. ɀ¨Doctor.°¿€¬Lordž
  8741. €first Auton invasion.
  8743. |Radio operator†¤oil rig attacked‡€Skarasen.
  8744. managed„Ýonly„°…shot‡€Zygon‘
  8745. impersonated€Caber.
  8746. /IanŽframed‡Eyesen,†Millenius,œEprin's murder.
  8747. Šmurderer Bennett hid behind Koquillion's Didonian disguise.
  8748. Dask, a member of€Sandminer crew, turned out„…mad
  8749. roboticist Taren Capel. Dolland,•of¾Lasky's
  8750. assistants, turned out„…€elusive killer aboard€
  8751. Hyperion III.
  8752. /Driver of€galactic tour busµcrashed¢1959
  8753. Walesîhitting a US satellite. MurrayŽ–‡€
  8754. Bannermen, alongš€rest of’tour group,¦they blew up
  8755. ’bus.
  8756. /Planet visited‡Captain Cook.
  8757. /TheªŒplayed€recorder.Š¨Œ
  8758. charmed Aggedoršmusic.Š“Œßa dog
  8759. whistle„summon K-9 and, once, charmed€Mandrelsšmusic.
  8760. /Unstable elementµcaused€Borad„turn®
  8761. a half-Karfelon, half Morlox freak.
  8762. /French Huguenot workingœAdmiral De Coligny.
  8763. /Mutations†Skaro included€Thals (in«
  8764. beautiful, blond humanoid form)‰€Daleks,µƒmutated
  8765. Kaleds. Other, more grotesque, mutantsƒcalled Mutos.
  8766. ŠSolonian Mutants ('Mutts')ƒblamed†€Marshal's
  8767. artificially induced atmosphere changes. In fact, theyƒonly a
  8768. transitional stage leading„a super-being life form, reflecting
  8769. Solos's five-hundred-year-long seasons.ŠRefusians'
  8770. invisibilityŽ€result of a mutation caused‡solar flares.
  8771.    Artificial mutations included€Chameleons, mutated‡¤
  8772. atomic explosion;€Primords, mutated‡a mysterious
  8773. substanceê€Earth's crust;€giant maggots, mutated
  8774. ‡€Green Death;€Spiders, mutated‡€crystals of
  8775. Metebelis 3;¾Sorenson, mutated‡anti-matter;
  8776. Kroll,¤equatic monster mutated‡a segment of€Key„Time;
  8777. Mawdryn‰’fellow aliens, mutated‡€¬Lords'
  8778. Metamorphic Symbiosis Regenerator; Chessene, artificially
  8779. augmented‡Dastari;€Vervoids‰€Demeter Seeds,
  8780. mutations engineered‡¾Lasky;‰Billy,‘mutated
  8781. ®a Chimeron-likeLJingesting a Chimeron substance.
  8782. Also see EVOLUTION.
  8783. /Derogatory nickname given„€Kaleds‰Thals mutated‡
  8784. €neutronic wars†Skaro.
  8785. /Derogatory nickname given„€Solonian Mutants.
  8786. /Name given‡€¬Lords„€sector of€
  8787. Milky Way Galaxyè£is located.
  8788. /Royal Navy petty officer.–€Chief Sea Devil,¡
  8789. let€Ëescape.
  8790. /Vena's fiance.plottedõ€BoradšRenis,‰
  8791. Žarrested.°¿€SixthŒž€Borad.
  8792. /Sea dragon bred‰modified®a cyborg‡€Silurians
  8793. ‰ß‡Icthar¢²attack†Sea Base Four.Š¸
  8794. Œßultraviolet light„kill it.
  8795. /Powerful÷ofϵRorvikߢ¤
  8796. attempt„break through€Gateway,¥µfailed.
  8797. /Normal space,›opposed„E-Space.
  8798. /One of€Trogs of€Underworld.¿€“
  8799. Œ‰Jackson's crewʀOracle.‰a number ofˆ
  8800. ñescaped€Underworld'sχleaving aboard
  8801. Jackson's ship.
  8802. /Sutekh's Egyptian worshipper.prepared¾
  8803. Scarman's houseœ’master's return.Ž–‡Sutekh.
  8804. /Member of¾Clifford Jones's commune.discovered
  8805. ‚Jones's fungus–€Green Death maggots.
  8806. /Female 'Savage'‘ŽÞ‡Exorse,‰whose life
  8807. essenceŽdrained‡€Elders. After she recovered, she prevented
  8808. Tor¶killing Exorse,‰­Õ¢shaking
  8809. Exorse's own belief¢€Elders' lifestyle.
  8810. /A French armyŽù‡€Warlords, using
  8811. ·technology stolen¶€¬Lords.Šsoldiers went†„
  8812. take part¢€ëGames until theseƒó„a stop‡
  8813. €ª˜intervention.
  8814. /Currencyߢ€¨Zone.
  8815. /Daughter of Stengos, a wealthy man‘™been
  8816. cryogenically frozen at Tranquil Repose. When she suspected‚
  8817. somethingŽwrong, she wentšˆfriend Grigory„investigate.
  8818. discovered‚DavrosŽsecretly using€bodies' heads„
  8819. make new Daleks.¿€SixthŒthwart Davros's plans,
  8820. ‰survived€Ïof Tranquil Repose.
  8821. /TheˉRossiniá€Nestene
  8822. energy unit¶€National Space Museum.
  8823. /Non-humanoidÇspecies¶Navarro. Galactic tour bus
  8824. driver Murray,›well›most of’passengers,ƒNavarinos.
  8825. Theyƒall–‡€Bannermen.
  8826. /Homeworld of€Navarinos.
  8827. /A gang of Nazi refugees¢South America, led‡De Flores,
  8828. ä„seize control of€Silver Nemesis. Theyƒ–‡€
  8829. Cybermen.
  8830. /Between 50,000‰30,000 BC,€NeanderthalsÍ
  8831. extinct‰ƒreplaced‡early modern humans›a result of€
  8832. Úof€Daemons. There is still considerable
  8833. disagreement›„whether€Neanderthalsƒa step¢€
  8834. evolutionary process leading„modern humans, orƒsimply ¤
  8835. offshoot branch‚Íextinct, while modern humans evolved¢
  8836. parallel. Nimrod, a Neanderthal,ŽÛ‰ïimmortal‡€
  8837. powerful alien, Light.Š©Œ¿a tribe of
  8838. Neanderthals rediscover€secret of fire.
  8839.    CertainÎcould cause¤evolutionary regression¢
  8840. «victims. A green slimeó„€surface of€£‡
  8841. ¾Stahlman's Inferno Project turned men®€
  8842. Neanderthal-like Primords. On Zeta Minor,¾Sorenson's
  8843. bodyÍinfectedšanti-matter,‰¹turned®a
  8844. Neanderthal-like monster. Also see ANTHROPOLOGY, EVOLUTION.
  8845. /See NEKROS.
  8846. /Sevateem witch doctor‰Xoanon's priest. Acting†Xoanon's
  8847. instructions,¹ä„kill Leela‰€“Doctor. When¹
  8848. û‚XoanonŽnot a god,¥Ž¢fact’tribe's enemy,
  8849. ¹Ímentally unbalenced‰ä„kill€schizophrenic
  8850. àša sonic cannon,¥Ž–‡Xoanon instead.
  8851. /Alzarian Decider‘Í©Deciderî
  8852. Draith's death.Žextremely indecisive,‰´¦€
  8853. Marshmen attacked€Starliner.
  8854. /(aka NECROS) Planetè€Tranquil Repose Mortuary‰
  8855. Kara's protein factoryƒlocated.Šfactoy's output¿feed
  8856. €galaxy.ŠSixthŒexposed Davros's‰Kara's plot„turn
  8857. Tranquil Repose's bodies®protein. After Orcini׀
  8858. mortuary,€SixthŒshowed€Tranquil Repose employees how
  8859. „convert local flowers®protein.
  8860. /Proctor of€Fosters of Traken. After€Ë(disguised
  8861. ›a Melkur)̀new Keeper. NemanÀ‰Ževen
  8862. ï®a Consul. But¹failed„prevent€“Œ¶
  8863. thwarting€Renegade¬Lord's plans. As a demonstration of’
  8864. power,€Melkur forced Tremas„execute him.
  8865. /Statueïof€deadly, living metal, validium.
  8866. It landed¢Windsor, Earth,¢AD 1638. There,²Žshaped®a
  8867. statue dubbed€Silver Nemesis‡Lady Peinforte. After¤untold
  8868. battlešLady Peinforte,€Œ(presumably¢’second
  8869. incarnation) launched€Silver Nemesis®space¢a rocket-
  8870. powered asteroid. However, its bow‰arrow remained behind.Šbow
  8871. ̀Queen's property‰Žkept at Windsor Castle where,¢
  8872. 1788,²Žstolen. Eventually,²fell®€Nazis' hands. Lady
  8873. Peinforte߀arrow„travel forward¢·„1988,¦€
  8874. Silver Nemesis returned„£(Its orbit™ó²near
  8875. every 25 years, each·influencing disasters). It̀
  8876. object of a contestô€‹Doctor,€Nazis, led‡
  8877. De Flores, Lady Peinforte‰€Cybermen. Lady Peinforte­
  8878. mergedš€statue.ŠŒ¡ß€Silver Nemesis„
  8879. destroy€Cybermen's space fleet. Aso see VALIDIUM.
  8880. /Pygmy Menoptera‘ŽHetra's deputy.
  8881. /Name given‡Earthmen„€fragment of Voga¢orbit
  8882. near Jupiter.
  8883. /Planet visited‡Captain Cook.
  8884. /Professor Zaroff's pet octopus.
  8885. /(AD 37-68) Mad Roman emperor‘revelled¢violence,‰
  8886. ­started€ØFire of Rome.fell¢loveš
  8887. Barbera,‰mistook€©Œœ€famous lyre-player,
  8888. Maximus Pettulian.
  8889. /Space Beacon placed†a 30-year assignment¢orbit near€
  8890. *Ark
  8891. remains of Voga,µŽitself orbiting near Jupiter, at€end
  8892. of€25th century. Its functionŽ„warn spaceships of Voga's
  8893. presence.¾Kellman, secretly workingœ€Vogans,
  8894. summoned€Cybermen,‘ß«Cybermats‰Neurotropic X
  8895. virus„take over€beacon.Š ­loaded
  8896. cyberbombs aboard€beacon,‰ä„crash²®Voga. They
  8897. ƒí‡€“Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith,‰Harry
  8898. Sullivan.
  8899.    In€30th century,¤unprecedented string of solar flares
  8900. ÆEarth. Some scientists thought‚€flares,µat
  8901. €·ƒestimated„last 10,000 years, would cause permanent
  8902. damage„€ýgenoplasm. In€greatest secrecy, Space Beacon
  8903. NervaŽconverted®a Space Ark, named Terra Nova,è100,000
  8904. specimens of 'pure' humanityƒstored. All records of€Arkƒ
  8905. ¡carefully hidden,‰its existenceÍþa legend.
  8906.   ŠArk's passengersƒsupposed„remain¢suspended
  8907. animationœ€next 10,000 years,¥remained¢‚stateœ
  8908. several thousandötoo long. When they awoke, theyû‚
  8909. Nerva™been infiltrated‡€vengeful Wirrn. ItŽonly€
  8910. Úof€“Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith‰Harry
  8911. Sullivan,‰€sacrifice of€Ark's leader, Noah,µenabled
  8912. them„survive.
  8913.    Spacemen¶Earth's colonies began„ð„Earth. Like€
  8914. passengers of€Ark, they assumed²„…lifeless because of€
  8915. solar flares. Unlike Nerva's inhabitants, however, theyȀ
  8916. flares„have happened¦€¬Lords™moved€planet, at
  8917. €·of€Ravolox Stratagem‰not¯€30th century.
  8918. /Leader of€group of Shobogans‘ÞLeela‰
  8919. Rodan.¡¿them‰€“Œrepel€Sontarans'
  8920. Invasion of Gallifrey.
  8921. /Wife of Sabor‰mother of Arak‰Tuar†Metebelis 3.
  8922. worriedøˆsons' lives,¥Žfreed¶€Spiders
  8923. ¦€Ø—died.
  8924. /A billion-year-old collective intelligence‘abandoned
  8925. «physical bodies„become a single entity of pure mind,ïof
  8926. energy.ŠNestene's original shapeŽa tentacled creature,ša
  8927. large, single eye, combining features of€crab‰€octopus.
  8928. ŠNestene first arrived†£¢plastic meteors. They™a
  8929. special affinityœplastics,‰çover€mind of Hibbert,€
  8930. managing director of Autoplatics, Ltd,‰ß„manufacture
  8931. deadly Autons,›well›replicas of VIPs. Theiréfailed
  8932. because€portion of«consciousnessµ™been
  8933. incorporated†£Žshort-circuited‡€¨Œ‰
  8934. Liz Shaw.
  8935.   ŠNesteneƒsummoned back„£‡€Master,‘¿
  8936. them take over€Farrel plastics factory. During«second
  8937. invasion,¢addition„€deadly, dummy-like Autons,€Nestene
  8938. also controlled a murderous range of plastic itemsµneeded€
  8939. arrival of more Nestene„…activated.Š¨Œmanaged„
  8940. convince€Ë‚€Nestene would destroytoo,‰€
  8941. two¬Lords cooperated„banish them back„outer spaceæ
  8942. they could fully materialize.
  8943. /Member of Rorvik's crew.´¦€privateer's
  8944. »Ždestroyed.
  8945. /Astrologer consulted regularly‡Adelaide Lesage.
  8946. /Virus߇€ „attack€Moonbase
  8947. ‰Space Beacon Nerva. In€first instance,²Ž
  8948. carried¢€sugar;¢€latter,‡€Cybermats.
  8949. /Salamarä„use a Neutron Accelerator
  8950. „kill¾Sorenson.
  8951. /One of€¨˜favourite solutionsŽ
  8952. „reverse€polarity of€neutron flow.
  8953. /The Tythonians diverted a neutron star‰aimed²
  8954. „collidešChloris's suns„avenge€kidnapping of«
  8955. ambassador Erato‡Lady Adrasta.Š“Œ‰Erato
  8956. teamed up„weave‰aluminium shell around€star‰
  8957. redirect it.
  8958. /The culmination of€initial warsô€
  8959. Kaleds‰€Thals†Skaro.
  8960. /UNIT corporal‘¿€BrigadierõAzal‰
  8961. Bok.
  8962. /Supposedly aºlike Earth,¥unspoiled‡
  8963. pollution‰technology;€goal of€»carrying€'People'
  8964. selected‡Sir Charles Grover. In reality, because of Operation
  8965. Golden Age, New£would have been€same 'old' Earth,¥
  8966. ·would have been rolled back‡¾Whitaker's
  8967. machine.
  8968. /Professor MariusŽa specialist¢extra-
  8969. terrestial, pathological endo-morphisms at New Heidelberg University
  8970. ¢€50th century.
  8971. /Space beaconׇpirate Caven.
  8972. /Cambridge scientific establishmentè
  8973. €Master, posing›¾Thascales, worked†TOM-TIT‰
  8974. €Kronos Crystal.
  8975. /Trisilicate miner†Peladon‘´›a result of
  8976. Eckersley's schemes.
  8977. /Member of€Ark‘Žsentenced„…miniaturized.
  8978. /See ATROPINE.
  8979. /Danish astronomer†€Moonbase¯€ 
  8980. attack.
  8981. /Sea Base Four's Controller,‰Vorshak's second-in-command.
  8982. Žsecretly¢€employ of a rival Bloc and,šDr Solow's
  8983. help, brainwashed Maddox.Ž–‡€Sea Devils.
  8984. /Bull-headed race of aliens‘could…likened„a plague
  8985. of galactic locusts‰‘ßblack holes„travel through
  8986. space. Their mode of operationŽ„send a single Nimon ahead„
  8987. promise wealth‰power„¤unsuspecting race,¡build a
  8988. Complexµenabled€other Nimon„infiltrate, take over‰
  8989. ­drain€hostº¶its resources. They called²
  8990. €ØJourney of Life.ŠNimon tricked Soldeed®erecting
  8991. such a complex†Skonnos.Š“Œ‰Seth exposed€
  8992. Nimon‰×€Complex, leaving€Nimon stranded†€
  8993. dying world of Crinoth. Theyäusing¤energy chain reaction
  8994. „reach another planet,‰Ð¢€ensuing
  8995. catastrophe.
  8996. /Huge labyrinthine complex erected‡€Nimon†
  8997. Skonnos. At its centreŽa black hole leading„Crinoth. ItŽ
  8998. ׇ€“Œ‰Seth.
  8999. /Neanderthal‘™beenۉïimmortal‡€
  9000. powerfulÇLight.ÍJosiah Samuel Smith's servant. At
  9001. Gabriel Chase, Nimrod¿€‹Œthwart Smith's
  9002. plans. After Light's defeat,¹left¢€Ç»š
  9003. Control‰Fenn-Cooper.
  9004. /Tythonian unit of time.
  9005. /Powerful explosive‰Ace's favourite weapon.
  9006. /One of€Red Kangs of Paradise Towers.Ž–‡
  9007. €Cleaners.
  9008. /Prime Unit, or Leader, of€Chosen†€Ark¢Space.
  9009. *Ark
  9010. É€“Œbecause’body™been taken over‡
  9011. €Wirrn,¥’mind­û€strength„rebel.
  9012. sacrificed’life„save€Ark‰destroy€swarm.
  9013. /Tartar Khan whose capitalŽKarakorum.Ža fierce
  9014. rival of Kublai Khan's, and,šTegana's help,ä„take over
  9015. China. His plansƒí‡€©Doctor.
  9016. /One of King Thous's advisers¢Atlantis.
  9017. /One of€Jacondans serving Azmael.workedœMestor,
  9018. ‰Ž–‡Hugo Lang.
  9019. /Also known›€Vandal of€Roads.Ž•of€
  9020. contestants¢€talent contest organized‡€Psychic Circus,
  9021. „entertain€Gods of Ragnarok.´¢€ring.
  9022. /Alzarian class of citizens‘recieved normal education.
  9023. /Frontios colonist,‰Mr Range's daughter.¿€
  9024. ¸Œexpose‰ž€Tractators.
  9025. /Home of€parasitic, intelligent Weed.Š
  9026. Zygons' Skarasen also travelled through¤underground passage¶
  9027. Loch Ness„€North Sea„attack several off-shore rigs.
  9028. /Copper mine†Androzani Major, owned‡€
  9029. Sirius Conglomerate.
  9030. /Ancient Vikings buried Fenric's flask¢a small
  9031. village†€coast of Northumberland.Š‹Œ
  9032. ­É€Wolves of Fenric there¯WorldëII.
  9033. /The©ŒÉ€Meddling Monk there¢
  9034. AD 1066.
  9035. /IMC agent‘claimed„…a colonist whose colony
  9036. ™been wiped out‡lizard attacks,‰whose survivors™been
  9037. –‡€Primitives.–Holden,¥Ž°exposed‰
  9038. –‡Winton).
  9039. /Corporal‘É€Dinosaur Invasion.
  9040. /Sabalom Glitz's ship. Its crew™been sold‡Glitz‰
  9041. frozen‡Kane. In order„manipulate Glitz®lookingœ€
  9042. Dragonfire, KaneƄconfiscate it. Kane wanted€
  9043. Nosferatu destroyed,¥Belaszíhim.Š»Žß¢
  9044. €evacuation of Iceworld,¥Žblown up‡Kane. After Kane's
  9045. suicide, Glitz rechristened Iceworld Nosferatu II.
  9046. /Companyµ™charted€galactic tour bus„
  9047. 1959 Disneyland,¥µŽforced„land¢Wales instead.
  9048. According„€‹Doctor, they™been plaguedšendless
  9049. disasters.
  9050. /Term߇€Kinda„refer„€Earthmen‘ƒ
  9051. not part of«mental gestalt.
  9052. /Movellan bomb capable of annihilating¤entire
  9053. planet. Sharrelå„use²†Skaro,¥Žstopped‡
  9054. Romana.
  9055. /In€very far future,€©Œwatched£
  9056. plunge®€Sun,µmay have triggered a nova-like explosion.
  9057. Š“Œjettisoned€Fendahl Skull near a
  9058. supernova„destroy it. Proamon's sun™gone nova a
  9059. thousandöîKane's exile.
  9060.   ŠHand of OmegaŽa steller manipulatorò‡Omega,
  9061. µcould turn a star®a supernova.Š‹Œß²
  9062. „turn Skaro's sun®a supernova.Šsupernovaò‡
  9063. Omega collapsed‰turned®a black hole trapping€great
  9064. solar engineer inside a universe of anti-matter. Presumably
  9065. ‚black holeŽ€same black hole°Þ‡
  9066. Rassilon,‰µÍknown›€Eye of Harmony.
  9067. Omega­returned through€Arc of Infinity, a collapsed
  9068. star.
  9069. /One of€Swampies–‡Kroll.
  9070. /The¨Œsaved€Wenley Moor atomic
  9071. research station¶€Silurians,‰€Nuton Power
  9072. Complex¶Axos.Š“Œsaved€Experiemental
  9073. Atomic Energy Complex¶Eldrad.ŠÇDominators did not
  9074. hesitate„turn aº®a radioactive massœ«fuel
  9075. supply.
  9076. /The threat of WorldëIIIŽaverted several times
  9077. ‡€¨‰“Doctors. Future£wars
  9078. included limited nuclear wars¢€early 21st century,µ
  9079. Salamander߄’own benefit,‰€51stÄbattle
  9080. õ€Alliance led‡Magnus Greel. Alien nuclear wars
  9081. included€so-called Thousand-Yearëô€Thals‰€
  9082. Kaleds,µresulted¢€creation of€Daleks,€
  9083. Dulcian wars,€Atrios-Zeos war,€Argolin - Foamasi
  9084. 쉀Karfel - Bandril war. Also see WAR.
  9085. /Noetic core entity of€Virus of€Purpose. ItŽa
  9086. blood-red, crustacean-like, tentacled monster.ŠNucleus߀
  9087. “˜body›host, lodging itself¢’mind - brain
  9088. interface.ŠŒplaced himself¢a self-induced coma„cut
  9089. off€mental activityµnourished€Nucleus. Miniaturized
  9090. clones of€Œ‰Leelaƒ¡dispatched‡¾
  9091. Marius„kill€Nucleas,¥€Çentity escaped‰enlarged
  9092. „ýsize. Loweç€Nucleus back„its Hive†Titan,è
  9093. ²would…able„swarm. ItŽ­×¦€
  9094. Œblew up€base.
  9095. /Volcanic flame produced‡€Fire Mountain of Sarn.
  9096. ItŽa rare catalytic reagentµcould cure deadly ills,‰
  9097. extend¤individual's life‰powers.Š¸Œß²„
  9098. save Malkon's life,‰€ËŽþ×¢it.
  9099. ŠNumismaton Flame of Sarn may have been caused‡€same
  9100. phenomenonµò€Sisterhood's Sacred Flame†Karn.
  9101. /See XANXIA, QUEEN.
  9102. /Derogatory nickname given‡€inhabitants of
  9103. Llanfairfach„¾Clifford Jones's Wholeweal Community.
  9104. /Nuclear research centreµŽê€
  9105. direction of Sir George Hardiman. In spite of€¨˜
  9106. efforts,²Žattacked‰×‡Axos.
  9107. /UNIT corporal‘set up€explosives‘­
  9108. ׀Silurian shelters at Wenley Moor.
  9109. /Sadistic Kaled Security Commander.interrogated€“
  9110. Œ‰’Ò¦they arrived†Skaro. NyderŽ
  9111. fiercely loyal„Davros,‰¿plot€Ïof’
  9112. own people.Ž­–‡€Daleks.
  9113. /Companion of€“‰¸Doctors,‰Tremas of
  9114. *Nys
  9115. Traken's daughter.¿€“Œž€Ë†
  9116. Traken,¡went¢search ofˆfather, whose body™been taken
  9117. over‡€Renegade¬Lord (The Master).followed€avatar
  9118. of€Doctor, known›€Watcher,„Logopolis,¡Earth,è
  9119. she watched€“Œregenerate.¡¿€¸
  9120. ŒÊ€Master, Monarch,€Mara‰€Terileptils.
  9121. During a visit at Cranleigh Halt, she discovered sheŽa perfect
  9122. doubleœAnn Talbot, Charles Cranleigh's fiancee. Alongside€
  9123. ¸Œ‰Tegan, sheɀCybermen,€Ëagain
  9124. (disguised›Kalid), Omega,€Mara again,‰Mawdryn. Finally
  9125. sheûˆcalling¦she chose„remain†Terminus„
  9126. synthesize hydromel‰help€victims of Lazar's disease.
  9127. /See AUKON.
  9128. /Morestran guard‘Žpart of Vishinsky's landing party
  9129. †Zeta Minor.Ž–‡€anti-matter creatures.
  9130. /The Weed's mind slave. With’partner, Mr Quill,¹
  9131. attacked Maggie Harris,‰°ä„thwart€ª
  9132. ˜efforts„destroy€parasitic intelligence.
  9133. /Kastrian technician.
  9134. /Quasi-religious order of space knights
  9135. devoted„fighting evil. Orcini™been a member,¥Ž
  9136. excommunicated.
  9137. /Tracking probe߇€Morestrans.
  9138. /Name of€Zygon‘impersonated Sister Lamont.–
  9139. *Zyg
  9140. Angus McRanald.
  9141. /(aka ULYSSES) Crafty King of Ithaca.Ž•of€
  9142. Greek warriors involved¢€Trojan war.suspected‚€
  9143. ©ŒŽnot really Zeus,‰forced„come upš€
  9144. stratagem of€Trojan Horse.
  9145. /One of€Supervisors¢charge of€gas mine work
  9146. shifts†€Macra-dominated space colony.
  9147. /Private‘É€Dinosaur Invasion.
  9148. /Lobo's second-in-command at€Morok's Space Museum.
  9149. /Aliens¶Ogros‘resembled stone megaliths‰fed†a
  9150. globulinû¢ýblood. Three Ogri arrived†£š
  9151. Cessair of Diplos, whom they served. TheyÍpart of a Stone
  9152. Circle which, at various times¢history,Íknown›€Six,
  9153. Seven or Nine Travellers.—OgriŽ×‡€“
  9154. Doctor, another‡€Megara‰€third•Žreturned„
  9155. Ogros.
  9156. /Savage, primitive brutesߛhenchmen‡€Daleks.Š
  9157. ¨Œencountered them twice.Šfirst time, theyƒ
  9158. pursuing€guerillas¶€future.Šsecond time, they
  9159. ƒß‡€Ë¢’attempts„foment aìô£
  9160. ‰€Draconians.ŠŒtravelled„€Ogron home world, a
  9161. barren, desolate place, inhabited‡fierce, giant lizardsµ
  9162. preyed†€Ogrons. Some Ogronsƒprisoners of Vorg's
  9163. Scope.
  9164. /Home world of€Ogri, located¢€Tau Ceti star
  9165. system. ItŽcovered¢great swamps full of amino acids.
  9166. /Priestess of€Sisterhood of Karn,‘assumed€
  9167. leadership of€SisterhoodîMaren's death.
  9168. /Scene of a famous gunfight†26th October 1881ô
  9169. €Clanton brothers‰Johnny Ringo†•side,‰€Earp
  9170. Brothers‰Doc Holiday†€other.
  9171. /See OLD SILURIAN.
  9172. /Chief of Police of€Macra-dominated space colony.
  9173. /See JOSH.
  9174. /Old cavewoman, member of€Tribe of Gum,‰Za's
  9175. mother.thought fireŽevil.Ž°stabbed„death
  9176. ‡Kal.
  9177. /Leader of€Silurian triad of Wenley Moor,µ
  9178. *Sil
  9179. included€Young Silurian‰Icthar.™developed a
  9180. relationshipšDr Quinn.Š¨Œconvinced‚€
  9181. Silurians could share€£peacefullyšMankind. When¹
  9182. realized€Young SilurianŽtrying„wipe out humanityša
  9183. virus,¹freed€Œ‰gave€means„find¤
  9184. antidote.Ž¡–‡€Young Silurian. According„
  9185. some reports,’Silurian nameŽOkdel.
  9186. /Game warden¢¤Essex bird sanctuary mistakenly
  9187. ù‡Omega. After helping€Three Doctorsž€
  9188. renegade¬Lord,¹Žsafely returned„Earth.
  9189. /Arthur Ollis's wife.
  9190. /See KARI.
  9191. /Intergalactic Olypicsƒheld¯€
  9192. 27th century.
  9194. /First‰foremost of€ancient Gallifreyan Solar
  9195. *Omega
  9196. Engineers. Using’Stellar Manipulator (also known›€Hand of
  9197. Omega),¹detonated a star®a supernova,€tremendous energy
  9198. ofµŽrequiredœ€Gallifreyans„achieve mastery of
  9199. ·travel‰become¬Lords. However,¦€supernova
  9200. suddenly collapsed®a black hole, OmegaŽtrapped‰projected
  9201. ®¤anti-matter universe.blamed€¬Lordsœ’
  9202. predicament,‰swore revenge. When Omegaä„escape,€¬
  9203. Lords summoned€Three Doctors„Êhim. Omega¡discovered
  9204. ‚¹could not leave€anti-matter universe, because anti-matter
  9205. ™totallyגphysical being,‰only’mindŽ
  9206. left.Žpresumed dead¢a matter/anti-matter explosion caused
  9207. ¦’anti-matter being came®contactš€ª˜
  9208. positive matter recorder.
  9209.    However, Omega survived‰returned¶€anti-matter universe
  9210. ‡using€Arc of Infinity, a collapsed Q-star.allied himself
  9211. šCounciller Hedin, invaded€Matrix,‰ä„bond
  9212. physicallyš€¸Doctor, so‚¹could remain¢our
  9213. universe.ŠŒ¡ßa matter converter„banish and,
  9214. presumably, destroy Omegaæa huge anti-matter explosion could
  9215. annihilate Amsterdam.
  9217. |Nickname given‡€ªŒ„•of€
  9218. three 'humanized' Daleks.
  9219. /Name given‡€ñof Zanak„€changes¢€
  9220. stars caused each·Zanakïa space jump.
  9221. /Bigoted Alzarian technician‘Žafraid of€
  9222. Marshchild.
  9223. /Monetary unitßthoughout€Cyrennic Empire. Garron
  9224. wanted ten million opeksœRibos,¥settledœeight.
  9225. /Operation masterminded‡Sir Charles Grover.
  9226. *Trex
  9227. In€first stage,¾Whitakerߒ·scoop„bring
  9228. forward prehistoric monsters„clear€streets of London. This
  9229. Íknown›€Dinosaur Invasion. Then, Grover‰Whitaker
  9230. å„roll·back,‰ð£„¤age¦²Ž
  9231. yet unspoiled‡pollution‰technology. Grover™recruited
  9232. volunteers, dubbed€'People',‰™tricked them®believing
  9233. theyƒ†a spaceship en route„another planet, New Earth.Š
  9234. Peopleƒsupposed„become€occupants of New Earth,µ
  9235. would have been¢Â'Old'£î·™been rolled
  9236. back. Operation Golden AgeŽexposed,‰stopped,‡€¨
  9237. Œ‰Sarah Jane Smith.
  9238. /See MENOPTERA.
  9239. /Computer of€legendary lost»P7Eµcarried€
  9240. Minyan Race Banks.ŠP7E drifted„€edge of€universe,
  9241. èenough space matter accumulated around²‚²Í€
  9242. center of¤underground world known›Underworld.ŠOracleÍ
  9243. sentient,‰ß€Race Banks„create a society comprised of
  9244. €Seers,€Guards‰€Trogs„serve it. Eventually,€P7E
  9245. Žû‡Jackson‰’crew. With€help of€“
  9246. Œ‰Leela, they wrested€Race Banks¶€Oracle.Š
  9247. Oracle‰its UnderworldТ¤explosion caused‡two
  9248. fission grenades disguised›€Race Banks,µ€Oracle™
  9249. intended„use„destroy Jackson's ship.
  9250. /Fire god of€cavemen.
  9251. /Former knight of€Grand of Oberon.Žexcommunicated
  9252. ‰Ía mercenary, accompanied‡’squire, Bostock. His
  9253. right leg™been replaced‡¤artificial one. OrciniŽhired
  9254. ‡Kara„kill Davros.ÉDavros'sŸalongside€
  9255. Sixth Doctor.­sacrificed’life„blow up
  9256. Tranquil Repose‰Davros's Dalek 'factory'.
  9257. /The concept of Order‰LightŽembodied‡€
  9258. White Guardian.
  9259. /Title borne‡€officers of€colony of Frontios.
  9260. /Member of Jackson's crew.É€Oracle¢€
  9261. Underworld alongside€“Œ‰Leela. After€Quest
  9262. Žover,¹returned„Minyos II.
  9263. /Security system
  9264. installed aboard€Ark¢Space.
  9265. /Lady Adrasta's court astrologer.™thrown®
  9266. €Pit because¹™foreseen Erato's real nature.¿€
  9267. “Œ„expose Adrasta's duplicity,‰reveal Erato's
  9268. true nature.
  9269. /See ANTHROPOLOGY.
  9270. /Venezuelan Portion of€Amazon explored‡George
  9271. Cranleigh.
  9272. /Precious mineral normallyûonly†Collactin,‰
  9273. Bandraginus Five, aº×‡Zanak.
  9274. /See ATZA.
  9275. /Queen Thalia of Peladon's Chancellor.Žopposed„€
  9276. Federation's interference¢Peladon's affairs.distrusted€
  9277. ¨Doctor,‰Žable„sway€Queen‡’advice.
  9278. ­joined Gebek¦Azaxyr's Ice Warriorsçover Peladon,
  9279. ‰Ž–‡Sskel while helping€Queen escape.
  9280. /Commissioner†€Aliens' Admission Commission†Inter
  9281. Minor. At first,¹¿Kalik¢’attempts„discredit€
  9282. President's liberal policies,¥¡balked¦Kalik attempted
  9283. „free€Drashigs. After KalikŽÿ‡€¨Œ
  9284. ‰Vorg, Orum surrendered‰confessed.
  9285. /Crew member of€space penitentiaryèDavrosŽkept.
  9286. Ž–¯€Dalek's attack.
  9287. /Homeworld of€Kraals,‘™ruined²through
  9288. *Kraal
  9289. internecine atomic wars. ItÍincreasingly radioactive, driving
  9290. €Kraals„attempt€conquest of other planets.
  9291. /Luner controller of€T-Mat system. After¹Žnotified
  9292. of€system's failure‡Gia Kelly,¹returned„€Moon.
  9293. Ž–‡€Ice Warriors.
  9295. |UNIT Sergeant‘¿€BrigadierõAzal‰
  9296. Bok.
  9297. /Race of godlike beings‘rose†Phaester Osiris‰‘
  9298. visited£¢€days of Ancient Egypt. TheirÔHorus‰
  9299. seven hundred other OsiriansÿSutekh‰imprisoned
  9300. inside a secret pyramid,蹎immobilized‡a force field
  9301. generated‡€Eye of Horus.ŠEyeŽlocated¢€Pyramids of
  9302. Mars.ŠOsirians¡left€Solar System. Their final fate is
  9303. unknown.
  9304. /Linx's rudimentary·machine߄kidnap
  9305. 20thÄscientists.
  9306. /Name given‡€Citizens of Pluto„€rebels‘lived
  9307. ¢€Undercity: outlaws, tax criminals‰escapees¶€
  9308. correction centres. MandrelŽ«leader.
  9309. /Firstºever visited‡€Psychic Circus.
  9310. /See SHOBOGANS.
  9311. /Young Alzarians‘refused„believe¢€Deciders'
  9312. rule,‰chose„live outside€Starliner. VarshŽ«
  9313. leader.
  9314. /Mythical figure of Sarn's religion, inspired‡«
  9315. early contactsš€Trions.ŠSarnsȂif they
  9316. submitted„€god Logar,€Outsider would come‰bring them
  9317. many gifts.ŠËpretended„…€Outsider.
  9318. /See SHOBOGANS.
  9319. /Nickname given„€humans‡€Solonians.
  9320. /Landing site of€Nestene meteorites. ItŽalso
  9321. 耨˜Ãrematerializedî’first
  9322. trial‡€¬Lords.
  9323. /See GAS.
  9324. /Insane Varosian morgue attendent.‰Azƒsupposed„
  9325. dispose of€Sixth˜body¢¤acid bath,¥instead fell
  9326. ®it.
  9327. /Legendary lost»µcarried€Minyan Race Banks. It
  9328. drifted„€edge of€universe,èenough space matter
  9329. accumulated around²‚²Í€center of¤underground
  9330. world known›Underworld. Eventually,€P7EŽû‡Jackson
  9331. ‰’crew. With€help of€“Œ‰Leela, they
  9332. wrested€Race Banks away¶€Oracle.ŠP7E‰€
  9333. UnderworldТ¤explosion caused‡two fission grenades
  9334. disguised›€Race Banks,µ€Oracle™intended„use„
  9335. destroy Jackson's ship.
  9336. /Stage doorman at€ForumèHappiness Patrol
  9337. auditionsƒheld.
  9338. /Fanatical member of€Happiness Patrol.Ž¢
  9339. charge of€waiting zoneèkilljoysƒkeptæbeing
  9340. executed. After€revolution overthrew Helen A's regime, sheŽ
  9341. condemned„repaint€Ã¢its original colour.
  9342. /Undercover member of€Happiness Patrol of Terra Alpha.
  9343. Žresponsibleœ€arrest of 47 killjoys. After¹ä„
  9344. have€‹Œarrested,¹Žmistakenœa killjoy,
  9345. ‰shot‡€Happiness Patrol.
  9346. /Device designed‡€Minyans„quell aggressive
  9347. instincts.
  9348. /Helmsman†Rorvik's ship.´¦€privateer's
  9349. »Ždestroyed.
  9350. /Ruthless Chief of Security of International Electromatics.
  9351. Éalongside’boss, Tobias Vaughn,õ€ª
  9352. Œ‰½„make€ Invasion possible, although
  9353. ¹did not completely trust€Cybermen.Ž­–‡
  9354. €Cybermen.
  9355. /High Lama of Det-Sen monastery, giftedš
  9356. extraordinary mental powers.met€Œœ€first·¢
  9357. €17th century. During•of’astral journeys,¹°met€
  9358. ØIntelligence,‘promisedknowledge‰long life,‰
  9359. ultimatelyçover’mind.ŠIntelligenceߝ„
  9360. manipulate itsÖYeti‰protect its attempt at reincorporation.
  9361. Padmasambhava´î€ªŒchallenged€
  9362. Intelligence„a mental battle, enabling Jamie‰Thomni„
  9363. destroy its pyramid gateway.
  9364. /Sir Reginald Styles' secretary.
  9365. /Henry Gordon Jago's theatre,‰Magnus Greel's
  9366. secret lair.
  9367. /See ANTHROPOLOGY.
  9368. /ItŽvisited‡€©Œ‰’Òat
  9369. €·of€¨Crusade.
  9370. /UNIT corporal‘ÉõOmega's gel creatures.
  9371. also¿Ê€Zygons.
  9372. /(LORD) Crooked financier.tore up Colonel
  9373. Skinsale's gambling debts¢exchangeœinsider information,µ
  9374. ¹intended„useœprofit†€stock market. His insistence†
  9375. a speedyð„Ùcaused’»„crash†Fang Rock.
  9376. In spite of€“˜efforts,¹Ž­–‡
  9377. €Rutan.
  9378. /Tibetan plateau耩Œmet Marco Polo¢
  9379. 1289 AD.
  9380. /One of€eleven geniusesù‡€Rani„make
  9381. upˆgiant Brain.
  9382. /President of€High Council of€¬Lords
  9383. of Gallifrey.ruledœnine hundred years.
  9384. /According„€Sixth Doctor,¤
  9385. idealúœfishing.
  9386. /Argolin‘Žcloned‡€Tachyon Recreation Generator
  9387. ¶cells donated‡other Argolins.saw himself›a new
  9388. Theron,€Ôof a new, warlike Argolis. After Mena collapsed,
  9389. ‰€West Lodge Foamasi plot„buy€Leisure HiveŽexposed,
  9390. Pangolå„use€TRG„recreate millions of duplicates of
  9391. himself. His plansƒí‡€“Œ‰Hardin,
  9392. ‘pushedinside€TRGšMena.Žrejuvenated›a
  9393. baby.
  9394. /Ancient, blind Kinda wise-woman.felt‚€£
  9395. Expedition„Deva LokaŽa threat„«way of life. After she
  9396. died, Karuna inherited all ofˆknowledge.
  9397. /Heart of€Capitol of€¬Lords of Gallifrey.Š
  9398. Eye of HarmonyŽsecretly keptê€Panopticon.
  9399. /304-storey luxury residence built‡Kroagnon,€
  9400. ØArchitect. Kroagnon's brainŽsecretly buried¢€Towers'
  9401. basementî¹ä„preventñ¶living¢’
  9402. creation.ŠTowers fell®disrepairîmost of its residents
  9403. left„Ê¢(presumably)€©Dalek Wars.Šonlyñ
  9404. „remainƒ€Caretakers,€Old (or 'Rezzies')‰€Kangs.
  9405. Under Kroagnon's influence,€robotic Cleaners began„
  9406. exterminate allýlife inside€Towers. Kroagnon­
  9407. çcontrol of€Chief Caretaker's body. With€help of Pex‰
  9408. €Kangs,€‹Œmanaged„expose‰destroy Kroagnon.
  9409. /Scientific theory worked out‡Dastari.
  9410. /(aka ALTERNATIVE REALITIES) Worlds similar,¥
  9411. not identical,„€•è€˜adventuresçplace.
  9412. More often than not, they occured because of a significant temporal
  9413. divergence:€near-future universe耩Œ‰’
  9414. Òended up›exhibits¢€Morok's Space MuseumŽsuch
  9415. ¤alternative reality. Other such parallel universes included:
  9416. €world耟Ìinvaded£îWorld
  9417. ëIIŽtriggered‡€assassination of diplomat Sir Reginald
  9418. Styles,‰€worldèSutekh׀£î
  9419. being released¶’pyramid. More elaborate parallel
  9420. universes included:€fascist Englandׇ¾
  9421. Stahlman's 'Inferno' project‰€alternative world ruled
  9422. ‡MorgaineîsheÿKing Arthur¢€Middle Ages.
  9423.    It has been argued‚€˜interventions¢Earth's
  9424. history contributed„changing its future,‰therefore, many of
  9425. €ÁEarths visited‡€¬Lordƒthemselves
  9426. parallel universes. Certainly, some of€events reported¯
  9427. €so-called 'Trial of€¬Lord', such›€Sixth˜
  9428. original, unrecorded encounteršMel‰a number of«
  9429. adventures together (including€•èthey saved€
  9430. Hyperion III¶€Vervoids),Ípart of a parallel
  9431. universeî€Valeyard's defeat.
  9432. /Earth school attended‡Zoe. It placed¤
  9433. emphasis†pure logic‰intellectual achievements„€
  9434. detriment of emotions. It may have developed®€
  9435. founding institution of€Brotherhood of Logicians.
  9436. /Parasitic entities‘depended†other living beings
  9437. œ«sustenance included:€Fendahl,‘álife itself;
  9438. vampiric life forms‘fed†blood such as:€Ogri,€Vampires,
  9439. €Tetraps,‰€Haemovores; vegetal entities such as:€Weed
  9440. ‰€Krynoids,‘devoured animal life;€Virus of€Purpose
  9441. ‰€Wirrn‘laid«eggs¢humans.ŠElders‰Magnus
  9442. Greel drained€energy of others„survive.ŠKrotons drained
  9443. €Gonds' mental energies„repower«Dynatrope. Finally,€
  9444. Chameleonsä„stealýidentities.
  9445.    Other parasites drained all energy‰natural resources¶
  9446. planets, leaving shrivelled husks behind. Among these were:
  9447. Axos,€Usurians,€Nimon,€Tractators‰€Gastropods.
  9448. ŠDominators‰€pirateºZanak also thrived†other
  9449. worlds' destruction.
  9450.    Other parasitic entities‘preyed†ýemotions, such›
  9451. evil or faith, included:€Mind Parasite,€Mandragora
  9452. Helix,€Mara‰€Malus.ŠCelestial Toymaker,€Ë
  9453. Brain of€Land of Fiction,€Eternals‰€Gods of Ragnarok
  9454. all depended†humans„fill«cravingœentertainment.
  9455.    Parasites‘simply wanted„rule‰live at€expense of
  9456. «victims included:€Animus,€Macra,€
  9457. Nestene‰€Spiders of Metebelis 3.ŠTharils
  9458. once lived a parasitic lifestyle until theyƒ–‡€
  9459. Gundans or enslaved. All conquerors were, economically
  9460. speaking, parasites.
  9461.    Isolated instances of parasitic actions occurred when: Meglos
  9462. çover¤Earthman's body; Omegaä„bondš€
  9463. ¸˜body‰Kroagnon's brainçover€Chief
  9464. Caretaker's body.ŠRanißa sluglike parasite„
  9465. controlˆvictims' will. Also see VAMPIRES.
  9466. /City visited‡€©Œ¯€French
  9467. Revolution‰at€·of St Batholomew's Day Massacre.
  9468. Š“Œ‰RomanaÉScaroth there.
  9470. |Son of King Priam of Troy.started€chain of events
  9471. µ­led„€Trojanë‡elopingšHelen, King
  9472. Menelaus's wife.
  9473. /UNIT private‘Žinvolved¢€matter of€three
  9474. radioactiveÇAmbassadors.
  9475. /Blind vicar‘performed religious rites¦€
  9476. ‹Œ™€casket containing€Hand of Omega buried.
  9477. °performed€same services at Mike Smith's funeral.
  9478. /Ace's art teacher.
  9479. /Sea Base Four crewmember.Ž–‡€Sea Devils.
  9480. /A rare mineralûonly†Exxilon,µproved„
  9481. …€only cureœa space plague.
  9482. /According„Gharma•of€Kaleds opposed„Davros.
  9483. /Archeologist‘discovered€Tomb of€
  9484.  †Telos¯¤expedition financed‡Logician Eric
  9485. Klieg. When¹realized’mistake, Parry¿€ªŒ
  9486. ž€Cybermen.
  9487. /Professor Marius's assistant.Žshot‡Lowe.
  9488. /Young Cambridge student‘graduated¢1975š
  9489. honors¢chemistry.accidentally borrowedŠAncient Law of
  9490. Gallifrey¶¾Chronotis.‰’friend, Clare
  9491. Keightley,¿€“Œ‰RomanažSkagra.
  9492. /Weaponšµ€Valeyard plotted„
  9493. kill€¬Lords attending€trial of€Sixth Doctor.Š
  9494. Œoverloaded²š¤Ion Avalanche Diode.
  9495. /Silurian÷߆Sea Base Four. It
  9496. turned¤energy beam back†its sender.
  9497. /(1822-95) French chemist,•of€eleven
  9498. geniusesù‡€Rani„make upˆgiant Brain.
  9499. /Member of€Peace Party,‰prisoner at€Luna Penal
  9500. Colony.befriended€¨Œ‰¾Dale.
  9501. /Retired sergeant teaching a self-defence course¢
  9502. Perivale, whose creedŽ'survival of€fittest'.Žtaken
  9503. „€ºof€Cheetah People,¥°refused„listen„
  9504. €‹Œ‰believe¢€Âof’experience.
  9505. Ž­–‡Midge.
  9506. /One of€¬Lords' colleges represented‡€
  9507. colour heliotrope.
  9508. /Doctor employed‡€Euro-Sea Gas Corporation at its
  9509. North Sea Refinery. When€Weed attacked,¹Ždispatched„
  9510. Rig D.
  9512. |One of€workers at€Inferno Project site.
  9513. /Member of Lytton's gang of robbers.Ž–‡
  9514. € ¢€Ùsewers.
  9515. /PENTO CYLEINIC METHYL HYDRANE Anxiety-inducing gas pumped
  9516. ®€air of€Megropolises of Pluto‡€Company,„prevent
  9517. €Citizens¶rebelling. Bisham™û¤antidoteœ
  9518. it.
  9519. /See WAR.
  9520. /Former member of€Psychic Circus.
  9521. /Mel came¶Pease Pottage, Sussex.
  9522. /British aristocrat¶€17th century.
  9523. shaped validium®€statue dubbed€Silver Nemesis. It
  9524. revealed many secretsø€¬Lords‰€Œ„her.
  9525. Lady PeinforteɀŒœpossession of€statue,¥
  9526. lost.¡ß€statue's arrow„travel forward¢·„
  9527. 1988 Windsorš¹manservant Richard,¦€Silver Nemesis
  9528. returned„Earth. There, sheɀ‹Doctor,€Nazis,
  9529. led‡De Flores,‰€Cybermen. Having failed„blackmail€
  9530. Œš’secrets, she mergedš€statue.
  9531. /(aka BEIJING) Capital of China.Š©Œmet
  9532. Kublai Khan there. Magnus Greel's¬CabinetŽó„
  9533. Peking‡Emperor T'ungchi's soldiers,‰°given„Prof.
  9534. Litefoot's family.
  9535. /Devilish automation devised‡Magnus Greel. It
  9536. Žoperated‡a series of magnetic circuits‰a smallà
  9537. š€cerebral cortex of a pig.Šhomunculus needed aý
  9538. operator,¥€mental feedbackŽso intense‚its swinish
  9539. instinctsÍdominant. It hated humanity‰reveled¢carnage.
  9540. ItŽsupposed„…a toyœ€children of of€Commissioner
  9541. of€Icelandic Alliance,¥¢Â²Ž¤assassination
  9542. weapon.ŠHomunculus massacred€Commissioner‰’family,
  9543. setting off WorldëVI‰enabling€Supreme Alliance„take
  9544. over Earth. After€Alliance™been overthown,€Homunculus
  9545. fledšMagnus Greel„19thÄChina. It¡travelled„
  9546. Ùwhere,ê€name of Mr Sin,²played€part of a
  9547. ventriloquist's dummy‰Ípart of Li H'Sen Chang's magic
  9548. act.ŠHomunculus's blood lust­caused²„turnõ
  9549. all humans, including Greel, whom¹shot downšlaser fire. It
  9550. Ž¡disconnected‡€“Doctor.
  9551. /King of Peladon‘wanted’º„join€
  9552. *Pela
  9553. Federation. With€help of’delegate Arcturus, Hepesh conspired
  9554. „stop Peladon,‰­ä„takehostage. Peladon
  9555. Žindecisive,‰Žonly saved‡€¨Œ‰Jo Grant
  9556. (whom¹Žvery fond of).
  9558. |Planet rich¢trisilicate. Circa AD 3700,êKing
  9559. Peladon's reign,€¨Œ¿²join€Federation and,
  9560. š€help of Alpha Centauri‰€Martian Ice Warriors,
  9561. exposed¤Arcturian plot. Fiftyölater,€¨
  9562. Œprevented€hostile Galaxy 5¶using€traitor
  9563. Echersley„take over Peladon's trisilicate mines.
  9564. /British army colonel‘É€Web of Fear.
  9565. /Senior Scientist of€Britannicus Base¢
  9566. 3000 AD‘clashedšClent over€latter's over-reliance†
  9567. computers. Penley joined Storr‰Ía scavenger.°
  9568. ¿€ªŒž€Ice Warriors,‰­
  9569. reconciledšClent,îhaving proven€value ofý
  9570. initiative.
  9571. /International Space Corps technician servingê
  9572. General Hermack.
  9573. /Power sourceœtransmats¢€25th century.
  9574. /Name given‡Sir Charles Grover„€volunteers¹
  9575. ™recruited‰tricked®believing theyƒ†a spaceship
  9576. en route„anotherºnamed New Earth.ŠPeopleƒsupposed
  9577. „become€occupants of€New Earth,µ¢reality,Ž„
  9578. …merely€same 'old' Earth,been rolled back‡
  9579. Operation Golden Age.
  9580. /Director of€Newton Research Institute
  9581. è€Ëworked†TOM-TIT.fellê€Master's
  9582. control‰Ž­–‡Kronos.
  9583. /Member of K'Anpo's meditation centre.
  9584. /Name given„€Aztecs„€person‘would
  9585. …sacrificed„Huitzilipochtli‡Tlotoxl.
  9587. /Planet visited‡Captain Cook.
  9588. /Space raider, nicknamed€chief‘trained
  9589. Valgard‰Olvir.
  9590. /Ace's home town.Š‹Œçˆback„
  9591. confrontˆfears¢€evil house, Gabriel Chase,¢AD 1883.
  9592. Eventually, Ace returned„modern-day Perivale„look upˆ
  9593. friends,‰¿€‹Œrescue several of its
  9594. denizens‘™beenù‡€Ë‰€Cheetah
  9595. People.
  9596. /Gray's manservant.ãelected„join McLaren
  9597. ‰€other highlanders‘sailedœFrance.
  9599. |Megan Jone's assistant.
  9601. |UNIT Private–¯€ Invasion.
  9603. |One of€soldiersêCommander Millington's command¢
  9604. Northumberland.Ž–‡€Haemovores.
  9605. /Mr Waterfield's assistant.
  9606. /Moreton Harwood G.P.
  9607. /ConstellationèMogarŽlocated.
  9608. /He‰EnlightenmentƒMonarch's two Urbankan
  9609. android ministers. PersuasionŽ×‡€¸Doctor.
  9610. /Star sectorèBeta Two,€original destination
  9611. of€Hydrax,Žlocated.
  9612. /One of€Moonbase crew.Ž–‡€Cybermen.
  9613. /Flight Lieutenant‘É€ Invasion.
  9615. |UNIT Major‘É€Silurians.
  9616. /One of¾Cornish's assistants.
  9617. /Member of€Soviet commando, led‡Captain Sorin,
  9618. µinfiltrated Northumberland„steal€Ultima Machine
  9619. 'core'.Ž–‡€Haemovores.
  9620. /1812 Russian soldier who, alongš€
  9621. ªDoctor,É¢€Resistance„put¤end„€
  9622. ëGames.Ž­returned„’properú¢·
  9623. ‰space‡€¬Lords.
  9624. /Famous Corinthain lyre-player‘Ž¢league
  9625. šTavius„assassinate Emperor Nero.Š©ŒŽ
  9626. mistakenœPettullianî€latterŽmurdered‡Ascaris.
  9627. /Ship attacked‡€Sea Devils.
  9628. /Young man‘lived¢Paradise Towers.pretended„…a
  9629. hero,¥¢ÂŽa coward‘™stayed behind¦€
  9630. other residents™gone„Ê¢€wars.redeemed himself
  9631. ¦¹sacrificed himself„help€‹Œdestroy
  9632. Kroagnon.
  9633. /Homeworld of€Osirians. ItŽ×‡
  9634. Sutekh.
  9635. /Earth project using a radiotelescope„search
  9636. œintelligent lifeforms‰transmit messages„remote planets.
  9637. ŠLogopolitansßblock transfer computations„copy it,‰
  9638. broadcast€necessary calculations needed„keep€Charged
  9639. Vacuum Emboitements open‰prolong€life of€universe. After
  9640. €Ëdisrupted€workings of Logopolis,€CVEs began
  9641. closing. Fortunately,€Logopolitans™discovered¤equation
  9642. ‚would stabilize them. In spite of€Master's attempts„
  9643. stop‰blackmail€universe,€“ŒÕ
  9644. ¢using€Pharos Project„broadcast€Logopolitans' final
  9645. calculations. However,€Ëcaused€Œ„fall‰
  9646. þdie, triggering another regeneration.ŠË
  9647. ùAdricæleaving€site of€Pharos Project.
  9648. /TheŒclaimed„haveÉalongside€
  9649. Philippino Army at€Battle of Reykjavikõ€Supreme
  9650. Alliance.
  9651. /Professor working at€Beacon Hill
  9652. Research Establishment.ŠËçcontrol of’mind,‰left
  9653. at Rossini's International Circus. Later,¹ä„use
  9654. „kill€¨Œš¤explosive device,¥Phillip's
  9655. mind rebelled‰broke free.ç€brunt of€explosion‰
  9656. died.
  9657. /Employee of¾Stahlman's Inferno Project.
  9659. |Member of Think Tank Staff.
  9661. |One of€Londoners caught up¢€Dinosaur Invasion.
  9662. /T-Mat operator†€Moon¦²Žtaken over‡€
  9663. Ice Warriors.Ž–‡€Ice Warriors›¹ä
  9664. increasing€temperature„disable€Martians.
  9665. /The supply»Silver CarrierŽthis Class of
  9666. ship.
  9667. /See JEAN.
  9668. /Andromedan planetary series, supposedly€
  9669. location of Castrovalva.
  9670. /Planetè€Menoptera retrenchedîtheyƒdriven
  9671. away¶Vortis‡€Animus‰€Zarbi.
  9672. /Costume worn‡both€¸Œ‰George Cranleigh
  9673. ¯€costume ball at Cranleigh Hall.
  9674. /See JOSH.
  9675. /See MENOPTERA.
  9676. /The Peking Homunculus incorporated€cerebral cortex of a
  9677. pig®a small computer.
  9678. /Infamous 17thÄpirate captain‰smuggler‘
  9679. wore a hook at€end of’right arm.™onceÀê€
  9680. notorious Captain Averyšfellow pirates Longfoot‰Cherub. Pike
  9681. ä„find Avery's treasure,‰evenÉCherub„€death,
  9682. ¥Ž­í‡€©Doctor.Žshot‡
  9683. Blake.
  9684. /Second-in-command of€Macra-dominated space colony.
  9685. ­¿€ªŒexpose‰ž€Macra.
  9687. |Captain of€Skonnan»µcarried€Anethan tribute
  9688. „Skonnos. His nameŽSekkoth.Ž–¢a»
  9689. explosion.
  9690. /Young Chinese girl¶€13thđŽ„marry
  9691. ¤aged nobleman. Her betrothed´¯€©˜visit
  9692. „Peking,‰she­marriedˆtrue love, Ling-Tau.
  9693. /Nurse¢charge of©Aid at Gatwick Airport. Her identity
  9694. Žtaken over‡€Chameleons. After Meadows–ˆÇ
  9695. double,€real Pinto¿€ªŒž€aliens.
  9696. /Original inhabitants of Terra Alpha driven underground
  9697. ‡€ýsettlers. Their real nameŽ€Alpidae,¥they™
  9698. been nicknamed Pipe People because they™been relegated„living
  9699. inside€colony's network of pipes. Theyƒslowly dying of
  9700. starvation. A tribe led‡Wulfric‰Wences¿€‹
  9701. Œ‰Ace overthrow Helen A's tyrannical regime.
  9702. /The©ŒÉCaptain Pike's pirates†€
  9703. Cornish coast¢€17th century.ŠªŒÉ
  9704. Caven's space pirates¢€future.Š“ŒÉ
  9705. €Captain of Zanak, dubbed€'pirate planet',‘liked„
  9706. surround himselfš€trappings of piracy,‰Captain
  9707. Rorvik,‘held€time-sensitive Tharils captive.
  9708. /Denizen of Marinus.
  9709. /Former mineèLady Adrasta kept Erato prisoner.ß
  9710. „kill€rebels„ˆdespotic rule.
  9711. /Another nameœquartz,û¢abundance†Earth.Š
  9712. Captain of ZanakŽprepared„crush£„obtain²‰replace
  9713. ’damaged Macromat Field Integrator.
  9714. /Name given‡Lady Adrasta„€landing spot of
  9715. Erato's ship.
  9716. /See DISEASES.
  9717. /Spiridon landmark.
  9719. /Captain Revere's son.Í€Ôof€
  9720. Frontios colonyî’fatherŽù‡€Tractators.
  9721. He, too,ŽÞ‡€Tractators‘wanted„attach„
  9722. «excavating machine.Žsaved‡€¸Œ‰
  9723. restored›colony's leader.
  9724. /See VEGETALS.
  9725. /Random agglomeration of proteins assembled¶€air
  9726. ‰€passengers of€Concorde Flight 192,µƒó
  9727. together‡€evil Xeraphin's power. Theyƒß‡€
  9728. ˄do’bidding¢€Jurassic period.
  9729. /The Nestene™a special affinityœplastics.
  9730. /Chairman of€Alien's Admission Commission†Inter
  9731. *Plet
  9732. Minor¢charge of investigating Vorg's Scope.Žvery loyal
  9733. „€President,¥clearly outwitted‡Kalik.
  9734. /Name of Ta's star.
  9735. /ItŽ¯€Pliocene era - 2.5„12 millionö
  9736. ago -‚€Fendahl Skull arrived†Earth. Also see
  9738. /Ninthºof€Solar System.ŠUsurians' Company
  9739. moved men„Pluto, aroundµthey™built six small
  9740. artificial suns. There, mankind lived a heavily taxed life until
  9741. theyƒfreed‡€Úof€“Œ‰
  9742. Leela.
  9743. /One of€MoroksêLobos at€Space Museum.
  9744. /Unnamed peasant enslaved‡€Terileptils.
  9745. /See SEEDS.
  9746. /See DRUGS.
  9747. /Varosian police.
  9748. /A Policeman patrolled¢front of 76 Totter's Lane.
  9749. Bert RowseŽ€policeman‘arrested Forester.Š©
  9750. ŒŽmistakenœa lunatic‡Liverpool policemen Steven™
  9751. „disguise himself›a policemen¶another other precinct„
  9752. rescue him. Sergeant RuggŽ•of€Celestial Toymaker's
  9753. Pawns. Autons dressed›policemenä„kill€¨
  9754. Œ‰Jo Grant. PC Quick‰Sergeant Kyle interrogated
  9755. Leela¢€matter of€Tong of€Black Scorpion¢Victorian
  9756. London. St Cedd's College porter summoned a policemanî
  9757. ¾Chronotis's room disappeared.ŠË–a
  9758. policeman near Heathrow Airport. Commander Lytton disguised
  9759. two of’men›policemen„capture or killñ‘™
  9760. escaped through€Daleks'·corridor.Štwoƒ­
  9761. caught‡€Sixth Doctor.
  9762. /See REVOLUTIONS.
  9763. /Retired Navy commander‰Aunt Lavinia's partner
  9764. ¢a market-garden shop¢Moreton Harwood. In reality,¹Ž€
  9765. High Priest of Hecate.‰Lily Gregsonƒarrested thanks„
  9766. €efforts of Sarah Jane Smith‰K-9 mark III.
  9767. /The¨ŒÉ€threat of€Green Death¢
  9768. Wales. Sir Charles Grover,€mastermind behind Operation
  9769. Golden Age,Ž€founder of€Save Planet£Society.
  9770. ¾Kettlewell agreed„join€Scientific Reform Society
  9771. because¹wanted„stop pollution.
  9772.   £™becomeþhopelessly polluted‡€52nd century,
  9773. ¦€ÇUsurians offered„move€surviving population„
  9774. Mars and, later,„Pluto. Others chose„emigrate¢what
  9775. Íknown›€ª(or Great) Break Out.ŠSons
  9776. of£É„make sure‚other worlds would not become›
  9777. polluted›Earth. During€thousands ofö¯µ
  9778. polluted£Žleft alone, a new life form arose†Earth;‚
  9779. of€Haemovores. Eventually,›€planet's ecological
  9780. balanceŽrestored,€HaemovoresÍextinct. After€“
  9781. Œ¿men break free¶€Usurians' yoke, they reclaimed
  9782. €planet.
  9783. /See LOPEZ, POLLY.
  9784. /(1254-1324) Venetian merchant‰explorer.wanted
  9785. „present€Ã›a gift„Kublai Khan¢€hope‚€
  9786. Khan would allow„ð„Venice.¿€©Œ
  9787. prevent Kublai Khan's assassination at Tegana's hands.
  9788. /Substance߇€Terileptils.
  9789. /Murderous machine¢€form of a parrotµ
  9790. Ž€Captain of Zanak's pet,‰µ¹ß„discipline’
  9791. crew. ItŽ×‡K-9 mark II.
  9792. /Executive Officer aboard€Morestran spaceship sent„
  9793. Zeta Minor.Ž•of Vishinsky's landing party,‰¿€
  9794. “ŒÊ€anti-matter creatures.
  9795. /Planet knownœmaking battleships.
  9796. /Emperor Nero's vain, vicious‰greedy wife.married
  9797. ˆ¢AD 62,¥she´threeölater.ä„kill
  9798. Barbara.
  9799. /A Dickensian bureaucrat working at J.J.Chambers's
  9800. Fantasy Factory -¢reality,¤avatar of€Valeyard inside€
  9801. Matrix.
  9802. /The porter at St Cedd's called a policemanînoticing
  9803. €disappearance of¾Chronotis's room.
  9804. /The Brigadier told€¸Œ‚Harry
  9805. Sullivan™been seconded„NATO,‰Žinvolved¢a secret
  9806. operation at Porton Down.
  9807. /Leader of Castrovalva impersonated‡€Master. His
  9808. tapestry showed scenes¶€past.
  9809. /Planetµtradedš€Mentors.
  9810. /FamousÙsiteµŽ€location of
  9811. WOTAN.
  9812. /Life-preserver systemßaboard€
  9813. Hyperion III.
  9814. /Landmark of Paradise Towers.
  9815. /Employee at Brendon school.
  9816. /Chief Mover of€Sandminer crew. In reality,¹Ž¤
  9817. investigator sent‡€Company, alongšD84,„lookœ
  9818. Taren Capel.­succumbed„robophobia‰went
  9819. insane.
  9820. /Senior officer at Stangmoor Prison.Ž–‡
  9821. Mailer.
  9822. /Ruling body of Androzani. ItŽê€control
  9823. of€Sirius Conglomerate.
  9824. /Young man of Zanak,‰Mula's brother.Ía
  9825. Mentiadîabsorbing€life force released‡Calufrax.
  9826. led€Mentiads,‰¿€“Œ‰Romanaž
  9827. €Captain.
  9828. /Old Menoptera‘Ženslaved‡€Zarbi†Vortis.
  9829. *Men
  9830. led€rebellionõ€antlike creatures,‰enabled
  9831. €Menopteraéforce„succeed.¿€©Œ
  9832. ž€Animus,‰­ÍÔof€Menoptera.
  9833. /Chlorasian astrological sign.
  9834. /See CELERY.
  9835. /Young trisilicate miner of Peladon.Ž–‡€
  9836. Ice Warriors¦¹ä„free Gebek.
  9837. /See ANTHROPOLOGY.
  9838. /Leader of€Androzani Praesidium.Ž
  9839. assassinated‡Morgus.
  9840. /26thÄwoman.Ž¢power¦€
  9841. Ëä„foment aìô£‰€Draconians.
  9842. agreed„break off diplomatic relations,¥steadfastly refused„
  9843. …€first„launch¤act of war.
  9844. /The President of€High Council of
  9845. €¬Lords of GallifreyŽ€most powerful of all¬Lords.
  9846. Želected‡€High Council, sometimes based†a nomination
  9847. ¶’predecessor.ŠPresident wore€three symbols of power;
  9848. €Coronet,€Sash‰€Rod of Rassilon.
  9849.   ŠPresidentŽprobably•of€three¬Lords‘
  9850. passed judgement†€ªŒ‰€ëLords. Then,
  9851. €President (since no nameŽprovided,‰¬Lords have€
  9852. ability„regenerate,²could have been€same President, or
  9853. a different one) suggested teaming up€Three Doctors„ž
  9854. Omega. When€PresidentŽø„resign,‰Chancellor
  9855. Gothûout‚¹would not…€chosen successor,¹plotted
  9856. š€Ë„kill‰frame€“Œœ€
  9857. murder. In order„gain·‰Ýimmediate execution,€
  9858. Œoffered himself›a candidateœ€Presidency. After
  9859. Goth's death,¹automaticallyÍPresident. When€“
  9860. Œûout‚€Varans™invaded€Matrix‰ƒ
  9861. planning„take over Gallifrey,¹returned„claim€
  9862. Presidency,‰ß€symbols of€office„žthem,‰
  9863. later,€Sontarans.¡abdicated¢favour of Borusa.
  9864.    When OmegaƄð„our universe‡threatening
  9865. „take over€Fith˜body, a regenerated Borusa voted„
  9866. condemn€Œ„death. Borusa regenerated  again (which
  9867. may have imbalanced’mind)‰fell victim„a megalomaniacal
  9868. passion.decided¹wanted„remain President forever‰
  9869. acquire€true immortality once promised‡Rassilon. In order„
  9870. break through€Tomb of Rassilon,¹ß€Five Doctors‰
  9871. «companions, pitting themõvarious threats¢€
  9872. Death Zone. Rassilonãgave€immortality¹sought‡
  9873. turning®a living statue. This¢turn led€Council„
  9874. appoint€¸Œ›President. But¹ïChancellor
  9875. Flavia’deputy‰left.
  9876.    By€·€SixthŒŽput†trial, Flavia™been
  9877. deposed‰a new, corrupt President elected. It is‚President
  9878. ‘probably initiated€Ravolox Strategem‰ß€
  9879. Valeyard¢¤attempt„prevent€Œ¶finding out. After
  9880. ¹Žexposed¯€Trial of€Doctor,¹tooŽdeposed.
  9881. ŠInquisitorä„persuade€Œ„become President
  9882. again,¥¹refused.
  9883. /Famous apothecary‰medical pioneer.Ž
  9884. visited‡€©Œa few daysæ€St Batholomew's
  9885. Day Massacre. Preslin™incurred€wrath of€Abbot of
  9886. Amboise and,š€˜help,Žable„flee„Germany.
  9887. /Member of€group of Shobogans‘ûLeela‰Rodan.
  9888. ¿them‰€“Œrepel€Sontarans' Invasion
  9889. of Gallifrey.
  9890. /Sea Base Four Lieutenant.¿€¸Œ
  9891. ʀSilurians‰€Sea Devils.sacrificedˆlife„
  9892. save‚of€¸Doctor; sheŽshot‡Sauvix.
  9893. /King of Troy,‰father of both Paris‰Troilus.´
  9894. ¯€fall of Troy.
  9895. /Communication officer at€Euro-Sea Gas North Sea refinery
  9896. µŽattacked‡€Weed.¿Harris‰€ª
  9897. Œdestroy€Weed.
  9898. /Term߄designate mankind's early space wars.
  9899. /Noah's title†€Ark¢Space.
  9900. /Telepathic inhabitants of Exarius. Theyƒharmless
  9901. savages‘worshipped€Guardian of€Doomsday Machine,€
  9902. sole survivor of€super-beings‘once occupied Exarius. They
  9903. probablyЦ€Guardian׀Doomsday
  9904. Machine.
  9905. /Nickname given„men infected‡a green slime released
  9906. ‡€Inferno project. Mere contactš€slime caused a
  9907. regressive mutation of€body cells, turning€victim®a
  9908. savage, snarling beast.Šfirst PrimordŽHarry Slocum.
  9909. Eventually, even¾Stahlman himself turned®a Primord.
  9910. ŠPrimords needed intense heat„survive,‰could…
  9911. ׇextreme cold such›€frozen CO2 gas contained¢a
  9912. fire extinguisher.
  9913. /Planetary system of Tigella‰Zolfa-Thura.
  9914. /Professor Scarman's house. ItŽburned down¢€
  9915. 1911 conflagration‚followed€“˜battleš
  9916. Sutekh.½headquartersŽ°built†‚site.
  9917. /The©Œbriefly visited€prisonºof
  9918. Desperus. IanŽimprisoned†Marinus.Š©Œ
  9919. also visited’companions,‘ƒimprisoned at€
  9920. notorious Conciergerie.Š©Œalso saw€insides
  9921. of Tombstone's jail.Š¨ŒŽimprisoned¢€
  9922. Luna Penal Colony‰¢Atlantis.ŠËengineered
  9923. a jailbreak at Stangmoor Prison„seize€Thunderbolt missile.
  9924. Ševil¬LordŽ°jailed¢¤island prison,¥
  9925. escaped thanks„€Sea Devils.Š“Œvisited
  9926. a space prison;²Ž¢€shape of a satellite orbiting£
  9927. ¢hyperspace above€circle of€Stones of Blood. Sutekh
  9928. Žimprisoned inside a pyramid, guarded‡a force field controlled
  9929. ¶Mars.Šmysterious ShadaŽ€prison of€¬
  9930. Lords,¥both€“Œ‰€¸Œƒ
  9931. imprisoned†Gallifrey.Š¸Œä„prevent Davros
  9932. ¶escaping¶a space prison. SarnŽTrion's prison planet.
  9933. /A Llanfairfach miner‘´of€
  9934. Green Death.
  9935. /As Lady Pritchard, sheŽGeorge Pritchard's
  9936. *Prit
  9937. wife‰mistress of Gabriel Chase. After Josiah Samuel Smithç
  9938. over, sheÍMrs Pritchard,€night housekeeper,‰À
  9939. Smith.Ž­turned„stone‡Light.
  9940. /Original master of Gabriel Chase.Ž
  9941. €husband of Lady Margaret‰€father of Gwendoline.Ž
  9942. –‡Gwendoline, actingêJosiah Samuel Smith's control.
  9943. /Daughter of George‰Margeret Pritchard.
  9944. After Josiah Samuel Smithçover Gabriel Chase, she fellê
  9945. ’control‰Í’ward.sent unwanted visitors,
  9946. includingˆown father,'to Java' (a euphemismœkilling them).
  9947. Ž­turned„stone‡Light.
  9948. /Kane‰Xana's homeworld.ŠProamons™exiled Kane
  9949. „Svartos,‰entrusted€dragonfire crystal‚could power
  9950. ’»(Iceworld)„a mechanoid dragon. Proamon's sun went
  9951. nova a thousandöîKane's exile. When€‹Œ
  9952. told Kane,¹chose„commit suicide.
  9953. /British spaceship sent„Mars.—crewmember, Jim
  9954. Daniels, died.Šother, Carrington, met peaceful radioactive
  9955. aliens,‘asked„pave€wayœ«Ambassadors. But€
  9956. xenophobic Carrington°ß€Ambassadors„try„start a
  9957. ìô£‰€aliens.
  9958. /British spaceship sent„Mars. Its crew, astronauts Lefee
  9959. ‰Michaels,ƒreplaced‡€radioactiveÇAmbassadors.
  9960. /One of€known weaknesses of€Sontarans. ItŽ
  9961. *Sont
  9962. a small aperture¢€backs of«necks, needed„recharge
  9963. «life force¦outside«regular enviroment. Hal, a
  9964. Wessex archer,–Linx‡shooting¤arrow®’probic
  9965. vent. Leela–a Sontaran‡throwing a knife®’
  9966. probic vent.
  9967. /Dr Cook's assistant.
  9969. |Title borne‡Neman of Traken.
  9970. /Dalek nameœ«plan„release Earth's
  9971. molten core‰replace²ša power system.
  9972. /First Elder of€Aridians.­yielded„€
  9973. Daleks' threat,‰agreed„hand over€©Doctor.
  9974. /Missiles stored at Sea Base Four.
  9975. /Sergeant¢€Soviet commando, led‡Captain Sorin,
  9976. µinfiltrated Northumberland„steal€Ultima Machine 'core'.
  9977. Ž–‡€Haemovores.
  9978. /One of€¬Lords' colleges;«coloursƒ
  9979. red‰gold.ŠDoctor, Drax, Chanceller Goth‰presumably,
  9980. Borusa‰€Master,ƒPrydonians.
  9981. /Circusò‡Kingpin, also known›€
  9982. Greatest Show¢€Galaxy. On€ºSegonax,²Žtaken
  9983. over‡€Gods of Ragnarok,‘ß²„fill«unholy
  9984. cravingœentertainment. ItŽheld¢a grip of fear‡€
  9985. evil Chief Clown‰’robotic clowns,µ™been
  9986. designed‡Bellboy. Its founder, Kingpin,™become a brain
  9987. damaged labourer called Deadbeat.ŠPsychic CircusŽ
  9988. ۇ€‹Œ‰Ace,‘ÿ€Gods
  9989. of Ragnarok. A cured Kingpinå„launch a new circus
  9990. šMags.
  9991. /To counteract€Mentiads'
  9992. psychic powers, Mr FibulißVollium‰Madronite 1-5
  9993. crystals which,¦refined,™€ability„interfereš
  9994. mental power. ItŽrendered ineffective¦K-9 mark II set
  9995. up a counterinterference†€wavelength of 337.98 microsbars.
  9998. /Science߇€©Œ„dealš€
  9999. Sensorites.
  10000. /London street耸Œstarted
  10001. €ØFire of 1666.
  10002. /Member of€Nosferatu crew sold‡Glitz.Ž
  10003. –‡Kaneî¹went®€Restricted Zone.
  10004. /21stÄpolitical movement whose goals
  10005. ƒ„abandon space exploration‰retrench„Earth.
  10006. It­led„€worldwide adoption of T-Mat.
  10007. /Placeè€Varosian rebelsƒpublicly
  10008. tortured.ŠSixth Doctor, Jondar,‰AretaÕ¢
  10009. escaping¶it.
  10010. /Section of€Varosian Punishment Domeè
  10011. perceptionsƒdistorted‡deadly hallucinations.
  10012. /The overriding purpose of€VirusŽ„swarm
  10013. ‰multiply.
  10014. /Company's senior tax collectorœMegrospolis
  10015. Three†Pluto.
  10016. /The©ŒÉ€Ÿ‰€Monk at€
  10017. ·of€construction of Kephren's Pyramid, circa 2600 BC.
  10018. Šgodlike Osirian SutekhŽprisoner inside a pyramid†
  10019. Earth, somehow prevented¶leaving‡€Eye of Horus,µ
  10020. Žkept inside a pyramid†Mars.
  10021. /Drugµenabled€Company's workers„do
  10022. without sleep.
  10023. /On burn-out a Q star creates Quad magnetism,€only
  10024. forceš€ability„shield anti-matter. Also see
  10026. /Young member of€Happiness Patrol†Terra Alpha.
  10027. Žonce known›Susan L‰liked blues music.befriended
  10028. Ace,‰¿ˆ‰€‹Œsupport€revolution
  10029. µãoverthrew Helen A's regime.‰Earl Sigma¡
  10030. began teaching€blues„€newly liberated population.
  10031. /The only force capable of shielding anti-matter.
  10032. ItŽgenerated‡a Q star burning out,¥decayed rapidly.
  10033. Omegaß²„try„take over€¸˜body.
  10034. /TARDIS component exchanged‡€Ë‰
  10035. €¸Doctor.
  10036. /Component of€hyperspatial engineµ
  10037. propelled Murray's galactic tour bus. ItŽbroken¢€crash,
  10038. ¥€‹Œgrew a replacement.
  10039. /DeadlyÖservants߇€Dominators. Rago‰
  10040. Tobaßthem¢«plan„turn Dulkis®radioactive
  10041. waste,¥they­ran out of powerîtrying„
  10042. capture or destroy€ªŒ‰’Dulcian friends.
  10043. /See PJX 18.
  10044. /Quasar investigated‡€¬Lords.
  10045. /Famous British rocket scientist,
  10046. head of€British Rocket Group.™several close encounters
  10047. šÇphenomena.Žknown„Rachel Jensen‰
  10048. Allison Williams.
  10049. /Shockeye's tribe.
  10050. /Queen of€Spiders of Metebelis 3.plotted
  10051. õ€ØOne,‰çcontrol of Sarah Jane Smith„
  10052. get€Blue Crystal.´¦€¨Œ‰
  10053. K'anpo freed Sarah.
  10054. /Name given‡Jackson's crew„«mission of finding
  10055. €P7E‰€Minyan Race Banks. Their motto was: 'The Quest
  10056. is€Quest'.
  10057. /Member of€Macra-dominated space colony‰Ž
  10058. Medok's friend.
  10059. /Police constable‘assisted€“Œ¢’
  10060. battleõMagnus Greel‰€Tong of€Black Scorpion.
  10061. /See OAK.
  10062. /Sadistic Varosian arch-interrogator,‰designer of€
  10063. Punishment Dome. ItŽ¹‘™designed a nuclear
  10064. bombardment technology capable of transmogrifying aýbody®
  10065. ¤animal shape.™become partially disfigured›a result
  10066. of’dangerous experiments. Quillam conspiredš€Chief
  10067. Officer„help Sil keep Zyton-7 prices low.Ž–‡deadly
  10068. vines while pursuing€Sixth Doctor.
  10069. /Minister of Technology‰Space
  10070. Development.™secretly conspiredšGeneral Carrington„
  10071. keep€arrival of€radioactiveÇAmbassadors secret,
  10072. because¹wanted Britain„…€first„benefit¶such a
  10073. contact. Carrington°forced•of€aliens„kill
  10074. him.
  10075. /Deputy governor of Vulcan.¿€ªŒ
  10076. save€colony¶€Daleks.Ž­ïgovernor
  10077. îHensell's death.
  10078. /Dr Lawrence's deputy at€Wenley Moor
  10079. *Quin
  10080. atomic research station.Ž€first„discover€
  10081. Silurians,‰developed a relationshipš€Old Silurian.
  10082. Because¹wanted„become a famous scientist¹kept²a secret,
  10083. except¶Miss Dawson, hampering€¨˜
  10084. investigations.°Û€Young Silurian,‘
  10085. ­–him.
  10086. /Aºvisited‡€Doctor.
  10087. /Wizardly name conferred upon€¨Œ‡
  10088. Miss Hawthorne.
  10089. /Location of€Tinclavic Minesè€Terileptils sent
  10090. «Outcasts.
  10091. /Monster whose brain™been enhanced‡Crozier.ŠSixth
  10092. Œ–„defend himself.
  10093. /Gold cylinders containing all€genetic heritage of
  10094. Minyos,µ™been placed aboard teh P7E.Šship's insane
  10095. computer,€Oracle,ßthem„create€races of€Seers,
  10096. €Guards‰€Trogs„serve¢€Underworld. Thanks„
  10097. €“˜help,€Race Banksƒtaken away¶€
  10098. Oracle‰returned„Jackson,‘çthem back„Minyos II.
  10099. /See RAY.
  10101. |See JENSEN, RACHEL.
  10102. /Radiation is generally harmful„humans‰most aliens.
  10103. Among its effect are death and, over a period of·mutation.
  10104. For example,€radioactivityò†Skaro‡€neutronic
  10105. warsŽultimately responsibleœmany horrible mutations,›well
  10106. ›€final shapes of both€Ÿ‰€Thals.Š
  10107. Mondasian ƒespecially vulnerable„radiation.
  10108. ŠKraalsƒforced„abandon«homeºof Oseidon
  10109. because of radioactivity.
  10110.    Some life forms, however, thrived†radiation.Šso-called
  10111. 'Ambassadors of Death'ƒradioactive aliens. Radiation
  10112. enabled Eldrad€Kastrian„regenerate.ŠUsurian
  10113. Controller of Pluto maintained’pseudo-human form through
  10114. stratified particle radiation.ŠFoamasi could live¢
  10115. highly radioactive enviroments.
  10116.   Š¬Lords™greater tolerance„radiation than humans,
  10117. although€¨˜regenerationŽtriggered‡¤over-
  10118. exposure„radiation.ŠSash of RassilonŽdesigned„
  10119. protect its wearerõ€effects of€deadly energies
  10120. generated‡€Eye of Harmony.
  10121.    Finally,€Dominators looked upon radioactivity›a natural
  10122. resource‰turned planets®radioactive waste¢order„
  10123. power«space fleet. Also see MUTATIONS,‰MINERALSœ
  10124. various radioactive materials.
  10125. /Commander¢charge of€T-Mat system,‰Gia Kelly's
  10126. superior.assisted€ªŒ¢’Êõ€
  10127. Ice Warriors‰«Seeds of Death. After€Martians'
  10128. defeat,¹agreedš¾Eldred‚alternative methods
  10129. of transport (such›rocketships) needed„…developed.
  10130. /One of€Viking raidersÿ‡Wulnoth's
  10131. Saxons.
  10132. /Three mysterious, powerful entities¶€
  10133. ºSegonax‘çcontrol of€Psychic Circus‰ß²
  10134. „fill«unholy cravingœentertainment. They controlled€
  10135. Circusê€avatar of aýfamily (Dad, Mum‰€Little
  10136. Girl),‰through€evil Chief Clown‰its deadly robotic
  10137. clowns.Š‹Œÿthem‡turning«own
  10138. powerõthemš€help of€Gods meddallion.
  10139. /One of€Dominators' navigators.‰’subordinate,
  10140. Toba,ƒsent„Dulkis„turn€º®radioactive
  10141. waste„repower«fleet.Ð¢¤explosion caused‡
  10142. «own atomic seeding bomb,µ™been removed‰placed†
  10143. board«»‡€ªŒ
  10144. /Scientist‘accompanied€£marine
  10145. space corps expedition,µ™been sent„Exxilon„bring
  10146. back parrinium. In spite of€¨˜efforts,¹Ž
  10147. –‡€wild Exxilons.
  10148. /One of Khrisong's men.
  10149. /One of€Moonbase crew.Žturned®a 'zombie'
  10150. ‡€Cybermen.
  10152. |Squire John's elderly servant,–‡€Terileptils.
  10153. /Smithersß«seeds„test€DN6
  10154. insecticide.
  10155. /Saladin's main city.
  10156. /Atlantean priest‘backed€ªŒ¦¹ä
  10157. „expose Zaroff.Ž°stabbed‡€mad scientist.
  10158. /18thÄartist‘painted a portrait of
  10159. Lady Montcalm, aka Cessair of Diplos.
  10160. /One of Magnus Greel's victims.
  10161. /The“Œß€Ãrandomizer„
  10162. equip€Argolin's Tachyon Recreation Generatorša second
  10163. random field frame,¢order„achieve rejuvenating capabilities.
  10164. /Varosian torture device.
  10165. /Deviced built‡€“Œ„randomize€
  10166. TARDIS's jumps,‰therefore݀vengence of€Black
  10167. Guardian.ŠŒ­removed‰ß²„
  10168. reengineer€Leisure Hive's Tachyon Recreation Generator so‚
  10169. ²could rejuvenate€Argolins.
  10170. /Chief Science officer of€Frontios colony,‰Norma's
  10171. father.¿€¸Œexpose‰ž€
  10172. Tractators.
  10173. /Renegade female¬Lord. It is possible‚she
  10174. visited India at•·¯ˆtravels, sinceˆname means
  10175. 'reigning queen'.Ža master biologist, completely amoral,
  10176. ‰interested only¢€fate ofˆexperiments.attended
  10177. €same¬Lord University›€Œ‰€Master,‰
  10178. allegedly turned mice®giant monsters‘devoured€
  10179. President's pet cat, resulting¢ˆexile¶Gallifrey.
  10180.   ŠRani­enslaved€population of Miasimia Goria.
  10181. To increase«productivity, she gave them a drugµinstead
  10182. deprived them of sleep‰turned them®savages. To cure€
  10183. problem, she travelled„£„steal€brain fluids‚
  10184. enable humans„sleep, planning„feed them„€Miasimians. By
  10185. so doing,€RaniŽindirectly responsibleœcausing a number
  10186. of violent episodes throughoutýhistory:€Trojan War,€
  10187. Dark Ages,€Americanëof Independance‰€Luddite
  10188. Uprisings. Her latter visit causedˆ„run afoul of both€
  10189. Sixth Doctor,‰€Master.Štwo renegade¬Lords entered
  10190. ®¤uneasy alliance,¥ƒstill outwitted‡€Doctor,
  10191. ‘sent them both spinning®€outer fringes of€universe¢
  10192. €Rani's TARDIS.
  10193.   ŠRani¡çover Lakertya, controlling its weak-willed
  10194. populationš€help ofˆnew allies,€four-eyed Tetraps.
  10195. ç€Lakertyans'ÔBeyus,‰’daughter, Sarn,
  10196. hostage‰kept€other Lakertyans submissive‡threatening„
  10197. release a swarm of deadly insects.ŠRaniùeleven of€
  10198. greatest intellects¢€universe‰combined them®a giant
  10199. Brain.also caused€Sixth˜Ã„crash†
  10200. Lakertya, triggering’regeneration.plotted„launch a
  10201. Loyhargil rocket„blow up¤asteroidïup of Strange Matter.
  10202. Šresulting explosion would have turned€Brain®a planet-
  10203. sized¬Manipulator,šµshe could have recreated€
  10204. universe.Š‹Œincited€Lakertyans„revolt,
  10205. ‰tricked€Rani‡inducing schizophrenia¢€Brain.
  10206. caused€rocket„miss€asteroid.ŠRani escaped¢ˆ
  10207. TARDIS,¥Žtaken prisoner‡€Tetraps‘wanted„use
  10208. ˆgenius„help«people.
  10209. /Senior crewman¢charge of€solarium†€Morestran
  10210. spaceship sent„Zeta Minor.Ž–‡Sornson¦€
  10211. scientist turned®a neanderthal-like monster.
  10212. /Leader of€Swampies†Delta Magna's third moon.
  10213. hated€humans‰bought guns¶Rohm-Dutt„attack Thawn's
  10214. methane refinery.fanaticallyÈ¢Kroll's divinity,¥
  10215. Ž­–‡€giant monster.
  10216. /Professor Litefoot's address.
  10217. /British army captain‘Žaide-de-camp„General Smythe.
  10218. È¹Žfightingõ€Germans¢WorldëI. In
  10219. reality,¹Žpart of€ëGames.
  10220. /Radar operator‘first detected Axos.
  10221. /Head of Sales‰DesignsœAuto Plastics, Ltd.
  10222. returned¶€United States„find€companyê
  10223. Nestene control. After¹Žfired‡Managing Director Hibbert,¹
  10224. stumbled upon€Autons' secret.warned UNIT,¥Ž°
  10225. –‡€Autons.
  10226. /Scientist‘workedšDr Fendelman.Žß
  10227. ‡Stael‰turned®€Fendahl Core‡€Fendahl.
  10228. Т‚form¦€“Œ×€Fendahl
  10229. Core‰€Fendahleen.
  10230. /Planet incorporated®Tryst's CET.
  10231. /Fairytale princess encountered‡€ªDoctor,
  10232. Jamie,‰Zoe¢€Land of Fiction.
  10233. /One of€Guards‘À€Seers‰€Oracle¢€
  10234. Underworld.É€“Œ‰Jackson's Minyans.‰
  10235. €UnderworldТ€explosion caused‡€fission
  10236. grenades disguised›€Race Banks,µ€Oracle™intended
  10237. „use„destroy Jackson's ship.
  10238. /Founder of€¬Lords of Gallifrey.Šlegends around
  10239. ’life‰deeds date back„€very origins of€¬Lords,
  10240. ‰are shrouded¢mystery. Rassilon went®a black hole,€
  10241. Eye of Harmony,Åò‡€collapse of Omega's
  10242. supernova,Þit,‰stored²ê€Panopticon, thereby
  10243. providing€¬Lordsša virtually inexhaustable souce of
  10244. energy, capable of meeting€huge demands of·travel.
  10245.    Rassilon alsoò€Rassilon Imprimature, a symbiotic
  10246. nucleas contained within€¬Lords' genes‚Žsomehow
  10247. connectedš«ability„withstand€molecular
  10248. destabilization caused‡·travel,‰„achieve quasi-symbiotic
  10249. control of«TARDIS's. Indeed,€Rassilon ImprimatureŽ
  10250. needed„'prime' a TARDIS. Lastly, Rassilonò€three
  10251. symbols of power worn‡€President of€¬Lords:€Coronet
  10252. of Rassilon,µlinked€President's mind„€Matrix‰
  10253. enabled²„bend other minds„’will;€Sash of Rassilon,
  10254. µprotected its wearer¶€deadly energies released‡€
  10255. Eye of Harmony;‰€Rod of Rassilon (orØKey),µ
  10256. controlled€access„€Eye of Harmony itself.
  10257.    Rassilon°contributed various other artefacts„€defences
  10258. of Gallifrey:€Key of Rassilon,µharnessed€energy of
  10259. €Eye of Harmony„power€Demat Gun (Another Key of
  10260. Rassilon gave access„€Matrix);€force fields known›
  10261. €Transduction Barrier,µprotected Gallifrey;‰€
  10262. deadly Silver Nemesis,ïof€living metal validium,‰meant
  10263. „…Gallifrey's ultimate defence. Rassilon is also credited
  10264. šcreating€bow shipsµ×€ØVampires.
  10265. Šbook stolen‡Salyavin,ŠAncient Law of Gallifrey,µ
  10266. contained€secret of Shada's location,Žsaid„…¤artefact
  10267. ò¢€·of Rassilon.
  10268.    Rassilon™much of€¬Lords' history preserved¢
  10269. documents such›€Black Scrolls,‰€Records of
  10270. Rassilon,µß„…kept¢all TARDIS's.
  10271.   ŠHarp of RassilonŽ€secret key„€hidden roomè
  10272. €controls„€so-called Game of Rassilonƒkept. It is not
  10273. known whether RassilonŽresponsibleœstarting or ending this
  10274. cruel habit of using€¬Scoop„snatch beings¶various
  10275. places‰times‰making¡Ê¢€Death Zoneœ€
  10276. ¬Lords' amusement,¥²is known‚’bodyŽ°
  10277. entombed¢a tower located at€very centre of€Death Zone.
  10278. However,’spirit lived on,‰Žable„protect Gallifrey¶
  10279. €megalomania of Borusa‡tricking®accepting€
  10280. immortality of a living statue (An inscription¢€Tomb of
  10281. Rassilon promised true immortality„anyone‘would take€
  10282. Ring¶Rassilon's fingers).
  10283. /Symbiotic nucleus contained within€¬
  10284. Lords' physiology‚is somehow linked„«ability„
  10285. withstand€molecular destabilization caused‡·travel,‰
  10286. „achieve quasi-symbiotic control of«TARDIS's. Indeed,
  10287. €Rassilon ImprimatureŽneeded„'prime' a TARDIS. Sontaran
  10288. Group Marshal Stike allied himselfšChessene„capture€
  10289. ªDoctor, whom theyå„dissect¢order„obtain€
  10290. secret of€Imprimature,¥theyƒí‡€Sixth
  10291. Doctor.
  10292. /One of€most efficient killing machines
  10293. ever devised. It™built-in javelins‰sensors capable of
  10294. detecting any movement,‰could movešlightning speed. A
  10295. RastonÖtransported‡Borusa¢€Death Zone decimated a
  10296. squadron of Cybermen.
  10297. /Magnus Greel mutated a rat„giant size (ten feet
  10298. ¶whiskers„tail)„guard’lair inside€Ùsewers.
  10299. ItŽ–‡€“Doctor.
  10300. /Leader of a British fascist group workingš
  10301. €Daleks.ßMike Smith,‰dug up€Hand of Omega. After
  10302. €Ÿturnedõ¹á«·controller,¥
  10303. Ž–‡€Daleks' Battle Computer›¹ä„escape.
  10304. /See RAVOLOX.
  10305. /Owner of€Killings-worth collieryè
  10306. George Stephenson worked‰œµ¹built€first
  10307. steam-powered locomotive,€Blucher.Û€SixthŒ
  10308. ¶a gang of Luddites‰¿Ê€Ë‰€
  10309. Rani.
  10310. /Alternative nameœEarth. When€SixthŒfirst set
  10311. foot†Ravolox,‰learned‚²ŽEarth,¹claimed‚two
  10312. millionö™elapsed; however, historical‰archeological
  10313. evidence make this duration unlikely. This action,µseems„
  10314. have occurred around 14,000, resulted¢considerable death‰
  10315. destruction,¥Žblamed†a freak cosmic phenomenon
  10316. (a fireball).
  10317.   ŠRavalox StratagemŽuncovered five hundredölater,¦
  10318. €SixthŒ‰Peri Visited Ravalox,‰Žpublicly exposed
  10319. ¯€˜trial. Indeed,€ŒŽput†trial
  10320. because€corrupt High Council of GallifreyŽafraid‚¹
  10321. would find out what they™done. On Ravolox,€Œmet€
  10322. tribe of€Free, led‡Katryca.íSabalom Glitz's
  10323. efforts„steal€secrets taken¶€Matrix‡€Sleepers.
  10324. also×Drathro,€immortal֑guarded€
  10325. Sleepers,‰ruled¤underground civilization ofýslaves
  10326. known›UK Habitat.
  10327.    Afterwards,€¬Lords probably moved€Solar System back„
  10328. its original location¢space,貎'rediscovered'.Š
  10329. Ïcaused‡€planetary moveŽstill being explained
  10330. away›€result of a fireball or solar flares,¦£Ž
  10331. reclaimed‡€passengers of€space ark Terra Nova,‰
  10332. ýcolonists¶other planets.
  10333. /Young Kaled general.´¢€Ïof€
  10334. Kaled Dome.
  10335. /The SixthŒtriggered a rayphase shift„
  10336. destroy€Valeyard's Particle Disseminator.
  10337. /GalaxyèUrbankaŽlocated.
  10338. /See KARFEL.
  10339. /One of€Thals sent„Spiridon„stop€Daleks.
  10340. ¿€¨Œfreeze€Daleks' army.Ž
  10341. romantically attracted„Taron.
  10342. /See REVOLUTIONS.
  10343. /Ship attacked‡€Sea Devils.
  10344. /Set of ancient emergency instructionsµ
  10345. ƒonce kept¢every TARDIS. Although€practiseŽ°
  10346. discontinued,€˜Ã™a set,µ€“Œ
  10347. consulted„learn how„ž€ØVampire. These are
  10348. not„…confusedš€SCROLLS OF RASSILON.
  10349. /British spaceship sent„investigate€disappearance
  10350. of Probe 7. Its pilot, astronaut Van Lyden,Žreplaced‡a
  10351. radioactive,ÇAmbassador.
  10352. /British spaceship‚Žflown‡€¨Œ„
  10353. allow„make contactš€radioactive aliens.
  10354. /Space-trap set‡€Ë¢€form of
  10355. Castrovalva, a block transfer computationò‡Adric.
  10356. /See KANGS.
  10357. /TheªŒÛJamie¶€Redcoats¢
  10358. 1746. They°met a fictional Redcoat¢€Land of Fiction.
  10359. A Redcoat armyŽù‡€Warlords, using·
  10360. technology stolen¶€¬Lords.Šsoldiers went†„take
  10361. part¢€ëGames, until theseƒó„a stop‡€
  10362. ª˜intervention.
  10363. /Device߇Meglos„shrink€Dodecahedron.
  10364. /One of€inhabitants of Salamander's Sanctum.
  10365. /Freelance criminal‘Žhired‡General Carrington„
  10366. kidnap€three radioactiveÇAmbassadors.forced€aliens
  10367. „do Carrington's bidding‡denying them€radioactive isotopes
  10368. they needed„survive. Later,¹wanted„use€aliensœ’
  10369. own gain.Ž­Þ‡Brigadier Lethbridge-
  10370. Stewart.
  10371. /Medical doctor of Devil's End.
  10372. /Young Alzarian Outler.Ž–‡€Marshmen.
  10373. /Race of super-strong, peace loving, invisible aliens
  10374. living†ºRefusis.ŠRefusians' invisibilityŽ€result
  10375. of a mutation caused‡solar flares.ŠRefusians¿€
  10376. ©Œthwart Monoid One's plans„destroy€ýrace,
  10377. ‰­welcomed both Humans‰Monoids†«planet.
  10378. /PlanetµŽ€destination of€Ark,‰µ
  10379. ultimatelyÍa new home„both Humans‰Monoids,î€
  10380. ©Œ¿put¤end„€hostilitiesô€two
  10381. races.
  10382. /Sister of Arak‰Tuar†Metabelis 3.Žfreed¶
  10383. €Spiders¦€Ø—died.
  10384. /The¬Lords of Galifreyƒable„regenerate,
  10385. ‰thus extend«lives. Regenerations could…triggered
  10386. accidentally,‰such actions led„€˜fourth, fifth,
  10387. sixth,‰seventh incarnations;›a result of€normal ageing
  10388. process (which led„€˜second incarnation);‡¬
  10389. Lord decree (which led„€˜third incarnation);‰
  10390. some regenerations could seemingly…triggered at will (such›
  10391. Romana's first regeneration).
  10392.   Šnumber of regenerations appeared„…limited (perhaps
  10393. arbitrarily?)„twelve.ŠËran out of regenerations,¥
  10394. ȹcould start a new cycle‡tapping€power¶€
  10395. Eye of Harmony. Thwarted‡€Doctor,¹áTremas of
  10396. Traken's body„continue’existence. However, since¹
  10397. Ž°offered a new cycle of regenerations‡€Council of
  10398. ¬Lords¦asked„rescue€Œ¶€Dead Zone,
  10399. €twelfth regeneration was, presumably, not necessary€final
  10400. endœa¬Lord.ŠValeyardŽexposed›€amalgamation of
  10401. €˜darker side,ô’twelfth‰final
  10402. regeneration.
  10403.    RomanaŽable„switchôdifferent forms rapidly¯
  10404. ˆregenerationæ²Ídefinitive,µindicates‚
  10405. €¬Lords may have™a certain degree of control over€
  10406. regeneration process.Štrauma of regeneration has been known
  10407. „affect¬Lords' mental balence:€Third, Fourth,
  10408. Sixth,‰Seventh, Doctors behaved erraticallyî
  10409. «regenerations.Š¸Œneeded€isolation of€
  10410. TARDIS's zero roomî’regeneration. Borusa may have
  10411. become utterly megalomanicalîa regeneration.
  10412.    Certain¬Lords appeared„have€power„foresee«
  10413. coming regeneration,‰„create a solid, mental projection of
  10414. themselvesµŽcapable of independant action. K'Anpo did this
  10415. šCho-Je,‰€“Œdid€sameš€
  10416. Watcher.
  10417.    Other races capable of regeneration included: Mawdryn‰’
  10418. fellow aliens,‘™stolen a metamorphic symbiosis regenerator
  10419. ¶€¬Lords‰ƒdoomed„live¢a state of perpetual
  10420. regeneration:€silicon-based Kastrians,‘could
  10421. regenerate, provided they™enough energy‰«genetic code;
  10422. €Minyans,‘™obtained€technique¶€¬
  10423. Lords;€Xeraphin‘™merged®•single collective
  10424. intelligence.ŠArgolinsß«Tachyon Recreation
  10425. Generator„achieve¤artificial form of regeneration.
  10426. Also see IMMORTALITY.
  10427. /Sections of Logopolis.ŠcoreŽ€Central Register,
  10428. µŽa copy of€£Pharos Project, while calculationsƒ
  10429. performed¢€External Registers.
  10430. /Alias߇Steven Taylor¢Tombstone, Arizona.
  10431. /Crewman aboard€Morestran spaceship sent„Zeta Minor.
  10432. Ž–‡Sorenson¦€scientist turned®a neanderthal-
  10433. like monster.
  10434. /See KARTZ.
  10435. /PlanetèGeneral Harmack did’first tour of
  10436. duty. Milo ClanceyŽa bit of a legend there.
  10437. /TheŒhas come¢contactšvarious£
  10438. religions throughout history. In€west,¹Žinvolved¢€
  10439. ¨Crusade‰þcaught up¢€infamous
  10440. St Bartholomew's Day Massacre¢Paris.Šrenegade¬Lord
  10441. known›€Meddling Monk hidê€trappings of a Christian
  10442. monk. Sarah Jane Smith‰K-9 mark IIIÿa cult of
  10443. witches‘worshipped€pagan goddess Hecate.
  10444.   ŠŒvisited Egypt¯€construction of€Ø
  10445. Pyramid,‰°ÉSutekh,•of€ÇOsirians
  10446. worshipped›gods‡€ancient Egyptians.Žalso
  10447. mistakenœZeus¯€Trojan War.Š“Œ
  10448. ÿ€Brothers of Demnos¢San Martino.
  10449.   Š“Œalso came¢contactšoriental religions
  10450. while defending€Tibetan monastery of Det-Senõ€
  10451. ØIntelligence, meeting’mentor K'Anpo,‘Žposing
  10452. ›a Tibetan lama‰fighting·traveller Magnus Greel,‘
  10453. Žposing›€Chinese god Weng-Chiang.
  10454.    In€Americas, Barbaraä„change€Aztecs' bloody
  10455. religion¥failed.Šancient Atlanteans worshipped€Ç
  10456. Kronos,¥«descendants™reverted„offeringý
  10457. sacrifices„€goddess Amdo. In€future,€Tribe of
  10458. €Free worshipped Haldron, god of€Earth.
  10459.    Other aliens worshipped†£›'gods' included€
  10460. Mondasians,€Daemons,€ancient Exxilon,€Osirians,€
  10461. Mandragora Helix, Scaroth, Cessair of Diplos (as€Celtic goddess
  10462. €Cailleach),€Malus, Light‰Fenric. Monarch of Urbanka
  10463. wanted„travel back¢·„meet God.
  10464.    OnÇworlds,€Œcame¢contactša number of
  10465. religionsèprimitiveñworshipped powerful, often
  10466. tyrannical, entities:€Krotons,€Guardian of€Doomsday
  10467. Machine,€Exxilon City, Xoanon,€Oracle,
  10468. Kroll,€Nimon,€Mara‰€Gods of
  10469. Ragnarok.Šmonster AggedorŽþ€object of a cult
  10470. †Peladon.ŠSisterhood of Karn worshipped€
  10471. Sacred Flame.ŠMinyans referred„€¬Lords›
  10472. 'gods'.ŠRibans worshipped€Ice Gods.ŠTigellan
  10473. Deons worshipped€Dodecahedron. On Sarn,€Elders
  10474. worshipped Logar, god of Fire Mountain.ŠMentors praised
  10475. ۯMorgo.
  10476.    Finally, although theyƒnot worshipped›such,€
  10477. Celestial Toymaker‰€Guardians of¬exhibited
  10478. virtually godlike qualities. Also see MAGIC.
  10479. /Lavinia P. Hacken-sack's ancestor,
  10480. poisoned‡Lady Peinforte.
  10481. /See SYLVEST, REMUS.
  10482. /In or around AD 1503,€“Œ‰Sarah
  10483. Jane Smithÿ€Mandragora Helix¢€Dukedom of
  10484. San Martino, Italy,‰¿save€Renaissance. A few
  10485. ölater,€sameŒmet•of Scaroth's twelve splinters,
  10486. Captain Tancredi,¢Leonardo da Vinci's house.ŠMeddling
  10487. Monk once discussed flying machinesšLeonardo.
  10488. /Jules Renan's sister.
  10489. /Frenchman workingšJames Stirling,‘¿
  10490. prisoners of€Conciergerie (including€©˜
  10491. companions)݀guillotine.
  10492. /Name generally given„those¬Lords‘
  10493. refused„obey€rules of Gallifrey,‰left²„pursue
  10494. ambitions of«own. Chief among those are€Doctor,€Ë
  10495. ‰€Rani. Other notorious renegades include€Meddling Monk,
  10496. €ëLords'ëChief, K'Anpo, Drax,
  10497. Salyavin‰Azmael. By refusing„ð„Gallifrey‰
  10498. choosing„remain¢E-Space, RomanaÍa renegade¬Lord.
  10499.    Not all renegade¬Lordsƒvillains.ŠRenegade known†
  10500. £›K'Anpo‰¾Chronotis (aka Salyavin)™
  10501. chosen„retire†Earth. Azmael™chosen„retire†Jaconda.
  10502. ŠShobogans, led‡Nesbin,ƒ¬Lords‘™
  10503. voluntarily renounced«position†Gallifrey.
  10504.    Evil¬Lords‘betrayed«own race included: Omega,
  10505. Morbius, Chancellor Goth, Castellan Kelner,
  10506. Councillor Hedin, and, sadly, President Borusa. Finally,
  10507. €ValeyardŽ€amalgamation of€˜darker side
  10508. ô’twelth‰fial regenerations.
  10509. /Maylin of Karfel‰Vena's father.Ž–‡€
  10510. Borad‰replaced‡Tekker.
  10511. /Name given„€more perfected type of Auton‘could
  10512. pass offœreal people. Replicas included Channing, General
  10513. Scobie‰numerous other famous people. Also see
  10514. DUPLICATES.
  10515. /Intelligent reptilian lifeforms encountered‡€Œ
  10516. included:€Earth-born Silurians‰Sea-Devils;€Martian Ice
  10517. Warriors;€Monoids;€Draconians;€Foamasi;
  10518. €froglike Urbankans;€Terileptils;€Bandrils;
  10519. €Lakertyans‰€Thoros Betans (or Mentors).
  10520. ŠMara߀shape of a snake„materialize,¥Žprimarily
  10521. psychic¢nature.
  10522.    Non-intelligent reptiles included€Didonian Sand Beasts;
  10523. €Exarian lizards impersonated‡€IMC robot;€
  10524. Drashigs;€Earth-born dinosaurs;€Zygons' Skarasen;
  10525. ‰€Karfelon Morlox.
  10526.    Omega's Ergon appeared„share some reptilian features.Š
  10527. BoradŽhalf human, half Morlox. Josiah Samuel Smith appeared
  10528. „have evolved¶¤Çreptilian lifeform.
  10529. /One of Lesterson's assistants†Vulcan.Ž–‡a
  10530. Dalek¦€scientist repowered it.
  10531. /Name given‡Aukon„€altarê€Tower,
  10532. built just aboveè€ØVampire lay buried.
  10533. /Where Kane lived†Iceworld.
  10534. /Name given„€Frontios colonists‘™abandoned
  10535. €colony„live†€outside. CockerillÍ«leader.
  10536. /Old lighthouse keeper of Fang Rock‘È¢€
  10537. *Reub
  10538. ðof€Beast.Ž–‡€Rutan,‘ç’form
  10539. „Ê€“Doctor.
  10540. /Captain of€Frontios colony.Žù‡€
  10541. Tractators. They attached„«excavating machine,µ
  10542. ­drainedof’life.
  10543. /TheŒ¿manyýrebellionsõý
  10544. tyrants, such as: Salamander; Magnus Greel; Queen Xanxia;
  10545. Lady Adrasta; Varos' Chief Officer;‰Helen A.
  10546. Š©Œvisited France¯its Revolution.Š
  10547. ªŒÉalongside American Civilësoldiers¯
  10548. ۑGames.
  10549.   ŠŒhas also¿men overthrowÇoppressors such as:
  10550. €Daleks;€Monoids;€Macra;€Warlords;€Spiders of
  10551. Metebelis 3; Xoanon;€Sunmakers;€Nimon;€ØVampire;€
  10552. Tractators;‰Drathro.
  10553.    Occasionally,€Œhas taken€aliens' sideõmen;
  10554. ¹aided:€Sensorites;€Fishmen of Atlantis;€
  10555. Kinda„revoltõ«ýenslavers.
  10556.    In other cases,€Œhas¿•race„Ê€
  10557. oppression of another race, or„overthrow a tyrannical entity;
  10558. ¹aided:€Menopteraõ€Zarbi;€Xeronsõ€
  10559. Moroks;€Savagesõ€Elders;€Gondsõ
  10560. €Krontons;€Spiridonsõ€Daleks;€
  10561. Exxilonõ€City;€Trogsõ€Seers;
  10562. €JacondansõMestor;€Cryonsõ€
  10563. Cybermen;€Karfelonsõ€Borad;€Thoros-
  10564. Alphansõ€Mentors;‰€Lakertyansõ€
  10565. Rani.
  10566.   ŠShobogansƒ¬Lords‘rebelledõ€
  10567. established order of Gallifrey.
  10568. /Capital of Iceland. In€51st century,²Žfirst
  10569. €location of€peaceful Icelandic Alliance,¡°€
  10570. location of€battle¢µ€evil Supreme AllianceŽ
  10571. overthrown.ŠŒclaimed„have taken part¢‚battle.
  10572. /Taran prince‘Žscheduled„…crowned King of Tara.
  10573. *Rey
  10574. Count Grendelä„kill him,¥¹Žsaved‡€“
  10575. Doctor.ended up marrying Princess Strella.
  10576. /Police superintendent at Gatwick Airport.
  10577. /Contraction of 'residents',€nicknameߜ€old
  10578. ñ‘still lived¢Paradise Towers.
  10579. /Senior virologist aboard€Ark‘¿€©Œ
  10580. find a cureœDodo's cold virus.
  10581. /See FROYN.
  10582. /Inhabitants of Ribos. Theyƒa medieval people, steeped
  10583. ¢superstition,‰™little knowledge of€Universe.
  10584. /Planet located¢€constellation of Skythra;²Žpart
  10585. of€Cyrennic Empire. ItŽ116 parsecs away¶Cyrennis
  10586. Minima‰three light centuries away¶€Magellanic Clouds.
  10587. Itç64 localö„complete its elliptical orbit around
  10588. €sun,µmeant‚its seasons (Ice¬‰Sun Time) lasted
  10589. 32öeach. Because its civilizationŽstill¢€medieval
  10590. stages, RibosŽclassified‡€Alliance›a Grade-3 planet,
  10591. ‰Žprotected¶Çinterference. It principal cityŽ
  10592. Shurr. Galactic con artists Garron‰Unstoffeä„sell Ribos
  10593. œten million opeks„€Graff Vynda-K, using a lump of
  10594. jethrikµturned out„…a segment of€Key„¬œ
  10595. bait. Eventually, Garron‰€“Œjoined forces„
  10596. ž€Graff,‘Т€Riban Catacombs.
  10597. /See MAYNARDE, RICHARD.
  10598. /(aka THE LIONHEART) King of England, third son of
  10599. *Rich
  10600. King Henry II‰Eleanor of Aquitaine,‘lived¶1157„1199.
  10601. set out†€¨Crusade¢1189,¥lack of harmonyô
  10602. ‰Philip II, King of France,­doomed€enterprise.
  10603. returned„Europeîmaking a trucešSaladin, leaving
  10604. Jerusalem¢€Saracens' hands.metš€©Doctor,‰
  10605. nemed Ian Knight of Jaffa.
  10606. /Young boy‘ŽSarah Jane Smith's Aunt
  10607. Lavinia's ward.lived¢Moreton Harwood. Because€local crops
  10608. ƒnot faring well,€cult of Hecate wanted„sacrifice Brendan,
  10609. ¥Žstopped‡Sarah Jane Smith‰K-9 mark III.
  10610. /UNIT lieutenant‘ÀêBrigadier Bambera¯
  10611. €battle at CarburyõMorgaine.Žheading€
  10612. Salamander 6-0 convoy,‰Ž–‡€Sorceress.
  10613. /First mate of€Mary Celeste.
  10614. /Crewmember of Captain Maitland's»¢orbit
  10615. around€Sense-Sphere. Theyƒheld captive‡€Sensorites.
  10616. Thanks„€©˜efforts, sheŽ­allowed
  10617. „ð„Earth,îhaving promised„protect€secret of
  10618. €Sensorites' existence.
  10619. /Royal Navy lieutenant commander¢charge of a
  10620. submarine sent‡Captain Hart„investigate€Sea Devils. His
  10621. boatŽÞ‡them,¥€¨Œ¿
  10622. escape.
  10623. /Satellite around Vita 15‰Lytton's birthplace.
  10624. /Shobogan‘¿€“Œõ€Sontarans.
  10625. /Rig DŽ•of€Euro-Sea Gas Corporation's off-shore
  10626. rigs. ItŽ•of€first„feel€effects of€Weed's
  10627. attack. Its chief, Carney, calledœDr Patterson.ŠZygons'
  10628. Skarasen×three oil rigs off€coast of Scotland.
  10629. /Captain of€Empress. His»crashed®€Hecate¦
  10630. both ships emerged simultaneously¶hyperspace above€º
  10631. Azure. Tryst hooked†vraxoin. Rigg°attacked Romana,‰
  10632. Ž–‡Fisk.
  10633. /Confederate corporal‘ȹŽfighting¢€
  10634. American Civil War. In reality,¹Žpart of€ëGames.
  10635. Ž­returned„’properú¢·‰space‡€
  10636. ¬Lords.
  10637. /Highly civilized, peaceful, telepathic aliens whose form
  10638. Žvery ugly„men. A Rill»Žattacked‡€Drahvins, led
  10639. ‡Maaga. Both ships crashlanded†a doomedº¢Galaxy Four.
  10640. With€help of«robotic 'Chumblies'‰€©Doctor,
  10641. €Rillsƒable„Ý¢time.
  10642. /A Zygon.
  10644. |Peladonian trisilicate miner. When Ettis proposed„destroy
  10645. Queen Thalira's palaceš€sonic lance,¹ä„stop him,
  10646. ¥Ettis–him.
  10647. /One of€lamas of Det-Sen Monastery.
  10648. /An inscription¢€Tomb of Rassilon promised
  10649. true immortality„anyone‘would take€Ring¶Rassilon's
  10650. fingers. Borusa did,‰Žgranted€immortality of a living
  10651. stature.
  10652. /Controller of International Space Command Headquarters‘
  10653. Ž¢charge¦€MoonbaseŽattacked‡€Cybermen.
  10654. /Founding member of€Psychic Circus.Žweakly
  10655. following€Chief Clown's orders.‰Morganaƒ­
  10656. sacrificed„€Gods of Ragnarok‡€Chief Clown.
  10657. /Western outlaw notedœ’deadly fast draw.
  10658. Žhired‡€Clantons„help themõEarp‰Doc Holiday.
  10659. Š©Œclaimed‚Holiday shot¯€gunfight
  10660. at€OK Corral†26th October 1881. Ringo must have survived,
  10661. since historical records show‚¹´nine months later,
  10662. †14th July 1882.
  10663. /Captain Brigg's manifest officer.Žsecretly¢
  10664. €Cybermen's pay,‰óthem aboard€space freighter
  10665. ›cargo.Ž–‡€Cyber Leader.
  10666. /One of Varga's Ice Warrior crewóback„life
  10667. ¢AD 3000.
  10668. /Frontios orderly.
  10669. /Personnel at€Control Building of Space Special Security.
  10670. /Wing commander‘¿ž€Cyberman Invasion.
  10671. /Boatman‘瀨Œ‰Jo Grant„
  10672. €islandè€ËŽkept prisoner.
  10673. /Wenley Moor technician‘suffered a mental breakdown.
  10674. Žaccidentally–‡Major Baker.
  10676. |Member of€Imperial£Expedition Force„Deva
  10677. Loka‘disappeared.
  10678. /(1758-94) French lawyer,‰•
  10679. of€prime movers of€French Revolution.Š©Œ‰
  10680. ’Òcould not prevent’arrest,‰¹Žguillotined
  10681. †28th July 1794.
  10682. /UNIT private whose mental sanityŽpertubed while
  10683. fighting€Silurians.´¦¹jumped®a chasm.
  10684. /One of Sir Charles Grover's assistants¢Operation
  10685. Golden Age.
  10686. /Humans controlled‡€Ÿthrough electronic pulses
  10687. channelled„«brains through a headset.ŠŸßthem
  10688. ¯«AD 2164 Invasion of Earth.
  10689. /Pathological fear of robots, also known›Grimwold's
  10690. Syndrome,µcould cause catatonia‰even suicide. Its victims
  10691. saw robots›walking dead men. Poul‰Zilda'sÜsuccumbed„
  10692. acute robophobia.
  10693. /Sentient robotic races included:€human-created
  10694. Mechanoids‰Super-Vocs;€Çandroids known›€
  10695. Movellans;‰Monarch's androids (who all™realý
  10696. memories stored†silicon chips).
  10697.    Sentient individual robots included: K-9;¾Kettlewell's
  10698. K-1 Giant Robot;€ÇKamelion;‰€Andromedan
  10699. L-3, Drathro.
  10700.    A number of androidsƒdesigned„impersonate sentient
  10701. lifeforms‰could therefore duplicate€appearance of independant
  10702. thought,¥ƒprobably not 'alive'. These included:€Kraals'
  10703. androids;€Tarans' androids; Sharaz Jek's androids;
  10704. ‰Bellboy's robotic clowns‰Bus Conductor. Other androids
  10705. ¢€same category included€Dracula‰Frankenstein Monster
  10706. robots;€Dalek-built replica of€©Doctor;€
  10707. Terileptils' 'Grim Reaper';€Raston Robot;€
  10708. Cybermen's androids;‰€Borad's blue-skinned android.
  10709.    Non-sentient robots programmed only„serve«creators‰
  10710. incapable of sentience or independant thought included:€Rills'
  10711. 'Chumblies'; WOTON'sëMachines;€ØIntelligence's
  10712. Yeti;€Dominators' Quarks;€Servo-Robot;€
  10713. White Robots‰Clockwork Soldiers of€Land of Fiction;
  10714. IMC's mining robot; Linx'sÖknight; Styre's robot;
  10715. Sutekh's 'mummies' (or servicers);€Captain of Zanak's
  10716. parrotlike polyphase avatron;€axe-wielding Gundans;
  10717. Drathro's service robot;€Paradise Towers' cleaners;
  10718. ‰Iceworld's Dragon.Šso-called 'Robots of Death'ƒ
  10719. divided®Dums, Vocs‰Super-Vocs. Only€last two
  10720. categories could talk,‰only€Super-Vocs could…said„have
  10721. achieved sentience.
  10722.    Robots‘did not fit¢any of€above categories included:
  10723. €Hand of Omega;€Kandy Man;‰€Silver Nemesis.
  10725. /Controller of€Euro-Sea Gas North Sea refinery
  10726. µŽattacked‡€Weed.first mistook€ªŒ
  10727. œa saboteur,‰constantly refused„heed Harris's‰Van
  10728. Lutyen's advice„turn off€gas supply.­fellê
  10729. €Weed's control,¥Žfreed‡€˜intervention.
  10730. /Charles Gordon's secretary at Gatwick Airport¦
  10731. €ªŒÉ€Chameleons.
  10732. /Hovercraft pilot‘mistook€ªŒœ
  10733. Salamander.
  10734. /(aka THE GREAT KEY) An ebonite staff,•of€
  10735. three symbols of power worn‡€President of€High Council of
  10736. ¬Lords of Gallifrey. Its secret functionŽ„enable its
  10737. bearer„release€Eye of Harmony.ŠËß²„absorb
  10738. enough energy¶€Eye of Harmony„prolong’life,‰
  10739. þdoomed Gallifrey.Š“Œheld²¦¹
  10740. Žproclaimed President.
  10741. /Female¬Lord¢charge of space-time traffic control
  10742. ¦GallifreyŽinvaded‡€Vardans‰€Sontarans.
  10743. befriended Leela‰¿€“Œrepel€invaders.
  10744. /Tower Guard†€ØVampire's world.
  10745. /Device employed‡€Gallifreyan Chancellery
  10746. Guard.
  10747. /Exarius colonist.
  10748. /Captain Hopper's»engineer†¾Parry's
  10749. expedition„Telos.Ž–‡€Cybermen.
  10750. /See LYCETT.
  10751. /One of Chellak's men.
  10752. /Gun smuggler‘Žsecretly paid‡Thawn„deliver
  10753. non-functional guns„€Swampies, thus justifying Thawn's
  10754. extermination policies.Ž–‡Kroll.
  10755. /King of Kastria.ordered Eldrad's deathî€
  10756. Kastrian villain׀force field barriersµprotected
  10757. ’world. He, like all€other Kastrians,¡chose„die
  10758. rather than someday…forced„submit„Eldrad's rule¢€
  10759. event of’return.
  10760. /ShortœROMANADVORATRELUNDAR.—of€“˜
  10761. *Rom
  10762. companions.Ža 140-year-old¬Lord‘Ženlisted‡€
  10763. White Guardian (posing›€President of€High Council)„help
  10764. €“Œ†’quest„gather€six segments of€Key
  10765. „Time. During‚time, sheɀGraff Vynda-K†Ribos,€
  10766. Captain of Zanak‰Vivien Fay. On Tara, sheŽÞ‡Count
  10767. Grendel because sheŽ¤exact double of Princess Strella. On Delta
  10768. Magna's moon, sheŽoffered‡€Swampies›a sacrifice„
  10769. Kroll. Finally,†Atrios, sheɀShadow‰¿assemble
  10770. €Key„Time.
  10771.    Romana¡chose„regenerate and,îa short period of
  10772. instability, settled†€form of Princess Astra of Atrios.
  10773. In‚guise, she¿€“ŒÊ€Ÿ‰€
  10774. Movellans, Scaroth, Lady Adrasta,€Mandrels,€Nimon, Skagra,
  10775. Pangol,€Foamasi, Meglos,€Marshmen‰€ØVampire.
  10776. Even though sheŽordered„ð„Gallifrey, she chose„
  10777. remain¢E-SpacešK-9 mark II„help€TharilsÊslavery.
  10778. Sometime¯«ÊõSkagra¢Cambridge,
  10779. Romana‰€“ŒÍtrapped¢a·eddy caused‡
  10780. €malfunctioning of Borusa's·scoop. Theyƒfreed‡
  10781. Rassilon'sÚî€other four Doctors™exposed
  10782. Borusa.
  10783. /The©Œvisited€Eternal City¢€year AD 64
  10784. ‰even¼inpired Nero„start€ØFire of
  10785. Rome. A Roman LegionŽù‡€Warlords, using·
  10786. technology stolen¶€¬Lords.Šsoldiers went†„take
  10787. part¢€ëGames.
  10788. /See SYLVEST, ROMULUS.
  10789. /See ARC OF INFINITY.
  10791. |Varosian guard, secretly sone of Jondar's rebels.Ž
  10792. –while helping€Sixth Doctor, Peri‰Jondarݶ
  10793. €Punishment Dome.
  10794. /Captain¢€Federation squadron, led‡General Chellak,
  10795. sent„Androzani Minor.Þ€¸Œ‰Peri,¥
  10796. Ž°–¢¤ambush set up‡Stotz.
  10797. /Senior Kaled researcher.saved€“Œ¶
  10798. being–‡a prototype Dalek,‰went†„betray Davros.
  10799. Ž°–‡€Daleks.
  10800. /Captain of a privateer ship.traded¢time-sensitive
  10801. Tharil slaves. His navigator, Biroc,睄€Zero Point
  10802. ôN-Space‰E-Space,¡ß€Tharil gateway„
  10803. Ý®E-Space. Against€“˜advice, Rorvikä
  10804. „break through€Gateway.­ß€backblast of’
  10805. ship's engines,¥€energyŽbounced back‡€Gateway's
  10806. mirrors,‰×Rorvik‰’ship.
  10807. /Sarn Unbeliever‘climbed€Fire Mountain. He,
  10808. Amyand‰Sorastaƒarrested‡Timanov's men‰ƒcondemned
  10809. „…sacrificed„€Fire Mountain.¿€¸Œ
  10810. ž€Master.
  10811. /Phoney Italian, real name Lew Russell.owned€
  10812. International Circusè€Ërematerialiesedæ
  10813. preparing„Ê€¨Doctor. Under€Master's thrall,¹
  10814. ¿€evil¬Lord summon€Nestene back„Earth. Later,
  10815. ¹‰’men attacked€Œ‰Jo Grant.
  10816. /Captain of San Martino's guards.ÀCount Federico.
  10817. After Federico's death,¹Žarrested‡’own men.
  10818. /Cryon‘saved Peri¶€Cybermen.
  10819. /One of€five Galsec Seven colonists stranded†£
  10820. circa AD 15,000,î«»™been×while answering
  10821. a fake Mayday signal.ŠSontaran Styre performed cruelÎ
  10822. †„determine€limits ofýresistance,‰left„
  10823. die of thirst.
  10824. /Frenchman‘Žtrying„Ý€guillotine¦¹
  10825. stumbled upon€©Œ‰’companions.
  10826. /Mr Brownrose's superior.
  10827. /Pat Rowlinson's wife.™been blind until
  10828. sheŽcured‡Morgaine.
  10829. /Owner of€Gore Crow Hotel near Carbury.‰
  10830. ’wife, Elizabeth,ƒevacuated‡½¯€battleô
  10831. €‹Doctor,½‰Morgaine.
  10832. /Policeman‘arrested Forester‰Smithers.
  10833. /Telephone operator.Ísuspicious of€
  10834. strange going-ons at Smither's house,‰alertedˆhusband, Bert.
  10835. /The“Œdeclined¤
  10836. invitation„address them.
  10837. /Institution whose resourcesƒßõ
  10838. €Daleks.
  10839. /The press conference announcing WOTON's
  10840. creationŽheld here.
  10841. /Member of Rorvik's crew.´¦€privateer's»
  10842. Ždestroyed.
  10843. /Kindly, eccentric,‰very near-sighted scientist,
  10844. ù‰taken„€12thćLinx,‘wanted‰
  10845. other scientists helprepair’ship.¿€¨
  10846. ŒžLinx‰returned„’own·via Linx's Osmic
  10847. projector.
  10848. /19thÄBritish miner whose brain fluidsƒ
  10849. stolen‡€Rani.Žcompelled‡€Ë„attack€
  10850. Sixth Doctor,‰fell„’death¢a mine shaft.
  10851. /Security Officer of€Hyperion III space liner. Because¹
  10852. knew¹Žsoon„…retired,¹plottedš€two Mogarians,
  10853. Atza‰Otezo,„hijack€»‰steal its precious cargo of
  10854. vionesium.Ží‡€SixthŒ‰Commodore Travers,
  10855. ‰Ž°–‡€Vervoids.
  10856. /A member of€staff of€Wheel¢Space.Ž
  10857. –‡a Cybermat.
  10858. /A sergeant‰•of€deadly pawns߇€
  10859. Toymaker (in tandemšMrs Wiggs)¦¹challenged€©
  10860. Doctor, Steven‰Dodo.
  10861. /Elderly archeologist, author
  10862. *Rum
  10863. of Bronze Age Burials¢Gloucestershire.¿€“
  10864. Œ‰Romana¢«questœ€third segment of€Key„
  10865. Time.ŠÇCessair of DiplosŽposing›ˆfriend‰
  10866. assistant, Vivien Fay. Her big professional rivalŽDr Idwal Morris.
  10867. /Fatuous news commentator†Gallifrey.™been„€
  10868. Academyš€Doctor,‰reported†€President's
  10869. assassination.Ž–‡either€Ëor Goth.
  10870. /Medical doctor at Brendon school.
  10871. /East End headquarters of€Tong of€
  10872. Black Scorpion.
  10873. /Boer sergeant‘Žimmune„€ëLords' hypnotic
  10874. processing,‰çcharge of€Resistance.Éalongside
  10875. €ªŒ„put¤end„€ëGames.Ž
  10876. ­returned„’properú¢·‰space‡€
  10877. ¬Lords.
  10878. /See ROSSINI, LUIGI.
  10879. /Undercover policeman‘Žalso Lytton's
  10880. supplier of stolen electronic equipment.met€SixthŒ‰
  10881. Peri¢€Ùsewers,¥Ž°–‡€Cybermen.
  10882. /Green, blob-like aliens, engaged¢¤endless spaceì
  10883. š€Sontarans. Rutans liked€cold,‰™a natural affinity
  10884. œelectricity,‰ƒable„shift«shapes. A Rutan scout
  10885. Ístranded†€Island of Fang Rock,‰îkilling Reuben,
  10886. å„use£›a strategic point¢€ìš€
  10887. Sontarans.ŠRutan­–€other lighthouse keepers,
  10888. Ben Travers‰Vince Hawkins,›well›€survivors of a
  10889. shipwreck: Lord Palmerdale, Adelaide Lesage, Colonel Skinsale‰
  10890. crewmember Harker.Š“Œ‰Leelaƒãable„
  10891. destroy€Rutanša rocket launcher.ŠŒblew up’
  10892. mother»‡using Lord Palmerdale's diamonds,‰converting€
  10893. lighthouse®a crude laser cannon.
  10894. /See CULLINGFORD, LADY.
  10895. /Citizen of Castrovalva.Žuncreated‡€Master.
  10896. /Professor Cornish'sâat€British
  10897. Space Centre.
  10898. /Former military school mate of Brigadier
  10899. Lethbridge-Stewart‘™become a major-general at€Ministry of
  10900. Defence.Ž¢charge of supervising Lethbridge-Stewart's½
  10901. operation†British soil. His mindŽcontrolled‡Tobias Vaughn,
  10902. ‘ߝ„prevent½¶interferingš€ 
  10903. Invasion. When Rutlidge°ä„rebel, Vaughn forced„
  10904. kill himself.
  10905. /Communications officer of€Wheel¢Space.Ž
  10906. Tanya Lernov's boyfriend,‰¿€ªŒž€
  10907. Cybermen.
  10908. /An Aridian‘met€©Doctor.
  10909. /Alzarian foreman‘Žsaved‡Tylos¯€
  10910. Marshmen's attack†€Starliner.
  10911. /Earth Empire's nameœDeva Loka.
  10912. /Trained snipers߇€Happiness Patrol
  10913. õ€Drones.
  10914. /Arbitan's daughter.accompanied€©Œ†
  10915. ’questœ€missing Keys,‰°married Altos.
  10916. /Arak‰Tuar's father.gave himself up rather than
  10917. allowing€Queen of€Spiders„take’son.Žkept
  10918. prisoner‡€Spiders‰awaited’fate stoically,¥Ž
  10919. Åfreed¦€Spiders died.
  10920. /Name€Tesh gave„Xoanon's control room.
  10921. /Volcanic flame†Planet Karn, not unlike€
  10922. Numismaton Flame of Sarn,µproduced€Elixir of Life.
  10923. ŠSacred Flame, or Flame of Life,Žguarded‡€Sisterhood
  10924. ‰appeared„…dying because of a geological obstruction. But€
  10925. “Œcleared²šfire crackers.
  10926. /See SUTEKH.
  10927. /The daughter of Haroun Ed Diin.keptˆhidden at home
  10928. „saveˆ¶€clutches of€villainous El Akir.
  10929. /Captain of€Titan shuttle taken over‡€Virus.
  10930. turned€Titan base®a Hiveœ€Nucleus,‰Ž°
  10931. –‡Leela.
  10932. /Member of Rorvik's crew.Ž–‡Lazlo.
  10933. /Aridian desert耩˜Ã
  10934. rematerialized.
  10935. /On 23rd August 1572, all€
  10936. leading Huguenots of Parisƒslain. Later, thousands moreƒ
  10937. –throughout€rest of France.Š©Œ‰Steven
  10938. visited Paris a few daysæ€massacre,¥could not affect
  10939. its outcome.
  10940. /Cambridge college visited‡€Œ¢unrecorded
  10941. adventures¢1955, 1958, 1960 (when¹ç¤honorary degree)‰
  10942. 1964. ItŽthere‚Salyavin settled›¾Chronotis.
  10943. Š“ŒÉSkagra†its premises.
  10944. /Church¢€Northumberland village耋
  10945. ΃Fenric.
  10946. /SaracenÔ¯€¨Crusade,‘lived¶
  10947. 1138„1193.offered Ian safe passage„helpsearchœ
  10948. Barbara,‘™beenù‡El Akir. Saladin­ïa
  10949. trucešKing Richard I ('The Lionheart'),‰reclaimed Jerusalem.
  10950. /Yucatan-born, megalomanical scientist‰€ª
  10951. ˜double.invented€Suncatcher satellite,µ¹ß
  10952. „gain political power¢€early days of€21st century.
  10953. alsoß²„create earthquakes, intending„kill off Earth's
  10954. population,¡repopulate€ºš’own people, whom¹
  10955. kept¢a secret underground 'Sanctum'. After’plansƒ
  10956. í‡Giles Kent‰€ªDoctor,¹ä„pass
  10957. himself off›€Doctor,¥Ž­ejected®deep
  10958. space¶€TARDIS.
  10959. /Atomic missile. Brigadier Bambera‰Lieutenant
  10960. Richards of½ƒassigned„dispose of it. Morgaineþ
  10961. detonated it,¥ˆsense of honour ultimately prevailed.
  10962. /Young commander¢charge of€Morestran spaceship sent
  10963. „Zeta Minor. When€anti-matter creatures began„attack’
  10964. ship,¹crackedêpressure‰suspected€“Œof
  10965. being a murderer.ã™„…relieved‡Vishinsky.Ž
  10966. °–‡Sorenson,¦€scientist turned®a
  10967. neanderthal-like monster.
  10968. /Major¢€Federation Army‰aide-de-camp„General
  10969. Chellak. Sharaz Jek replacedš¤android replica. Thanks„
  10970. €¸Doctor,€real Salateen escapedšPeri.¿
  10971. General Chellak launch a final assaultõJek,¥Žshot‡
  10972. ¤android.ŠSalateen android°–Stotz.
  10973. /Sabalom Glitz's home planet, located¢Andromeda.
  10974. /Notorious Gallifreyan adventurer. His mind-controlü
  10975. *chr
  10976. turned®a criminal. SalyavinŽÞ‰imprisoned‡
  10977. €¬Lords†Shada.secretly escaped and,„cover’
  10978. tracks,áŠAncient Law Of Gallifrey,‰caused€¬Lords
  10979. „forgetøShada.¡retired„St Cedd's College,è
  10980. ¹assumed€identity of¾Chronotis. His room was,¢
  10981. reality,’TARDIS. But¹Žû‡Skagra,‘ß’Sphere
  10982. „learn€location of Shada. With€“Œ‰Romana's
  10983. help, SkagraŽdefeated.ŠŒreturnedŠAncient Law Of
  10984. Gallifrey‰swore„not reveal Salyavin's secret.
  10985. /Warder¢Stangmoor Prison's Special Wing.Ž¢
  10986. charge of€Death Row cells.
  10987. /Wardrobe woman at Jago's theatre .
  10988. /Dukedom¢15thÄItaly. Its rightful ruler,
  10989. Giuliano, would have been–‡Count Federico if²™not been
  10990. œ€“Doctor.Š¬Lord also prevented€Mandragora
  10991. Helix¶using€Dukedom›a beachhead„prevent Renaissance.
  10992. /Name given‡Salamander„€secret underground
  10993. installationè¹kept a small population captive, using lies‰
  10994. €pretence‚a nuclearìraged†€planet's surface.
  10995. Salamander圀Sanctum's inhabitants„take over€
  10996. £î¹™×its population.
  10997. /Docile, vegetarian, Didonian bipeds‘looked like a
  10998. crossôa lizard‰a snake. Vicki™adopted a sand beast›
  10999. a pet,¥²Žmistakenly–‡Barbara.
  11000. /Commander of€Imperial£expedition force„
  11001. Deva Loka.ŠKinda's attempts„have‰Hindle mind-meld
  11002. šthem caused them„become mentally unbalanced. Theyƒcured
  11003. ‡€¸Œš€Kinda's Jhana Box. Sanders recommended
  11004. ‚Deva Loka…reclassified›unsuitableœcolonization,
  11005. although¹å„retire there.
  11006. /Giant, mobile factoryœprocessing ores‰minerals†
  11007. a deserted, windswept planet. Its crew, led‡Commander Uvanov,
  11008. would all have been–‡Dask's Robots of Death if²™not
  11009. beenœ€“˜‰Leela's intervention.
  11010. /Famous parametricist whose mindŽstolen‡Skagra at
  11011. €Think Tank space station.´¢€Ïof€
  11012. station.
  11013. /Oldest‰wisest of€lamas of Det-Sen monastery.
  11014. /Saladin's brother.Ž¢lovešJoanna, King
  11015. Richard I's sister,‰passionately wanted„marry her.
  11016. /See KINGDOM, SARA.
  11017. /Any person‘practised Islam¢€Middle Ages.
  11018. Originally,€Saracensƒ¤Arab tribe living¢€Sinai
  11019. (Sarakenoi).Š©Œencountered Saracens¯€
  11020. ¨Crusade.
  11021. /See SMITH, SARAH JANE.
  11022. /The Meddling Monk™disguised’Ûa saxon
  11023. sarcophagus.Špoint of arrival of Sutekh's time-space corridor
  11024. Ž¤Egyptian sarcophagus.
  11025. /One of€Tesh.
  11026. /See CO-PILOT.
  11027. /Volcanic planet. At•time,²Ža Trion colony,¥
  11028. proved„…too inhospitable because of its volcanic activity. While
  11029. €Trionß²œits regenerating Numismaton Flame,€planet's
  11030. inhabitants slowly reverted„tribalism‰superstition. After€
  11031. revolution,€TrionsßSarn›a dumping groungœ«
  11032. political prisoners.ŠSarns worshipped Logar, god of€Fire
  11033. Mountain,‰sacrificed any Unbelievers.Š¸Œÿ
  11034. €Ë†Sarn. Turlough summoned Trion's help„evacuate€
  11035. Sarns,‘ƒÆ‡a volcanic eruption.
  11037. |Young Lakertyan female‘assisted Beyus inside€Rani's
  11038. ship.ŽBeyus's‰Faroon's daughter.escaped‰Ž
  11039. –‡•of€Rani's protective bubbles.
  11040. /One of€three symbols of power worn‡€
  11041. President of€High Council of€¬Lords of Gallifrey. Its
  11042. secret functionŽ„protect its wearer¶great sources of
  11043. energy, such›€Eye of Harmony,‰also„enable€wearer
  11044. „convert‚energyœ’own use. ItŽprobably߇
  11045. Rassilon himself¦¹entered a black hole„capture€
  11046. Eye of Harmony.ŠËwore€Sash¦¹released€Eye of
  11047. Harmony,‰Žable„absorb enough energy„prolong’life,
  11048. þdooming Gallifrey.Š“Œwore²¦¹Ž
  11049. proclaimed President.
  11050. /The“Œclaimed‚thisŽanother of Sutekh's
  11051. names.ŠDaemons resembled€Christian Devil.
  11052. Also see RELIGION.
  11053. /Leader of€Sea Devil commandoµŽreanimated‡€
  11054. Silurian Icthar.Šcommando attacked Sea Base Four¢AD 2084.
  11055. Icthar's planŽ„launch nuclear missiles„provoke aì
  11056. ô€two blocs,‰thus eradicate mankind. Their efforts
  11057. ƒÿ‡€¸Doctor,‘ßdeadly hexachromite gas
  11058. „wipe out€Silurians‰€Sea Devils.
  11059. /Planet visited‡€©Doctor.
  11060. /Name€Elders gave„€allegedly primitiveñš
  11061. whom they shared«planet.Š'Savages'ƒartistically
  11062. advanced,‰lived a primitive lifestyle only because€Elders
  11063. repeatedly drained«life essence. Theyƒfreed¶«
  11064. servitude‡€©˜intervention,‰Steven Taylor
  11065. ̀Ôof€reunited species.
  11066. /The Tigellans' scientific caste.
  11067. /Aged¬Lord‘attended€induction of€“
  11068. Œ›President of€High Council.
  11069. /Pollution-fighting organization founded
  11070. ‡Sir Charles Grover.
  11071. /The©Œ¿a Saxon villge„thwart Viking
  11072. Invaders.
  11073. /Plateauè€Crater of NeedlesŽlocated†Vortis.
  11074. /See CETES.
  11075. /Count Federico's torturer.
  11076. /See SCAROTH.
  11077. /Count Scarlioni's wife.Žapparently
  11078. unaware‚ˆhusbandŽ¢ÂScaroth, last of€
  11079. Jagaroth, a green-skinned, one-eyed alien.Ž–‡Scaroth
  11080. îshe forced„reveal’true identity.
  11081. /Professor Scarman's brother.¿€“
  11082. *Scarm
  11083. ŒÊSutekh,¥Ž–‡’own brother,‘™
  11084. become€evil Osirian's puppet.
  11085. /Egyptologist‘opened Sutekh's tomb.Š“
  11086. Œclaimed‚¾Scarman ceased„exist›aý
  11087. being¦¹entered€evil Osirian's tomb.returned„€
  11088. PrioryêSutekh's control,‰even–’brother, Laurence.
  11089. travelled„Mars¢€Ãš€“Doctor,‰´
  11090. €final death¦Sutekh releasedîdestroying€Eye of
  11091. Horus.
  11092. /Green-skinned, one-eyedÇof€ìlike Jagaroth
  11093. *Scar
  11094. race. Circa 3.5 million BC†Earth, Scaroth's crippled spaceship,
  11095. µcontained all€survivors of€Jagaroth race, exploded
  11096. while taking off.Šradiation caused‡€explosion triggered a
  11097. mutation¢Earth's primordial 'soup', creating life†€planet.
  11098. ScarothŽsplit®twelve fragments, scattered across different
  11099. ·periods, including Ancient Egypt (where¹posed›a God),
  11100. Germany¢AD 1455 (when€Gutenberg BibleŽfirst printed),
  11101. Renaissance Italy¢1505 (where¹ß€alias of Captain
  11102. Tancredi), England¢1600 (when Shakespeare wrote Hamlet),‰
  11103. Paris¢1980. There,›Count Scarlioni, Scaroth hired¾
  11104. Kerensky„build a·machine. To finance Kerensky's research,
  11105. ›Tancredi,¹forced Leonardo da Vinci„paint several Mona Lisas,
  11106. µ¹sold›Scarlioni. Eventually,¢spite of€“
  11107. Doctor, Romana‰Duggan's intervention, ScarothŽable„ð
  11108. „3.5 million BC. However, Duggan stopped¶preventing
  11109. €Ïof’ship, therefore ensuring€creation of life
  11110. †Earth. ScarothŽ¡automatically returned„€20th
  11111. century,è€sight of’real shape so frightened’
  11112. henchman, Hermann,‚¹caused¤explosionµ–them
  11113. both.
  11114. /Nickname given‡€Galsec Seven colonists„
  11115. Styre's robot.
  11116. /A race of space mercenaries.
  11118. /See EDUCATION.
  11119. /Astronaut aboard€Zeus IV space capsule.Ž
  11120. –¦€»disintergratedêMondas's gravitational
  11121. pressure.
  11122. /Member of a Silurian Triad also comprised of Icthar
  11123. *Sil
  11124. (who™met€¨Œ¢€20th century)‰Tarpok. In
  11125. AD 2084, they reanimated a Sea Devil commando led‡Sauvix‰
  11126. attacked Sea Base Four. Their planŽ„launch nuclear missiles
  11127. „provoke aìô€two blocs,‰thus eradicate mankind.
  11128. Scibus´¦€¸Œßdeadly hexachromite gas.
  11129. /Secret organization of elitist
  11130. scientists‘Èthey should rule€world. Their leader,
  11131. Miss Winters,ßanother member,¾Kettlewell,‰’
  11132. Giant Robot„obtain€means of threatening„start World
  11133. ëIII‰blackmail€world®surrendering.Ží
  11134. ‡€“Doctor.
  11135. /British army general.ŠNestene replacedša
  11136. replica„stop UNIT,‰put¢a wax museum.Ž­
  11137. freed¦€¨Œshort-circuited’replica.
  11138. /Flight Engineer of€Concorde flight€¸
  11139. Œß„rescue Flight 192.¿€¬Lordž
  11140. €Ë‰€Xeraphin¢€Jurassic period.
  11141. /(aka MINISCOPE) A combination·scoop‰peep-show.Š
  11142. Scope plucked living beings¶«own·‰space‰kept
  11143. them prisoner¢a miniaturized state.Š¨Œclaimed¹
  11144. ™been instrumental¢getting€¬Lords„callœ¤
  11145. Intergalactic Convention„ban€Scopes›beingõ€
  11146. dignity of sentient life forms. At least•Scope survived¢€
  11147. hands of Galactic showman Vorg. It contained Ogrons,€SS Bernice
  11148. ‰its crew, a plesiosaurus,‰€savage Drashigs.Š¨
  11149. Œrematerialized¢Vorg's Scope†€ºInter Minor.
  11150. There a xenophobic official, Kalik,ä„use€Scope„
  11151. discredit€President's liberal policies,¥failed.ŠScope
  11152. Ž­put out of commission‡€¨Doctor,‰its
  11153. prisoners restored„«proper places¢space‰time.
  11154. /Harrison Chase's murderous henchman.áa Krynoid pod
  11155. ¶€World Ecology Bureau's Antartic base‰ç²back„
  11156. England. When¹realised€full extent of€Krynoid's threat,
  11157. Scorbyɲalongside€“Doctor,¥Ž­
  11158. drowned‡€weedsµƒê€Krynoid's control.
  11159. /TheªŒlanded near Culloden¢AD 1746.
  11160. ŠBorad, a Karfelon tyrant‘™beenÿ‡€Sixth
  11161. Doctor,Žtransported‡’Timelash„12thÄScotland,
  11162. near Inverness,‰çup residence¢Loch Ness. Presumably¹Ž
  11163. –‡€Zygons‰«Skarasen¦theyçover€
  11164. Loch¢1676.Š“ŒÉ€Zygons¢Tulloch¢
  11165. 1976. By then,€Zygons' Skarasen™become€Loch Ness
  11166. Monster.
  11167. /He‰Trevorƒcommentators at¤Oval test match
  11168. ôEngland‰Australia,µŽbriefly interupted‡€
  11169. TARDIS's materialization.
  11171. |26THÄlieutenant¢charge of€squadron protecting
  11172. ¾Kyle's underground explorations.¿€¸
  11173. Œdisarm a hidden Cyber-Bomb,¡travelled aboard€
  11174. ÄCaptain Briggs's space freighter. There,¹¿€
  11175. Œ‰Adric prevent€ ¶crashing€»†
  11176. £„destroy€Alliance conference. Scott escaped„safety
  11177. ¢€TARDIS.
  11178. /Planetary systemèManussaŽlocated.
  11179. /Vampire batsû†Desperus.
  11180. /Five panels designed‡Meglos„focus€power of€
  11181. Dodecahedron®a single, powerful blastµcould destroy any
  11182. º¢€galaxy. Theyƒblown up, alongšZolfa-Thura,
  11183. ¢€Dodecahedron explosion set up‡€“Doctor.
  11184. /Name Unstoffeïupœ’lump of jethrik.
  11185. /Borusa placed a chest containing€
  11186. forbidden Black Scrolls of Rassilon¢€Castellan's living
  11187. quarters„frame him. Theyƒ×¦€chestŽopened
  11188. without proper safety precautions. These are not„…
  11189. confusedš€RECORDS OF RASSILON.
  11190. /See UNDERSEA.
  11191. /Underwater base attacked‡€Silurians‰€
  11192. Sea Devils¢AD 2084. Its commanderŽVorshak. After taking²
  11193. over,€Silurians plotted„use its nuclear missiles„provoke
  11194. aìô€two blocs,‰thus eradicate mankind. Their
  11195. effortsƒÿ‡€¸Doctor,‘ßdeadly
  11196. hexachromite gas„wipe out€Silurians‰€Sea Devils.
  11197. /Intelligent reptilian life formµruled€£
  11198. ¯€Cretaceous (136„65 millionöBC),‰not€
  11199. Silurian (430„395 milionöBC). They,‰«'cousins'
  11200. €Silurians,ƒ­driven„hibernate¢underground
  11201. shelters‡some undetermined cosmic event. A commando of Sea Devils
  11202. awoke¶suspended animation¢1973‰began sinking ships¢
  11203. €British Channel. Theyƒcontacted‡€Ë‘offered
  11204. „ally himselfšthem.Š¨Œ‰€Chief Sea Devil
  11205. talked peace,¥theyƒí‡€interference of€
  11206. ˉWalker, a civil servant‘ordered a depth charge attack.
  11207. In€end,€ŒŽforced„engineer¤explosionµ
  11208. ׀Sea Devils' undersea baseæany more Sea Devils
  11209. could…awakened.
  11210.   ŠSilurian Icthar reanimated a Sea Devil commando led‡
  11211. Sauvix¢2084,‰ßthem„attack Sea Base Four. His planŽ
  11212. „launch nuclear missiles„provoke aìô€two blocs,
  11213. ‰thus eradicate mankind. His effortsƒÿ‡€
  11214. ¸Doctor. Also see SILURIANS.
  11215. /Inverness InnèGray‰Trask conducted«
  11216. slave trading business.
  11217. /See WEED.
  11218. /Police constable–‡€Master.
  11219. /The Seal of€High CouncilŽgiven„€Ë‡
  11220. Thalia„helpconvince€Œ¹™been sent‡€
  11221. ¬Lords.Š“Œ‰€‹Œ
  11222. ߀Prydonian Seal„sign«correspondence.ŠØ
  11223. Seal of Diplos was,¢reality,€third segment of€Key„
  11224. Time. It™been stolen‡Cessair,‰gaveˆ€power„
  11225. alterˆshape‰travel„hyperspace‰back.Š“
  11226. Œß²„banish€Megara back„Diplos.
  11227. /Shipwreck survivor‘laboured¢Atlantis's mines.
  11228. ¿€ªŒž¾Zaroff's insane
  11229. scheme.
  11230. /Interplanetary salvage company whose
  11231. requestœcreditŽapproved‡Sil†€Sixth˜
  11232. advice.
  11233. /Name of Captain Hart's research establishment‰
  11234. naval base.
  11235. /Navigator of€Empress.Ža vraxoin addict¢
  11236. leaguešTryst‰Dymond. His negligence caused€»„
  11237. crash®€Hecate¦emerging¶hyperspace aboveº
  11238. Azure. SeckerŽ–‡a Mandrel.
  11239. /One of€ëLords.suspected€renegade
  11240. ¬Lord known›€ëChief„…¢leagueš€ª
  11241. Œ„overthrow€ëLords.ŠSecurity Chief­
  11242. Õ¢exposing€ëChief's unreliability,¥Ž°
  11243. –‡€renegade¬Lord.
  11244. /The Martian 'Seeds of Death' consumed oxygen,¥ƒ
  11245. vulnerable„heat‰water.ŠKrynoids travelled through
  11246. space¢seed form.¾Lansky™designed Demeter
  11247. Seedsµcould grow food¢€desert.
  11248. /Riban seeress‘ßprimitive witchcraft.ŠCaptain
  11249. of€Shrievalty askedˆ„find Unstoffe,‘™stolen€
  11250. jethrik‰€Graff's money.Ž–¢€Catacombs‡
  11251. €Graff Vynda-K,îshe™predicted‚all¥•would
  11252. die. That•turned out„…€“Doctor.
  11253. /Sam's wife.û€Nestene swarmÔ
  11254. meteorite,µ™been hidden‡ˆhusband,‰Ž°
  11255. attacked‡¤Auton.
  11256. /Poacher‘û€Nestene swarmÔmeteorite
  11257. ¢Oxley Woods.kept²hidden, thinking¹could profit
  11258. ¶it.
  11259. /Two Minyans whose heads™been replacedša machine.
  11260. They ruled€Underworld, second¢power only„€Oracle.
  11261. Their namesƒAnkh‰Lakh. TheyТ¤explosion
  11262. caused‡two fission grenades disguised›€Race Banks,µ
  11263. €Oracle™intended„use„destroy Jackson's ship.
  11264. /Planetè€Psychic CircusŽlocated.
  11265. /See PILOT.
  11266. /Time¯µyoung victimsƒchosen
  11267. „feed€ØVampire.
  11268. /Leader of€Gonds' Council,‰Thara's father.Ž
  11269. deposed‡Eelek. Later,¹sacrificed’life„help€
  11270. ªŒdestroy€Krotons.
  11271. /See KARFEL.
  11272. /Director of Dulkis‰Cully's father.­ç
  11273. €ª˜side¦€¬Lord urgedœaction
  11274. õ€Dominators.
  11275. /The Sensorites' home planet. ItŽrich¢
  11276. Molybdenum.
  11277. /Inhabitants of€Sense-Sphere. They™bulbous
  11278. *Sen
  11279. heads‰mindüµincluded telepathy‰€ability„
  11280. control other minds at a distance.ŠSensoritesß«ü
  11281. „hold Captain Maitland's»captive, because theyƒafraid of
  11282. Earthmen. When€©Œrevealed‚€survivors of a
  11283. previous£expedition, led‡¤unnamed Commander,™secretly
  11284. been poisoning€Sensorites, they agreed„let Maitland‰’
  11285. crewð„Earth. However,€humans first™„swear„
  11286. protect€secret of€Senorites' existence.
  11287. /Chief Medic of€Elders' City.operated€life-
  11288. essence transference machines.
  11289. /Earth orbital security device.
  11290. /Member of€Dalek alliance.
  11291. /One of€five Consuls of Traken.Ž–‡Kassia
  11292. ê€Melkur's influence.
  11293. /Robotµguarded Drathro's castle¢€
  11294. UK Habitat. ItŽshot‡Katryca.
  11295. /Another nameœ€Osirian Mummies.
  11296. /Robot encountered‡€ªŒ‰Jamie
  11297. †€supply»Phoenix IV.
  11298. /See SUTEKH.
  11299. /Young Anethian prince‘Žpart of€tribute requested
  11300. ‡€Nimon,‰µŽexacted‡€Skonnans¶Aneth.
  11301. ¿€“Œexpose‰ž€Nimon.­
  11302. married Teka.
  11303. /Leela's tribe, descendants of a crashed£ship,€
  11304. Mordee. Their nameŽa corruption of€words 'Survey Team'.Š
  11305. madàXoanon™manipulated€Sevateem®¤endlessì
  11306. š€Tesh. When€“Œcured Xoanon,€Sevateem, led
  11307. ‡Calib,ƒreunitedš€Tesh.
  11308. /Cruel Roman slave trader who,š’partner Didius,
  11309. ÞIan‰Barbara.Ž°–‡Delos.
  11310. /City¢Spainè€SixthŒÛ€
  11311. ªŒ¶Chessene‰€Sontarans.
  11312. /One of Skaro's Mutos.befriended Sarah Jane Smith.
  11314. |Trusted servant of Varos's Governor.
  11315. /Last survivor of Crinoth‘revealed€workings of€
  11316. Nimon„Romana.™¼¿€Nimon destroy’
  11317. world.sacrificed himself„enable Romana„ð„Skonnos.
  11318. /Leader of€rebellionõ€Borad†Karfel.‰
  11319. Katz¿€SixthŒž€Borad.
  11320. /Prisonºof€¬Lords. SalyavinŽimprisoned
  11321. there. After¹escaped,¹caused€¬Lords„forgetø
  11322. Shada,‰áŠAncient Law of Gallifrey,µcontained€
  11323. secret of its location. SkagraûShada,¥Žultimately
  11324. ÿ‡€“Doctor.
  11325. /Mysterious servant of€Black Guardian‘manipulated
  11326. Atrios‰Zeos®¤unending spaceìõeach other.Š
  11327. “Œexposed‰discovered’refuge, a small
  11328. planetoid locatedôAtrios‰Zeos.ŠŒrecovered€
  11329. Key„Time,¡redirected€Atrian Marshal's impending nuclear
  11330. attack†Zeosõ€Shadow's planetoid,µŽdestroyed.
  11331. /(1569-1616) English playwright. His imageŽ
  11332. projected†€©˜Space-Time Visualizer.—of
  11333. Scaroth's twelve fragments obtainedŽ€original draft of
  11334. Hamlet.Š“Œclaimed„have¿Shakespeare write
  11335. it,‰recognised bits of’own handwriting†it.
  11336. /Location of Kublai Khan's summer palace.
  11337. /1959 Welsh holiday camp managed‡Mr Burton. A
  11338. galactic tour bus¶€ÁŽforced„land thereî
  11339. hitting a US satellite.”DELTA.
  11340. /Aliens capable of shape-changing included:€
  11341. Chameleons;€Zygons;€Rutans;€Usurians;
  11342. Cessair of Diplos; Meglos;‰€android Kamelion.
  11343. Also see EVOLUTION, MUTATIONS.
  11344. /The Marshal of Atrios's aide.­joined
  11345. forcesš€“Œ„ž€Shadow.
  11346. /Castrovalva's librarian.¿€¸Œ
  11347. discover€true nature of’city. After finding out€truth
  11348. ¹sacrificed himself„help free Adric.
  11349. /See ZARGO.
  11350. /Movellan commander¢charge of€unit sent„
  11351. Skaro„stop€Ÿ¶finding Davros. Romana prevented
  11352. ¶destroying Skaroša nova bomb.
  11353. /One of€Mondasian ‘invaded€Snowcap
  11354. Space Tracking Station‰É€©Doctor.
  11355. /One of€¨˜companions, a Cambridge
  11356. *Liz
  11357. scientist recruited‡UNIT's Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart„
  11358. investigate€first Nestene invasion.Í€first
  11359. âof€¨Doctor, whom she¿õ€Silurians,
  11360. €so-called Ambassadors of Death,‰€forces unleashed‡
  11361. ¾Stahlman's Inferno. During‚adventure,€Œmet
  11362. ˆalternate£counterpart, Section-Leader Shaw.left soon
  11363. afterwards„continueˆscientific career. Her imageŽ
  11364. ߇Rassilon„ward off€¨Doctor.Š‹
  11365. Œgave Liz's½pass„Ace.
  11366. /Heathrow airport controller. After Sir John Sudbury
  11367. vouchedœ€¸Doctor,¹gaveaccess„a Concorde„
  11368. track down another,µ™disappeared.
  11369. /Lieutenant‘É€Dinosaur Invasion.
  11370. /One of€£President's secretaries.
  11371. /Captain of€Vogan City militia.ÛSarah‰
  11372. Harry¶Vorus's Guardians,‰É€ „save
  11373. Voga.
  11374. /A serving woman¢Saladin's camp.
  11375. /Moreton Harwood publican‰member of€
  11376. cult of Hecate.
  11377. /Vorg's femaleâ‰companion.
  11378. /Name given‡€¬Lords„those‘refused€
  11379. benefits of Gallifreyan civilization. Castellan Spandrell thought of
  11380. them›vandals. Some Shobogans preferred„live¢€
  11381. wilderness outside€Capitol; theyƒknown›Outsiders, or
  11382. Outcasts. A group of them, led‡Nesbin,¿€“Œ
  11383. ‰Leela repel€Sontarans' invasion.
  11384. /Savage androgum‘worked›cook
  11385. †Space Station J7.accompanied Chessene‰Dastari„Earth.
  11386. His genesƒtemporarily transferred„€ªDoctor.
  11387. wanted„sample€pleasure of eating a human, particularly Jamie
  11388. or Peri.Ž–‡€Sixth Doctor.
  11389. /Graff Vynda-K's old battle companion.´¢€
  11390. Riban Catacombs¢a rockfallµŽ¦€Captain of€
  11391. Shrievalty fired a cannon.
  11392. /A Kaled opposed„Davros.
  11393. /Member of€Scientific Reform Society.
  11394. /Full nameŽLi Shou Yuing (Shou Yuing meant Little
  11395. Cloud), sheŽa young archeologist of Chinese descent‘worked
  11396. êPeter Warmsly†€Carbury excavation.Ífriendš
  11397. Ace,‰Éalongsideˆ‰€‹Œõ
  11398. Morgaine.
  11399. /One of Ace's friends¶Perivale.Žù‡
  11400. €Cheetah People,‰­returned„£‡Ace‰
  11401. €‹Doctor.
  11402. /(aka SHRIEVES) Order of Riban guards. They derived
  11403. «name¶€fierce Shrievenzales.
  11404. /Fierce lizard beasts†Ribos,߇€Riban
  11405. Shrievalty›guard animals. They hunted small animals‰lived¢
  11406. €Catacombs.
  11407. /Guerilla¶¤alternate 22ndÄ耟™
  11408. Ìinvaded£îWorldëIII. He, Anat‰Boaz
  11409. travelled back¢·„kill diplomat Sir Reginald Styles, not
  11410. realizing‚²Žthis very actionµ™caused€war.
  11411. ShuraɀŸalongside€¨Doctor.­
  11412. blew himself upš€Ÿ¢Style's empty house, thereby
  11413. erasing€Á‚¹™inadvertently¿„create.
  11414. /Principal city of Ribos. ItŽthere‚€“
  11415. Œ‰Romanaû€first segment of€Key„Time,‰
  11416. ɀGraff Vynda-K.
  11417. /Techniqueµ€“Œß
  11418. „transfer some of’knowledge®Xoanon¢¤attempt„
  11419. repair it. Instead,²turned€sentientàschizophrenic.
  11420. /Inferior type of TARDIS's߇€ëLords. Theyƒ
  11421. based†technology stolen¶€¬Lords‡€renegade
  11422. known›€ëChief. Their range‰power supplyƒ
  11423. limited.
  11424. /AllÇvisitors„Terra Alphaƒcalled Sigma.
  11425. /Medical student‰lover of€blues‘Žstuck
  11426. †Terra Alpha.¿€‹ŒÝ¶€
  11427. Happiness Patrol,‰supported€revolutionµã
  11428. overthrew Helen A's regime.stayed†Terra Alpha, teaming up
  11429. šSusan Q„teach€blues of€newly liberated colony.
  11430. /See THETA SIGMA.
  11431. /Galactic census bureaucrat sent„Terra Alpha„
  11432. investigate complaintsø€colony.
  11433. /Sector of space explored‡Tryst.
  11434. /One of€Vanir.‰€other Vanir­stayed
  11435. †Terminus„help Nyssa run²›a regular hospital.
  11436. /One of€Mentors¶Thoros-Beta.Ž€Galatron
  11437. Mining Corporation's agent†Varos.bribed€Chief Officer of
  11438. Varos„keep€prices low,¥¹Ží‡€Sixth
  11439. Doctor.¡attempted„take over€planet,¥failed. Sil's
  11440. superior, Kiv, replaced‰negotiated fairer pricesœ
  11441. Zyton-7.
  11442.    Sil again met€SixthŒ†Thoros-Beta,èCrozierŽ
  11443. working†a process„transfer€mind of€dying Kiv®
  11444. Peri's body. At Sil's request, CrozierߒCell Discriminator
  11445. †€Sixth Doctor, causing„act hostile‰more
  11446. erratically than usual. Crozier's processŽdeemed too dangerous
  11447. œ€course of natural evolution‡€¬Lords, so they
  11448. manipulated events„arrangeœKing Yrcanos of Krontep„kill
  11449. Crozier, Kiv‰Sil‰rescue Peri.ŠValeyardßa heavily
  11450. doctered version of this event, making²appear›if Peri™
  11451. been killed.
  11452. /One of€hardest metals¢€universe,߄make
  11453. Drathro's Maglem converter. Because siligtoneŽquite valuable,
  11454. Dibber suggested‚¹‰Glitz could make money‡
  11455. salvaging it.
  11456. /Silurian governing body.ŠWenley Moor triad
  11457. *Sil
  11458. comprised€Old Silurian,€Young Silurian‰Icthar.
  11459. /Intelligent reptilian life formµruled€£
  11460. *Sil
  11461. ¯€Cretaceous (136„65 millionöBC),‰not€
  11462. Silurian (430„395 millionöBC). They‰«
  11463. underwater 'cousins',€so-called 'Sea Devils',ƒ­
  11464. driven„hibernate¢underground shelters‡some undetermined
  11465. cosmic event. Theoriesø€nature of this included: a
  11466. wandering planetoid causing a change¢€Van Allen Belt;
  11467. movements of€Moon; departure of Earth's twin planet, Mondas; or
  11468. possibly€quasi-psychic awareness of€forthcoming crash of
  11469. a space liner¶€future.
  11470.   ŠSilurians of Wenley Moorƒreawakened¶suspended
  11471. animation¢1971 because of power leaks¶€neighbouring
  11472. British atomic research center.ŠOld Silurian met Dr Quinn,¡
  11473. €¨Doctor,‰Íconvinced‚’ñcould share
  11474. £peacefullyšmankind. However,€Young Silurianä„
  11475. wipe out mankindša deadly virus. After‚failed,¹‰€
  11476. Silurian scientist, Icthar, attempted„use a molecular disperser
  11477. „destroy€Van Allen Belt,‰thus render£inhabitableœ
  11478. humans. Thwarted‡€¨Doctor, they returned„suspended
  11479. animation. Their shelterŽ¡blown up‡UNIT.
  11480.    Icthar survived,‰reawakened¢2084.reanimated a Sea Devil
  11481. Commando, led‡Sauvix,‰attacked Sea Base Four. His planŽ„
  11482. launch nuclear missiles„provoke aìô€two blocs,‰
  11483. thus eradicate mankind (which™been€Young Silurian's last
  11484. wish). His effortsƒÿ‡€¸Doctor,‘ßdeadly
  11485. hexachromite gas„wipe out€Silurians. Also see SEA DEVILS.
  11486. /Codename of€Poenix IV supply»†µ€
  11487. ªŒ‰Jamie rematerializedætravelling„€
  11488. Wheel¢Space. Its only inhabitantŽa Servo-Robot.
  11489. /See NEMESIS, SILVER.
  11490. /Eccentric owner of a private museum.
  11491. refused„heed¾Travers's warnings‰ð’Yeti„
  11492. €Professor's custody. Soon afterwards,¹Ž–‡€
  11493. reactivated Yeti.
  11494. /Officer of€Titan shuttle‘Žtaken over‡€
  11495. Virus.Žshot‡Loweæ€latterŽtaken over‡€
  11496. Virus.
  11497. /Alien power known„€¬Lords.
  11499. /One of€landmarks of Iceworld's underworld.
  11500. /Way station†€road„Peking.
  11501. /('VAISSEAU QUI COULE') French tavernèBarras met
  11502. šNapoleon„plot Robespierre's downfall.
  11503. /Five-world planetary system.ŠËimpersonated a
  11504. Commissioner¶Sirius Four. VeldanŽa member of a Sirian
  11505. colony. Androzani Major‰Minorƒlocated¢€Sirian
  11506. system.ŠAcademius StolarisŽa famous gallery located†
  11507. Sirius Five.
  11508. /Powerful corporation located†Androzani Major
  11509. µcontrolled€supply of spectrox. It™been established‡
  11510. Morgus‰Sharaz Jek,‰Ž°completely taken over‡Morgus.
  11511. After MorgusŽexposed›a traitor‰™fled Androzani Major,
  11512. €Sirius Conglomerate passed®€hands of Timmin, Morgus's
  11513. personal assistant.
  11514. /Select society of women†Karn dedicated„€
  11515. protection of€Sacred Flame,µproduced€Elixir of Life.
  11516. Theyƒgiftedšvast psionicü‰virtual immortality.
  11517. After€¬Lords¿žMorbius,‘™ógreat
  11518. ruin„Karn,€Sisterhood agreed„share€Elixiršthem.
  11519. /One of€Xeron rebels‘Éš€©Œ
  11520. õ€Moroks¢€Space Museum.Ž–‡€
  11521. Moroks.
  11522. /(AND HER WILD WEST TROUPE) Performers at
  11523. Henry Gordon Jago's theatre.
  11524. /Planetè€Graff Vynda-K's menÉ¢€
  11525. Alliance Wars.
  11526. /Geneticist, astro-engineer,‰multi-talented scientist
  11527. ¶Dronoid‘stumbled upon€secret of Salyavin's existence.
  11528. Skagra plotted„use¤electronic mind-transference device,
  11529. known›€Sphere,µ™been developed†€Think Tank
  11530. station, togetheršSalyavin's mind-control abilities,„imprint
  11531. ’mind†every living creature¢€universe.áŠ
  11532. Ancient Law Of Gallifrey¶¾Chronotis„discover€
  11533. secret of Shada's location. On Shada,¹û‚SalyavinŽ
  11534. pretending„…Chronotis. SkagraŽ­ÿ‡€
  11535. “Œ‰Romana,¡imprisoned†’Ship.
  11536. /Giant, reptilian monsterµ€Zygons claimed they
  11537. 󄣢embryo form. They depended†its lactic
  11538. fluid„stay alive. Grown„giant size,€SkarasenÍ
  11539. known›€Loch Ness Monster.ŠZygonsß²„destroy
  11540. three oil rigs‰threaten a World Energy Conference¢«bid
  11541. „take over Earth. Freed‡€“Doctor,€Skarasen
  11542. returned„Loch Ness,è²Åled a peaceful life.
  11543. /The twelthº¢a solar system not too far¶
  11544. £‰€home of both€Kaleds‰€Thals. ItŽ
  11545. ravaged‡€neutronic warsô€two races,µï²
  11546. largely radioactive.”also DALEKS, DAVROS, THALS.
  11547. /High Priest of€Swampies†Delta Magna's third Moon.
  11548. Ž–‡Kroll.
  11549. /British MP (Thurley)‰retired
  11550. Indian army Colonel, whose gambling debts™been cancelled‡
  11551. Lord Palmerdale¢exchangeœinsider information.Ž
  11552. shipwrecked†Fang Rock‰¿€“Œ‰Leela
  11553. ʀRutan.could not resist picking up Lord Palmerdale's
  11554. diamonds,‰Ž–‡€Rutan.
  11555. /(aka SKONNONS) Inhabitants of Skonnos. Theyƒonce€
  11556. leaderss of a space empireµ€Nimon™promised„restore
  11557. „its former glory. TheirԎSoldeed.
  11558. /Planet‚Žonce€seat of a mighty empire.Š
  11559. Nimon promised„ð²„its former glory if€Skonnans paid
  11560. a tribute of young men‰women,‰hymetusite crystals.Š
  11561. Skonnans extracted€tribute¶€peaceful Anethians. They
  11562. °discovered‚they™been tricked‡€Nimon,‘ƒ
  11563. plotting„take over‰destroy«world. Theyƒsaved‡
  11564. €“Doctor.
  11565. /Human settlement†Metebelis 3. Its 269 inhabitantsƒ
  11566. –‡€Spiders.
  11567. /Earth Imperial space station¢orbit around
  11568. Solos.
  11569. /Name of Vorus's missile. It׀Cybermen.
  11570. /Planetary sector of€Cyrennic Empire„µRibos
  11571. belonged.
  11572. /Majorº¢€Skythra star sector.
  11573. /Leader of€Martian commandoµçover€Moonbase.
  11574. ä„destroyýlife†£‡using€T-Mat system
  11575. „spread€deadly, oxygen-absorbing 'Seeds of Death'. After¹
  11576. Žoutsmarted‡€ªDoctor,‘caused€Martian fleet
  11577. „plunge®€Sun,¹´¦¹Žaccidentally hit‡•
  11578. of’own Warriors' sonic blast.
  11579. /A Minyan.
  11580. /The©Œmet Roman slave traders Didius‰
  11581. Sevcheria,‰Saracen slaver El Akir.ŠªŒ
  11582. ÿslave trader Gray¢Scotland.Š“Œ
  11583. ¿€Tharilsݶslaver Rorvik. Also see
  11585. /In order„obtain€¬Lords' time-travel secrets,
  11586. spies¶Andromeda (the 'Sleepers')Ìinfiltrated€
  11587. Gallifreyan Matrix, choosing£›«base of operations.
  11588. When they discovered€Andomedans' plan,€¬Lords stuck back.
  11589. Šactions theyçõAndromeda itself are unknown,¥they
  11590. moved£out of€Solar System‰rechristened²Ravalox.Š
  11591. Sleepers went underground, protected‡«robotic guardian,
  11592. Drathro. In all likelihood, they died. Drathroçcontrol of UK
  11593. Habitat„protect«secrets. Five hundredölater, Glitz
  11594. conned Drathro®giving€tape containing€Sleepers'
  11595. secrets,¥²Ždestroyed, alongšDrathro,¦€Sixth
  11596. Œshut down€energy systems„prevent a black light
  11597. explosion. Later, acting†€Master's behest, Glitz followed
  11598. €Œ®€Matrix‰recovered€Sleepers' secrets¶
  11599. €Valeyard. However,€Valeyard™tricked‰ß
  11600. €Limbo Atrophier„trap€Ë‰Glitz inside€Matrix.
  11601. /One of€Inferno complex's drill head riggers.
  11602. Ž€first man„…turned®a Primord.
  11603. /Huge mutated creature¶SkaroµŽß‡€
  11604. Ÿ„guard«Bedfordshire site¯«AD 2164
  11605. Invasion of Earth. ItŽtricked‡Ian,‰fell„its death
  11606. ¢a mine shaft.
  11607. /Vicar of Devil's End.Žreplaced‡€
  11608. Ë¢unknown,¥probably nefarious, circumstances.
  11609. /Royal Navy chief officerêCaptain Hart's command.
  11610. Žstruck‡€Ë¦¹caughtstealing electronic
  11611. components.
  11614. /Alias߇€ª‰¨Doctor.
  11615. /ReptilianǶLight's»‘™been
  11616. *Jos
  11617. ’Survey Agent. While Light slept, Smith evolved®a human.
  11618. controlled Gabriel Chase‰plotted„use explorer Fenn-Cooper„
  11619. kill Queen Victoria‰restore€British Empire„its former
  11620. glory.Š‹Œí’plans. After Light's defeat,
  11621. SmithŽdevolved‡Control.
  11622. /Sarah Jane's aunt‰a renowned virologist‰
  11623. anthrologist.lived¢€village of Moreton Harwood.
  11624. /One of€inhabitants of Salamander's Sanctum.
  11625. /Sergeant¢€British army squadron sent„Ê
  11626. €Ÿµinvaded€Coal Hill area¢1963.befriended
  11627. Ace,¥turned out„…secretly passing information„Ratcliffe.
  11628. After being exposed,¹realized€nature of’actions‰
  11629. comfronted Ratcliffe.ç€Daleks'¬Controller,µ
  11630. Ratcliff™stolen,‰Ž°–‡€little girl‘
  11631. Žpart of€Daleks' Battle Computer.
  11632. /Mike Smith's mother.ran a boarding houseµ
  11633. Žoff limits„'coloured' people. Ace stayed there¦she
  11634. ‰€‹ŒÉ€Daleks.
  11635. /Companion of€¨‰“Doctors‰a
  11636. *Sar
  11637. plucky British journalist. Posing›ˆaunt Lavinia, she
  11638. infiltrated½„look®€mysterious disappearancess of
  11639. several important scientists.¡stowed away¢€Ã‰
  11640. ûherself¢€12th century,èshe¿€¨
  11641. Œž€Sontaran, Linx. Afterwards, Sarah Jane¿
  11642. €¨ŒžSir Charles Grover's Operation Golden Age,
  11643. €Daleks,€Ice Warriors‰€Spiders of Metebelis 3.
  11644. watched›€Œregenerated®’fourth incarnation.
  11645.    Alongš½medical officer Surgeon-Lieutenant Harry Sullivan,
  11646. she¿€“Œõ¾Kettlewell's Giant
  11647. Robot (which developed a fondnessœher);€Wirrn, another
  11648. Sontaran named Styre;€Cybermen;‰€Zygons.Žthere
  11649. ¦Davrosò€Daleks. After Harry's departure, she
  11650. continuedˆtravelsš€“Doctor, helpingõ€
  11651. anti-matter monsters of Zeta Minor; Sutekh;€Kraals; Morbius;€
  11652. Krynoids;€Mandragora Helix‰Eldrad€Kastrian.
  11653. announced sheŽfed upštravelling‰wanted„leave€
  11654. TARDIS,¥¦she heard‚€Œ™just been summoned„
  11655. Gallifrey, she changedˆmind‰wanted„gošhim. However,
  11656. €Œwouldn't takeˆ‰droppedˆback¢ˆown·
  11657. (1977),‰more or lessˆown space (in aúµŽnot
  11658. South Croydon.
  11659.    In 1981, Sarah Jane™a third version of K-9, sent„ˆ‡
  11660. €Doctor,µÿa coven of witches‘worshipped€
  11661. pagan goddess Hecate¢Moreton Harwood. Later‚year,
  11662. Sarah JaneŽù‡Borusa„take part¢€Game of
  11663. Rassilon.teamed upš€¨Œand, togetherš
  11664. €˜other incarnations‰various companions,¿
  11665. thwart€megalomaniacal¬Lord's plansœimmortality.
  11666. /Idealistic scientist who, using Forester's financial
  11667. backing, discovered€deadly insecticide, DN6.°Í
  11668. Forester's reluctant accomplice¢Farrow's murder.
  11669. /One of€ëLords¢charge of€ëGames.posed
  11670. ›a British General¢€WorldëI sector,蹎
  11671. nicknamed€Butcher.Ž€first„expose€threat of
  11672. €ªDoctor,‰ä„haveshot.Ž­
  11673. –‡€Resistance.
  11674. /Manussan ceremony߄banish€Mara.
  11675. Dojjen taught²„€¸Doctor.
  11676. /International Space Command base
  11677. located¢€Antartic. ItŽ¢charge of tracking€Zeus IV
  11678. space capsule. ItŽê€command of General Cutler‰
  11679. housed€deadly Z-Bomb. SnowcapŽinvaded‡ ¶
  11680. Mondas,‘ä„use€bomb„destroy€£¥ƒ
  11681. ultimatelyÿ‡€©Doctor.
  11682. /One of Lieutenant Scott's troopers.Ž–‡
  11683. €Cybermen's androids¯¾Kyle's underground
  11684. exploration.
  11685. /Landmark of Paradise Towers.
  11686. /OneúèQuarb Crystalsƒfound.
  11687. /An unprecedented string of solar flaresÆ
  11688. £¢€30th century. Some Imperial scientists theorized
  11689. ‚€flares,µat€·ƒestimated„last 10,000
  11690. years, would cause permanent damage„€ýgenoplasm.
  11691.    In€greatest secrecy, Space Beacon NervaŽconverted®a
  11692. Space Ark dubbed Terra Nova,è100,000 specimens of 'pure'
  11693. humanityƒstored.
  11694.    However, this stretched€Empire's resources„breaking point,
  11695. ‰€Empire fell. Surprisingly,€Solar flares came‰abated.
  11696. They did not damage€ýgenoplasm¥triggered a new
  11697. Ice Age,µŽÉoffš€help of ionizers.
  11698.    When€passnegers of€space ark Terra Nova awoke, circa
  11699. AD 15,000,‰began„ð„Earth, they assumed²„…
  11700. lifeless because of€solar flares.ŠGalsec Seven
  11701. colonists, however, knew²Ždeserted because of solar flares
  11702. (or fireballs)µ™happened only ten centuries earlier¦
  11703. €¬Lords™move Earth,¯€Ravolox Stratagem.
  11704. Also see NERVA, RAVOLOX.ŠRefusians' invisibilityŽ€result
  11705. of mutation caused‡solar flares.
  11706. /The Solar System included, at•·or another,€
  11707. following planets (satellites not included):
  11708.   Šnine known worlds: Mercury; Venus (the mention of Venusian
  11709. aiki-do‡€¨Œundoubtedly refers„ýcolonies
  11710. ­set up†Venus);£; Mars (homeworld of€so-called
  11711. Ice Warriors,°terraformed‡man); Jupiter; Saturn; Uranus;
  11712. Neptune;‰Pluto, home of a segment of mankind¯€era of
  11713. €Sunmakers.
  11714.    To this list of known worlds can…added: Mondas (Earth's twin
  11715. planet, home world of€Cybermen,×¢1986);€
  11716. so-called¸º(homeworld of€Fendahl,·looped‡
  11717. €¬Lords); another,›yet unnamed,ºµbroke up‰
  11718. whose remains formed€asteroid belt; Cassius, aºbeyond
  11719. Pluto's orbit;‰ã€so-called Planet 14,è€
  11720.  É€ªŒ‰Jamie.
  11721. /Art gallery†Stricium.
  11722. /Leader of Skonnos‰high priest of€Nimon.Ž€
  11723. •‘thought of exacting€Nimon tribute¶Aneth.sent
  11724. €“Œ‰’friends®€Nimon Complex. When¹
  11725. û¹™been tricked‡€Nimon,¹went mad‰´¢€
  11726. explosion¹™caused.
  11727. /Counciller of€Sevateem‰Leela's father.´¢
  11728. €test of€Horda.
  11729. /Old¬Lord‘testifiedõ€“Œ
  11730. î€President's assassination.
  11731. /Gas required‡€Terileptils„breathe. ItŽ
  11732. inflammable¦mixedšoxygen.Š¸Œß²„
  11733. start€fireµ×€Terileptils‰«plague
  11734. rats,¥²went out of control‰caused€ØFire of
  11735. London.
  11736. /Disreputable galactic surgeon‰author of a
  11737. famous paper†microsurgical techiques¢tissue transplants.
  11738. Ža follower of Morbius,‰™saved€brain of€evil
  11739. ¬Lord.ïa monstrous new body„house it,¥Ž
  11740. ultimately퇀“Œ‰€Sisterhood.
  11741. /Inhabitants of Solos. They started mutatingî€
  11742. Marshal began„alter«planet's atmosphere. In reality,²
  11743. Ža change reflecting«world's 500-year-long seasons. Due„
  11744. €¬Lords'‰€¨˜intervention, a radioactive
  11745. crystal¿†«leaders, Ky,„complete’mutation‰
  11746. turn®a super-being.ŠSolonians went†„shake off€
  11747. yoke of€£Empire,‰Ía modelœother resistance
  11748. movements.
  11749. /PlanetꀣEmpire's control. Its atmosphere
  11750. Žunbreathable‡humans, because nitrogen isotope¢its soil
  11751. combinedšultraviolet rays„generate a poisonous mist. Solos,
  11752. was, however, rich¢thaesium, a mineral coveted‡€Empire.
  11753. With¾Jaeger's help,€sadistic Marshalä„alter
  11754. its atmosphere.alsoçpleasure¢hunting‰killing
  11755. Solonian Mutants. From€¬Lords' records,‰¾
  11756. Sondergaard's research,€¨Œûout‚€
  11757. mutationsƒ¢fact caused‡Solos's 500-year-long seasons.
  11758. (Theºçtwo thousandö„orbit around²sun.).
  11759. /Sea Base Four's psycho-surgeon. She, like Nilson,Ž
  11760. secretly¢€employ of a rival Bloc.brainwashed Maddox,
  11761. ‰Ž°–‡€Myrka.
  11762. /Native of Edenµrendered its victim unconscious
  11763. ša mild narcoticætaking some of«blood. A
  11764. Somno-Moth¶Tryst's CET escaped‰attacked Romana aboard
  11765. €Empress.
  11766. /Scientist‘studied€Solonians‰
  11767. Žforced‡€Marshal„flee‰live¢exile†Solos.
  11768. saved€¨˜life, translated€ancient Solonian
  11769. records provided‡€¬Lords,‰¿solve€mystery
  11770. of€mutations. After€Marshal's defeat,¹remained†
  11771. Solos„help Ky take care of’people.
  11772. /Interplanetary corporation involved¢
  11773. business dealingsš€Mentors.
  11774. /Abbot of Det-Sen Monastery. His mindŽtaken over‡
  11775. Padmasambhava (or, more accurately,‡€ØIntelligence).
  11776. Under€evil entity's control,¹–Khrisong.Ž
  11777. ­freed‡€ªDoctor.
  11778. /Device߇Gavrok„booby trap€TARDIS.
  11779. ´¦¹fell®its deadly beam.
  11780. /Equipment offered„€trisilicate miners of
  11781. Peladon‡€Federation. ItŽ­stolen‡Ettis,‘
  11782. ä„use²„destroy Queen Thalia's Palace. But a
  11783. self-destruct mechanism caused²„explode¦activated,
  11784. killing Ettis instead.
  11785. /Multi-purpose instrument first߇€
  11786. *Son
  11787. ªŒ„open a gas pipeline junction box†€North
  11788. Sea Coast. ItŽ°ß‡€other incarnations of€
  11789. Œ„open a variety of locks,‰disarm a variety of enemies or
  11790. bombs.Š¨Œevenß²once„test¾Clegg's
  11791. mind powers. ItŽãׇ€Terileptil Leader.
  11792. /Nonviolent political group of€Áµ
  11793. ä„prevent mankind¶polluting other worlds€way²
  11794. polluted Earth. Theyƒactive¢support of€Swampies†
  11795. Delta Magna.
  11796. /Homeworld of€Sontarans.
  11797. /Militaristic aliens‘looked like short, stubby
  11798. *Sont
  11799. humanoid trolls. Their home world, Sontar,™a gravity superior„
  11800. Earth's,µgave¡superhuman strength.ŠSontaransƒa
  11801. cloned species (although they™once™a primary‰secondary
  11802. reproductive system), capable of hatching millions of warriors,
  11803. ‰therefore of sustaining huge military losses¢«millenia-
  11804. long욫galactic foes,€Rutans.ŠSontarans'
  11805. weaknesses included a small aperture¢€back of«neck
  11806. called a Probic Vent,‰€need„recharge«life force¦
  11807. outside«regular enviroment. Theyƒalso vulnerable„
  11808. coronic acid.
  11809.   ŠŒfirst met€Sontarans¢12thÄWessex¦€
  11810. stranded Sontaran, Linx,ùscientists¶€20thÄ
  11811. „helprepair’starship. LinxŽshot¢€Probic Vent‡
  11812. €archer Hal,‰’»exploded.
  11813.    Then, circa AD 15,000,€“Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith‰
  11814. Harry Sullivan met another Sontaran, Styre,‘performed cruel
  11815. ΆÞhumans„discover mankind's ability„
  11816. resist aåSontaran invasion. TheyÿStyre who, drained
  11817. of energy perished.
  11818.   ŠSontarans߀Vardans„deactivate Gallifrey's
  11819. transduction barriers and,êStor's leadership, a Sontaran
  11820. commando invaded€Capitol of€¬Lords. Theyƒÿ
  11821. ¦€“Œß€Demat Gun.
  11822.    Finally, Sontaran Group Marshal Stike allied himselfš€
  11823. androgum Chessene‰€scientist Dastari„obtain€secret of
  11824. Rassilon Imprimature,¥Žÿ‡€combine efforts of
  11825. €ª‰Sixth Doctors,›well›Chessene's betrayal.
  11826. /Captain of€Skonnos military.Ž¢charge of
  11827. guarding€Nimon Complex. After²Ždestroy,¹ÍÔ
  11828. of Skonnos.
  11829. /Leader of€Unbelievers of Sarn. She, Amyand‰Roskal
  11830. ƒarrested‡Timanov's men,‰ƒcondemned„…sacrificed
  11831. „€Fire Mountain.¿€¸Œž€
  11832. Master.
  11833. /International Space Corps lieutenant¢charge of
  11834. Space Beacon Alpha Four.ŽÞ‡Caven‰°–
  11835. ‡a space pirate.
  11836. /Morestran scientist‘travelled„
  11837. *Soren
  11838. Zeta Minor„find a new source of energy„save’planet.
  11839. discovered a gateway®a universe of anti-matter. Disregarding€
  11840. “˜advice, Sorenson carried some anti-matterš†
  11841. board Salamar's Morestran spaceship¦¹left Zeta Minor. But’
  11842. body™been infected‡€anti-matter,‰¹turned®a
  11843. neanderthal-like monster. SorensonŽsaved¦€“Œ
  11844. returned€anti-matter„Zeta Minor.
  11845. /Captain of€Soviet Army.led a secret commando†a
  11846. mission„steal€core of€British Ultima Machine.—of
  11847. €'Wolves' of Fenric, SorinÍattracted„Ace,¥´at
  11848. €hands of€Ancient HaemovoreîFenric™taken control
  11849. of’body. According„some accounts, Ace­
  11850. married•of’ancestors¢1880 France.
  11851. /One of€Thoros-Alphan rebels‘followed Tusa‰
  11852. Yrcanos.
  11853. /Powerful bioelectronic deviceµótogether
  11854. €energy of€million minds‚comprised€Union of Traken.
  11855. ItŽcontrolled‡€Source Manipulator,‰channelled through
  11856. €mind of€Keeper, whose duty²Ž„regulate€system.
  11857. Šsource held€Union of Traken¢a state of peace‰harmony
  11858. œthousands of years. After€Keeper's dissolution,€Ë
  11859. (disguised›€Melkur) temporilỳnew Keeper.å
  11860. „use€Source„turn€Union of Traken®¤all-conquering
  11861. force,‰seize another bodyœhimself.Žexposed‰
  11862. prevented¶remaining€Keeper‡€“Doctor, Adric,
  11863. Nyssa‰Council Tremas.
  11864. /Mechanical deviceµorganized‰refined
  11865. €Source‰placed its power¢€single hands of€Keeper.
  11866. ItŽsabotaged‡Adric¢¤effort„prevent€Melkur¶
  11867. remaining Keeper of Traken.
  11868. /Antarctic base whose personnel came„€“
  11869. ˜rescueî€Ïof€campµ™been
  11870. taken over‡€Krynoid.
  11871. /Military organizationµpatrolled€
  11872. space lanes¯•of Earth's early expansion periods. General
  11873. Hermack of€Space CorpsŽresponsibleœ€Ïof€
  11874. notorious pirate, Caven. Major StottŽ†a drug smuggling
  11875. assignmentœ€Intelligence Section of€Space Corps¦¹
  11876. Žshot†Eden‡Tryst.
  11877. /The creation of€Moroks,²Žlocated†Xeros.
  11878. ŠMuseum's last commanderŽLobos. ItŽ­dismantled
  11879. ‡€Xeronsî«successful rebellionõ€Moroks.
  11880. In¤alternate future,€©Œ‰’Òended up
  11881. ›exhibits there.
  11882. /See PIRATES.
  11883. /See PRISONS.
  11884. /British intelligence organizationµ
  11885. dealtš€'Ambassadors of Death'.
  11886. /Head‡Karlton, this corps of elite agents
  11887. Žformed‡£„check†threatsõits security -¢
  11888. particular,€Daleks. Among its most notorious agentsƒMarc
  11889. Cory,‘Ž–‡€Daleks, Bret Vyon, Sara Kingdom‰
  11890. Kert Gantry.
  11891. /Artefactû‡€©Œ¢€
  11892. Morok Space Museum,µenabled„see scenes throughout·
  11893. ‰space, including aåDalek attackõhim.
  11894. /See VORTEX.
  11895. /The SixthŒÛ€ªŒ¶Chessene
  11896. ‰€Sontarans¢Seville.—of Captain Pike's pirates
  11897. Žknown›€Spaniard.
  11898. /Castellan of Gallifrey.¿€“Œ
  11899. expose Chancellor Goth›€assassin of€President of€High
  11900. Council,‰save Gallifrey¶€Master.retired soon after.
  11901. /One of Captain Pike's pirates.
  11902. /Mavic Chen's ship. ItŽhijacked‡€©Œ
  11903. ‰’Ò†Kembel,¥°crashed†Desperus.
  11904. /Headquarters of€Intergalactic Pursuit
  11905. SquadronèCommander Fabian briefed Lieutenant Lang soonî
  11906. €kidnapping of Romulus‰Remus Sylvest.
  11907. /Specially engineered Dalekšextra fire
  11908. power. ItŽß‡€ImperialŸ„Ê€Ÿœ
  11909. possession of€Hand of Omega.
  11910. /Life-extending drug refined¶poisonous bat guano
  11911. ûonly†Androzani Minor, so deadly‚²could…harvested
  11912. only‡androids. In’driveœrevengeõMorgus, Sharaz
  11913. Jek seized control of€caves of Androzani Minor‰€entire
  11914. spectrox supply.
  11915. /Deadly infection caused‡exposure„raw
  11916. spectrox. Its symptonsƒrash, followed‡cramps, spasms, a
  11917. slow paralysis of€thoracic spinal nerve;²ended¢thermal
  11918. death.Š¸Œ‰PeriÍinfected†Androzani Minor.
  11919. ¾jackij discovered‚€only antidoteŽ€milk of
  11920. a queen bat¶€speciesµproduced spectrox.ŠŒ
  11921. sacrificed himself„give Peri€last of€antidote,¡
  11922. regenerated.
  11923. /Life form of Nekros.
  11924. /Chameleon Tours pilot workingêBlade. His identity
  11925. ™been taken over‡€Chameleons.shot Gascoigne‰
  11926. ùPolly.
  11928. |Soldier‘É¢€Resistance„put¤end„€
  11929. ëGames.
  11931. |Wenley Moor technician‘™a mental breakdown while
  11932. spelunking¢€Silurian caves.
  11933. /Title borne‡Ancelyn.
  11934. /Electronic mind-transference device designed†Think Tank
  11935. ‰stolen‡Skagra.å„use it, togetheršSalyavin's
  11936. mind-control abilities,„project’mind®‚of every other
  11937. living being¢€universe.ŠSphere°fragmented®
  11938. numerous, smaller versions of itself.Š“Œ­
  11939. gained control of²‰ß²„žSkagra.
  11940. /When a Lost Ship¶€22ndÄcrashlanded†
  11941. Metebelis 3,€£spidersµ²carried mutatedê€
  11942. influence of€planet's crystals.ŠSpiders (who perferred„
  11943. call themselves 'Eight-Legs') ended up ruling€colonistsœ
  11944. 430 years. Circa AD 2530,€Spiders decided„conquer Earth.
  11945. TheyßLupton's psychic circle„send•of them„£¢
  11946. €20thĄretrieve€Blue Crystal required‡«
  11947. true leader,€ØOne.Šenergy feedback–€Ø
  11948. One,‰€Spiders´šher.
  11950. |Alzarian spiders evolved®€Marshmen. Their bite
  11951. infected Romana‰temporarilyïˆpart of€Alzarian
  11952. eco-system.
  11953. /Planet whose inhabitants™€gift of invisibility.
  11954. Spiridon contained hostile vegetal life forms,›well›spores
  11955. deadly„humans.Šºalso featured ice volcanoes.ŠŸ
  11956. stored ten thousand of«own kind there¢preparationœ¤
  11957. invasion,¥theyƒentombed due„€Úof
  11958. €¨Œ‰€Thals.
  11959. /Galsec Seven colonist–‡Styre.
  11960. /Midge's little sister.
  11961. /Local authority¢€17thÄCornish villageè
  11962. €©Doctor, Ben,‰PollyÉCaptain Pike's pirates.
  11963. Ž¢Â€Ôof a local smuggling ring¢league
  11964. šPike.ŠSquireŽ°wounded‡Pike,‰redeemed
  11965. himself‡helping„save’village.
  11967. |Farmer‘attacked€Young Silurian‰Ž–‡
  11968. him.
  11970. |See WINSTANLEY.
  11971. /Farmer Squire's wife.™a nervous breakdown
  11972. îˆencounterš€Young Silurian.
  11973. /See MORGAINE.
  11975. /Ice Warrior servingêAzaxyr†Peladon.Ž–
  11976. ‡a blast¶Azaxyr's sonic weapon,µ™been redirected‡
  11977. Gebek.
  11978. /Ice Warrior servingêIzlyr†Peladon.–
  11979. Arcturus.
  11981. /Megalomaniacal scientist‘worked at€Fetch
  11982. PrioryšDr Fendelman‰Thea Ransome.Ž€secretÔ
  11983. of a coven‘worshipped€Fendahl,‰Žinstrumental¢
  11984. recreating him. But€Fendahl would not…controlled‰turned
  11985. õhim.Š“Œ­let Stael have a gun
  11986. šµ¹committed suicide„save himself¶being turned
  11987. ®a Fendahleen.
  11988. /Mad scientist responsibleœ€Inferno project.
  11989. Because¹could not bear„see any delay¢’obsession„
  11990. penetrate€Earth's crust,¹Éanything‰anyone‘stood
  11991. ¢’way, including Project Director Sir Gold, drilling consultant
  11992. Greg Sutton,‰€¨Doctor.­Ícontaminated
  11993. ‡€green slime released‡Inferno‰turned®a Primord.
  11994. ´¦€Œ‰Sutton sprayedšfrozen CO2.
  11995. /Potential source of energy discovered‡
  11996. ¾Stahlman,‘claimed²existedê€Earth's
  11997. crust.
  11998. /Unnamed merchant‘welcomed€‹Œ‰
  11999. Ace„Segonax.
  12000. /Location of€World Energy Conference
  12001. ƇBroton‰’Skarasen.
  12002. /British prison. Its governorŽVictor Camford. ItŽ
  12003. €testingúof€Keller Machine. Later,€Ë¿
  12004. €prisoners, led‡Mailer,„take over€Prison,‰ßits
  12005. inmates„hijack€Thunderbolt Missile. StangmoorŽã
  12006. recaptured‡Benton.
  12007. /Location of€airfieldè€Ëhid€
  12008. Thunderbolt Missile.
  12009. /Captain of€Concorde flight€¸Œß„
  12010. rescue Flight 192¶€Jurassic era.¿€¬Lord
  12011. ž€Ë‰free€Xeraphin. With€good Xeraphin's
  12012. help, Stapley piloted€˜TARDIS,‰sabotaged€Master's
  12013. TARDIS, thus ensuring€¸˜victory.
  12014. /Member of Stotz's gang of gun-runners.Ž–‡
  12015. Stotz¦¹ä„defect.
  12016. /Terradonian spaceshipµcrashed†Alzarius; its
  12017. original passengersƒ–‡€native Marshmen. Then,¢€
  12018. course of four thousand generations, these evolved®Terradonian-
  12019. like humanoids‘forgot«true origins (theyÉonly 40
  12020. generations™elapsed). Eventually, at Mistfall, new Marshmen
  12021. rose„again attack€Starliner.Š“Œ¿€
  12022. Starliner community rediscover€truthøthemselves.ï
  12023. them realize€StarlinerŽalready repaired‰they could leave
  12024. Alzarius at any time,µthey did.
  12025. /Arms߇€Chancellery Guards†Gallifrey.
  12026. /TheªŒß²„call
  12027. €TARDIS.
  12028. /Official of€Cranliegh Halt railway station.
  12029. /Method߇€Companyœits capital executions
  12030. †Pluto. LeelaŽcondemned„death‡steaming.
  12031. /Professor‘¿Tryst create€CET machine.
  12032. /Dr Steven's secretary.
  12033. /PlanetèHallet™investigated granaries
  12034. shortages‰met Kimber.
  12035. /Female child‘wandered throughout Iceworld¯€
  12036. confrontationô€‹Œ‰Kane.
  12037. /See HAND OF OMEGA.
  12038. /Brand of guns smuggled‡Rohm-Dutt.
  12039. /One of€Sixth˜friends. His daughter, Natasha,
  12040. Ísuspicious of’apparent desire„…cryogenically frozen
  12041. at Tranquil Repose. Upon investigation, she°discovered‚
  12042. ˆfather's headŽbeing turned®•of Davros's new Daleks.
  12043. Fortunately, StengosŽmercifully–æ’
  12044. transformationŽcompleted.
  12045. /(1781-1848) English engineer‰principal
  12046. inventor of€railroad locomotive. In 1813,¹Žchief engineer
  12047. at€Killingsworth colliery, owned‡Lord Ravensworth,œµ
  12048. ¹built€first steam-powered locomotive,€Blucher.Š
  12049. Ëwanted„kidnap a number of scientists‘™been invited
  12050. ‡George Stephenson (Faraday, Watt, etc.)‰harness«
  12051. geniusœ’own ends,¥Ží‡€Sixth Doctor.
  12052. /Member of€cult of Hecate.
  12053. /See TAYLOR, STEVEN.
  12054. /Director of€Global Chemicals'
  12055. *Stevens
  12056. LLanfairfach Refinery. His brainŽlinked„€àBOSS,
  12057. µlearned¶²‚€secret ofýsuccessŽ
  12058. inefficiency‰illogicality. BOSS¡programmed Stevens„add
  12059. those features„himself,‰Ísentient‰self-controlling,
  12060. not„mention megalomaniacal. With BOSS's help, Stevensä„
  12061. stop€¨Doctor,½‰¾Clifford Jones¶
  12062. shutting down€Llanfairfach Refineryî€Green Death
  12063. effects. Then BOSSä„take over€world,¥€¨
  12064. Œß€Blue Crystal„free Stevens,‘×BOSS.
  12065. /Gravedigger‘buried€casket containing€
  12066. Hand of Omega.
  12067. /Commander of Space Beacon Nerva.¿€“
  12068. ŒÊ€Cybermen,‰saved Nerva¶totalχ
  12069. redirecting€Skystriker missile at€Cybermen's ship.
  12070. /Scientist working at€Antarctic camp of€
  12071. World Ecology Bureau expeditionµdiscovered€Krynoids pods.
  12072. Ž–‡€Krynoid‘™taken over Winlett's body.
  12073. /Younger space pilot of€C-982 cargo»è€
  12074. ¨Œrematerialized¢AD 2540.Š»Žattacked‡€
  12075. Ogrons,‘ƒhelping€Ëfoment aìô£‰
  12076. €Draconians.
  12078. |Commander of¤£marine space corps expedition sent„
  12079. Exxilon„bring back parrinium,€antidote„a deadly space
  12080. plague. Injured¦’»crashed,¹´soon afterwards.
  12081. /A Dalek duplicate whose taskŽ„lure€¸Œ„
  12082. a Dalek ship,è¹could…duplicated.ŠŒÕ¢
  12083. helping Stien overcome’conditioning.­sacrificed’
  12084. life„trigger€explosion‚×both€Dalek»‰
  12085. €space penitentiaryèDavros™been kept.
  12086. /Helen A's pet, Fifi,Ža Stigorax, a vicious life
  12087. form¶Terra Alpha.
  12088. /Sontaran Group Marshal‘allied himselfšChessene¢
  12089. order„capture€ªDoctor, dissect him,‰obtain€
  12090. secret of€Rassilon Imprimature. Chessene betrayed‰¹
  12091. ´¢€explosion of’ship.
  12092. /Hardin's assistant.Ž–‡€West Lodge
  12093. Foamasi saboteur masquerading›Klout.
  12094. /See LEMAITRE.
  12095. /Member of€Imperial£Expedition Force„Deva
  12096. Loka‘disappeared.
  12097. /New York Sketch correspondent.
  12098. /The Meddling Monk claimed„have¿€natives
  12099. build Stonehengešantigrav lifts. ItŽ•of€
  12100. three Gorsedds of Britain.
  12102. /See OGRI.
  12103. /Sontaran commander‘߀Vardans„invade Gallifrey.
  12104. ‰’forceƒ×‡€“Œ¦€
  12105. ¬Lord߀Demat Gun.
  12106. /Trapper‰scavenger¯€Ice Age of AD 3000.Ž
  12107. Penley's companion,‰Ž°–‡€Ice Warriors.
  12108. /Third member of Tryst's Volante zoological expedition. In
  12109. reality,¹Ža Major¢€Intelligence Section of€Space
  12110. Corps†a drug-running assignment.Ž¢lovešDella.
  12111. Tryst shot‰left„die†Eden,¥¹Žcaught up¢
  12112. €CET.escapedî€Empress crashed®€Hecate,‰
  12113. ¿€“Œ‰Romana expose Tryst‰’fellow
  12114. vraxoin smuggler, Dymond.
  12115. /Leader of gun-runners supplying Sharaz Jek.Žsecretly
  12116. ¢€employ of Morgus,€Chairman of€Sirius Conglomerate.
  12117. É€¸Doctor. Stotz‰Morgus returned„Androzani
  12118. Minor„try„steal Jek's personal spectrox hoard.Žshot
  12119. ‡€Salateen android.
  12120. /Extra-dense matter first discovered‡a Princeton
  12121. physicist¢1984.ŠRani plotted„launch a Loyhargil rocket„
  12122. blow up¤asteroidïup of Strange Matter¢orbit around
  12123. Lakertya.Šresulting explosion would have recreated€conditions
  12124. of€Leptonic Era‰produced Helium 2,µwould have turned
  12125. ˆartificial Brain®a planet-sized¬Manipulatoršµ
  12126. she could have recreated€universe.Š‹Œí
  12127. ˆplans‡causing€rocket„miss€asteroid.
  12128. /See BATES, EREGOUS.
  12129. /Royal princess of Tara‘™beenù‡Count
  12130. Grendal.å„use Romana's remarkable similarity„€
  12131. Princess›a means„kill Prince Reynart.ŽÛ‡€
  12132. “Œ‰ended up marrying Prince Reynart.
  12134. /One of€Eternals.Š¸Œmetwhile¹Ž
  12135. ¢€guise of€captain of¤Edwardian space yacht engaged
  12136. ¢€raceœEnlightenment.
  12137. /A Perivale manù‡€Cheetah People,‰°
  12138. –‡Karra.
  12139. /While¢Amsterdam,¹¿Tegan‰€¸
  12140. Œfind’friend Colin Frazer,‘™beenù‡
  12141. Omega.
  12142. /One of€Marshal's men†Solos.‰Cotton agreed
  12143. „help€¨Œdefend€Solonians.Ž–‡€
  12144. Marshal.
  12145. /Chief scientist of€Kraals.ßastronaut Guy
  12146. *Kraal
  12147. Crayford‰ýandroid duplicates„take over€Devesham
  12148. Space Research Station.¡å„exterminate mankindš
  12149. a special virus. His effortsƒí‡€“Doctor,
  12150. ‰¹´¦¹Žaccidentally splatteredš’own
  12151. virus.
  12152. /British diplomat‘å„hold a peace
  12153. conference¢order„avert a third world war. Guerillas¶
  12154. aÁEarth,耟™Ìinvaded£
  12155. î‚very sameì™taken place,ä„assassinate
  12156. Styles, not realizing‚²Žthis very actionµwould cause
  12157. €conference„fail‰trigger€war. Fortunately€¨
  12158. ŒŽable„save Styles,‰€peace conferenceŽ
  12159. successful.
  12160. /Medical officer‘survived€Dalek raid†€
  12161. space penitentiaryèDavrosŽkept.managed„arm€
  12162. self-destruct system,¥Ž–‡•of Lytton's men.
  12163. /Sontaran field-major‘circa AD 15,000, performed
  12164. cruelΆÞýcolonies¶Galsec Seven†
  12165. £„discover mankind's ability„resist aåSontaran
  12166. Invasion.Š“Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith‰Harry Sullivan
  12167. ÿStyre who, drained of energy, perished.
  12168. /High-ranking British civil servantš
  12169. C19, a department¢charge of€½liason.vouchedœ€
  12170. ¸Œîa Concorde disappeared.
  12171. /One of€“˜Ò‰
  12172. *Har
  12173. Surgeon-lieutenant of UNIT.ŠBrigadier entrusted€“
  12174. Œ„’care justî’regeneration. Harry¿
  12175. ‰Sarah Jane SmithʀScientific Reform Society‰
  12176. ¾Kettlewell's Giant Robot.¡accompanied€Œ
  12177. ‰Sarah¢€TARDIS,‰Éõ€Wirrn,€
  12178. Sontaran Styre,€ †Voga (atµ·€Œ
  12179. proclaimed‚¹Ž¤'imbecile').Žpresent¦Davros
  12180. ò€Daleks. After fighting€Zygons,¹chose„remain
  12181. †Earth.¿€Œagainõ€Kraals,
  12182. ‘™ï¤android duplicate of him.ŠBrigadier°
  12183. told€¸Œ‚Harry™been seconded„NATO,‰
  12184. Žinvolved¢a secret operation at Porton Down.
  12185. /Interplanetary empire once ruled¶Manussa.
  12186. It meant 'Empire of€Mara'.
  12187. /Chairman of€British Post Office.
  12188. ¿€©ŒžWOTON.
  12189. /Stangmoor Prison's medical doctor. Mailerß
  12190. „negotiatešGovernor Camford.alsoçcare of
  12191. Barnham.
  12192. /Royal Navy petty officer aboard Lieutenant Ridgway's
  12193. submarine.¿Ê€Sea Devils.
  12195. |One of¾Sorenson's Morestran crew–†
  12196. Zeta Minor‡€anti-matter creatures.
  12197. /Divinities worshipped†Ribos.
  12198. /Ribos's 32-year-long summer, caused‡€planet's
  12199. elliptical orbit.ŠRibans thought€Sun¬Ža product
  12200. of€ìô€Sun Gods‰ŠIce Gods.
  12201. /Orbital device, invented‡Salamander,µ
  12202. harnessed solar energy‰beamed²„barren areas of€world,
  12203. thereby turning them®arable land.
  12204. /One of€ancient Vikings‘óFenric's flask
  12205. back„England;¤ancestor of Captain Sorin.
  12206. /Joseph Sundvik's wife.
  12207. /19thÄdescendant of€Viking settlers
  12208. ‘óFenric's flask„Northumberland.‰’wife
  12209. ™five daughters: Sarah, Martha, Jane, Clara‰Annie.
  12210. /See MORGAINE.
  12211. /Nickname of€Usurians' Company†Pluto.
  12212. /Member of€Macra-dominated space colony.
  12213. /Robotsßaboard€Sandminerµcould not
  12214. *Sv7
  12215. only speak¥ƒadvanced enough„…classified semi-sentient.
  12216. SV7‰€undercover D84ƒSuper-Vocs.
  12217. /See MAGIC, RELIGION.
  12218. /Officer¢charge of€gas mine work shifts†
  12219. €Macra-dominated space colony.
  12220. /League of ruthless dictators‘çover
  12221. €£îMagnus Greel߀Peking Homunculus„murder
  12222. €Icelandic Alliance Commissioner‰thus set off WorldëVI.
  12223. ŠSupreme AllianceŽoverthrown at€Battle of Reykjavik.
  12224. Greel,¡€Alliance's Minister of Justice,‰’
  12225. Homunculus, fled„19thÄChina¢a flawed time-travel
  12226. machine known›€Zigma Experiment .
  12227. /The˜grandaughter (sometimes called Susan Foreman
  12228. *Sus
  12229. î€name of€owner of€junkyardè€ÃŽ
  12230. parked; Ian Chesterton mistakenly assumed‚ForemanŽ€
  12231. ˜real name). While€©ŒŽ†£†business
  12232. connectedš€Hand of Omega,œa short time, SusanÍa
  12233. student at€Coal Hill School. There, she met teachers Ian
  12234. Chesterton‰Barbara Wright who, curiousøˆodd areas of
  12235. knowledge, followedˆ®€TARDIS. Together, they met cavemen,
  12236. €Daleks, Marco Polo,€Aztecs,€Sensorites‰ƒ
  12237. temporarily miniturized„ant size. Susan¡fell¢loveš
  12238. Dalek fighter David Campbell¯€Daleks' AD 2164 Invasion of
  12239. Earth.would have left him,¥€©Doctor, convinced‚
  12240. she would…better offšDavid, lockedˆout of€TARDIS.
  12241. Susan remained¢€21stĉÅmarried
  12242. David. Later, sheŽß‡Borusa›a pawn¢€Game of
  12243. Rassilon.teamed upš€©Œand, togetherš€
  12244. ˜other incarnations‰various companions,¿thwart
  12245. €megalomaniacal¬Lord's plansœimmortality.
  12246. /Menßsuspended animation„preserve
  12247. «bodies, either¯interstellar travel, such›¢€case
  12248. of€Ark, or over a long period of time, such›€ten
  12249. thousandöµfollowed€solar flares. Tranquil
  12250. ReposeŽmortuary dedicated„€preservation of dying
  12251. millionaires‰politicians. Suspended Animation techniques
  12252. ƒalso߄control prisoners such›Davros. Alien
  12253. racesßsuspended animationœvery much€same reasons.Š
  12254. Chameleons‰Kaneß²†captive humans;€
  12255.  ‰€Ÿß²„store«armies.
  12256. Other entitiesû¢suspended animation included:€Ice
  12257. Soldiers of Marinus; Varga‰’Ice Warriors;€
  12258. Krotons;€Silurians‰Sea Devils;€
  12259. Daemon Azal; Davros;€Malus;‰€Sleepers
  12260. ¶Andromeda. Also see CRYOGENIC‰GENERATION STARSHIPS.
  12261. /EvilÜof Horus,€Ôof€god-like Osirians,
  12262. ‘visited£¢€days of Ancient Egypt.Žalso known›
  12263. Set, Satan, Sadok‰€Typhonian Beast. Horus‰€other
  12264. OsiriansÿSutekh‰imprisonedinside a secret pyramid,
  12265. trapped inside a force field generated‡€Eye of Horus, itself
  12266. located¢€Pyramids of Mars. Sutekhçover¾Scarman's
  12267. body¢¤attempt„destroy€Pyramids of Mars. Thwarted‡€
  12268. “Doctor,¹çover€¬Lord's body‰ß’Ã
  12269. „travel„Mars‰destroy€Eye. ButæSutekh could
  12270. escape,€Œtrapped¢¤endless·corridor. According
  12271. „€Doctor, Sutekh aged seven thousandö¢a few seconds
  12272. æ¹died.
  12273. /Expert drilling consultant summoned„€Inferno
  12274. project‡Sir Gold.Íattracted„Petra Williams,‰
  12275. ¿€¨Œstop¾Stahlman. On a parallel Earth,
  12276. ¹Ža political prisoner,‰Ð¦€forces unleashed
  12277. ‡Inferno׀Earth.
  12278. /Super-VocÖsupervisor aboard€Sandminer.fellê
  12279. *SV7
  12280. Dask's control,‰led€other Robots of Death.Žtricked‡
  12281. €“Œ®killing Dask,‰Ž×‡
  12282. Uvanov.
  12283. /Planetè€trading post of IceworldŽlocated.Š
  12284. citizens of Proamon™exiled Kane„Svartos‰entrusted€
  12285. dragonfire crystal„a mechanoid dragon.
  12286. /One of€Viking raidersÿ‡Wulnoth's Saxons.
  12287. /Green-skinned humanoid natives of Delta Magna. They™
  12288. been sent‡€humans„live†€planet's third moon,è
  12289. theyÍknown›'Swampies'. They worshipped Kroll, a gigantic
  12290. squid-like creature.Š“Œ‰Romana saved them¶
  12291. being exterminated‡Thawn.
  12292. /Salamander's Sanctum's chief scientist. When Swann
  12293. accidentally learned of€lies‚Salamander™ß„maintain
  12294. «underground existence,¹Æ„expose him,¥Ž
  12295. murdered‡€villain. However,æ¹died, Swann™·„
  12296. reveal€truth„Astrid Ferrier.
  12297. /Another nameœ€Virus of€Purpose.
  12298. /(1667-1745) Irish writer.ŠªDoctor, Jamie
  12299. ‰Zoe encountered’creation Lemuel Gulliver¢€
  12300. Land of Fiction.
  12301. /Father of Romulus‰Remus.Ž
  12302. concerned‚€applied power of€twins' mathematical genius
  12303. could change€universe.
  12304. /Identical twin sons of¾Sylvest
  12305. ‰mathematical geniusesù‡Azmael at Mestor's behest„
  12306. compute€equations necessary„€accomplishment of’insane
  12307. plan. TheyƒÛ‡€Sixth Doctor,‘returned them„
  12308. Earth.
  12309. /Rex Farrel's secretary.
  12310. /Human operator linked upša computer.Ža
  12311. necessary element„launch Sea Base Four's missiles. Maddox™
  12312. replaced Michaels›its synch operator.
  12313. /B-grade technician‘joined Mandrel's rebels,‰¿
  12314. overthrow€Company†Pluto.
  12315. /Name given„€Starliner filesµcontained€
  12316. truthø€Terradonians†Alzarius.
  12317. /(aka TRAVEL-MAT) Instantaneous form of travel so widelyß
  12318. †£¢€°part of€21stĂ²virtually
  12319. ïregular space travel (through rockets‰spaceships) extinct.
  12320. ¾EldredȂover-reliance†T-MatŽdangerous.
  12321. After€'Seeds of Death' episode,²Žagain never relied upon
  12322. so totally‰exclusively. 
  12324. /Location of€vast argonite mines owned‡€Issigri Mining
  12325. Company. It orbited around€star Pliny‰Žalso space pirate
  12326. Caven's secret base. CavenƄblow up TA,¥Ž
  12327. stopped‡€ªDoctor.
  12328. /She‰Tildaƒtwo old Rezzies‘lived¢Paradise
  12329. Towers‰secretly fed†€Kangs. Theyþ–Mel,‰
  12330. ƒthemselves–‡•of Kroagnon's robotic devices.
  12331. /Thal–‡€Daleks.
  12332. /(TRG) Argolin deviceµß€
  12333. faster-than-light‰time-altering properties of tachyonics.Š
  12334. Argolins߀TRG„clone Pangol„counteract€sterility of
  12335. «race. ItŽalso•of€key attractions of€
  12336. Leisure Hive. Pangolå„use€TRG„create¤army of
  12337. billions of duplicates of himself.Š“Œ‰Hardin
  12338. reengineered€TRG so‚²rejuvenated Mena‰Pangol.
  12339. /One of€employees at Tranquil Repose.called†€
  12340. Ÿ¶Skaro„stop Davros¶completely taking over
  12341. €mortuary.
  12342. /Female member of Jackson's crew.regenerated,¡É
  12343. *Tala
  12344. €Oracle¢€Underworld alongside€“Œ‰Leela.
  12345. After€QuestŽover, she returned„Minyos II.
  12346. /She looked exactly like Nyssa of Traken; she™been
  12347. *Nys
  12348. George Cranleigh's financee but,presumed„have
  12349. ´¢€Amazon, she agreed„marry’youngerÜCharles.
  12350. Šnews ofˆwedding caused€disfigured George,¢Â
  12351. hidden¢Cranleigh Hall,„go mad.
  12352. /Nickname given‡€Kangs„€drink dispensers
  12353. theyߛa means of communications.
  12354. /Monetary unit߇€Company†Pluto.
  12355. /One of€Mondasian ‘invaded€Snowcap
  12356. Space Tracking Station‰É€©Doctor.
  12357. /Gallifreyan technician‘reported€transmission of
  12358. €¸˜biodata„Omega.Ž–‡Hedin.
  12359. /Computer scientist at€British Space Centre.
  12360. Žsecretly workingœGeneral Carrington.Ž–‡a
  12361. bomb intendedœ€¨Doctor.
  12362. /Type of airlocks߆Aridius.
  12363. /See HUMKER.
  12364. /Young Kaled security captain¢€Kaled bunker†Skaro.
  12365. interrogated€“Œ‰’companions.
  12366. /Noblewoman of Manussa‰wife of€Federator.Ž
  12367. Lon's mother,‰Ídistraught¦ˆson fellê€
  12368. Mara's evil influence.
  12369. /Lord Cranleigh's chauffeur.
  12370. /The Portreeve's tapestry¢Castrovalva showed scenes
  12371. ¶€past. In reality,²Ž€screen behindµ€
  12372. Ëkept Adric prisoner.
  12373. /Planet colonized‡Earthmen‘chose„pattern«
  12374. lifesyles†19thÄcustoms.ŠTaran nobilityçpride¢
  12375. «scientific‰mechanical ignorance, leaving such matters„
  12376. €'peasants'.ŠTaransƒmaster android-makers.
  12377. /Former Tower Guard‘Í•of€rebel leaders†
  12378. €ØVampire's world.Ž–‡Zargo‰Camillaî
  12379. ¹freed Romana.
  12380. /One of€rarest minerals¢€Galaxy‰û†
  12381. Uranus. Mavic Chen delivered a taranium core„€Ÿ„power
  12382. «¬Destructor,¥²Žstolen‡€©Doctor. It™
  12383. been speculated‚taraniumŽ€key„€Daleks'·
  12384. corridor. Taranium may…related„Kontron crystals.
  12385. /Acronym of¬‰Relative Dimension (or Dimensions) In
  12386. *Tar
  12387. Space,€name given‡€¬Lords„«space-time travel
  12388. capsules. SusanŽ€first„mention€name¯a
  12389. conversationšIan Chesterton‰Barbara Wright.
  12390.    Under normal conditions, aÃlooked like a blank, non-
  12391. descript cabinetša door. However,²Žimmensely larger inside
  12392. than outside, due„its transdimensional nature. Indeed€space
  12393. inside aÃcould…manipulated, expanded or reduced,
  12394. according„€wishes of its owner.ŠŒŽonce able„
  12395. jettison’TARDIS's Zero Room. This factor apparently caused
  12396. most weapons„become non-functional inside, although thereƒ
  12397. some exceptions„€rule. AÃwas,¢theory, virtually
  12398. invulnerable„outside attacks, although²could…turned
  12399. invisible, imprisoned¢a force field, hijacked¶€space-time
  12400. vortex or otherwise captured.
  12401.    AÎequippedšmultiple defence systems, including
  12402. €ability„dematerialize‰rematerializeîits attacker
  12403. Žgone (HADS). A chameleon circuit enabled²„change its
  12404. outside appearence¢order„blend¢safelyšits
  12405. environment. Somehow,€Ã¡acquired certain properties
  12406. of€object²mimicked, including size‰weight, since TARDIS's
  12407. ƒat times stolen, moved or transported‡outside forces,
  12408. even though²Žonce reported‚€˜TARDIS,ê
  12409. Earth's gravity conditions, weighed (10*10) power 5 kilos. In
  12410. theory, nothing or no•could enter aÃwithout either being
  12411. invited¢or having a key (a trionic device or¤old-fashioned
  12412. one). But again, thereƒexceptions:€Guardians, Sutekh,€
  12413. Keeper of Traken‰€Maraƒall able mentally„penetrate€
  12414. ˜TARDIS.ŠÃŽalso invaded‡a space virus, Biroc
  12415. ‰€Master.
  12416.    It has been theorized‚aÎsemi-sentient, gifted
  12417. šrudimentary empathic qualities. Indeed,€˜Ã
  12418. sometimes appeared„act of its own volition„alert its
  12419. master„a grave danger, using its 'Cloister Bells'.
  12420. Among€substances aÃneeded„run properly were:
  12421. mercury, Zyton-7‰artron energy. In order„become
  12422. fully operational aل…primed‡a¬Lord, whose
  12423. bodies contained a symbiotic nucleus (the 'Rassilon Imprimature')
  12424. µenabled them„achieve molecular stabilization‰a
  12425. quasi-symbiotic control of€TARDIS. Among other components
  12426. µƒpart of aÀ·rotor (located at€
  12427. centre of its control console); a dematerialization circuit; a·
  12428. vector generator; a quantum accelerator, a temporal limiter,‰a
  12429. dynamorphic regenerator.
  12430.   Š˜ÃŽ¤old Type 40 (ofµ305ƒ
  12431. originally registered‡€¬Lords),šisomorphic controls,
  12432. meaning that,¢theory,²could…operated only‡€Doctor.
  12433. It certainly refused„obey Salamander, Sutekh‰
  12434. Eldrad;¥Adric, Romana‰€Master, among others,ƒ
  12435. able„operate it.ŠŒ'borrowed' it. Its chameleon
  12436. circuitŽstuck, leaving its outside shape permanently frozen
  12437. ¢€form of aÙPolice Box - exceptœ€single·¦
  12438. €Œrepaired it.Š˜TARDIS's steering
  12439. mechanismŽknown„…faulty‰behave erratically, although
  12440. possibly not›often›€Œclaimed. When€¬Lords
  12441. exiled€Œ„Earth, theyçaway’TARDIS's
  12442. dematerialization circuit,¥returned²î€Omega crisis.
  12443. Toݶ€Black Guardian,€Œequipped’
  12444. Úa Randomizer,¥­disposed of²†
  12445. Argolis.
  12446.    Some of€features of€˜Ãincluded: two control
  12447. rooms,€main•‰€wood-panelled secondary one;
  12448. €Zero Room;€Cloisters, whose bellÀ›¤alarm
  12449. system; a swimming pool; a power station disguised›¤art
  12450. gallery; a large boot cupboard;‰various guest rooms.
  12451. Š˜ÃŽlockedša trionic device.
  12452.    TARDIS's could…controlled¶afar‡€¬Lords,‘
  12453. severely restricted«usage‰ownership.ŠŒonce lost
  12454. ’âa game of backgammonšKublai Khan. A few
  12455. TARDIS's, however,ƒstolen‡€following renegade¬Lords:
  12456. €Ë(hisÎoften disguised›a grandfather clock or
  12457. a Corinthian column);€Meddling Monk;€ëChief; Salyavin;
  12458. ‰€Rani.ŠŸbuilt crude, taranium-powered·
  12459. machines, somewhat similar„TARDIS's.ŠëLords operated
  12460. €TARDIS-like 'SIDRATS',¥š¬Lord technology stolen
  12461. ‡€ëChief. Also see CHAMELEON CIRCUIT.
  12462. /Destination of Rossini's circus.
  12463. /One of€Guards‘À€Seers‰€Oracle¢€
  12464. Underworld.É€“Œ‰Jackson's Minyans.
  12465. ‰€UnderworldТ¤explosion caused‡two fission
  12466. grenades disguised›€Race Banks,µ€Oracle™intended
  12467. „use„destroy Jackson's ship.
  12468. /One of€Thals sent„Spiridon„stop€Daleks.
  12469. ¿€¨Œfreeze€Daleks' army.Žromantically
  12470. attracted„Rebec.
  12471. /Member of a Silurian Triad also comprised of Icthar (who™
  12472. *Sil
  12473. met€€¨Œ¢€20th century),‰Scibus. In AD
  12474. 2084, they reanimated a Sea Devil commando led‡Sauvix,µ
  12475. they߄attack Sea Base Four. Their planŽ„launch nuclear
  12476. missiles„provoke aìô€two blocs,‰thus eradicate
  12477. mankind. Tarpok´¦€¸Œßdeadly
  12478. hexachromite gas.
  12479. /Scientist‘accompanied€£marine space
  12480. corps expedition„Exxilon. Their missionŽ„bring back
  12481. parrinium,€antidote„a deadly space plague possibly spread
  12482. ‡€Daleks, whom she¿€¨Œ„fight.
  12483. Íromantically attracted„Peter Hamilton.
  12484. /Chief Enquirer of Millenius.accused Ian of Eprin's
  12485. murder¯€©˜questœ€Keys of Marinus.
  12486. /Black hole®µBruchner would have steered€
  12487. Hypeion III,™¹not been stopped‡€two Mogarians, Atza
  12488. ‰Ortezo.
  12489. /One of€workers at Tranquil Repose. Because sheŽ
  12490. constantly humiliated‰spurned‡Jobel, DavrosŽable„
  12491. manipulateˆ®murdering him.Ž°–‡•of
  12492. Davros's White Daleks.
  12493. /Star system of Diplos, home world of Cessair,‰
  12494. of Ogros, home of€Ogri.
  12495. /Marshall of France‰Catherine de Medici's aide.
  12496. Ž€principal instigator of€St Bartholomew's Day's
  12497. Massacre. Tavannes blamed€Abbot of Amboiseœ’failure„
  12498. assassinate Admiral de Coligny,‰™executed.¡ß
  12499. €Abbot's death„stir€Catholics' wrathõ
  12500. €Huguenots.
  12501. /Slave supervisor of Roman Emperor Nero.óBarbara
  12502. „…handmaiden„Poppaea. Tavius‰Maximus Pettullianƒ
  12503. secret Christians, conspiring„kill Nero.
  12504. /One of€©˜companions, a space pilot
  12505. *Stev
  12506. ‘™crashed†Mechanus,‰been kept prisoner‡€
  12507. Mechanoidsœtwo years. Steven fledš€©Œ‰
  12508. Vicki.encountered€Meddling Monk‰€Drahvins.É
  12509. (as Diomedi)¯€Trojan War,‰faced€Daleks,€Monoids
  12510. ‰€Celestial Toymaker. Before€St Bartholomew's Day Massacre,
  12511. Steven saved€life of Anne Chaplette,•of Dodo's ancestors.
  12512. Later,¹Žþlynched¢Tombstone¥ŽÛ‡Wyatt
  12513. Earp. Finally, Steven left€Ã„become€Ôof€
  12514. Elders‰€Savages.
  12516. /Ben Jackson's ship.
  12517. /Dulcian student sentšKando,êBalan's supervision,„
  12518. check€radiation levels†€Island of Death.ŽÞ
  12519. ‰put„work‡€Dominators,‰­¿€
  12520. ªŒž€ruthless aliens.
  12521. /See JOVANKA, TEGAN.
  12522. /Tartar warlord of€13th century.posed›a peace
  12523. ambassador„Kublai Khan,¶rival MongolÔNoghai.ä
  12524. „kill€Khan,¥’effortsƒí‡€©Doctor,
  12525. ‰¹Ð¢€attempt. Tegana™alsoä„steal€
  12526. Æbehalf of’master.
  12527. /Young Anethian princess‘Žpart of€tribute requested
  12528. ‡€Nimon‰exacted‡€Skonnons¶Aneth.¿Seth
  12529. ‰€“Œexpose‰ž€Nimon.­
  12530. married Seth.
  12531. /Renis's assistant.Í€new Maylin of Karfelî
  12532. ’predecessorŽ–‡€Borad.sent€SixthŒ
  12533. „19thÄScotland„bring back€Borad's talisman,µ
  12534. Vena™graspedæfalling¢€Timelash. When¹ã
  12535. realized€fate€Borad™¢storeœKarfel,¹ä„
  12536. shoot him,¥Ž–himself instead.
  12537. /The ability„move matter‡€power of€mind.
  12538. Entities‘displayed telekinetic talent included€Celestial
  12539. Toymaker;€Daemons;€Solonian Mutants;€mutated Spiders of
  12540. Metebelis 3‰¾Clegg; Sutekh€Osirian;€Sisterhood
  12541. of Karn;€Tesh;€Mentiads of Zanak;€Xeraphin;‰€
  12542. Gravis.
  12543. /The ability„read minds or emotions. Telepathic races
  12544. included:€Voord;€Sensorites;€Elders;€Nestene;€
  12545. Silurians;€Daemons;€Solonian Mutants;€mutated Spiders of
  12546. Metebelis 3;€Osirians;€Sisterhood of Karn;€Tesh;€
  12547. Vardans;€Guardians of Time;€Mentiads of Zanak;€native
  12548. Alzarians;€Kinda;€Xeraphin;€Eternals;€Cheetah People;
  12549. and,„some extent,€¬Lords of Gallifrey.
  12550.    Individuals or single entities (other than members of€above-
  12551. listed races)‘have exhibited telepathicüincluded:€
  12552. Animus;€Celestial Toymaker;€ØIntelligence;
  12553. Padmasambhava;€ËBrain of€Land of Fiction;€Mind
  12554. Parasite;€Guardian of€Doomsday Weapon; Kronos;¾
  12555. Clegg;€Mandragora Helix; Eldrad of Kastria; Xoanon;€Fendahl;
  12556. €Senior of Ribos;€Megara Justice Machines;€
  12557. ØVampire; Meglos;€Keeper of Traken;€
  12558. Mara; Kamelion;€Malus; Mestor;€Gods of Ragnarok; Morgaine;
  12559. Light;‰Fenric. Also see HYPNOSIS‰MIND POWERS.
  12560. /Instantaneous transmission of matter¶•point
  12561. „another. Technological teleportationŽfirst researched at
  12562. Cambridge‡€Ë(posing›¾Thascales), using€
  12563. Kronos Crystal›part of€TOM-TIT project. ItŽperfected
  12564. ¢€second half of€21st century. Known›T-Mat,²Í
  12565. so widelyßthat,œa short while,²nearlyïregular space
  12566. travel redundant. After€Ice Warriors' attack,‰«
  12567. subsequentž‡€ªDoctor, T-MatŽrelegated„a
  12568. more normal usage.
  12569.    Transmat beamsƒß†€Space Beacon Nerva; theseƒ
  12570. powered‡a pentalion drive.Š“Œßthem„
  12571. transport down¶€Ark¢Space.ŠEmpireß
  12572. transmat technology„teleport¶‰„Solos. In AD 4000,
  12573. a more advanced, experimental form of matter transmission, known›
  12574. Cellular Projection,Žß‡Froyn‰Rhynmal„transport€
  12575. ©Œ„Mira.
  12576.    Among otherÇraces using various technological forms of
  12577. teleportation were:€¬Lords;€Daleks;€Keeper of€
  12578. Conscience of Marinus;€ëLords (presumably using stolen
  12579. ¬Lord technology;€Captain of Zanak,‘™turned€
  12580. wholeº®a giant spaceship;€ñof Atrios‰
  12581. Zeos;€Nimon‰Mawdryn. Also see FASTER THAN LIGHT.Š
  12582. Jacondans' matter transporter left behind a dust-like cloud of Zanium.
  12583.    Teleportation could also…achieved through mental powers.
  12584. Among€entities capable of natural teleportationƒ€
  12585. Guardians of Time,€Celestial Toymaker,€ËBrain of
  12586. €Land of Fiction,€Mind of Evil,€Daemons, Kronos,€
  12587. Spiders of Metebelis 3,€Sisterhood of Karn,€Vardans (capable
  12588. of travelling along wavelengths),€Keeper of Traken,€Xeraphin,
  12589. €Eternals, Light, Morgaine‰€Cheetah People.
  12590. /Famous Scottish civil engineer‘lived¶
  12591. 1757„1834.ŠËwanted„kidnap„harness’
  12592. genius,¥Ží‡€Sixth Doctor.
  12593. /Crystalline substance,€principal element of€
  12594. Krotons' composition. It could…dissolved‡sulphuric acid.
  12595. /Originally, TelosŽprobably a sub-zero ice planet, since
  12596. ²gave birth„€Cryon race,‘could exist only¢very low
  12597. temperatures. For unknown reasons, Telos's surface temperatures
  12598. rose dramatically, driving€Cryons underground,èthey built
  12599. giant refrigerated cities. Later,¯€23rd century,€
  12600. Cybermen,‘™been driven¶«worlds‡€Alliance
  12601. ¯€©Cyber Wars, conquered Telos,‰çcontrol of
  12602. €Cryons' cities. They converted them®vast storage
  12603. facilitiesœ«own kind,¢¤attempt„heal‰preserve
  12604. «speciesœÁassaults.
  12605.    These so-called 'Tombs'ƒdiscovered‰opened‡Klieg‰
  12606. ¾Parry¢€26th century. Klieg resurrected€Cybermen,
  12607. ¥due„€ª˜intervention,€Tombsƒsoon
  12608. closed again. However, once€tombs™been opened, either
  12609. € continued„…reactivated, or other Cyber forces
  12610. drifting¢spaceƒsummoned„complete€job Klieg™begun.
  12611. In any event,€ reemerged›a serious galactic threat.
  12612. But theyƒagainÿ‡€Alliance¯€ª
  12613. Cyber Wars,‰forced„retrench†Telos.
  12614.    Justæ€Allianceïa final attack†Telos,€
  12615.  áa·vessel (possibly¶€decaying Morok
  12616. empire)‰å„use²„destroy€£‰change«
  12617. own history. However,€Cryon survivors,‘™retreated deep
  12618. inside€planet, hired space mercenary Lytton„steal€·
  12619. vessel.ŠSixthŒ¿a Cryon prisoner, Flast, set up¤
  12620. explosionµ×€Cybermen.ŠCryons¡retook
  12621. control of Telos.
  12622. /Peace-lovingÔof€Thals†Skaro‘met€
  12623. ©Doctor.Ž–‡€Daleks,¢spite of’plea
  12624. œpeace‰cooperationô€two races.
  12625. /A landmark of Vortis.
  12626. /AÃcomponent exchange‡€Ë‰
  12627. €¸Doctor.
  12628. /Codename of Bret Vyon's expedition„Kembel.
  12629. /Ineffective chairman of Dulkis,–‡a Quark¦
  12630. ¹dared arguešRago.
  12631. /The“Œread a bookøits origins
  12632. µ¹thought²Žfilledšinaccuracies.
  12633. /See MONDAS.
  12634. /See HART, TERESA.
  12635. /Reptilian warlike aliens. Three Terileptils outcasts,
  12636. ‘™escaped¶€Tinclavic Mines of Raaga,ƒstranded
  12637. †£¢AD 1666. With€help of¤androidïup„look
  12638. like€Grim Reaper, they plotted„use€Black Plague„
  12639. depopulate our planet.Š¸Œ×them‰«
  12640. plans, causing€ØFire of London.
  12641. /Huge, time-travellingÇspace station located at
  12642. €physical center of€universe. ItŽß‡Terminus, Inc.
  12643. ›a restingúœ€victims of lazar disease.Š¸Œ
  12644. discovered‚€explosion of•of Terminus's two unstable
  12645. engines™been€cause of€Big Bang,‰€resulting
  12646. shockwave™projected€»billions ofö®€future.
  12647. With€help of€Garm,€Œnarrowly averted another
  12648. explosion, thereby saving€universe.
  12649. /Ruthless multiplanetary corporationµŽ
  12650. supposedly offering a cureœLazar disease. In reality, they
  12651. ßTerminus›a final homeœ€Lazars, whom they keptê
  12652. controlš«pain-killing hydromel drug. When Nyssa synthesized
  12653. hydromel, Terminus, Inc. lost its control of Terminus.
  12654. /Earth colony ruled‡Helen A,èñƒforced
  12655. „…happy. Anyone‘ŽnotŽdeemed„…a 'killjoy',Ž
  12656. arrested‡€Happiness Patrol,‰drowned¢boiling candy, or
  12657. delivered„€deadly Kandy Man.Š‹Œ‰Ace¿
  12658. a revolution led‡€Drones,µãoverthrew Helen A's
  12659. regime. Terra Alpha's natives,€Pipe People,‘™been forced
  12660. „live undergroundƒagain able„share¢€freedom of€
  12661. planet's surface.
  12662. /Terra Alpha's neighbour colony.
  12663. /See NERVA.
  12664. /One of Terra Alpha's neighbouring colonies. It did not
  12665. share Alpha's deadly, obsessive policies†happiness. Andrew X's
  12666. books denouncing Terra Alphaƒpublished†Terra Omega.
  12667. /Starlinerµcrashed†Alzarius originated†
  12668. Terradon.
  12669. /The original Terradonians‘crashed†Alzariusƒ
  12670. –‡€Marshmen.Š“Œmet humanoids‘È
  12671. themselves„…Terradonians,¥ƒ¢ÂAlzarian
  12672. Marshmen‘™evolved over four thousand generations.
  12673. /Ruth Maxtible's fiance.Žsecretly controlled
  12674. ‡€Daleks.
  12675. /Vital componentµenabled€Sontarans
  12676. „recharge themselvesšenergy. When Harry removed²¶
  12677. Styre's ship,¹caused a reversal of this process, causing Styre
  12678. „…drained of energy instead.
  12679. /The Master, having reached’twelth‰final
  12680. regeneration,Žhiding†thisº¦Chancellor Goth
  12681. ûhim.
  12682. /Descendants of a crashed£ship,€Mordee, whose name
  12683. Ža corruption of€word 'Technicians'.Šmadà
  12684. Xoanon™bred themœpsionicü‰manipulated them®
  12685. ¤endless욀Servateem. When€“Œcured
  12686. Xoanon,€Tesh, led‡Jaleb,ƒreunitedš€
  12687. Servateem.
  12688. /Technician at€Devesham Space Research Station.
  12689. /ShortœTetrapyriarbians. Four-eyed, batlike aliens
  12690. ¶Tetrapyriarbus,߇€Rani›ˆhenchmen†Lakertya.
  12691. They™rudimentary intelligence‰fed†plasma. After€
  12692. Rani'sžat€hands of€‹Doctor,€Tetraps'
  12693. leader, Urak,ùˆ„takeˆback„Tetrapyriarbus„
  12694. help’people.
  12695. /Homeworld of€Tetraps.
  12696. /Head of€World Ecology Bureau.
  12697. ¿€“Œ‰Major Beresford of½ž€
  12698. Krynoid.
  12699. /Substanceû†Solos, a valuable rocket fuel.
  12700. /Chancellor of€High Council of€¬Lords of
  12701. Gallifrey.voted„condemn€¸Œ„death¦
  12702. OmegaƄð„this universe‡taking over’
  12703. body.Žprobably–later,¢€Death Zone‰
  12704. replaced‡Flavia.
  12705. /Queen of Peladon‰daughter of King Peladon. Because
  12706. *Thal
  12707. ofˆyoung age, she, overly relied†€advice ofˆ
  12708. Chancellor, Ortron. Eventually, Thalira stood up„Azaxyr
  12709. ‰’Ice Warriors‰¿€¨Œsave Peladon's
  12710. trisilicate mines.Žtaken hostage‡Echersley,¥Ž
  12711. ۇ€real Aggedor.
  12712. /Humanoid race¶€ºSkaro,‘™a fierce
  12713. enmity towards€Kaleds,šwhom they shared€planet. Thals
  12714. ‰Kaleds engaged¢savage warfare, culminatingš€
  12715. neutronic wars,µ×most of Skaro‰turned€º
  12716. ®a radioactive wasteland. Ultimately,€Thalsƒable„
  12717. destroy€Kaledsša super-rocket, thanks„Davros's betrayal.
  12718. They were, however, subsequently extermined‡Davros's first
  12719. Daleks.
  12720.    After€“Œentombed€Daleks,€Thal survivors
  12721. ‰€so-called 'Mutos' (mutants) lived†Skaro's surface‰
  12722. ­evolved®a perfect, peace-loving race of blond
  12723. humanoids. When another branch of€Ÿä„kill them all
  12724. ‡engineering a new increase¢radiation,€Thalsɉ
  12725. ÿthemš€help of€©Doctor. But‡doing so,
  12726. €Thals rediscovered«ancestors' warlike ways.
  12727.   Šrest of€Thals' history is mostly unchronicled. However
  12728. ²appears likely‚€Thalsƒ­forced„
  12729. abandon Skaro„€Daleks. Later,š€Alliance's
  12730. support theyƒable„regain control of Skaro. During‚
  12731. time, a Thal commando¿€¨Œfreeze a Daleké
  12732. army†ºSpiridon.
  12733.   ŠultimateÁof€Thals remains unknown. By€·
  12734. €Ÿreturned„Skaro,€ºappeared„…a
  12735. deserted, bombed-out wasteland, leading us„€assumption‚
  12736. €Thalsƒeither exterminated, or again forced®exile.
  12737. /Selris's son, a young Gond¢lovešVana.Žafraid
  12738. of losingˆ¦sheŽselected„become a 'companion'„€
  12739. Krotons.°Éalongside€ªŒ‰¿
  12740. destroy€Krotons.¡Í€newÔof€
  12741. Gonds.
  12742. /Race of lion-faced time-sensitives‘could time-shift,
  12743. *Bir
  12744. ‰therefore travel through€·vortex unaided‰unharmed
  12745. ‡·winds.ŠTharilsß«ü„build a vast empire
  12746. ‰enslave other humanoid races. However,«slaves built€
  12747. robotic Gundans„cross€·winds‰slay€Tharils†
  12748. €Day of€Feast. Their power broken,€TharilsÍslaves
  12749. ¢turn,«abilities making them invaluable space navigators.
  12750. ŠTharil leader, Biroc, escaped¶privateer Rorvik and,š
  12751. €help of€“Doctor, crossed€Gateway back®
  12752. E-Space. When Rorvikגown ship,€other Tharils
  12753. ƒreleased. Romana‰K-9 Mark II stayedš€Tharils¢
  12754. E-Space„help them free«brethren¶slavery.
  12755. /Alias of€Ëat€Newton Research
  12756. Institute.
  12757. /A Crusader‰supplier of Ben Daheer.
  12759. |UNIT Field-Marshal based¢Geneva. When Major-General
  12760. Rutlidgeä„prevent½¶interferingš€
  12761.  Invasion. Brigadier Lethbridge-StewartƄ
  12762. go over’head, directly„Thatcher.
  12763. /Prime Minister of England¯€
  12764. Zygon attack.
  12765. /Controller of€methane refinery built†Delta Magna's
  12766. third moon.secretly conspiredšRohm-Dutt„exterminate€
  12767. native Swampies,¥’plansƒexposed‡€“Doctor.
  12768. When Kroll appeared,¹älaunching a rocketµwould have
  12769. wiped out€entire Swampie race.Ž­–‡
  12770. Varlik›¹Žø„shoot€Doctor.
  12771. /Planet visited‡Captain Cook.
  12772. /See ATLANTIS.
  12773. /Planet fraudulently sold‡Garron.
  12774. /Planet visited‡Captain Cook.
  12776. /TheªLaw of Thermodynamics is:
  12777. 'Entropy increases'.ŠLogopolitans discovered‚€universe
  12778. ™long ago passed€point of fatal collapse. To dispose of€
  12779. entropy, theyßblock transfer computations„create Charged
  12780. Vacuum Emboitements„open voids®other universes.
  12781. /Argolinԑstarted€twenty-minuteìš
  12782. €Foamasi.Šhelmet of Theron™become€symbol of Argolis's
  12783. warlike past.
  12784. /Space powerèleadŽmore valuable
  12785. than gold.
  12786. /According„Drax, a nickname߇€Œ
  12787. ¯’öat€¬Lord academy.Š‹Œ
  12788. mentioned›much„Trevor Sigma.
  12789. /British research establishmentšboth private
  12790. ‰government scientists. Its director, Miss Winters,‰ˆ
  12791. âJellicoe™subverted²®serving€aims of€
  12792. secret Scientific Reform Society.
  12794. |Nickname of€space stationè€Foundationœ
  12795. Study of Advanced SciencesŽlocated. Skagraá€electronic
  12796. mind-transference device known›€Sphere,µ¹™developed
  12797. šCaldera, Ia, Santoriv‰Thira. Think TankŽ­
  12798. ×¢¤explosion.
  12799. /Famous psychologist whose mindŽstolen‡Skagra at
  12800. €Think Tank space station.´¢€Ïof
  12801. €station.
  12802. /Space sectorèSpace Station J7Žlocated. It
  12803. contained nine planets.
  12804. /Dominion ruled‡Morgaine.
  12805. /One of Lord Cranleigh's friends.
  12806. /Confederate sergeant‘ȹŽfighting¢
  12807. €American Civil War. In reality,¹Žpart of€ë
  12808. Games.
  12809. /Victim of€Ÿ¯«AD 2164 Invasion
  12810. of Earth.
  12811. /Khrisong's lieutenant.É€ØIntelligence‰
  12812. itsÖYeti alongside€ªDoctor,‰­¿
  12813. Jamie smash€Intelligence's gateway.
  12814. /The Mentorsƒselling laser weapons„€Warlords
  12815. of Thordon.
  12816. /Neighbouringºof Thoros-Beta, inhabited‡
  12817. humanoids‘™mostly been enslaved‡€Mentors of
  12818. Thoros-Beta,‘ßthem›«bearers‰guards. TusaŽ
  12819. €Ôof€Thoros-Alphans' rebellion†Thoros-Beta.
  12820. Yrcanos¿ž€Mentors‰free’people.
  12821. /Planetšgreen skies‰pink seas. ItŽ€
  12822. homeworld of€reptilian Mentors,‘controlled€Galatron
  12823. Mining Corporation‰many other interplanetary businesses. They
  12824. sold laser weapons„Thordon‰Krontep,µled€Sixth
  12825. Œ„Thoros-Beta„investigate. His mindŽaffected‡
  12826. Crozier's Cell Discriminator,‰¹Žþresponsibleœ
  12827. Peri's death¦Crozierätransferring dying Lord Kiv's
  12828. mind®ˆbody.
  12829. /Owner of€Devil's End grocery store.Ž
  12830. cowed®submission‡€Master.Žø„light a
  12831. fire meant„burn€¨Œ„death¦Miss Hawthorne
  12832. stopped him.
  12833. /King of Atlantis.Žfirst duped‡¾Zaroff,
  12834. ¥­listened„€ªŒ‰came„see
  12835. Zaroff›€madman¹was.
  12836. /Leader of€Cryons‘hired Lytton‰Griffiths„
  12837. steal€·vessel hijacked‡€Cybermen.
  12838. /Author of Flora‰Fauna of€Universe,
  12839. a book occasionally quoted‡€Doctor.
  12840. /Missile armedša warhead of deadly nerve gas.
  12841. Captain YatesŽresponsibleœescorting²‰dumping²¢
  12842. €ocean.ŠËßprisoners¶Stangmoor„hijack it,
  12843. intending„use²„destroy€World Peace Conference. It
  12844. Žãdetonated‡UNIT.
  12846. /God of Tigella worshipped‡€Deons.
  12847. /The©Œlanded†€Pamir Plateau‰there,
  12848. met Marco Polo¢1289.ŠØIntelligence first attempted
  12849. „conquer£¢Tibet¢€Mid-1930's using Det-Sen
  12850. Monastery's High Lama Padmasambhava‰itsÖYeti,¥Ž
  12851. 퇀ªDoctor. During€course of this
  12852. adventure,€Œindicated‚¹™visited Tibet¯€
  12853. 17th century. K'Anpo, a retired¬Lord,™adopted€lifestyle
  12854. of a Tibetan Monk‰run a Tibetan monastery¢Mortimer, near
  12855. London,µŽþtaken over‡€Spiders of Metebelis 3.
  12856. /Planet located¢€Prion planetary system. Its
  12857. aggressive vegetation forced itsñ„live¢¤underground
  12858. civilization, powered‡€Dodecahedron. After Meglosá€
  12859. Dodecahedron,€Tigellans, led‡Deedrix ‰Caris, reclaimed
  12860. «planet's surface.
  12861. /Inhabitants of Tigella. Theyƒled‡Zastor,‰
  12862. divided®€technical Savants‰€religious Deons,‘
  12863. worshipped€god Ti‰€Dodecahedron.
  12864. /A mute slave‘´¦ordered„drink a
  12865. poisoned drink‡Emperor Nero.
  12866. /Barren, volcanic world耩Œstopped¯
  12867. ’flight¶€Ÿ¦¹Žtrying„stop«
  12868. Masterplan.ŠMeddling Monkä„strand€Œ†Tigus
  12869. ‡tamperingš’TARDIS,¥failed.
  12870. /See TABBY.
  12871. /Count Grendal's dwarf manservant.
  12872. /Youngster†a Chameleon Tour„Germany.
  12873. /Chief Elder of Sarn, a deeply religious man‘È
  12874. ¢€god Logar.ŠËߒfaith„turnõ€
  12875. ¸Doctor; Timanov would have refused„evacuate€doomed
  12876. Sarn if¹™not mistaken AmyandœLogar.
  12877. /Weapon designed‰ß‡€Borad;²
  12878. could age a person„death¢a matter of seconds.
  12879. /See TARDIS.
  12880. /Xoanon set up a·barrier„isolate€Tesh¶
  12881. €Sevateem. It functioned›a force field preventing contact
  12882. ô€two cultures.
  12884. /Type of·corridor߇€Ë„hijack
  12885. a Concorde plane„€Jurassic period.
  12886. /Spherical device€Ÿß„control«
  12887. ·corridors. ItŽprobably powered‡a minute quantity
  12888. of taranium.
  12889. /While striving„ž€Movellans,€Ÿ
  12890. first discovered€rudiments of·travel. They began„create
  12891. ·corridors through€space-time vortex. Towards€end of€
  12892. 27th century,€Ÿopened a·corridorš20thÄ
  12893. London,µthey߄trap€¸Doctor. They alsoß
  12894. a·corridor„try„prevent Davros's WhiteŸ¶seizing
  12895. €Hand of Omega.
  12896. /Devices built‡Queen Xanxia of Zanak„slow€flow
  12897. of·„a virtual standstillœˆdying body. Theyƒ
  12898. secretly powered‡€energy stolen¶€worlds crushed‡
  12899. Zanak. However,€“Œrevealed‚€·dams'
  12900. energy needs grew¢¤exponential fashion,‰sooner or later,
  12901. there wouldn't…enough energy¢€universe„prevent Xanxia's
  12902. original body¶dying.Š·damsƒ­blown up‡
  12903. €“Œ‰€Mentiads.
  12904. /A÷designed‡€Ÿ›part of«
  12905. Masterplanõ£‰powered‡a taranium core.Š¬
  12906. Destructor could locally reverse, or accelerate,€flow of time.
  12907. ItŽ­activated‡€©Œ†Kembel. Its
  12908. effects–Sara Kingdom,€Daleks,‰­all life†
  12909. Kembel,æ²self-destructed.
  12910. /A freak phenomenon of€space-time vortex.Š“
  12911. Œ‰Romanaƒcaught up¢a·eddy¯€
  12912. Game of Rassilon.
  12913. /Time corridor devised‡€Borad‰µlinked Karfel
  12914. „Earth. ItŽß›a method of banishment„exile those‘
  12915. rebelledõ€Borad,‰Žpowered‡Kontron crystals.
  12916. /The¬Lordsßa·loop„imprison€home
  12917. world of€ëLords.Š¨Œ‰€Ëteamed
  12918. up„imprison Axos¢a·loop. Vorg's Scope߀
  12919. principles of€·loop.Š¸Planet of€Solar
  12920. SystemŽplaced¢a·loop‡€¬Lords¢¤attempt„
  12921. destroy€Fendahl.Š“Œ·looped€
  12922. Vardans' home worldtricked them®materializing
  12923. †Gallifrey.alsoßa·loop„prevent€Marshal
  12924. ¶destroying Zeos. Meglos of Zolfa-Thura imprisoned€
  12925. “Œ¢a primitive type of¬Loop called Chronic
  12926. Hysteresis.ŠSixthŒßKontron crystals„
  12927. manufacture short, portable·loops„ž€Borad.
  12928. /The rulers of Gallifrey. All¬Lordsƒ¶
  12929. Gallifrey,¥not all Gallifreyansƒ¬Lord's.Š¬Lords
  12930. ƒdivided®various colleges, such›Arcalians, Patrexes‰
  12931. Prydonians, each headed‡Cardinals. Theyƒruled‡a High
  12932. Council,µŽcomprised of a President, a Chancellor,€
  12933. Cardinals,‰various high-ranking officials.ŠCastellanŽ¢
  12934. charge of security,‰commanded€Chancellery Guards.Š
  12935. Celestial Intelligence Agency (CIA)Ž€covert arm of€High
  12936. Council,òsecretly„safeguard€¬Lords' interests.
  12937. Š¬Lords' prisonºŽShada.
  12938.    Those¬Lords‘turned«backs†€benefits of
  12939. Gallifreyan societyƒknown›Renegades.Šmost famous renegade
  12940. ¬Lordsƒ€Doctor,€Master,€Rani,€Monk,
  12941. €ëChief, K'Anpo, Morbius, Drax, Salyavin‰Azmael.Š
  12942. Shobogans (or Outsiders)ƒ¬Lords‘™voluntarily
  12943. renounced«position†Gallifrey„live outside€Capitol.
  12944.   Š¬Lords' physiology included two hearts, a respiratory
  12945. bypass system,€ability„withstand a greater range of
  12946. temperature‰radiation than humans, telepathicüand,
  12947. finally,€ability„regenerate«bodies at least twelve
  12948. times. On certain occasions,€¬Lords could create a projection
  12949. of«Áselves„help them through«impending
  12950. regeneration: Cho-Je,€Watcher‰possibly€Valeyardƒsuch
  12951. projections.
  12952.    At€dawn of a historyµspanned millions of years, Omega
  12953. ߒsteller manipulator„create a supernovaµcollapsed
  12954. ®a black hole. Rassilonó‚black hole back„
  12955. Gallifrey‰locked²beneath€Panopticon,è²Í
  12956. known›€Eye of Harmony. Its virtually inexhaustible supply of
  12957. energy gave€¬Lords«mastery over·travel.
  12958.    Early¬Lord history is shrouded¢secrecy.Š¬Lords
  12959. played irresponsiblyš«ü¦theyò€Death
  12960. Zone,ƒcreatures scooped¶various places¢·‰space
  12961. ƒforced„Êœ«amusement. Eventually, Rassilon closed
  12962. €Death Zone‰banned€¬Scoop. Still¢«active
  12963. phase,€¬Lords׀Fendahl‰€Ø
  12964. Vampires,îaìso bloody‚they foreswore violence.
  12965. Š¬Lords also gave€Minyans more technology than theyƒ
  12966. able„handle,‰ƒultimately responsibleœ€Ï
  12967. of Minyos. This led„€creation of a policy of strict non
  12968. interference¢other races' affairs, exceptè¬Lord
  12969. securityŽinvolved.
  12970.     For example,€¬Lords (or€CIA) banded togetherõ
  12971. €renegade Morbius‰attempted„curtail dangerous·
  12972. ΆSpace Station J7. They warned€¨Œ
  12973. of€Master's arrival†Earth,‰sentî€
  12974. ˦²Žû‚€evil¬Lord™acquired
  12975. knowledge of€Doomsday Weapon. They alsoߝ„secure
  12976. Peladon's entry¢€Federation,‰„help€Solonians
  12977. achieve«super-human form, possibly¢¤effort„bring
  12978. down Earth's Empire.Š¬Lords sent€“Œ
  12979. back¢·„prevent€creation of€Daleks,µmay
  12980. have been only•of€many steps²ç„ensure«final
  12981. destruction. They also sent„Karn„dealš€Brain of
  12982. Morbius.
  12983.   Šearly¬Lordsò€Matrix,µÍ€
  12984. repository of all«knowledge. Eventually, Rassilon passed
  12985. away‰’bodyŽlocked inside€Tomb of Rassilon,¢€
  12986. Death Zone, even though’intelligence lived on. With€
  12987. passage of·came maturity,¡senility‰decadence. Science
  12988. Žreplaced‡ritual, knowledge‡dogma.
  12989.    In more recent history,€¬Lordsƒalerted‡€
  12990. ªŒ„€ëLord's plans. They׀ëLord
  12991. ‰·looped’planet. They judged€ªDoctor, exiled
  12992. „£‰forced„regenerate. They°pardoned
  12993. ¦¹‰’two previous incarnationsÿOmega‰
  12994. saved Gallifrey.Š“Œagain saved Gallifrey, first
  12995. ¶a plot‡€Ë‰Chancellor Goth,¡¶€
  12996. invasions‡€Vardans‰€Sontarans.Š¬Lords
  12997. Ƅexecute€¸Œ¦Omegaä„ð„
  12998. our universe‡taking over’body. President Borusa°
  12999. ߀Five Doctors„try„discover€secret of immortality.
  13000. Afterwards, a new‰corrupt High Council initiated€
  13001. Ravolox stratagem,¥Žexposed‡€SixthŒ¯’
  13002. Trial,‰¡deposed.
  13003.   Šnature of€relationshipô€¬Lords‰€
  13004. Guardians of¬is unknown, even though€High Council is
  13005. obviously aware of€existence of€Guardians.
  13006. /The Rani plotted„turnˆartificial Brain
  13007. ®a planet-sized¬Manipulator,šµshe could have
  13008. recreated€universe.Š‹Œíˆ
  13009. plans.
  13010. /Disastrous phenomenon caused‡two TARDIS's occupying
  13011. €same coordinates¢space‰time.Š¨Œengineered
  13012. •„release Kronos‰destroy€Kronos Crystal.
  13013. /Device߇€¬Lords„transport€“
  13014. Œ„Skaroœa mission„prevent€Daleks' creation.
  13015. Later,²carriedback„Space Beacon Nerva.
  13016. /Column located at€centre of€Ãcommand
  13017. *Con
  13018. console. Its vertical movement indicated‚€ÃŽ¢
  13019. motion.
  13020. /Deviceò‡Dr Fendelman„study€origins
  13021. of man,µòa hole¢·‰Æ€stability
  13022. of€continuum. ItŽß‡Stael„recreate€Fendahl.
  13023. Š“­rigged²„create a·inplosionµ
  13024. utterly׀Fetch Priory alongš€Fendahl Core
  13025. ‰€Fendahleen.ŠÃis also equippedša¬
  13026. Scanner.
  13027. /Device߇€¬Lords¯€Dark Times,„
  13028. pull creatures¶·‰space‰úthem¢€Death Zone
  13029. œ«amusement;²Ž­outlawed‡Rassilon. Borusa
  13030. ß²„pull€Five Doctors‰«Òtogetherœ
  13031. ’bidœtrue immortality.ŠËonce duplicated€
  13032. effects of€¬Scoopš€Kronos Crystal.¾
  13033. Whitaker designed a primitive type of¬Scoop„fetch dinosaurs
  13034. „help Sir Charles Grover's Operation Golden Age.ŠÇ
  13035. Miniscope, outlawed‡€¬Lords,Žanother type of¬
  13036. Scoop.
  13037. /In€beginning, only€¬Lords‰a few
  13038. powerful cosmic entities‰racesƒable„travel¢·†a
  13039. regular basis. These included€two Guardians of Time, Kronos
  13040. ‰€Kronavores,‘lived¢€space-time vortex,€
  13041. Celestial Toymaker,€Tharils (who™€ability„travel
  13042. unaided¢€space-time vortex)‰€Eternals,‘lived
  13043. 'in eternity'.
  13044.    There is evidence‚other races or entities™at least
  13045. theoretical or limited knowledge of·travel. These included
  13046. €Daleks,€Moroks,€Elders,€ØIntelligence,€
  13047. Master-Brain,€Daemons,€Miniscope's designers,€Spiders of
  13048. Metebelis 3,€Osirians,€Mandragora Helix (which also seemed„
  13049. inhabit€vortex), Xoanon, Queen Xanxia of Zanak,€Zolfa-Thurans,
  13050. Monarch of Urbanka,€Xeraphin‰€Borad.ŠArgolins'
  13051. ΢tachyonicsƒa form of·manipulation.
  13052.   ¬travel required enormous quantities of power.Š¬Lords
  13053. ƒable„obtain such power onlyîOmegaߒsteller
  13054. manipulator„create a super-nova,µ¢turn collapsed®
  13055. a black holeµRassilon°óback„Gallifrey,è
  13056. ²Íknown›€Eye of Harmony. Rassilon alsoò€
  13057. Rassilon Imprimature, a symbiotic print contained within€¬
  13058. Lords' genes‰somehow connectedš«ability„withstand
  13059. €stress of·travel.
  13060.   Šsecret of·travelŽjealously guarded‡€¬Lords,
  13061. ‘oftençdrastic steps„protect it. These included sending
  13062. €ªŒ‰Jamie„investigate unauthorised·
  13063. ·Kartz‰Reimer†Space Station J7 of€¨
  13064. Zone,‰fighting€Sontarans„protect€secrets of·
  13065. travel, even though€Sontaran°developed crude
  13066. time-travel technology thanks„«Osmic Projectors.Š
  13067. ¬Lords also arrangedœ€outlawing of€Miniscopes,µ
  13068. involved a rudimentary form of a·scoop. They probably
  13069. Õ¢preventing€ ¶acquiring time-travel
  13070. technology. They may have contributed„€fall of€Moroks,
  13071. ‘ß·travel„fill«Space Museum,‰„‚of
  13072. €Borad,‘™ßKontron crystals„build a·corridor
  13073. known›€Timelash. They certainly stopped€Warlords,‘
  13074. ™obtained time-travel secrets¶a renegade¬Lord.
  13075.    However,€¬Lordsƒunable„prevent€determined
  13076. Ÿ¶developing·travel. Dalek·travelÍpossible
  13077. ¦€Ÿûadequate supplies of taranium. However,
  13078. Dalek·travel remained crude‡¬Lord standards,‰at
  13079. first relied only†·corridors.Šfact‚€Ÿ
  13080. ­Íextinct, due mostly„€Úof€
  13081. Œ(often manipulated‡€Celestial Intervention Agency) may
  13082. …evidence of¬Lord intervention.
  13083.    By AD 10,000, possibly›a result  of€Mobius affair,
  13084. other species began„engage¢attempts„obtain€secret of
  13085. ·travel. Spies¶Andromeda, using£›«base,
  13086. Ìinfiltrated€Gallifreyan Matrix,µled€
  13087. ¬Lords„strike back¢whatÍknown›€Ravolox
  13088. Stratagem. Ultimately,²seems‚€¬Lordsƒ
  13089. unsuccessful¢«attempts„prevent other races¶
  13090. discovering·travel, since‡€·€‹Œ‰
  13091. Mel met€young Chimeron Queen, Delta,·travel appeared„
  13092. have become widely accessible throughout€known universe.
  13093.    Incidental research®·travel†£included:€
  13094. work of Theodore Maxtible‰Edward Waterfield, using mirrors
  13095. ‰static electricity;¾Whitaker's·scoop,
  13096. œOperation Golden Age; Magnus Greel's Zigma Experiment;
  13097. Scaroth€Jagaroth, thanks„¾Kerensky's work.
  13098. /Element of€Ãcontrols. It needed
  13099. *Con
  13100. mercury¢its fluid links„function.ŠªŒß
  13101. ²„boost€Wheel¢Space's X-ray laser„ž€
  13102. Cybermen.
  13103. /Streams of deadly energy blowing through€·
  13104. vortex.Štime-shifting Tharils could phase through€·
  13105. winds unscathed.Š“˜handŽinjured‡€·
  13106. winds,¥cured¦¹stepped through€Gateway®E-Space.
  13107. K-9 mark IIŽalso damaged‡€·winds,‰could function
  13108. properly only¢E-Space.
  13109. /Morgus's personal assistant. After Morgus fled„Androzani
  13110. Minor, she betrayed„€Praesidium,‰ÍChairman‰
  13111. Chief Director of€Sirius Conglomerate.
  13112. /Located†Raaga,²Žthere‚€Terileptils
  13113. sent«outcastsîdisfiguring them.
  13114. /The Master's favourite weapon. It
  13115. reduced its victim„doll size through matter condensation. ItŽ
  13116. said„…a particularly painful death.ŠËaccidentally
  13117. shrank himselfšit,¥ß€Numismaton Flame„restore
  13118. himself„full size.
  13119. /Headquarters of Alexander Denes¢Budapest.
  13120. /One of Saturn's moons. At€end of€50th century,
  13121. its refuelling baseŽinvaded‡€Virus,‰turned®a
  13122. Hive. ItŽ­×‡€“Doctor.
  13123. /Small, deserted planetoidèMestor™built’
  13124. safe house. Coincidentally,²Žalso there‚€SixthŒ
  13125. wanted„retireî’regeneration.
  13126. /One of€soldiers at Snowcap Space Tracking Station.
  13127. Ž–‡€Mondasian Cybermen.
  13128. /One of€Aztecs.
  13129. /Aztec High Priest of Sacrifice. Barbaraä„put¤
  13130. end„’gruesome practices,¥failed.
  13131. /The Dominators' sadistic Probationer.‰’superior,
  13132. Rago,ƒsent„Dulkis„turn€º®radioactive
  13133. waste„repower«fleet.Ð¢¤explosion caused‡
  13134. «own atomic seeding bomb,µ™been removed‰placed†
  13135. board«»‡€ªDoctor.
  13136. /Kaftan's powerful manservant.ŽÞ‡€
  13137.  †Telos,‘replaced’armsšcyber appendages.
  13138. Later, shaken‡Kaftan's death, Toberman regained’humanity
  13139. ‰sacrificed’life„destroy€Cybercontroller.
  13140. /Editor of Moreton Harwood's Echo‰a member of
  13141. €Cult of Hecate.
  13142. /Strong man hired‡Arthur Terral.Ž–‡€Daleks.
  13143. /Scientist of€Imperial£Expedition force„Deva
  13144. Loka.ŠKinda's attempts„havemind-meldšthem caused
  13145. „become mentally unbalanced.Žcured‡€¸Œ
  13146. š€Kinda's Jhana Box,‰¿ž€Mara.
  13147. /One of€Rim Worlds of€24th century.
  13148. /One of Cully's tour party.Ž–‡€
  13149. Dominators.
  13150. /Counciller„Charles IX, King of France.
  13151. /Alien employee at¤hyperstatial tollport‘
  13152. *Toll
  13153. welcomed€‹Œ‰Mel›«ten billionth
  13154. customers -€prizeŽa trip„1959 Disneyland.Ž°
  13155. shot‡Gavrok.
  13156. /Hyperspatial tollport耋Œ‰
  13157. Ace won a trip„Disneyland‰èDelta sneaked aboard
  13158. Murray's tour bus.
  13159. /The eldest of Lady Adrasta's scientists†Chloris.
  13160. ŽDoran's colleague.
  13161. /Stable boy at Jacob Kewper's inn.
  13163. |One of€Rani's assistants¢19thÄEngland.Š
  13164. ˖š’TCE.
  13166. Teleportation device designeed‡€Ëat€Newton Research
  13167. Institute. TOM-TIT Unfortunatelyòdisturbances¢€·
  13168. field.ŠËß²„summon Kronos,‰duplicate€effects
  13169. of a·scoop. It is likely‚€TOM-TIT research­
  13170. óø€creation of T-Mat.
  13171. Also see TELEPORTATION.
  13172. /Counciller of€Sevateem,‰Leela's friend.savedˆ
  13173. ¶Neeva's men,‰¿€“Œ‰Calib
  13174. overcome Xoanon.
  13175. /(aka THE DARK TOWER) Edifice located at€center
  13176. of€Death Zone†Gallifrey. ItŽthere‚RassilonŽsaid
  13177. „…entombed. When President Borusa decided¹wanted„rule€
  13178. ¬Lords forever,¹needed„gain€secret of true immortality
  13179. promised‡Rassilon‰located’Tomb. In order„break through
  13180. €Tomb of Rassilon,¹ß€Five Doctors‰«companions,
  13181. pitting themõvarious threats¢€Death Zone. Rassilon
  13182. ãgave€immortality¹sought‡turning®a
  13183. living statue.
  13184. /Small town¢Arizonaµ™acquired a reputationœ
  13185. lawlessness. In 1881,²Í€location of€famous gunfight
  13186. at€OK Corralô€Earps‰€Clantons.
  13187. /Retarded man‘lived at K'Anpo's Tibetan monastery;’
  13188. mindŽrestored‡€Blue Crystal of Metebelis 3.É
  13189. €Spiders alongside€¨Œ‰Sarah.
  13190. /Chinese secret societies. Under€guise of€god
  13191. Weng-Chiang, Magnus Greel led€Tong of€Black Scorpion.
  13192. /Aztec crony of Tlotoxl.Ž­chosen„
  13193. replace Autloc.
  13194. /Empire conquered‡King Yrcanos of Krontep.
  13195. /Strongman at Rossini's International Circus.
  13196. /Point¶µCaptain Brigg's space
  13197. freighter departed.
  13198. /Uvanov's second-in-command aboard€Sandminer.‰
  13199. Uvanovƒ€only survivors of€attack of€Robots of Death.
  13200. /YoungÔof€Xeron rebellion.Éõ€
  13201. Moroks alongside€©Œ¢€Space Museum.
  13203. |One of€Savages.ä„kill Exorse,¥Žstopped
  13204. ‡Nanina.
  13205. /Chancellor of Peladon‘Ž¢favour of’º
  13206. joining€Federation.Žmurdered‡Aggedor,‘Žsecretly
  13207. controlled‡Hepesh.
  13208. /Former miner,‰somewhat dim-wittedÔof Chloris's
  13209. rebels.Ž–‡Karela.
  13210. /Mobile armoured suit employed‡€
  13211. £Expedition Force†Deva Loka.
  13212. /Location of I.M. Foreman's junkyard (at number 76),
  13213. µ€©‰Sixth Doctorsߛa rematerialization point.
  13214. Galactic mercenary Lytton߀junkyard›a launching baseœ
  13215. a criminal expedition®€sewers of London. ItŽalso
  13216. €site of a battleôBritish soldiers‰€Daleks.
  13217. /The©Œvisited€top of€Empire State
  13218. Building,‰soon afterwards, a House of Horrors¢1996 Ghana,
  13219. è¹met android versions of Dracula‰€Frankenstein
  13220. Monster. Later,¹explored€Moroks' Space Museum†Xeros.
  13221. Š¨ŒÍtrapped¢Vorg's outlawed Miniscope,
  13222. ‰Žinstrumental¢destroying€Exxilon's Perfect City,
  13223. •of€700 wonders of€Universe.Š“Œ
  13224. ÉMagnus Greel¢Henry Gordon Jago's theatre¢Victoria
  13225. London,‰visited€Leisure Hive,€first of€Leisure
  13226. Planets.also showed€sights of Paris„Romana‰
  13227. posed›a tourist„outwit Gatherer Hade.Š‹Œ
  13228. ɀBannermen at€Welsh holiday camp of Shangri-La,
  13229. ‰freed€Psychic Circus¶€Gods of Ragnarok's evil
  13230. influence. Morton Dill‰Lavinia Hackensackƒ
  13231. two American tourists. Colin FrazerŽa tourist¢Amsterdam
  13232. ¦¹Žù‡Omega.
  13233. /Abode of Zargo, Camilla‰Aukon,†€ØVampire's
  13234. world. In reality,²ŽHydrax, gutted of its scientific
  13235. equipment.ŠØVampire himself lay buried beneath it.
  13236. /Creatures¶€Land of Fiction.
  13237. *Toy
  13238. /(aka CELESTIAL TOYMAKER) Attired¢€dress of a
  13239. *Toymaker
  13240. Chinese Mandarin,¹Ž¢Â¤eternal being of great mental
  13241. ‰physicalü‘could not…destroyed.ŠToymaker's
  13242. passionŽ„lure travellers‰force them„play’games -
  13243. if they lost, they¡Í’playthings.ŠToymaker
  13244. challenged€©Doctor, Steven‰Dodo„a series of such
  13245. deadly games,µthey won. However,€Œdiscovered‚„
  13246. make€last, winning move¢€Toymaker's Trilogic Game would
  13247. condemn them all„oblivion.Š¬Lord¡outwitted€
  13248. Toymaker‡ordering€moveš€Toymaker's voice, thereby
  13249. enabling€Ã„Ýwhile finishing€game.
  13250.    According„some accounts,€SixthŒ‰Periɀ
  13251. Toymaker¢Blackpool,¯µ·they discovered‚€
  13252. Toymaker came¶another, entirely different universe.
  13253. /Resident of Moreton Harwood‰manager of Aunt
  13254. Lavinia's marker-garden shop. His family dated back„€
  13255. Publius Trescus Roman family.Ža member of€
  13256. Cult of Hecate.
  13257. /George Tracey's son.Ža somewhat
  13258. reluctant member of€Cult of Hecate.
  13259. /Insect-like burrowers, universal outcasts,µ
  13260. *Trac
  13261. formed a collective intelligence, through without€guiding will
  13262. of«Ôtheyƒonly mindless animals. They™great
  13263. naturalüof gravity control‰once attacked Trion.Š
  13264. ¸Œdiscovered they™infected€colony of Frontios;
  13265. «leader,€Gravis,™secretly drawnýcolonists„
  13266. Frontios because¹needed„use«bodies‰minds„power
  13267. ’excavating machines.ŠŒß€Gravis's desireœ€
  13268. Äcutoff¶€other Tractators‰thereby render
  13269. them helpless.
  13270. /A member of½‘¿€ªŒž
  13271. € Invasion.
  13272. /Located¢Mettula Orionsis,€Union of TrakenŽa
  13273. multiplanetary confederation held¢a state of harmony‡€
  13274. Source,µŽcontrolled‡€Keeper. After€Keeper's
  13275. dissolution,€Ë(disguised›€Melkur) temporarily
  13276. ̀new Keeper.å„use€Source„turn€Union
  13277. of Traken®¤all-conquering force‰sieze another bodyœ
  13278. himself.Žexposed‰prevented¶remaining Keeper‡€
  13279. “Doctor, Adric, Nyssa‰Counciller Tremas.ŠUnion
  13280. of TrakenŽ°×¦€Ëtamperedš
  13281. Logopolis.
  13282. /Notorious galactic mortuaryè€bodies of
  13283. famous‰richñƒkept cryogenically frozen. Tranquil
  13284. ReposeŽsecretly taken over‡Davros (posing›€ØHealer)
  13285. ‘ßfrozen heads„growŸloyal„himself,‰sold€
  13286. rest„Kara's protein factory. After€SixthŒintervened,
  13287. Tranquil ReposeŽblown up‡Orcini. Its personnel turned„
  13288. refining local flowers®food.
  13289. /Quantum-powered force fieldsò‡
  13290. Rassilon„protect Gallifrey.Š“Œpulled them down
  13291. „allow€Vardans„materialize, so¹could unmask them.
  13292. Unfortunately,‡doing so¹enabled€Sontarans„invade
  13293. Gallifrey.
  13294. /Another nameœ€Kartz-Reimer·
  13295. cabinet.
  13296. /See TELEPORTATION.
  13297. /See TOM-TIT.
  13298. /Member of€Dalek Alliance¢«Masterplanõ
  13299. Earth.Ž­betrayed‡Mavic Chen,‰–‡
  13300. €Daleks.
  13301. /Hollywood actor.
  13302. /Captain of€»Annabelle,µ¹™stolen¶
  13303. MacKay‰Žusing„transport Gray's slaves„€West
  13304. Indies.Ž–¢a swordʚJamie.
  13305. /Androzani equivalent of Mister.
  13306. /See T-MAT.
  13307. /Nickname given„€Œ
  13308. ‡€Elders.
  13309. /Nickname given„€circle of€Stones of Blood.
  13310. At various times¢history, theyƒlabelled Six, Seven or Nine
  13311. Travellers, because three of€stones were,¢reality,€
  13312. ÇOgri, servants of Cessair.
  13314. |See PEOPLE.
  13315. /Daughter of¾Edward Travers,‰scientific
  13316. adviser„€army task forceµÉ€ØIntelligence¢
  13317. €Ùunderground.‰ˆfather¿€ªŒ
  13318. ‰Jamiež€Yeti.°accompaniedˆfather„
  13319. €United States.
  13320. /Electrical engineer,‰•of€three lighthouse
  13321. keepers of Fang Rock.Ž•of€first victims of€
  13322. Rutan.
  13323. /British explorer‘travelled„Tibet¢€
  13324. mid 1930's, accompanied‡’friend Mackay,„solve€mystery
  13325. of€Yeti. After Mackay's death, Travers mistrusted€ª
  13326. Doctor,¥­joined forcesš„ž€Ø
  13327. Intelligence‰itsÖYeti. Thirtyölater, Travers
  13328. reactivated•of€Yeti's silver control spheres,µled„
  13329. €Intelligence's attack†London. Made scientific adviser (with
  13330. ’daughter, Anne)„€army task forceµÉ€
  13331. Intelligence¢€Ùunderground. Travers again joined forces
  13332. š€ªŒ‰Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart„thwart
  13333. €evil cosmic entity's plans. When€Œä„
  13334. contactsoon afterwards, prior„€ invasion,¹Ž
  13335. told‡Isobel Watkins‚Travers‰’daughter™gone„
  13336. spend a year¢€United States.
  13337. /Commodore of€Hyperion III space liner.ŠŒ™
  13338. metæ¢¤unrecorded adventure.¿€Sixth
  13339. Œsave’»¶€black hole of Tartarus,‰ža
  13340. hijack attempt‡Rudge,‰destroy€Vervoids.
  13341. /One of Dr Lawrence's technicians at€Wenley Moor atomic
  13342. research station.Ž–‡€Silurians¦theyç
  13343. over€nuclear reactor.
  13345. |Brendan Richards' school friend.
  13346. /Name given‡€Trogs„€Underworld's
  13347. tunnel system.
  13348. /See CESSAIR.
  13349. /One of€five Consuls of Traken, married„Kassia‰
  13350. €father of Nyssa.¿€“Œexpose€villainy
  13351. of€Melkur,‘Žrevealed„…€Master,‰prevented
  13352. ¶remaining Keeper of Traken. However, justæ¹left Traken,
  13353. €Renegade¬Lord seized Tremas‰çcontrol of’body.
  13354. /Former British colonel‰governor of€prison
  13355. è€ËŽkept.Ševil¬Lord tricked®
  13356. believing¹Žhelping unmask€enemy agents sinking ships¢€
  13357. British Channel, whereas theyƒactually trying„contact€
  13358. Sea Devils. When Trenchard realized he'd been fooled,¹ä„
  13359. shoot€Master,¥Ž–‡€Sea Devils‘™taken over
  13360. ’prison.
  13361. /Roman ancestor of€Traceys of Moreton Harwood.
  13362. /See SCOTT.
  13364. |Pupil at Brendon School.
  13366. /See SILURIAN TRIAD.
  13367. /Jester figure‘Žpart of€Kinda rituals,‰‘
  13368. ßa doll„mime’fables.
  13369. /Neural inhibitor߇€Ë†
  13370. Gallifrey„simulate€appearance of death.
  13371. /Device߇€Zygons„direct
  13372. €Skarasen.
  13373. /Game߇€Toymaker„challenge€©
  13374. Doctor. It consisted of ten triangular piecesµformed a pyramid.
  13375. Šplayer™„reform€pyramid‡transferring all€pieces
  13376. •at a·‰never placing a larger piece upon a smaller one.
  13377. ŠŒwon¢1023 moves,‰ï€last moveš€
  13378. Toymaker's voice.
  13379. /Turlough's home planet. ItŽonce attacked‡€
  13380. Tractators. TrionŽruled‡¤imperial family, ofµ
  13381. Turlough‰’ÜMalkonƒmembers;î€revolution,
  13382. TurloughŽexiled„£œten years. Malkon crashlanded†
  13383. Sarn,è€new regime sent its political prisoners. Trion kept
  13384. agents†many civilised worlds (Their agent†£Ž€
  13385. solicitor‘™Turlough sent„Brendon). Eventually,€new
  13386. regimeÍmore lenient. When Turlough summoned help¶Trion„
  13387. evacuate Sarn,¹Žpardoned.‰Malkon returned„Trion›
  13388. heroes.
  13389. /Type of lock߆€˜TARDIS.
  13390. A trionic LatticeŽa pendant-shaped key߇Greel„
  13391. unlock’¬Cabinet.
  13392. /Mineral vital„€Federation'sìeffortõ
  13393. Galaxy Five. ItŽû¢abundance†Peladon.
  13394. /Cessairßtritium crystals„powerˆwand.
  13395. /A component of€Inter Minorans' Eradicator.
  13396. /Descendants of€Minyans. With€“˜help,
  13397. a number of TrogsƒÛ‡Jackson‰travelledš„
  13398. Minyos II.ŠothersÅТ¤explosion caused‡
  13399. two fission grenades disguised›€Race Banks.
  13400. /Trojan prince‰son of King Priam.fell¢loveš
  13401. Vicki (then known›Cressida). Troilus‰Vicki fledš
  13402. Aeneasî€fall of Troy.
  13403. /Legendary conflictô€early Greeks‰€
  13404. city of Troy,µçú¢€12th or 13thÄBC.Š
  13405. TrojanëbeganîParis, son of King Priam of Troy, ran offš
  13406. Helen, wife of Menelaus of Sparta. Agamemnon, Menelaus's brother,
  13407. ¡led a Greek expeditionõTroy.Šìlasted ten years,
  13408. ãendingîcrafty Odysseus prompted€©Œ„
  13409. come upš€strategem of€Trojan Horse.
  13410. /The Captain of Zanak set up a roomè€shrunken
  13411. remains of€worlds crushed‡Zanakƒall kept¢perfect
  13412. gravitational alignment.Š“Œproclaimed²„…€
  13413. most brillient piece of astro-gravitational engineering¹™ever
  13414. seen.ŠCaptainŽsecretly planning„use its energy„kill
  13415. Queen Xanxia. ItŽ­undone‡€Doctor,‰its
  13416. contentsƒß„fill Zanak's hollow core.
  13417. /Ancient city of northwestern Anatolia‰site of€
  13418. Trojan War.
  13419. /Pupil at Brendon school.
  13420. /Professor of interplanetary zoology whose ambitionŽ„
  13421. *Tryst
  13422. catalogue every species¢€galaxy. In order„secure fundingœ
  13423. ’research, Tryst decided„smuggle€drug vraxoin,µ¹
  13424. ™discovered could…derived¶€essence of€Mandrels,
  13425. savage monsters¶€ºEden. TrystߒCET machine„
  13426. capture€Mandrels‰hand them„drug smuggler Dymond. After€
  13427. Empress crashed®€Hecate, Trystä„frame€“
  13428. Œ¥Ž­exposed‡€¬Lord‰Stott.‰
  13429. Dymondƒarrested.
  13431. /YoungerÜof Arak†Metebelis 3.Žhot-headed,‰
  13432. thought Sarah JaneŽa spy. In spite of€¨˜help
  13433. ¹fell backê€Spiders' control,¥Žfreed¦€
  13434. ؗdied.
  13435. /Small village†€Scottish Coast, not far¶
  13436. Loch Ness.½Žbased there¯its investigation®€
  13437. Zygons' attacks.
  13438. /Chinese emperor whose soldiersÞGreel's¬
  13439. Cabinet,‰‘°offered²›a present„¾
  13440. Litefoot's mother.
  13441. /Way station†€road„Peking.
  13442. /One of€¸˜companions. When€
  13443. *Tur
  13444. ¬Lord met him, TurloughŽa schoolboy†£at Brendon
  13445. School. After a minor car accident¹entered®a pactš€
  13446. Black Guardian„kill€Doctor. During«adventure†
  13447. Terminus,¹ïseveral half-hearted attempts,¥failed. Finally,
  13448. î€encounterš€Eternals, Turlough turnedõ€
  13449. Black Guardian and,‡throwing€Enlightenment crystal at him,
  13450. freed himself. Afterwards,¹¿€ŒÊ€Master.
  13451. ¡met€˜First,ª‰¨Incarnations†€
  13452. Dead Zone of Gallifrey,‰¿themžBorusa. Turlough went
  13453. †„assist€Œ¢’battlesõ€Silurians‰€
  13454. Sea Devils,€Malus,€Tractators‰€Daleks. Finally
  13455. TurloughŽrevealed„…a political prisoner¶Trion,
  13456. sentenced„ten years' exile†Earth. After another battleõ
  13457. €Ë†Sarn, Trion's prison planet, Turloughû‚’
  13458. exile™been rescinded.returned„’home worldš’
  13459. newlyûbrother, Malkon. As a Trion political prisoner, Turlough
  13460. ™been tattooedš€Misos Triangle.
  13461. /Brendon school pupil.
  13462. /UNIT Captain‘assisted Brigadier Lethbridge-
  13463. Stewart¯€ Invasion.fell¢loveš
  13464. Isobel Watkins.
  13465. /One of Varga's Ice Warrior crew,óback„life
  13466. ¢AD 3000.Ž–¢¤ice avalanche while chasing
  13467. Victoria.
  13468. /Leader of€Thoros-Alphans' rebellion†Thoros-Beta,‘
  13469. decided„team upšKing Yrcanos. Together,š€¬Lords'
  13470. secret help, they–Kiv, Sil‰Crozier. Afterwards, Tusa
  13471. probably led’now-freedñback„«world.
  13472. /Egyptian builder of pyramids workingœKheprea.
  13473. Ž–‡€Daleks.
  13474. /Sector of SpaceèSvartosŽlocated.
  13475. /Name of a Foamasi clan.
  13476. /Name given‡€Spiders of Metebelis 3„€humans.
  13477. /Karfelon rebel, banished through€Timelash.
  13478. /Strong-willed man‘led Dortmun's resistance
  13479. fighters.Éalongside€©Œ¯€AD 2164
  13480. Dalek Invasion of Earth.
  13481. /Cosmic ray reseacher at Wessex University.¿
  13482. €Three DoctorsÊOmega.
  13483. /Martha Tyler's son;¹¿€“Œ‰
  13484. LeelaʀFendahleen.
  13485. /Old woman,€white witch of€village of
  13486. Fetchborough‘knew all€ancient rituals.‰ˆson
  13487. Jack¿€“Œ‰LeelaʀFendahleen.
  13488. provided€rock saltµŽß„kill a Fendahleen.
  13489. /Young Alzarian Outler–‡€Marshmen
  13490. while helping save Rysik.
  13491. /Name of€model of€˜TARDIS. 305ƒ
  13492. originally registered‡€¬Lords. As more advanced models
  13493. ƒbuilt, all Type 40'sƒ­deregistered exceptœ
  13494. €Doctor's.
  13495. /See SUTEKH.
  13496. /The Rani kept a tyrannosaurus embryo¢
  13497. *Trex
  13498. ˆTARDIS.
  13499. /One of Stagra's Think Tank colleagues.
  13500. /Chief Counciller of€Vogans.Žterrified‚€
  13501. remains of’ºwould…û‡€Cybermen,‰strongly
  13502. disapproved of Vorus's plan.shot Vorus¦€Guardian fired
  13503. ’rocket.
  13504. /Starship engineer servingšEarth's deep space fleet.
  13505. ŽÞ‡€Daleks,‰taken„Skaro„become part
  13506. of€slave labour force lookingœDavros. Tyssan¿€
  13507. “Œžboth€Ÿ‰€Movellans.°
  13508. ça captive Davros back„Earth.
  13509. /Inhabitants of Tythonus, very advanced aliens‘
  13510. looked like giant greenish blobs.ŠTythoniansƒcomposedþ
  13511. entirely of brain tissue,‰communicated through«skins, or
  13512. through a shield-shaped deviceµenabled them„use another
  13513. person's larynx. Some Tythonians, like Erato,™€ability„
  13514. secrete a metallic substance,‰could weave«own egg-shaped
  13515. spaceships.
  13516. /Planet rich¢metals¥poor¢chlorophyll, a substance
  13517. vital„€Tythonians' reproduction. Tythonus sent Ambassador
  13518. Erato„Chloris,蹎imprisoned‡Lady Adrasta,¥°
  13519. freed‡€“Doctor.
  13520. /Drug Harris wanted„use†€ªŒ‰’
  13521. ҄relieve€effect of tranquillizer darts.
  13522. /A subterranean civilization built¢€Ù
  13523. Underground„protect a group of humans¶€fireball (in
  13524. reality,€¬Lordsƒmoving€£¯€Ravolox
  13525. Stratagem).ŠUK HabitatŽtaken over‡Drathro„protect€
  13526. secrets of€Andromedan Sleepers‰sealed¶contactš€
  13527. outside. WaterŽrationed,‰€population kept constant through
  13528. €Cullings. However, Merdeen secretly enabled some intended victims
  13529. „Ý„€surface.ŠSixthŒsaved€UK Habitat¶
  13530. beingׇa black light explosion, accidentally triggered
  13531. ¦Dibber blew up Drathro's Maglem converter. With Drathro's
  13532. destruction,€UK Habitat's populationŽfree„ð„live
  13533. †€surface.
  13535. /One of€Viking raidersÿ‡Wulnoth's Saxons.
  13536. /Earlyàdesigned¢€1940's‡Dr Judson
  13537. „break German naval cyphers. Its precious 'core'Žbooby-trapped
  13538. ‡Commander Millington¢a mad scheme„strike at€Russians.
  13539. In spite of€‹˜efforts,€Ultima MachineŽ
  13540. ­ß„release€evil Fenric.
  13541. /TheªŒdiscovered‚Victoria's screams
  13542. ƒdeadly„€parasitic Weed.ŠSonic Lance‰Sonic
  13543. Screwdriver also relied†ultrasound.ŠVanir controlled€
  13544. Garmš¤ultrasonic box.ŠYoung Chimeron Princess
  13545. ÿ€Bannermanšˆultrasonic powers, amplified‡
  13546. Shrangri-La's public-address system.
  13547. /The¸ŒßUV light„kill€
  13548. Myrka.
  13549. /See ODYSSEUS.
  13550. /Citizens of Sarn‘did not believe¢€god
  13551. Logar. Theyƒusually sacrificed„€volcano.
  13552. /Location of€hideout of Mandrel's rebels,ê
  13553. Megropolis—†Pluto.
  13554. /TheªŒmet Atlantean survivors‘™built
  13555. ¤undersea civilization.alsoÿa parasitic Weed
  13556. µabsorbedýbrains‰attacked a North Sea natural gas
  13557. refinery‰off-shore rigs.Šbottom of€seaŽalso home
  13558. „€Sea Devils,‘ƒß‡€Ëõ€
  13559. ¨Doctor. Theyƒÿagain‡€¸Œ¦they
  13560. attacked aýunderwater base, Sea Base Four,¢AD 2084.
  13561. Š“Œdiscovered‚€Zygonsß«Skarasen„
  13562. attack off-shore platforms¢€North Sea.ŠRutansƒ
  13563. blob-like creatures‘could liveêwater.Š
  13564. Haemovoresû€plasma-like substances they needed¢fresh
  13565. sea water off Maiden's Point.
  13566. /Nicknameœ€underground world of Matter‚™
  13567. accumulated over a hundred thousandöaround€P7E. ItŽ
  13568. ruled‡Oracle, assisted‡two Seers.ŠpopulationŽ
  13569. comprised of€Guards‰€Trogs, allò¶€Minyan
  13570. Race Banks.ŠUnderworldŽ­invaded‡Jackson's
  13571. crew who,š€help of€“Œ‰Leela, managed„
  13572. wrest€Race Banks away¶€Oracle.ŠUnderworldŽ
  13573. ×¢explosion caused‡two fissin grenades disguised›
  13574. €Race Banks,µ€Oracle™intended„use„destroy
  13575. Jackson's ship.
  13576. /Mythical animal encountered‡€ªDoctor,
  13577. Jamie‰Zoe¢€Land of Fiction.
  13578. /See TRAKEN.
  13580. *Brig
  13581. military force whose missionŽ„dealšÇor extraordinary
  13582. Earth-based threatsš€potential„endanger€whole planet.
  13583. ½headquartersŽ¢Geneva‰placedê€sole command
  13584. of€United Nations. In practice, however,²Žsubject„€
  13585. supervision of various national ministers‰local authorities.
  13586.   Šconcept of a special force„dealšÇthreats
  13587. probably first arose¢Britainî€secret Dalek attack of
  13588. 1963,‰Žundoubtedly reinforced‡WOTAN's failed attempt
  13589. „take overٚitsëMachines¢1966.
  13590.   ŠYetiéof 1969,퇀ªŒ‰
  13591. British Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart,Žmost likely€catalyst
  13592. µresulted¢€creation of UNIT. Now promoted„€rank of
  13593. Brigadier, Lethbridge-StewartŽput¢charge of UNIT's British
  13594. branch.Žably assisted‡€competant Sergeant Benton‰
  13595. Captain Mike Yates.
  13596.   ½Žextremely active¯€early 1970's. Brigadier
  13597. Lethbridge-Stewart‰’menɀ alongside€
  13598. ªŒ¦theyƄinvade Earth. Soon afterwards,
  13599. €ŒŽexiled„£‡€¬Lords. Then¢’third
  13600. incarnation,¹ÍUNIT's scientific adviser. With€help of
  13601. ’assistants, Liz Shaw, Jo Grant and, later, Sarah Jane Smith,€
  13602. ¨Œ¿½ž€Autons,€Silurians,€
  13603. so-called 'Ambassadors of Death',¾Stahlman's 'Inferno'
  13604. project,€Master, Axos, Azal,€Daleks,€Sea Devils, Kronos,
  13605. Omega, BOSS, Linx, Sir Charles Grover's Operation Golden Age‰€
  13606. Spiders of Metabelis 3.
  13607.   Š“Doctor, still assisted‡Sarah Jane Smith‰Joined
  13608. ‡½medical officer Sugeon-Lieutenant Harry Sullivan,¡
  13609. ¿€Brigadierõ¾Kettlewell's Giant Robot‰
  13610. €Scientific Reform Society,‰€Zygons.
  13611.    Atø‚time, UNIT's British HQŽmoved„a priory
  13612. µ™been Egyptologist Marcus Scarman's residence¢1911.
  13613. Soon afterwards,€“Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith‰Harry
  13614. Sullivan returned„help½Colonel Faradayž€Kraals'
  13615. android invasion.Š“Œ‰Sarah also¿
  13616. Sir Colin Thackeray of€World Ecology Bureau‰Major Beresford
  13617. of½destroy a Krynoid.
  13618.    In 1977, Lethbridge-Stewart retired¶UNIT, leaving€British
  13619. branch of½¢€capable hands of Colonel Crichton. Benton
  13620. also left. Later‚year, Tegan‰Nyssa, two of€¸
  13621. ˜companions, met€retired Brigadier at Brendon School‰
  13622. together travelled forward„1983„ÊMawdryn.ŠBrigadier
  13623. emerged¶€encounterš’Áselfšselective
  13624. amnesia.
  13625.    In 1983,€¸Œß’½clearance„solve€
  13626. mystery of€disappearance of a Concorde airplane at Gatwick
  13627. Airport. Later,€¸Œmet€retired Brigadier
  13628. (who™forgotton«previous encounter)„žMawdryn.
  13629. ŠBrigadier recovered’memory‰renewed’contactsš
  13630. UNIT. But Borusa snatched‰€ªŒ(who™
  13631. transgressed€Laws of¬„visit’old friend)•dayæ
  13632. aå½reunion. TogetheršvariousÒ(including
  13633. Sarah Jane Smith‰illusions¢€form of Liz Shaw‰Mike
  13634. Yates),€Brigadier¿€Five DoctorsžBorusa.
  13635. Soonîthat,¹married’old flame, Doris.
  13636.    In 1992,€‹Œ‰Ace teamed upšLethbridge-
  13637. Stewart‰met Brigadier Bambera of UNIT. Together, theyÉ
  13638. €sorcery of Morgaine, Queen of¤alternative Earth.
  13639. /During’first incarnation,€Œ
  13640. visited New York‰Hollywood, both very briefly, and,
  13641. œa longer time, Tombstone, Arizona. A Confederate ArmyŽ
  13642. ù‡€ëLords. Peri BrownŽ¤American.Š
  13643. ©Œmet American General Cutler at€South Pole Space
  13644. Tracking Station.Š¨Œmet American security
  13645. agent Bill Filer.Š‹Œ¿American security
  13646. agents Hawk‰Weismuller recover a lost satellite. Lady
  13647. PeinforteŽgiven a ride‡American tourist Lavinia P. Hackensack
  13648. near Windsor.Š©Œmet another American tourist,
  13649. Moreton Dill, at€top of€Empire State Building.°
  13650. met Hollywood producer Steinberger P. Green.
  13651. /Garron's assistant.á€Graff Vynda-K's million
  13652. *Uns
  13653. opeks‰€lump of jethrik. Thanks„Binro,¹ûrefuge
  13654. ¢€catacombs.Žwounded‡€Graff's men,¥left
  13655. Ribos safelyšGarron‰€Graff's treasure.
  13656. /UNIT private.´fighting€Silurians.
  13657. /Leader of€Tetraps serving€Rani†Lakertya.Ž
  13658. impressed‡ˆgenius and,at€hands of€
  13659. ‹Doctor,¹ùˆ„takeˆback„
  13660. Tetrapyriarbus„help’people.
  13661. /TaraniumŽû†•of€moons of Uranus.
  13662. /Planet located¢€system of Inokshi¢galaxy RE 1489.
  13663. Its leader, Monarch,™exhausted all of its minerals,¡
  13664. polluted²š’technology until its ozone layerŽutterly
  13665. destroyed;²Žallœ’mad desire„travel faster than
  13666. light‰back through·„witness€creation of€
  13667. Universe (MonarchÈhimself„…God).
  13668. /Reptilian aliens‘resembled frogs‰whose glands
  13669. secreted•of€deadliest toxins¢€universe. After«
  13670. leader, Monarch,™virtually׫home world,€
  13671. memories of all three billion Urbankansƒstored†memory chips.
  13672. Monarchå„poison€population of£‰replace²š
  13673. €Urbankans, reincarnated¢android form (unlike«original
  13674. 'flesh time').ŠUrbankans™visited£before. When€¸
  13675. Œmet Monarch¢1981,¹claimed‚²™taken
  13676. 2500ö„travel„£‰back,‰‚¹™doubled€
  13677. speed of’»¶each previous visit.Šapproximate dates
  13678. of€Urbankans' visits„£would¡have been 34481 BC,
  13679. 4481 BC, 519 BC,‰AD 1981. However, historical informationø
  13680. €native Earthmen taken‡€aliens contradicted€above dates.
  13681. ItŽtherefore likely‚€real·²çœ€
  13682. Urbankans„reach£Žonlyø1250 years,‰‚«
  13683. visits occurred¢3019 BC, 1769 BC, 519 BC, AD 731‰1981.
  13684. /Captain of€Concorde flightµŽtaken„€
  13685. Jurassic period‡€Master.
  13687. /Alien raceŽlooked like greenish seaweedšeyes,
  13688. although theyƒable„assume‰retainýform thanks„
  13689. stratified particle radiation. Theyƒgreedy exploiters of other
  13690. races. In€52nd century, they߀Company„move mankind
  13691. ¶a highly polluted£„Mars,¢exchangeœ«labour.
  13692. Several centuries later,€Usurians moved men„Pluto, around
  13693. µthey™built six small artificial suns. There, men lived a
  13694. heavily taxed life until theyƒfreed through€Úof
  13695. €“Œ‰Leela.ŠŒexposed€Usurian Collector
  13696. ‰òa deadly inflationary spiral„žhim.
  13697. /The Usurians' home world.
  13698. /Amazon Indian tribe. Latoni™once been«chief.
  13699. /Peace-loving races‘™built, orä„build,
  13700. utopias included€Thals,€Sensorites,€Didoi,€Dulcians,
  13701. €Gonds,€ñof Traken,€Logopolitans,€Kinda‰€
  13702. Lakertyans.
  13703.    Utopias‚failed included€world of Marinus,€
  13704. French Revolution,€world of€Elders‰€Savages,
  13705. Sir Charles Grover's Operation Golden Age‰Helen A's
  13706. Terra Alpha.
  13707.    Apparent utopiasµcontained€proverbial snake¢
  13708. paradise included€ýcolony secretly controlled‡€
  13709. Macra,€pirateºof Zanak,€Union of Traken
  13710. µŽsecretly׶within‡€Melkur,
  13711. Castrovalva,µŽnothing more than a block transfer computation
  13712. ò‡Adric‰Deva Loka,€ºof€Kinda,è
  13713. €Mara lurked. Also see its opposite, DYSTOPIAS.
  13714. /Commander of€Sandminer. Because of€“˜
  13715. intervention,¹‰’aide Toosƒ€only survivors of€
  13716. attack of€Robots of Death.saved€“˜life‡
  13717. destroying SV7.
  13718. /One of€Robots of Death, disabled‡Uvanov›²attacked
  13719. €“Doctor.
  13720. /A Robot of Deathµattacked Leela.
  13721. /A Robot of Deathµattacked Toos.
  13722. /One of€Robots of Death. It locked up€“Œ
  13723. ‰Leela.
  13724. /One of€Robots of Death. ItŽat€controls of
  13725. €Sandminer.
  13726. /Massive T-shaped spaceship߇General Hermack of€
  13727. International Space Corps¢’campaignõCaven's pirates.
  13728. ItŽequippedšMinnow fighters.
  13729. /Killjoy‘Žonce Helen A's gag writer†Terra
  13730. Alpha (heŽ¡known›Harold F).Žarrested‡€
  13731. Happiness Patrolî¹went lookingœ’brother, Andrew X.
  13732. Želectrocuted‡a rigged jackpot machine.
  13733. /Incarnation of€evil side of€Xeraphin.
  13734. /One of€Thals sent„Spiridon„stop€Daleks.
  13735. Éalongside€¨Doctor,¥Ž­–
  13736. ‡€Daleks.
  13737. /See SINKING SHIP.
  13738. /Title meaning 'Learned Court Prosecutor'.Š
  13739. ValeyardŽ€amalgam of€˜darker side,ô’
  13740. twelth‰thirteenth regenerations. Afraid‚€SixthŒ
  13741. would learn€truthø€Ravolox stratagem,€corrupt
  13742. High Council of€¬Lordsó€Valeyard®being.
  13743. They offered€˜remaining regenerations if¹would
  13744. destroy’earlier Incarnation.ŠValeyard prosecuted€
  13745. Œat’trial, introducing false evidence¶€Matrix
  13746. concerning’adventures†Ravolox‰Thoros-Beta, including¤
  13747. untrue account of Peri's death.°accused€Œof
  13748. genocideœhaving׀Vervoids. Thanks„€Master's
  13749. assistance,€Œ­exposed€Valeyard,‘¡
  13750. fled®€Matrix.ŠŒfollowedthere„€
  13751. Fantasy Factory. Hiding behind€identity of Mr Popplewick,€
  13752. Valeyard plotted„use a Particle Disseminator„murder€
  13753. ¬Lords attending€Trial.also trapped€Ë‰Glitz
  13754. ‡replacing€stolen secrets of€Matrix theyƒseekingš
  13755. a Limbo Atrophier.ŠŒ­í€Valeyard's
  13756. plans,¥€evil¬Lord escaped again, taking over€body of
  13757. €Keeper of€Matrix.
  13758. /One of€Vanir. Ambitious,¹wanted„take over
  13759. Eirak's leadership,‰entered€Forbidden ZoneîBor‰
  13760. €¸Doctor.‰€other Vanir­remained†
  13761. Terminus„help Nyssa run²›a regular hospital.
  13762. /Deadly living metal allegedly stolen‡€Œ
  13763. æ¹left Gallifrey. ValidiumŽ„…€¬Lord's ultimate
  13764. defence. After²Žß¢a series of unknown circumstances,
  13765. µagain involved€Doctor, validium landed†£¢
  13766. Windsor¢1638. There,²Žshaped‡Lady Peinforte®a
  13767. statue dubbed Silver Nemesis.Š‹Œ­ß€
  13768. Silver Nemesis„destroy€Cybermen's space fleet,¡
  13769. ordered²„reshape itself. Also see NEMESIS, SILVER.
  13770. /A member of€staff of€Wheel¢Space.
  13771. Žtaken over‡€ ‰Ž°freed‡€
  13772. ªDoctor.
  13773. /One of Bragen's rebels†Vulcan. After€Ÿ
  13774. murdered Janley,€girl¹loved,¹began„realize‚
  13775. BragenŽreally a megalomaniacal madman,‰­
  13776. –him.
  13777. /Gigantic space aliensµmay have been related„€
  13778. Daemons. Feeding†blood, theyƒnearly immortal. They swarmed
  13779. throughout€universe‰Íso powerful‚•Vampire
  13780. could suck€life¶¤entire planet. Finally, theyƒ
  13781. hunted down‡€¬Lords‰×šbow ships¢a
  13782. ìso long‰bloody that, afterwards,€Gallifreyans foreswore
  13783. violence.ŠVampires' leader,€ØVampire, escaped®
  13784. E-Space. Although¹Žnear death,¹still™€mental strength
  13785. „attract€£»Hydrax.offered its three officers,
  13786. Aukon, Zargo‰Camilla, vampiric immortality if theyÀhim.
  13787. They fedš€blood of€ýcolonists‰«
  13788. descendantsœa thousand years, planningœ€¬of Arising
  13789. ¦they would swarm back®normal space.ŠØVampire's
  13790. plansƒí‡€“Doctor,‘ß•of€
  13791. Hydrax scout ships like a stake„kill him.
  13792.    On Earth, vampire-like creatures arose¢€future,¦
  13793. £™become totally polluted. Theyƒcalled€Haemovores.
  13794. A number of themƒtransported back through·‡Fenric,‰
  13795. gave rise„€legendsøvampires. FenricߤAncient
  13796. Haemovore¢’Êõ€‹Œ¢1943
  13797. Northumberland.
  13798.   Š©Œonce met a robotic version of€legendary
  13799. vampire Dracula¢a House of Horrors. OtherÇlife forms
  13800. µfed†blood included:€Screamers;€Ogri;€
  13801. Somno-moths;‰€Tetraps. Psychic or life-energy vampires
  13802. included:€Elders;€Krotons;€Mind Parasite‰Magnus
  13803. Greel. Energy vampires included: Axos‰€Nimon. Also see
  13804. PARASITES.
  13805. /Douhgnut-shaped radiation belt surrounding£
  13806. ‰protecting²¶€Sun's more harmful rays.ŠYoung
  13807. Silurian‰Icthar attempted„destroy²ša molecular
  13808. disperser¢order„render£uninhabitable‡Mankind. They
  13809. ƒstopped‡€¨Doctor.
  13810. /A top executive of€Euro-Sea Gas Corporation.
  13811. Žbased¢ŠHague‰Ža friend of Van Lutyens.
  13812. /American tourist‘befriended Peri's
  13813. mother.
  13814. /Dutch engineer.Ždispatched‡€
  13815. Euro-Sea Gas Corporation„check up†€North Sea refineryµ
  13816. Žattacked‡€Weed.ä„convince its controller,
  13817. Robson,„shut off€gas supply,‰Ž­taken over
  13818. ‡€Weed.Žfreedš€help of€ªDoctor.
  13819. /British astronaut†board€Mars Recovery 7
  13820. spaceship.ŽÞ‡mysterious, radioactive aliens.Ž
  13821. ­returned„£due„€¨˜assistance.
  13822. /Thara's girlfriend, a young Gond girl‘™been selected
  13823. „become a 'companion' of€Krotons‰‘Žsaved just¢
  13824. ·‡€ª˜intervention. After she™
  13825. recovered¶ˆordeal, she¿€¬Lord„destroy€
  13826. Krotons.
  13827. /Crewman†Captain Brigg's space freighter.Ž–
  13828. ‡€Cybermen.
  13829. /See NORD.
  13830. /Tegan Jovanka's aunt.Ž–near Heathrow
  13831. Airport‡€Master.
  13832. /Personnel¢charge of Terminus.
  13833. /Captain of Zanak's great raiding cruiser,µ
  13834. crashed†Zanak.
  13835. /Method of capitol punishment߇€¬
  13836. Lords.Š“‰¸Doctorsƒcondemned„
  13837. …vapourized,¥ƒ­spared.
  13838. /Elderly Solonianԑbetrayed’ownñ„€
  13839. Marshal. His son–€£Administrator,¥¹°
  13840. Ƅtell€truth‰Žshot‡Marshal. When Varan
  13841. saw’dead son,¹rebelled‰Ž­–‡€
  13842. Marshal.
  13843. /Aliensš€ability„travel mentally along any
  13844. wavelength.Šonly obstacle„«powerŽlead. When«
  13845. ºŽtouched‡•of€¬Lords' scan beams, theyß²
  13846. „invade€Matrix. Being telepathic, they contacted€“
  13847. Œ„help them¢«plans„take over Gallifrey.ŠŒ
  13848. pretended„help them¢order„gain«confidence‰force
  13849. them„materialize fully (atµpoint²Žrevealed‚«
  13850. true formŽfully humanoid).ŠŒ¡placed«º¢
  13851. a·loop. But€Vardans™actually beenߛdupes‡€
  13852. Sontarans,‘themselves invaded Gallifrey.
  13853. /Planet atìšKosnax. Their crossfire accidentally
  13854. ×Xeriphas.—of€Trion agentsŽ¤agrarian
  13855. commissioner†Vardon.
  13856. /Leader of a squadron of Martian warriors (the so-called
  13857. Ice Warriors). His»™crashlanded†£¯its
  13858. ©Ice Age,‰¹‰’crewƒaccidentally entombed¢
  13859. ice. VargaŽû‡Arden,‰óback„life¢AD 3000.
  13860. ä„conquer€Earth,¥failed.¡attempted„
  13861. ð„Mars,¥€ªŒß€ionizer„
  13862. destroy’ship.
  13864. |Vegetable life form indigenous„Skaro.ŠVarga Plants™
  13865. poisoned spinesµinduced dementia¢«victims, whose
  13866. bodies­turned®Vargas.ŠŸ™transplanted
  13867. some Varga plants†Kembel.
  13868. /Argolin guide at€Leisure Hive.
  13870. |President†’way„Nekrosœ’wife's perpetual
  13871. enstatement.
  13872. /Sontaran field major.Ž€aide of Group Marshal
  13873. Stike. Chessene–šcoronic acid.
  13874. /Young Swampieìchief†Delta Magna's third moon.did
  13875. not believe KrollŽa god,‰¿€“Œ‰Romana
  13876. save’people.–Thawn‰saved€˜life.
  13877. /Chancellery guard appointed‡Kelner„keep¤eye†€
  13878. “Œ¯€Vardanéof Gallifrey.
  13879. /Cryon‘welcomed Peri.Ž°–‡€
  13880. Cybermen.
  13881. /Miningºinhabited‡€descendants of a colony
  13882. œ€criminally insane. It™set up a civilizationµthrived
  13883. †public torture,‰provided 'snuff' entertainment„€rest
  13884. of€galaxy. ItŽalso a major producer of€rare mineral
  13885. Zyton-7. With€Sixth˜help, Varos's GovernorŽable„
  13886. žSil's plans„corner€Zyton-7 market.
  13887. /Leader of€Outlers†Alzarius‰Adric's older brother.
  13888. Ž–‡€Marshmen while defending€Starliner.
  13889. /Gilbert M'sºof origin.
  13890. /Trapper living¢Marinus's icy wastes.ä„kill
  13891. Ian‰Barbara¯«questœ€missing Keys.
  13892. /Highly explosive mineral‚Žsafe only at sub-zero
  13893. temperatures.ŠSixthŒgave€Cryon Flast a thermal lance
  13894. µshe buried¢a box of vastial, thereby creating a huge
  13895. explosionµ×€Cybermen.
  13896. /Managing director of International Electromatics.
  13897. allied himselfš€Cybermen.å„use them„take
  13898. over€world,¡discard them‡using¾Watkin's
  13899. Cerebration Mentor. His body™already been partially converted„
  13900. cybernetics. When¹realized€ ƒprepared„destroy
  13901. allýlife,¹turnedõthem‰sacrificed’life„
  13902. help€ªŒ‰½destroy€Cybermen's hypnotic
  13903. beam pulser.
  13904. /One of Mandrel's rebels.¿€“Œ‰
  13905. Leela overthrow€Company†Pluto.
  13906. /A mole man¶€Vega star system.Ž•of€
  13907. two Federation trisilicate mining engineers†Peladon (the other
  13908. ŽEckersley).appeared„…struck down‡Aggedor's ghost,¥
  13909. Ž¢Â–‡Eckersley's Aggedor projector/heat ray
  13910. device.
  13911. /Intelligent vegetable life forms included:¤Earth-based
  13912. parasitic sea Weed,µcould take control of humans;€
  13913. ÇKrynoids,‘fed†organic life forms;€cactus-like
  13914. Zolfa-Thurans, like Meglos,‘could assume other creatures'
  13915. shapes;‰€Vervoids, creations of¾Lasky.
  13916. Beaus might have been a vegetable life form.
  13917.    Dangerous¥nonintelligent plants included€accelerated
  13918. plants of Marinus;€hostile fungoids of Mechanus;€
  13919. Varga plants of Skaro;€Martian 'Seeds of Death',µ
  13920. consumed oxygen;€hostile vegetation of Spiridon;€
  13921. carnivorous Wolf Weeds of Chloris;€aggressive vegetation of
  13922. Tigella;‰€deadly vines of Varos.
  13923.   ŠSixthŒshowed€personnel of Tranquil Repose how„
  13924. refine local flowers®protein.ŠRaniòexplosive
  13925. devicesµturnedñ®trees.Šgalaxy's largest flora
  13926. collectionŽ†Zaakros.Š“Œclaimed„…Honorary
  13927. President of€Intergalactic Flora Society. Also see SEEDS.
  13928. /Member of a Sirian space colony.ŽÞ‡€
  13929. Ÿ‰taken„Skaro„become part of€slave labour
  13930. force lookingœDavros.
  13931. /Karfelon girl bethrothed„Mykros. When¹Žarrested,
  13932. Vena seized€Borad's amulet,µTekker wore,‰plunged®
  13933. €Timelash. It transportedˆ„19thÄScotland,è
  13934. she met H. G. Wells.ŠSixthŒçˆ(and Wells) back„
  13935. Karfel,èshe¿ž€Borad.
  13936. /Law of physicsµstated: 'Light™mass
  13937. ‰energy intermixed; therefore energy radiated‡photons‰
  13938. tachyons is equal„€energy absorbed.
  13939. /Planet visited‡€©Doctor.
  13940. /George CranleighŽdisfigured while exploring€
  13941. Orinoco portion of€Amazon¢Venezuela.
  13942. /Mavic Chen™prepared a secret army†Venus„Ê€
  13943. Daleks.Š¨Œclaimed„…a master at Venusian
  13944. Aiki-Do -•of€rare two-armed beings„have mastered‚
  13945. difficult art.
  13946. /Subject Guardian enslaved‡€Ark's Monoids. After
  13947. €©Œ¿ž€Monoids, she‰Dassuk led€
  13948. Humans®¤honourable peaceš€remaining Monoids, so‚
  13949. they could all live¢harmony†Refusis.
  13950. /A Krontep heavenèwarriorsƒthought„
  13951. Êforever.
  13952. /Ship attacked‡€Sea Devils.
  13953. /Tegan's grandfather.lived¢Little Hodcombe‰
  13954. discovered€Malus¢€local church.Ž¡kept prisoner
  13955. ‡Sir George Hutchinson. After¹Žrescued,¹¿€¸
  13956. Œž€Malus.
  13957. /Member of€rebellionõ€ØVampire.
  13958. /Member of€Soviet commando led‡Captain Sorin.
  13959. infiltrated Northumberland¢order„steal€Ultima Machine
  13960. 'Core'. Vershinin°–Commander Millingtonîjoining
  13961. forcesšCaptain Bates.
  13962. /Planetary systemèFrontiosŽlocated.
  13963. /Intelligent, mutant vegetal life formsò‡
  13964. ¾Lasky, Bruchner‰Doland†Mogar. Theyƒmobile,
  13965. could talk,ƒequippedšvenomous stings‰emitted
  13966. poisonous marsh gas.ŠVervoidsƒdormant¦theyƒ
  13967. loaded†„€Hyperion III space liner,¥ƒawakened‡¤
  13968. electrical light burst. Theyätaking over€ship,¥ƒ
  13969. ׇ€Sixth Doctor,‘ßvionesium light bursts„
  13970. cause them„wither‰die.Žchargedšgenocide‡€
  13971. Valeyardœthis action.
  13972. /One of€minerals mined‡Zanak.
  13973. /Planet visited‡Captain Cook.
  13974. /One of€©˜companions,¤eighteen-year-old
  13975. *Vic
  13976. £girl (last name unknown)¶€25th century,‘û
  13977. herself stranded†Didoîa space crash.ŽÛ‡€
  13978. ©Doctor, Ian Chesterton‰Barbara Wright,‘¿ˆ
  13979. expose€evil designs ofˆcompanion, Bennett. Vicki¡
  13980. accompanied€©Doctor, Ian‰Barbara¢«journeys.
  13981. met€Romans,€Menoptera,€Crusaders,€Xerons‰€
  13982. Rills (whose robots she nicknamed 'Chumblies').É€
  13983. Zarbi,€Saracens,€Moroks,€Daleks,€Meddling Monk‰
  13984. €Drahvins. During€Trojan War, Vicki­fell¢love
  13985. šTroilus and, adopting€name of Cressida, followed„
  13986. ûa new cityî€fall of Troy.
  13987. /British army major‘¿€¨Œõ
  13988. €Mind of Evil.
  13991. |Queen of England‘lived¶1819„1901. Josiah
  13992. Samuel Smith plotted„use explorer Fenn-Cooper„kill her,
  13993. hoping thereby„restore€British Empire„its former
  13994. glory.
  13995. /Planet incorporated®Tryst's CET.
  13996. /The Meddling Monkå„sabotage a Viking raid just
  13997. æ1066¢order„ensure King Harold's victory. During€
  13998. 9th century, a group of Vikings -°dubbed€'Wolves of
  13999. Fenric' -ƒmanipulated‡€evil entity„bring€flask
  14000. containing²back¶€Orient„Northumberland. Their
  14001. descendants settled€area.
  14002. /Only name given„€soleýcommunity†€
  14003. ØVampire's world.
  14004. /Mayan princessù‡€Urbankans, probably
  14005. circa AD 731. Her memoriesƒstored†silicon chips,‰ß„
  14006. animate¤android¢ˆimage. After€¸Œÿ
  14007. Monarch, she‰’fellow androids decided„lookœanother
  14008. º†µ„settle.
  14009. /19thÄMexican revolutionary‘Žimmune
  14010. „€ëLords' hypnotic processing.çcharge of a pocket of
  14011. resistance,‰Éalongside€ªDoctor, Jamie‰Zoe
  14012. „put¤end„€ëGames.
  14013. /See HAWKINS, VINCE.
  14014. /Professor Parry's second-in-command†€expedition
  14015. „Telos.Žshot‡Klieg¦¹ä„prevent€
  14016. reawakening of€ ¶«Telosian Tombs.
  14017. /YrcanosŽLord of€Vingten.
  14018. /Mr Burton'sâat Shrangri-La.‰Burton™
  14019. onceÀtogether¢€army.
  14020. /Common form of lighting߇€Terileptils.
  14021. /Magnesium-like metalû†Mogar. Exposed„air,²
  14022. released intense light.ŠSixthŒß²„destroy
  14023. €Vervoids.
  14024. /First Medtech aboard€Ark¢Space.çcommand¦
  14025. ²Íclear NoahŽê€Wirrn's control,‰¿€
  14026. “ŒÊ€Wirrn.
  14027. /Space entity capable of making contactš
  14028. other forms of intelligence‰taking control of them. It enslaved
  14029. €crew of€Titan shuttle,‰converted€Titan base®a
  14030. Hive.ŠVirus's Nucleus invaded€“˜body,¥Ž
  14031. °released,‰enlarged„ýsize,†€Bi-Al
  14032. Foundation. It returned„Titan‰prepared„swarm,¥Ž
  14033. צ€Œblew up€base.
  14034. /The“ŒÉ€Virus of€Purpose†
  14035. Titan.Š“Œalsoߤanti-metal virus„
  14036. destroy¾Kettlewell's Giant Robot.
  14037. Also see DISEASES.
  14038. /Older senior officer of€Morestran spaceship sent„
  14039. Zeta Minor. When€mutated¾Sorenson‰€antimatter
  14040. creatures began„attack’ship,¹çover command¶
  14041. Salamander,‰¿€“Œcollect€antimatter‰
  14042. ð²„its native universe.
  14043. /Giant, hostile, invisible inhabitants of Mira.Š©
  14044. Œ‰’Òƒforced„hide¶them¢«
  14045. Êõ€Daleks' Masterplan.ŠVisians­É
  14046. €Daleks,µenabled€Œ„escape.
  14047. /Lytton's homeworld.
  14048. /Middle class of robots‘ƒß›labour force
  14049. aboard€Sandminer. They could speak.
  14050. /Nicknamed€Planet of Gold because its heartŽþpure
  14051. gold. In€23rd century,¯€©Cyber Wars,£‰its
  14052. alliesÿ€ ‡discovering‚goldŽfatal„
  14053. «enemies. Before«defeat,€ ï¤attempt„
  14054. destroy Voga,¥a fragment survived‰ended up¢orbit near
  14055. Jupiter,è²Íknown›Neo Phoebus.ŠNerva Beacon
  14056. Žplaced†a thirty-year assignment„warn spaceships of its
  14057. presence.
  14058.    Towards€end of€25th century,•of€Beacon's officers,
  14059. ¾Kellman, secretly workingœ€Vogan Vorus, summoned a
  14060. small band of isolated Cybermen, remnants of€©Cyber Wars.
  14061. Vortus's planŽ„destroy€ ‡using€Skystriker, a
  14062. rocket of’own design.Š ß«cybermats‰
  14063. neurotropic X virus„take over€Beacon. They­loaded
  14064. cyberbombs aboard€Beacon‰ä„crash²®Voga. They
  14065. ƒí‡€“Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith‰
  14066. Harry Sullivan.
  14067. /Aliens‘lived†Voga. After«ºŽpartially
  14068. ׇ€ î€©Cyber Wars,€survivors,
  14069. led‡Tyrum, lived¢fear of being discovered‡€Cybermen.
  14070. After Vorus's Skystriker missile׀Cybermen, thanks„
  14071. €“˜help,€VogansƒÅfree„
  14072. reintegrate themselves¢€galactic Alliance.
  14073. /Kara's secretary.Ž–‡Davros's Daleks.
  14074. /In Kinda terminology, a man‘communicate verbally
  14075. rather than mentally. Aris™been™been given€Gift of Voice
  14076. ‡€Mara and, according„Kinda prophecies™„…obeyed.
  14077. /Tryst's ship. Its zoological expedition„EdenŽ
  14078. comprised of Tryst,’assistant, Della,‰Stott.
  14079. /Salamander triggered volcanic eruptions„take over
  14080. €Earth. A volcanic eruptionƀÆDulkis.Š
  14081. ¨Œß¤ice volcano†Spiridon„freeze a Dalek army.
  14082. On Sarn,€volcanic Numismaton Flame could extend life. Volcanic
  14083. eruptions†€ºof€Cheetah People reflected€savagery
  14084. of its inhabitants. TigusŽa mostly volcanic planet.
  14085. /Scientist‘theorized‚life¢€universeŽ
  14086. infinitely variable.
  14087. /Nekros life form.
  14088. /Alias߇€ªŒ¢
  14089. Inverness¢1746.
  14090. /One of€ëLords¢charge of€ëGames.
  14091. posed›a German major¢€WorldëI sector‰a
  14092. Confederate officer¢€American Civilësector.Ž
  14093. ­Þ‡€Resistance,‰°–‡
  14094. Private Moor.
  14095. /One of€minerals extracted¶Calufrax‡Zanak.
  14096. ItŽß‡Mr Fibuli„power€Psychic Interference
  14097. Transimitter߇€Captain„stop€Mentiads.
  14098. /Inhabitants of Marinus,šdark, rubbery skins‰¤
  14099. enigmatic, snoutish face, theyƒimmune„€Conscience's
  14100. mind-control powers. Under€leadership of Yartek, a Voord commando
  14101. ä„taken over€Conscience¥Ð¦€©
  14102. Œ‰Ian Chesterton tricked them®destroying€
  14103. machine.
  14104. /Galactic showman¶Lurma‘owned€defective Scope
  14105. 耨Œrematerialized.¿thwart Kalik's
  14106. devious schemes,‰ß€Eradicator„destroy€
  14107. rampaging Drashigs.
  14108. /Commander of Sea Base Four.¿€¸Œ
  14109. ʀSilurians‰€Sea Devils.sacrificed’life„
  14110. save€¸Œ¦¹Žaborting€missile launch.
  14111. VorshakŽshot‡Icthar.
  14112. /(SPACE-TIME) Area beyond·‰space throughµ€
  14113. Ãtravels. Some entities, like€Guardians of Time,€
  14114. Kronavores‰€Mandragora Helix, might…said„
  14115. inhabit€Vortex.ŠTharils appeared„…able„travel
  14116. through€Vortex unaided.
  14117. /The Lake of€High King¢Old English. It
  14118. Žlocated near Carbury. ItŽat its bottom‚King Arthur's
  14119. body‰Excaliburƒburied, inside a living spaceship.
  14120. /Cold, craggyºof€Isop Galaxy, home of€
  14121. Menoptera‰€Zarbi.
  14122. /Sleeping gas߄protect Space Station J7's
  14123. Computer.
  14124. /Leader of€Vogan Guardians.hired¾Kellman of
  14125. Space Beacon Nerva„summon€ „Voga,èthey could
  14126. …ׇ’Skystriker missile.wanted„free’ñ
  14127. ¶€threat of€Cybermen,¥ended up clashingšTyrum.
  14128. Žshot‡Tyrum¦¹launched’rocket but, thanks„€
  14129. “Doctor,²×€Cybermen.
  14130. /Prisoner at Stangmoor Prison‘¿Mailer take
  14131. over€Prison.‰Charlie let€¨Œescape.Ž
  14132. °–‡€Mind Parasite.
  14133. /Deadly drug derived¶€essence of€Mandrels,¢
  14134. use among humans¢€early part of€22nd century. It induced
  14135. a state of warm complacency, followed‡agonizing withdrawal
  14136. symptoms,‰­death.”also TRYST DYMOND.
  14137. /Leader of€Menopteraéforce†Vortis.
  14138. *Men
  14139. Š©Œ¿ž€Zarbi.
  14140. /See V-41.
  14141. /Earth colony led‡Governor Hensell. ItŽþtaken
  14142. over‡€Daleks,¥ŽÛ‡€ªDoctor. At‚
  14143. time,²inhabitantsßa dating system indicating²Ž
  14144. Year AD 2020, although²Žmore likely at least•Ä°
  14145. ‡standard£chronology.
  14146. /One of€minerals mined‡Zanak.
  14147. /PlanetèCaptain Cook™ûMags.
  14148. /Member of¾Sorenson's party.
  14149. /One of€five£colonists¶Galsec Seven stranded†
  14150. £circa AD 15,000,î«»Ž×while
  14151. answering a fake mayday signal. Styre performed cruelΆ
  14152. „determine€limits ofýresistance.betrayed’crew
  14153. mates,¥°sacrificed’life„save‚of€
  14154. “Doctor.
  14155. /Unscrupulous, warlike tyrant of Levithia. While¹
  14156. *Graff
  14157. went off„Ê€Alliance Wars,¹Ždeposed‡’ñ‰
  14158. replaced‡’half-brother.swore revenge,‰offered„buy
  14159. Ribos¶Garron, hoping„turn²®a training groundœ¤
  14160. army. When¹ûout¹™been conned,¹ä„kill Garron
  14161. ‰€“Doctor.´¢€catacombs, victims of’own
  14162. explosive device.
  14163. /Agent sent‡Space Special Security„Kembelî
  14164. Marc Cory failed„return. VyonŽborn†Mars,†Colony 16.
  14165. discovered€Daleks' Masterplan and,š€©˜
  14166. help, managed„ð„Earth. Bret VyonŽ–‡’own
  14167. sister, Sara Kingdom, another SSS agent. Sara™been manipulated
  14168. „believe‚BretŽa traitor‡ˆsuperior, Karlton,‘Ž
  14169. secretly¢leaguešMavic Chen‰€Daleks.
  14170. /Codename of€space station attacked‡€
  14171. Cybermen. ItŽdefended‡€ªDoctor,‘boosted its
  14172. X-ray laser cannon„ž€invaders,‡using€
  14173. TARDIS's¬Vector Generator.
  14174. /One of€crew of€Eternals' ships.
  14175. /Defence correspondent of€Daily Chronicle.
  14176. questioned€Brigadierø€occurrences at Oxley Moor‰
  14177. €¨˜identity.
  14178. /One of Cully's tour party.Ž–‡€
  14179. Dominators.
  14180. /Vicar of Saint Jude's church,¢€Northumberland
  14181. village°attacked‡Fenric,‰•of€'Wolves' of Fenric.
  14182. His grandfather™been€first„translate€runes carved¢
  14183. €church's crypt. His actions­contributed„Fenric's
  14184. release. After€British bombed Germany,’faith wavered,‰¹
  14185. Ž–‡€Haemovores.
  14186. /Real name of lead singer John Smith, of
  14187. John Smith‰€Commen Men.started off›Chris Waites‰
  14188. €Carollers.
  14189. /Television journalist.reported€
  14190. events at€British Space Centre¦€Mars Recovery 7
  14191. spaceshipŽÞ‡€radioactive aliens,‰again¦
  14192. General Carringtonä„call upon€worldü„
  14193. launch¤all-out attackõ€aliens.
  14194. /The¨Œwent„€Welsh village of Llanfairfach„
  14195. dealš€Green Death. In 1959,€‹Œ¿
  14196. save Delta‰€South Wales holiday camp of Shrangri-La¶€
  14197. Bannermen.
  14198. /Politician sent¶Ù„dealš€
  14199. Sea Devils affair.ordered Captain Hart„launch a depth-charge
  14200. attack,µjeopardized€¨˜attempts„negotiate
  14201. a peaceful settlementš€Sea Devils.
  14202. /Alien race‘loved gambling. Vorg™won’
  14203. Miniscope¶€Wallarians.
  14204. /Ranulf Fitzwilliam's castle.
  14205. /Nicknameœ€Kangs‘defaced€walls¢
  14206. Paradise Towers.
  14207. /Arden's assistant.Ž–‡€Ice Warriors.
  14209. |UNIT sergeant.assisted Lethbridge-Stewart¯€
  14210.  Invasion.
  14212. |One of Lieutenant Scott's men. His jobŽ„monitor€
  14213. progress of€underground expedition.
  14214. /UNIT major‘É€Silurians.
  14215. /Chinese manager of€way station at Lan-Chow.
  14216. /Historical wars: among€various historical£warsµ
  14217. €Œvisitedƒ€Trojan War;€¨Crusade;
  14218. €French Wars of Religion (St Bartholomew's Day Massacre);€
  14219. battle of Culloden;‰WorldëII (in Northumberland).
  14220. During€ëGames,€ÇëLordsßstolen¬Lord
  14221. technology„kidnap soldiers¶various£wars, up„‰
  14222. including WorldëI. Among theseƒsoldiers¶WorldëI,
  14223. €American Civil War,€Mexican Rebellion‰€Punic Wars.
  14224. In Little Hodcombe,ê€Malus's influence, Sir George
  14225. Hutchinson reconstructed€events of€English Civil War.
  14226. ŠRani admitted‚she™visited several of Earth's wars
  14227. (including€Trojan뉀American Civil War), making them
  14228. worse‡ˆdraining of brain fluids. Lastly,†¤
  14229. alternate Earth, Morgaine™preserved€tenets of€warlike
  14230. culture of King Arthur's times. Also see WORLD WAR I, II
  14231. ‰III.
  14232.    Future wars:Šthreat of WorldëIIIŽaverted several times
  14233. ‡€Doctor. Future£wars included limited nuclear wars¢€
  14234. early 21st century,µSalamander߄’own benefit,‰€
  14235. 51stÄbattleõMagnus Greel's Supreme Alliance. Future
  14236. warsõaliens included several Dalek Wars; Cyber Wars;€
  14237. Spaceëõ€Draconians,µŽsecretly engineered‡
  14238. €Ë‰€Daleks;‰€ìõGalaxy 5.Š
  14239. inhabitants of Paradise Towers™left€ú„take part¢a
  14240. ì- possibly€©Dalek War. Also see INVASIONS.
  14241.    Alien wars:ôaliens included€so-called Thousand Year
  14242. ë(or Neutronic Wars)ôThals‰Kaleds,µresulted¢
  14243. €creation of€Daleks.Šìô€two species
  14244. continued, resulting¢€Ïof Skaro,‰
  14245. possibly€annighilation of€Thals. Other warsôaliens
  14246. included:‚of€Menopteraõ€Zarbi;€Drahvins
  14247. õ€Rills;€Xerons' rebellionõ€Moroks;
  14248. €Sontaran - Rutan war;€ì„€ultimate finish
  14249. ôAtrios‰Zeos;€ìôArgolins‰Foamasi;
  14250. €ìôKarfelons‰Bandrils;‰€ìof
  14251. extermination led‡€Bannermenõ€Chimeron.
  14252. Xeriphas™been devastated¢€crossfire of€ìô
  14253. Vardon‰Kosnax.ŠKraals,€Minyans‰€
  14254. Zolfa-Thurans are races‘þ×themselves¢
  14255. civil wars.ŠMinyans°developed€Pacifier„quell«
  14256. aggressive instincts.ŠGraff Vynda-KŽa warlike tyrant
  14257. ‘Ždeposed‡’ñwhile¹Žoff fighting¢a
  14258. war.
  14259.    Peace-loving cultures included:€Thals,‘ultimately™„
  14260. forego«pacifism¢order„survive‰ž€Daleks;
  14261. €Didonians;€Rills;€Dulcians,‘ƒsimilarly forced„
  14262. face€Dominators;€Anethians;€Kinda;‰€Lakertyans.
  14263. War-loving cultures included€Daleks;€Cybermen;€Voord;
  14264. €Moroks;€Drahvins;€Martian Ice Warriors‘­
  14265. Ímore pacifist;€Dominators;€Krotons,€ëLords,€
  14266. Sea Devils;€Sontarans;€Zygons;€Kraals;€Vardans;€
  14267. Movellans;€Skonnans;€Argolins;€Gaztaks;€Terileptils;
  14268. €Kronteps;‰€Bannermen.
  14269.    Dedicatedìmachines included WOTON's mobile extensions;
  14270. €Cybermats;€Yeti;€Autons;€Doomsday Machine;
  14271. €Mentalisà†Zeos;€deadly Raston Robot;
  14272. aýchild turned®a Dalek battle computer;‰€
  14273. Silver Nemesis. Also see WEAPONS.
  14274. /Vast operation launched‡€ÇëLords‰ï
  14275. possible‡¬Lord technology stolen‡€renegade known›
  14276. ëChief. It involved kidnapping thousands of£soldiers¶
  14277. various wars prior to,‰including, WorldëI.Šsoldiersƒ
  14278. ¡subjected„hypnotic processing‰told„carry†«wars
  14279. †¤artificial planet.Špurpose of€ëGamesŽœ€
  14280. ëLords„conquer€galaxy using€best army ever trained.
  14281. Eventually,€ëGamesƒdiscovered‡€ªDoctor, who,
  14282. š€help of Jamie, Zoe, Lieutenant Carstairs, Lady Jennifer
  14283. Buckingham‰other Resistance fighters,ÿ€ëLords.
  14284. ¡alerted€¬Lords,‘put a final end„€ëGames
  14285. ‰returned every soldier„’properú¢·space.
  14286. /Leader of€ëLords. With€help of¬Lord
  14287. technology stolen‡€renegade known›ëChief,¹set up€
  14288. ëGames.°™€ëChief–î¹™been
  14289. exposed›a traitor‡€Security Chief. Captured‡€¬
  14290. Lords,¹refused„acknowledge defeat.Žä‰
  14291. dematerialized‡€¬Lords.
  14292. /Name given„€bellicose aliens‘set up€ë
  14293. Games. TheirºŽ­forever sealed inside a
  14294. force field (possibly a·loop)‡€¬Lords.
  14295. /Mobile extensions of WOTAN.Š©Œßa
  14296. powerful magnetic field„capture aëMachine‰turn²
  14297. õWOTAN.
  14298. /19thÄBritish miner whose brain fluidsƒ
  14299. stolen‡€Rani.fellê€Rani's influence,¥Ž
  14300. °cured‡€Sixth Doctor.
  14301. /George Stephenson's protege‰Jack Ward's son.Š
  14302. Ëߕof€Rani's parasites„enslave‰decieve
  14303. €Sixth Doctor.Žturned®a tree¦¹stepped†•
  14304. of€Rani's deadly mines.
  14305. /Professor Scarman's oldest friend.did not trust
  14306. Namin,‰Ž­–‡•of Sutekh's mummies.
  14307. /Archeologist‘workedœtenö†€
  14308. Carbury site‰­uncovered Excalibur's scabbard. His
  14309. âŽShou Yuing.Ž­evacuated‡½prior
  14310. „«battleõMorgaine.
  14311. /International Space Corps major servingê
  14312. General Hermack.Žordered„follow Clancey,‰­
  14313. led€squad of minnow fightersµ×Caven.
  14314. /Communications technician aboard Space Beacon Nerva.
  14315. Žinfected‡€Neutrope X virus‰died.
  14316. /See FASTER THAN LIGHT.
  14317. /Condition of a object placed¢a fixed orbit¢
  14318. ·›well›¢space. Mawdryn's»Ž¢a warp ellipse
  14319. above Earth.
  14320. /Galsec colonist–‡Styre.
  14321. /Member of€Dalek Alliance.
  14322. /See GATEWAY.
  14323. /Mysterious projection of€˜future, intended
  14324. „facilitate’regeneration¶’“„’¸
  14325. incarnation.ŠWatcher first appeared„warn€“Œof
  14326. ’impending doom at€hands of€Master.also transported
  14327. Nyssa¶Traken„Logopolis,‰Adric‰Nyssa back„Earth,
  14328. æãmerging®€dying body of€“Doctor.
  14329. ŠWatcherŽnot unlike€Cho-Je projection of€
  14330. ¬Lord K'Anpo.
  14332. /19thÄprofessor whose static electricity
  14333. time-travel experiments, conductedšTheodore Maxtible, drew€
  14334. Ÿ„Earth. They¡ç’daughter Victoria hostage. Using
  14335. €alias of 'J. Smith',¾Waterfield¿€Ÿ
  14336. capture€ªDoctor,¥¹­gave’life†Skaro
  14337. „save€¬Lord.
  14338. /One of€ª˜Ò‰
  14339. Edward Waterfield's daughter.Žtaken hostage‡€Daleks,
  14340. ¡joined€TARDIS's crew†Skaroîˆfather's death.
  14341. Victoria¿€ªŒ‰Jamieõ€Cybermen,
  14342. €Yeti,€Ice Warriors, Salamander‰intelligent seaweed
  14343. creatures,µturned out„…vulnerable„€ultra-sounds¢
  14344. ˆvoice. Victoria­left„stayš€Harris family,
  14345. ‘爢›a daughter.
  14346. /Professor Watkins' niece‰a talented
  14347. photographer.Žstaying at¾Travers's house¦
  14348. she met€ªDoctor, Jamie‰Zoe.Éalongside
  14349. them,‰½„ž€ Invasion plotted‡
  14350. Tobias Vaughn.fell¢lovešCaptain Walters.
  14351. /Friend of¾Travers‰uncle of
  14352. Isobel Watkins.Ž€inventor of€Cerebration Mentor‰
  14353. Žù‡Tobias Vaughn of International Electromatics,‘
  14354. forced„perfect’device›a÷õ€
  14355. Cybermen.Ž­Û‡€ªŒ‰
  14356. UNIT.
  14357. /Director of€Experimental Nuclear Research Complex
  14358. attacked‡Eldrad.ŠKastriançover Sarah Jane Smith's,
  14359. ¡Driscoll's, minds„trigger a nuclear explosion,€energy of
  14360. µ¹ß„regenerate.¾Watson attacked Eldrad,¥
  14361. Žsaved‡€“Doctor.
  14362. /Professor Watson's daughter.
  14363. /Famous Scottish inventor (1736-1819)‘contributed
  14364. „€development of€steam engine.™been invited„a
  14365. meeting‡George Stephenson.ŠËwanted„kidnap„
  14366. harness’genius,¥Ží‡€Sixth Doctor.
  14367. /Royal Navy lieutenant commander.É€Sea Devils.
  14368. /Geological field whose stabilityŽchecked
  14369. ‡Huckle.
  14370. /The Autonsƒï„look like waxwork dummies. When
  14371. €Nestene began replacing importantñšreplicas,€
  14372. originalsƒput¢«places¢a waxwork exhibit.
  14373. /Private¢€army task forceµÉ€Ø
  14374. Intelligence¢€Ùunderground.Ž–‡€
  14375. Yeti.
  14376. /Weapons devised‡mankind included: a variety of deadly
  14377. missiles‰rockets, such›€Thunderbolt,€Proton missiles
  14378. ‰€Salamander 6-0 powerful bombs such›€Z-Bomb;‰various
  14379. rayguns such›€Disintergrator, Stelsons, etc. Salamanderß
  14380. ’Suncatcher„create Earthquakes. Mankindßglitterguns,€
  14381. Cerebration Mentor,€Gravitron‰¤X-Ray laser cannonõ
  14382. €Cybermen. They߀Ionizerõ€Martians. Other
  14383. miscellaneous weapons included WOTAN'sëMachines,€Varosian
  14384. Cell Destructor,‰Rorvik's MZ cannon.
  14385.    Alien weapons included:œ€Daleks,«exterminator sticks
  14386. ‰€¬Destructorœ€Cybermen,€deathrays
  14387. located¢«helmets, cyberbombs;œ€Martian Ice Warriors,
  14388. €sonic guns†«claws;œ€Yeti,«deadly web guns;
  14389. œ€Silurians‰Sea Devils, thir third eye‰deadly
  14390. hand weapons,›well«Molecular Disperser‰a particle
  14391. suppressor.
  14392.   ¬Lord weapons included:¬Loops;¬Scoops;€Bow
  14393. Ships;€Hand of Omega; Validium;€Demat Gun;€Limbo
  14394. Atrophier‰€particle disseminator; smaller weapons included€
  14395. Chancellery Guards' stasers.ŠËpreferred„use’Tissue
  14396. Compression Eliminator.ŠRanißminesµturnedñ®
  14397. trees‰swarms of deadly insects.
  14398.   ŠEldersßlight guns;€Krotonsß«Dynatrope;€
  14399. Interminoransß«Eradicator;€Vogansß«skystriker
  14400. missile;€Morestransßa Neutron Accelerator;€Bandrilsß
  14401. a Bendalypse.ŠKinda's Jhana BoxŽa psychic weapon.ŠDoomsday
  14402. WeaponŽamong€most powerful weapons ever devised.
  14403.    Other, non-mechanical types of weapons included: crystals, such
  14404. ›€Key„¬‰€Dodecahedron (also see CRYSTALS); deadly
  14405. gases, such›zaphra, balarium‰hexachromite (also see GASES);
  14406. mind-control devices, such›€Brains of Morphoton's Mesmeron,€
  14407. Cybermen's Celensky capsules‰hypno-beam pulsers,€Rani's slugs
  14408. ‰€Coronet of Rassilon (also see HYPNOTISM); quasi-living
  14409. entities, such›€Slyther,€Skarasen,€Mykra‰€Silver
  14410. Nemesis (also see CYBORGS). Viruses‰Çdiseasesƒ
  14411. ߇€Daleks,€Cybermen,€Kraals‰€Movellans.
  14412. Also see DISEASES‰WAR.
  14413. /Weather control†£Žestablished‡€
  14414. first half of€21stÄ(circa 2050). ItŽachieved‡
  14415. controlling€tidesš€Gravitron,µŽlocated at€
  14416. Moonbase,‰probably using€Suncatcher satellite designed‡
  14417. Salamander. After€Moonbase proved vulnerable„a
  14418. Cyberman attack,€Weather Control systemsƒrelocated†
  14419. Earth. ItŽthere‚Weather ControlŽ°ß‡€
  14420. ªŒ„destroy€Ice Warriors' 'Seeds of Death'.
  14422. /See ISOTOPE.
  14423. /Guns emitting a thick, clinging substance߇€
  14424. ØIntelligence¢its attack†London.
  14425. /English prisoner at€Conciergerie¯€French
  14426. Revolution.gave a cryptic message„IanœJames Stirling
  14427. æ¹died.
  14428. /A form of intelligent seaweedµfed†natural gas. It
  14429. ™already been spotted‡18thÄNorth Sea mariners. During
  14430. its attack†€refinery‰off-shore rigs of€Euro-Sea Gas
  14431. Corporation,€Weedïa deadly use of its sting, foam‰
  14432. poison gas. It also evidenced€ability„take control of humans
  14433. ‰turn them®weed-covered mind slaves (such›Oak‰Quill
  14434. and, later, refinery controller Robson).ŠªŒ­
  14435. ߀Weed's vulnerability„oxygen‰certain types of sounds
  14436. (such›Victoria Waterfield's high-pitched screams)„destroy it.
  14437. /Moreton Harwood resident‰member of€cult
  14438. of Hecate.
  14439. /See HAWK, LEX.
  14440. /Liverpool policeman.
  14441. /Brendan Richards' school.
  14442. /English novelist‘lived¶1866„
  14443. 1946. While vacationing¢Scotland¢1885,¹met Vena,‘™
  14444. been transported there‡€Borad's Timelash.accompanied€
  14445. SixthŒ„Karfel,蹿€¬Lord expose‰
  14446. ž€Borad. Undoubtedly,’adventure inspired„write
  14447. ’classic novelŠ¬Machine (1895).
  14448. /SectionÔat€Daleks' Bedfordshire site¯
  14449. «AD 2164 Invasion of Earth.
  14450. /One of€Pipe People.¿Aceݶ€
  14451. Happiness Patrol,‰Žhurt‡Fifi.
  14452. /Chinese god impersonated‡Magnus Greel. His
  14453. followers,€Tong of€Black Scorpion,ȹwouldð
  14454. „rule€world. Weng-Chiang™€power„blow poisonous
  14455. fumes¶’mouth,‰could kill menšdeadly eye beams. God
  14456. of abundance,¹could also make living things grow bigger.
  14457. /Derbyshire site of a British atomic research station,
  14458. built¢a network of underground cavesµƒalso€location
  14459. of a Silurian shelter. Power leaks¶€station awakened€
  14460. Silurians. ItŽ¡plagued‡losses of power‰a high rate
  14461. of mental breakdowns among its staff, all caused‡€Silurians.
  14462. Its director, Dr Lawrence,­called†½„investigate.
  14463. ŠstationŽ­saved¶totalχ€
  14464. ¨Doctor.
  14465. /The LukoserŽ•of€pathetic results of Crozier's
  14466. experiments. MagsŽ¤Çwerewolf¶Vulpina‘™
  14467. become Captain Cook's protege.Šhumans infected‡€
  14468. Cheetah People presented certain werewolf characteristics.
  14469. /Sir Edward's lands‰castle. Irongronä„take
  14470. them over.
  14471. /Foamasi clan‘sabotaged€Leisure Hive¢order„
  14472. buy Argolis. Their agentsƒí‡a Foamasi investigator‘
  14473. exposed them.Štwo agentsƒ°×‡€Argolins.
  14474. /One of€invisible Spiridonians‘¿€¨
  14475. Œ‰€Thalsõ€Daleks.saved Jo Grant's life
  14476. ‰later, sacrificed’own life„stop€Daleks.
  14477. /See W3.
  14478. /Natural park located just outsideÙµDodo
  14479. once visitedšˆschool.
  14480. /Inventor of a type of·scoopµ¹ß
  14481. at Sir Charles Grover's request„bring forward prehistoric monsters
  14482. „clear€streets of London. ThisÍknown›€Dinosaur
  14483. Invasion. Then, Grover‰Whitakerå„roll·back‰
  14484. 𣄤age¦²Žyet unspoiled‡pollution‰
  14485. technology. After seeing’scheme fall apart because of€
  14486. ¨˜intervention, GroveräѾ
  14487. Whitaker's device,‰€two menƒsent back„prehistory.
  14488. /See CHENG-TING.
  14489. /See IMPERIAL DALEKS.
  14490. /The White GuardianŽa conceptual entity
  14491. embodying Light‰Order.enlisted€help of€“Œ
  14492. „gather€six segments of€Key of¬¢order„restore
  14493. €universal balance of€cosmos.also warned€Œ
  14494. ø€Black Guardian. Eventually€Œsucceeded,
  14495. ‰assembled€Key, outwitting€Black Guardian‰enabling
  14496. €White Guardian„restore€balance. Later,€White
  14497. Guardian‰€Black Guardian offered Enlightenment, symbolized‡
  14498. a crystal of unknownü‰great value,›€prize„€
  14499. winner of a planet-spanning space race undertaken‡€Eternals.
  14500. ŠBlack Guardian hoped that,šsuch a prize,€Eternals might
  14501. wreak havoc throughout€Universe. Instead,€¸Œwon
  14502. €race¥turned down Enlightenment.ŠWhite Guardian banished
  14503. €Eternals‰offered€Enlightenment crystal„Turlough. But
  14504. Turlough refused,‰threw€crystal at€Black Guardian,‘
  14505. vanished¢a burst of flames. However,€White Guardian explained
  14506. ‚€Black Guardian existed›long›¹did,‰would continue
  14507. „exist until theyƒboth no longer needed.
  14508. /Robotic servants of€Ëof€Land of Fiction.
  14509. ŠªDoctor, Jamie‰ZoeÉthem¢order„regain
  14510. «freedom.
  14511. /Farrow's supervisor.
  14512. /One of€contestants¢€talent contest organized
  14513. ‡€Psychic Circus„entertain€Gods of Ragnarok.´
  14514. ¢€Ring.
  14515. /Bessie's licence plate.
  14516. /Licence plate of€Whomobile.
  14517. /Name of€community founded‡¾Clifford
  14518. Jones¢Llanfairfach, Wales,š’Nobel Prize money. ItŽ
  14519. nicknamed Nuthutch‡€locals.
  14520. /Nickname given„a combination hovercraft‰flying
  14521. *Who
  14522. machine designed‡€¨Doctor. Itïa brief appearance
  14523. ¯€Dinosaur Invasion‰Ž°hijacked‡
  14524. Luptonî¹á€Blue Crystal.
  14525. /See RUGG.
  14526. /Secretary-General of International Space Command
  14527. at€·of€Mondasian Cybermen's attack†Earth.
  14528. /Term߇€citizen of Castrovalvaœ
  14529. €outside of«city.
  14530. /Porter at St Cedd's.
  14531. /One of€inhabitants of Devil's Endê€Master's
  14532. control.
  14533. /Police constable.
  14534. /See WOTAN.
  14535. /Duke of Normandy‘ÿKing
  14536. Harold at Hastings¢1066 AD„become King of England.
  14537. /Young Cambridge scientist sent„assist
  14538. Rachel Jensen‰Group Captain Gilmore¢«Êõ€
  14539. Daleks,‘™invaded€Coal Hill area¢1963.
  14540. /Cleaning woman at Global Chemicals Refinery
  14541. ¢Llanfairfach.
  14542. /Astronaut aboard Zeus IV.Ž–¦€
  14543. capsule disintegratedêMondas's gravitational pressure.
  14544. /Professor Stahlman's assistant.Í
  14545. attracted„Greg Sutton and,¦she­came„realize
  14546. €threat posed‡€Inferno Project.¿€¨Œ
  14547. put¤end„it. On a parallel Earth, she´¦€forces
  14548. unleashed‡Inferno׀Earth.
  14549. /Earth General‰military aide„€President¯
  14550. €£- Draconian conflict.feared€Draconians‰™
  14551. once been responsibleœ¤attack†¤unarmed Draconian envoy
  14552. »‚™started a firstìôDraconia‰Earth. Twenty
  14553. ölater,¦€Ÿ‰€Ëä„foment a new
  14554. war, Williams wanted£„strike back at€Draconians. When€
  14555. ¨Œ‰€Draconian Ambassador presentedš
  14556. evidence of’mistaken judgement¢€first conflict,¹changed
  14557. ’mind‰personally led€expedition„€Ogron worldµ
  14558. exposed€Daleks' plan.
  14559. /British Army sergeant‘ȹŽfighting
  14560. õ€Germans¢WorldëI. In reality,¹Žpart of€
  14561. ëGames.
  14562. /Name attributed„•of€crew of€Mary Celeste.
  14563. /Sir George Hutchinson's land agent‰henchman.
  14564. Ípossessed‡€Malus,¥ŽÛ‡€¸
  14565. ˜intervention.
  14566. /Guard at€prisonè€ËŽkept. Trenchard
  14567. ߝ„show€¨Œ’men could resist€Master's
  14568. hypnotic powers.
  14569. /Crew member of South Bend Antarctic Base.
  14570. /Planet conducting businessš€Mentors.
  14571. /Moreton Harwood police sergeant‰a member of
  14572. €Cult of Hecate.
  14573. /Liverpool police inspector.
  14575. |Validium landed¢Windsor¢1638‰Žshaped®€
  14576. Silver Nemesis‡Lady Peinforte.ŠŒlaunched€Silver
  14577. Nemesis®space¢a rocket-powered asteroid.Šstatue's bow
  14578. ̀Queen's property‰Žkept at Windsor castle,è
  14579. ²Žstolen.ŠNemesis­returned„Windsor¢1988
  14580. ‰Í€object of aìô€‹Doctor,€Nazis,
  14581. led‡De Flores, Lady Peinforte‰€Cybermen.
  14582. /Scientist working at€Antarctica camp of
  14583. €World Ecology Bureau expeditionµdiscovered€Krynoid
  14584. pods. His bodyŽtaken over‡•of€Krynoids,‰¹°
  14585. ´¦€campŽblown up‡Scorby.
  14586. /Head of research at€Nuton Power Complex.Žso
  14587. desperate„…€first„study Axonite‚¹ignored€
  14588. ¨˜warnings. When€Axonite sample's nutrition cycle
  14589. Žaccidentally triggered‡accelerating²¢a particle
  14590. accelerator,²burst out‰absorbed Winser.
  14591. /Squire of Devil's End.refused„serve
  14592. €Master, so€evil¬Lord™Bok kill him.
  14593. /Director of Think Tank.‰ˆassistant,
  14594. Jellicoe,ƒalso¢charge of€secret Scientific Reform
  14595. Society. Miss WintersŽarrested‡€Brigadier‰
  14596. Sarah Jane Smith.
  14597. /Head of security of€Exarius colony.‰
  14598. Jo Grantƒtaken hostage‡Dent. Thanks„Caldwell,¹
  14599. escaped and,õAshe's advice, urged€colonists„take arms
  14600. õIMC.–Norton,‰­saved€colonists'
  14601. life‡helping themݶ«doomed spaceship.
  14602. /Alien insectoid life form not unlike£wasps,¢
  14603. particular¢‚€Queen laid eggs inside living hosts. When€
  14604. Empire׀Wirrn's breeding colonies†Andromeda Gamma
  14605. Epsilon,€Wirrn swore revenge upon humanity.—of«Queens
  14606. ­û€Terra Nova (Nerva) ark‰laidˆeggs inside
  14607. Dune. Eventually,€Wirrnçover€Ark's leader, Noah,¥
  14608. ƒ×¦Noah's mind rebelled‰¹blew up€
  14609. transport vessel¢µ¹‰€Wirrn swarmƒtravelling.
  14610. /See MAGIC.
  14611. /Carnivorous plants especially grown¢Lady Adrasta's
  14612. nurseries‰ß„track down‰kill criminals†Chloris.
  14613. Theyƒcontrolled‡€Huntsman. They trapped K-9 mark II¢
  14614. a resin web‰ƒ–‡Erato.
  14615. /Little Hodcombe farmer‰Miss hampden's friend.
  14616. Ía colonel¢Sir George Hutchinson'sìgames,¥°
  14617. realized€madness of’actions.¿€¸Œ
  14618. ž€Malus.
  14619. /Nickname given„€descendants of€original
  14620. Viking settlers‘óFenric's flask„Northumberland. These
  14621. included Ace, Commander Millington, Dr Judson, Captain Sorin,€
  14622. Sundviks‰€Ancient Haemovore.
  14623. /The¨Œclaimed thereƒseven
  14624. hundred of them, including€Exxilons' Perfect City.
  14625. /The Yetiéof 1969 was,š€
  14626. possible exception of€Daleks' brief attack of 1963,€
  14627. first credible instance of¤Çenemy attempting„invade or
  14628. destroy Earth. This convinced€ü‚…of€necessity
  14629. œ¤international, United-Nations-backed entity„dealšsuch
  14630. global threats. This led„€formation of several multinational
  14631. organizations such›½‰€World Ecology Bureau, charged
  14632. šprotecting€planet's ecological balance.Šhead of WEBŽ
  14633. Sir Colin Thackeray. WEB assisted€“Œ‰½¢
  14634. destroying€two Krynoid podsû‡•of its Antarctica
  14635. exploration teams.
  14636. /The“International Energy congress
  14637. çúat Stanbridge House. Broton߀shape of€Duke
  14638. of Forgill„try„destroy it,¥²Žsaved‡€
  14639. “Doctor.
  14640. /Conference held¢London.ŠË
  14641. å„sabotage²‰start a third world war.first
  14642. arrangedœ€assassination of€Chinese Delegate. Later,¹
  14643. ߀Mind Parasite‰€escapees of Stangmoor Prison„
  14644. hijack a Thunderbolt Missile,µ¹proposed„aim at€
  14645. Conference. ItŽsaved‡€combined efforts of€¨
  14646. Œ‰UNIT.ŠWorld Peace Conference effortsƒ
  14647. °continued‡Sir Reginald Styles.
  14648. /French, British‰Prussian WorldëI armiesƒ
  14649. ù‡€ëLords, using·technology stolen¶€
  14650. ¬Lords.Šsoldiers went†„take part¢€ëGames,
  14651. until theseƒó„a stop‡€ªDoctor.Š
  14652. ©Œclaimed‚¹‰Susanƒonce caught¢a
  14653. Zeppelin air raid¯WorldëI.
  14654. /The‹Œvisited Northumberland at€
  14655. ·of WorldëII„ž€Curse of Fenric.
  14656. /The threat of WorldëIIIŽaverted several
  14657. times‡€¨Doctor,‘intervened„stop€Ë‰
  14658. €Mind Parasite‰€Ÿ¶starting it.Š
  14659. “Œprevented€Scientific Reform Society¶triggering
  14660. WorldëIII.
  14661. /ItŽset off¢€51stÄî€Peking
  14662. Homunculus assassinated€Commissioner of€Icelandic Alliance
  14663. ‰’family. ItóMagnus Greel's Supreme Alliance®
  14664. power.
  14665. /Division of€world¢€21st century.
  14666. /(aga WILL OPERATING THOUGHT ANALOGUE) Super-computer
  14667. designed‰engineered‡¾BrettµÍsentient‰
  14668. hypnotized its creators. WOTAN¡™itself linked„other
  14669. telecommunications computers‰designed mobile extensions
  14670. (nicknamedìmachines)šµ¹ä„take over London.
  14671. WOTANŽÿ‡€©Doctor,‘ß•of its own
  14672. ëMachines„destroy it.
  14673. /One of€Eternals.Š¸Œmetˆ¢€guise
  14674. of€captain of€Buccaneer, a»engaged¢€raceœ
  14675. Enlightenment.secretlyÀ€Black Guardian.Š¸
  14676. Œthrewˆ‰Mansell overboard.
  14677. /One of€©˜companions,‰history
  14678. *Bar
  14679. teacher at Coal Hill School.‰Ian Chestertonƒdrawn®
  14680. €Ã‡«curiosity at€advanced knowledge exhibited‡
  14681. •of«students, Susan. They¡accompanied€©Œ
  14682. †a series of adventures,¯µBarbara met cavemen,€
  14683. Daleks, Marco Polo,€Voord‰€Sensorites.Žhailed‡
  14684. €Aztecs›€reincarnation of Yetaxa,¡Ítemporarily
  14685. miniaturized„ant size. Later, she¿rescue Vicki,Ž
  14686. އRoman slave traders,ɀZarbi,‰þ
  14687. Ípart of El Akir's harem¢Palestine. Afer being pursued
  14688. through·‰space‡€Daleks, she‰Ian­decided
  14689. „ð„Ù¢€Dalek·machineއ€
  14690. Doctor. They arrived twoöîthey™left.
  14691. /UNIT private.Ž–‡€Silurians¢gallery 5
  14692. êWenley Moor.
  14693. /Leader of€Pipe People. After€revolution supported
  14694. ‡€‹Œoverthrew helen A's tyrannical regime,¹Ž
  14695. able„lead’ñback„€surface.
  14696. /Elderly Saxon farmer whose villageÿa Viking
  14697. raid.
  14698. /Type of Megropolis Three residents†Pluto.
  14699. /UNIT private posted at€Inferno project.mutated®
  14700. a Primord‰°fell„’death.
  14701. /One of€Savages whose life essence™been drained‡€
  14702. Elders.
  14703. /Isolation wing of€Bi-Al Foundation.
  14704. /Earth battle cruiser.
  14705. /Harold V's brother, a killjoy‘™written booksø
  14706. life†Terra Alpha,‰™them smuggled„Terra Omega.Ž
  14707. drowned¢boiling candy.
  14708. /The laser cannon of€Wheel¢SpaceßX-Rays.
  14709. /Kane's lover‰€Ôof a gang of deadly criminals†
  14710. Proamon.–herself rather than…captured. KaneŽ
  14711. exiled„Svartos,‰™a sculptor create¤ice statue of
  14712. ˆ†Iceworld.
  14713. /Evil, warlike Queen of Zanak‘nearly׈º
  14714. *Nurse
  14715. ¢endless galactic wars,‰Žobsessedšeternal life.
  14716. ۀCaptainî¹crashed†Zanak‰rebuilt®a
  14717. cyborg, secretly controlling’machine half.¡ï
  14718. build€huge transmat enginesµturned Zanak®a pirate
  14719. planet.ß€energy stolen¶€worlds crushed‡Zanak
  14720. „power·dams„slow€flow of·„a virtual standstill
  14721. œˆdying body.¡ßa cell projector„recreate a
  14722. younger version of herself,µshe thought would•day become
  14723. fully corporeal. While secretly ruling Zanak she posed›€
  14724. Captain's nurse,¥€“Œexposedˆsecret‰
  14725. revealed‚ˆplanŽdoomed„fail: Xanxia would always remain
  14726. dependant†€life ofˆold body and,›€moment ofˆ
  14727. real death approached,€·dams would need ever greater amounts
  14728. of energy„slow time.–€Captain›¹ä„kill
  14729. ˆ„avenge Mr Fibuli's death,¥¹™·„disconnectˆ
  14730. cell projector.´¦€“Œ‰€Mentiads
  14731. blew up€Bridge‰€·dams‰restored Zanak„a
  14732. normal world.
  14733. /Aliens¶Xeriphas‰among€most highly developed
  14734. intelligences¢€universe, giftedšgreat mental powers. Their
  14735. ºŽdevastated¢€crossfire of€ìôVardon‰
  14736. Kosnax. Injuryed‡radiation sickness,«entire race physically
  14737. amalgamated®•intelligence,µå„rest until€
  14738. contaminationŽpassed,¡regenerate.ŠXeraphin travelled„
  14739. Jurassic£„build a new home,‰met€Ëwho, disguised
  14740. himself›Kalid,ß«evil side (personified‡Zarak)„
  14741. incorporate them¢’TARDIS.¾Hoyter sacrificed himself
  14742. ‡joining€Xeraphin,„enable«good side, Anithon,„
  14743. communicateš€¸Doctor.ŠŒsecretly reprogrammed
  14744. €Master'sÄsend€Xeraphin back„aÁXeriphas,
  14745. free of radiation. They regenerated‰went†š«lives.
  14746. /Homeworld of€Xeraphin. ItŽdevastated¢€
  14747. crossfire of€ìôVardon‰Kosnax, forcing€injured
  14748. Xeraphin„merge®•intelligence.
  14749. /People of Xeros. Theyƒconquered‡€Moroks,‘
  14750. deported€adult population›slave labour. Later, a weak
  14751. resistance force led‡Tor grew among€young Xerons. With€
  14752. help of€©Doctor,€Xerons­drove€Moroks
  14753. away‰dismantled«Space Museum.
  14754. /Meglos of Zolfa-ThuraŽa xerophyte - a cactus-like
  14755. beingšgreat powers.
  14756. /Home of€Xerons,‰location of€Moroks' space
  14757. museum. With€help of€©Doctor,€Xerons­
  14758. overthrew€Moroks‰freed«world.
  14759. /Name of Guy Crayford's experimental spaceship„Jupiter.
  14760. ŠKraalsß²„invade Earth.
  14761. /Sentient඀Mordee expeditionµ™
  14762. crashed†a nameless planet. In¤unrecorded adventure,€“
  14763. Doctor, fresh¶’regeneration,ä„repair Xoanon¥
  14764. instead turned²schizophrenic. As a result, Xoanon set himself up
  14765. ›a god,‰manipulated€descendants of€ship's survey
  14766. team‰technicians„evolve®two different tribes,€
  14767. Sevateem‰€Tesh,‘ƒpermanently atìšeach other.
  14768. ŠŒ­returned‰cured Xoanon.Štwo tribes
  14769. ƒreunited.
  14770. /Leader of€Voord commando‘ä„take over€
  14771. Conscience of Marinus.Ž€first„discover a way„…
  14772. immunized¶€Conscience's mind-control influence. Yartek–
  14773. Arbitan¥Žtricked‡€©Œ‰Ian Chesterton,‘
  14774. handeda fake Key.´¢€Conscience's destruction.
  14775. /UNIT captain‘¿€¨Œ¢’
  14776. *Yat
  14777. battlesõ€Master,€Nestene‰«deadly Autons,€
  14778. Mind of Evil, Axos, Azal,€Daleks, Kronos‰BOSS.Žþ
  14779. brainwashed‡BOSS and, possibly›a consequence,°betrayed
  14780. ½‡helping Sir Charles Grover„launch’Operation Golden
  14781. Age. After YatesŽexposed,¹Žgiven extended sick leave‰a
  14782. chance„resign quietly.redeemed himself¢€Êõ
  14783. €Spiders of Metebelis 3,¯µ¹Žwounded‰cured‡
  14784. K'Anpo. Yate's imageŽß‡Rassilon„ward off€¨
  14785. Doctor.
  14786. /Recreationalºwhose specialityŽ
  14787. vistic therapy.
  14788. /See KANGS.
  14789. /Human slave of€Monoids.landed†Refusisš
  14790. Monoid Two,‘–œprotesting€Monoids' plan„
  14791. destroy€ýrace.
  14792. /Young Alzarian Outler‘´at€onset of Mistfall.
  14793. /Aztec high priest.ŠÃrematerialized¢’tomb,
  14794. ‰€AztecsÈBarbara„…’reincarnation.
  14795. /Peaceful, harmless primates, living¢€Himalayas.Š
  14796. *Yet
  14797. ØIntelligenceßrobotic replicas of€Yeti, controlled
  14798. telepathically through small silver spheres lodged¢«chest,
  14799. „frighten travellers away¶Det-Sen monastery‰protect its
  14800. first attempt at reincorporation. This planŽí‡€
  14801. ªDoctor,¾Travers, Jamie‰Victoria.
  14802.    AÖYeti,óback„Ù‡¾Travers,Ž
  14803. donated„Julius Silverstein's private museum. Reactivated,²‰
  14804. otherÖYetißweb guns„launch¤attack„capture€
  14805. Œ¢€Ùunderground.ŠŒagain teamed upš
  14806. Travers, Jamie, Victoria‰Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart„Ê
  14807. €Intelligence,‰Õ¢reprogramming aÖYeti. All
  14808. €ÖYetis°collapsed¦Jamie wrenched€
  14809. Intelligence's mind-draining device¶€˜head.
  14810.    A yetiŽß‡Borusa›a pawn¢€Game of Rassilon.
  14811. Real Yetisƒtaller, less bulky,šlonger, silkier reddish
  14812. fur‰soft, dark eyes.
  14813. /Junior member of€Silurian triad of Wenley Moor
  14814. *Sil
  14815. µincluded€Old Silurian‰Icthar.Žwounded‡
  14816. Major Baker,‰°–Dr Quinn.ŠYoung Silurian¡ä
  14817. „wipe out mankindša deadly virus. After¹learned‚€
  14818. Old Silurian™given€¨Œ€means„find¤
  14819. antidote,¹–‰Í€new leader.‰€
  14820. Silurian scientist Icthar¡attempted„use a molecular disperser
  14821. „destroy€Van Allen Belt‰render£uninhabitable‡
  14822. humans,¥¹Žíagain‡€¨Doctor,‰¹™„
  14823. watch’ñð„suspended animation.Žshot‡€
  14824. Brigadier›¹Žø„kill€Doctor,‰ãÐ
  14825. ¢€explosions set up‡½„destroy€Wenley Moor shelter.
  14826. According„some reports,’Silurian nameŽMorka.
  14827. /Barbaric King of€Krontep, Lord of€Vingten‰
  14828. Conqueror of€Tonkonp Empire.ŠMentorsƒselling laser
  14829. weapons„Krontep‰™ù„persuade„become
  14830. more cooperative.fell¢lovešPeri‰staged a rebellion
  14831. õ€Mentors, enlisting Tusa's help.Žbetrayed‡€
  14832. SixthŒ‘Žactingê€influence of Crozier's
  14833. Cell Discriminator.ŠSixthŒ°freedso‚¹
  14834. could save Peri¶havingˆmind replaced‡Kiv's.ŠValeyard
  14835. ßa falsified version of this event¢µPeriŽactually
  14836. killed. In reality, sheŽsaved‡Yrcanos,‘–Crozier,
  14837. Kiv‰Sil.¡married Peri‰returned„Krontepè
  14838. €two lived happily afterwards.
  14839. /Equipment߇€“Œ†
  14840. €Sandminer.
  14841. /Doomsday bombµcould split aº¢half. General
  14842. CutlerƄuse²õMondas, not realizing‚²
  14843. would also endanger Earth.Š ¡ä„use²„
  14844. destroy Earth,¥ƒí‡€©Doctor.
  14845. /Caveman member of€Tribe of Gum.Ž€son of€
  14846. previous chief‰of Old Mother.Žalso Hur's lover‰Kal's
  14847. rivalœ€control of€Tribe.­–Kal. After
  14848. €©Œ‰Ian¿rediscover€secret of fire,
  14849. ¹alsoä„keep them prisoners,¥failed.
  14850. /Recreationalºwhose great attractionŽ€
  14851. galaxy's largest flora collection.
  14852. /Taran swordmaster.ÀPrince Reynart.
  14853. /One of€five£colonists¶Galsec Seven stranded
  14854. †£circa AD 15,000î«»Ž×while
  14855. answering a fake mayday signal.ŠSontaran Styre performed cruel
  14856. Ά„determine€limits ofýresistance.
  14857. ´¦¹ä„ݶStyre's robot.
  14858. /Planet ruled‡Queen Xanxia‘þײ¢
  14859. galactic wars.ŠCaptain hollowed²out‰turned²®a
  14860. pirate planet, capable of jumping through space, rematerializing
  14861. around another world,‰mining its mineral wealth. With€help
  14862. of€Mentiads,€“Œexposed Xanxia‰blew up
  14863. €Captain's Bridge.Šexpanded remains of€worlds×
  14864. ‡Zanakƒß„turn²back®a normal world.
  14865. /A dust-like deposit of ZaniumŽleft behind‡€
  14866. Jacondan's matter transporter.
  14867. /Cully's younger sister.
  14868. /Paralyzing gas߇€Moroks.
  14869. /Madame ZaraŽa Manussan fortune teller.Ža fraud,
  14870. ‰Íhysterical¦Tegan summoned€Mara.
  14871. /Leading incarnation of€evil side of€Xeraphin.
  14872. Žseduced‡€Ë¢’guise of Kalid.
  14873. /President of Inter Minor‰Kalik's brother.favoured
  14874. liberal policies„improve€lot of€Functionaries‰relax
  14875. Inter Minor's xenophobic treatment of aliens. Kalikä„use
  14876. Vorg's Scope„discredit him,¥Ží‡€
  14877. ¨Doctor.
  14878. /Giant ant-like creatures¶€ºVortis,‘
  14879. ɀMenoptera. They were,¢reality, mentally controlled‡
  14880. €Animus,‰reverted„«original mindless natureî
  14881. Barbara managed„destroy€evil entity.
  14882. /(aka MILES SHARKEY) Former Captain of€£»Hydrax,
  14883. µŽdrawn®E-Space‡€ØVampire. Under’master's
  14884. influence, SharkeyÍLord Zargo,•of€three immortal
  14885. vampiric rulers of€ØVampire's world. Zargo´¦€
  14886. “Œ×’master.
  14887. /Incarnation of€evil side of€Xeraphin.
  14888. /Scientist,Ô¢€field of producing food
  14889. ¶€sea.went mad and, upon locating a surviving Atlantean
  14890. outpost,¹promised its King, Thous,„raise²above€sea.
  14891. In reality,¹plotted„drain€ocean®Earth's core‰
  14892. thus destroy€planet.Ží‡€ªDoctor,‰
  14893. ´fightingšLolem¦€seaãbroke through
  14894. ’laboratory.
  14895. /Tigellan leader.summoned€“Œ„Tigella
  14896. ¦€Dodecahedron began„fail.ä„strike a balance
  14897. ô€religious Deons, led‡Lexa,‰€Savants, led
  14898. ‡Deedrix.
  14899. /Kastrian commander.×Eldrad's space capsule.
  14900. /UNIT sergeant‘ÀêBrigadier Bambera¯
  14901. €battle at CarburyõMorgaine.
  14902. /Artist‘sculpted¤ice statue of XanaœKane†
  14903. Iceworld. After¹Žfinished, Kane–him.
  14904. /Recreationalºwhose specialtyŽhistorical
  14905. reenectments.
  14906. /Ore processed aboard€Sandminer.
  14907. /Survivor of€Dalek raid†€space penitentiary
  14908. èDavrosŽheld.
  14909. /Prosecutor aboard€Ark.assumed commandî€
  14910. CommanderŽtaken sickšDodo's cold virus‰þ™
  14911. €©Œ‰’Òexecuted.
  14912. /Inhabitants of Zeos‘entrusted€conduct of«
  14913. unendingìõAtrios„€Mentalis computer.
  14914. /Twinºof Atrios, located at€edge of€Helical
  14915. Galaxy, involved¢¤unending spaceìõits neighbour.
  14916. Zeos was,¢reality, deserted,‰€ìŽwaged‡€
  14917. Mentalis computer. Behind²Ž€Shadow‘desired„obtain
  14918. Princess Astra of Atrios,€sixth segment of€Key„Time.
  14919. Atrios‰Zeosƒsaved¶mutualχ€
  14920. “Doctor, Romana‰Drax.
  14921. /Self-proclaimedËof€¸Galaxy.Ža
  14922. member of€Dalek Alliance¢«MasterplanõEarth.
  14923. Š©Œimpersonated‰á€taranium core.
  14924. ŠŸexterminated›punishment.
  14925. /The©Œclaimed‚¹‰Susanƒ
  14926. once caught¢a Zeppelin air raid¯WorldëI.
  14927. /Cabinet built‡Tegan‰Nyssa„carry€
  14928. ¸Œ„Castrovalva.
  14929. /White nothingnessµŽ€point of intersection
  14930. ôN-Space‰E-Space. ItŽthere‚€Tharils'
  14931. GatewayŽlocated.
  14932. /Neutral environment inside€Ãè€
  14933. *Con
  14934. ¸Œcould complete’regeneration while being isolated
  14935. ¶€rest of€universe.
  14936. /Planet†€edge of€known universe, beyond
  14937. Cygnus A,›distant¶€Artoro Galaxy›‚Ž¶
  14938. €Anterides. ItŽ€location of€Black Pool, a gateway„
  14939. ¤anti-matter universe. By removing some anti-matter,¾
  14940. Sorensonòa crisis¯µanti-matter creatures
  14941. attacked a Morestran ship.Š“Œ­returned
  14942. €anti-matter„Zeta Minor.
  14943. /Component of€Sandminer's propulsion
  14944. system.
  14945. /Most powerful of€gods of€Greek pantheon. During
  14946. €Trojan War,€©ŒŽmistakenœZeus.
  14947. /Space capsule monitored¶€Snowcap Space Tracking
  14948. Station at€·of€Mondasian invasion. It
  14949. disintergratedêMondas's gravitational pressure.
  14950. /Space capsule piloted‡Terry Cutler. ItŽlaunched
  14951. ¢¤effort„rescue Zeus IV.
  14952. /Flawed·travel experiment devised‡Magnus
  14953. Greel. Greel‰€Homunculusßits¬Cabinet„travel
  14954. ¶€51stĄ€19th. Because²relied†Findecker's
  14955. theories,€Zigma ExperimentŽa failure. Greel's metabolism
  14956. Ždistorted‡’use of€¬Cabinet,‰¹would have
  14957. Кcellular collapse if¹™not stolen other humans
  14958. life essences. If€“Œ™not prevented Greel¶
  14959. using€¬Cabinet again,€Zigma Experiment would have
  14960. ×most of London.
  14961. /Planet incorporated®Tryst's CET.
  14962. /Crewmember of€Sandminer‘Ž–‡€Robots of
  14963. Death. Herܖhimself„ݶ€robots,‰
  14964. UvanovŽblamedœ’death.
  14965. /Nicknamed€'Terrible', sheŽa threat‚€
  14966. Œwould face sometime¢€future.
  14967. /See HERIOT, ZOE/
  14968. /Tower Guard†€ØVampire's world.
  14969. /Planet located¢€Prion planetary system. ItŽ
  14970. €seat of a great technological civilization.ŠZolfa-Thurans
  14971. ×themselves¢aìôthose (led‡Meglos)‘
  14972. wanted„use€Dodecahedron›a weapon,‰those‘did not.
  14973. Ten thousandölater,€ºÐ¢€
  14974. Dodecahedron explosion.
  14975. /Race of xerophytes - cactus-like beings -š€
  14976. power„take over other bodies‰change shapes. MeglosŽ€
  14977. last survivor of€Zolfa-Thurans.
  14978. /Creatures manufactured‡€Exxilon City„protect
  14979. itselfõinvaders. Theyƒ×‡€Daleks.
  14980. Also see VAMPIRES.
  14981. /Varga's second-in-command‰•of€Ice Warriors
  14982. óback„life¢AD 3000. After¹Ždisabled‡€
  14983. ªDoctor,‘threw ammonium sulphide¢’face,¹´
  14984. ¢€explosion of Varga's ship.
  14985. /Political entitiesµïup 21stÄ£‰
  14986. ՀBlocs.
  14987. /Cardinal‰Member of€High Council of€¬Lords
  14988. of Gallifrey.voted„condemn€¸Œ„death¦
  14989. OmegaƄð„this universe‡taking over’
  14990. body.Žprobably–¢€Death Zone.
  14991. /Elder of Sarn.
  14992. /Aliensšshape changing powers. Circa AD 1676,€
  14993. *Zyg
  14994. crippled spaceship of€Zygons landed¢Loch Ness. Three hundred
  14995. ölater,«leader, Broton, learned‚«homeworld™
  14996. been×¢a steller explosion,‰‚’people's space
  14997. fleetŽlookingœa new home.decided„conquer Earth,‰
  14998. ߀Skarasen„sink three oil rigs. Impersonating€Duke
  14999. of Forgill, Brotonå„destroy a World Energy Conference.Š
  15000. Zygons' spaceshipŽ×‡€“Doctor,‰Broton
  15001. Žshot‡€Brigadier.
  15002. /(aka ZEITON-7) Extremely precious mineralûonly†
  15003. Varos.ŠGalatron Mining Corporationä„keep Zyton's prices
  15004. low, ButŽí‡€Sixth Doctor,‘™gone„Varos
  15005. because¹desperately needed Zyton-7„keep€
  15006. Ãfunctioning.
  15007. /