CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 3
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 03 (1996)(EMAP Images)(GB)(Track 1 of 3)[!][issue 1996-09].iso
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³:Universal Databank
/Ruler ofTerra Alpha colony.decreed
colonists happy,pain of being arrestedHappiness
Patrolpublicly executed.Ace¿rebels
overthrowregime. Afterpet Fifi died, Helen Aã
realizedhappinessnothing without sadness.
/Foreman of a quarry's blasting crew.set up
explosionµóEldrad's hand backsurface.
/Argolin¶Leisure Hive.
/Leader ofhunting party of ShobogansÞLeela
Rodan.leader, Nesbin,¿them
repelSontarans' Invasion of Gallifrey.
/See YETI.
/Young Gond male selectedbecomeofKrotons'
/Art gallerySirius Five.
/One ofcompanions. A young English girl
¶Perivalebeen a problem child, sherun away
îÎhomemade gelignite blew up parts of
school. Her real nameDorothy.of
'Wolves' of Fenric, descendants ofancient Vikings
óflask containingevil entity backEngland.
Fenric pulledout of space·leftIceworld,
èsheça joba waitress.accompanied
(Whom she called 'Professor')quest
Daleks, God of Ragnarok. Ace held Excaliber
ÉMorgaine at Carbury.¡çback
1883 Perivaleconfrontfears ofevil house, Gabriel
Chase. Afterwards, AceÍinstrumental¢Fenric's release¢
1943 Northumberland. There, she metmother, Audrey,a
baby,¿grandmother, Kathleen Dudman,Ý
Haemovores.also fell¢loveRussian Red Army
Captain, Sorin.Ace¡returnedPerivale,
ofCheetah People. Ace's favourite weaponsexplosives,
¢particular nitro-nine. Accordingsome accounts, Ace
leftlive¢1880 France,èshe
marriedof Sorin's Ancestors.
/One ofminerals minedZarak.
/A brave Greek warrior¯Trojan war.first
¼¿slayenemy, Trojan warrior
/Disfigured Tartar warrior¢Tegana's employ.
/Name ofstar sector¢µMetebelis 3located.
term 'galaxy' applied²is not strictly
accurate,²is likelyActeon System is ofMilky
Way Galaxy.
/Stangmoor prison officer.
/Corporal stationed¢Devesham.Kraalsï¤
android duplicate of him.
/Earth Government official whose job²sort out
claimsnewly discovered planets.ËÅ
impersonated¤ajudicator name Martin Jurgans,been
sentExarius¤arbitrator¯a disputeôAshe's
colonistsInterplanetary Mining Corporation.
/One ofÇtouristscrashlanded¢Wales¢1959.
/Treacherous SensoriteÍsecond Elder of
/Tyrannical ruler of Chloris, a world rich¢
vegetable matter¥poor¢minerals.ownedonly metal mine
Chloris. However, thisrunning out of metal,¦
Tythonian ambassador, Erato, arrivedChlorisoffertrade
chlorophyllmetal,preservepower, Adraska kept
prisoner¢mines (whichÍknownPit)fifteen
years. Duringtime,help ofHuntsmen
carnivorous Wolf Weeds, she preventedñ¶rebelling.
fourthRomana discovered Erato's true natureexposed
Adrasta's duplicity. Herñturnedõshe
/Companion of¸Doctors.a young
Alzarianearned a badgemathematical excellence.
met AdricAlzarius¢E-Space,蹿
Romana solvemystery ofMarshmen. Adric¡stowed away
freeTharils¶Rorvik. Back¢normal space,¹¿
ÊËTraken, LogopolisEarth. There,
¹watchedregenerate. Soon afterwards¹
ùMaster,ßmathematical abilitiescreate
Castrovalva.¡Éalongside¸Doctor, Nyssa
Cranleigh. After fightingCybermen,¹sacrificed himselfsave
£stayingboard a doomed spaceship, taking²back through
·65 millionöuntil²crashedEarth.
/Leader ofTrojan survivorswentfind
/Brother of MenelausKing of Mycene.started
Trojan War, some claimed,controltrade routesAsia Minor.
Afterfall of troy, CassandraÍAgamemnon's slave.
/One ofMovellans servingêCommander Sharrel
/Allegedly mythical beast protectingºPeladon
it's rulers. It turned out a very real creature,ê
control of High Priest Hepesh,ß²preventº¶
joiningFederation.thirdtamed²a songa
mirror. Later,¦Hepeshäuse Aggedorkill·lord,
AgeddorHigh Priest instead.traitor Eckersley
ßa machineµprojected a holographic image of aggedora
heat raytake overtrisilicate mines of PeladonGalaxy
Five.real AggedorEckersley,taken Queen Thalira
/Saxon woman¶Wulnoth's village.
/Professor Scarman's Egyptian servant.warnedprofessor
notopen Sutekh's tomb.
/The¨ßVenusian Aikidoõa
variety of people, including¾Stahlman, Mike Yates, a
Stangmoor prisoner named Charlie, Colonel Trenchard's guards,
Marshal's men, Global Chemicals' thugs,
Linx, Sergeant Benton, Ortron's guards,
Spiders' field-guards.
/Former minerof Torvin's band of rebels
/One ofKangs of Paradise Towers.
/Nickname givenminers of Megro-polis Three
/Famous scientist whose mindstolenSkagra at
Think Tank space station.´¢Ïof
/Captain Pike's pirate ship.
/American SenatordelegateWorld Peace
Conference.þÍa victim of Chin Lee,¥Û
/Member of Rorvik's crew.´¢Ïof
privateer's ship.
/Fierce young Scottish warrior, member of Colin McLaren's
/27thĺnotedgalloping inflation.
/Incarnation ofevil Xeraphin.
/IMC security guardmember ofexpeditionExarius.
a Primitive.
/The Alliancea loose federationôEarth, some of
its colonies (independent¶²or not),severalÇpowers,
suchDraconiansCyrennic Empire, whose
purposeÊ Daleks.Alliance
probably formed¯©Cyber Wars early¢23rd
During25th century,äuse a space plague
õAlliance.resultªDalek War,
In26th century,Alliance met£discuss
renewed threat. äsabotage
conference,ªCyber Wars followed.
Ëäbreaking apartAlliance
fomenting aìô£Draconian Empire. They
¡preparedattackAlliancea huge invisible army based
Thals. A¨Dalekëensued.
All these wars depletedresources ofAlliance,¢
particularofolder Draconian Empire. Underpressure of
Earth's growing imperialism,Alliancebroke apart¢
27th century.
Alliance is not confusedSUPREME ALLIANCE
ICELANDIC ALLIANCE, both£political entities¶51st
/Gathering of aliensjoined forces
attackSolar System¢AD 4000. They included Mavic
Chen, Zephon, Celation, Malpha, Trantis, Beau, Warrien, Sentreal
Gearon. Mosteitheror betrayedDaleks.
/Nickname givenªofthree
'humanized' Daleks.
/One-eyed, six-tentacled representative¶star
system Alpha Centauri.ofFederation's delegates
Peladon. Even though¹a sticklerprotocollegalities,
¹¿¨unmask HepeshArcturus,thereby
facilitate Peladon's accessionFederation. Fiftyö
later,¦¨returnedPeladon, Alpha Centauri
Federation Ambassador there.vouchedidentity¿
expose AzaxyrEckersley.
/Space beacon attacked×pirate Caven. It
been guardedLieutenant Sorba ofintl. Space Corps. It
/Real name ofPipe People,natives of Terra
/A young inhabitant of Marinus.accompanied©
questKeys of Marinusmarried
/TheErato teamed upweave¤
aluminium shell around a neutron starredirect it.
/One ofSupervisors¢charge ofwork shifts¢
gas mines ofMacra-dominated space colony.
/Thalgave Susan¤anti-radiation drug soonîshe
landedSkaro.electedÔîTemmosus's death.
©¿Alydonñbranch of
Thals through increased radiation.
/The native AlzariansMarshmenevolved
¶spiders. A tribe of Marshmen further evolved®Terrordonian-
like humanoids,forgot«origins. Native Alzarians shared¤
empathic linkeach other,µcould transmittedother
species. RomanaÍthus affectedîbeing bitten¤
Alzarian spider.
/Planet located¢E-space uponµa Terradonian
starliner crashed. Its original passengersnative
Marshmen,evolved®Terradonian-like humandoids, forgetting
«origins. Eventually,¿Starliner
community rediscovertruthleave Alzarius.
/Federation ambassadorPeladonimpersonated
/Nickname giventhree radioactive aliens
been sent£peaceful ambassadors,îreplacing
crews ofspaceships Mars Probe 7Recovery 7.
xenophobic General CarringtonÞthemßthemtry
create aìô£«people. Thanks
Úof¨Doctor, Carringtonstopped
/Right-hand man ofCatholic leaders of France
lookalike of©Doctor. Tavannes blamedfailed
assassination of Admiral De Colignyexecuted. His death
blamedHuguenotsßa pretextlaunch
/Director of Historical Research of Manussacustodian of
ØCrystal ofMara.disregarded¸
warningsøMara's return,manipulatedLon®
usingCrystal¢a ceremony meantrecreateMara.
/Goddess ofAtlanteans. Her high priest, Lolem,ä
/An American confederate armyù
Warlords, using·technology stolen¶Times Lords,
wenttake part¢ëGames, until theseóa
/One ofThals.
/Rival company of Galatron Minin Corporation.
/Dutch city visited¸¦¹É
/Sarn UnbelieverclimbedFire Mountain. He, Sorasta
sacrificedFire Mountain. They¿¸
Master. AmyandmistakenLogar because¹wore a Trion
vulcanologist's suitµenabledorderñ
/GuerillaÔ¶¤alternate 22ndÄè
Ìinvaded£îWorldëThree. She,
ShuraBoaz went back¢·kill diplomat Sir Reginald
Styles, not realizing²«actionsµcausedwar.
/One ofKinda.
/His full nameAncelyn ap Gwalchmai, nick-named
Sperhawk.Knight General ofBritons¢another dimension
ruledMorgaine.came£recover Excaliber.É
alongsideBrigadier Bambera of½õ
/The last surviving member ofHaemovore race.
of'Wolves' of Fenric,¹óback¢·
evil entityhelp²secure its releaseturned Northumbia
convincingFenric's plans would ultimately doomrace, so
Fenric's host body (Sorin's)a deadly toxin. According
some accounts,real nameIngiger.
/Gallifreyan book dating back
days of Rassilon. Itmysterious, physical properties·ran
backwards over it. Because²containedlocation of Shada,
mentalümake¬Lords forgetøit. Later,
Salyavin (posingProf. Chronotis) summoned
because¹wantedðbookGallifrey. Butbook
been mistakenly borrowedChris Parsons. Itstolen
Skagra,ß²find Shada. Itreturned
/Province of SpainèSixthÛ
/Manager of a barIceworld.fired Aceîshe
spilled a drinka customer.
/Leader ofSevateem.banished Leela°
of Xoanon's invisible, kinetic monsters.
/Commander of Gallifrey's Chancellery Guards.wounded
while helpingrepelVardans'Sontarans'
invasion.married Leela.
/Terminalduty officer at Heathrow¦Concorde
Flight 192 disappeared.
/Lieutenant aboardSS Bernice.¤unwitting
prisoner of Vorg's Scope,¥restoredproper
/Extremely strongsavage denizens of a slightly
tribes (named Grigs), linkedeach other through blood ties
arcane rituals. Their primary interest, other than violence, appeared
food. Theyßlabour forcemore civilized
races of¨Zone.
/Robots¢ýform.Movellansa race of
sentient androids.Dalek extermination team sentî
©Doctor,ߤandroid duplicate,µdestroyed.
©also met realistic android versions of Dracula
Frankenstein Monster.
Among master android-makersKraal scientist Styggron,
devised android duplicates ofDoctor, Harry Sullivan
¤entireývillage;Tarans; Monarch of Urbanka,
built androidsrealýmemories storedsilicon
chips; Sharaz Jek,built android duplicates of¸
Doctor, PeriSalateenßandroidsharvestdeadly
spectroxAndrozani Minor;Borad,built a blue-skinned
guardian;Bellboy ofPsychic Circus,designed deadly
android clowns. alsoßfaceless androids
menial surveillance work.
Other noteable androids includedAuton Replicas;
Terileptils' Grim Reaper;shape-changing Kamelion
Raston Robot. Also see DUPLICATES, REPLICAS,
/Spies (later known'Sleepers')¶Andromeda
ÌinfiltratedGallifreyan Matrix, choosing£
«base of operations. When they discoveredAndromedans' plan,
¬Lords struck back.actions theyçõAndromeda
itself are unknown,¥they moved£out ofSolar System
rechristened²Ravalox.Ravalox Stratagem
uncovered five hundredö°SixthWhen¹
Peri visited Ravalox.Wirrn's breeding colonies×
EmpirelocatedAndromeda Gamma Epsilon. Andromeda
famousits bloodstones. Sabalom Glitz's home planet,
Salostopus,located¢Andromeda. CastrovalvaÈ
located¢Andromedan Phylox Series.
/Homeworld ofWirrn.
/Planet located¢Sirius sector. It
headquarters ofSirius Conglomerateµcontrolledsupplies
of spectrox.
/Twinºof Androzani Major. It featured¤
intricate network of caves,èspectrox-producing giant bats
lived.¸PeriÍinvolved¢a conflict over
spectroxôSharaz JekGeneral ChellakAndrozani Minor.
Whenºmove closerAndrozani Major, mud burst rose¶
Androzani Minor's core.
/Peacefulºµpaid tributeSkonnos¢form of
hymetusite crystalsseven young victims, sacrificed
/One of Ace's friends¶Perivale.
/One ofKinda.
/Large, spider-like parasite, concealing itself behind a
blinding, white light.literallymind behindZarbi's
Wrightßa special isotopedestroy it.
/Oscar Botcherby's girlfriend.¿Sixth
uncover Chessene's plans.
/Incarnation ofgood side ofXeraphin.¾
Hayter's sacrifice enabledcomeforecommunicate
/See LAKH.
/Captain Trask's slaving ship.
/Location ofSouth Pole Space Tracking Station attacked
¶Mondas. Two buried Krynoid pods
located near Antarctica Camp Three ofWorld Ecology Bureau
/Star sector knownMorestrans¢far
/The study of manman's history begins¦
Scaroth's»exploded, creating life£around 3.5 billion
öago. DuringJurassic era,petrified hand of
Kastrian Eldrad landed£Ía fossil.various
reptiles scooped upProf. Whitaker's·devicealso taken
¶Jurassic. Around 140 millionöago, towards
end ofJurassic,powerful Xeraphin visited Earth.
It¯Cretaceous era(misnamed) 'Silurians'
«aquatic brethren,Sea Devils, ruled
Earth. Mammals must already have evolved®some kind of early
primate, sinceseveral occasions, members of both reptilian races
indicatedtheyfamiliarthis type of creature.
Atend ofMesozoic era (65 millionöago),
SiluriansSea Devilsdriven undergroundsomeyet
unknown, cosmic event. Members ofSilurian species encountered
¨blamed²a sudden change¢Van Allen
radiation belt. Some theories include other cosmic phenomenon
suchmovements ofMoon, or of Earth's twin planet, Mondas.
There is also a possibilitySilurians somehowÍaware
offorthcoming crash of a space liner¶future.
Nearbeginning ofPliocene era (40 millionöago),
Fendahl Skull landed£beganinfluence man's evolution.
DuringPaleolithic era, cica 100000 BC,©
companions, Susan, Ian ChestertonBarbara Wright,¿
a tribe of Neanderthal cavemen rediscoversecret of fire.
Aroundsame time,Çbeing known'Light' visited
Earth, intendingcatalogue its evolution.
Between 50,00030,000 BC,NeanderthalsÍextinct
replacedearly modern humans, thanksÚof
awesome aliens knowDaemons. Also, twoÇ
vegetable Krynoid pods landed¢Antarticburied themselves
During°part ofPaleolithic era (20,0008000 BC),
£visitedModasions,¶Earth's twin planet,
left behind legends of Space GodsGiantswalkedEarth;
a Martian»whose crewÍburied¢a
glacier. DuringNeolithic era (between 60003000 BC),
powerfulÇOsirians visited Ancient Egypt, creating a new
pantheon of gods¢«image. Another ofso-called
Egyptian 'gods' was,¢reality, a splinter of Scaroth of
Circa 3000 BC,Çvillainess Cessair of Diplos, landed
£impersonated a Druidic goddess,Cailleach. Soon
afterwards,ÇUrbankans visited£first time,
kidnapping¤Austrailian Aborigine named Kurkutji. During
late Neolithic era (1800-1400 BC),Meddling Monk¿build
/The supernovaòOmega collapsedturned
®a black hole, trappinggreat Solar engineer¢a universe of
anti-matter.presumed dead¢a matter/anti-matter explosion
caused¦anti-matter being came¢contactª
positive matter recorder.
Omega survivedreturned¶anti-matter universeusing
Arc of Infinity, a region of space filledQuad magnetism,
only thing capable of shielding anti-matter¶positive matter.
¡ßa matter converterdestroyæa huge
anti-matter explosion could destroy Amsterdam.
A gateway®a universe of anti-matter existedZeta Minor.
Captain Briggs's space freighterßanti-matter fuel.
/Period of£history frequently visited©
Doctor: Ancient Egypt circa 2600 BC,Trojanë(1300 BC),
Rome¢64 AD.
/Thal¶Skaro,Ganatus's brother.¿©
ÊDaleks.terrifiedLake of Mutations
¥ended up sacrificinglifesave Ian's.
/Hovercraft pilotmistookª
/Name of a galaxy knownMorestrans¢far
/Chlorisian astrological symbol.
/Atlantean servant girl whose fatheronce beenof King
Thous's councillorsbeenZaroff.¿
ªÒmad scientist.
/Leader ofrebellionõSpidersMetabelis 3.
soughtQueen Spiderhaving attacked Draga,of
field-guards. In spite of¨help,¹fell backê
Spider's control,¥freed¦Ødied.
|Typical citizen of Varos.Etta's husband.õ
Governor's policies.
/Young Karfelon rebel.board.
/Elderly Spanish ladyShockeye. Her
haviendaÀa base of operationsChessene.
/Dona Arana's late husband.
/AccordingTurlough, theynatives of Heiradi,
built a huge subterranean city¯twenty-aeon war.
/Keeper ofConscience of Marinus.blackmailed
©Ò®searchingits five missing
/Name givenregion of space near Rondel,
devoid of all stellar activity, because²location of a
burned-out Q star. Itperfect gatewaya universe of anti-
matter. Omegaß²trytake over¸
/One of¬Lords' colleges.Arcalians colour
/A dangerous profession, demonstratedfates of
¾Parryî¹ûTomb of
Telos,¾Horner at Devil's End,¾Scarman
î¹broke®Sutekh's tomb¢Egypt, Dr Fendelman,
paleontologistsmurdered ¢25th
century.¾Rumford, however, survivedinvestigation
®Stones of Blood,Peter Warmslyevacuatedæ
Morgaine's attack.sent¤archeological expedition
find Davros¢ruins of Skaro.
/Army colonel ofbomb disposal squad sent¾
Lairdinvestigate mysterious artefacts (cylinders containing
Dalek-killing Movellan virus buried atend of a Dalek·
corridor)¢Ùwarehouse district.Lytton's
menreplaceda duplicate.
/Taran religious prelatemarried Prince Reynart
Princess Strella.
/Multi-strand organism¶Arcturian star system. In
ordersurvive¢Earth-like environments, Arcturians needed
placed inside a globe of«native lifefluids, mounteda
traction unit.ArcturiansMartian Ice Warriors
deadly enemies. An ArcturianofFederation's delegates
Peladon.secretly¢leagueHepeshprevent Peladon
/Acheologist¯Ice Age of AD 3000.ûbody
of VargaIce Warriors.
/Varos rebel.¿Sixthݶ
Punishment Dome. Later, shePeriþtransmogrified
(Areta®a reptile)Quillam's nuclear beams,¥she
/Inhabitants of Argolis. After«20-minuteì
Foamasi,ArgolinsÍsterile.radiation also slowed down
«metabolic rate, making them appear agelessa long period of
time, until they suddenly began aging´¢a matter of hours.
Thanksefforts ofDoctor,Argolin leader, Mena,
lover,Earthman Hardin,Argolinsableuse
Tachyon Recreation Generatorrejuvenate«race.
/First ofLeisure planets. ArgolisÍradioactive
îArgolins' 20-minuteìFoamasi.surviving
Argolins¡builtLeisure Hive,abandoned«war-like
culturepromote peaceunderstandingôÇraces.
/Precious mineralµcombinedincorruptibility of
goldstrength of titanium,ûonly¢deep space. Argonite
minesdiscoveredexploitedDom IssigriMilo Clancy.
ItÍobject of a battleôInternational Space
Corpsspace pirate Caven.
/The inhabitants of Aridiusonce¤advanced amphibian
race living¢undersea cities. As«worldÍever drier,
they faced increasing hardships, forcedrecycle all«water,
livingêconstant attackMire Beasts.
/An ancient world once coveredvast oceans. After a
dramatic change¢orbitµcausedºmove closer
its twin suns,oceans slowly evaporated, leaving a desertº
still inhabitedAridiansMire Beasts. Itfirst
stop¢Daleks' pursuit of©through·
/Chlorisian astrological sign.
/Young KindapossessedMarafirst of
kindspeak aloud (in Kinda terminology:gift of voice).
UnderMara's evil influence,¹wantedattack£
expedition's Dome,µwould have resulted¢Ïof
Deva Loka.freed ofMara¸
îa thousandöbeing fedbloodspirits of countless
sacrificesAukon, ZargoCamilla.
/Giant spaceship builtMan¢57th segment of¬
(about ten millionö¢future)save Earth's population
æºplunged®Sun. It carried not only humans,
¥alsoÇMonoids,wellvarious samples of animal
life.bulk ofpopulationbeen miniaturisedmicro-cell
slides.Arkvisited twice©¯its
700-year-long journeyRefusis: first, atjourney's onset,¦
Dodo's cold virus wreaked havocits population;¡again, at
journey's end,¦¿save mankind¶
/The Armageddon Conventiona galactic treatyµ
äbanmore powerfulÏdevices such
Cyberbombs. But refusedsubscribeit.
Armaggedon Factormutual쓃Atrios
/Member ofNosferatu crew soldGlitzfrozen
/Staff sergeant¢army task forceµÉ
ØIntelligence¢Ùunderground.secretly taken
His body withereda husk¦Jamie wrenchedIntelligence's
mind-draining device¶head.
/One of Gavrok's Bannermen.Chimeron
Princess's ultrasonic powers.
/TheÃonce mistakena work of art
¢a Parisian gallery.TARDIS'S power station could assume
outward appearance of¤art exhibit. ScarothJagaroth
forced Leonardo da Vincipaint several Mona Lisas¢order
financetime-travel experiments. A number of paintings
portrayedvarious identities takenCessair of Diplos
throughoutages. Kane commissioned a sculptorsculpt¤
ice statue of Xana,long-dead lover,Iceworld.
/Legendary King of England¢8th century. In a parallel
world,wizak Merlin¤incarnation ofDoctor. Arthur
´¯final battleMorgaine. Still holding Excaliber,
bodyplaced¢a spaceshipburied¢Vortegern's Lake near
Carburyour worldDoctor,¢¤unrecorded adventure.
/Article of¬Lords' Constitutionµenabled
guaranteedlibertyoffering himself
a candidatepresidency while¹soughtexpose
/Force saidhelp power TARDISES.
/Mute assassin hiredkill Maximus Pettullian.
/Hospitalè¨taken soon
/John Ashe's daughter,ofExarius colonists.
¿¨Jo Grant.
/Leader ofExarius colony. Even though
colonybeing attackDent,¹opposed any violenceõ
sacrificed himselftaking off¢colonists' old
spaceship,µ¹knewlikelyexplode, givingothers a
/Villainsmuggled foodñ¢out of
Daleks' Bedfordshire site¯«Invasion of£of AD 2164.
/Roman town;©stayed¢a nearby
/Royal Princess of Atroisturned out sixth
final segment ofKeyTime.sixth Princess of
sixth dynasty ofsixth Royal House of Atrois. Astraù
Shadow°transmutedtrue shape. After
defiedBlack Guardian,White Guardian
ßKeyrestoreuniversal balance, Princess Astra
Årestoredýformreturneda normal life,
rulingºÅmarrying Merak. Soon
afterwards, Romana decidedadopt Princess Astra's shape¦she
|Destination of VickiBennett's ship.
/AssistantGiles KentÛª¤
Australian beach.
|Wife ofonly Viking survivorarriveNorthumbrian
/Circa 1500 BC,volcanoisland of Thera,¢
Aegean Sea, erupted¢a violent explosion,ofmost
stupendous of all times. Accordingancient Egyptian records°
rewrittenPlato, thissite of a flourishing civilisation,
triggered¦Ëreleased -¢spite of¨
Ú-·- devouring entity knownKronos,µ
Altanteanstrapped¢a crystal.
inhabitants of a lonely Atlantean outpost located south of
Azores¢middle ofAtlantic Oceancut off¶«
civilisationforcedeke out a miserable underground existence
nearly 35 centuries. Theydiscovered¾Zaroff¢
1968,ߢinsane plansdestroyworld.
Daemons may have beengaveKronos Crystal
ancient Atlanteans.
/Devices worn©
/Twinºof Zeos, located atedge ofHelical
Galaxy, involved¢¤unending spaceìõits neighbour.
Atrian Marshalsecretly controlledShadowdesired
obtain Princess Astra,¢Âsixth segment ofKey
Time. AtriosZeossaved¶mutualÏ
Doctor, RomanaDrax.
/(aka NIGHTSHADE) SubstanceßCommanderpoison
/English colonelAlgernon Ffinch's commanding
/HeOrtezotwo Mogariansembarked
Hyperion III space liner. They preventedȦbeing plunged
®black hole of Tartarus,¥¡ßRudge
hijack it. They wantedrecover its precious cargo of vionesium,
µthey deemedhave been 'stolen'¶«planet. They
/17thÄdiarist whose scandalous stories included
/(aka ANTONY O'CONNER) Former Science Officer of£
»HYDRAX,µdrawn®E-SpaceØVampire. Under
master's influence, O'ConnerÍHigh Councillor Aukon,of
three immortal vampiric rulers ofØVampire's world.
Aukonärecruit AdricbecomeØVampire's Chosen
/Sir Reginald Styles's house. Itblown up
/Country visitedª¢21stÄ
¯encounterSalamander. Magnus Greelknown
Butcher of Brisbane. Kurkutji¤Australian Aborigine
ùUrbankans circa 3019 BC (Australian Aborigines are
estimatedhave first populated Australiaô40,000 BC
25,000 BC). Tegan JovankaAustralian.
/High Priest of Knowledge ofAztecs. BarbaraÕ¢
convincingofhorrors ofýsacrifice¹°
/Leading British manufacturer of plastics.
companyits managing director, Hibbert,taken over
Nestene,ßfactorymanufacture Autons.
/Androidsïof plasticsinhabitedNestene
consciousness.first generation of Autonsïlook like
store dummies,equippeddeadly wrist-blasters. A more
advanced type of Autonhumanoid replicas. During«
second invasion,¢additiondeadly, dummy-like Autons,
Nestene also controlled a murderous range of plastic items sucha
chair, a doll, a telephone cordplastic daffodils activated
short-wave radio.
/Notorious 17thÄpirate,êwhom Pike, Longfoot
Cherub served. During a mutiny LongfootAvery absconded
Avery's treasure. After Avery's death, PikeCherubäfind
/Young man¶Elders' city. With Flowers,¹acted
StevenDodo's guide.
/The very substance of Axos.Axons offered²mankind
claiming²would absorb, converttransmit all forms of
energy. In reality,²would have reached its Nutrition Cycle
72 hours later,would have drained£of all its Energy.
/Axons first appeared£a trio of golden humanoids,
claimed sole survivor of a world drained of energy
solar flares. Later, theyrevealed tentacled monsters,
members of a single collective intelligenceµincluded«»
/Axosa space scavengerÞMaster,¡
çEarth. There Axos offered AxoniteMankind. Once
Axonite reached its nutritional cycle, Axosplanningdrain all
of Earth's energy. It alsoäforce¨give
²secret of·travel. Ittrapped¢a·
loop thankscombined efforts of¨
/Gond guardÉJamie.
/(aka AYDON) Millenius Treasure Vault guardKala's
husband.Eprin and,¢cahootswifeEyesen,
áofKeys of Marinus.°shot
/Insane Varosian morgue attendant.Ozasupposed
dispose ofSixthbody¢¤acid bath,¥instead fell
®bath themselves.
/Last ofDaemons.¢a miniaturized state of
suspended animationêDevil's Hump¦¹óback
lifeMaster. Azalåjudge Manpasspower,
µ¹offered¨Doctor,refused. Azal¡ä
kill him,¥Jo Grant threw herself¢front ofDoctor. This
seemingly irrational action caused Azalcommit suicide.
/Ice Lord of MarsÔofFederation troops sent
Peladon.turned out a member of a breakaway fraction eager
ðIce Warriors' former militaristic glories.Í
¤agent of Galaxy Five and,Eckersley's help,ätake
overtrisilicate mines of Peladon.í¨
Doctor,Sskel's sonic÷while fighting
/(aka¾Edgeworth)¬Lord,former mentor of
Doctor.left GalifreybecomeËof Jaconda. Later,
gastropod Mestorçover Jaconda¶Azmael, whom¹forceddo
bidding. On Mestor's behest, AzmaelùRomulusRemus
force themwork outequationswould have enabled
Mestorthrow aº®Jaconda's sun, thereby creating¤
explosionwould spread its eggs throughoutuniverse. Azmael
rebelled.Sixth×Mestor's body while
gastropodengaged¢mental battleAzmael. Azmael¡
×Mestor's mindcommitting suicide through a last, fatal
/Central American racereplacedMayans,
ÒvisitedAztecs¢15th century.
/Vacation planet.cruise liner Empress crashed®Hecate
¦both ships emerged simultaneously¶hyperspace®its
/Guardian chosenZentosactProsecuter of©
ÒîDodo's cold virus infected
/Game playedô©Kublai
/One ofZygons.
/English philosopher of16th century. His image
projected©Space-Time Visualizer.
/One of Lieutenant Scott's men.
/Member of Dortmun's resistanceõ¯
«AD 2164 invasion.
|Retired British army major, once forcedresignî¤
incident of recklessness.hiredsecurity officer at Wenley
MoorÍincreasingly paranoid¯Silurians' attack.
a deadly virusspread among mankind.´¶
/Sarah Jane Smith's Aunt Layinia's neighbour¢
Moreton Harwood;offew inhabitantsnot worshippers
of Hecate.
/Howard Baker's wife.
/Dulcian educator sentKandoTeelcheck radiation
levelsIsland of Death.first disbelieved Cully's story
ruthless aliens. Toba ordereda Quark.
/The universal balanceôChaosOrder is maintained
Guardians of¬KeyTime.
/Stun gasßCompanyPluto.
/Pralix's grandmother.afraid of challenging
Captain of Zanak,fearedMentiads.
/Young citizen¶UK HabitatreadBooks of
KnowledgesentsurfaceMerdeen. Balazer aided
KatrycaBroken ToothinvadeHabitat,°¿
SixthsaveHabitat¶Black Light explosion
triggeredÏof Drathro's Maglem converter.
/One of¾Sorenson's Morestran crewZeta
Minoranti-matter creatures.
/UNIT brigadier.Éalongside
Lethbridge-StewartõMorgaine's men at Carbury.
/Planet rich¢Orlion,a population of over
a hundred million,µ×Zanak.Captain
incorporated its shrunken remains¢trophy room.
ß²fill Zanak's hollow centre.
/Neighbouringºof Karfel inhabitedintelligent
reptilian aliens. A peace treaty involving food shipments¶Karfel
unrecorded adventure.treatybrokenBoradwanted
trigger aìôtwo worldsdestroy Karfel's
population. His plansíSixth Doctor,again
/One of Lieutenant Scott's troopers,
/Merciless galactic mercenaries, ledGavrok,
exterminatedChimerons. They pursuedChimeron Queen Delta
1959 Welsh holiday camp of Shangri-La. There, theyí
Doctor, BillyRay, Goronwytwo US secret
agents, HawkWeismuller. Theyãÿyoung
Chimeron Princess's ultrasonic powers, broadcast over Shrangri-La's
public address system. Theytaken prisonersDelta
/Austrailian physicist atSnowcap Space Tracking Station
at·ofMondasian invasion.¿©
Doctor, BenPollyMondasian prevent
General Cutler¶usingZ-Bomb.
|Guard atprisonèËkept.
Sea Devils.
/Member of Lupton's psychic circle at K'anpo's Tibetan
Monastery.taken overSpiders,¥freed¦
/Moreton Harwood residentmember ofcult
of Hecate.
/Refreshing Department SupervisorMacra-dominated
space colony.
/Prisoner at Stangmoor, subjected
Keller Machineturned®¤imbecile.¨
discovered that, becausemindnow without any evil,
presence acteda dampenerMind Parasite.
/French revolutionary (1755-1829)plotted
Napoleonarrested Robespierre.
/British army Majorȹfightingõ
Germans¢WorldëI. In reality,¹part ofëGames.
suspectedÒof being spies.
/Reference guideplanets¢use
/19thÄBritish miner whose brain fluidsstolen
Rani.turned®a tree¦¹steppedof
Rani's deadly mines.
/HeStrattonspace pilotsÞ
Telos. Their limbsreplacedcybernetic parts.
Cryons arranged«escape,plottedthemLytton
stealCybermen's·vessel. Instead, they
/Captainêcommander Millington's command¢
Northumberland.joined forcesVershinin.
/Inventor of a polymerization processߨ
¾JonesGreen Death.
/OnØVampire's planet, batsêmental
control of Aukon. Spectroxrefined¶bat guano mined
Androzani Minor. Also see VAMPIRES.
/Combination of a youngýgirla
Dalek biomechanoid control centre.Battle Computerß
supervise Ratcliffe¢«Êõ
ImperialHand of Omega. She/it
providedintuitioncreativity they lacked.
Its technologyprobably developeda result ofDaleks'sì
Movellans. After killing Mike Smith¢¤attempt
recover¬Controller,Battle Computerdestroyed.
little girlpart of²¡freed.
/Varos technician¢charge of communications.
/Chief ofoff-shore Euro-Sea Gas Control Rig. His
freed thanksÚofªDoctor.
/Doland's lab assistant. WhileMogar, a speck of
Çpollenenteredbodyturned®a vegetable
monster. Lasky, BruchnerDoland secretly carriedaboard
Hyperion III hopingfind a cureEarth.
/One of Kane's troopersIceworld.McLuhansent
îDragon. Bazinwounded. After McLuhan shotDragon,
theyboth disintegratedDragonfire crystal.
/British Research Establishment whose radio-telescope
dishesËßcontactNestene. When¨
showed upinvestigate, a¬Lord warnedøMaster's
/Hypnotic deviceß «
Invasion of Earth. Tobias Vaugn¿ª½
destroy it.
/Mythical creature rumouredhavetwo
menleftmadisland of Fang Rock. ReubenȲ
existedwould someday return, whileFouthexplained²
nothing¥murdermadness. Itgiven mysteriousÂ
arrival of a deadly Rutan.
/Popular 20thÄBritish musicians. Their image
projected©Space-Time Visualizer.
/Family name ofMarquess of Cranleigh.
/Member ofDalek Alliance¢«Masterplanõ
Earth.betrayedMavic ChenDaleks,¥
returned homejoinedýforces.
/Eccentric senior surgical consultant at Ashbridge
Cottage Hospital called¢Dr Hendersonlook atnewly
/One ofMoonbase crew.discoveredª
/Location of a faultµåsplit,
¢orderdrain Earth's corereplace²giant starship
engines¯«AD 2164 invasion.
/Young female, strandedIceworld¦shesixteen.
fellêKane's charmagreedworkhim. Twentyö
later, shebecome Captain ofguardsdesperately wanted
leave.äget possession of Glitz's Nosferatu II,¥Kane
refused.enlisted Kracauer's help¢¤attemptkill Kane. Her
attempt failedKaneinstead.
/UNIT Corporal¿Brigadiersecurity of
World Peace Conference,¡againõthreat
of Axos.
/One offew Exxilonsnot revertedsavagery
¦cast outCity. Hisñlived underground. Bellal
/With Flowerchild, a founding member ofPschic Circus
äescape,master robot-builderdesigned
Bus Conductorrobotic clowns.recaptured
Chief Clown°own robots.
/WeaponßBandrils. It could annihilate all
life forms supporting a central nervous system. If²been
employedKarfel,borad planned,²would haveall
Karfelons¥leftMorlox unharmed.
/Salamander's deputychief henchman.
/25thÄspacemana crew membera»
en routeAstra. When»crashedDido,¹other
crew members,wellmost ofDidonians,protect himself.
¡òfake identity of Koquillion planninguse Vicki
death¦¹facedghost ofDidonians.
/Commander ofWheel¢Space. Duringattack
ofCybermen,¹Íincreasingly paranoid,hampered
ªinvestigations. Finally,¹broke down completely.
His second¢command, Dr Gemma Corwyn,çover. After Dr Corwyn's
Death,¹reasserted himself¥Cybermen.
/Assigned½soonîits foundation,¹firstÀ
a corporalêBrigadier Lethbridge-StewartÉ
Sergeant,becomeof Lethbridge Stewart's most trusted
assistants.¿¨companions, Liz shaw,
Jo GrantSarah Jane Smith,Êa number of threatsdiverse
Master,Nestene«deadly Autons, General Carrington
so-called 'Ambassador of Death', Professer Stahlman's
Inferno Project (duringµmet Benton's counterpart
¶a parallel fascistic Earth, Platoon Under-Leader Benton),
Mind of Evil, Axos,Daemons,Daleks, Kronos (during
µ¹turned®a babyTOM-TIT), Omega (during
µ¹met©ªDoctors), BOSS,¤é
of Dinosaurs mastermindedSir Charles Grover (duringµ
Mike Yates betrayed½Benton punched General Finch),
ãGiant Spiders of Metebelis 3.
¾Kettlewell's Giant RobotScientific Reform Society,
ZygonsKraals.retired¢1979, two
öîLethbridge-Stewart,wentopen a car
/Thoros-Alphan,of Sil's bearers.
/UNIT Major¿destroy
/Captain Brigg's navigator.¿FithÊ
/(SS) 1926 Indian Ocean linerµen route
Singapore¦²ÞVorg's Scope.¨
Ãrematerialized¢its hull. Bernicerestored
its properú¢space·¨Doctor.
/Landlord ofCloven Hoof¢Devil's End.À
surrendering¦demonstratedremote control of
/Yellow roadster acquired¨¯stay
Earth. Its licence plate'WHO 1'.firstß²
travelWenley Moor,¡British Space Center,
Inferno Project,Beacon Hill Research Establishment,
Stangmoor Prison,Nuton Power Complex,Devil's End,
CambridgeLlanfairfach. BessießOmega's world
Galifrey¢Death Zone.Brigadierß²rescue
¶Reeganpursue Lupton¢Whomobile.
doctor built remote-control capabilitiesµonce saved
life.drove²once¦¹ÉGiant Robot.
/Nickname givenªofthree
'humanized' Daleks.
|The Gonds' controller of Science.arguedõEelek's
insane planattackKrotons. Later, followingª
advice,¹prepared sulphuric acid¿destroy
/Type of spaceshipßIssigri Mining Company.
CavenßÝTa,¥blown upInternational
Space Corps.
/Original destination ofHydrax. Itlocated¢
Perugelis sector.
/Planetµfinished a close second behind£¯
Intergalactic Olympic games of27th century.
/One ofThal Minister's guards.organizedfirst
resistance groupõDaleks.
/UNIT soldier¢Llanfairfach.
/Weak-willedÔofLakertyans, held hostage
Rani.Faroon's husbandSarn's father.ã¿
ÊRani, sacrificing himselfsave
ñdelaylaunch ofrocket, causing²miss
Strange Matter asteroid.
/50thÄspace centreAlien Biomorphology
orbiting¢asteroid beltAsteroid K4067.Doctor,
Leela,¾MariusK9ÉNucleas ofVirus
ofpurpose there.
/Greek philosopher¶AthensùUrbankans,
probably circa 519 BC. His memoriesstoredsilicon chips,
ßanimate¤android¢image. After¸
ÿMonarch,¹fellow androids decidedlook
/One of Lytton's two bodyguards. TheydisguisedÙ
policemen. BillDavid came£capture or killñ
escaped throughDaleks'·corridor. They
caughtSixth Doctor.
/Young welsh boyfell¢loveChimeron Queen Delta.
Shangri-La's mechanic.would-be girlfriend Ray
¿Gavrok's Bannermen. Billy ingested a
Chimeron substanceµcausedmutatebecome more like a
/First Officer ofConcorde flight¸
ßrescue Flight 192.¿¬Lord
ËfreeXeraphin¢Jurassic era.
/See BOSS.
/One ofRed Kangs of Paradise Towers.¿
/Riban astronomerÈlights¢skies
starsnot ice cystals,climatic changes
Riboscausingplanet's elliptical orbitnotì
ôSun GodsIce Gods. Dubbeda heretic, Binro
hands brokenforcedlivea beggar.
ofGraff Vynda-K's men,¥thanksUnstoffe,
¹´knowing¹been right all along.
/Ace's computer-studies teacher.
/Leader oftime-sensitive Tharils. While prisoner of
Ãzero pointôN-SpaceE-Space.¡escaped
events follow«natural course. Rorvik×
own»tryingblast throughGateway, thus allowing
another Tharil, Lazlo,freeother Tharilsprisoners
board. RomanaK-9 Mark II stayedBirochelp free
other Tharils¶slavery.
/Hekept prisoner¢ofCompany's correction
centresPluto because¹û¤antidotePCM gas.
freedLeela¿Mandrel overthrow
/Also knownDalek Supreme.Blackare
Daleks' Warlords. A Black Dalekçpart¢AD 2164éof
£ordered¤assassination squadchase©
through·space. A Black Dalek inspectedDalek
army hiddenSpiridon,sent Lyttona raidfree
Davros. Finally, another Black Dalek committed suicide¦
showedextent ofDaleks'¢Ù
¢1963.also GOLD DALEK.
/A conceptual entity embodying DarknessChaos.
ßShadowstop¶claiming Princess
Astra of Atrios,sixth segment ofKeyTime. After
Black Guardian, enablingWhite Guardianrestoreuniversal
balance.Black Guardian swore revengeõ
White GuardianBlack Guardian offered Enlightenment,
symboliseda crystal of unknownügreat value,
prizewinner of a planet-spanning space race undertaken
Eternals.Black Guardian hopedsuch a prize,
Eternals might wreak havoc throughoutUniverse. Instead,
¸wonrace¥turned down Enlightenment,µ
offered insteadTurlough.Black Guardian reminded Turlough
that,getcrystal¹killDoctor. But Turlough
refusedthrewcrystal atBlack Guardian,vanished¢
a burst of flames. However,White Guardian explained
Black Guardian would existlong¹did, until neither
needed any longer.
/The supernovaòOmega collapsedturned
®a black hole trappinggreat Solar engineer¢a universe of
anti-matter. Presumably,black holesame black
hole¡ÞRassilon,µÍknownEye of
Harmony,óa constant supply of powerGallifrey.
Omegareturned throughArc of Infinity, a collapsed
Nimon travelled through spaceusing black holesò
hymetusite crystals. BruchnerþcausedHyperion III
space linerfall®black hole of Tartarus.
/George CranlieghdisfiguredButiu Indians
because¹stolen a black orchid,µtheyÈsacred.
Black Orchidtitle ofaccount¹wrote ofjourney;
Lady Cranliegh gave a copy¸Doctor.
/Name givenMorestransgatewayZeta
Minorµopened onto¤anti-matter universe.
/Chinese tongÀMagnus Greel
¢London. Itdisbandedîÿ
criminal¶51st century.
/Giant cliffµfeaturedhuge, sculpted face of
Doctor. Ita three-dimensional illusion protecting
Xoanon's ship.
/(?-1718) Real name: Edward Teach (or Thatch). Notorious
pirate whose fictional counterpartencounteredª
Doctor, JamieZoe¢Land of Fiction.
/Chameleon Tours's chief pilotcontroller of
Chameleons' operations at Gatwick Airport.exposed
ªDoctor. Eventually¹proved willingnegotiate
/A king's revenuer.saved©life
killing Captain Pike¢17thÄCornwall.
/Corporal¢army task forceµÉØ
Intelligence¢ÙUnderground.a Yeti's
web gun¹Éalongside Colonal Lethbridge-Stewart.
/Liverpool policeman.
/One oflaws of¬Travel dealing
a traveller meetingother selves. Itinvoked
released¦1977 Brigadier met1983 Brigadier¢Mawdryn's
/As21stÄbegan, countries grouped themselves®
Blocs, sometimes at oddseach other. Later, these grew®
/Method of modelling space/time events
through pure calculation.Logopolitansmasters of
Block Transfer Computations,ßthemcopy Earth's Pharos
projectcreate Charged Vacuum Emboitementsget rid of
entropyprolonglife ofUniverse.ËßAdric
create Castrovalva through Block Transfer Computations.
/12thÄWessex brigandIrongron's second¢
Linx's spaceship blew up.
/Queen Thalira of Peladon's Champion.
Eckersley's Aggedor projector/heat ray device.
/Early steam-powered engine builtGeorge Stephenson
/One ofperfect crystals of Metebelis 3. It
powerclear mindsamplify power.crystals of Metebelis 3
responsiblemutation ofSpidersalso
radioactive.¨picked upBlue Crystal¯
first visitMetebelis Three. It proved usefulcancel BOSS's
mind controlenabled¨free Steven's mind.
Afterwards,gaveBlue CrystalJo Grant
¾Clifford Jonesa wedding present. Josent²
backbecauseAmazonian nativesafraid of it.
Øof Metebelis 3 sent its Spiders£because²
wantedBlue Crystal backincrease its mental power
infinity, instead²×her.
/Royal Navy third officerCaptain Hart's secretary.
¿¨ÊSea Devils.
/One ofXeron rebels.
/Guerrilla¶¤alternate 22nd century,è
Ìinvaded£îWorldëIII. He, ShuraAnat
travelled back¢·kill diplomat Sir Reginald Styles, not
realizing²«actionsµcausedwar. His
behaviour caused½call¢¨Doctor.
sacrificed himselfdestroyDaleks.
/A Boer armyùWarlords, using·
technology stolen¶¬Lords.soldiers wenttake
part¢ëGames, until theseóa stop
/(1885-1962) Danish physisistmajor contribution
contributiondevelopment of quantum physics,of
eleven geniusesùRanimake upgiant Brain.
/Gargoyle animatedDaemon Azal's psionic powers. It
/AnÇtouristcrashlanded¢1959 Wales
/Planet where, accordingDoctor, there
methane-catalyzing refineries¢every town.
/Conservative politicianïSkinsale nervous.
/Moby Dick,Water BabiesUK Habitats
ofCanadian Goosethree Books of Knowledgeµ
survivedfireballkept atUK Habitat
/One ofVanir,firstdiscoverTerminus's
remaining engineunstable.wounded while tryingrepair
it.other Vanir stayedTerminusNyssa.
/Karfelon scientist once called 'Mad' Megelen.
been reported¨Inner Sanctum
unethicalÎMorlox (in¤unrecorded adventure).
Megelen°accidently sprayed himselfM-80 while conducting
further, unauthorizedÎMorlox. As a result,¹
turned®a half-Karfelon, half Morlox, gaining superior strength,
KarfelîkillingMaylin Makrif.ßKontron crystals
dabble¢·research, designing a·acceleration beama
·tunnel called 'Time Lash',µ¹ßbanishrebels
rule.also cloned himself.Borad secretlyå
murder allKarfelonscausing aì«neighbours,
Bandrils.¡årepopulate Karfelcreatures like
himself, startingPeri.Sixthßa Kontron¬
CrystalkillofBorad's clones.¡ïpeace
Bandrils. Soon afterwards,pushedreal Borad®
near Inverness.çresidence¢Loch Ness. Presumably¹
¢AD 1676.
/Crew member ofSandminerthought
Leelaore raiders.Robots of Death.
/One of Karlton's men.
/He surveyedcircle ofStones of Blood¢
AD 1754.ofstones fellhim.
/One ofcriminals imprisonedDesperus.ätake
over©ship,Spar 7-40,¥felleda stun
/Cardinal of¬Lordsofmost powerful
Master's,Rani'sDrax's) teacher at¬Lord
Academy. AccordingDoctor,¹supposedly said'Only¢
mathematics will you findtruth'. Borusaofmajor
movers¢Gallifreyan politics.very much concerned
properties, legalitiesappearances of things. When
saved Gallifrey¶ËChancellor Goth, Borusa
ordered Castellan Spandrellprepare a cover-up story
general population. Soon afterwards, a regenerated BorusaÍ
VardansSontarans.cameexpress a grudging respect
former pupilsurrenderedtrueØKey of Rassilon,
µenabledtappower of Harmonypower
Demat Gun.¡ïpresident ofHigh Council of Galifrey
However,¦OmegaÆðour universe
taking over¸body, Borusa votedcondemn
death. A further regeneration may have unbalanced
mind,¹fell victima megalomaniacal passion.decided¹
wantedrule foreveracquiretrue immortality oncehe tmised
Rassilon. In order hi break throughTomb of Rassilon,¹ß
Five Doctors«companions, pitting themõvarious
threats¢Death Zone. Rassilonãgaveimmortality
¹soughtturning®a living statue.
/British villageèÇCessair of Diplos
/Location ofNine Travellers,ofthree
Gorsedds of Britain.
computer, linkedaýbrain -of Dr Stevens. From
this,¹learnedsecret ofýsuccessineffficiency
illogicality. BOSS¡programmed Stevensadd those features
himself,Ísentientself controlling, notmention
megalomaniacal. AfterGreen Death fiasco atLlanfairfach
Refinery. BOSSätake overworld,¥í
¨UNIT.¨ßBlue Crystal
free Stevens,×BOSS.
/Orcini's squire.of Davros's
îshooting off Davros's hand¯attackTranquil
/One ofcrew ofMary Celeste.
/Butterfly collector, would-be actormanager
of La Piranella restaurant¢Seville.girlfriend Anita
¿Sixthuncover Chessene's plans.
/Deputy Director of Dulkis.refusedbelieve
Dominatorsa threatplanet.
/Vessels designedRassilondestroyÇ
vampires. Theyswift spacecraftfired bolts of steel
transfix vampires throughheart.
/Leading telegraphist at Captain Hart's navy base.
/One of General Chellak's men.
Magma beast.
/Treacherous head of scrutinyrebelÔofVulcan
colony.exposedsecond Doctor.ätake over
colonyhelp ofDaleks,µbeen repowered
Lesterson,¥they turnedõhumans. Bragen
/DeviceßCrozierenhancesize of
brain. Eventually, its effect proved deadlyLord Kiv.
/Slang wordßKangsdesignate«
/The©ÉBrainsruled Mor-Photon
Marinus; they×Barbara Wright.Animus
controlledZarbilike a giant spider-brain.Master-
Brain ofLand of Fictionaàlinkeda brain.
Mind Parasite,fedevil,¤Çbrain. Axos
functioneda giant brain.brain ofrenegade¬
Lord Morbiusbeen preservedSolon.Xeraphin
amalgamated®one, single collective intelligence. Crozier
invented a Brain Transformerµ¹ßenhance
Mentors' brains. Kroagon's brainsecretly buried¢Paradise
Towers' basementî¹äpreventñ¶living¢
creation.themselveslittle more than brains
vestigal limbs inside a casing.Rani combined eleven of
Universe's greatest minds®a single, giant brain.
/Air Force MajorsquadronÔÉ
/One of¾Sorenson's Morestran crew
Zeta Minoranti-matter creatures.
/Alien art gallery.
/Captain Revere's second¢commandChief Orderly of
ýcolonyFrontios.obssessedmaintaining law
order and, at first, hampered¸investigations.
°changedmindTractators' excavating
/British public school attendedTurlough. After
retirement¶UNIT,Brigadier worked therea mathematics
teacher. In 1977,¯Mawdryn affair, Tegan visited
/Scientistdesignedengineered WOTON,¹
/Gia Kelly's assistant.
/Lord Cranleigh's butler.
/Citadel¶µCaptain controlledvast transmat
enginesµenabled Zanaktravel through space. It also housed
Xanxia's·damsCaptain's trophy room. Itblown up
/One of Kroagnon's buildings.
/Personwhom Richard Maynarde owed money.
|Captain of a 26thÄspace freighterµbeen
infiltratedCybermen. åcrash»
£destroy¤Alliance conference. Theyí
Adric¸Doctor. Briggs escapedsafety¢
/Captain ofMary Celeste.
/Samantha's brother, whose identitytaken over
Chameleons¤alleged tourRome.
/Afterbrother, Brian,taken over
Chameleons, Samantha Briggs tipped offpolicesent Inspector
GascoigneGatwick Airportinvestigate.¡teamed up
/Captain Brigg's wife.
/Captain Brigg's daughter.
/He surveyedcircle ofStones of
Blood¢AD 1820.
/Seaside resortsouth coast of England.
Romana stopped thereætravellingLeisure
Hive,K-9damagedsea water. Brigadier Lethbridge-
StewartDoris once spent some romantic·¢a Brighton
/Component ofKartz-Reimer transference module
removedSixth Doctor.
/British baseµäuseIonizer
haltice's progress¢AD 3000. Itêcommand of
Client°invadedVarga's Ice Warriors,saved
/DeVries's group,
/British space research establishment¯
late 1950searly 1960s, run¾Bernard Quatermass.
ItknownRachel JensenAllison Williams.
/Earth tour agentrepresented Argolis's
interests.lawyer, Klout,impersonatedmembers of
West Lodge Foamasi,äpressure Menasell
Leisure HiveFoamasi. Brockãexposeda Foamasi
investigator.°escaped,¥»blown up
/Katryca's Counciller.once lived¢UK Habitat
Balazer's friend.saved¶CullingsMerdeen
¦¹Katryca invadedHabitat.
/One ofInferno project's technicians attacked
Slocum.mutated®a Primord.
/Earth congressman¶26thÄfavoured strong
retaliationõpercieved Draconian attacks.
/One of lieutenant Scott's men.
/Gaztak lieutenantGeneral Grugger's second in-command.
BrotadacТZolfa-Thura's explosion.
/Cult of Demnos worshippers, ledHieronlymous,
supposedhave´out¢3rd century,¥still active
¢San Martino¢15thÄItaly. Ittaken over
Mandragora Helix,ÅdisbandedGiulianoî
banishedevil energy entity.
/Warlord ofZygons. When¹learnedZygon
homeworldbeen×¢a steller explosion
people's space fleetlookinga new home¹decidedconquer
Earth.ßSkarasensink three oil rigsimpersonated
Duke of Forgilldestroy a World Energy Conference. His plans
Doctors.¤American whom¸meta Greek
islandèstepfather,¾Foster,just located a
Trion artefact.¡travelledSarn,èshe¿
Master.infectedraw SpectroxAndrozani
Minor,¸sacrificedlifegive Peri
antidote.watchedregenerateput upmood
swingsµimmediately followedregeneration.aided
SixthMestorCybermen. On Varos, sheþ
transmogrified®a bird¿Sil.¡
Jamie,¿two DoctorsSontarans.
¡ÉalongsideõBorad, Davros
Daleks,DrathroRavolox. On Thoros-Beta, sheÞ
transferring Kiv's mind®body. (The Valeyardßa doctored
version of this event,¢µPeriactually killed,¯
Trial ofDoctor.) In reality, PerisavedKing Yrcanos of
Krontep, whom she°married.
/Pompous civil servantasked½look®a
mysterious wave of deathsasphyxiation, causedNestene-
controlled plastic items.
/Head of World Security appointedSalamander, whom
/One of¾Lasky's assistants, partly responsible
creation ofVervoids. When¹realizedextent of
Vervoids' threat,¹ädestroyHyperion III space liner
causing²plunge®Black Hole of Tartatus.
Vervoids' poison gas.
/Member ofKarfelon Inner Sanctum.ÀBorad.
himself consignedfateMykros.
/Planet incorporated®Tryst's CET.
/One ofthree Gorsedds of England. Itlocated
Dinosaur Invasion.
/Captain Wrack's ship.
/British WVS officerambulance driver
ÈshefightingõGermans¢WorldëI. In
reality, shepart ofëGames. With Lieutenant Carstairs,
she¿ªDoctor, JamieZoeë
/Capitol of Hungarylocation of Alexander Denes's
/Lieutenant of Sea Base Four.¿¸Ê
SiluriansSea Devils.
/London cabdriver whose wife, Emma,been
ùLi H'Sen Chang.murderedMr Sin.
/London womanùLi H'Sen Chang. Her life
essencestolenMagnus Greel.
/Kaled citadelèDavrosåcreation of
/Official organization¶
/British army sergeant-majorȹfighting
õGermans¢WorldëI¢1917, near Ypres,êMajor
Barrington. In reality,¹part ofëGames.
/Welsh manager ofShangri-La holiday camp.
¿Gavrok's Bannermenarranging
young Chimeron Princess's ultasonicü broadcast over
Shrangri-La's public address system.
/MurderousÖdesignedBellboy. It guarded
original hippy busµçPsychic CircusSegonax
Gods of Ragnarok's medallionµcured Kingpin. Itfirst
originally came¶Pease Pottage, Sussex,a virtually
photographic memory.metSixth¢¤unrecorded
adventure. Afterwards, shevery likely experienced a number of
other unrecorded adventures,µ°Ípart of¤alternate
·line,îSixthpulled out of·space
äa corrupt¬Lord High Council.only recorded
adventure ofperiodintroducedevidenceat
trial. It showedMel rematerializing aboard
Hyperion III space liner en route¶MogarEarth. There, they
¿savecrew¶Vervoids.Ë¡pulled Mel
out of·spacesent(with Sabalom Glitz)
TrialhelpValeyard. Soon afterwards,
Rani causedÃcrashLakertya, causing
regenerate. Mel¡¿Rani.
ÉalongsideõKroagnon, GavrokBannermen
Kane,evil master of Iceworld. There, she met Ace,Glitz
GlitzNosferatu II.
/Throughout£history,has come across
tradersbusinessmen, some good, others evil.©met
some¢Ancient Rome,¢Palestine,¢Asia,è¹met
Venetian trader Marco Polo,¢Tombstone, Arizona. In AD
1650,©exposed a ring of smugglersCornish
Coast. In AD 1746,ªput¤endGray's slave
During20th century,©ran afoul ofevil
industrial Forester.ªsavedEuro-Gas
Corporation¶WeedÉTobias Vaughn's
International Electromatics.¨exposedAuton
takeover of Autoplastics LtdRex Farrel's plastics company
ÉGlobal Chemicals.
encountered a number of successful, yet misguided businessmen, such
Harrison Chase, Lord PalmerdaleDr Fendelman.
ScarothJagarothcommissioned da Vincipaint several
Mona Lisas¢orderraise moneyfinancetime-travel
Infuture, Earth's multiplanetary corporations thrived,
displaying a ruthlessness¢pursuit of«business objectives
µïthem formidable foes. Among thoseIssigr Mining
Company,Interplanetary Mining Corporation,
companyµownedrefineryDelta Magna's moon,
Terminus Inc.Sirius Conglomerate. Other
multiplanetary corporations includedcompanyµowned
Sandminer,Megellan Mining Company, Galactic Salvage,
AmorbSearch-Conv Corporation.
Crooked businessmen ofÁincluded con artists Garron
Unstoffe, Dymond,Vraxoin smuggler, slave trader
Rorvik, Sabalom GlitzIceworld operator Kane.
£corporationsbusiness competitorscunning
rapacitymatch«own, suchMentors of Thoros-Beta
ßGalatron Corporationtrycornermarket
Zyton-7. Much later,Usurian-run Company moved mankind
Mars,¡Pluto, aroundµ²built six artificial
AmongÇplanets runbusinessesLeisure Hive,
mortuaryºof NekrosIceworld trading post of
/Nickname of General Smythe.
/Nickname of Magnus Greel.
/Amazonian Indiansdisfigued George Cranliegh because¹
stolen a Black Orchid.
/FormerÙfiremanactedSir Charles Grover's
henchman¯Dinosaur Invasion.Åarrested
î¨stopped Operation Golden Age.
/British intelligence department¢charge of½liason.
Sir John Sudbury workedit.
/Cargo»è¨Jo Grant
rematerialized¢26th century. It°attacked
Ogrons, posiingDraconians.
/Helen A's companion. After¿a
revolution overthrow Helen A's regime,¹Gilbert M fled Terra
Alpha¢a space shuttle originally intendedHelen A.
/The Duke of Forgill's gamekeeper, impersonateda
ZygonMunrowounded Harry Sullivan.real Caber
/Druidic goddess ofìmagic, impersonated
Çvillainess, Cessair of Diplos.worshipped
De Vrie's Druids.
/Army sergeant sent alongColonel Archer's men
¾Lairdinvestigate mysterious artefacts¢Ù
warehouse district,¢Âcylinders containingDalek-killing
Movellan virus, buried atend of a Dalek·corridor.
replaceda duplicate.
/Famous neurologist whose mindstolenSkagra at
Think Tank space station.temporarily tapped
Chris Parsons' mental energyenable Calderareveal what¹
knewøSkagra. Caldera´¢Ïof
/Mining engineermember ofInterplaentary Mining
Corporation expeditionExarius. After¹discovered Dent's
ruthlessness,¹çside of Ashe's colonists,
/Practicalsomewhat devious counciller ofServateem.
did not believe Xoanona god,¿
LeelaÊTeshsupercomputer. Afterwards,
¹leftargueJabel overwould rulereunited
tribes ofServateemTesh.
/One of Gavrok's Bannermen.disabledChimeron
Princess's ultasonic powers,taken prisonerDelta
/Captain Hopper's first officer¾Parry's
expeditionTombs of Telos.
/Ice-coated, uninhabited worldµÞZanaak
reduceda football-size husk. In reality,²
second segment ofKeyTime,recovered
/The Cambridge university fiasco of 1959tied¤
unsuccessful attemptopen Devil's Hump.Master, posing
¾Thascales, worked atNewton Research Institute¢
CambridgeTOM-TITKronos Crystal.
Romana visited St Cedd's Collegesee¾Chronotis.
taken¤honorary degree¢1960.Romana
/Elderly Aztec ladywhom©¼
proposed,¦¹shared a cup of cocoaher.
/Governer of Stangmoor Prison.
/Former Navigation Officer of
Undermaster's influence. MacmillanÍLady Camilla,of
three immortal vampiric rulers ofØVampire's World.
/Scotsman working¢UNIT's scientific supply
/Young Scotish member of Dortmun's resistance
õDaleks,¯«AD 2164 Invasion of Earth.¿
stayed behindÅmarried him.
/Constellationèûa supernova
¢µdumpFendahl Skull.
/Chlorisian astrological sign.
/See DASK.
/Citadel of¬Lords of Gallifrey. Its heart
Panopticon,êµEye of Harmonykept.
/Leader ofRiban Shrieves Guards.
AfterofmenGraff Vynda-K,¹ßa
cannontrigger a rockfall,µSholakhGraff's
/Space raiderbrillient engineeronce
commanded»Vantarialis. After¹crashedZanak,¹
rebuilt®a half man, half-machine cyborgQueen Xanxia,
secretly controlledmachine self.Captain designedhuge
transmat enginesµturned Zanak®a pirate planet, stealing
energy¶worlds²captured.stolen energyß
maintain Xanxia's·damsenable
reincorporate herself. ButCaptain secretly plottedkill her,
thanksenergy gathered¢trophy room,µcontained
shrunken remains ofworlds Zanakplundered.Captain ruled
crewfear,help ofmurderous pet,Polyphase
Avatron. WithMentiads' help,É
Captainprevented¶destroying Earth.Captain
Xanxia¹äkillavengedeath of
loyal first officer, Mr Fibuli.
/English village nearµVortigern's Lakelocated.
Doctor, Ace, Lethbridge-StewartBamberaÉ
Morgaine, Mordredmen there.
/Organization sponsoringexcavations at Carbury.
/Honorific title߬Lords of Gallifrey.
/Thoseçcare of Paradise Towers.
/Young Tigellan Savantadvocated reclaimingplanet's
surface¶its vegetation.Deedrix¿
/Chief of Euro-Sea Gas's off-shore rig D whose platform
attackedWeed.freed thanks
/Officer¢charge ofarrangmentsdumping
Thunderbolt Missile.
/British general¢charge ofSpace Security
Department. As astronautMars Probe 6,¹met peaceful,
radioactive aliensaskedpaveway«
Ambassadors. After¹returnedEarth, Carrington,¢league
Sir James Quinlan, arrangedaliensreplace astronauts of
Probe 7Recovery 7 ships«Ambassadors. When
ÇAmbassadors arrived,¹ùßthemtrystart
aìô£aliens.stopped thanks
/Crewman aboard Captain Brigg's space freighter.
/British army lieutenantȹ
fightingGermans¢WorldëI. In reality,¹part of
ëGames. With Lady Buckingham,¹¿ªDoctor, Jamie
/Pathologiststudied Eldrad's hand. His mind
taken overEldrad,¹°felldeath while
/Member ofImperial£Expedition ForceDeva Loka.
|One of Lieutenant Scott's men.
|Moreton Harwood Police constable.not part of
cult of Hecate.
/Llanfairfach resident whose catinjured.
/A member ofstaff ofWheel¢Space.
/Irish doormanworked at Henry Gordon Jago's Palace
Theatre.´of frightîseeing Magnus Greel's face.
/Crewmember ofSandminer. Leelaûbodyî¹
beenRobots of Death.
|Ensign¢Federation squadron sentAndrozani Minor
ledGeneral Chellak.discoveredbodies of¸
Periandroid Replicas.
/Daughter of King PriamHigh Priestess of Troy, she
cursedgift of foretelling. Unableavertfall of
Troy, shecarried offAgamemnon.
/Matron at Brendon School.
/Theonce suggestedSarahthey
should go therea vacation.CVEËÆ
closelocated there.
/OuterºofSolar System, located beyond Pluto.
/Title givenChief of Security of¬Lords of
Gallifrey. Castellan Spandrell¿prove
innocence¢murder ofPresident,Goth
Master. His successor, Castellan Kelner,a coward
betrayed GallifreyVardansSontarans. When Omega
Ætake over¸body,Castellan went
alongHigh Council's decisionterminate
evenäshoot him.same Castellanframed
Borusa,arrangedappear ¢possession of
Scrolls of Rassilon.sentenced mind-probed,shot
ofChancellery Guards¦¹äescape.
/Famous novelist. As Adam,¹of Sir Charles
Grover's 'People'. After over-hearing Grover's conversation
spaceship en routea New Earth.
/Drathro's dwelling¢UK Habitat.
/Peaceful city¤un-named world
located¢Andromendan Phylox seriesèTeganNyssaç
¸justîregeneration. It turned out a
recursive occlusion - a space-time trap engineeredË
(disguisedCastrovalva's Portreeve)òAdric through
Block Transfer Computations. By freeing Adric,doomed
Castrolvalva.¬Lordfriends escaped,¥Ë
þÍtrapped¢its collapse.
/Vast underground maze builtancient Ribans
house«dead.Ice Godssaidhaunt them. Shrievenzales
Graff Vynda-K¢Catacombs.
/Name givenancient China.
/The Cheetah PeopleKitlingsÇfelines
üof teleportation.Tharilsfeline ancestry.
/Abode ofØMetebelis 3. Because of
crystal concentration,²radioactiveר
Doctors body. ItexplodedîØOne's death.
/Location of
Ceremony, takingúevery ten years,¢µManussans
celebratedMara's banishment. Itthere¸
×evil entity.
/The©metTribe of Gum¢year
100,000 BC. Also see NEANDERTHALS.
/Notorios space piratepreyedargonite
shipments.ÞDom Issigriheldhostageensure
daughter Madeleine's cooperation. After¹exposedª
Doctor,¹Ædestroy Ta. Instead, Caven
lieutenant, Dervish,blown upInternational Space
/Ranulf Fitzwilliam's gaoler.
/Member ofDalek Alliance¢«Masterplanõ
Earth.betrayMavic ChenDaleks,¥
returned homejoinedýforces.
/Deviceß ústaff of
Wheel¢Spaceê«hypnotic control.ª
countered²attaching a metal platea transistorhead
/The¸claimedwear a celery stick because¹
allergiccertain gases¢Priaxsis range ofsprectrum;
ifgasespresent,celery would turn purple.
/Covert intelligence agencyß
¬Lords,¢spite of«official policy of
non-intervention¢galactic affairs,protect«own interests.
CIAÅêdirect control ofPresident
High Council. Among known CIA operations predating
involvement·looping of¸Planet ofSolar
ofMorbius affair.
Early on,CIA decideduse«agent. They
powercontrolöGallifrey,therefore may
have been responsiblea large number of©ª
unforseen landings,¢particular thoseµforced
©ªDoctorsdealissues concerning Gallifreyan
security suchDaleks,Cybermen,Monk,
Celestial Toymaker,ØIntelligence, etc.
More specificially,CIAçpart¢Trials ofª
ëLords.Tribunal's indulgence might
Jamie out of«normal·linessend themSpace Station
J7deliver a warningDastariøunauthorized·
experiments.ªmemories ofmission°
erased.CIA pulledsame trick¦²convinced
PresidentbringThree Doctors togetherOmega.
CIA probably warnedøMaster's arrival
Earth. Then,²ßgoî˦²
discoveredRenegade¬Lordacquired knowledge of
Doomsday Weapon,help Peladon's entry¢Federation,
helpSolonians achieve«super-human form,
possibly¢¤effortbring down Earth's Empire.
CIA sentback¢·prevent
creation ofDaleks,µmay have beenonlyof
many steps²çensure«final destruction. It also sent
KarndealBrain of Morbius.
role ofCIA¢Ravalox Stratagemnot known,¥
²very likely (in light of«use of two¡three
Doctors¢simultaneous incarnations)theybehind
creation ofValeyard,¢¤effortpreventSixth
¶exposingcorruption ofHigh Council.
/One of Crozier's devices. It affectedSixth
behaviour, makinghostile, cowardlyeven more
erratic than usual.
/Deadly deviceߢvoting process
/DeviceßQueen Xanxia of Zanakrecreate a
younger self.ß²trickCaptain®
/Experimental teleportation machineß
/Thesaid¹go there just
/One ofeleven geniusesùRani
make upgiant Brain.
/US intelligence agency. Bill Filer,
¿¨Axos, may have been a CIA agent.
HawkWeismuller may have been CIA agents too.
/Professor Warmsly's dog.
/A device capable of
generating emotional impulsesßTobias Vaughan
õCybermen. Its inventor,¾Watkins, originally
devised²a sophisticated teaching aid.
/Alien villainess¶Diplos,steal
ØSeal of Diplos,µ¢Âthird segment
KeyTime.Seal gave Cessair immortality,wellpower
ݶMegara justice machines,ûrefuge£
circa 3000 BCthree Ogri,µÍpart of a native
stone circle. Cessair first impersonatedDruidic goddess
Cailleach. Throughoutages, she assumed a number of identities,
suchMother Superior ofLittle Sisters of St Gudula, Lady
Montcalm, Wicked Senhora Camara, Mrs Trefusis and, finally, Vivien
exposedtrue identitysheturnedstone
out of Zyton-7.
/Fiercely spiked fruits grownpenal plantations of
Androzani Major.
/Leader ofSavages.¿StevenDodo rescue
©there¦Jano×life transference
machines.asked Stevenbecome«new leader.
/One ofMenopterainvaded Vortis.
/Unseen proprietor ofFantasy Factory.
/Cabinet ministerGiant Robot. His
safe heldatomic missiles' destructor codes.
/Deviceµenabled TARDIS's outer plasmic
TARDIS's chameleon circuit firstÍstuck¢
form of aÙpolice box¦©stopped¢Totter's
Lane¢1963Ùdispose ofHand of Omega.
äuseLogopolitans' Block Transfer
Computationsrepair it,¥Ëíhim.
Chameleon Circuitrepaired briefly, again¢Totter's Lane,¦
shape of¤organ.
Master's TARDIS's chameleon circuit has causedÃ
assume, at various times,appearance of a horse box, a
Corinthian column, a grandfather clock, a statue ofMelkur,
Portreeve's fireplace, a Concorde airplane,¤Iron Maiden,
even another police box. Withoutchameleon circuit, aÃ
looked like a cabineta door.Rani'sÃlooked like
a cabinet,¡a pyramid.Monk'sÃlooked like a
sarcophagus. On Tigus,²looked like a boulder. Then,
©ï²takesuccessive shapes of¤Ionic column,
a stage coach, a tree,¤igloo, a Sopwith Camel¤Ç
artefact,æturning²®a duplicate ofown TARDIS.
/Mutated race of faceless aliens,Æ
extinction, caused¤atomic explosion. These launched a secret
operation using holiday tourskidnap humans, take thema space
stationsteal«identities and, ultimately,«lives. They
dependedblack armbands (while«ý'original' wore white
ones)maintain«ýappearanceîtransferrence. They
ultimately exposedÿªDoctor,
Æremovewhite armbands¶humans kept at
Gatwick Airport,thereby doomChameleons.Chameleons¡
gave them a formulasolution«problem.
/UNIT corporalinvolved¢matter ofthree
/Name givensecurity guards ofCapitol
of Gallifrey. They reportedCastellan,probably reported
/The highest-ranking member ofHigh Council of¬
Lords of GallifreyîPresident.Chancellor (no name
provided)ofthree¬Lordspassed judgement
ªDoctor. DuringOmega crisis,Chancellor objected
violatinglaws of·bringingThree Doctors together,
until¹countermandedPresident. That Chancellor
When Goth discovered¹would not President's chosen
defeat. BorusaÕGothChancellor, a title¹held
When BorusaÍPresident, ThaliaÍChancellor.voted
ðour universetaking overbody. Thalia
Å¢Death Zone,replacedFlavia.
After Rassilon turned Borusa®a living statue, Flavia
High Council reappointed¸President,¥¹
deputisedcarry outpowers,managedescape.
/Villager of 1643 Little Hodcombe, transported
1984power ofMalus.¿¸Ê
Malusthrew Sir George Hutchinson®evil entity's
/Amelia Ducat claimedhave been visitinga
pretextshowing upHarrison Chase's doorstep.
/A member ofstaff ofWheel¢Space.
/Superior type of Auton knowna replica,ï
Hibbert, whose mindcontrolledNestene. Channingçover
firmß²manufacture more Autons.
ÿLiz Shaw,ceased
/The concepts of ChaosDarknessembodiedBlack
/One ofAztecs.
/One of©Doctors companions.
might have been a descendant of Anne Chaplette throughFrench
grandfather. Dodo first rushed®Ã¢Wimbledon Common¢
1966, lookinga telephone.unfortunately carried a cold
stop. Dodo°¿StevenõCelestial
Toymaker, Tombstone's gunfightersElders. Uponð
London, shehypnotizedWOTONsentcountry
convalesce.°sent Ben Jacksontellshe no
longer wishedtravel through·space.
/Young servant girlmanagedÝAbbot
of Amboise's men,¥left behindmassacreø
begin. Her ultimate fateunknown, although Dodo Chaplet's
existencetakenevidenceat leastmale member of
family survivedmassacre.
/Holes¢space leading®E-Space.
Whileits way backGallifrey,Ãwent through
a CVEended upAlzarius.°learned
CVE'sa mathematical creation of Logopolis.
Logopolitansdiscovereduniverselong passed
point of fatal collapse. To dispose ofentropy, theyßblock
transfer computationscreate CVE'screate voids®other
universes. AfterËdisruptedworkings of Logopolis,
CVE's began closing. Fortunately,Logopolitans also discovered
¤equationwould stabilizeCVE's. In spite ofMaster's
Õ¢usingPharos Project£broadcast
Logopolitans' calculations.
/London underground station invadedWeb of
/Barman ofLast Chance Saloon¢Tombstone.shot
Johnny Ringo.
|One ofprisoners at Stangmoor Prison.Vosper let
|Nickname givenIMC robot.
/Harrison Chase's ancestor.executed¢1572,
ghostsupposedhaunt Chase mansion.
/British millionaireassembledworld's
largest collection of plants.sent ScorbieKeeler
AntarticastealKrynoid pod.pod openedçover
Keeler's body. Chase went madÉensure
Krynoid's victory.crushedturned®
compost, a fate¹åSarah Jane Smith.
/Marshal¢charge ofKraaléof Earth.
little patienceStyggron's delays¢proceeding
éof Earth.space fleetÅreturned
OseidonîStyggron'sathands of
/Savage race of catlike humanoids, descendants of
ancient civilised racebredkitlings,
through spacefind«prey,back home again. They
revertedbrutal savagery.Cheetah People
Å×alongCheetah Planet¢final
/A mysterious symbiotic relationshipô
Cheetah PeopleǼtriggered volcanic phenomena
degree of violence increased.ËÍtrapped
Cheetah Planet,ßAceescape. But¹
fellêCheetah People's curselost control
animalistic side.Cheetahºpresumed ×¢
final combatôMaster.
/Ambril's assistant,¹È¸warnings
øMara's return.
/General ofFederation troops sentAndrozani Minor
force out Sharaz Jek. Morgus forcedorderexecution of
¸Peri. Chellak led a final assaultõJek
unmasked¢physical combat,¥carried away¢a mud
/One ofÙlocationsè©
ɯ«éof£¢AD 2164.
/Guardian ofSolar System at·ofDaleks'
Masterplan.°revealed a power-hungry megalomaniac,
deliveredtaranium core,neededpower«
¬destructor. After©ácore, Chenä
stop him,¥failed.driven madfailures,
discovery ofDaleks' intentionbetray him.
/Chinese manager ofway station at Tun-Huang.
/Chinese general¢charge ofChinese delegation
World Peace Conference.Chin Lee,ê
Master's control.
/Also calledWhite City. Ita rest stop
/Pike's first mate. Pike sentintimidate Longfoot
maketellèAvery's treasurehidden. Instead, Cherub
/TheonceÿFenric at a game of chess (in¤
unrecorded adventure). Towardsend of WorldëII, Fenricç
over Dr Judson's bodychallengeanother game
of chess. Ace¼¿win it. RomulusRemus
Sylvestbrillient players.
/Androgumbeen technologically
augmentedDastari.allied herselfSontaran Group Marshal
StikecaptureªDoctor. Dastaridissect
obtainsecret ofRassilon Imprimature,give Chessene
abilitytravel through time. Her plansí
Sixth Doctor.betrayedSontarans,Dastari,
´of molecular disintegration¦sheäÝ¢
/Medical doctor¶South Bend.Û
SarahîÏof Antartic campbeen
taken overKrynoid.
/One of©Òa science
teacher at Coal Hill School.accompanied©a
series of adventures,¯µ¹showed Za howmake fire,
metMarco Polo. Ianaccused of murderMarinus,
temporarily miniaturizedant size,¡¿rescue Vicki.
Ian°ÞRoman slave tradersÉZarbi.
After being pursued through·spaceDaleks,¹
MachineÞDoctor. They arrived twoöîthey
/Member ofMacra-dominated space colony.
/Head of Caretakers of Paradise Towers.mistook
killed. Later, KroagnonçoverChief Caretaker's body. With
help of PexKangs,managedexpose
destroy Kroagnon.
/Evil henchman ofGods of Ragnarokcontrolled
Psychic Circushelp ofdeadly robotic clowns
of Bellboy's rogue robots while battling Ace
/Employee ofEuro-Sea Gas Refinery attacked
¢effortsdestroyParasitic intelligence.
/Varosian official¢charge of security
administration.secretly employedSilkeep Zyton-7
prices low. WhenSixthrevealedtrue value of Zyton,
¹ähavekilled.alsoähave Governer executed
Cell Disintegrator.Punishment Dome's
deadly vines while pursuingDoctor.
/One name ofChimeron Princess.
/See J7.
/Knowngarden planet,home
world of Delta. Itþ×Bannermen.
/Peaceful natives of Chimeria, exterminatedGavrok's
/Gateway ofMaraDeva Loka.evil entityßthem
take over Tegan.
/Captain ofChinese People's Army.secretly
controlledMaster,equippeda telepathic
amplifier,¡ßMind ParasitesabotageWorld
Peace Conference.exposedfreed¨
/Country visitedseveral occasions. Lin Futu
a Chinese mandarin¶so-called 'Futu' dynasty,ù
Urbankans, probably circa 1769 BC.(There is no trace of
'Futu' dynasty¢China, howeverShang Dynasty - 18th12th
ÄBC - would consistantLin Futu, based
archeological discoveriesïatburiel site of Fu Hao, a royal
member ofdynasty.) Lin Futu met¸aboard
Monarch's ship. In¤unrecorded adventure,É
Fenric¢China¢3rdÄADtrappedinside a
©¡visitedcourt of Kublai Khan¢13th
century. In 19thÄLondon,Éõ
Chinese Tong ofBlack Scorpion, ledMagnus Greel, aì
criminal¶51st century,impersonatedChinese god
In20th century, Chinaa key participant¢a World Peace
claimedhave met Mao Tse Tung¯Long March.
Afterwards,Chinese wantedpull out of a similar conference,
¥Sir Reginald Styles convinced themchange«minds.
Li Shou Yuinga young archeologist of Chinese descent
Éalongside AceõMorgaine at Carbury. A member of
staff ofwheel of spacecalled Chang.
/Ministry of Security civil servant¢charge of½
supervision.wantodldo investigate¨Doct`r. When Axos
landedEarth,¹firstäobtainexclusivity of Axonite
England. FoiledAxos,¹¡put¢charge of
îreal nature of Axos's threatbeen exposed.
/Neighbouring village of Moreton Harwood.
/World rich¢vegetable matter¥extremely poor¢
minerals, ruleddespotic Lady Adrasta.Erato
saved Chloris¶totalÏa Neutron Starµ
been divertedTythoniansa form of reprisal.
/The green colouring material of plants. Because
Tythonians needed chlorophyll, they sent¤ambassador, Erato,
/Venerable monk¢charge at K'anpo's Tibetan monastry;¢
reality, a projection of K'anpo.¦K'anpo regenerated,¹assumed
Cho-Je's physical appearance.
/Publicity-hungry TV journalistproved a
hindrance atarmy task forceµÉYeti¢Ù
underground.wrongly suspected of being a traitor,¥
survivedexposereal traitor (Sergeant Arnold),help
/Name given100,000ñchosen
preserved¢Ark¢Space. AmongChosenNoah, Vira,
Libra, Lycett, RoginDune.
/Title borneMalkonSarn.
/NameßAukonÁservants of
ØVampire. Adricmeantbecomefirst of
Chosen Ones.
/Time loop employedMeglostrap
/Crystalline substanceßmake
a substitute sixth peaceKeyTime.
/Meteorologistcrewmember ofSandminer,first
victim ofRobots of Death.
/Nickname givenVickiRills' wobbling
/Scientist¶future, involved¢time-travel
/Planet visitedPsychic Circusæ²went
/TheËrematerialized¢Rossini's International
Circusæpreparingface¨Doctor.Gods of
Ragnaroktaken overPsychic CircusSegonax.
/Great cities of£visitedincluded Rome¢
AD 64,¦©Íinstrumental¢its burning
Nero. Coincidentally,¸responsible
ØFire ofÙ¢1666. Other famous cities visited
included: Amsterdam, Beijing; New York; Paris; Seville,
Tombstone, Arizona;legendary cities of AtlantisTroy.
Futuristic cities includedDalek citySkaro, Morphoton
Marinus; Mechanus;sentient, computer-controlled
perfect City ofExxilons;Megropolises of Pluto;
Argolins' Leisure Hive;underground city of
Tigellans; Kroagnon's Miracle CityParadise Towers;
colony of Terra Alpha.
Logopolisa cityµfunctioneda living computer.
Castrovalvaa Block Transfer ComputationòAdric at
Master's behest.
/Name givenCompanyýworkers (or work-
/Computer-controlled complex builtExxilons
thought itself so perfect²cast out its creators.
Itsupposed of700 wonders ofuniverse. It
abilitydrain power¶passing spaceshipssustain itself,
send tendrils®groundlookmetalreplace its
damaged parts.¨BellalÉthere,
/London locationè©
ɯ«éof£¢AD 2164.
/Old space traveller,a pioneer of argonite space
mining. Nearly ruinedspace pirates,¹°ÉCaven
alongsideªDoctor. Thanks¬Lord's intervention,
Clanceyreunitedpartner. His»
erratic LIZ 79.
/One ofClanton brothers.´¯
gunfight atOK Corral.
/The oldest ofClanton brothers.intent
getting revengeDoc Holidayallegedly killingÜ
Reuben. Thisledconfront Wyatt Earpkill
brother, Warren,µ¢turn ledgunfight atOK Corral,
/Head ofClanton family, a gang of cattle rustlers
¢Arizona.could not stopsons¶taking part¢
gunfight atOK Corral.
/One ofClanton brothers.locked up¢
jailîtryinghang Steven.°´atgunfight at
OK Corral.
/One ofClanton brothers, allegedly
Doc Holiday.
/One ofdeadly pawnsßToymaker (in
tandemJoey)¦¹challenged©Doctor, Steven
/Maintenance employeeSea Fort attacked
Sea Devils.saved¨Doctor.
/The Alliance-classified planets (suchRibos)µ
not yet reached Earth's 20thÄscientific levelClass-3
(or Grade-3)protected them¶Çinterference. Planets
could contacted only¦they reached Class-2 level.
Barhtolomew's Planetary Gazeteer provided a comprehensive listing of
all known world classes.
/Robotic Self-Activating Megapodic Mark 7Z cleanersµ
supposedkeep Paradise Towers clean,¥µsecretly
killingKangsêKroagnon's influence.
/Self-proclaimed 'Mind Reader
Extraordinaire'developed real mind powers.inadvertently
Spiders of Metebelis 3¹focusingü
Blue Crystal.
/Poacher¾Scarman's land.
Sutekh's Mummies.
/Leader ofBritannicus Base team tryingstopice's
progress¢AD 3000.dared not make a decision without
computers,alienatedchief scientist, Penley.¿
ªIce Warriorsreconciled
/One ofcrewConcorde flightµ
hijackedJurassic periodMaster.Û
/Mechanical creatures encountered
ªDoctor, JamieZoe¢Land of Fiction.
/TheÃequivalent of¤alarm system signalling
vastimpending danger.
/Cloning began practisedÌ£¢
year AD 3922. ThanksKilbracken technique of rapid holograph
cloning,himselfLeela cloned
miniturizedNucleus.cloned people,
transferring«mental patternsnewlyò'Duplicates',
destroyingoriginals. Among such duplicatesStien
Colonel Archer.Sontaransa race of clones.borad
ò24 clones of himself. AlsoDUPLICATES.
/Bert's pub¢Devil's End.
/The Celestial ToymakerßClaraJoeyClowns
õStevenDodo. Bellboy designed robotic clowns
Psychic Circus.Chief ClownßtheseholdCircus¢a
grip of fear.
/London school attendedSusan while©
business connectedHand of Omega. There, she
met two teachers, Ian ChestertonBarbara Wright,Í
Imperial Daleks.
/Frontios orderly.desertedÍÔof
Retrogrades. After Brazen's death,¹çoverrole
Chief Orderly ofcolony.
/Varosian animal.
/One ofThals sentSpiridonstopDaleks.
/Planetèclaimedhave first
seen a Sandminer.
/Frenchman pretending workingJames
Stirlingaid prisonersÝguillotine,¥¢Âa spy
Jules Renan.
/French Catholic Nobleman workingAbbot of
/Paleontologistworked atFetch Priory
Dr FendelmanThea Ransome.¿Leela
/Planet rich¢Orlion.
/In appearance, a small, bald man sitting¢a wheeled
chair hooked upCompany's computers. In reality,¹
Usurian¢charge ofCompany's operationsPluto.retained
ýform throughuse of stratified paricle radiation.
exposedòa deadly inflation spiralµ
causedrevertnormal formslink back inside
/Chapters regrouping¬Lords of Gallifrey.most
/Member of Captain Striker's crew.
/Professor Scarman's old manservant,of
Sutekh's mummies.
|One of Lieutenant Scott's men.
/British army privateêGeneral Carrington's command.
taken prisonerUNIT,¥°freed.
/Hard metalߢconstruction ofmethane
/Inearly days of21st century, men
launchedÖprobesseveral interstellar sub-light ships (some
ofµÍlost). Atend of21st century, mankind
discovered faster-than-light propulsionlaunched a second wave of
ships (some ofµalso lost). That periodÍknown
©Break Out. Colonies¶this period include Vulcan,µ
þovertakenDaleks; another colony (unnamed),µ
secretly controlledMacra;Metabelis 3,µ
taken overmutated spiders¶Earth.
During24th century,î©DalekCyber Wars,
mankind pursued its expansion®space. Ruthless interplanetary
corporations suchInterplanetary Mining Corporation,
Magellanic Mining Company, Terminus, etc. thrived. On Exarius, a new
colonyþtorn aparta conflictôcolonists
IMC. As a result, coloniesÍincreasingly independant.
Varosa colony originally inhabitedcriminally
insane.Terra Alpha colonistsforced happyê
threat of death.resurgence ofDalekCyber Wars
resulted¢creation ofAlliance.
Afterdisbanding ofAlliancebirth ofEmpire
¢27th century, a new period of aggressive colonization began.
robotic mechanoidslaunched. Because of man's increasing
apetitenatural resources,ýcoloniesnot always
welcome: because of«rich supply of molybdenum,Sensorites
(rightly so) afraid of being colonizedEarth.
WirrnMogariansruthlessly exploited. On Deva
Loka,evil Maraäengineer a conflictônative
Kinda¤Imperial£Exploration Force. Desperusa
colonyßa prison planet,SarnTrion.
Solos¤inhabitedºwhose atmospherecivilization
þtotally×Earth's colonization process. This,
other factors,ledFall ofEmpire
beginning ofFederation31st century.
AfterDalekëend ofFederation,£
fell preymany civil wars;ºitselfincreasingly
poluted. A second, or Great, Break Out occured (with more lost
ships).Sons of£ï«appearance. These did not want
see other worlds becomepolutedEarth. TheyÉý
colonistsrelocatednatives of Delta Magnaa
moon. Insolar system, manforcedmoveMars,
¡Pluto, a colony secretly runUsurians.
AfterRavalox interlude (blamedsolar flares), circa
AD 15,000,£reclaimedspace colonists¶Galsec Seven,
Considering Earth's track record,²is understandable that,¢
far future,Refusianssomewhat reluctantidea
of sharing«ºMoniodslast humans¶
Ark. Also¢far future,colony of Frontios,
Tractatorsßhumansliving power batteries.£itself
þcolonizedwould-be invaders (See INVASIONS). Also see
/Martian colonyèBret Vyonborn.
/Crewmaster of Nerva Beacon´¶
Neurotrope X.
/InsaneÔof a failed£expeditionSense-
Sphere. With two other survivors,¹äpoisoningSensorites
/By52nd century,£become so polluted
virtually uninhabitable.Company, a frontÇ
Usurians, offeredmove mankindMars,¢exchange«
labour. Several centuries later,Company moved menPluto,
aroundµthey built six small, artificial suns. There, men lived
a heavy taxed life until they rebelledoverthrewCompany,
/Theencountered a number of giant computers
developed artificial intelligencesentience, such as:
WOTON;ËBrainruledLand of Fiction;
BOSS;àcontrolledPerfect City of
Exxilons;schizophrenic Xoanonµhimself
reprogrammeda Sidelian Memory Transfer;Minyan
Oracle. Skagra's»piloted¤artificial intelligence
Other giant computers, suchConscience of Marinus;
Ark¢Space'sàMentalis machine of Zeos,
not sentient.
city of Logopolisa living computer.ß
a young girl hooked upaàa battle computer.
Also see ROBOTS.
/Notorious French prison߯French
Revolution. Lemaitreits prison governor. Ian, BarbaraSusan
stayed there.
/Supersonic airplane. Golf Victor Foxtrot Flight 192
hijackedJurassic eraMaster.¸ßa
second Concorderescuefirst.
/Series of thirty books
purportingtellhistory of Castrovalva,µgave¸
first cluesits real nature.
/Misshapen, dimwitted servant of Dr Solonclaimedhave
dragged¶wreck of a Dravidian spaceship. Solonstolen
armgraft²Morbius Monster. Condo
saved Sarah Jane Smith's life, rebelledõSolon
Morbius Monster.
/Giantàµeliminated evil¶minds of
inhabitants of Marinus. ItêArbitan's keeper-ship,
could controlh dfive microcircuits called 'keys'. Arbitan sent
©Òa missiongatherfour,
missing keys.Conscience°×Voords, whom
Iantricked®using a fake KeyïDarrius.
/Title bornefive rulers ofUnion of Traken. At
·visited Traken, theseTremas, Kassia,
Seron, KaturaLuvic.five consular ringsneeded
perform certain operations, suchresetting ofSource
/Company's financial institutionPluto.
arrested¦¹ärob¤Ajack credit
/Machine inventedzoologist
Tryst¾Steincapturestudy specimens ofÇ
faunaflora. It functioneda primative version ofScope.
It converted samples of planetary ecology®electromagnetic
signals, storedevenet crystals.image projection enabled
operatorstudyspecimens. TrystßCETcapture
transportsavage Mandrels.ß
CETcapture Trystfellow vraxoin smuggler, Dymond.
/Alien¶Light's»evolved®a woman.
¿thwart Josiah Samuel Smith's plans. After
Light's defeat, she left¢»Fenn-CooperNimrod.
/Leader ofMacra-dominated space colony, seen only
a still picturea broadcast system. In reality,¹a frail old
manêMacra's control.exposedªDoctor.
|One ofappointed rulers ofalternate 22ndÄ
camerealise¹been a traitorown race,
/A neutron barrierßprotect
Wheel¢Space. It could not, however, deflect meteors of more than
200 tons.
/Chairman ofGrants Committereale went
Cambridgeinvesundete TOM-TIT.
/Boastfuluntrustworthy space explorer.came
Psychic Circuscompete¢a talent contestprotegee
Mags. In reality,¹tryingmake a dealGods of
Doctor. His bodybriefly reanimatedGods of
Ragnarokprevent AceMags¶helpingDoctor.
/Skonnan space pilot whose»carriedAnethan tribute
Skonnos. His nameSardor.¿repair
Romana.sentSoldeed®Nimon Complexè¹
/D-grade citizen of Plutoþdrivensuicide
because¹could not payCompanyfather's death taxes.
ÛçMandrel's Others.
triumphed overfears,bravely¿
Leela overthrowCompany.
/Wandlike device givenRomanaWhite Guardian
helpidentifysix segments of
Key¬ðthem«true shape.
/Alzarian scientiststudiedevents leading
/One of¾Foster's colleagues.
/Director ofBritish Space Centre,
monitoredMars ProbesRecovery missions.¿
¨½solvepuzzle ofradioactiveÇ
ambassadors,ästop General Carrington's insane
/The©Doctor, BenPollyÉCaptain Pike's
/On Trionñblew through two-corpera coins
/One ofthree symbols of power worn
President ofHigh Council of¬Lords of Gallifrey. (The
other twoSashRod of Rassilon.) Its function
linkPresident's mindMatrix. Itworn
¦¹proclaimed president. Later, Borusaß²
/Second-in command ofWheel¢Space.
losthusband¢a space accidentasteroid belt.saved
ªlifestopping Bennett¶destroying
Silver Carrier Ship. After Bennett's mental breakdown, sheçover
sacrificedlifeprevent ¶
poisoningair¢Wheel's Operation Room.
/Agent of Space Special Security dispatchedKembel
check®a Dalek buildup.Daleks,
¥notæ¹·discoverdetails of«plot
record²a tape,µ°û©Doctor.
/Officer ofAzure CustomsExcise Service.
colleague Fisksent aboardEmpressinvestigate vraxoin
smuggling. They first suspectedDoctor,¥°arrested
real smugglers, TrystDymond.
/British army Majorassisted½¢retaking Stangmoor
PrisondestroyingThunderbolt Missile.
/One ofMarshal's menSolos.Stubbs agreed
help¨defendSolonians. AfterMarshal's
death, CottonÍacting Marshal of Solos.
/London underground station invadedWeb of
/Its creationresult ofuse of
Doomsday Machine.
/Scientistdismissedpossibility of¬
/Victim of¯«AD 2164 Invasion
of Earth.turned®a Roboman.
/British army lieutenantȹfightingõ
Germans¢WorldëI,¢1917, near Ypres. In reality,¹
part ofëGames.returnedproper
|Overprotective nurse¢charge of Dr Judson.
/Younger oftwo
Cranleigh sons. AfterÜGeorge,supposedhave´
¢Amazon,¹ÍMarquess of Cranlieghø
marry Ann Talbot,¦¸discoveredtruthø
/Residence ofCranlieghs.
/Railway station located near Cranliegh Hall.
/Older oftwo Cranliegh sonsCharles's
brother.exploredOrinoco portion ofAmazon
horribly disfiguredButiu Indians because¹stolen a
sacred Black Orchid (alsotitle ofbook).saved
LatonióbackCranliegh Hall,èexistance
known onlymother. Driven madjealousy atnews of
former fiancee Ann Talbot's weddingbrother,¹escaped
two servants, JamesDigby. Exposed¸Doctor,
GeorgeùNyssa (Ann's lookalike)¥felldeath.
/Dowager Marquess of Cranlieghmother of
GeorgeCharles. When George returned disfigured¶Amazon,
she secretly hidat Cranliegh Hall,even covered up
î¹murdered JamesDigby¢a fit of insanity.
/Location ofZarbi headquartersVortis.
/Medical doctor¢charge of manufacturing
antidoteõSilurian virus.
/Earth astronautthoughthave´¦
experimental spaceship, XK5, disappeared near Jupiter. In reality,¹
£sentoff¢a faulty rocketµdestroyed,
Kraals rebuilt(minuseye).¿Stryggron plot
éof Earth. Whenshowed
Kraalslied(his missing eyestill¢its socket),
planningexterminate mankinda virus, Crayford rebelled.
/Member ofcult of Hecate.
/The TARDIS's 'Fast Return' jammedþç
©beyond 'Event One'.Ëengineeredsame
plandestroy¸atbeginning ofregeneration.
¸°ÿMonarch of Urbanka,
exhaustedplanet's resources¢pursuit ofmad dream of going
backbeginning of·meet, orbecome, God.
Raniåblow up¤asteroid of Strange Matter¢order
recreateconditions ofLeptonic Era, a period of·µ
çúa microsecondîBig Bang. This would have produced
Helium 2,Raniåturnartificial Brain
®a planet-sized¬Manipulator.
¸discoveredBig Bangbeen caused
¤explosion ofof Terminus's giant engines,barely averted
a second explosion.evil entity knownFenric probably
originated atbeginning of time.
/Nickname givenñof Chloris
/PlanetèGraff Vynda-K's menÉ¢Alliance
Wars. Afterbattle, Sholakh plantedGraff's flag¢body
ofCrestan general.
/It¯Cretaceous Period - 13665 million
öago -Dinosaurs,SiluriansSea Devils
/UNIT colonelÕBrigadier Lethbridge-
Stewartî¹retired.briefly metªDoctor,
comeshake handsBrigadierday of¤annual½
/Former athlete. As Mark,¹of Sir Charles
Grover's People.firstbelieve Sarah¦she revealed
theynot aboard a spaceship en routea New Earth.
/The act of breakinglaw. Amongpetty crooks
thieves were: poacher Seeley; circus owner Rossini;
crooked financier Lord Palmerdalecon artists Garron,
Unstoffe,Sabalom Glitz. Lytton turnedbank
robbing while stranded¢20thÄEngland. Smugglers
included:Cornish smugglers; gun runners Rohm-Dutt
Stotz; drug smugglers TrystDymond.
Murderers included: Eyesen, Bennett,Doland;
hired killers: Johnny Ringo,BannermenKeillor;
pirates : Pike, CavenCaptain of Zanak;
slave traders Sevcheria, El Akir, GrayRorvik.
Other ruthless murderers-for-profit included: Captain Dent of IMC
medieval Warlords IrongronBloodaxe. Ian
Chestertonaccused of murderMarinus,¥cleared
©Doctor.Sixthçpart¢a murder
investigation»Hyperion III.
Traitors ofýrace included: evil industrialist Forester;
would-be dictator Salamander; General Carrington;
Mavic Chen, Theodore MaxtibleRatcliffe,À
Daleks; Klieg, Kaftan, Tobias VaugnDr Kellman,
¿Cybermen; FewshamEckersley,
assistedIce Warriors; Dr Quinn,cooperated
Silurians; Stevens,ÀBOSS; Lupton,¿
Spiders of Metebelis 3; Harrison Chase,worshipped
Krynoids; Stael,summonedFendahl;Aukon, Zargo
OnÇplanets, crime could defined differently than
Earth. On Interminor, immigration of anyÇlife formseverely
prohibited;Pluto,Usuriansset up a repressive
taxation society;Terra Alpha, unhappya crime
punishabledeath. Varosinhabiteddescendants¶
a colonycriminally insane,thrivedpublic torture
a form of punishment.
Alien justicedifferentÇcrimes,creative forms
of execution (or exile) remained a constant.Megara justice
Eldradsentenceddeadly test ofHorda;Pluto,
criminalssteamed alive;Chloris, theycrushed
êa rock;Traken, criminalsturned®living
statues. On Trion, political prisonersexiledSarn;
Varos, criminalssentPunishment Dome«
sentenced rebels exiled®past throughTimelash;
Proamon, KaneexiledSvartos;Terra Alpha,
criminalsdrowned¢boiling candy;¢UK Habitat,
water thievesstoned.
¬Lords considered interfering¢development of other
planets a crime. They sentencedªexileEarth,
framedmurder ofPresident (inÂcommittedGoth
êinfluence ofMaster)condemneddeath
vapourization.also condemneddeath
a technicalityMegara.¸again
sentenceda similar death¦Omega bondedhim.
/One ofEternals,woreguise ofcaptain of a
Greek galley¢raceEnlightenment. His»×
Captain Wrack,¥¹himself returnedeternity.
/Elder ofHigh Council of Atlantis.¦
queen Galleia over threw King Dalios.
/Guard atLuna Penal Colony.pretendedhelp
¨¾Daleescape,¥¢fact preparing
kill them.
/Detective inspector¢charge of investigating
Gascoigne's disappearance. His identitytaken over
Chameleons' Director,¥¹freedJamie.
/Alien touristcrashlanded¢Wales¢1959.
/Currency unit of Iceworld.
/Scientist workingMentors of Thoros-Beta.
devised a brain transformerµenhanced brainsµ¹
ßLord Kiv. But Kivdying, so Crozier experimenteda
processtransferdying Mentor Lord's mind®another body
(Peri's). At Sil's request,¹ßCell Discriminator
Sixth Doctor, causingappear hostilemore erratic than
usual. Crozier's mind-transfer processdeemed too dangerous
course of natural evolution¬Lords, so they
manipulated eventsarrangeKing Yrcanos of Krontepkill
Crozier, KivSil,rescue Peri.
/Doctor atBi-Al Foundation.Hedgestaken
overLowe's Virus.shotK-9,¥managedinfect
/Military expeditions undertakenWestern European
ChristiansôAD 1095 snf 1270recover Jerusalem¶Saracen
control.©¿King RichardLionheart
towardsend of¨Crusade (circa AD 1191).
/Method of executionblasphemersTigella.
þcrusheddeathîbeing accused of stealing
/Method of preservation of bodies involvinguse of
extremely cold temperatures.Tranquil Repose mortuaryß
Cryogenicspreserve dying millionairespoliticians.
Cryogenicsßkeep Davros prisoner,Cryons'
Alienshaveßcryogenicskeep a supply of captive
soldiers includeDaleks;Ice Warriors;Kane.
/Elfin-like natives of Telos, driven underground
Cybermen.SixthLytton¿them reclaim«
/Life began£¯Cryptozoic Period,
around 3.5 billionöago,¦Scaroth's spaceship exploded while
taking off. Thisincorrectly reported
having happened 400 millionöago. AlsoANTHROPOLOGY.
/Crystalline life forms includedKrotons,
KastriansKrargs. Many crystals encountered
stones of great power:Key¬a perfect,
crystalline cube. Later, Enlightenmentoffered
White Guardian¢form of a crystal.
priests of AtlantisÞte essence ofpowerful
kronavore Kronosimprisoned²¢Kronos Crystal.
Kontron crystalsû¢certain areas ofspace-time vortex
contained energies capable of harnessing spacetime.
Boradßthempower a·tunnel called 'Timelash'.
Kronos Crystal might have been a Kontron Crystal. Kontron crystals
may ïof taranium.
Zolfa-Thuran Dodecahedron poweredunderground Tigellan
evil withinManussans' minds.crystals of Metebelis
3powerclear mindsamplify power. They
responsiblemutation ofSpidersalso,a
degree, radioactive.
Radioactive hyetusite existed¢natural, crystalline form. It
paida tributeAnethSkonnos; Jasonite¤electro-
magnetic boosting crystalûonlyCrinoth.secret of
Dragonfirea powerful energy crystal (which may have been
hynetusite).¨¿Solonian Ky achieve
final mutation®a super-beinga radioactive crystal.
VooliumMadronite 1-5crystalsûCalufraxµ
could ßpower a Psychic Interference Transmitter.
Tryst's Continuous Event Transmitter recordingscrystals.
TerileptilsßVintaric crystalsprovide lighting.
Quarb Crystalsߢhyperspatial engines.
/Former politician, real name Lady Cullingford,
active¢ecological circles.of Sir Charles Grover's
'People'.refusedbelieve SarahMark¦they told
theynota spaceship en routea New Earth. Adam
ãconvincedat least listenSarah. Whentruth
exposed, she confronted Grover.
/Selection processµDrathroßkeep
population ofUK Habitat constant. Merdeen¿some intended
victimsÝCullingsletting them outsurface
/The last battle of'Forty-five Rebellion', held
6th April 1746¦JacobitesêCharles Edward,Young
Pretender (Bonnie Prince Charlie),ÿEnglish army,
ledDuke of Cumberland.ªmet Jamie soon
/Son of DulcianÔSenex. Unlike other Dulcians, Cully
sought excitementran¤illegal tour business.discovered
Dominators¦¹ça party of clientsIsland of
Death. Afterwards,¹äconvinceDulcian council of
threat posedaliens,¥failed.¿
ªDoctor, JamieZoe saveplanet.
/One ofcrewConcorde flightµ
hijackedJurassic PeriodMaster.Ûthanks
/Police constablewantedarrest¸
Digby's murder at Cranliegh Hall.
/Hovercraft pilotmistookª
/Professor Foster's assistant.
/Official involvedThunderbolt Missile.
/Trion's political police.
/American General¢charge ofSnowcap Space Tracking
Station at·ofMondasian Cybermen's invasion.refused
listen©advice. Desperatesaveson's
life, CutlerÍmentally unbalancedÆuse
Z-BombõMondas, unablerealize²would also
endanger Earth.Cyberleader Krang.
/Lieutenantson of General Cutler.piloted
Zeus V space capsuleÆCybermen.
/Powerful explosive devices ä
useblow upfragment of Voga. Theybeen banned¤
Armageddon Convention.¸disarmed a Cyberbomb
hidden¢¤underground network of caves¢26th century.
/Communications deviceßTobias Vaughn
distinguishableenlarged cranium.Cybercontroller first
appeared¢Tombs of Telos,è¹
seemedhave been×¢aÊToberman. However,
a Cybercontroller (claiming same entity)°masterminded
ðof Telos«planchange history.
/The Cyberleader's deputy.
/Rodent-sized, quasirobotic creatures, capable of
detecting humans«brainwaves,programmedleap upon
sting«preys. Theyß attack
ªÒTelos. Theyalsoß
Wheel¢Spacedestroybernalium supply.ª
×thembroadcasting high current phase constrasts.
They°ßDr Kellmaninfect space beacon Nerva
Cybermen's Neurotrope X virus.
/The originally evolved¶inhabitants of
Mondas, Earth's twin planet.Mondasian civilization developed
more quickly than Earth'sMondasians may have visited outº
¢prehistoric times. Atpoint¢ancient history,reasons
yet unknown, Mondas leftSolar System. It¯period
of wanderingMondasians evolved®creatures of ruthless
logic;«organsreplacedcybernetic parts until they
ÍCybermen. are virtually immortal,«only
recorded weaknesses being gold (which crippled«breathing
mechanisms)high susceptibilitygravitationcertain forms
of radiation. have evolved®numerous forms,
includingof Cybercontrollers.
It has been surmised that, at a certain point¯«space
journey, some left Mondasform a planetary empire,
enslaving other civilisationsturning them®Cybermen. This
empire included planets suchPlanet 14. Eventually, these
'galactic' beganfeelÆEarth's technological
advanceforeys®space. They launched¤éof£¢
1970,help of Tobias Vaughn, head of International
Electromatics. They recognizedªa hostileÇ
¶a so-far unrecorded encounterPlanet 14.a
newly formed½í«plans,most of«space fleet
destroyed. In 1988,same launched yet another
attackõEarth,¥this time, theyÿ
Doctor;remains of«fleet×
Silver Nemesis.
Meanwhile, twoöearlier,¢1986, Mondasreturned
Solar System. Its åsteal Earth's energyreplace
«own depleted resources.Mondasian launched¤
attackplanet, planningdrain²of its energyrepower
Mondas. TheyíatSouth Pole©Doctor.
Mondas absorbed too much energydestroyed. ¶
future, using a hijacked·vessel, secretly travelled back¢
·1985äcrash Halley's Comet®£save
Mondas. TheyÿSixthLytton.
In AD 2030,galactic launched another attackõ
Earth, this·planninguseWheel¢Space.
In 2070, they invadedmoonbase. In both cases, they
Finally, Earth's expansion®spaceómankind¢direct
conflictCybermen. Humanityûitself ofside of
thoseÇspeciesbeen fightingCybermen,formed
Alliance. Duringfirst Cyber Wars,Alliance discovered
enemies,began using glitterguns. Driven¶«worlds,
no choice¥flee. Before they did, theyï¤
attemptdestroy Voga,¥only partially successful. A
fragment survivedbegandrift towardsSolar System.
Soon afterwards, conqueredºTelosdrove
its native Cryons underground. They turnedCryons' cities®
Towardsend of25th century,Doctor, Sarah Jane
SmithHarry Sullivaníefforts of a small band of
isolated tryingdestroyremains of Voga,
µdrifted near Space Beacon Nerva¢Earth's Solar System.
Atbeginning of26th century,insane Logician Klieg
attemptedresurrectCybermen, whose Tombsbeen located
Telos. His plansfoiledªDoctor, JamieVictoria
Waterfield. OnceTombsbeen opened, either
continued reactivated, or other Cyber Forces drifting¢space
summonedcompletejob Kliegbegun. In any event,
·regroup,reemergea serious galactic
In AD 2526,ïaware of this new Cyber menace,Alliance
agreedmeet£¢a Galactic Congressdecide what steps
take. ¡attemptedcrashplanet,¥
resulting¢death of Adric.
A second series of Cyber Wars ensued. HavingûVoga,
Allianceagain¢possession of a vast supply of gold.result
yet anotherCybermen. JustæAlliance's
forcesïa final attackTelos,Cybermen's stronghold,
ßa hijacked·vessellaunch a final, desperate
attack. Theyänot only save themselves,¥altercourse
of history (see above).·vessel may have been of Morok
origins,theyoffew specieslimited·travel
capabilities attime. However, ÿ
Sixthcourageous Cryons.
Atpoint¢time, a crew of galactic ß
Borusapawns¢Game of Rassilon.
/Dumb servant of Odysseus¯Trojan War.
/Small galactic empireµplanets such
Ribos, Levithia, SkythrosCyrennis Minima belonged. Itallied
/Planet ofCyrennic Empire. GarronUnstoffe
stopped thereætravellingRibos.
/Perhapsdeadliest of allpawnsß
Toymakerchallenge©Doctor, StevenDodo.
/Sutekh poweredMummiesa cytronic particle
/Skaro's identification¢Movellan star
/Robotmasqueradeda Dum,¥actually a
semi-sentient Super-Voc sent aboardSandminerPoullook
Taren Capel.¿expose Dask
/(1452-1519) Italian painter, sculptor,
architect, engineer whose genius epitomizedRenaissance. About AD
1503,Sarah Jane SmithÿMandragora
Helix¢Dukedom of San Martino, Italy,¿save Leonardo
da Vinci's lifeRenaissance. A fewölater,same
metof Scaroth's twelve splinters, Captain Tancredi,¢
Leonardo da vinci's house.Jagarothcommissionedpainter
òseveral Mona Lisas¢orderenableÁself
financetime-travel experiments.Meddling Monk claimed
have met Leonardodiscussedpossibilities of powered
/Human avatar ofthree Gods of Ragnarok atPsychic
/Immensely powerful aliens¶Demos,looked like
giant, goatlike, horned humanoids,masters of psionic
science. They arrived£circa 100,000 BC,started mankind
roadcivilization. It is likelyDaemons
partly responsiblemysterious extinction of
Neanderthals«replacementearly modern humans.
Daemonsïa deepeverlasting impressionnative cavemen,
contributedshaping«mythology.Daemons revisited
£at irregular intervalscheckresults of«
evolutionary experiments. When theyãdeparted,Daemons
leftof«own, Azal, behind¢a miniturized, suspended-
animation state;¹intendedjudge mankind
passpower. Azalsummoned backlifeMaster,¥
ÿJo Grant's willingnesssacrifice
own lifesaveof¨Doctor. They may have given
Kronos crystalancient Atlanteans.
/A merchant of Jaffa.
¨non-human origins¯stay at Ashbridge Cottage
/One ofXeron rebelsÉMoroks alongside
©¢Space Museum.
/Notorious member of£Peace Party,
opposedìDraconianskept prisonerLuna
Penal Colony.¨þCross
/Very dense, synthetic substance
ÅòDavrosߢmaking ofDaleks'
mobile casing. Under certain conditions,²also a powerful
/CreatedDavros,mutated descendants
ofKaleds (aka Dals),oftwo races livingº
Skaro.lived inside a mobile casingµequipped
sensor discs, a unique irislens, a sucker-stick arma
special extermination weapon. Their natural form appeared
small, green, bloblike, octopodsclaws. Theypurpose:
exterminate all other life formsbecomedominant species¢
universe.Emperor Daleksupreme Dalek leader. Mention
ïof a Dalek Council,ÅreportingEmperor.
Beneath²warlords suchBlack or Gold Daleks.
Daleks' history is subjectdifferent interpretations. It is
saidbegana humanoid race first knownDals,
¡°Kaleds,ºSkaro. Their enemiesThals,
whom they engaged¢fierce warfare, lasting a thousand years,
culminatingneutronic warsµ×most of Skaro
ï²radioactive.Kaled scientist Davros studiedfurther
developed some ofmutations resulting¶wars,¡ò
a mobile casingthemchristenednew creatures Daleks.
Daleks' mobile casingbasedDavros's own life-support chair.
Earlier versionspoweredstatic electricity. Later versions
ßvarious forms of energy, including solar power.
¬Lords sentSkarostop
development ofDaleks,¥¹failed, succeeding only¢
entombing them¢Kaled bunker,îtheyturnedõ
Later, some crippled Kaled survivors discoveredremnants of
Davros's earlyÎmutated themselves®new Daleks.
©metnew¢Dalek Cityfoiled
«attemptdestroysurviving Thalsincreasing Skaro's
radiation levels. Those newÅЦThals
׫power controls.
originalultimately resurfacedçover Skaro,
drivingThals®exile. Their ruthlessness enabled them
conquer«space sector. Mankind's slow¥steady space expansion
attractedattention. By AD 2160,launched a
secret planinvade Earth. First, they spread virulent plagues
through a swarm of meteorites. As a result,solar system
AD 2164, invading¤þdepopulated Earth. Any attempt at space
Úfirmly deltDaleks' space fleet. This
Íknown©Dalek War.åextract
Earth's molten coreturnº®a giant spaceship. But,
¢AD 2167,©Doctor, Susan, Ian ChestertonBarbara
Wright¿freedom fighters Dortman, TylerDavid Campbell
invaders. (The sameéÕa parallel
of a 20thÄdiplomat Sir Reginald Styles.)
Somesurvived this©Dalekëcrashed
Vulcan°ätake overýcolony there,¥
ÿªDoctor, Ben JacksonPolly.
galaxycontrollingonly supply of parrinium (a mineralû
onlyExxilon),curea space plague,µ
probably started. Theyí¨Doctor, Sarah Jane
SmithEarth's Marine Space Corps. OnceDaleks' role¢
space plagueÍknown, several galactic races (including
Draconians), probably stirred upexiled Thals, united
attackpunishDaleks. ThusbornAlliance.ë
ensuedknownªDalek War.¡
forcedrelocateanother world which, out of pride, they
christened Skaro (herein dubbed 'Skaro II').
Circa AD 2540,decided«best tactic would
create a splitôAlliance's two most powerful members:
£Draconia. They engagedservices ofË
foment aìôhumansDraconians, even offering
use of«Ogron slaves. ButMaster's scheme
exposedÿefforts of¨Jo Grant.
¡plottedattackAlliancesecret of
invisibilitya 10,000-strong Dalek army, kept frozenSpiridon.
¨Jo,help of a Thal commando unit
been monitoringDaleks' moves¶Skaro,íthem again.
Thals notifiedAlliance ofDaleks' activities,
Alliance struck back, leading¨Dalek War. At
point¯war, a Dalek casingputexhibit¢
Moroks' Space Museum,provided a hidingú©
Doctor. Also, a DalekßBorusaa pawn¢Game of
çadvantage ofAlliance's slow
TheyÕ¢exterminating most ofThals,¥º
itselfturned®a bombed-out ruin of no further usethem -
or so they thought. Towardsend of26th century,
encounteredequally aggressive robotic Movellans,µthey
could not crush. Caughtôstill powerful Alliance
undefeated Movellans,felt trapped. So,27th
Äbegan, they returnedSkarorecover«long buried
creator, Davros. But«effortsí
Romana. Davrostaken£è¹sentencedlife
¢suspended animation.
Deprived of Davros's help,lost«ìõ
Movellans,ßa special virusdecimate them. While striving
Movellans,become aware of¬
Lords' existencediscoveredrudiments of·travel
technology, involvinguse of·corridors. Ninetyöî
Davros's trial,hired Lyttonfree Davros¶space
penitentiaryè¹kept. They alsoÞ¸
ästopDaleks' discovery of·travel.
ÿ¥Davros escaped, now intentcreating new
Daleks, subservient onlyhim.
Davros secretly locatedNekros where, posingØ
Healer,¹ßbodies stored¢mortuary knownTranquil
Reposecreateown White (or Imperial) Daleks. But¹
exposeddepaatedSixth Doctor. Davrepttaken back
Skaro IIDaleks.
Davros apparently escaped, since¹Éagain¢
orøAD 2963.two campsß«·corridor technology
travel back¢·1963ÙcaptureHand of Omega.
As a result ofintervention, both Dalek races
utterly devastated, Either Skaro's, or Skaro II's, sun
destroyed. However, Davros,already takencalling himself
Emperor Dalek, escaped.
A long period of inactivity ensued. Sometimeô32nd
38th centuries,restored Skaro (or Skaro II?)its
former glory. They also refined«·travel technology. Using
taranium, theynow ablebuild crude·travel machines.
of«first enterprisessend¤exterminating team
chase©Doctor, Vicki, IanBarbara through·
space.Dalek squad×
Circa AD 4000,againätake overSolar
Systemµthey percieved (possibly blinded«centuries-old
feudmankind)Federation's lynchpin. This time, they
allied themselvesother space races (including Galaxy 5). This
ÍknownDalek War.
Daleképlansfirst discoveredºKembel
Space Security Agent Marc Cory,murderedDaleks.
Soon afterwards,©Doctor, Steven TaylorKatarina
arrivedKembel,discovered a tape leftCory. Withhelp
of another Space Security Agent, Bret Vyon, they decidedwarn
£ofimpending Dalek attack,oftreachery of Mavic
Chen,Guardian ofSolar System. Chengiven
replacement taranium they neededactivate«supreme weapon:
·travellersáDaleks' taranium core,fled
Kembel. Incoarse of«escape, Katarina sacrificed herself
savecompanions. Bret Vyonsister, Sara
Kingdom,°ûouttruth¿Doctor. When
put a stopDalek invasion. Unfortunately, its deadly effects
alsoSara Kingdom.
again driven backSkaro,«powerinfluence severely
AÄor so later, however,managedobtain some
more taranium,decided againuse«·travel
capabilitiesattack Earth. By then, theyruled¤Emperor
Dalek,could very well have been Davros,îpossibly
subjecting himselffurther mutations.
Resorting again«favorite weapon,biological one,
åinfect humanityDalek factor. Having
detected¾Waterfield's early·travel experiments,
travelledAD 1866 Earth.Emperor's efforts
íªDoctor, JamieVictoria Waterfield. Instead
of infecting mankind,themselvesÍcontaminated
ýfactor. A civil좵Dalek raceÐ
However, some humanizedmay have survived, thereby making
prophecya greater good would
come ofcreation come true.fact
Íextinct, thanks mostlyÚof
(often manipulatedCelestial Intervention Agency),
may evidence of¬Lord intervention.
/King of Atlantislived537 years.realized
short-term benifitsóAtlantisuse of
Kronos Crystal would spell long-term doom,forbade its use. His
Queen, Galleia, betrayedMaster,overthrew
beaten.´¢thirdarms, having forseen
kingdom's doom.
/Retired British majorpassenger ofSS Bernice.
¤unwitting prisoner of Vorg's Scope,¥restore
/Major Daly's daughter, a passenger ofSS Bernice
¤unwitting prisoner of Vorg's Scope,¥
/Galifreyan technicianreportedtransmission of
/British astronautboardMars Probe 6»
actuallya radioactive alien.
¦¹stumbled onto©companions.
/Professor Hayter worked there.
/Planet incorporated®Tryst's CET.
/Old scientistguardingofmissing Keys¢
jungles of Marinus,accelerated its flora's
evolutionDE 302.ïa fake key,µIan°gave
/Notorious French swordsmanmusketeer. His fictional
counterpartencounteredªDoctor, Jamie,Zoe¢
Land of Fiction.
/Ace's friend. AccordingAuge,¹married Flo.
/(1809-82) English naturalistfirst formulated
theory of evolution,ofeleven geniusesù
Ranimake upgiant Brain. Followingpublication
ofseminal book, OnOrigin Of Species, Josiah Samuel Smith
wrote several articles endorsingviews.
/Chief Fixer ofSandminer crew. In reality,¹Taren
Capel, a scientistbeen raisedrobotsthought of them
brothers.wanted Robotstake control of mankind,
ßa Laserson ProbereprogrammeRobots aboardSandminer
released helium¢atmosphere, changingvoicetherefore
making²impossibleRobotrecognize him.
/Subject Guardian enslavedArk's Monoids. After
Monoids' defeat,¹Venussa ledhumans®making¤
honourable peaceMonoidsliving¢harmonyRefusis.
/Scientisthead of projectsSpace
Station J7.technologically augmented Chessene¿
secret of Rassilon Imprimature,give Chesseneability
travel through time. When¹realized shestill a bloodthirsty
androgum,¹rebelledrefusedkillDoctor. Chessene shot
/One ofEternalsworeguise ofcaptain of a
19thÄclipperengage¢planet-spanning space race,
enlightenment. His»×Captain Wrack,¥¹
himself returnedeternity.
/See BILL.
/One ofChameleons' tour operators.
/Arden's assistant.¢¤ice avalanche.
|Wenley Moor technician´of fright while spelunking¢
Silurian caves.
|Police constableinvestigated Aunt Vanessa's murder.
/One ofLlanfairfach miners.
/Great¥twistedcrippled Kaled scientist. Davros
permanently attacheda mobile life-support chair. His vision,
probablyother senseswell,replacedmechanical aids.
þlostuse ofleft arm. DavrosChief
Scientist ofKaledsperson responsiblecreation
ofDaleks, whose mobile casingbasedDavros's own life-
support chair.
DavrosÉõDoctor,been sent
¬LordsSkarostopcreation ofDaleks,Davros
even plottedÏofownñfurther
creations. DavrosblastedDaleks,turned
õhim,leftdead¢Kaled bunker.
óDavros backlife¢27th century,¦
they neededhelpõMovellans. But, thanks
intervention, DavrosÞsentencedlife¢
suspended animation¢a space station. Ninetyöî
trial, Davrosfreedgalactic mercenary Lytton,been
hiredDaleks,again needed«creator's helpõ
Movellan-designed virus. Davros¡decidedòa new
race of Daleks, subservient onlyhim. Butplans
í¸Doctor. AfflictedMovellan virus,
However, Davrossurvived. Underidentity ofØ
Healer,¹çoverTranquil Repose mortuaryNekros,è¹
ßýbodies¢suspended animationãcreateown
army of White (Or Imperial) Daleks. ButSixthÿhim.
Betrayed¤employee of Tranquil Repose, DavrosÞ
taken backSkaro (or Skaro II).
Davros resurfaced againøAD 2963. LeadingWhite Daleks,
usingidentity ofEmperor Dalek, DavrosßDaleks'
time-corridor technologytravel back¢·1963Ù
captureHand of Omega. There,¹Éregular Daleks, led
a Black Dalek. Both Dalek racesutterly devastated. Either
Skaro's, or Skaro II's, sundestroyed,¥Davros escaped
It is possibleDavrosãachieveddream of
reclaiming control overcreations.Emperor Dalek of°
ömay very well have been¤evolved version of Davros.
/(1778-1829) Famous English chemist, inviteda
meetingGeorge Stephenson.Ëwantedkidnap
harnessgenius,¥íSixth Doctor.
/Theodore Maxtible's maid.
/Dr Lawrence'sâat Wenley Moore.
fond of Dr Quinn,confided¢her,secret relationship
Silurians. After Quinn's death, she told¨
all she knewøSilurians.
/Earthmanowned¤experimental plantèBret Vyon
choselandSpar 7-40¦¹©trying
stopDaleks' Masterplan. Vyon thought Daxterfriend,
¥Daxter betrayedKarlton,Vyonhim.
/Day¦Gundans slewTharils.
/ChemicalòDarriusaccelerateevolution of
Marinus's plants.
/(1619-55) French swordsman, poetwriter.
His fictional counterpartencounteredªDoctor,
JamieZoe¢Land of Fiction.
/(1519-72) Admiral of FranceÔofHuguenots.
Wary ofgrowing influenceKing,¹been targeted
deathCatherine de Medici. A first assassination attemptï
õ22nd August 1572,¥failed thanksStevenAnne
Chaplette's intervention. De Colignytwo days°¯
St Bartholomew's Day Massacre.
/Leader of a gang of Nazi refugees¢South America.
managedobtainSilver Nemesis's bow. Afterstatue
landed back at Windsor,¹ÉDoctor, Lady Peinforte
gain control of it.
/Officer aboardMorestran spaceship sentZeta Minor.
a member of Vishinsky's landing party,µû
Doctor.°Sorenson¦scientist turned
®a neanderthal-like monster.
/Ranulf Fitzwilliam's cousin.
ÞËî¹ónewsreal King John
/French Huguenot workingAdmiral de Coligny.
refusedbelieve StevenAnne Chaplette¦they toldof
plotõmaster's life.
/One of King Richard I's knights.
¯El Akir's ambush.
/(1519-89) Queen Mother of France¯
Charles IX's reign. Worriedøgrowing influence of Huguenot
ÔAdmiral de ColignyKing, she plottedassassination
later,St Bartholomew's Day Massacre.
/One of King Richard I's knights.wounded
¯El Akir's ambush,¥Û©
/Leader ofBritish InstituteDruidic Studies.
É¢service ofÇCessair of
/Device assembleddestroy
robots of Death. ItßD84savelife, at
cost ofown.
Zone,ècreatures scooped¶various places¢·space
forcedʫamusement. Eventually, Rassilon closed
Death Zonebanned¬Scoop.Tomb of Rassilon
°erected atcentre ofDeath Zone.
/French cityChannel coast. Colonel Skinsale lost a
large sum of moneyLord Palmerdale¢its casinoæbecoming
shipwreckedFang Rock.
/Ruling council of three Alzarian citizens, comprised of
Draith, Nefred,Garif. After Draith's death,more decisive
Loginappointed Decider.©Decider (Draith,¡Nefred)
onlyknewtruthøAlzarians.also knew
Starlinerfully repaired,readyleave at any
time. AftersavedAlzarians, Garif asked
become a Decider,¥refused.
/One ofinner group of Tigellan savants.Caris
reclaim Tigella's surface.
/Scale usemeasure stormsDelta Magna.
/Force fieldßSutekhsealOld
/Alzarian scientiststudiedevents leading
/Tryst'sâVolante zoological expedition.
¢lovefellow expedition member, Stott.aboard
Empress¦²crashed®Hecate. After sheû
TrystDymondsmuggling vraxoin, sheshotDymond,¥
/Greek slave whom Ian meta Roman galley.ÉIan
a gladiator. Later,¹Sevcheria,¡escaped¯
/According¨Doctor, aºwhose nativesß
/Young queen ofChimeron. Afterñ
exterminatedGavrok's Bannermen, she managedÝ1959
Welsh holiday camp of Shrangri-La,egg of a young Chimeron
Princess. There,BannermeníDoctor,
BillyRay, Goronwytwo US secret agents, HawkWeismuller.
Theyãÿyoung Chimeron Princess's
ultrasonic powers, broadcast over Shrangri-La's public address
system. Billy returnedChimeriahelprepopulate
/Planet whose third moonbecome a resevationits
green-skinned natives known'Swampies',worshippedgod
Kroll.third moon also housed a methane refinery whose
controller, Thawn,äexterminateSwampies.
/One ofultimate weaponsòRassilon
protect Gallifrey. Ita powerful disintegrator powered
energy ofEye of HarmonyactivatedØKey.
Rassilonforbidden its use,¥recreated²
destroySontaransinvaded Gallifrey. After²been
used,Demat Gun vanishedits knowledgeerased¶
/Mutant seeds developedLasky. BruchnerDoland.
They could growdesert sandsyielded large food returns.
/Roman deity worshippedBrothers of Demnos.
/Home world ofDaemons, supposedly locatedøsixty
thousand lightöaway¶Earth,other side ofMilky
Way galaxy.
/Controller of Central European ZoneGiles
Kent's last ally¢ÊõSalamander. Salamander
imprisoned.shot while tryingescape.
/Captain¢charge ofInterplanetary Mining Corporation
expeditionExarius. Becauseºrich¢Duralinium,¹
determinedwrest²¶Ashe's colonists.first
officer, Morgan,ßall kinds of tricksõcolonists,
including using a miningÖequippedsimulate lizard attacks,
taking hostages,forcingcolonists, at gunpoint,take off
¢a»likelyexplode. But theyfoiled¨
Doctor, AsheWinton. Dentmensent back
/Tigellansworshippedgod TiDodecahedron.
TheyledLexavehemently opposedany study of
Dodecahedron, or any plansreclaimTigellan surface.
/Right-hand man ofChief Caretaker of
Paradise Towers. When¹realizedKroagnontaken over
Chief,¹joined forcesDoctor,Kangs
/Location ofBritish atomic research station of
Wenley Moor,ofSilurian's shelters.
/One of Ace's friends¶Perivale.ù
Cheetah People,taken back£Ace.
/One ofTrion agentsa tax inspectorDerveg.
/Space pirateCaven's lieutenant.once worked
Earth,¥caught stealing.ɪ
Ðboss¦«Beta Dart»blown up
International Space Corps.
/One of King Richard I's knights. To save
King,¹impersonated¯El Akir's ambush.Barbara
ÞtakenSaladin,saw through
/An£prison worldèincorrigible criminals
dumpedfendthemselves or die.©crashed
thereSpar 7-40 while tryingstopDaleks'
/Also known'Lord of Darkness' or'Eater
of Worlds'.a mysterious other-dimensional entity of great
magical power.bound¢chains of silverMorgaine,
shot (andÅkilled)Brigadier,ßsilver
/Tibetan monasteryµfirst visited¯
17thÄ¢¤unrecorded adventure.ª
returned there¢mid-1930'sÊits High Lama,
Padmasambhava, whose mindbeen taken overØ
/Beautifulºinhabitedpeaceful, telepathic
Kindaknown¢£termsS14. Itreclassified
/British village copiedKraalsservea testing
ground«androidéof Earth. Itnear a Space
Research Station,°invadedKraals' androids.
/VillageèDevil's Humplocated.
/Barrow moundèAzalburied.
/Alzarian chief scientist.strangled
/Galactic swindleraccompanied Sabalom GlitzRavalox.
Their goalstealsecrets previously stolen¶¬
Lords' MatrixAndromedan Sleepers.×Drathro's
Maglem converter,¼triggered¤explosionwould
have endangeredentire universe, ifSixthnot
stopped it. After Drathro's destruction,¹suggested¹Glitz
could make money¶sellingconverter's siligtone.
/One ofLlanfairfach miners.
/Roman slave-traderSevcheria's partner.
/Mountainousºµsparsely inhabiteda few,
peaceful humanoids,some Sand Beasts. Itthere©
Doctor, IanBarbaraÛVicki¶murderous Bennett.
/(aka DIDOI) A gentle, peaceful race of humanoids,
once been visited©Doctor. Later, most ofDidonians
murderedBennett¢mad schemesave himself¶a
murder charge. Two Didonians°reappearedcaused Bennett
/Servant hiredLady Cranleighcareson,
George. George¯a fit of insanity.
/American touristmet©top of
Empire State Building,¦¬LordÒ
being pursued through·spaceDaleks.
real Lavinia Smith¢America.
Siluriansprotect«shelters. They°É
dinosaurs scooped up¾Witaker's·device,help Sir
Charles Grover's Operation Golden Age.¨
encountered a plesiosaurus¢Vorg's Scope.Sixth
sentËRani spinning®outer fringes of
universe atmercy of a growing Tyrannosaurus Rex embryo.
Atend ofMesozoic (65 millionöago),dinosaurs
Íextinct due¤yet unknown cosmic event. Members of
Silurian species encountered¨blamed²a
sudden change¢Van Allen radiation belt. Some theories
include other cosmic phenomenon suchmovements ofMoon, or of
Earth's twin planet, Mondas. Lastly,extinction of
Dinosaurs may have been causedcrash of a space liner¶
future. Also see ANTHROPOLOGY.
/Fallen Greek warrior impersonatedSteven¯
Trojan War.
/Planet visitedCaptain Cook.
/The¨¿rescuepeaceful radioactive
aliens known'Ambassadors of Death'¶General Carrington.
also¿save a Chinese delegate¶ËatWorld
Peace Conference,Sir Reginald Styles¶twin menace
impersonated¤£Federation deledgatePeladon. During
£- Draconian conflict,Ëimpersonated a
commissioner¶Sirius Four;Draconian Ambassador£
son ofDraconian Emperor. Eratosent
ambassador¶TythonusChlorisexchange metals
chlorophyll,¥kept¢a PitLady Adrasta.¨
Sixth Doctors mediatedconflictsôKarfel
delegatePeladon, Amazonia.
/G-typeº¢Tau Ceti star system. It
homeworld of Cessair,stolen itsØSeal.
/Alien touristcrashlanded¢Wales¢1959
/Leader ofChameleons' expeditionEarth.ç
over Crossland's identity,¥refusedbargainhumans.
disintergrated¦Jamie removedreal Crossland's white
/Three insane Earthmenusing nightshadepoison
Sensorites,blameddeathsa plague.insecticide
DN6 wouldhaveoffýrace because of its
stable molecules. ßa neurotropic virusattack
MoonbaseSpace Beacon Nerva. A space plague
Silurians,Kraals, Monarch of Urbanka
Terileptils allåexterminated mankindviruses (in
case ofTerileptils,Black Plague).Movellans
designed a viruswould kill Daleks.¸ß
hexachromitekillSiluriansattacked Sea Base Four.
pollutants generatedGlobal ChemicalsòGreen Death,
µcould have×Earth.
Radiation sicknessÆÒ
Skaro, untilThals gave them¤antidote. Jo Grant
similarlyÛ¶deadly sporesSpiridon. Dodo's simple
cold virus upsetentire civilisation ofArk, enabling
Monoidsgain power. Terminusa space stationßa
final homevictims ofincurable lazar disease.
¸Peripoisonedraw spectrox
(spectrox toxaemia), a substance so deadlyonly androids could
harvest it.
Rania master of genetic engineeringcould create
monstrous diseases.ߤantimetal virus
destroy¾Kettlewell's Giant Robot.
virus ofPurposeNimonlife forms
behaved like cosmic diseases. Also see DRUGS.
/Experimental gun stolen¶½ß
¾Kettlewell's Giant Robot.
/Famous amusement park located¢Anaheim California.
A company operating a hyperspatial tollport offered a trip
1959 Disneylanda prizeselected customers. Chimeron Queen
Delta joinedtrip, tryingÝGavrok's Bannermen.
/Time of deathKeeper of Traken. It occurred
øevery thousand years.
/Disc Jockey employed atTranquil Repose mortuaryplay
musickeepñfrozen¢suspended animation informed.
/Powerful insecticide discoveredSmithers, a scientist
financially backedForester. Because its molecules
permanently stable,¢time,²would have×whole of
/One of Lord Ravensworth's guards.
/Computer scientist¿Liz Shaw crackcoded
messages ofradioactive aliens.secretly working
General Carrington.
/Powerful, five-sided energy crystal originally
òZolfa-Thura. Meglos wanteduse²warlike purposes,
¥²takenZolfa-Thuran peace partyÔç²
Tigella. Eventually,²ûTigellan Deonsworshipped
²a gift ofgod Ti.Tigellansß²power«
civilisation. Ten thousandölater, Meglosßshape of
designedmake himself master ofgalaxy. But¹betrayed
Dodecahedron×itself, alongZolfa-Thura.
/A mineral minedZanak.
/Last ofManussan Snakedancers.taught¸
/One of¾Lasky's assistants, partly responsible
creation ofVervoids. Once aboardHyperion III space
liner,¹murdered Edwardes, Hallet,°two Morgarians
could makesellingVervoidsslave labour.exposed
Sixth Doctor,Vervoids.
/Deadly pawnsßToymaker.
/Name givenstructure erected£Expedition
ForceDeva Loka.
/Ruthless spacefaring race of warriors, so-called master
of ten galaxies. They sent Rago, Toba«deadly robotic
wastepower«fleet. Theyíª
/Extremely powerful device builta race of
super-beingsonce livedºExarius. Itbeen
responsibleformation ofCrab Nebula. Its radiation
causeddeath of its creators,kept Exarius barren.
information concerningDoomsday Machine's existance
stolen¶MatrixMaster. But¨convinced
GuardianMachine should not fall®evilhands,
/HeTollundLady Adrasta's scientistsChloris.
thrown®Pit because¹faileddetect any sign
of life¢remains of Erato's ship.
/Argolin guide.
/See ACE.
/Crippled geniusledresistanceõ
¯«AD 2164 Invasion of Earth.¿©
/Draconian home worldseat of a powerful space
/Advanced reptilian aliensruled a vast space empire.
Men came®contactDraconians¢24th or 25th
century. TheyÉbeside them¢Alliance¯ª
DalekCyber Wars of25th26th century. However, conflicts
ô£Draconiansø«respective areas of
colonization beganeruptEarth's influence grew.such
conflictstartedGeneral Williams. Twentyölater,
engagedservices ofËOgronstry
foment aìô£Draconians, even offering
use of«Ogron slaves. ButMaster's schemesultimately
exposedí¨Doctor). Afterrevelation
ofexistence of a 10,000 Dalek army poisedattack
AllianceSpiridon,Draconians teamed up£
Thalsstrike back atDaleks. After¨Dalek war,
Draconian Empire, its resource depleted, unablecompete
Earth, entered®a long period of stagnation.
/Known'the flower of many faces'. Itprobably
/The©met this robotic version of
legendary vampire¢a 1996 House of Horrors. It¡É
/Field-guard ofQueen Spider of Metebelis 3.been
/Living mechanoidroameddepths of Iceworld.
discoveredbody hid a powerful energy crystal
known'Dragonfire'.Kane's guardian.
/Powerful energy crystal hidden insidedragon-shaped
mechanoidµroamed Iceworld.traded²
Kanesave Ace's life. Kaneß²turn Iceworld back®a
/A derogatoryýnicknameDraconians.
/Planet located¢Galaxy Four,home world of
Drahvin. Its suncoolingits vegetationdying, so
Drahvinfind another inhabitable planet.Drahvin
populationþexclusively female, men being cultivated¢
test tubes¦called for.
/Solon claimedhave dragged Condo¶wreck of a
Dravidian spaceship.
/Beautiful, amazonian, emotionless women¶Drahva. A team
of Drahvin, ledMaaga, attackedRillscaused both ships
crashlanda doomedº¢Galaxy Four. They
/Azarian Decider.atonset of
Mistfall,¥·give Adric a cluedøpeculiar
nature of evolutionAlzarius.
/One ofJacondans serving Azmael. Mestor
/Savage swamp monstersÞ¢Vorg's Scope. They
originatedof Grundle's satelites. Theypowerful clawed
legs, sinuous necksjaws filledrazor-sharp teeth,
capable of eating virtually anything. ThanksKalik's
machinations, theyallowedpursue¨through
ScopeãÝrampageInter Minor, until Vorg
/Andomedan L-3Öwhose missionguardthree
Andromedan Sleepers. After¬Lords moved£
rechristened²Ravalox, DrathroçoverUK Habitat,
ruled²Immortal. Drathropowereda Maglem converter.
After Dibber blew upconverter, DrathroconnedGlitz
®givingtape containingSleepers' stolen secrets.
ãצSixthshut downenergy
/Renegade¬Lordmechanical geniusbeen at
¬Lord Academy atsame·Doctor. Drax built
Mentalisàof Zeos.Û¶Shadow
¿disable Mentalisæàcould
triggerarmageddon factorwould have×both Zeos
Atrios. Afterìover,¹¿Marshal rebuild
/Perivale location.
/Guard atprisonèËkept.
Sea Devils.
/Insect¶Delta Magna's third moon.
/One ofRed Kangs of Paradise Towers.
/Number two¢charge ofNuclear Research Complex
headed¾Watson. His mindtaken overEldrad.
´¦¹stepped®¤atomic furnace whose energy Eldrad
/Workers¶flatlands of Terra Alpha. They launched a
revolution which,support overthrew
Helen A's regime.
/Skagra's native planet. InGallifreyan past,îa
schismCardinals, a rival President temporarily elected
/Radiation sicknessƩ
ÒSkaro, untilThals gave them¤antidote.
Jo GrantsimilarlyÛ¶deadly sporesSpiridon.
A space plaguecuredparriniumûExxilon.
Sisterhood's Elixirspectrox, prepared¶
Androzanian bat guano,life-prolonging drugs.Chinese
Tong ofBlack Scorpion also trafficked¢Opium.
Usurians released PCM gas¢Pluto's megropolises' atmosphere
keephumans pacified. Vraxoinofmost
dangerously addictive drugs¢Universe;²ï¶
very essence ofMandrels. Terminus, Inc. controlled
victims of lazar disease through«pain-killing hydromel
ßhexachromitekillSiluriansattacked Sea Base
Four. A Chimeron drug¿Billy mutate®a consort
Queen Delta.DISEASES.
/The British InstituteDruidic Studiesled
De VriesÀÇCessair of Diplos.Ë
òa Druidic-like cultawaken Azal. Sarah Jane
K-9 (Mark III)ÿa coven of Druids ledCommander Pollock
Lily Gregson¢village of Moreton Harwood.
/The Swampies' nicknamehumans.
/French soldierÉ¢Resistanceput¤end
/French Catholic henchman of Marshall Tavannes.
/One ofworld's leading flower artists.
paid a thousand poundsHarrison Chasea painting.
/Nickname givenPollyBen.
/Ace's mother's maiden name. Ace meta baby,
/Ace's grandfather,Kathleen's husband. A merchant
navy officer,¹reported missing¢action¯
/Ace's grandmother,of Commander Millington's
radio operators¢charge of monitoring German transmissions¯
WorldëII. Ace¿Ý¶Haemovores¦
Curse of Fenric struckNorthumberland village.¡moved
17 Old Terrace, Stratham.
/SergeantÉDinosaur Invasion.
/Manussan barkerownedhall of mirrorsthus
responsibleLon becoming possessedMara.
/Crew member ofmethane refineryDelta Magna's moon.
Thawn¹äpreventlaunch of a deadly
rocketwould have wiped outentire Swampie race.
/A member ofstaff ofWheel¢Space
discoveredCybermatseatingstation's bernalium
supply.blamedRudkin's death,°´a victim of
Cybermen's Celensky capsules.
/English detectiveinvestigating Count Scarlioni's
art sales¢Paris¢1980.¿Romana
exposeCount's true natureScaroth, last ofJagaroth.
travelled backthem¢·3.5 million BC where,a
well-placed punch,¹stopped Scaroth¶preventingship's
Ïthereby ensuringcreation of lifeEarth.
/One ofKinda.
/Gentle, peace-loving race of Dulkis. After atomic weapons
×of«islands (since¡nicknamed 'Island of
Death'),Dulcians banned such armsturnedpeace;
islandconverted®a museum. Because theypronetoo
much talkingnot enough action, theyþallowed«º
radioactive wastepower«fleet,saved only
/Peacefulºvisited twiceDoctor.
/Member of Rorvik's crew.´¢Ïof
privateer's ship.
/Lower class of mute robotsßa labour force
/Employee ofWorld Ecology Bureausold
informationøKrynoid podsHarrison Chase.ä
make uptreachery,¥Krynoid.
/Power technician,ofChosen¢Ark¢Space
original hostWirrn Queen's eggs.
/The Dalek extermination team sentî©
ßa robotic duplicate,µ×Doctor.
°perfectedmethodcloning people, transferring
«mental patternsnewlyò'Duplicate' (in theory,
loyalDaleks),destroyingoriginals. Among such
duplicatesStienColonel Archer.
Kraal scientist Styggron devised android duplicates,¢
particular ofHarry Sullivan. Sharaz Jek
ïandroid duplicates of¸Peri.
Taransmaster android builders.
himself clonedminiatuized, along
Leela,Nucleas,again duplicated
Leisure Hive's Tachyon Recreation Generator. Omega adopted
appearance of¸Doctor,¥bondingincomplete
would have caused a huge explosion.Boradò
twenty-four clones of himself.
Duplicates also occur naturally: At·of St Bartholomew's
Massacre,Abbot of Amboisea striking duplicate of©
Doctor. Would-be dictator Salamander¤equally striking
duplicate ofªDoctor. Princess Stella of Taraa
natural duplicate of Romana-I who,¦she regenerated, chose
form of Princess Astra of Atrios.Zygonsability
duplicate other people's forms. Their leader, Broton, impersonated
Duke of Forgill. Meglos°assumedappearance of
stealTigellan Dodecahedron.
Chameleons,Rutansandroid Kamelion also
abilityduplicate other people's form.
Alzarian Marshmen evolved®duplicates ofTerradonians.
sentientàXoanona mentally twisted duplicate
ofDoctor. K-9duplicated twice
Doctor. Also see CLONES, REPLICAS.
/Metalߢconstruction of building units
£¢year AD 2972. BecauseºExariusrich¢it,
Captain Dent ofInterplanetary Mining Corporation
determinedwrest²away¶Ashe's colonists. It
/Hard metalßTerra Nova Ark.
/Very dense metal,only substancecould
keeptime-shifting Tharils prisoner.hull of Rorvik's»
ïof Dwarf Star Alloy,µ¤unstabilizing effect
Zero pointè»rematerialized.
/Captain ofHecate.exposed
Romanaa vraxoin smuggler¢leagueTryst,
/Chambers's safeïof case hardened dyastream,¥
nevertheless disintergratedGiant Robot.
/Kroton machinecapability of draining
converting mental energy®other kinds of power. Itß
KrotonsGonds. WhenDynatropeߪ
Zoe,²generated enough powergrowgive life
new Krotons. It needed at least four 'high-brains'work at full
capability (including space flight).
/TARDIS component exhaustedMaster.
StrandedJurassic Earth,¹åreplace²
Xeraphin intelligence.
/A young Thal womanAlydon's lover. By threateningtake
Daleks, Ian forced Alydonforegopacifism.
/British chief engineer atSnowcap Space
Tracking Station.¿©Doctor, BenPolly
Mondasian Cybermen.
/The opposite of Utopias: a worldèchaos or evil
reigned,normal valuestwisted. Among theseý
colony secretly controlledMacra;Usurian-dominated
colony of Pluto;ºof E-space ruledØ
Vampire;former penal colony of Varos;wierd
society of Paradise Towers;Helen A's Terra Alpha,è
unhappiness could leaddeath. Also see UTOPIAS.
/Exo-Space¬continuum. Pocket universe located outside
normal space (N-Space).ÃÍtrapped¢E-Spaceî
going through a Charged Vacuum Emboitement. While¢E-Space,
Romana stoppedAlzarius,¡ÿ
¬Lords. Romana¿freeTharils¶Rorvik
electedstay¢E-SpaceK9 (Mark II).°
heat death.
/One of Wyatt Earp's brothers.
/Marshall of Dodge City.cameTombstonehelp
ÜWyatt¢gunfight atOK Corral. Later,¹
ÍTombstone's sheriff.
/Younger ofEarp brothers.
Clantons¦they camefree Phineas Clanton¶jail.
/(1848-1929) Legendary frontiersman ofAmerican
West.four brothers: James, Virgil, MorganWarren. In
1878, EarpÍMarshall of Tombstone, Arizona,èfriend
Bat Mastersontown sheriff. In 1881,îClantons
ÜWarren,¹challenged thema gunfight at
OK Corral¶which,Doc Holiday's help,¹emerged
/One ofDestroyer's names.
/Moreton Harwood's newspaper. Sarah Jane Smith's Aunt
Lavinia wrote a letterits editor, Henry Tobias,ø
/One ofFederation trisilicate mining engineers
Peladon (the otherVega Nexos).turned out a
traitor hiredGalaxy Fivehelp Azaxyr take overmines. To
do so,¹ßa machineproject a holographic image of Aggedor,
µalso a heat ray. After¹exposed¨
Doctor,¹fled, takingQueen Thalia hostage.
real Aggedor, whom¹murdered.
/Resident of Lyddaswore vengenceEl Akir
daughters.¿save Barbara¶El Akir's clutches,
evil Emir.
/Captain ofElders' city.þçoverîJano's
/Savage worldèdeadly Mandrels originated. Stott
been leftdieEden.
/Saxon woman¶Wulnoth's village.Wulnoth's wife,
°wounded¢a Viking raid.
/Former minerof Torvin's band of rebels
/Susan attendedCoal Hill Secondary School.
Ian ChestertonBarbara Wrightteachers. Adric won a star
a badge of excellence at mathematics.ç¤honorary
degree at St Cedd's College¢Cambridge¢1960. Among
studentsattended¬Lords' Academy atsame·
Master,RaniDrax. Borusaof
«teachers. Zoe attendedSchool of Parapsychologyµ
placed emphasispure logic.
/(1003-1066) King of England who,
deathbed, named Haroldsuccessor, even though¹allegedly
already promisedcrownWilliamConqueror.
/Lord of Wessex Castle.sent
messenger Ericaskassistance¢crushing Irongron,
pillaginglands.wife, Lady Eleanor,¿¨
/Communications Officer ofHyperion III space liner.
electrocuted¢hydroponic centrea booby trap set up
Doland.resulting light burst awokeVervoids.
/Ambitious Gond Deputy Council Leader.deposed Selris,
plottedattackKrotons,¥þwreckedplanet. Later,
¹agreedhandªZoe overKrotons.
totally discreditedî«defeat.
/The©visited Egypt at·of
construction of Kephren's Pyramid, circa 2600 BC. Later,
ûhimself trapped¢Sutekh's Pyramid. Sutekh
last ofOsirians,¤Çracesource of
Ancient Egyptians' mythology. ScarothJagaroth
mistakena godAncient Egyptians.
/NameSpiders of Metebelis 3 called
themselves.word 'Spider' reminded them of«humble
/(1879-1955) German - American physicist
developedtheory of relativityofeleven geniuses
ùRanimake upgiant Brain.
/Watch commander ofVanirTerminus.¢control
ofhydromel.agreedstep down¢favour of Valgard if
latteró¸back¶Forbidden Zone.
other VanirremainedTerminushelp Nyssa
run²a regular hospital.
/Scarfaced Saracen leader.äcapture King
Richard I,¥dupedWilliam des PreauxBarbara.°
ÞBarbaraçLydda,fortress city,¥she
ÛIan. El AkirHaroun Ed Diin, a man
whose wifeson¹killed.
/Doc Holliday's wife.a singer atLast
Chance Saloon¢Tombstone.
/Leaders of¤advanced yet sterile civilizationµ
reliedstealinglife essence ofso-called 'Savages'
transferring²its own people,give them greater energy
talent.EldersablechartTARDIS's travels through
·space. Jano«Council Leader,îabsorbing
©life essence,¹ïpeaceSavages
ultimately convincedEldersput¤end«lifestyle.
new society¡chose Steven«leader.
|Nameßleaders of Sarn.
/Kastrian geniusarch-villaindesignedKastrian
silicon-based life formsforce-field barriersµïlife
Kastrian surface possible. Eldrad×barriers¦
Kastrians would not submitrule, thus dooming all Kastrian
life. King Rokonplaced¢a space capsuleobliterated,
¥Eldrad's hand landed£¯Jurassic Period
Ía fossil. Itdug up¢1977ßSarah Jane Smith,
¡Driscoll,create a nuclear explosion,energy ofµ
enabledregenerate. (Eldrad carriedgenetic code¢a
Kastria. When EldradûoutKastriaa dead world,¹
/Saxon farmer¶Wulnoth's village.wounded¢a
Viking raid.
/Retired professorrocket engineer.
established a museum dedicatedspace travel.instrumental
¢helpingªIce Warriors«
'Seeds of Death'.
/Wife of Sir Edward of Wessex.¿
/Member ofIntergalactic Pursuit Squadron.
/Public Relations officer of Global Chemicals at
Llanfairfach Refinery.¿friend FellÊoff BOSS's
/Employee ofNuclear Research Complex attacked
/Alzarian class of citizensrecieved superior
/Name of Sauvix's Sea Devil Commando.
/Substance producedSacred Flame of Karn. It
powerextend lifeboost psionic powers. After
¬LordsÿMorbius,Sisterhood agreedshare
ElixirHigh Council.¬LordsÅß²
facilitate difficult regenerations, increase«mentalüand,
possibly, boost-start a new cycle of regenerations,evidenced
factHigh Council once offeredsuch cycle
/Squire John's daughter.sawTerileptils'»
/(1543-1603) Queen of England. Her imageprojected
©Space-Time Visualizer.
/Contemporary Queen of England. Her pathþ
crossedofat Windsor.
/Liverpool police sergeant.
/A Thal¶Skaro,a creature¶Lake of
/Sergeant¢British army squadron sentÊ
¢Coal Hill area,¢1963.
/Electronics firm robbedGiant Robot.
/The supremeÔoforiginal Daleks.not
confusedaliasßDavrosleadown Imperial
Daleks.Emperor Dalek×¢fightingô
humanizedunchangedSkaro.may have been¤
even further evolved version of Davros.
/Supreme Leader ofDraconian Empire. In
26th Century,¦Ëäfoment aì
ô£Draconians,Emperor's sonambassador
Earth. That Emperor spared¨life¿
avertwar. In21st century,fifteenth Emperor of Draconia
ïa noble of Draconia.
/The£Empire arose sometime¢26th century,
justæend ofAllianceDalek-Movellan Wars.
Afterdisappearance ofrival Draconian Empire,²grew
rule a large portion ofMilky Way galaxy untilend of
30th century, mercilesly crushingexploitingÇracesserve
its own needs.
Empire's victims.¸¿preserve
Kinda. Other racesnot so lucky:Wirrn
Morgariansruthlessly exploitedEmpire.Empire
won a pyrrhic victoryõDaleks.
It is possible¬Lordssecretly afraid of
Empire, sinceoffactorsóøits downfall
Solos Crisis,µoccured nearend of30th century.
Thisçú¦¬Lords sent¨help
Solonian Mutants reach«true, superhuman form.
Solonians¡wentlead a series of revolutionsµ
severely damagedEmpire. Other factorscontributed
Empire's Fall¤unprecedented string of solar flares¶
Earth's sun, followedadvent of a new ice age.
/Until 1954, thishighest skyscraper
¢New York City. Itcompleted¢1931,second stop
¢Daleks' pursuit of©through·space.
/Spouse of Kublai Khan.
|Interstellar cruise linerµcrashed®Hecate¦
emerging¶hyperspace aboveºAzure.
exposedof its passengers, Tryst,a Vraxoin smuggler.
/Manmade disastersµcould haveóø
end ofworld included: Forester's deadly insecticide DN6;
WOTAN'sìmachines;¾Zaroff's plandrain
ocean®Earth's core; Salamander's volcanic disaster;
¾Stahlman's 'Inferno' project;Sir Charles
Grover's Operation Golden Age.
Daleks;Scientific Reform Society;Silurians
Sea Devils. PollutionÆ£¢form of
WeedGreen Death. Also see WORLD WAR III,
Natural disasterscould have spelled outend ofworld
(or of its civilization) included: a new ice age; solar flares;
ãsun going nova.
Alienswould have likeddestroy£(Instead of
conquering it) includedDaleks,Cybermen; Axos; Sutekh;
Krynoids;Fendahl;captain of Zanak; Monarch; Omega;
corrupt High Council of¬Lords,¦they decided upon
Ravolox Stratagem;Destroyer;Light. Also see
/The Sixthclaimedtrial
greatest travesty of justice since theirs.
/Conventional sources of energyߣincluded: coal,
oil; natural gas; nuclear energy;even
good, old fashioned fire. A World Energy Conferenceþ
sabotagedZygons. Solar energyÞ¢21st
ÄSalamander,ßSuncatcher satellite,
Earth's crusttap Stahlman's Gas. Much later,Usurians
kept a portion of humanity enslavedPlutoproviding²
energy of small, aritificial suns.
Aliens reliedvarious other sources of energy:¬Lords
ßenergy of a captive black hole;ßstatic
electricitysolar powermove around,taranium
power«¬Destructor.EldersßSavages' life
force¤energy source.Dominators did not hesitate
turn aº®a radioactive mass«fuel supply.
ËBrain ofLand of Fiction needed men's creative
energy.Krotonsß«Dynatropeconvert mental
energy®power.Axons' Axoniteboth a source of
energypart of Axos.¾ Sorensonäuse anti-
matter,¥failed, although anti-matter fuel powered Captain
Brigg's ship.Union of Trakenheld together
bioelectronic Source. Varos¤important supplier of
Many types of crystalssources of energy:Nimon needed
hymetusite crystals.Tigellan civilisationpowered
Dodecahedron. VooliumMadronite 1-5 crystalsû
Calufrax could ßpower a Psychic Interference Transmitter.
TerileptilsßVintaric crystalsprovide lighting.
Quarb Crystalsߢhyperspatial engines.
Dragonfirea powerful energy crystal (maybe hymetusite?).
Intelligent entitiesïof energy included:Ø
Intelligence;Nestene; Omega;Mandragora Helix;
Mara;XeraphinpossiblyGuardians of Time;
/Coordinator¢charge ofGallifreyan Matrix.¿
Castellan Spandrell expose Goth
/Water world visited©Doctor.
/NameßEternalsreferGuardians of
/A crystal of unknownügreat value offered
Guardians of¬prizewinner of a planet-
spanning space race undertakenEternals.Black Guardian
hoped that,such a prize,Eternals might wreak havoc
throughoutUniverse. Instead,¸wonrace¥
turned down Enlightenment. When Turlough threwcrystal at
Black Guardian,¹vanished¢a burst of flames.¸
|ShePersuasionMonarch's two Urbankan android
ministers. Enlightenment×Adric.
/British boys' magazine.ËofLand of
Fictionof its copywriters.
/Waste energybuilds up¢any system. According
ªLaw of Thermodynamics,²must inevitably increase.
/TermßEternalsreferall other
living species.
/Altos's friend.sentArbitanMilleniusa
questKeys of Marinus,Kala, Aydan
Eyesen,äframe Ianmurder.
/Planet targetedDominators.
/DeviceßInter Minoranstrykill all
life forms contained¢Vorg's Scope. Vorg ended up using²kill
rampaging Drashigs.
/One offive£colonists¶Galsec Seven stranded
£circa AD 15,000î«»×while
answering a fake mayday signal.Sontaran Styre performed cruel
Îdeterminelimits ofýresistance.
/Tythonian ambassadorChloris;¹looked like a giant,
green brain.been sentChloristrade chlorophyll
metal. To preservepower, Lady Adrasta keptprisoner
fifteenö¢mines (where¹ÍknownCreature
Erato's true nature,ûa waycommunicatehim. Erato
Adrasta,¡¿save Chloris¶total
Ïa Neutron Star,µbeen diverted
Tythoniansa form of reprisal.
/Reptilian creatureÀOmega¦¹äbond
/Sir Edward of Wessex's messenger.Þ
/Hardiman'sâatNuton Power Complex.¿
|One of¾Sorenson's Morestran crewZeta
Minoranti-matter creatures.
/One ofSensorites.
/AliasßMaster. Underguise of
King John's Champion,¹äturnBaronsõKing
preventsigning ofMagna Carta.
/Race of powerful beingsexist outside of time,
lived forever¢eternity. Even though theygiftedgreat
mental powers,«mindsgrown devoid of emotions.
Guardians of¬offered them Enlightenmentprize of a
planet-spanning space race.Eternalsbanished«
eternal voidWhite Guardian.
/Interplanetary companyµß
/Alien touristcrashlanded¢Wales¢1959
/One of Cully's tour party,¹
/Typical citizen of Varos,Arak's wife.supported
Governor's policies.
/ExtremistÔoftrisilicate minersPeladon.
hatedFederationädestroy Queen Thalira's palace
sonic lance. But a self-destruct mechanism caused²explode
¦activated,²Ettis instead.
/Planet visitedPsychic Circusæ²moved
/Company whose Nothe Sea refinery
off-shore rigsattackedWeed. It supplied natural gas
EnglandWales. ItsÙBoard member, Megan Jones,¿
ªdestroyWeedfreerefinery controller,
/Moonbase doctorfirstsuccumb
Cybermen's neurotropic virus. Turned®a 'zombie',¹nearlyß
/Private¢army task forceµÉØ
ofammunition convoy¹driving,¿ª
/One ofLlanfairfach miners.´¶Green
/Employee ofBrittanicus Base.
/The lesser villains encounteredusually
motivatedbasic evil of greed -¥this did not make them
less dangerous. Evilýmen included: Kalcaveman; Aydan
Eyesen; Forester; Bennet; Sevcheria; El Akir; Johnny Ringo; Gray;
Caven; Pike; Theodore Maxtible; Dent; IrongronBloodaxe;
Eckersley; Lupton; Dr Kellman; Count Federico; Lord Palmerdale;
Count Grendal of Tara;Graff Vynda-K; TrystDymond; Rorvik;
MorgusStotz;Chief Officer of Varos; Doland;Keillor;
Evilýwomen included: Kala; Queen Xanxia; Vivien Fay;
Lady Adrasta; Kara;Lady Peinforte. Aliens included:Usurians;
Misguided fanaticsalso formidable opponents. Among these
were: Tegana; Tlotoxl; Robespierre; KliegKaftan; General
Carrington; Professot Stahlman; Hepesh; Colonel Trenchard;
Sir Charles Grover; Prof. KettlewellMiss Winters; Sorenson;
Harrison Chase; Hieronymous; Dask; Stael; Kassia of Traken;
Timanov; Sir George Hutchinson; DastariHelen A.
On a greater scalevillains motivatedsheer megalomania
and/or¤unquenchable thirstconquest. Among these were:
renegade¬Lords suchMaster,Rani, Borusa
Morbius;Çtyrants suchAnimus, Eldrad, Meglos, Monarch,
Mestor,Borad, KroagnonKane;Çraces suchIce
Krotons,ëLords,Nestene, Axos,Zygons,Kraals,
Krynoids,Virus ofPurpose,Movellans,Nimon,
TerileptilsTractators.£megalomaniacs included:
mad computers WOTONBOSS;¾Zaroff; Salamander;
Tobias Vaughn; Magnus GreelMogaine. Grander examples of a
xenophobic desiretotal domination over all other species include
Daleks, Sontarans.
Finally, therecosmic entitiescouldþ called
evil incarnate, suchCelestial Toymaker;Ø
Intelligence; Sutekh;Mandragora Helix;Fendahl;
Black Guardianservant,Shadow;ØVampire;
Mara;Gods of Ragnarok;DestroyerFenric.
Some entitiesdrivenbecome villiansa cruel twist of
fate, such as: Omega;Wirrn; Xoanon; Scaroth; Mawdryn; Sharaz Jek
SiluriansSea Devils.
At last, thereentities whose action may appear evil
humans,¥ultimately motivatedfactors beyondý
notions of goodevil. For example:Daemons; Kronos;
/Nickname givenSevateem
becausefacecarvedBlack Wall behindµ«
god, Xoanon,È held prisoner.
/The powerfulÇLight once catalogued all of Earth's
obsolete,¹wanteddestroy Earth.disintergrated¦
showedno one, even Light, could stop
evolution. BothFendahlDaemons
Èhave affected Man's evolution.
Marshmen of Alzarius evolved®replicas of
Terradonians.Thoros-Betans evolved®Mentors.
Sergeant Paterson honestlyȢ'survival offittest'
/Earth examiner sentVulcaninvestigate governor
Hansell's handling ofrebels.murderedBragen
/Accordingsome reports,²name ofº
which,¢öAD 2972,covetedboth Ashe's colonists
captain Dent¶Interplanetary Mining Corporation,wanted
its duralinium resources. Italso inhabitedprimitives
non-humanoid priests, all of whom worshippedGuardian of
Doomsday Machine. ThanksÚof¨
Jo Grant,colonistsÿDent's evil schemeskept«
/King Arthur's sword, buried¢a spaceshipê
Vortigern's Lake. ItdrawnAceÍobject of a
fierce battleôMorgaine.
/Vast amphitheatreßCompanyPluto
its executionsother public functions.
/Captain ofElder's city.ÞSteven,
kept prisonerSavages,¥escaped. However,
Nanina's wordsshakenbeliefs.
/Dalek credo.
/Hidden, mist-shroudedºonce inhabiteda highly
advanced race of silicon-based beings.Exxilon visited£
mistakenspace godsIncas. TheyòCity,
a computer-controlled complexthought itself so perfect,²
cast out its creators,¡revertedsavagery. A group of
Exxilon, ledBellal, stopped worshippingCity. They¿
¨Êand, ultimately, destroyCity.
mineral parrinium,only antidotea space plague,û
/Name givenblack holeÞRassilon
óbackGallifrey. Itprobably beenò
collapse of Omega's supernova.Eye of Harmonyencased
¢¤hexagonal, monolithic structure,secretly locatedê
Panopticon. It could accessed onlyØKey (or Rod) of
Rassilon.Eye of Harmonyvirtually inexhaustible source
of energyµpowered Gallifreyï·travel possible.
Ëableabsorb enough energy¶Eye of Harmony
prolong life,þcondemning Gallifrey¢process.
/Device builtHorusimprisonevilÜ
SutekhEarth.Eye of Horushoused insidePyramids of
Mars,protectedvarious trapsguardians. Sutekh forced
takeMarsßbody of¾
Marcus Scarmandestroy it.
/For some²most tranquilú¢
Universe.¸there¦¹fell victimBorusa's
playing ofGame of Rassilon.
/Native plants of Spiridon.
/One of Skagra's Think Tank colleagues.
/RepresentaiveCourt of Millenius. He,
Aydan, KalaEprin conspiredsteal a Key of Marinus. Later,¹
attemptedframe IanEprin's murder,¥ãunmasked
/Name givenKangs«scouts.
/Commander ofIntergalactic Pursuit Squadronassigned
Lieutenant Langgoîkidnappers of RomulusRemus.
/Planet visitedCaptain Cook.
/Remote rocky island a few miles offChannel coast. It
location of a lighthouse,rumoured haunteda
mysterious Beast. Inearly 1900s,×a
stranded Rutantakenshape of lighthouse-keeper Reuben.
/The Valeyard's Dickensian base insideMatrix.
Its proprietorsupposed J.J. Chambers. Itthere
/UNIT colonel¢charge ofDevesham Space Research
Station while Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart¢Geneva.Kraals
ï¤android duplicate of him.¿
/(1791-1867) Famous English physicist.Ë
Sixth Doctor.
/Salamander's official food taster.leftAstrid,¥
/One ofcrewEternal's ships.
/British military installation whose resourcesß
/Lakertyan female, Beyus's wifeSarn's mother.¿
/Taran swordsmanÀPrince Reynart.
/Former owner ofFarrel plastics factory.
retiredletson, Rex, take over. AlertedMcDermott
changes introducedMaster,¹Ìresisted
renegade¬Lord's hypnotic commands.Ë
a Nestene-controlled plastic doll.
/John Farrel's wife.þsawhusband
murderedNestene-controlled plastic doll.
/Son of JohnMary Farrel. His fatherretired,
leaving¢charge ofFarrel plastics factory.Ë
placedêhypnotic controlßfactory
manufacture Autonsother murderous Nestene-controlled plastic
products. AfterNestene'sathands of¨
Doctor,Ëßa decoyescape.
/Government inspectordiscovered
insecticide DN6 wouldkillýrace.murdered
Foresteræ¹could report²superiors.
/TARDIS console instrument which, once jammed,
nearly sentÃits crew backvery beginning of
discovered FTL propulsion atend of21st century. A notorious
FTL accident occurred¦EmpresssHecate crashed®
another¦simultaneously emerging out of hyperspace above
ºAzure.MegaranMawdryn's shipsboth¢stationery
hyperspace (or warp ellipse) orbits above Earth. Planet Zanak
been equippedmassive transmat engines enabling²travel
through space. Quarb crystalsßpower hyperspatial engines.
/Indian woman prisoner¢El Akir's harem.
/Political entityµemerged sometime¢32nd
Äreplace£Empire (whichended circa30th
century),îa period of solar flaresa new Ice AgeEarth.
Federationa loose combine ofýÇraces,
includingAlpha Centauri,Arcturians,newly peaceful
Martian Ice Warriors,ÅDraconians.
Around AD 3700,¨¿ºPeladon join
Federation,exposed¤Arcturian plot. Fiftyölater,
¹preventedhostile Galaxy 5¶usingtraitor Eckersley
take over Peladon's trisilicate mines.
Federation°evolved®a more militaristic entity,
perhaps duechallenge of¢AD 4000,
ensuing,Dalek War,welldiscovery of life-
extending Spectrox.Federationdisintergrated
®new empires,could consideredextinct
beginning of50th century.
/Ruler of Manussahusband of Lady Tanha.
/Count ofDukedom of San Martino¢15thÄItaly.
covetedDukedom of its rightful ruler,nephew Giuliano,
Mandragora Helixî²taken over
Hieronymous's body.
/Denes's deputy. Salamander poisoned Fedorin because¹
couldn't bring himselfkill Denes.
/Scientific officer of Global Chemicals at
Llanfairfach Refinery.controlledBOSS's programming,¥
broke freeîElgin beggedsave¨life.
When BOSSû¹could not reprogram him,¹ordered
/An entityfedfull spectrum of life
itself. It originated¸Planet ofSolar System,µ
·looped¬Lords¢¤attemptcontain it,¥
²escapedtravelledMarsthence, 12 millionöago,
Earth,è²arrived¢form of a skull. Itburied¢a
volcanic eruption,¥secretly affectedýevolution.
Fendahl skull contained a pentagram-shaped neural relayè
Fendahl Energystored, waiting reactivated. Inlate
20th century,skullûDr Fendelman,ó²
Fetch Priory,è²studiedThea Ransome, Colby
Stael. Stael turned out Ôofcovenµrecreated
Scannerset up a·implosionµ×Fendahl Core
Fendahleen.°jettisonedFendahl Skull near a
/The Fendahl turned Thea Ransome®a Fendahl Core.
Inguise, sheÍa golden, Medusa-like womanwrithing
hairhuge, deadly eyes.
/Large, snakelike entitiesno eyesa mass
of writhing tentaclesè«mouths should have been. They
powerfreeze«victims psychically.Fendahl needed
twelve Fendahleen complete,turnedmembers of Stael's
coven®Fendahleen. Butrock
salt,Stael's suicide saved¶becoming one, thus keeping
Fendahl gestalt incomplete. TheyЦ
set up a·implosionµutterly×Fetch
/One ofrichestmost powerful men¢
world, thanksfirm, Fendelman Electronics. His twin hobbies,
archeologyelectronics, leddevelop a¬Scanner
µ¹studiedorigins of man.ûó
Fendahl SkullFetch Priory,è²studiedThea
Ransome, ColbyStael.realized¹been
only a pawn ofFendahl,murderedStael.
/Famous British explorerfirst discovered
Light's ship.Ímentally unbalanced¦¹first beheld
Light,fellêcontrol of Josiah Samuel Smith.
kept prisoner at Gabriel ChaseSmith,plotteduse
assassinate Queen Victoria. Once¹recoveredsanity,¹
/Thawn's second-in-command atmethane refinery
Delta Magna's moon. After Thawn's deathKroll's destruction,¹
sent¤SOSDelta Magna,help feedSwampies.
/Name givenancient Vikings¤evil entity¶
dawn of time. InFar East of3rd century,(in¤
unrecorded adventure)Ìchallenged Fenricsolve a chess
problem. As a result, Fenricimprisoned¢a shadow dimension,
whileEarthly essencetrapped inside a flask. That flask
óNorthumberlandVikings, whom¹dubbed'Wolves'
®engineeringreturn. Fenric's eventual releaseçú¢
Northumberland¢1940s, justæend of WorldëII.
årelease a deadly toxinµwould have×mankind,
¥againÿDoctor. Fenric's host body
(Captain Sorin's)Ancient Haemovore.
/TV personality¢charge of covering¾
Horner's excavation at Devil's Hump.
/AssistantGiles Kent, whose fatherbeen
/Astrid's fatherFinance Deputy ofEuropean
/Genoese traderhopedestablish trade
contractSaladin.¿El Akir capture Barbara.
/Location of Dr Fendelman's laboratory. Itutterly
×·implosion set up
destroyFendahl CoreFendehleen.
/English villageèFetch Priorylocated.
/T-Mat operatorMoon¦²taken over
Ice Warriors. Fearinglife,¹reluctantly cooperated
Ice Warriors,¥redeemed himselfsacrificing
/Elegant lieutenantcommanding
officer ofRedcoats patrolarrestedªî
Culloden. PollyKirsty McLaren blackmailed®helping them.
Later,¹handed Graya prisoner.
/Loyal©OfficerCaptain of Zanak.
¦Zanak's Bridge controls explodedß
Ãprevent Zanak¶rematerializing around Earth.
/Helen A's pet, a meanaggressive creature, knowna
stigorax,¶Terra Alpha. Fifi hunted killjoysHelen A
ultimately¤avalanche of candy crystals caused
Doctor. His deathïHelen Aãrealizehappiness
is nothing without sadness.
/Planet ofSolar SystemèFendahl
originated. It·looped¬Lords¢¤attempt
containevil entity.
/American intelligence agent sentliaise½
/British general¢charge of military operations¢Ù
¯Dinosaur Invasion. In reality,¹workingSir
Charles GroverOperation Golden Age.exposed
¨Doctor, arrestedBenton°court-martialled.
/51stÄscientistdiscovereddouble nexus
particle,µsentýscience®a technological cul-de-sac
explainingfailure ofZigma Experiment.
/One ofRed Kangs of Paradise Towers.¿
/Sarnian sacred volcanoµproducedNumismaton
flame. Itsaid home ofgod Logar. In reality,
Trionequipped²a seismic control centre,µ
of Rome¢AD 64.¸responsible
ØFire ofÙ¢AD 1666.
/Draconian officer serving¢Draconian Embassy
/Men converted®amphibious scaly creatures whose job²
produce foodAtlanteans. Jacko convinced themgo
/London locationèÃ'parked'¯
/Lord of Wallingfordof King John's
faithful Barons.Íincreasingly distraught¹watched
evil deeds of Kamelion,assumed King John's likeness at
Master's behest.¿¸
/RanulfIsabella's hot-tempered son, easily
/Ranulf's wife.
/Name givena quartz-filled caveè250
Hashashinsonce been slainMongol conqueror Hulagu. Tegana
ß²trap Barbara.
/Drinks dispenserßKangsa way of
/(aka FLANNIGAN) EngineerWheel¢Space.
Õ¢repairingX-ray laser sabotagedJamie.
taken overCybermen,¥°freedªDoctor.
/Drunken customer ofInferno discotheque.
/Cryon prisoner ofCybermen.Sixthgavea
thermal lance,µshe buried¢a box of vastial.
¡exposedabove-zero temperatures,µher. But
thermal lance triggeredvastial's explosion,µ×
freed Telos.
/Chancellor ofHigh Council of¬Lords of
Gallifreyreplaced Thalia. WhenDeath Zonereactivated,
she voted¢favour of sendingËhelpFive Doctors,
õBorusa's wishes. After Rassilonturned Borusa®a
living statue, FlaviaHigh Council reappointed¸
/Owner ofRoman villaè©
/Name givenMonarchwhat¹deemed ·
of primitive, fleshly existence,opposedandroid life
silicon chip memories.
/Name ofDevesham pub.
/Perivale resident.
/He led¤unsuccessful attemptopen
Devil's Hump¢1793. His miners returnedCornwall, leaving
flowers,ofmost beautiful¢galaxy.
/Young woman¶Elders' city. With Avon, she acted
StevenDodo's guide.
/Landmark of Vortis.
/SheBellboyfounding members ofPsychic
Circus. Theyäescape,¥sheBus
/Native Gallifreyan bird or insect. Romana suggested
studying its life cycle.
/Type of spaceshipᛮAD
2164 Invasion of Earth.
/Reegan's henchman.Brigadier.
/Reptilian raceÉa deadly 20-minuteìof mutual
exterminationArgolins. Afterwar,Foamasi survivors
Lodge Foamasi, impersonated BrockKlout,äsabotage
Leisure Hive sothey could¡buy Argolis. They
exposeda Foamasi Government Investigator.saboteurs°
escaped,¥×Argolins.Argolin leader,
Mena, rejuvented thanksefforts,ïa
lasting peaceFoamasi.
/The methane refinedDelta Magna's third moonturned
®a source of protein. Kara's protein factoryNekrosß
bodies stored at Tranquil Reposea source of protein. Later,
SixthshowedTranquil Repose employees howconvert
local flowersprotein.ofAndrogums' chief interests
food; Shockeyeäkilleat PeriJamie. Oscar
Botcherbymanager of La Piranella restaurant¢Seville.
Marsh Minnowsa delicacy praisedMentors. According
Sixth Doctor,gumblejackfinest fish¢
galaxy. Billymutateda Chimerons food like
substance. A peace treaty involving food shipments¶Karfel
Bandrilnegotiated¨Doctor. Also see
/The Tardis's food dispenser.
/UNIT Corporal¤Auton.
/Part of TerminusèVanir did not dare
go. ItthereGarm lived.
/Scrap merchantownedjunkyard located at
76 Totters Laneµ©Sixth Doctorsß
rematerialisation points. Foreman's Yardalsosite
of a battleôBritish soldiersDaleks.
/Ruthless financial backer of Smithers,scientist
discovereddeadly insecticide, DN6.preparedgoany
lengthsmarket it.©Òimprovised
¤explosive devicestop him.
|Donald Bruce's deputy.
/Scottish Duke, president ofScottish Energy Commission.
form¢¤attemptdestroy a World Energy Conference.real
/One of Leiutenant Scott's men.
/American archeologist, Peri's
grandfather, whommeta field tripa Greek Island.
discovered a Trion beaconneighbouring sea bed. Kamelion
/Union of Traken's guard. Several of them
Melkur. Their ProctorNeman.
/Archaeologist mentioned¾
/Space station
nicknamed Think TankèSkagraáSphere.
/Landmark of Paradise Towers.
/Alien touristcrashlanded¢Wales¢1959
/Country visited©¯French
Revolution, allegedly'favourite period¢history',at
·ofSt Batholomew's Day's Massacre.
RomanaÉScaroth¢Paris. A French Napoleonic army
ùWarlords¯ëGames. Lord Palmerdale
just returned¶Deauville¦»crashedFang
Rock.ªmet Frenchman Jules Benoit
Moonbase. After being freedªDoctor, Colin McLaren
supporters sailedFrance. Accordingsome accounts,
Acechoselive¢1880 France,èshe marriedof
Sorin's ancestors.
/One ofDevil's End villagers.
/The©met this robotic version of
legendary monsteròMary Shelley¢a 1996 House of
Horrors. It¡ÉDaleks.
/One ofMoonbase crew 'zombified'Cybermen.
/Chessene's tribe.
/Thoros-Alphan faithfulMentors.commander of
guards at Lord Kiv's citadelThoros-Beta.
/Tegan's cousin. While¢Amsterdam,¹Þ
/Employee at Jago's theatre.
/Tribe of humans livingsurface of Ravolox (Earth).
They worshippedgod Haldron. A number of them (suchBroken
Tooth)intended victims ofUK Habitat's Cullings,¥
¤assaultHabitat. AfterSixth×Draithro,
population of UK Habitat joinedFree.
/Name givenrevolutionary movement
overthrewFrench monarchyshook Franceô17871799.
©called²'favourite period¢history'.
/AccordingGharman, a Kaled opposedDavros.
/Labyrinthºètwo legions ofGraff Vynda-K's
armyɢAlliance Wars.
/Nickname given'humanized'ª
/Planet located¢Veruna system. After Earth's sun
suffered a cosmic collision, a group of survivors, ledCaptain
Revere, relocated there.ºsecretly infected
TractatorsdrawncolonistsFrontios because they
machines. Their leader,Gravis,åturn Frontios®a
hollow spaceshipµTractators could roamUniverse.
of Captain Revere's son, Plantagenet.
/HeRhynmal£scientists involved¢
experimental matter transmission. Theyß«Cellular
/Chinese delegateWorld Peace Conference
replaced Cheng Teik.developed a friendly relationship
/One ofprisoners of Stangmoor Prison.¿capture
/Name givenslave workersInter Minor. A rebel
functionaryshotKalik; President Zarbäimprove«
/Hostile plants of Mechanus.
/CodenameSontaran intelligence
divisionµStyre reported.
/Evil house located¢Perivale. Ace burned²down
discoveredhouseêcontrol of Josiah Samuel Smith.
Gabriel Chasebeen builttop ofspaceship ofpowerful
alien, Light.
/AccordingDoctor, this tyrant
once offered a whole star systema pricehead.
/One ofXeron rebels.
/Terran bueaucracy set uptakecensus
ofcolonies.encounteredof its agents,
Trevor Sigma,Terra Alpha.
/Space insurance company, formed¢Ù¢
AD 2068,¥disbanded¢2096. Several decades later,
betrayed himselfboardEmpress¦¹pretended
of its employees.
/Companyµchartered Captain
Brigg's freighter.
/Interplanetary mining corporation run
Mentors of Thoros-Beta. Itbuying Zyton-7¶Varos. Its
agent, Sil, bribedChief Officer of Varoskeepprices low,
¥¹íSixth Doctor.¡attemptedtake
overplanet,¥failed. Sil's superior, Kiv, replaced
negotiated fairer pricesZyton-7.
/Location ofdoomedºuponµDrahvin -
Rill confrontation occurred.
/Militaristic space power located¢a neighbouring
galaxy. During38th century, Galaxy Five wentì
Federation. ItßAzaxyrEckersleytrytake over
trisilicate mines of Peladon. When they failed,²forcedsue
peace. Later, Galaxy Five's self-proclaimed Master, Zephon,
allied himselfattackSolar System,¥
them. Presumably, Galaxy Five's power¡totally
/Queen of Atlantis.Ëcharmed®overthrowing
King Dalios. When she learnedRenegade¬Lordcaused
Dalios's death, she turnedõhim,¥too late.´¦
/Homeºof¬Lords, first mentioned
¨¦¹interrogatedLinx. Itlocated
¢constellation of Kasterborus, 29,000 lightö¶Earth.
Gallifreylocation oftrial ofªDoctor,
briefly invadedëLords. Later,²þ
ׯOmega crisis,¥savedThree
Doctors. ItÆ˦¹þ
releasedEye of Harmony. It¡invadedVardans
Sontarans. In both cases, Gallifreysaved
Ætake overbody. Finally, Borusaó
Five DoctorsGallifrey's Death Zonehelpunlock
secret ofTomb of Rassilon.
Gallifreyprotectedimpenetreble force fields known
transduction barriers. Itlocation ofCapitol,¬
Lords' seat of power. A great deal ofsurface ofº
barrenwild,inhabitedShobogans, or Outsiders.
Death Zonea forbidden area, protectedforce fields, at
center ofµTomb of Rassilon, knownDark
Tower.¨once mentioned¹liveda
mountainside¢South Gallifrey. Also see TIME LORDS.
/Ruthless£marine lieutenantmember of
space corps expedition sentExxilonbring back parrinium.
/Dalek prisonerescapedStien through·
corridor20thÄLondon.of Lytton's
/Human colony¶µfive humansÞ
Styre originated.
/Name given¬Lordsprocess of
using¬Scooppull various creatures out of spacetime,
drop them off¢Death ZoneGallifreywatch them fight.
In spite of its name,²saidhave been bannedRassilon.
Borusa playedGame of RassilonFive Doctors,
Ò(Susan,Brigadier, Sarah Jane Smith, Tegan
Turlough)«enemies (Daleks, Cybermen, Yeti)find
secret of true immortality located¢Tomb of Rassilon.
/The©lostÃplaying backgammon
Kublai Khan,ÿCelestial Toymaker atown
Trilogic Game.ª¿solve a series of riddles
protectingTomb ofCybermen.also
solved a series of riddlesµprotectedEye of HorusMars.
°engaged¢a fierce contest of minds known'mind
bending'Morbius.Eternals played gamesmortals
entertain themselves.¸loved cricket.
Éa deadly game of chessFenric.
RomulusRemus Sylvestbrillient chess players. Games
playedliving beings includedRomans' Circus Games,
ëGamesGame of Rassilon.
/Thal¶SkaroAlydon's friend.proved right¢
mistrust ofDaleks.¿©led
expeditionDaleks' cityway ofdreaded Lake of
/Agent sentSpace Special SecurityKembel
Bret Vyon.Daleks.
/Moon of Jupiter. Italsoname ofSpace Beacon
µçover¶Nervaî²been quarantined.
/One of Captain Pike's pirates.
/Aztec homeold citizensè©
accidentally proposedCameca.
/Captain of£battle cruiserÛHardy
Stewart's C-982 cargo»î²been attackedOgrons.
/One ofcriminals of Desperus.ätake over
©ship,spar 7-40,¥felleda stun
/See BOK.
/Alzarian Decider.extremely indecisive,
/Mysterious dog-headedÇlivedTerminus.
quite strong,cured some ofLazarscontrolled radiation.
His ministrations saved Nyssa¶lazar disease.¿¸
disableunstable engineµÆuniverse;¢
exchange,freed¶sonic boxµenabled
Vanircontrol him.
/Combat pilot serving¨Galactic
/TechnicianClent's team.¿ª
Ice Warriors.
/Earth con artist originally¶Hackneywick, Somerset.
Opera Housea rich Arab.younger assistant, Unstoffe,
embarkeda careergalactic conmen, selling planets
unsuspecting victims. Garronäsell RibosGraff
Vynda-K using a lump of jethrik,µturned out a segment of
KeyTime. WhenGraffûouttruth, Garron
forcedjoin forces. Garronended up
Graff's spaceship, filledeighteenöof plunder.
/SpacemanlandedKembelMarc Cory.
injureda Varga plant,¡Coryputout of
/The vicar's vergerMaster's henchman¢Devil's End.
ùMiss Hawthorne,¥°incineratedAzal's
psionic powers.
/Detective inspector shot¢GatwickSpencer.
investigatingChameleonsîreceiving a tip-off¶
Samantha Briggs.
/Mankindßpoison gases¯WorldëI. Poison
gasesßnatural weaponsparasitic Weed,µfed
natural gas,ÇVervoids. Both
vulnerablepure Oxygen.Alzarians alsoßpure oxygen
driveMarshmen away.
Oxygen (or, more accurately,mixture of oxygenazote
called air)ofcommodities necessary
preservation ofýlifeêwater;¢space;
airless worlds suchEarth's Moon;worlds
other types of atmospheres suchTitan.Sunmakers sold air
Pluto colonyßa pacifying gas called PCMmaintain
«domination. They alsoßa stun gas called Balarium.
Moroksßa paralyzing gas named Zaphra.Terileptils
breathed a mixture of aira gas nemed Soliton.Marshal
wantedalter Solos's atmospheremake²habitablehumans.
©ßa gas jeta matchget rid of
Forester.released helium¢Sandminer's
atmospheretrickRobots of Death.¸ß
hexachromitedestroySiluriansSea Devilstaken
over Sea Base Four.
Planets KarnSarn both generated a volcanic gasµhad,
êcertain local conditions,powerextend life. On Karn,²
calledSacred FlameSarnNumismaton Flame.
An unidentified green gaspart ofprocess leading
creation ofKrargs. On Alzarius, periodic orbital shifts
released non-toxic subterranean gasesµboosted evolution.
Vorum gasßprotect Space Station J7's computer.
/Half-humanoid, half-slug creatures, once considered
mythicalºJaconda, most ofµthey destroyed. Their
leader, Mestor,çoveråthrow aº®
Jaconda's sunspreadeggs throughoutuniverse.
/Stone archway erectedTharils atZero Point
ôN-SpaceE-Space.Zero Point,archway,
mirrors inside formedGateway.
/One of London's airports. In 1966,ªÉ
Chameleons there.
/MercilessÔofBannermenpursued Delta1959
Wales. Gavrokoutwitted
own sonic cone.
/Russian corporal whose mind snappedîseeing
/Young Karfelon rebel.banished throughTimelash
/Space mercenaries hiredMeglosbring¤
Earthling (George Morris),¡attack TigellahelpZolfa-
Thuran stealDodecahedron. TheyledGruggerBrotadac.
Gaztaksbetrayed Meglos. Theyoutsmarted
ТZolfa-Thura's explosion.
/Member ofDalek Alliance¢«Masterplanõ
Earth.Mavic Chen.
/ReasonableÔoftrisilicate miners of Peladon. At
first alliedEttis, because ofopposition
miners.¿¬Lord expose Azaxyr
Eckersley. Atsuggestion,¹appointed
new ChancellorîOrtron's death.
/Omega's mindless agents.ßthemattack
Three Doctors.
/Manßgeneration starshipsinterstellar
travelædiscovery of faster than light (or warp)
propulsion.ArkTerra Nova could considered
generation starships. Also see CRYOGENICSSUSPENDED ANIMATION.
/Dastaritechnically augmentedandrogum
Chessene, without changingsavage nature.Vervoids
genetically engineered¾Lasky. Other master
geneticists includedRaniDavros. Also see CLONES.
/TheÏof¤entire species.
guilty of attempted genocide. However, no matter what blows
dealtDaleks,¹never able or willingeradicate
them completely. Other aliensguilty of attempted
genocide included:Cybermen;Dominators;Krotons;
Ice Warriors; Axos; Sutekh;Kraals;Krynoids;
Fendahl;pirateºof Zanak; Scaroth;Nimon;Vampires;
Monarch of Urbanka;Terileptils;Mestor.
Siluriansäcauseýraceexterminate itself.
¬Lordsþ×ýrace¦they moved
£through spacerenamed²Ravolox.
A number ofývillainsþcausedÏof
mankind: Forester;¾Zaroff;¾Stahlman; Sir Charles
Grover;Scientific Reform Society.Ëresponsible
annihilation of many planets, including Traken,µ
Valeyard accusedSixthof genocide - a criminal
offenceêArticle 7 of Gallifreyan law -having×
Vervoids.ýEmpireþcommitted genocideraces such
Solonians orWirrn.Kastrians committed racial suicide
rather than face Eldrad's return. Also see END OF THE WORLD, WAR.
/Chief Acolyte ofTesh.Éalongside Jabelõ
/Thoros-Alphan rebelfollowed TusaYrcanos.
/Mondasian CyberleaderçoverGeneva headquarters of
International Space Command´îMondas's destruction.
/One of Skaro's Mutos.
/The location of1996 World's Fair, whose House of Horrors
briefly visited©Daleks.
/Davros's associate¢creation ofDaleks.
led a rebellionõevil scientist,¥
/Codenamed K-1,¹creation of¾
Kettlewell. His purposereplace men¢a variety of
dangerous tasksprime directiveserve humanity.
However,²subvertedMiss WintersScientific Reform
Society,ᛮplanbecome masters ofWorld.
Robot inadvertentlyKettlewellwent mad. Fond of
Sarah,¹çhostageästart WorldëIII.
פanti-metal virus.
/Stormyºincorporated®Tryst's CET.
/On Voris,©metZarbi,
not unlike giant crabs.¨Égiant
maggotsgiant flies causedGreen Death,giant
SpidersMetebelis Three.Éa giant
Robot, a giant KrynoidHarrison Chase's estate, Weng-
Chiang's giant rat¢ÙSewers, Kroll,gigantic god
ofSwampies,Delta Magna's moon, and,¢E-Space,
ØVampirelooked like a giant humanoidbat-like
giant snake.
/One ofÇtouristscrashlanded¢Wales¢1959.
/Group Captain¢charge ofBritish army squadron
sentÊinvadedCoal hill area¢1963.
assisted¾Rachel Jensen, of whom¹very fond,
/One ofinhabitants of Devil's Endê
Master's control.áof UNIT's helicoptersä
kill¨driving®Azal's heat barrier.
ended up crashing®barrier himself.
|Royal Navy seamanÉSea Devils.
/Rightful young ruler ofDukedom of San Martino,¢
15thÄItaly. His uncle, Count Federico,äkill
take overDukedom,¥failed.a man of science,¤
artesan ofRenaissance,¿banish
evil Mandragora Helix.
/Guns shooting gold particles, developed¯
Cyber WarsÊCybermen.
/Galactic swindler¶Salostopus¢Andromeda.
associate, Dibber, travelledRavolox. Their goal
stealsecrets previously stolen¶¬Lords' Matrix
Andromedan Sleepers. GlitzsentenceddeathKatryca.
After Dibber×Maglem converter, Glitz conned Drathro
®givingtape containingSleepers' secrets. But
tape°destroyed, alongDrathro,¦Sixth
shut downenergy systemsprevent a black light explosion.
Then,Ësent Glitz,wellMel,trial of
help¬Lord exposeValeyard's secret identity.
Valeyard fled®Matrix,hot¢pursuit. Glitz
followedrecoveredSleepers' secrets¶Valeyard
Master. However,Valeyardtricked him, givinga
Limbo Atrophier instead. GlitzËÍtrapped¢
Matrix. Glitz°strandedIceworld, because¹owed
moneyKane,whom¹already soldcrew ofship,
Nosferatu. Kane manipulated®looking
Dragonfire. After Kane's suicide, Glitz remained¢charge of
Iceworld (now a spaceship rechristened Nosferatu II),left
/Multinational corporationµownedoperated
Llanfairfach Refinery. Itpumping chemical waste®
local mines,µcause ofGreen Death
its deadly swarm of giant maggots. It developedàBOSS.
Marco PoloTegana.
/Director ofInferno project.ïseveral
attemptsslow down¾Stahlman's Inferno Project, such
calling¢Greg Suttongoing over Stahlman's head
Minister,would have failed if¨not
intervened. On a parallel world, Sir Keith¢a car
accident arrangedStahlman.
/Precious metal,cause of much evil among greedy men.
abundanceVoga,so-called 'planet of gold'.
/LikeBlack Dalek, ofµ¹may ¤avater, a
Dalek Warlord.ledéof£¢22nd century.
/Theßrobes of a Gold Usher
enterPanopticontrypreventPresident's assassination.
A Gold Usher ledceremonies¦°
proclaimed President.
/ExpressionßCaptain of Zanak
signalZanakøcrush another worldtherefore
replenish its mineral wealth.
/Form of compassionate euthanasiaßCompany
Pluto. Cordo's father´a deluxe Golden death,µcost
Cordo 117 talmars.
/One of Kroagnon's buildings.
/Concorde flight߸
rescue Flight 192. Its captainStapley.
/Concorde flight 192,µhijacked
Jurassic PeriodMaster. Its captainUrquhart.
/Planet visitedCaptain Cook.
/Time Lords' Surgeon Generalattendedinduction of
President ofHigh Council.°
expelled outsideCapitol,joinedShobogansLeela
¢fightinginvaders of Gallifrey.
/Peaceful racelived¢¤underground city enclosed
machines ofKrotons,«unseen masters. Every month,
two most intelligent GondsselectedbecomeKrotons'
'companions'. In reality, two Krotonsdraining«mental
energyrecharge themselves.
/Technician atBeacon Hill Research Establishment.
Master's Tissue Compression Eliminator.
/Nicknamed 'Commandant',¹manager of
Gatwick Airport¦ªÉChameleons.
/Pat Rowlinson's hotel¢Carbury.
/Welsh bee-keeper¿
Gavrok's Bannermen.
/AccordingWelsh legend, aúof augurs.three
Gorsedds¢BritainStonehenge, Bryn GwiddonBoscombe
/British colonelprison camp commanderȹ
fightingõGermans¢WorldëI. In reality,¹
part ofëGames.trickedª®
letting Zoe escape.
/Alfred Buller's mother-in-law.
/One ofsubterranean Exxilonsnot reverted
savagery¦cast outCity.
/Chancellor ofHigh Council of¬Lords. When
going chosen successor,¹plottedMaster, whom
¹discovered hidingTersurus,killPresident
frameDoctor. Gothÿ
¢mental battle insideMatrix,
/One ofcrew ofMary Celeste.
/One of Mandrel's rebels.¿
Leela overthrowCompanyPluto.
/Governer ofLuna Penal Colonyµ
¨Jo Grantsentîtheyaccused of being
Draconian spies.Ëtricked®turning¬Lord
/Forty-fifthÔof Varos.ä
negotiate higher pricesZyton-7¶Galatron Mining
Corporation. Sil bribedChief Officer of Varoskeepprices
low,¥íSixth Doctor.Governer would have
´Cell Disintergrater if¹not beenÛ
Meldak. Sil's superior, KIv, replacednegotiated fairer
/Count Grendel's Castle.
/System of classification ofCompany's CitizensPluto:
A,B,C,D, etc. Cordoa D-grade citizen. Also see CLASSES.
/Title givenruler of Levithia.
/Title givenSlaarÔofinvading
Ice Warrior space fleet.ªtransmitted a fake
guiding beaconµsent«fleet®sun.
/Washington technicianopening of a
Martian seed pod.
/Newsmaninterviewed Mavic Chen.
/One of¨companions.a
½agent fully trained¢cryptology, explosivessafebreaking,
owedassignmentuncle, a cabinet minister.¿
many timesõËtwiceõ
Autons,Mind of Evil, Axosevil designs of
Interplanetary Mining Corporation. Her attemptsacrificelife
saveledDaemon Azal's defeat.¡
¿ÊSea Devils,evil Marshal of Solos,
Peladon,èshenot insensitivecharms of
King Peladon. But ultimately, she fell¢love with,
married,¾Clifford Jones,¿BOSS
Green Death. Afterwedding, she sentblue
crystal¶Metebelis 3given her, back
him.also travelledKarfel¢¤
unrecorded adventure.
/Corporal¢British army squadron sentÊ
invadedCoal Hill area¢1963.
/Leader ofTractators,functioned like a queen bee;
withoutguiding intelligence,Tractatorsmindless
burrowers.Gravistremendousüof gravity control.
secretly drawnýcolonistsFrontios because¹needed
use«bodiesmindspowerexcavating machines. With
these,¹åturn Frontios®a hollow spaceship.
enabled¸cutoff¶other Tractators
render them helpless.¡abandonedGravis
/A gravity-controlling machine locatedMoonbase,
µ¿control Earth's weather (viatides). In AD 2070,
²Íobject of a Cyberman attack.ªß
gravitronsend «»hurtling off®
/The gravitrona machine builtMoon,µ
could control gravity. Itߪõ
Cybermen.Tractatorsgreat naturalüof gravity
control.Crystal ofMaradesigned¢a zero-gravity
/Former solicitorabusedposition
Prison Commisioner illegallysell Scottish rebelsslaves
transportedWest Indies.Þ
ªhanded overFfinch.
/Powerful stoneòover eight hundred
öagoManussans. Its perfect molecular structure
attunedexact wavelength ofýmind. Itbeen
designedmolecular engineering¢a zero-gravity environment.
Crystal absorbedevil withinManussans' minds, amplified it,
Also see CRYSTALS.
/Started¸¢AD 1666¢¤
effortdestroyplague rats infectedTerileptils.
/Starliner roomèDeciders met.
In reality,²bridge ofship.
/AliasßDavros atTranquil Repose mortuary.
/Entity¶another dimension,µexiled
®ours,condemnedhoverôstars without physical
substance. Itçover Padmasambhava's mind. Itå
reincorporate itselfconquer Earth,¦its gelatinous
substance flowed through a pyramid gateway. In spite of itsÖ
Yeti,Intelligence's planíªDoctor,
Jamie, Victoria¾Travers¢mid-1930s.entity
banished¦held²¢check mentally while Jamie
Thomni smashed its pyramid.
Thirtyölater, Travers reactivated aÖYeti's silver
sphere,µledIntelligencelaunch a new attack, this·
¢ÙUnderground. Itagain opposedªDoctor,
help of Travers, Jamie, VictoriaColenal Lethbridge-
Stewart.Intelligence plotteddrainmind,¥
secretly reversedpolarities ofdevice,would have
turnedtablesenemy if Jamienot¼wrenched
device¶head atlast minute, thereby
releasingevil entity.
/Name givenNimon«travel¶
/Another nameRod of Rassilon.
Not confusedKey of Rassilon.
/Giant spider of Metebelis 3. Itgathered all
crystals¢Cave of Crystals,growngigantic physical
mental size. It neededBlue Crystalcomplete its crystal
webincrease its mental powerinfinity. When¨
óBlue Crystal back, its feedback×Ø
/Leader ofÇvampires×
¬Lords. Woundedþdying,¹fled®E-Space,è
¹stillstrength mentallylure£»Hydrax.
offered its three officers, Aukon, ZargoCamilla, vapiric
immortality if theyÀhim. They fedblood of
ýcolonists«descendantsa thousand years, planning
¬of Arising,¦¹would swarm back®normal space.
ØVampire's plansíDoctor,
ßofHydrax scout ships like a stakekill him.
/Nickname ofPsychic Circus.
/The ancient civilization of Atlantis, located¢island
of Thera¢Aegean Sea,object of stories written
Plato. Ancient Greeceofprotagonists involved¢
Trojan War,¢µboth©Rani
çpart. Bigona Greek philosopherùUrbankans,
probably circa 519 BC. Delosa Greek slavebefriended
Ian aboard a Roman galley.ofEternals woreguise of
Critas,captain of a Greek galley.¸
Turlough met Peria Greek Island, nearµa Trion»
/51stÄAustralian dictatorscientist whose
questeternal life leddeviseflawed·travel
method knownZygma Experiment.responsible
hundreds of thousands of deaths,dubbedButcher of
Brisbane. GreelòPeking Homunculus,µset off World
ëVI¿other dictators take over£
Supreme Alliance. GreelÍAlliance's infamous Minister of
Justice. AfterAllianceoverthrown atBattle of
Reykjavik, GreelHomunculus escaped19thÄChina¢
Zygma¬Cabinet. Butmetabolism×temporal
distortion. GreelÍhorribly disfigured,neededabsorb
other humans' life essences¢ordersurvive.ûa
Chinese peasant, Li H'Sen Chang,çgod Weng-Chiang.
While Greelrecovering¬CabinetsiezedChinese
Emperor T'ungchi,ended up¢Ù¢¾
Litefoot's hands. Greel,worshippers,Tong ofBlack
Scorpions,Homunculus travelledEnglandrecover
Cabinet. But«effortsíDoctor, Leela,
LitefootHenry Gordon Jago. After discarding Chang, Greel
struck downHomunculus's laser fire´of
cellular collapse.
/Hollywood director whose film©
/Post Office Tower security officerrank of Major.
|Guard at Stangmoor Prison.¦Mailerçover
/19thÄBritish miner whose brain fluids
/Lethal effects ofdeadly swarms of giant maggots
poisonous, glowing green slimeòchemical waste
pumped®local minesGlobal Chemicals refinery¢
/Intendedlastever,²material of
µArk's statuemade.
/International Electromatics' Chief Researcher. Corporal
Benton shotæ¹could kill¾Watkins.
/United Nations PleniptentiaryMinister
special responsibilityT-Mat.assistedª
¢ÊõIce Warriors«Seeds of
/Gossipy post office clerk¢Moreton Harwood,
High Priestess of Hecate.Commander Pollockarrested
thanksefforts of Sarah Jane SmithK-9 Mark III.
/Chief Guard of UK Habitat.suspected Merdeen of helping
ñݶCullings. Merdeen shotprevent
¶betraying him.
/Taran knight, Lord of Castle Gracht,
Swordsmaster ofNinth Degree.desperately wanted King
of Tara. To achieveends,¹äassassinate Prince Reynart
use Romana's resemblancePrincess Stella. His plans
íDoctor,ÿ¢a sword fight.
Grendal managedescape.
/British Army sergeantêGeneral Carringon's command.
|See GRAY.
/Chief technician ofDevesham Space Research Station.
of Styggron's androids.
/Denes's palace chief.
/Lytton's second-in-command.agreedhelp
boss stealCybermen's·vesselCryons,a price
of two million pounds¢diamonds.Cybermen.
/One ofLlanfairfach miners.
/Androgum tribe.
/Natasha's friend.convincedhelplook
father¢vaults of Tranquil Repose.of
Davros's Daleks.
/Terileptil androidïlook likefigure of
/Miss Hawthorne's cat.
/UNIT soldier savedSarah.
/Another namerobophobia.
/AccordingDoctor, aºa
spectacular swimming poolßexclusivelyGulmeres.
/One ofcrewEternals' ships.
/Planet visitedCaptain Cook.
/Police constable of Devil's End.crushedAzal's
psionic powers.
/Day housekeeper at Gabriel Chase.allowed Reverend
Matthews in.
/Form of galactic currency valuedSabalom Glitz.
/MinisterSpecial Powers¯
Dinosaur Invasion. In reality,¹mastermind behind
invasion,Operation Golden Age,µconsisted¢rolling·
backrestore£¤age¦²free of pollution
technology.exposed¨Doctor. After seeing
scheme fall apart, GroveräѾWhitaker's
devicetwo mensent backprehistory.
/Creature¶Vortisa venomous sting.
/General ofGaztak mercenaries.hiredMeglos
Zolfa-Thura's explosion.
/King Peladon's Champion.a mute soldier of considerable
strength,fiercly loyalKing.first assisted Hepesh
then, realizing¹been misguided,¹¿¨
exposeHigh Priest.
/The Drashigs' star-system of origin.
/Sole survivor ofsuper-beingsonce occupied
ExariusbuiltDoomsday Machine, whose radiation also kept
alive.¨convincedMachine should not
fall®evil hands - specifically,Master's -Guardian
|Corps of humans responsiblesecurity aboardArk.
After Dodo's cold virussapped«will, theyÍ
Monoids' servants.
/Militery elite of Voga;«ÔVorus.
/Immensely powerful conceptual entities
embodiedconcept of Light/Order (White Guardian)
Darkness/Chaos (Black Guardian). They maintaineduniversal
balance through¤artefact knownKeyTime.existence
ofGuardiansknownfew. Among those¬Lords'
High Council,Eternals,called them Enlighteners.
White Guardian enlistedhelp ofgather
six segments ofKey¢orderrestoreuniversal
balance ofcosmos. EventuallyÕ
assembledkey, outwittingBlack Guardianenabling
White Guardianrestorebalance.
Black Guardian°ßTurloughtrykill¸
Doctor.Black Guardianäofferprize of
Doctor.two Guardians will exist until neither is needed any
longer.also ENLIGHTENMENT.
/Karfelon guardsÀBorad.
/Specific name of caste of Minyans¢charge of
controllingTrogs¢Underworld. They obeyedSeers,
/Fictional character inventedJonathan Swift.
¿Doctor, JamieZoe¢Land of Fiction.could
speak only words givenSwift.
/Flesh-eating octopi¶Griophos.
/Young Alzarian OutlerMarshmen.
/Tribe of cavemenlostsecret of fire.
/AccordingSixth Doctor,finest fish¢
/Axe-wielding robots builthumanoid races once
enslavedTharils. Theydesignedface·winds,
enterGatewayslayTharils. After theybroken
Tharils' power,Gundans remainedguardGateway.
tricked two Gundans®destroying each other.
/Giant Viking raider.slainSaxons¶
Wulnoth's village.
/One of¾Sorenson's Morestran crew
antimatter creaturesZeta Minor.
/First book¢western world printed
movable type,produced¢AD 1455¢GermanyGutenberg
himself.of Scaroth's twelve fragments (possibly Captain
Tancredi) obtained several copies. ThesesoldCount Scarlioni
/One ofXeron rebels.
/Captain ofGuardsÀLord ZargoØ
Vampires's world.Ivo.
/American touristgave a rideLady
PeinforteRichard near Windsor. Lady Peinforteonce poisoned
ancestor Dorothea Remington.
/Garron's hometown¢Somerset.
/Vaingreedy senior tax collector
thrown off a roofrebelsdied.
/Web of energyßËkeep Adric
prisoner while¹òCastrovalva.
/An evolutionary offshoot ofýrace, half a
millionö¢future,monstrous humanoids who, like
vampires of legends,imperviousbulletscraved blood.
Theyalso repelledpsychic barriers causeda potential
victim's strong faith. Haemovores could surviveêwater,
tremendous strength. Fenricóseveral Haemovores back through
time,µgave risevampiric legends.also
/Woman prisoner¢El Akir's harem.
/Swampy high priest at·of Kroll's third manifestation.
/B-grade technicianjoined Mandrel's rebels¿
/The¸postulatedMalusa Hakol
psychic probe.
/Archer serving Sir Edward of Wessex.¿¨
Sarah Jane SmithIrongron,
Linxshooting¤arrow®Probic Vent.
/Earth divinity worshippedFreeRavolox. They
thoughtDrathro's Maglem converterHaldron's totem.
/Mechanic at Gatwick Airporttoldª
Ãrequisitionedtaken awaya certain
'J. Smith'.
/Hall builtTrionsSarnexploit
Numismaton Flame.
/Interplanetary investigator previously known to,admired
by,Doctor.investigatedgranaries shortageStella
Stora,è¹met Kimber,recognized¦¹embarked
Hyperion III space linerêidentity of Grenville. Hallet
¡decideddisguise himselfEnzu, a Mogarianboarded
»atlast minute.summonedSixtha
mayday call,¥recognizedintended quarry, Doland,
poisoned him.
/Famous cometµpasses near£approximately
every 76 years. ¶Áåcrash²®
£¢1986, justîMondasreenergized itself,thus
save«home world.¬Lords' Celestial Intervention Agency
/Earth marine lieutenantmember ofspace
corps expedition sentExxilonbring back parrinium.
Jill Tarrant.
/Little Hodcombe school teacherBen Wolsey's
friend.refusedparticipate¢Sir George Hutchinson'sì
/Stellar manipulatoròOmegaturn a star
®a supernova. Itendoweda rudimentary form of
intelligence.©leftHand of Omega£¢
1963, intendingbury it. Itlocatedboth
Imperial Daleks,travelled back¢·Êits
possession.did managebury it,¥²
dug upRatcliffe.allowedImperial
seize it,¡manipulatedDavros®using it.Hand of
Omega turned Skaro's (or Skaro II's?) sun®a supernova
×Davros's ship. Its ultimate fate is unknown.
/Lord Cranleigh's friend¶
/Police force of Terra Alpha organizedHelen A
forceñ happy. Sad people, dubbed 'killjoys'
arrestedHappiness Patrol,¡publicly drowned¢boiling
candy.Ace¿organize a revolution
µoverthrew Helen A's regime.
/Overprotective, prudish, middle-aged Northumberland
woman, JeanPhyllis's guardian.two girls
/Head ofNuton Power Complex.
sacrificedlifesaveComplex¶a power surge
/HeStimsontwo confidence tricksters¶£
pretended ablerejuvenate MenaTachyon Recreation
Generator¢ordergain money. Hardin fell¢loveMena,
/Space pilot ofC-982 cargo»µ¨
rematerialized¢AD 2540. ItattackedOgrons
helpingËfoment aìô£
/Methane refinery crew memberDelta Magna's moon.
/Harrison Chase's butler.Krynoid-
controlled plants.
/Fictional character.
/British army captain. Following Chinn's orders,¹placed
|Coxswain of Lord Palmerdale's lifeboat.shipwrecked
Fang rock,Rutan.
/Planet ofCyrennic Empire.
/(c.1020-1066) Last Saxon King of England,at
Battle of Hastings.©stoppedMeddling Monk¶
/Musical instrument which, once a certain tune
playedit, revealedhidden control room ofGame of
Clantons.shotDoc Holiday¦¹äkill him.
/Black confederate trooperɢResistance
alongsideªDoctor, JamieLady Buckingham,put¤end
/Robson's second-in-command.opposedsuperior
¿ªdestroyWeed. Victoria Waterfield
chosestayHarris family.
/Frank Harris's wife.taken overWeed,
¥freed thanksÚofhusband
/UNIT Private wounded¯ Invasion.
/Location ofBritish Government¯Dinosaur
|Radar operatorfirst detected Axos.
|Television floor manager¢charge of covering Prof. Horner's
excavation at Devil's Hump.
|Guard workingGeorge Stephenson.
|Owner of Harry's Cafe,èAce met Mike Smith.
/UNIT sergeantSilurians.
/Royal Navy Captain.¢charge ofnaval base
µinvestigatingshipsbeen sunkSea
Devils. His base°taken overSea Devils,¹
¿¨Jo Grant repelinvaders.
/VictorianÙgirlÞLi H'Sen Chang.
would havelife essence drainedMagnus Greel if Leela
not takenplace.
/One of Harrison Chase's guards.
/Employee of Dr Fendelman.
/A grocery store employee¢Perivale.
|One ofmoonbase staff,Ice Warriors.
/Oriental sect of fanatic killers, ofµ250
slainHulagu atCave of Five Hundred Eyes.
/The©preventedMeddling Monk
¶changingcourse of historyalteringresult of this
battle.HAROLD II.
/Saracen encounteredIan.
/Medical doctorcalled¢at Cranliegh Hall
investigate Digby's murder.
/HeWeismullertwo US secret agents¿
thwart Gavrok's Bannermensave Delta.
/UNIT captainÉsilurians.
young Silurian¦¹cameBrigadier's rescue.
/Young lighthouse-keeperFang Rock.
/White witchwarned¾Horner not
open Devil's Hump.also resistedMaster's attemptscontrol
her.saved¨life¿him, Jo Grant
/(aka HAYDEN) Member of¾Parry's expedition
Telos.ofmurderous traps set¢
Tombs ofCybermen.
/Scientist¶University of Darlington,
specialized¢hypnosis.a passengerConcorde flight
Âofexperience. When¹ãacceptedtruth,¹
sacrificed himselfjoinXeraphinhelp them communicate
/One ofcrew ofMary Celeste.
/Unnamed slave ofTerileptils.
/Unnamed headmaster at Brendon School.
|Unidentified headmaster of Coal Hill Secondary School.
a thrall ofImperial Daleks.
/The King, QueenKnave of Heartssome of
deadly pawnsßToymaker¦¹challenged©
Doctor, StephenDodo.
/Galsec Seven colonistStyre.
/London airport. Teganway there¦sheÍ
çbackHeathrow site,¥¢AD 1666. Soon
afterwards,¹¿rescue a Concorde planeµbeen hijacked
Jurassic PeriodMaster. Tegan accidentally remained
/Spaceship pilotedDymondµcrashed®Empress
¦²emerged¶hyperspace aboveºAzure.
|Pagan goddess worshippeda cult ledCommander Pollock
Lily Gregson. Becauselocal cropsnot faring well,
cult wantedsacrifice Brendan,¥stopped
Sarah Jane SmithK-9 Mark III.
/Son of King Priambest warrior¢Troy.
Achilles, followingunwittingÚof
/Doctor atBi-Al Foundation.Cruikshank
taken overLowe's Virus.blastedK-9.
/Member of¬Lords' High Council. As a historian,¹
felt Omegabeen wronged, so¹¿invadeMatrix¢
¤attemptbond himself¸body. After¹
enable Omegacompletebonding.
/Young Alzarian Outler´atonset of Mistfall.
/Scientist workingGeneral Carrington.
firstexaminethree radioactive,Çambassadors.
shotof Reegan's men.
/Location of AtriosZeos.
/ChassisßNostalgia Trips«galactic tour
/Namedîgreat Argolin leader,²
symbol of Argolis's warlike past. Pangol wore²¦¹went®
/Medical doctor¢charge of examining¨
¯stay at Ashbridge Cottage Hospital.
|UNIT Sergeant¿Ê
Harrison Chase.
/British military installation whose resources
/Footman at Cranleigh Hall.
/Ineffectual governor ofVulcan colonymet
ªDoctor.a Dalek 'working'
treacherous head of security,rebel leader, Bragen.
/High Priest of Peladon.genuinelyÈPeladon
should not joinFederation,allied himselfArcturus
stop it.ßAggedorkill Torbis,evenätaking
King hostage. After¹exposed¨Doctor,¹ä
using Aggedor rid of him,¥beast turnedõ
/A star¢Messia 13went novaZoe predicted.
Its gamma radiation flux deflected meteors towardsWheel¢
/Official title ofArgolin leader.
/Winstansley's dog.
/(aka HERRIOT or HERRIET)ofª
companions. A former student of£School of Parapsychology,
µemphasized pure logicscience, at first she lacked
emotions,¥she overcame this¯travels
a librarianastrophysicist,¿Cybermen.
(again),Krotons,Ice Warriors,Caven's Space
Pirates.particularly adeptcomputers,she
demonstratedõMaster-Brain ofLand of Fiction,
Kroton Machine,out-smarting Tobias Vaughn's security
system. Her computerlike mind worked outfiring plan
×invading Cyberfleet. After taking part¢ë
Games, Zoereturnedown era¬Lords, justî
end offirst adventureDoctor. Zoe's
imageßRassilonward offªDoctor.
/International Space Corps Generalled
Êagainst,ultimately responsibleÏof,
notorious space pirate Caven.
/Count Scarlioni's henchmanÉ
Romana.unawaremaster¢ÂScaroth. When
Scaroth returned20thÄîfailingprevent
ship's explosion,sight ofreal shape so frightened Hermann
¹caused¤explosionµthem both.
/Role modelsßMarshalì
effort propaganda.
/One ofÇtouristscrashlanded¢Wales¢1959.
/Hotheaded member of Jackson's crew.ÉOracle¢
Underworld alongsideLeela.Þ
Jacksonwent backMinyos II.
/RAF air controllersupervisedtracking of
Chameleons' plane.
/Leader ofpygmy Menopterastayed behindlive¤
underground existenceVortis.ralliedhelp
/Gasßseal underwater structures. It
harmlesshumans,¥deadlyreptile underwater life.¸
reluctantlyß²killSiluriansSea Devils
taken over Sea Base Four.
/Managing Director of Autoplastics, Ltd.û
first Nestene meteoritefell victimits mind control.
ïreplica knownChanning.freed
¨Doctor. When¹ädestroyhandiwork,¹
/Maintenance employeeSea Fort attackedSea
/Court astrologer¢Dukedom of San Martino¢
15thÄItaly, a charlatan¿Count Federico try
assassinatenephew, Giuliano.alsosecretÔof
Brothers of Demnos. His bodytaken over
Mandragora Helix.
/Nickname givenKrotonsª
Zoe, whose great stores of mental energyhalfpower needed
activateDynatrope's space travel capabilities.
/Ruling body of Atlantis, presided overKing
/Ruling body of¬Lords of
Galifrey. Itcomprised ofPresident,Chancellor
various Cardinals (or head of colleges)other highranking¬
Lords.High Council passed judgementëLords
ªDoctor,summonedThree DoctorsOmega.
WhenPresidentassassinatedChancellor Goth,
High Councilthrown®disarray. Thisalsocase
¦VardansSontarans invaded Gallifrey. When
OmegaÆðour universetaking over¸
body,High Council, now ledBorusa, voted
condemndeath. Against Borusa's wishes,
High Council votedaskËhelpFive Doctors
trapped insideDeath Zone. Afterwards, a newcorrupt
High Council initiatedRavolox Stratagemstrike back at
Andromedan Sleepers. Afraidwould find out, they
ßValeyardprosecuteSixthat a trial. After
SixthexposedCouncil's plot¯trial,
High Councildeposed.
/King Arthur's title.
/Padmasambhava's title.
/Unnamed Brother of Demnos, servingêHieronymous.
wantedsacrifice Sarahgod.
/Captain ofMenopteraéforce.
/(aka HILDRED) Young, eagerultimately incompetent
commander ofChancellery GuardsêCastellan Spandrell.
/Young officermember ofImperial£expedition
forceDeva Loka.Kinda's attemptshaveCommander
Sanders mind-meldthem caused thembecome mentally
unbalanced. SpurredMara, Hindleþ×planet.
cured¸Kinda's Jhana Box,
left Deva Loka purged ofinner fears.
/Steven's henchman.ämurder JoBert,
°ofGreen Death maggots.
/Young member ofAtlantean High Councilwhom King
Dalios entrustedsecret ofKronos Crystal.wanted Dalios
use²ðislandits former glories.¢love
Queen Galleia.saved Jo Grant's life,¥°
/The©met Ulyssesother Greek
warriors ofTrojan War. In AD 64,¹met Roman emperor Nero
Poppaea. In¤alternate future,unrecorded adventure,
ÍMerlin at King Arthur's court. In AD 1192,
©met King RichardLionheart¢Palestine. In
impersonate King John Lackland. In 1289,©played
backgammon with,savedlife of, Kublai Khan¢China;¹
also met Marco Polo.
þmet Leonardo da Vinci twice.
Artist had, however metMeddling Monk. In 1572,©
þcaught¢infamous St Bartholomew's Day
Shakespeare write Hamlet.
In 1746,ªÛJamieîbattle of
Culloden. In 1794,©accidentally returned
France¯French Revolutionjust missed meeting young
Napoleon Bonaparte.
Sixthmet George Stephenson atbeginning of
Industrial Revolution. In 1872,©ïa brief
stop aboardMary-Celeste. In 1881,¹Éalongside
famous gunslingers Wyatt EarpDoc Holiday¢Tombstone, Arizona.
Soon afterwards,Sixthmet young H.G. Wells
been vacationing¢Scotland.
Albert Einsteina bevy of other modern scientific geniuses
ùRani,¥returned«proper places¢
·spaceDoctor.Beatles appeared
©visualizer.did not get
meet Queen Elizabeth II while at Windsor.
/Name givenNucleas ofVirusúè²
could swarm.VirusçoverTitan baseitsý
hosts turn®a Hive,¥²blown up
æswarm could escape.homeworld ofWirrn
a Hive World. Also see LEISURE HIVE.
/Menoptera.Prapilius's daughter.
/Chinese member ofTong ofBlack Scorpionreplaced
LeeGreel's main servant.Mr Sin's laser
/British commander ofMoonbase¯
attack. At first,¹disbelievedª
warningsøCybermen,¥°came around¿save
/Exarius colony's electrician.Primitive
/Gambler, gunmansometime dentist of
American Westlived¶18521887. Suffering¶
consumption,¹moved west, ending up¢Tombstone, Arizona,è¹
established a dental practice. Accused of killing Reuben Clanton,¹
targetedrevengeClanton family.firstä
pass off©(whocomeseehave a tooth
removed)himself,¡fleda neighbouring town,¥°
returnedtake part¢gunfight atOK Corral.allegedly
shot Johnny Ringo. MarriedKate Elder,¹left Tombstonea
$2000 prizehead.
/Theåhollow out Earth's core
turnº®a spaceship.Tractatorså
same fateFrontios.Pirate planet, Zanak,already a
hollow worldµfunctioneda spaceship.
/The©stopped there briefly¯flight
¶Dalek's Masterplan.
/In50th century, Kilbracken developedtechnique
of holographic cloning. Such clonesonly a ten minute life
/UNIT corporal attackedLupton.
/Captain of»µcarried¾Parry's
/Ferocious, white, snakelike creatures.Sevateemß
Test ofHordatry thosedid not believe¢Xoanon.
/One ofcavemen ofTribe of Gum.
/Archeologistopened up Devil's
Hump,¢spite of Miss Hawthorne's warnings.frozendeath
/Heathrow air-traffic controllerduty
¦Concorde flight 192 disappeared.
/Egyptian god of light,Sutekh's brother.
Ôofgodlike Osirians,visited£¢days of
Ancient Egypt.other OsiriansÿSutekh
imprisonedinside a secret pyramid.
/WhenKrotons turned
power ofDynatropeõTARDIS,²dematerialized
rematialized¢a nearby, safer location.
/Famous magician whomclaimedhave
/Television programme¶Zoe's time.Karkus
a fictional adventurerstarred¢it.
/Temple of Weng-Chiang¢London.statue
ofdragon housed a sophisticateddeadly laser cannon¢its
/The fourth stop¢Daleks' pursuit of
©through·space. Itlocated at1996
World's Fair¢Ghana,featured robotic versions of Dracula
Frankenstein Monster.
/One ofMenoptera's landing partyVortis.
suspicious of Barbaraadvocated killing her.
/One ofMenoptera, Vrestin's deputyVortis.
/Inhabitant of Metabelis 3.
/Operations director ofoil company whose platforms
attackedZygons' Skarasen.
/Professor Litefoot's housekeeper.
/One ofLlanfairfach miners,first victim of
Green Death.
/Name givenFrench Protestantsdeveloped
/The Aztecs' cruel god.
/Mongol conquerorslew 250 Hashashins.
/HeTandrelltwins¶UK Habitat, selected
serve Drathro because of«intellectual abilities. They thrived
contradiction. AfterSixth×Drathro, they
escapedworld outside.
/Location ofCentral European Zone's headquartersè
Denes confronted Salamander.
/Lady Adrasta's enforcerChloris.ß
carnivorous Wolf Weedskeeppopulation obedient. After
revealed Adrasta's duplicity,¹turnedõ
/Young cavewoman ofTribe of Gum.¢love
êBrigadier Bambera¯battle at Carburyõ
/Lord ofManor of Little Hodcombe,
ɸDoctor. His unbalanced mind awakenedMalus.
Underevil influence,¹began a series of deadlyìgames
reenactingEnglish Civil War.went completely mad,
Ítotally possessedMalus.´¦Will Chandler
threw®Malus's jaws.
/The Master'sâTOM-TIT atNewton
Research Institute.aged¶2580¢a matter of seconds
/Earth exploration vesselBeta Two. Its captain
Miles Sharkey, its navigation officerLauren Macmillanits
science officerAnthony O'Conner.ØVampire drew²
through E-Space¤unnamed world.
/A hydrazine steam generator providedFrontios
/Pain-killing drug developedTerminus, Inc.control
victims of lazar disease. Nyssaåsynthesize it, thereby
freeingmen¶Terminus, Inc.'s grip.
/Khepren's first officer.Daleks.
/Radioactive crystalsµpart oftribute
Nimonßthempowerblack holesenabled them
travel through spaceinvade unsuspecting worlds.
/Name ofspaceship bringing£Investigator
/Space linerêCommodore Travers's commandµ
ferriedôMogar£¢AD 2986. Itþhijacked
Rudge.Sixthsaved its crew¶being
/Another dimension of spaceµvirtually a
theoretical absurdity. YetPrison Shipµtransported
Cessair of Diplosstuck¢hyperspace. Also see
/The abilityimpose one's willothers.Ë
a supremely talented hypnotist; only humansvery strong
wills could resist him.ßhypnotic techniques, amplified
ultrasonics,tryfoment aìô£
Draconians.Rani could enslave a manmakingswallow
ofdeadly slugs. President BorusaßCoronet of
Entities giftednatural hypnoticüincluded:
Brains of Morphoton;Sensorites;Animus;
Celestial Toymaker;Elders;ØIntelligence;
Weed;ËBrain;Mind Parasite;Spiders of
Metebelis 3; Sutekh;Mandragora Helix; Eldrad; Xoanon;Virus
servants;Mara;Xeraphin;Eternals;Malus; Mestor;
Gods of Ragnarok; MorgaineFenric. Also see TELEPATHY.
A number of villainsßartificial meansimpose«will
others. Among these were:Daleks;Cybermen,relied
celensky capsules«hypnotic beam pulser; WOTON;Macra;
Chameleons;ëLords;Nestene; BOSS; Skagra,ß
mind-transference sphere;TerileptilsTractators.
/Famous biologist whose mindstolenSkagra atThink
Tank space station.´¢Ïofstation.
/Turlough's lumpish friend at Brendon.
/Saracen banditattacked Ian,¡reluctantly¿
õEl Akir.
/The Martians scouted£¯of its prehistoric
Ice Ages. A squadron, ledVarga,accidentally trapped
frozen¢ice. Another Ice Age causeda drop¢carbon dioxyde
leveldeforestation occurred¢AD 3000¥stopped thanks
World Ionizer program. Also see ANTHROPOLOGY.
/A landmark of Iceworld's underworld.
/A landmark of Iceworld's underworld. In reality,²
a disguised star chart.
/Divinities worshippedRibos. Theysaidlive¢
/Four frozen warriors protectingofKeys
of Marinus.
/Ribos's 32-year-long winter, causedplanet's
elliptical orbit.Ribans thought²a product ofì
ôSun GodsIce Gods.
/Native Martians. Theyhuge, green, scaly
creatures, equippedsonic guns (on«claws)heavy
armour. Coming¶a super-cold environment,Ice Warriors
sensitiveheat,µ«only known weakness.leaders
appeared slightly sleekerless bulky thanwarriors.
Martians scouted£¯its first Ice Age. A squadron
ledVargaaccidentally trappedfrozen¢ice. Soon
afterwards, possibly because theynot heard¶Varga,
Martians decidedleave«dyingºemigrateanother
ªfirst came acrossMartians¦Varga
menûburied¢a glacier¢AD 3000.name
'Ice Warrior'originally coinedWalters,¥²
apparently closeoriginal Martian term, since they also
referredthemselvesname.foiled Varga's
attempts at conquest×Ice Warriors«
ªmetMartians again when, towardsend of
21st century, a warlike party of Ice Warriors,êSlaar's
leadership, returnedSolar Systemäconquer£
usingso-called 'Seeds of Death'. Slaar'sseemed
have convincedother Martiansabandon any further attempts at
attackingSolar System.
Martians¡built a small,Åpeaceful, empire of
«own,joinedFederation. Their ambassador
Peladon, Izlyr,¿¨thwart Arcturus's plans.
A renegade Ice Warrior, Azaxyr,°betrayedFederation
Galaxy 5Peladon,¥foiled¨Doctor.
/North Atlantic islandµseat ofpeaceful
Icelandic Alliance¢51st century. After its Commisioner
assassinatedGreel's Peking Homunculus, WorldëSix erupted
ruthless Supreme Alliance came®power. Itã
overthrown atbattle of Reykjavik.
/Peaceful 51stÄpowerµfellî
its CommissionerassassinatedMagnus Greel's Peking
/Space trading post locateddark side of Svartos,
ownedcontrolledmerciless Kane;¢Âa huge
spaceshipµneededdragonfirestart up again. After Kane's
suicide, Iceworld fell®possession of Glitz,
rechristened²Nosferatu II.also DRAGON.
/Silurian scientistthird member ofSilurian triad
µincludedOldYoung Silurians.¢charge of
reanimatingSilurians¶Wenley Moor.¿Young
Silurian inoculate Major Bakera virus meantwipe out
mankind,°set upMolecular Disperserdestroy
Van Allen Belt. Tricked¨Doctor,¹brethren
went back®hibernation. Their shelter°blown up
Icthar obviously survived since¹returned¢year AD 2084
ÒScibusTarpok.¡reanimated a
Sea Devil commando ledSauvix,attacked Sea Base Four. His
planlaunch nuclear missilesprovoke aìô
two blocs,thus eradicate mankind (asbeenYoung
Silurian's last wish).´¦¸ßdeadly
hexachromite gas. Accordingsome reports,Silurian
namealso spelled K'to.
/One ofTrogs ofUnderworld.¿
Jackson's crewÊOraclestealMinyan
Race Banks.a number ofñescapedUnderworld's
Ïleaving aboard Jackson's ship.
/One ofTrogs ofUnderworld,Idas's father. His
wifedaughter¢a skyfall¹barely
escaped being putdeathOracle.
/Young Lakertyan¿Peri
Lakertyans' newÔîBeyus's sacrifice.Èthat,
ifñsurvive, theymeet«own challenges
without outside help.
/Device built
¨translate thoughts®images.
/Name givenDrathrocitizens ofUK
/The¬Lords' abilityregeneratea form of
immortality (see REGENERATION). However, true immortality,
promisedRassilon,a trap. Other entities
virtually immortal included:Guardians of Time;Celestial
Toymaker;Elders;ØIntelligence;Nestene; Axos;
Daemons; Kronos;Osirians;Sisterhood of Karn;Mandragora
Helix;Katrians;Fendahl; Cessair; Meglos;Vampires;
Mara;Xeraphin;Eternals;Gods of Ragnarok; Morgaine;
Queen Xanxiaäkeepbody aliveusingenergies
pillagedZanak. Monarch of Urbankadevised¤artifical
form of immortalitystoring memoriessilicon chips, implanted
¢lifelike androids. Mawdrynfellow scientists
condemnedlive¢a horrible state of perpetual regeneration.
¬Lords prevented Crozier¶developing a mind-transfer
deviceµwould have leda form of immortality.
Barring destruction, probably immortal since
they could replace«body parts. ManyÇraces, such
Zygons;Ice Warriors;SiluriansSea Devils;
Ogri;Tharils;Morlox;Kane of Proamonlonger
life spans than man.
/(aka White Daleks) A race ofò
Davros totally subservienthim. Theyfirstò
¶bodies kept¢Tranquil Repose mortuary. Later
christened Imperial Daleks, theyßDavroscapture
hand of OmegaEarth. TheyÅЦ
ßHand of Omegadestroy«ship.
/South AmericanñvisitedExxilons.
/The SS BernicecrossingIndian Ocean en route
Singapore¢1926¦²ÞVorg's Scope.
because¹wantedharnesskidnapgeniuses behind²
(Stephenson, Faraday, Watt, etc.)harness themown ends.
Sixthstopped him.
/One ofSensorites.
/Deviceߢcorridor leading
Bridge of Zanak.
/Codename ofofDaleks' operationsõ£
|London discotequeèPolly met Ben Jackson.
|Nickname given¾Stahlman's pet project,µ
consisted of drilling beneathEarth's crust¢ordertap
pockets of Stahlman's Gas,¢theory a new, massive source of energy.
In additionreleasing a green slimeµcaused menturn®
Primords,completion of Inferno would have released so much
energy£would have been turned®a molten mass of
gases. Suchindeedfate of a parallel£è
¨could not stop Inferno¢time.
/Lazar of Terminusbefriended Nyssa.
/One ofMaster's assistantsTOM-TIT at
Newton Research Institute.
refer¨ICCAcoming illegallyInter
/The Collector's special police forcePluto.
/Karfel's ruling body.
/Urbanka's planetary system.
/Female¬Lordpresided overTrial of
Sixth Doctor,convinced ofinnocence
dismissed all charges.äpersuadeagain
become President ofHigh Council,¥¹refused.
/The miniaturized©encountered what
seemed giant insects. On Voris,¹encounteredgiant
antlike Zarbibutterfly like Menoptera.¨
encountered giant maggotsòGreen Death
giant, mutated, intelligence spidersMetabelis 3.
¿freeSpace Ark¶wasplike
Wirrn.Chimerons' biologysimilarof insects;
«queen, Delta,ablecommunicateGoronwy's bees.
Ranißa swarm of deadly insectscontrol
/Alienºµonce strucka space plague,
possiblysame plaguecuredparrinium,
which,a result,Ívery xenophobic.¨
Vorg outwitted its Immigration Commissioner, Kalik.
honorary president of this organization.
/Interplanetary organization devoted
fighting drugs. Rigg thoughtof
its agents.
/Earth-based space commando unit
summonedgoîRomulusRemus, Sylvest's kidnappers. Its
chief, Commander Fabian, assignedspecific jobLieutenant
Hugo Lang.
/Name of Rossini's circus.
/Secretive multinational corporation
µgained a virtual monopolyàelectronic
equipment. Its managing director, Tobias Vaughn, allied himself
take overworld, using micro-monolithic
circuitry hidden¢transistor radios sold¢a million units across
globe. These would blanketºa hypnotic signal.
Vaughn himself turningõ ¦¹realized they
ådestroy allýlife.
/Geneva-based, multinational entity¢
charge of Earth's space program¢general,Snowcap Space
Tracking Station¢particular. Its Secretary-GeneralWigner.
In 2070, Ringbergcontroller of International Space
Command¦ attackedMoonbase.
/Ruthless corporationµ
äwrest Exarius¶its legitimate colonists.
/Interplanetary organization invoked
¨Inter Minor.
/VariousÇentitiesraces attemptedeither
enslave or destroy£(or its colonies), or take control of its
resources. Among these were:Daleks;Cybermen;Master;
Ice Warriors;Sontarans;SiluriansSea Devils;
Nestene; Axos;Daemons;Spiders of Metebelis 3;Wirrn;
Zygons; Sutekh;Kraals;Krynoids;Mandragora Helix;
Eldrad;Rutans;Virus ofPurpose;Fendahl;
Usurians; Zanak; Scaroth;Urbankans;Terileptils;
Tractators;Destroyer;Light.¬Lords themselves
nearly×£because²shelteredAndromedan Sleepers.
/Scottish town¶µGray conductedslave
/Earth Imperial Council member sentSolos
investigateMarshal's activities.sight ofof
Solonian mutants convincedrestoreMarshalpower.
/Name givenGraff Vyda-Kpersonal guard.
/Invisible creatures includedVisians of Mira;
Refusians;Spiridons.Celestial Toymakerï
©invisible. Zeta Minor's anti-matter creatures
Xoanon's kinetic monstersmostly invisible.
Valeyard's particle Disseminator.
/DeviceߢAD 3000prevent a new Ice Age. It
alsoߪdestroyIce Warriors.
/Planet visitedCaptain Cook.
/Leader of a band of 12thÄWessex brigands.
allied himselfstranded Sontaran, Linx, offering
shelter¢exhangemodern weapons.í
/One of Varga's Ice Warrior crewóback
life¢AD 3000.
/NameDulcians gaveislandµ
once been contaminatedradiation. Itbeen converted®a
ìmuseum,site ofDominators' landing.
/(aka WEB DESTRUCTION) Device designedMenoptera
Invasion forcedestroyAnimus,Ìß
Barbara Wright.
/Pioneer of argonite space miningpartner
Milo Clancey.foundedIssigri Mining Company,µowned
giant argonite minesºTa.ùheld
hostagespace pirate Cavenensuredaughter Madeleine's
cooperation.freed thanksÚof
/Daughter of Dom Issigrihead ofIssigri
Mining Companyîfather's disappearence. When sheûout
Caven heldfather hostage, sheforcedcooperate
him,¥turnedõspace pirate.¿
/FoundedDom Issigri. It owned vast
argonite minesTa,managedMadeleine Issigri.
/The©visited Rome¢year AD 64.
¢Italy twice¯Renaissance, first
¢San Martino,¡¢Leonardo da Vinci's house.
/One ofViking raidersÿWulnoth's Saxons.
/Burly village headmanØVampire's world.
Marta's husbandKarl's father.secretly helping
Kalmar's rebels.ledattackTower,è
/Chosen Warrior ofAztecs.felldeath
while tryingkill Ian.
/Martian Ice Warrior Ice Lord.ofFederation's
delegatesPeladon.warrior, Ssorg,¿¨
unmask HepeshArcturus,facilitate Peladon's
/(aka CHIMERA) Space station located¢¨Zone,ê
Dastari's management,seat of KartzReimer's unortherized
·experiments. Chessene arrangedStation attacked
/Captain ofTesh, giftedpsionic powers.É
õLeelaprotect Xoanon,god.
Afterwards,¹leftargueCalib overwould rule
reunited tribes ofSevateemTesh.
/Member ofgroup of ShobogansÞLeela
Invasion of Gallifrey.a Sontaran.
antidotespectrox toxaemiamilk of a queen bat.
/Shipwreck survivor labouring¢Atlantis's mines.
convincingFish Mengostrike.
/Companion of©ªDoctor,a young
merchant sailor.Polly Lopez¿©õ
WOTAN. Afterwards, they followed®TARDIS,¿
Ê17thÄsmugglersCybermen. They watched
©regenerate. BenPolly¡aidedª
They first met Jamie¢Scotland¢1748. Finally,îdefeating
Chameleons, they discovered theyback¢Ù
same day theyleft,choseremain there.
/Professor Watson'sâatNuclear Research
Complex attackedEldrad.
/Leader ofMinyan crew senta Questfind
P7EbringRace Banks backMinyos II. Withhelp of
abletakeRace Banksa number of Trogs
backMinyos II.
|Member of Captain Striker's crew.
/Fertilepeacefulºonce ruledretired
¬Lord, Azmael. Itþ×gastropods
/Birdlike alienslivedJaconda. After Mestor's
Azmael's death, Hugo LangÍnewËof
One. His jobpermanentlyalter Solos's atmospheremake²
habitablehumans.¢explosion of
atmospheric regeneration machine.
/The market city of Palestine.©
Òrematerialized nearby at·of¨Crusade.
/Green-skinned, one-eyedÇrace of conquerors. Their
last survivorsУ¦«ship, pilotedScaroth,
/Bombastic owner of19thÄÙ
Palace TheatreèLi H'Sen Chang performedmagic act
which, unbeknownsthim, alsoÀMagnus Greel's lair.
/Passengera space»ÞDaleks,taken
Skarobecome part ofslave labour force searchingDavros.
/One of Captain Pike's pirates.Pike
/Employee of Global Chemicals atLlanfairfach Refinery.
controlledBOSS's mental programming,¥Mike Yates
freedBlue Crystal.°BOSS.
|Servant at Cranleigh Hall murderedGeorge Cranleigh¢a
fit of insanity.
/In 1870¹elder brother, Robert, went
Tulloch Moor cutting peat; Donalddriven madZygons,
/Reference work quoted
/Stewardess aboardHyperion III.¿Sixth
Mel avert a hijackingVervoids.
/Poisonous thornûSevateemºß
a÷Leela. It induced paralysisdeath.
/One of Lesterson's assistantsVulcan.of
Bragen's rebels´saving Valmar¶Daleks' death ray.
/Leader ofCouncil of Elders. After absorbing©
life essence,¹ïpeaceSavages,
ultimately convincedEldersput¤end«cruel way
of life.
/One of Denes's guards.
/Mondasian Cyberman workingêKrang.invaded
South Pole Space Tracking Stationädestroy£
/Member ofgroup of ShobogansÞLeela
Invasion of Gallifrey.a Sontaran.
/Mineralelectromagnetic boostering propertiesû
Crinoth. ItßSezomboostpower ofstaff
/Perivale resident.
/Frenchman workingJames Stirlinghelp prisonersÝ
|ShePhyllistwo East End refugees stayingMiss
Hardaker¢Northumberland¯WorldëII. Theyturned®
Haemovores. After helping secure Fenric's release, they
Ancient Haemovore.
/Young French boytold©
Òthey¢19thÄFrancenot 20thÄ
/Oncepartner of Morgus, whose Sirius Conglomerate
providedfinancial backingexploitation of spectrox. Jek,
a master roboticist, builtandroids necessaryhandle
poisonous substance. Morgus arranged caught¢of
Androzani Minor's deadly mud bursts. Jek survivedlocking himself
inside a baking chamber,è¹horribly disfigured. Seeking
revengeõMorgus, Jek seized control ofcaves of
Androzani Minor,thus controlled all spectrox supplies. Jek
Û¸Peri¶General Chellak,fell¢
lovePeri.shotStotz just¹Morgus.
/Think Tank public relations officer.Miss Winters
also¢charge ofScientific Reform Society. Jellicoe
arrestedHarry Sullivan.
/One of Devil's End villagers.
|One ofcrewEternals' ships.
/Immigration officer at Gatwick Airport. His
identitytaken overChameleons. HisÇdouble
¦Gordon pulledblack armband offforiginal's
/Cynical young womanpart of Dortmun's resistance
õ¯«AD 2164 Invasion of Earth.
/One of Frontios's colonists.
/British scientist.Allison
Williams assisted Group Captain Gilmore¿
ÊinvadedCoal Hill area¢
/Member of¾Jone's commune.
/Member of¾Jone's commune.
/Rare mineral, a vital component of space warp drives.
Galactic con artists GarronUnstoffe plotteduse a lump of
JethrikconGraff Vynda-K®buying Ribos;lump turned
out a segment ofKeyTime.outwitted
Garronpalmedlump of jethrikæleaving Ribos.
/DeviceßKindafacilitatemental merging
ômembers of£Expedition Forcethemselves.
It looked like¤ordinary Jack-in-the-Box.¸ß²
cure HindleSanders.
/Reporter sentAshbridge Cottage Hospital.
/Former Queen of SicilyKing Richard's sister. Richard
wantedarrange a marriageôSaphadinseal
peace¢Palestine,¥she obstinately refused.
/Vain supervisor ofTranquil Repose mortuary.ä
thwartSixthinvestigations,¥failed. Davros
arranged Tasambeker, whom¹spurned
/Observatory whose radioscopesßÊ
/One ofdeadly pawnsßToymaker¦
¹challenged©Doctor, StevenDodo.
/King of England¶11991216.lostþ
all of England's French territories¢aìFrench King
Philip II. In 1215,¹forcedsignMagna Cartaîa
revolt ofbarons.ËßKamelionimpersonate
/Mineralogist aboard Captain Maitland'sȢorbit around
Sense-Spere.»held captiveSensorites. Thanks
ðEarth,î¹promisedprotectsecret of
Sensorites' existence.
|British squire. He,daughter Elizabethson
|Owner of a tea stall¢1963 London.a philosophical
/Pop band Susan loved. John Smith's
real nameAubrey Waites.
/One of Reegan's henchmen.
|Crew memberRidgeway's submarine.
|Warder¢Stangmoor Prison's Special Wing.¢charge
ofdeath row inmates.
/British soldierÉSea Devils.
/One ofdeadly pawnsßToymaker¦¹
challenged©Doctor, StevenDodo.
/Varosian rebel,Û¶Punishment Dome
Sixth Doctor.Aleta¿¬Lordevil
schemes of SilChief Officer.
/One ofinhabitants of Devil's EndêMaster's
/Nobel Prize winnerstudy of
DNA synthesis. Withprize money,¹establishedcommune of
Nuthutch¢Llanfairfach, Wales.firstwarn
inhabitants of Llanfairfachødangers ofpollution
causedGlobal Chemicals.¿¨½Ê
BOSSGreen Death.giant maggotsa fungus
µ¹discovered.married Jo Grant;two
¡went¤expeditionAmazonresearch a new
/Physics lecturer at Churchill College, Cambridge;¹
may have been involvedInternational Electromatics.
/London board member ofEuro-Sea Gas Corporation.
Robson's friend,¿ªdestroy
/Member of Rorvik's crew.´¢Ïof
privateer's ship.
/(aka OLD JOSH or PIGBIN JOSH) Trampcaptured,
|One ofRani's assistants¢19thÄEngland.Rani
¦she no longer needed him.
/Companion of¸Doctors,¤
Australian air hostessmetAdric soonî
Ëaunt Vanessa.travelled
Afterwards, she¿¸õMonarch,Mara
(which possessed her),Terileptils, George Cranleigh,
Ëyet again (disguisedKalid).
accidentally left behind¦Ãdematerialized¢Heathrow,
¿them freecousin ColinOmega.¡again
fellêMara's control. Soon afterwards, she metBrigadier
Turlough (whom she mistrusted)¸É
Mawdryn.aided¢battlesõTerminus, Inc.,
Eternals,Ë(disguisedSir Gilles Estram)Borasu,
¯µshe teamed up©metª
¨Doctors.¡ÉSiluriansSea Devils.
Whençvisitgrandfather, Andrew Verney,¢
Little Hodcombe, shechosenbecomeQueen of May, aý
ãDaleks. Tired of alldeathsviolence, she
leftÃright afterwards.
/Spanish driver metSixth Doctor.
/Crippled scientistdesigner ofUltima
Machine, a 1940s computer.alsoof'Wolves' of Fenric.
¼¿arrange Fenric's releasefeeding ancient
runesmachine. Fenricçover Dr Judson's bodychallenge
at a game of chess.real Dr Judson probably
/One of¨favourite
/Former member ofPsychic Circus.
/Guy Crayford's spaceshipÞKraals near
/It¯Jurassic period - 195136
millionöago -Eldrad's hand landedEarth.
/Asteroid location ofBi-Al Foundation.
/K-9 mark Ia mobileà¢shape of a dog,
designed¾Marius,replacereal dog left behind
Earth. K-9a databank of considerable capacity.also
equippeda blasteroffensivedefensive actions. His
blaster could kill, stun ot paralyze living things,melt or
disintergrate metal. K-9shown capable of regeneration.
could interfaceTARDIS,Matrixother machines.
K-9 mark I¿LeelaõVirus
ofPurpose,µbriefly infected him. When¾Marius
ûout¹could not take K-9 back£him,¹
askedtake him. K-9¡accompanied
Oracle. After helpingfree Gallifrey¶invading
VardansSontarans, K-9 mark I choseremainLeela
built a K-9 mark II,µgreater mobility
would responda silent dog whistle. K-9 mark II accompanied
Graff Vynda-K,Captain of Zanak's Polyphase Avatron, Vivien Fay's
Ogri,interfacedMentalis machine,¥unable
take part¢battleDelta Magna's moon because of its swampy
terrain. Later, speech circuit defects (or space laryngitis)
prevented K-9¶helpingnewly
regenerated RomanaõScaroth. But¹soon joined
themõLady Adrasta,Mandrels,Nimon, Pangol
Foamasi, Meglos,Marshmen (who severely damaged it)
ØVampire. K-9 mark IIgravely damaged
sent¤already assembled K-9 mark IIIa present
Sarah Jane Smith.¿a coven of witches
worshippedpagan goddess Hecate¢Moreton Harwood.
K-9 mark IIIäwarn Sarah Jane of Borusa's·scoop,
/Lieutenant¢Happiness Patrol of Terra Alpha.
outsmarted several timesAce.
Afterrevolution overthrew Helen A's regime, shecondemned
repaintâits original colour.
/Member ofbrotherhood of Logicians, Eric Klieg's
companionexpeditionTombs of Telos.
ɪ¢orderfreeCybermen. Later,
/Dr Kyle'sâCybermen.
/Caveman member ofTribe of Gum.Za's rival
control ofTribe,ù©gain
secret of fire.expelledîkilling Old Mother,
/Aydan's wife. She, EprinEyesen conspiredsteal
sellofKeys of Marinus.unmasked©
/Planet visitedCaptain Cook.
/Future city knownSandminer's crew.
/Arab sorcerer aliasß˯Jurassic
perioda focusevil Xeraphin.
/Brother of Inter Minor's President Zarb,Commissioner of
Aliens' Admission Commission.õbrother's
liberal policies,äusing Vorg's defective scope
/Incarnation ofevil side ofXeraphin.
/Scientifically mindedÔofrebellionØ
Vampire's world.¿Romana destroy
/Shape-changing androidµËç¦
¹escaped¶Xeriphas.a tool,ߤearlier invader
of Xeriphas.ËßKamelionimpersonate King John of
England,¥í¸çover control
ofandroid¢a mental battle. Kamelion stayed
control ofßandroidbringSarn.
first assumed¾Foster's likesness,¡turned®
Master. Inend,¹begged¸destroy
Tissue Compression Eliminator.
/Dulcian student sentTeelcheckradiation levels
Island of DeathêBalan's supervision.Þ
putworkDominators. Kando¿
ªruthless aliens.
/ExecutivedefraudedCompany of a million talmars.
apprehended,survived threeö¢a correction
/Combination of a laboratorycandy factoryè
Gilbert M workedµKandy Man ruled.
/Helen A's ultimate enforcerTerra Alpha
colony.¤androidòGilbert M¶sugar materials.
×a flow ofown boiling candy¢pipes
/Megalomaniac ruler of Iceworld.could exist only¢sub-
zero temperatures,could kill a man or freeze¤object
icy touch. Kane manipulatedGlitz®
findingDragonfire. Kaneåðhome planet,
Proamon,¶µ¹been exiled 3000öbefore,¤
army of mercenariesexactrevenge.lover, Xana,
beenleaders of a deadly gang of criminals. Xana
while resisting arrest,Kanea sculptor create¤ice
statue of¢Restricted Zone of Iceworld. When
revealedProamon's sungone nova 2000öbefore, Kane
committed suicideexposing himselfdirect sunlight.
/Gang of youthslived¢Paradise Towers,
being secretly exterminatedrobotic Cleaners. When
metBlueRed Kangs,last of
Yellow Kangsjust beenCleaners.
convincedKangsjoin forcesCaretakers
Rezzies,help destroy Kroagnon.
/Croziers assistant,King Yrcanos¦
/Abbot¢charge ofTibetan Monasteryþ
taken overSpiders of Metebelis 3. In reality,¹a
¬Lord. When¹reincarnated,¹assumedphysical
appearance ofprojection, Cho-Je.°¿¨
regeneration. K'Anpoonce¤old hermit, or
spritualitymindtoldlegends of
/Tropicalºhomeworld of Major Garrant,
ofDalek's victims.
/Dorf's birthplace.
/Head of Nekros's protein factory.¢partnership
Davros, usingbodies at Tranquil Reposesource
material.hired Ocrcinikill Davros, while secretly setting
updie instead.exposedSixth Doctor.
When Orcini learnedtruth,¹her.
/Lady Adrasta's vizier.Torvin,¥dreams
of poweríDoctor.
/Planet orbiting around two suns called Rearbus
Selynx. Itinhabitedhumanoid Karfelonssavage
Morlox,lived underground. It shared¤uneasy relationship
its neighbouring planet, Bandril. Itvisitedboth
¨Sixth Doctors.
/Humanoid inhabitants of Karfel. TheirËBorad,
a half-Karfelon, half-Morlox freak, secretlyåmurder all
Karfelonscausing aì«neighbours,Bandrils.
¡årepopulate Karfelcreatures like himself,
pushedreal Borad®Timelash.
/SheOlvirspace piratesmistakenly boarded a
universefree Terminus.
/LieutenantSea Base Four.Maddox.
/Fictional comic strip character¶Zoe Heriot's
time.appeared¢Hourly Telepress Programme.¿
Doctor, JamieZoe¢Land of Fiction.
/IvoMarta's son.unsuccessfullyäÝ
|Member of De Flores's Nazi gang.
/Leader of Earth's Space Special Security.dispatched
Marc CoryKembel. Later,¹turned out a traitor¢
leagueMavic Chen.ordered Sara Kingdomkill
Üfellow agent, Bret Vyon.failedstop©
Doctor,possibly arrestedîChen's defeat.
/Bleak, stormyºèevil¬Lord Morbius
defeated,äexecuted. It also housed
Sisterhood, guardians ofSacred Flame.
/One ofCheetah People. After Ace savedlife, she
treated'sister'.ÛAce¶Midge's gang
Master. Afterdeath, she revertedý
form. Her bodytaken backCheetah Planet.
/With Reimer, Kartza scientist of¨
Zone. They conducted unauthorized·ÎSpace Station
J7,built¤operational·cabinetµneeded only
primedRassilon Imprimaturefunction like a true
/Young Kinda wise-womaninherited all of Panna's
knowledgeîdeath.¿¸free Aris
/Structure atcentre ofµAnimus.
/One offive Consuls of Traken.marriedTremas
afraid of losingif¹Ínew Keeper. As a child
shebeen chosentendMelkur,¥fellêevil
influence. AfterKeeper's death,Melkur (in reality,
Master) manipulated®fightingDoctor,
becomingnew Keeper.Melkur¡×
/Bleak, deserted world, ravagedcosmic winds,exposed
cold of space. Lifeits surfacepossible only because
of force-field barriers designed,ultimately destroyed,
Eldrad. Kastria¡returnedbeing a deaddesolate world.
/Natives of Kastria. Their silicon-based forms
designedEldrad,°×force-field barriers
µïlifesurface ofºpossible. King Rokon
Kastrians condemned Eldraddeath,¡chosedieî
destroying«Race Banks rather than,day, being forced
submitEldrad's rule¢event ofreturn.Kastrians
powerregeneratephysically control various forms of
/Planet visitedCaptain Cook.
/Young Trojan womanÛSteven Taylor¯
fall of Troy.çbackTARDIS, thus becomingof
©companions. Katarina sacrificedlife
ejecting herselfKirksen®space so©
Bret Vyon could reach£alert²Dalek's
/Leader ofTribe ofFreeRavolox.sentenced
GlitzSixthdeath. Later, she led¤assault
õUK Habitat,¥Drathro.
/One offive Consuls of Traken.overly concerned
propriety,would even have acceptedMelkurnew
Keeper of Traken.
/Sezon's second-in-command¢rebellionõBorad
Karfel.daughter of Makrif.¿Sixth
/Quartermaster-sergeant¢British army squadron sent
Ê¢Coal Hill area¢1963.
/One of Davros's Kaled scientists,°Gharman's
/Member of Lupton's psychic circle at K'Anpo's Tibetan
Monastery. His mindtaken overSpiders,¥¹freed
/One ofVulcan colonists.
/Tibetan encounteredªDoctor.
/Ore processed aboardSandminer.
/Type of Megropolis Three residentsPluto.
/Harrison Chase's botanical adviser. In spite
ofefforts,¹Scorbieáa Krynoid pod
¶Antarctica World Ecology Bureau Expedition campó
²backEngland.podçover Keeler's body
grewmonstrous size. His consciousness´¦Krynoid
×Royal Air Force.
/(aka COORDINATOR) Title given¬Lord
¢charge ofMatrix. Engincoordinator¦Ë
GothÆGallifrey.body of another Keeper of
Matrix (name unknown)taken overValeyardî
Union of Traken¢a state of harmony. Because ofchannelling
of such considerable energy throughperson,Keeper held
great powers, including teleportationenergy manipulation.
Whenmet him,¹þa thousandöold,
nearing·ofDissolution.Keeper asked
comeTraken, fearingMelkur's evil influence. After¹
died, Tremasmeantbecomenew Keeper but, thanks
Melkur's schemes, KassiaïKeeper instead. Then,Melkur
(in reality,Master)KassiaçoverKeepership.
Doctor, AdricNyssa tamperedSource¢order
exposeMaster. Afraid of destruction,Ëfled. Luvic
Ínew Keeper.
/Young Cambridge student,Chris Parson's
friend. Salyavin temporarilyçovermindhelp repair
/Galactic bounty hunteraboardtour busµ
crashlanded¢1959 Wales.toldBannermenèDelta was,
blew uptransmitterremote control.
/One ofSisterhoodMorbius Monster.
Swiss inventor of a machineµwould remove evil impulses
¶hardened criminals.
/Device intendedisolateextract a man's
evil impulses. Itbeing tested at Stangmoor Prison¦²came
¨attention. In reality,²housed a Mind
sabotage a World Peace Conference. Itצ
Thunderbolt Missiledetonated.
/Scientist aboard Space Beacon Nerva. Seduced
Vogan's gold,¹hiredVorussummon a small band
of isolated Cybermen, remnants of©Cyber Wars,Voga,
èthey could ×Skystriker missile. Under
instructions¶Cybermen, KellmanßCybermats
infectbeaconNeurotropic X virus.
¢a rockslideVoga.
/Scientistsenior supervisor ofT-Mat system.
discoveredMoon controlsno longer operational
alertedsuperior, Commander Radnor.¿
ªIce Warriors¦theyäusing
T-Matspread«deadly Seeds of DeathEarth.
/Cowardly Gallifreyan Castellanbetrayed¬Lords
cooperating firstVardans,¡Sontarans.
/(aka KEMBAL) Planetß«
headquarters¢«MasterplanõEarth. Its Varga plants
(originally¶Skaro)ï²very hostile. Marc Cory´
Kembel. All lifeº×
/Mute Turkish strongman¢Theodore Maxtible's employ.
After Jamie savedlife,¹joinedª¢
Skaro, fighting Theodore Maxtible.
/Lieutenant servingêCaptain Gardiner.
/Weak-willed member ofKarfelon Inner Sanctum.
accused of treacheryTekkerBorad.
/Sir Charles Summers's chauffeur.
|A burglaräbreaking®Edward Waterfield's safe,
/Australian location of Salamander's Sun Conservation
Centresecret underground Sanctum.
/Former Deputy Security CommissionerEurope
North Africa.dismissed at Salamander's instigation.É
Sanctum,¢¤explosion ofown making.
/Misguided scientist
hiredScaroth (as Count Scarlioni)build a·machine which,
¹thought, could ßcure famine. Eventually, Kerensky
succeeded,¥rebelled¦¹ûouttrue nature of
Scaroth's plans. Scaroth trapped¢·machine
accelerated Kerensky's·cycle until¹ageddied.
/Frontios Orderly.
/Crew member ofSandminer.
Robots of Death.
/Scientist¢charge ofKeller machine at
Stangmoor Prison.refusedheed¨warnings,
Mind Parasite.
/Idealist, age-ing scientist
interested¢alternative technologies.wantedstop pollution,
creator ofgiantÖK-1. When Kettlewell
discoveredMiss Winters intendedcarry outthreats,¹
rebelledinadvertentlyrobot. K-1 went mad
/Innkeeper¢17thÄCornish Villageè
©ÉCaptain Pike's pirates.was,¢reality,
ofSquire's smugglers,°shotCherub.
/Not confusedØKeyµa
rod, also knownRod of Rassilon.Key of Rassilon
looked like¤ordinary keysecretly entrusted
Cardinal ofHigh Council. ItÀtapEye of Harmony
powerDemat Gun. Borusa entrusted²
Sontarans¦they invaded Gallifrey,¥ç²back
afterwards.Keeper ofMatrix claimed nocould enter
²withoutKey of Rassilon,µ¹kept. This Key
Åa more vulgar object,òdivert attention¶
real Key.
/Immensely powerful, mythic artefactµ
Guardians of¬maintaineduniversal balanceôorder
chaos. Itshaped¢form of a perfect, crystalline cube.
Whenbalanceupset,White Guardian enlistedhelp of
RomanagatherKey's six segments,µ
disguisedfollows: a lump of jethrik, takenRibos
Garron;ºCalufrax, shrunkfootball sizepirate
ºZanak;formerØSeal of Diplos, kept¢form
of a necklaceEarth; a Taran statue; a holy relic of
Swampies swallowedKrollDelta Magna's moon;
ãPrincess Astra of Atrios.Black Guardianß
Shadowstop¶claimingsixth segment.
outwittedBlack Guardian, enablingWhite Guardian
restoreuniversal balance.Key¬¡broken apart
scattered throughoutUniverse again,Åassuming
five new shapes,restoring Princess Astraýform.
/Five microcircuitsµcontrolledConscience
of Marinus. Arbitan keptKeysent©
Ògatherother four;kept¢Morphoton,
¢jungle,¢ice wilderness,last¢
city of Millenius.
/Commander of a small elite army of Egyptian soldiers at
·ofcompletion ofØPyramid of Cheops (circa 2600
/Leader ofwarrior monks of Det-Sen monastery.
Songsten, himselfêIntelligences's control.
/Inventor oftechnique of rapid holographic cloning
µßtrack downNucleus.
/Colliery ownedLord RavensworthèGeorge
Stevenson builtBlucher,¤early steam-powered locomotive,
/Term appliedTerra Alphañnot happy.
They could arrestedexecutedHappiness Patrol.
/Elderly passenger ofHyperion III space liner.
recognized Hallet¶a previous investigationgranary shortage
Stella Stora.°Vervoids.
/Pralix's friendMula's boyfriend.¿
RomanaCaptain of Zanak.
/Peaceful, telepathic natives of Deva Lokashared a
gestalt-like society. Their attemptsgetmembers of
£Expedition Forcementally mergethem unbalanced
Earthmen's minds.Mara possessedof them, Aris,
äcreate chaosincitingKindaattack
Earthmen's Dome.Kinda's Jhana Box¿restore Commander
Sander's sanity. ThanksSander's desireprotectKinda,
Deva Lokareclassifiedunsuitable
/Space Special Security agent.followed Karlton's
ordersbrother, Bret Vyon, whom shebeen told
a traitor. After Steven Taylor©told
truth, she joined them¢«ÊstopDaleks'
Masterplan. Sara´Kembel¦¬Destructor
/Founder ofPsychic Circus. His braindamaged
Gods of Ragnarok,¹Ía menial labourer knownDeadbeat.
medallion,µrestoredsanity. AfterGods's defeat,¹
ålaunch a new circusMags.
/One ofcriminals of Desperus.äforce
©ðKembelholding Katarina hostage¢
Spar 7-40's airlock,¥she foiledplanejecting them both
/One of Lytton's engineers. His mindtaken over
/A race of creatures virtually identical£cats,
¥bredoriginal Cheetah People.Kitlings
powerteleport through spacegenerate a sybiotic mindlink
«owners, thus enabling themseehear through
«senses. They fedcarrion left«hunting masters.
/Manageress ofInferno discotheque.
/ReptilianÔofMentors of Thoros-Beta.
brain expandedCrozier's brain transformer.would have´if
Croziernotûa waytransplantmind®another
being,turned out Peri. PerisavedKing Yrcanos of
Krontep,Crozier, KivSilæmind transfer
/Megalomanical president ofBrotherhood of
Logicians,financial backer of¾Parry's expedition
Telos. With Kaftan's help,¹Éªresurrect
/One ofUnderworld's guards.Herrick.
/Brock's lawyer,¢Âa West Lodge Foamasi saboteur.
exposeda Foamasi Investigator.Brock°escaped,
¥«»blown upArgolins.
/Captain¢army task forceµÉØ
Intelligence¢Ùunderground.a Yeti.
/TheÔof Morgaine's men.´¯
battle at Carbury.
/The©savedlife of King Richard¯
¨Crusade.ËßKronos Crystalscoop a
medieval knight out of·useõMike Yates.
Linx built aÖknightIrongron.Ã
rematerialized¯a joust¢AD 1215 Britain.parallel
£¶µMorgaine, MordredAncelin camea medieval
worldèknights still ruled.
/Danish-born Hollywood film director.
/Deserted rockyºè¸dropped
/Crystalsû¢certain areas ofspace-time
vortexµcontained energies capable of harnessing space
time.BoradßKontron crystalsdabble¢·research
designing a time-acceleration beama·tunnel called
Timelash.Sixthßthemmanufacture short, portable
·loops,bounce backBorad's time-acceleration beam.
Kronos Crystal might have been a Kontron Crystal. Kontron
Crystals may ïof taranium.
/Fake identityòBennett, using¤imposing,
Didonian sand-beast-like spiked suit. As Koquillion, Benett
armeda jewelled clubemitted a blasting ray.
/Planet atìVardon. Their crossfire accidentally
/Inhabitants of Oseidon, aºµtheyruined
through internecine atomic wars.Kraals relied heavily
android technology. Theyåabandon«increasingly
radioactive worldconquer other planets. Their chief scientist,
Styggron,ßastronaut Guy Crayfordýandroid duplicates
take overDevesham Space Research Station.¡å
exterminate mankinda special virus. His efforts
/Sergeant¢Kane's forcesIceworld. Belasz enlisted
help¢a conspiracykill Kane.failedKane
/Mondasian Cyberleader offirst team of
invadeSnowcap Space Tracking Station.team
/Mondasian Cyberleaderçover¶Krail at
Snowcap Space Tracking Station.General Cutlerå
/One offive Galsec Seven colonists stranded£
circa AD 15,000צthey answered a
fake Mayday signal.Sontaran Styre performed cruelÎ
determinelimits ofýresistance.saved
/Crystalline life formsÀSkagra. They
manufactured¢generation chambers,condensing crystals around
a predesigned skeleton¢a special gaseous atmosphere. Romana
ßsame gasdissolveKrargs.
/High Priest of Poseidon¢Atlantis.fellê
Master's control¿overthrow King Dalios.´when,
¢spite of¨warnings,ËßKronos
/Androzani equivalent of Ms.
/One of Davros's scientists.Daleks.
/Stotz's whiny second¢command.Stotz
/Professor Brett'sâWOTON
/Thal¶Skaro,Ganatus's friend.
/One ofGraff Vynda-K's men.stunnedK-9.
/Great Architect ofParadise Towers. His previous
designs includes Golden Dream Park,Bridge of Perpetual
Motion,Miracle City, a forerunner ofParadise Towers.
His brainsecretly buried¢Towers basementî¹
äpreventñ¶living¢creation. Under Kroagnon's
influence,robotic Cleaners beganexterminate allýlife
insideTowers. Then KroagnonçoverChief Caretaker's
body. Withhelp of PexKangs,
managedexposedestroy Kroagnon.
/Name givenSwampies of Delta Magna's third moon
«god. Krolla gigantic squidlike monsterïup of many,
smaller squid. Itreached its gigantic size because²
once swallowedSwampies' holy relic,¢Âfifth
segment ofKeyTime. WhenRomana
recoveredsegment, Krollbroken apart®hundreds of
little squid.
/(aka KRONOVORES) Time-eaters, mysterious creatures
living inside·vortexfeedingvery substance of
time. Kronosa kronavore.
/Possiblymost powerful ofKronavores. His name
gave riselegend ofGreek Titanatechildren,
of whomPosiedon, god of Atlantis. Kronosdrawn¶
·vortexpriests of Atlantis,imprisoned
essence¢Kronos Crystal.Ëreleased
Kronos,äcontrol him,¥failed,
Kronavore×Atlantis.¨engineered a¬
RamôÃMaster's,µreleased Kronos
/Giant crystalµexisted transdimensionally
both¢·vortex¢our space-time continuum. It
þindestructable.ancient Atlantean priestsß²
draw Kronos¶·vorteximprison its essence. King
Dalios camerealiseshort-term benefitsuse of
Kronos CrystalóAtlantis would spell long-term doom,
forbade its use.CrystalguardedMinotaur. When King
²®a smaller version,µsurvived throughout20th
TOM-TITsummon King Kronos. Itça¬Ramô
Master's TARDISesdestroy
Crystalrelease Kronos.Kronos Crystal may have been a
Kontron Crystal,ïof taranium.Daemons may have
beenonesgave²ancient Atlanteans.
/Name of King Yrcanos's home world.Mentorsselling
laser weaponsKrontepThordon,kept Yrcanos prisoner
Thoros-Betainducecooperate. Aftervictory over
Mentors, YrcanosÅreturnedKrontepPeri
/Crystalline beingsïof tellurium. Four Krotons
been involved¢¤interplanetaryìshot downº
ofGonds. Exhausteddrain«mental energies,
two died.twoµsurvived enslavedGondswent®a
form of suspended animation. Every month,two most intelligent
GondsselectedbecomeKrotons' 'companions'. In reality,
Krotons use«Dynatropedrain«mental energy
recharge themselves.ªßsulphuric
/Hostile, vegetal life formsµpreyedanimals.
Around 20,000 BC, two Krynoid pods landed¢Antarctic
buried themselves®permafrost. Theydug up¢
1977a World Ecology Bureau expedition.Krynoidçcontrol
of Winlett's body,¥°×¦Scorby blew up
camp.other podstolenHarrison Chase. Itçcontrol of
Keeler's bodyChase's mind,grewmonstrous size. It began
turn plantsõmankind,¥blown upRoyal Air
Forceæ²could germinate. In both cases,
Ú¿bringøKrynoids' end.
/Mongolian generalstatesman, grandson of Genghis
Khanlivedô12151294.Marco Polo's friend
met©Doctor,¶whom¹wonâa game of
backgammon. Later,saved¶Tegana's assassination
/Chinese official workingêWang-Lo.bribed
/Australian AborigineùUrbankans,
probably circa 3019 BC. His memoriesstoredsilicon chips,
ßanimate¤android¢image. After¸
ÿMonarch,¹fellow androids decidedlook
/Count Grendel's henchman.knocked unconscious
RomanaPrincess Strella.
/Young SolonianÔdistrusted Varan£
Empire.framedMarshalmurder of£
Administrator,fled backSolos.¨¿
completemutationturn®a super-being. Ky¡
Marshal, freedfriends¿ñreach«
final state.
/26thÄpaleontologist. Underprotection
of Lieutenant Scottmen, sheintentexploring a
network of underground cavesèeight other scientistsbeen
androids protecting a hidden Cyberbomb.
¿¸disarmbomb,¡travelled aboard
ÃCaptain Briggs's space freighter,èshe
a Cyberman.
/British police sergeantinterrogated
Leelaîtheybeen attackedmembers ofTong of
Black Scorpion.
/Drathro¤Andromedan L-3 robot.
/See Q, SUSAN.
/Atlantean officerassignedñwork
/Scientist sentColonel Archer's men
investigate mysterious happenings (in reality,end of a Dalek
·corridor)¢Ùwarehouse district.
Dalek-duplicate, Archer.
/Horror-filled swampSkaro,µclaimed
lives of AntodusElyon.
/One oflandmarks of Iceworld's
/PeacefulºµRaniçover¦she detected
¤asteroidïup of Strange Matter¢its orbit.å
blow upasteroida Loyhargil rocket. Successful completion
ofplan would have completely×Lakertya,¥she
/Golden-skinned natives of Lakertya. Theyevolved
¶reptilescommitteda peaceful, indolent life.
Raniçcontrol of them,theyÛ
/HeAnkh, Minyans whose headsbeen replaced
machines,two SeersruledUnderworld directly
beneathOracle. TheyÉJackson's
Minyans,´¢ÏofUnderworld causedtwo
fission grenades disguisedRace Banks,µOracle
intendedusedestroy Jackson's ship.
/Queen Galleia's slave girl.ЦKronos
/A member ofstaff ofWheel¢Space. His
mindtaken overCybermen.killed.
/Remarkably gifted race, pioneers of steady-state micro
welding. According¨Doctor, theynine opposable
/Count Grendel's surgeon-engineermaster-android
Grendel's men.
/Tulloch nurseçcare of Harry Sullivan
/One ofMovellans servingêCommander SharrelSkaro.
/Medieval knight ofRound Table.ªDoctor,
JamieZoe encounteredfictional counterpart¢
Land of Fiction.
/Member of Lupton's psychic circus at K'anpo's Tibetan
Monastery. His mindtaken overSpiders,¥¹
/Nickname givena mysterious pocket universe
ècreations ofýmind could materializedgiven
a semblance of life.Land of FictionruledË
Brain,ßaýpawn,Master,fill its world
a variety of fictional characters.Land of Fiction disappeared
/Corporal¢army task forceµÉØ
Yeti's web.
|Member of Rorvik's crew.´¢Ïof
privateer's ship.
/Intergalactic Pursuit Squadron Lieutenant
assignedjob of goingîRomulusRemus Sylvest's
kidnappers.crashedTitan ThreeÛnewly
regenerated Sixth Doctor. Lang travelled¬Lord¢
ÃJaconda,蹿Mestor. Stranded
Jaconda,¹decidedremain therehelpnatives rebuild
/TheÒalways seem able
speaklocal languages ofplaces they visit.
told Sarah²a¬Lord 'gift'. This
talentundoubtedlyresult of¬Lords' telepathic
abilities, possibly aidedTARDIS.
/Young Lakertyan, Ikona's brother.chosefollow
Beyus's orders rather than rebelõRani.
Rani's deadly insects.
/Officer ofCourt of Millenius.
/The Wheel¢Space¤X-ray laser cannon.
/DeviceßDaskreprogramRobots of
/Thremmatologist (science dealing
breedingpropagating of animalsplantsdomestication)
embarkedHyperion III space linertwo assistants,
BruchnerDoland.primarily responsiblecreation
ofVervoids,¥never meantthembecome hostile life
forms.¿Sixthsave»¶Rudge's hijack
attempt. Later, sheVervoids.
/Tombstone saloon.
/One ofThals sentSpiridonstopDaleks.
Jo Grant.
/One ofindividuals working atInferno Project
/Chief ofUtobi Indiansonce saved George
secretly livedat Cranleigh Hall.
/UNIT pilot lieutenant.flew Lethbridge-
Stewart's helicopterCarbury. Morgaine causedhelicopter
crash.°áLavel's memories,¡her.
/Director ofWenley Moor atomic
research station,µattackedSilurians. His sole,
overriding concernpreserveposition.no help
¨Doctor,Silurian virus
spreadMajor Baker.
/Reputedly incurable space disease. Terminus, Inc.
exiled its victimsTerminus,kept themêits control
hydromel. Nyssaåsynthesize hydromel, thereby
freeingmen¶Terminus, Inc.'s grip.
/Name giventhose afflictedLazar disease.
company Terminus, Inc. promised them a cure,¥instead shipped
themTerminus,ètheyherded®Forbidden Zone
Vanir. There, some of themcuredGarm,¡shipped
/Time-sensitive TharilselectedAldoRoyce
replace Biroc.°escaped®E-SpaceRomana,
ledfellow Tharilsfreedom.
/Metalßa shieldblock
Vardan's powers.
/Archaeologist mentioned¾
/Chinese member ofTong ofBlack Scorpion
replaced Li H'Sen ChangGreel's main servant. Greel forced
commit suicidea penaltyfailure.
/One ofcompanions.a member of
Sevateem triberefusedbelieve Xoanona god.
¿ÊTeshcure Xoanon.¡
accompanied¢TARDIS.¿ÊRobots of
Death; Magnus Greel; a Rutan ofisland of Fang Rock;
Nucleas ofVirus ofPurpose (when she first met K-9 mark I)
µshenaturally immune;Fendahl;Usurians;
There, she fell¢loveCommander Andred ofChancellery
Guards.K-9 mark I electedremainGallifrey.
a savage¥trusting nature,favourite÷
poisonous Janis thorn.
/Exarius colonistó¨
Jo GrantAshe.°IMC robot,µ
ïdeath look likeresult of a lizard attack.
/A species of giant flowering lettuce unique
/Hollywood actress.
/British astronautboardMars Probe 7»
Þmysterious, radioactive aliens.
/The Earl of Leicestera warlike Crusader deeply
opposedpeaceSaracens.would have
©if²not beenIan's timely intervention.
/Army sergeantêCommander Millington's command¢
/Vast entertainment centreArgolis. It contained
different environments designedproduce physicalpsychic
regeneration. Its key attractionTachyon Recreation
Generator.West Lodge Foamasi sabotagedLeisure Hive,
impersonated BrockKlouttrybuy²¶itsÔMena.
But theyexposeda Foamasi
megalomaniacal dreams,fixedTRG soArgolins could
/Governor ofConciergerie.¢ÂBritish
master spy James Stirling whose missionsave prisoners¶
guillotine. His path crossedof©Ian
¯French Revolution.
/A grocery-store employee¢Perivale.
/Renegade scientistbeen hiredReegan
watch overthree radioactiveÇambassadors¹
kidnapped. In reality,¹workingGeneral Carrington. Filled
remorse,¹turned himself¢UNIT,¥¦
Carrington arrangedradioactive isotopeds delivered
/Planet visitedCaptain Cook.
/A period of·µçúa microsecondî
Big Bang. It produced Helium 2,µRaniåuse
turnartificial Brain®a planet-sized¬Manipulator.
/AstronomerWheel¢SpaceLeo Ryan's
met Zoe againîshereturnedproperú¢
/Confederate soldierȹfighting
American Civil War. In reality,¹part ofëGames.
/Young French girlLord Palmerdale's
confidential secretary.shipwreckedFang Rock and,¢
spite ofefforts,°
/One ofofficers aboard Space Beacon Nerva.¿
/Chief Scientist ofVulcan colony.È
¹û¢a crashed»robotscould
repairedhelpcolony. In spite ofª
warnings,¹repowered them. Later,ätake
socould deactivateagain.
/One of UNIT's founding members'.
Colonel¢British Army. After UNIT's formation,¹
promotedBrigadierÍofheads of its British
branch. reporting directlya United Nations Secretary¢
Geneva.ª¡ía Cybermanéof
Soon afterwards, Lethbridge-Stewartamongfirstñ
meet¨Doctor, whom¹ïUNIT's Scientific Advisor.
alwaysremain slightly disturbed
regenerative abilities. Togetherhelp of Liz Shaw, Jo Grant,
Sarah Jane Smith, Sergeant BentonMike Yates, theyÉa
number of threatsdiverseMaster;Nestene«
deadly Autons;Silurians; General Carringtonso-called
'Ambassadors of Death';¾Stahlman's Inferno Project¦
metBrigadier's counterpart¶a parallel fascistic
Earth. Brigade-Leader Lethbridge-Stewart;Mind of Evil; Axos;
Daemons;Daleks; Kronos; Omega, ¦¹met©
ªDoctors; BOSS;Sontarans;¤éof dinosaurs
mastermindedSir Charles Grover¦Mike Yates betrayed UNIT;
ãGiant Spiders of Metebelis 3.
It¡Brigadier watchedregenerate®
Incarnation,whom¹(and Harry Sullivan)É
¾Kettlewell's Giant RobotScientific Reform
Lethbridge-Stewart's jobÍincreasingly more political,
¹¢Geneva¯Kraal InvasionKrynoid
attack. Perhaps because of this,¢1977, Lethbridge-Stewart
choseretire.¡wentteach maths at Brendon School.
In 1977,¯meeting¸Doctor,Brigadier
encounteredown self¶1983, provoking¤energy discharge
µreleased Mawdrynfellow aliens¶«unending
life.discharge causedBrigadiersuffer¶amnesia¶
1977 until 1983,¦¹recoveredmemory. Soon afterwards,
¹leftteaching postmarried Doris,offormer
day ofnext annual½reunion,¹again metª
Doctor,Íof Borusa's pawns¢Game of Rassilon.
Togetherother incarnationsvarious
companions,¹¿thwartmegalomaniacal¬Lord's plans
Lethbridge-Stewartcame out of retirementÊ
alongsideDoctor, AceBrigadier Bambera,õ
Morgaine's forces at Carbury. During this battle,¹nearly
sacrificed himselfkillDestroyersave Earth.
/Alistair's wife.worked½¢
¤undisclosed capacityæmarryingBrigadier.saw
ðactive dutyÊMorgaine. In 1964,æthey
married, Doris spent some romantic·Lethbridge-Stewart
¢a hotel¢Brighton,èshe gavea gold watch.
/Planet ofCyrennic Empire,homeworld of
tyrannical Graff Vynda-K. WhenGraff left Levithiaʢ
Alliance Wars,¹replacedhalf-brother
satisfaction ofLevithians.
/High Priestess ofDeons.worshippedDodecahedon
vehemently opposedany plansreclaimplanet's
surface. After Meglos, usingshapeá
Crystal, sheþ¬Lord executed. But she
sawerror ofwaysa Gaztak while
saving Romana's life.
/Chinese peasantûMagnus Greel and,
mistakinggod Weng-Chiang, nursedbackhealth.
Greel gavehypnotic powers. Chang followedmasterLondon,
providingyoung girls whose life essences¹needed
¬Cabinet.ßgiftsPeking Homunculuspose
a magician,worked at Henry Gordon Jago's Palace Theatre.
ÉLeela,¥repeated failures
caused dismissedGreel. Soon afterwards,¹fatally
woundedGreel's Giant Rat. Finally realizingGreelnot a
god, Chang´warningbeware ofEye of
/One ofChosenArk¢Space.
/The Eldersdiscovered a mechanical waysteal
transferlife energy ofso-called Savages. In time,
victims recovered, only drained again later.
eracatalogue all of its species.ÛNimrod, a
until19th century,¦¹discoveredBritish explorer
Redvers Fenn-Cooper,Ímentally unbalanced. Actingê
influence of Josiah Samuel Smith, a survey agent of Light's
evolved®a human, Fenn-CooperçLight's»backEngland
buried²êGabriel Chase. Ace caused Lightreawaken.
evolution, Lightädestroy mankind. But¹disintergrated¦
showedno one, not even himself, could
stop evolution.
|The concept of OrderLightembodiedWhite
/One ofemployees at Tranquil Repose.joined Takis¢
calling¢¶Skaro. After Tranquil Repose's
destruction,sixthshowed him, Takisother
employees howmake proteins out of local flowers.
Sabalom Glitz insideMatrix.
/Recreational planet.
/Chinese mandarin¶so-called 'Futu' dynasty,
ùUrbankans, probably circa 1769 BC. (There is no
trace of a 'Futu' dynasty¢China, howeverShang Dynasty
(18th12thÄBC) would consistentLin Futu, based
archeological discoveriesïatburiel site of Fu Hao, a royal
member ofdynasty.) His memoriesstoredsilicon chips,
ßanimate¤android¢image. After¸
ÿMonarch,¹fellow androids decidedlook
/Sixteenth President ofUnited States. His
imageprojected©Space-Time Visualizer.
/A Chinese Captain¢Kublai Khan's army.
promotedCommander,married Ping-Cho.
/One ofThoros-Alphan prisonersThoros-Beta.
rapidly ageddeathCrozier's experiments.
/First victim ofMind Parasite at Stangmoor Prison.
/Sontaran warrior whose»damagedRutans,
stranded¢12thÄWessex.allied himselfIrongron,
local brigand,offeredshelter¢exchangemodern
weapons. Linxùscientists¶20thÄhelp
Doctor.´¦a local archer, Hal, shot¤arrow®
probic vent»readytake off.»exploded soon
/Professor Litefoot's father.wentChina
¢AD 1860part of a punitive expedition,stayed¢
Pekingpalace attache untildeath.
/A dedicated medical doctorchosen
work¢¤East EndÙhospital.Henry Gordon Jago
¿LeelaMagnus Greelsave
Ù¶destruction. Litefootgrown up¢China,è
Emperor Tungchigiven Greel's¬Cabinetfamilya
/Human avatar ofthree Gods of Ragnarok at
Psychic Circus.
/English VillageׯEnglish Civil
ë¢1643. ItèTegan's grandfather Andrew Verney, lived.
Verney discoveredÇMalus buried beneath its church. Thanks
itself,peace returnedLittle Hodcombe.
/The©stopped thereChristmas¯
flight¶Daleks' Masterplan.
/Milo Clancey's erratic, battered old spaceship.
/Operator at Space Special Security's Control Building.
/Quiet Welsh mining village,site of both
Nuthutch communeGlobal Chemicals refineryè
Green Death occurred.
/Commander ofMoroks' Space MuseumXeros.ä
¯Xeron rebellion.
|PlanetèMilo Clancey's argonite mineslocated.
/Circa AD 1179, Loch NessÍhome ofBorad, a
monstrous, quasi-reptilianǶPlanet Karfel,µbeen
banished through a·tunnel knownTimelashSixth Doctor.
Circa 1676,crippled spaceship ofZygons landed¢
Loch Ness.Zygons«SkarasenÅ
Borad,Skarasen¡ÍLoch Ness Monster. In 1976,
ZygonsßSkarasensink some oil rigssabotage a
World Energy Conference. Freed¶ZygonsDoctor,
Skarasen returnedLoch Ness where, presumably,¹lived
peacefully forever afterwards.
/T-Mat operatorMoonbase,¦²taken over
Ice Warriors.Slaar,caughtsending a
/Official poisoner of Imperial Rome. Whenofpoisons
failed, Poppaea orderedthrownLions.
/One oflootersÞ¢Ù¯Dinosaur
/Lord ofFire Mountain worshippedSarns. In
reality,¹deification of a Trion vulcanologist.
/The greatest gathering ofý
intelligence ever assembled.LogiciansÈlogic
intelligence should have power overdestinies of Manother
species. Atbeginning of26th century,Logicians'
megalomaniacal president, Eric Klieg, financed¾Parry's
expeditionTelos,resurrectedCybermen. It is
possibleBrotherhood of Logicians evolved¶21st
Ä£School of Parapsychology,µshared its emphasis
pure logic.
/Alzarian chief engineerKeara's father.
appointed DeciderîDraith's death. More decisive thantwo
colleagues,¹assumed leadership¯Marshmen's attack,
¿discoverAlzarians' true nature.
/Young Alzarian OutlerLogin's daughter.
/Community of pure mathematicianslived¤unnamed
Çplanet. They spent«lives intoning calculations inside
caves carved®rock. Their Block Transfer Computations
poweraffectÂitself.Logopolitans discovered
universelong ago passedpoint of fatal collapse. To dispose
ofentropy, theyßBlock Transfer Computationscreate
Charged Vacuum Emboitementsopen voids®other universes. After
Ëdisruptedworkings of Logopolis, Logopolis itself fell
apartdestroyed. CVEs began closing. Fortunately,
Logopolitansdiscovered¤equationwould stabilize
CVEs. In spite ofMaster's attemptsstopblackmail
universe,Õ¢usingPharos Project
£broadcastLogopolitans calculations.
/High priest of Amdo,Atlanteans' goddess.hated
¾Zaroff, whom¹rightly sawhaving׫
peaceful (but primitive) isolated life.ɪ
´fightingmad scientist¦sea broke through
Zaroff's laboratory.
/Leisure Hive visitorsuggestedtachyonics
display arrangedPangola trick.invitedstep®
machineaccidentally torn apart.
/Captain ofTrion rescue»summonedTurlough
sentSarnevacuate its people.
/Medical doctorwhom Dr. Hendersonsent samples
/Son of Lady Tanha of Manussa. His ancestorbanished
Mara five hundredöearlier.possessedMara,
persuaded AmbrilletuseØCrystal¯
ceremony¢µMaraårecreate itself.Mara
/Exarius colonist.supported Winton's callarmsõ
/Churchwarden¢a small Cornish village.
once a pirateÀêCaptain Averyfellow
crewmembers PikeCherub. Longfoot knewèAvery's treasure
hidden,¥Cherub - not, however,æ¹
·impart clues©Doctor.
/Rest stop©roadChina.
/Companion of©ªDoctors,
¾Brett's secretary.Ben Jackson¿©
õWOTAN. Afterwards, they followed¢Ã
¿Ê17thÄsmugglersCybermen. They
watched©regenerate. PollyBen¡aided
Macra. They first met Jamie¢1746 Scotland. Finally,î
defeatingChameleons, they discovered theyback¢Ù
same day theyleft,choseremain there.
/One ofDestroyer's names.
/Billy's band at Shangri-La.
/One ofcrew ofMary Celeste.
/One of¾Sorenson's Morestran crewZeta
Minoranti-matter creatures.
/The first Lost Shipslaunchedædiscovery
of faster than light propulsion,¯early part of21st
century. Theyßvolunteers placed¢hibernation. Among these
»µlandedVulcan. A second wave of
Lost Ships occurredîdiscovery of FTL propulsion,¢
last days of21stÄearly part of22nd century.
Among theseHydrax,µdiverted®E-Space
ØVampire,»crashedMetebelis 3.
Another wave of Lost Ships followedª(or Great)
Break Out¢51st century. Among theseMordee, whose
/Royal Navy officerÉSea Devils.
/Supervisor ofTitan base. His mindtaken over
VirusæMeeker died,¹ÉLeela
saveNucleus. A miniaturised holographic clone version of
´withinbody.óNucleus backTitan,
¥K-9 mark I.
/Captain of»µçMarc CoryKembel.
injureda Varga plant,¡Coryputout
/Special alloy devisedRani's artificial Brain,
µRani loaded¢rocketblow upStrange Matter
/Ore processed aboardSandminer.
/German army lieutenantȹfightingõ
British¢WorldëI. In reality,¹part of
/Violent attacks conducted19thÄ
handicraftsmenõmachinery. Some attacksindirectly
causedRani's removal of humans' brain fluids.
/Member ofSevateem tribe.°of
Xoanon's invisible, telekinetic monsters.
/Werewolf-like being, originally Dorf, enquerryKing
Yrcanos of Krontep,a pathetic product of Crozier's
saved Yrcanos's lifetaking a deadly blast meantKing.
/One of¾Sorenson's Morestran crew
Zeta Minoranti-matter creatures.
/See MOON.
/Leader ofpsychic circleµsummonedSpiders of
Metebelis 3K'anpo's Tibetan Monastery.once fired¶
job,wanted powerrevenge.áBlue Crystal¶
UNIT,allied himselfSpiders. His plansí
called them«true name of Spiders instead of 'Eight-Legs'.
/Vorg's home world.
/The youngest of Traken's five Consuls.ÍKeeperî
/One ofChosenArk¢Space.Rogin¿
/El Akir's home city.
/Galactic mercenarytitle of commander.
bornRiften 5, a satellite of Vita 15 (Star System 690),
known aºof warriors.first workedDaleks,
commanding a taskforce whose job²rescue Davros¶a space
penitentiary.ɸDoctor,ultimately escaped
throughDaleks'·corridor1984 London.
There,¹turnedorganizing robberiesprovide
moneybuy sophisticated electronics equipment,µ¹ß
set up a transmitter broadcasting a distress call. Thisfirst
picked upCryons,°Sixth Doctor.Cryons
hired Lyttonsteal back a·vessel stolenCybermen.
Lytton met ¢Ùsewerspretendedhelp
them,¥ûout.tortured,¡ began
conversion workturn®of«own. Before¹lost
humanity, a partially converted Lytton sacrificed himselfkill
/Type of fuelßRecovery 8 rocket.
/Planetary system located beyondSigmus Gap catalogued
/Absent-minded scientist¶Vasilipdesigned
Kandy Man. After¿overthrow Helen A's
regime,¹Joseph C fled Terra Alpha¢a space shuttle
originally intendedHelen A.
/Commander ofDrahvin team strandeddoomedº
of Galaxy Four.only true Drahvin,other women being
programmed products of test tubes. Maagaäenlist©
crewТplanet's destruction.
/Out-of-work actor¶17th century.¿
¸Doctor, Tegan, AdricNyssaTerilelptils.
AccordingGlitz,²worth quite a few grotzis.
/Television reporter coveringpeace
/Former captain ofAnnabellesupporter of
Scottish rebellion.betrayedEnglishTrask,
/Explorer¾Travers's friend.
/Scotland Yard inspectorcomeGabriel Chase
investigatedisappearance of Sir GeorgeLady Margaret
Pritchard,owners ofhouse.beenÞ
preservedtwoöJosiah Samuel Smith.
reanimated him,¥¹°Light,devolved
back®primeval soup.
/Crablike aliensÕ¢secretly dominating a
ýspace colonyforcing themextractrefinegas
µnecessary«survival. Theyexposed
/Component of Zanak's transmat engines.
It burned out while ZanakÃärematerialize
Calufrax atsame time.Captainreadycrush£
obtainmineral PJX 18 (quartz)replace it.
/Sea Base Four's junior crew member.replaced Michaels
synch operator,¥felt inadequate.brain-washed
NilsonSolowforcedkill Karina.
/One ofyounger Rezzies of Paradise TowersTilda's
Tabby's neighbour.joined forcesDoctor,
/Space sectorèRutansÉ
/Phil Madison's wife.
«éof£¢AD 2164. HisÜPhilbeen turned
®a Robomanworked atBedfordshire site. Both¹Phil
/Theturned®a Robomanwork¢«
Bedfordshire site¯«Invasion of£¢AD 2164. Both¹
/TheÃòa state of temporary insanity¢
©Ò¢orderalert themfact
Fast Return Switchjammed. Xoanon wa a schizophrenic
computer. Varosonce been a colonycriminally insane.
met a great number of mad scientists such
¾Zaroff, Dr Solon, Magnus Greel, Kroagnon, etc.
Also see EVIL.
/Name ofZygonimpersonated Harry Sullivan.
´while attacking Sarah.
/Karfelon rebel.
/One ofminerals extracted¶CalufraxZanak.
ItßMr FibulipowerPsychic Interference
/One of Earth's multiplanetary
corporations. Garron posedits agent¦¹äsell Ribos
Graff Vynda-K.
/The¨Édeadly swarms of giant maggots
green slime, also knownGreen Death,¢Llanfairfach. They
fungusû¾Clifford Jones.
/AccordingClarke's Law, sufficently advanced technology
is indistinguishable¶magic (and vice versa). Therefore,
scientific explanations usually accountedallseemingly
supernatural phenomena. Supernatural beings turned out superior
entities preyingless evolved beings.
Among those entitiesthought gods or demons at
·or another¢Earth's history,µoftenÍ
center of a cult of worshippers, were:ÇLight;Daemons;
Mondasians; Sutekh, HorusOsirians; Scaroth of
Jagaroth; Kronos; Cessair of Diplos (posingceltic goddess
Caileach)Stones of Blood;ancient Exxilon;
embodiment of evil knownFenric;Mandragora Helix,ç
overBrotherhood of Demnos;Malus;Terileptil android
dubbed 'Grim Reaper';Magnus Greel, posingChinese
god Weng-Chiang.©himselfmistakenZeus
¯Trojan War, while Barbara WrightthoughtAztecs
Yetaxa's reincarnation. Morgaine's parellel£appeared
ruledmagic, although Morgaine's talentsÅresult
of parapsychological abilities.goddess Hecatea pagan concept
worshippeda cult of witches¢
Moreton Harwood.
OnÇworlds,came¢contacta number of
religionsèprimitiveñworshipped a powerful seemingly
supernatural entity. These included:Exxilon City;
Xoanon;Oracle; Kroll;Mara;Gods of Ragnarok.
/AliasßË¢Devil's End.
/8,000-mile-long space amoeba, often mistakena planet.
/A Maglem Mark-7 converterïof siligtone
deviceµconverted ultraviolet light®black light,µ
¡transmitted downUK Habitat,è²ß
power Drathro.Maglem converteralsosacred totem of
Haldron,ofgods ofTribe ofFree. It×
Dibber,¼triggering a black light explosion
could have endangeredentire universe, if²not been stopped
Sixth Doctor. After Drathro's destruction, Dibber suggested
sheGlitz could make money¶sellingconverter's siligtone.
/Monsterlived¢caves of Androzani Minor. It
body of¤armadillopowerful, fanged jaws. It
¯mud burst.
/Charter of English liberties grantedKing John¢
1215êthreat of Civil War.ËßKamelion¢¤
attemptturnbaronsõKing Johnprevent its signing.
«hand lights.
/Device߬Lords' corrupt High Council
move£out ofSolar System¯Ravolox Stratagem.
/Vorus's chief assistant,engineer ofSkystriker
missile.É free Voga.
/Protegee of Captain Cook,ûVulpana,of
contestants¢talent contest organizedPsychic
CircusentertainGods of Ragnarok. Mags turned out a
whom she killed. Afterwards, she stayedKingpinlaunch a new
/Subject Guardianwilling Monoid collaborator.
/Promontory nearNorthumberland villageè
Fenric's flaskburied.
/Prisoner at Stangmoor Prisonstaged¤
unsuccessful riot.Ë¡¿take overPrison,
°ßhijackThunderbolt Missile.
/The daughter of Haroun Ed Diin, takenEl Akir
harem.¿BarbaraÝEl Akir's clutches.
/Captain of£»¢orbit aroundSense-
Sphere.crew, Carol RichmondJohn,held captive
Sensorites. Thanks©efforts,¹
allowedðEarth,îhaving promised
protectsecret ofSensorites' existence.
/Maylin of KarfelmurderedBorad.
Katz's father.friends¨Doctor,¿
negotiateoriginal peace treatyBandril (in¤unrecorded
/Young Varosian guard.movedGovernor's appeal
Cell Disintegrator.
/Old Tartar¢Tegana's employ.
/Young Sarn boydestinedbecome Sarn'sÔbecause
¹been chosenLogar. In reality,¹Turlough's brother,
crash-landedSarn. Malkon boreMisos Triangle.
wounded¤EldercuredNumismaton flame.returned
/Member ofDalek Alliance¢«Masterplanõ
Earth.betrayedMavic ChenDaleks,¥
returned homejoinedýforces.
/EvilÇentityarrived¢Little Hodcombe¢
1643. Itßpsychic projectionsfeedvillagers' fears
¯English Civil War,¡Ídormant. It
rediscovered¢local churchTegan's grandfather, Andrew
Verney.MalusawakenedSir George Hutchinson's
unbalanced mind. Under«combined influences, a series of deadly
ìgames re-enactingCivilëlaunched.¸
ablecut²off¶villagers' emotions. After Sir
George's death,Malus×itselfchurch.
Later,¸theorizedMalusa Hakol
psychic probe.
/Spiral-shaped energy life form, gifted
collective intelligence, living¢uncharted areas ofspace-time
vortex,a mysterious relationstars. It travelled
15thÄItaly¢TARDIS,çover Hieronymous
cult ofBrothers of Demnos. It wantedenslave mankind
prevent them¶reachingstarsbecoming a threat. Its plan
preventRenaissancethus perpetuateDark Ages. It
starsfavourableitsðend of20th
/Leader ofrebellionõCompanyPluto.
attacked a supervisorbeen senta correction centre.
escapedlived¢UndercityGoudry, Veetothers.
¿- reluctantly, at first -Leela
/Savage monsters¶ºEden. Tryst discovered
deadly drug vraxoin could manufactured¶Mandrels'
machinecapturetransportMandrels,¥they escapedî
EmpressHecate crashed aboveºAzure¦both
ships simultaneously emerged¶hyperspace.lured
Mandrels backEden projection insideCET.
/Silurian deviceßIctharlaunch Sea Base
Four's missiles without aýsynch operator.
/Captain Wrack's first mate.¸threw
Wrack overboard.
/RAF officer.
/One ofDukian directorsinitiated research®
atomic energy.
/Planet located¢Scrampus system. Itonce
seat of two powerful, interplanetary empires:Sumaran
Manussan Empires.
/The Manussans' once great technology enabled them
produceØCrystal,µamplifiedevil inside«
mindsòMara.MaraÍdriving force behind
Sumaran Empire. Three hundredölater, thanks
SnakedancersLon's ancestor,Manussans banishedMara®
a dark dimension. Five hundredöîthat, Tegan returned²
Manussa. But¸ßSnakedancedestroy²
æ²could recreate itself.
/Mellium's friend.defended©¦Dodo's
cold virus infectedArk.
/Evil entityµsum ofevil within
Manussans' minds. Itabsorbed, reflectedgiven independant
lifeØCrystal,manifested itself¢form of a
snake. It ledSumaran Empire. Three hundredöîits
creation, thanksmagic ofSnakedancers,²banished
Manussans®a dark dimension ofcollective mind. It
somehow drawntelepathic Kinda of Deva Loka,¥onlyûa
passage back®real world¦²possessed Tegan. Then,²
çoveryoung Kinda, Aris,soughtplunge Deva Loka®
chaosincitingKindaattackDome of¤£Expedition
Force,µwould have promptedinsane Hindlestart a massive
explosion.¸trappedMara inside a circle of
mirrors,banished²once more. Butevil entity
secretly remained¢contactTegancompelledð
Manussa, 500öîits original exile. There,Mara
possessed Lon,årecreate itselfØCrystal.
Snakedancing rituals¶Dejjen,seizedCrystal
brokeMara's spellManussa.
/One ofThals sentSpiridonstopDaleks.
/Deformed version of Marble Arch Station. Itof
stations¢UK Habitat,underground civilization ruled
/Giuliano's friendconfident.¿
Mandragora Helix.
/High priestess ofSisterhood of Karn. WhenSacred
Flame appeared dying, she suspectedof being
a¬Lord spy, sentstealremaining Elixir.felt too old
ÊMorbius,let Ohica destroyMonster. Later, she gave
upown, last ration of Elixir of Lifesave
life,´¢Sacred Flame. Ohica¡assumed
leadership ofSisterhood.
/Earth's elite space commandos. A unit led
Commander StewartsentExxilonbring back parrinium,
/Planet whose populationmind-controlled (to ensure good
behaviour)a giantàcalledConscience, located¤
island of glasslike sand, surroundeda sea of Acid.
Conscience's Keeper, Arbitan, blackmailed©
Ò®searchingfour of its five Keys.island
invadedVoord,Conscience°destroyed, freeing
/New Heidelberg University specialist¢extra-
terrestrial, pathological endomorphisms.worked atBi-Al
Foundation¢50th century.¿
LeelaNucleas ofVirus,himself briefly
infected.alsodesigner of K-9 mark I, whom¹gave
¦¹û¹could not takebackEarth.
/Police sergeantcalled¢at Cranleigh Hall
investigate Digby's murder.¸gaveSir Muir a
tour ofTARDIS.
/Gatherer Hade's assistant.electedjoin
/Mentor of Thoros-Beta workingLord Kiv.a strong
aversionloud noises.
/Planet visitedPsychic Circusæ²went
/One ofEternals.¸met¢guise
offirst mateCaptain Striker's space yacht¢race
Enlightenment.discovered love¶contactTegan,¥
banishedWhite Guardian.
/Fourthº¶sun. During Earth's prehistoric times,
Marshome ofIce Warriors.Fendahl attacked
Mars,¥driven away,ÅIce Warriors,moved
onto Earth. WhenǼbegandie,Martians sent
Vargaa scouting expeditionEarth,¥theyfrozen inside
a glaciernever returned. Because of this, or possiblya
consequence ofFendahl's devastating attack,Martians decided
leave«dying worldemigratedanother part of
god-like Osirian Horus°chose a relatively deserted
corner of Marsbuild a pyramid housingEye of Horus,µ
somehow keptÜSutekh prisonerEarth.
During°20th century, mankind sentProbe spaceships
Mars. Probes 67ïcontactpeaceful, radioactive
alienselectedinhabitplanet. AfterÇ
AmbassadorsùßGeneral Carrington,aliens
leftSolar System.
Infar future, MarsterraformedMankind. Bret Vyon
bornColoney 16Mars. Much later,êUsurian influence,
a segment of Humanity temporily movedMars,¡Pluto,
îdepleting Earth's natural resources.also ICE WARRIORS.
/British space projectµsentProbes
Mars,later,Recovery 78.
/Delicacies enjoyedMentors.
/War chief of Atriossecretlyê
Shadow's mental command.ledº¢a fanatical, unending
spaceìõZeos.launched a final assault, unaware²
would trigger Mentalisdestroy both planets.
destroyShadow's planetoid. Afterìover,Marshal
¿Drax rebuild Atrios.
/Sadistic Imperial£agentSolos. His plan
permanently alterplanet's atmospheremake²
habitablehumans.lovedhuntkill Solonian mutants.
ßVaran's sonkill£Administrator,¡framed Ky.
ɨDoctor, until¹Kyî
latterturned®a super-being.
/Styre reporteda Sontaran Marshal.
/Young marsh creaturefollowed
®Starliner. ItDexeterscientistø
dissect²alive.Marshchild´of electrocution¹ä
/Extremely adaptableintelligent native Alzarian life
forms, evolved¶spiders. AfterTerradonian Starliner crashed
Alzarius, Marshmen²original passengers. Overcourse
of four thousand generations, they¡evolved®Terradonian-like
humanoidsforgot«true origins. Eventually, at Mistfall, a
new Marshmen roseagain attackStarliner.
¿Starliner community rediscovertruthleave
/Village womanØVampire's world.Ivo's
wifeKarl's mother.
/One ofcrew ofMary Celeste.
/High Priestess ofCult ofCailleach. In reality, she
De VriesÀÇCessair of Diplos.
/Exarius colonistfirst sawlizardswanted
casket containingHand of Omega.came
collect it.
/Martin's wife, Exarius colonistsupported Ashe's
/Servant girl at Irongron's castle.
/Brigµleft New York4th November 1872. It
found, completely deserted,4th December, 600 miles off
Portuguese coast. Itthird stop¢Daleks' pursuit of
jumped overboard.
Borusa, at¬Lord Academy (aparently getting better grades
thanDoctor),è¹also metRani and, presumably, Drax.
gloried¢chaosdestruction,sought ultimate control of
universe. Like all¬Lords,¹partly telepathic,
also developed incredible hypnotic powers. His favourite÷
Tissue Compression Eliminator. HisÃa more advanced
model thanDoctor's,¤operable chameleon circuit.
Having led a dangerous life,Ëalready¢twelve
incarnation¦¹escaped¶GallifreyarrivedEarth, at
Rossini's International Circus,Ãtakingshape of a
horsebox. Underalias of Colonel Masters,Ëçover
Farrel plastics factory¿Nestenelaunch a second
invasion,¥ended up helping¨banish them.
Underalias of¾Emil Keller,Ëóa Mind
Parasite£äuse²sabotage a World Peace
Ë¡ÍAxos's prisoner, whom¹óEarth.
forcedwork together
imprison Axos¢a·loop.Ëálocation of
Doomsday Machine¶Matriximpersonated¤£
Adjudicator¢ordermisappropriate it,¥
convinced its Guardiandestroy it. Underalias of
Mr Magister,Ëposeda vicar,Ôof a black
magic coven,¢Devil's End¢ordersummonDaemon Azal back
life,ask grantedpower.failed
While¢prison,Ëûa waytrickwarden,
Colonel Trenchard,ally himselfSea Devils. After they
ÿDoctor,¹escaped. Posing¾
Thascales,ËßKronos CrystalTOM-TITsummon
control Kronos.causedfall of Atlantis,¥otherwise
Ë¡allied himselfDaleks,ßOgrons
tryfoment aìô£Draconians¢26th
Having reacedtwelvefinal regeneration,Ë
turned®a decaying corpse.dying¦Chancellor Goth
ûhidingTersurus.Ëpromised Goth power
convincedChancellorbringsecretlyGallifrey. There,
¹¿Goth assassinatePresidentframeForth
murder. But what¹really wantedaccess
unlimited energy ofEye of Harmonyboost-start a new
regeneration cycle.íDoctor,¥managed
steal enough energyprolonglifeescape. Still a
decaying husk,ËtravelledTrakenèÃ
assumedshape of a Melkur, enablingRenegade¬Lord
influence Kassia. As Melkur,ËÍnew
Keeper of Traken.åusecontrol ofSourceturn
Union of Traken®¤all-conquering force,seize another
bodyhimself. After¹exposedprevented¶remaining
body of Council Tremas. Because Tremas's bodynotof a
¬Lord, however,²could not regenerate,¥would age instead,
forcingËsteal another bodysurvive.
ËnextTegan's Aunt Vanessa,ätrap
responsibleits destruction, thereby endangeringwhole
universe.ËäuseLogopolitans' final
calculations, meantsaveUniverse¶collapsing,
Doctor. However,¹causedfallþdie,
triggering another regeneration.Ë¡ùAdric
forceduse Block Transfer Computationscreate
seemingly peaceful city of Castrovalva,¢Âa space-time trap
true nature of Castrovalva, exposedË(whodisguised
Castrovalva's Portreevefreed Adric.¬Lord
friends escaped,¥Ëþtrapped¢Castrovalva's
After escaping¶Castrovalva,Ëexhausted
dynamorphic generator ofÃÍstranded¢
use«nucleas intelligence¢TARDIS. PosingArab
magician Kalid,¹drew a Concorde flight through a·contour¢
downXeraphin's barriers.¡seducedevil side of
XeraphinÕ¢incorporating thempart ofTARDIS.
But¸secretly reprogrammedMaster'sÃ
takingshape-changing android, Kamelion. PosingSir
Gilles Estram,Ëforced Kamelionassumelikeness of
King John¢¤attemptturnBaronsõhim,prevent
signing ofMagna Carta,¥¹íDoctor.
WhenDeath Zonereactivated,High Council summoned
Ëoffereda full pardon,wella new cycle of
regeneration, if¹¿Five Doctors.Ëä
seize Rassilon's secret of immortality,¥stopped
Ë¡accidentally shrank himselfdoll size
Tissue Compression Eliminator.againçover Kamelion,
travelledSarn. There,¹plottedbathe himself¢
volcanic Numismaton Flamerestoresizeextendpowers.
¸caused trapped insideflame²
turning caloric²seemedifËbeen vaporised.
But¹managedÝset a trapSixth
¢19thÄEngland,è¹äalter history
preventingindustrial revolutionown ends. Instead,¹
ran afoul ofRani,conductingown biological
Îlocals.two renegade¬Lords entered®
¤uneasy alliance,¥still out-wittedDoctor,
sent them both spinning®outer fringes ofuniverse¢
Rani's TARDIS.
ËregainedTARDIS.hired Sabalom Glitz
gain possession ofsecrets ofMatrix,µbeen
stolenAndromedan Sleepers. After Glitz failed,Ë
enteredMatrix. WorryingøcompetingValeyard¢
evil,¹dispatched GlitzMeltestify attrial of
exposeValeyard.Valeyard fled®Matrix,
would destroy each other,äuse Glitzrecover
Matrix's secrets.ÿValeyard,¥
latterreplacedsecretsa Limbo Atrophier,µ
trappedËGlitz insideMatrix.
Ëagain managedescape, this·seemingly without
TARDIS,¥trappedsavage, quasi-living world of
Cheetah People.beganturn®ofCheetah People,
ß«teleportational abilitiesÝbackEarth,
è¹ÉDoctor. Eventually,«conflictç
them backdying Cheetah Planet,èËreverted
savagery. It is uncertain whether¹managedrecoversanity
¢·ÝÏofCheetah World.
/A combination of a giant braina computer,
true ruler -possibly creator - ofpocket universe known
Land of Fiction. It firstäreplace its servant,
so-calledË(a copywriter¶1926 England),ª
Doctor. It¡attemptedincorporate¬Lord within its
àtake over Earth. It failed×Zoe.
/A former copywriterEnsign
boys' magazinespirited away¶1926 EnglandË
BrainruledLand of Fiction.ËBrain hoped¹would
provide²enough creative energyfill its pocket universe
fictional characters.Ía virtual prisoner, even though
¹denied²himself,sensingimminent death,Ë
×Zoe. WhenLand of Fictiondestroyed,Ë
/Permanent Under Secretary responsible
supervision ofWenley Moor atomic research station,¤
old school mate of Dr Lawrence's.
Silurian virus spreadMajor Baker.
/One of Reegan's henchmen.
Rex Farrel.
/Gamblergunfighter¢American West,
Wyatt Earp's friend.Tombstone's sheriff at·of
gunfight atOK Corral©visit.
/Huge communal electronic brainïup of trillions of
electro-chemical cells arranged¢a continuous matrix pattern.
Matrix (also knownAmplified Panatropic Computations
Network) containedsum total ofknowledge of all¬
Lords. Atinstant of a¬Lord's death,¤electrical scan
ïofbrain, transferring its patterninformation
¬LordsßMatrixmonitor various events
throughout·space.Matrix could even predictÁ
events.President of¬LordslinkedMatrix
throughCoronet of Rassilon.Matrixresponsibility of
Keeper ofMatrix, also knownCoordinator.
frameassassination ofPresident.
Matrix°invadedVardans, alienspower
travel along wavelengths,îof¬Lords' scan beams hit
«planet.plugged K-9 mark I®Matrix¢
orderfindVardans' home planet,¡placedlatter¢a
·loop.MatrixinvadedOmega, thankshelp
of Counciller Hedin,¦¹tryingtake overbody of
¸Doctor.Matrixfurther invadedAndromedan
Sleepers,ávarious secrets¶it,µled¡
corrupt High Council of¬LordsadoptRavolox
Stratagem. Afraidwould find out, theyßValeyard
evidence¶Matrix, including a false account of Peri's death,
recoveredËSabalom Glitz.Matrix¡Í
theatre of a titanic battleôSixth Doctor,Ë
Valeyard.Ëended up trapped insideMatrix,¥
Valeyard escapedtaking overKeeper ofMatrix.
/Devesham Space Research Station employee.
|British soldierwhile fighting¢Totters
|Police sergeant involved¢investigation of Commander
Pollock's disappearance.
/Clergymandean of Mortarhouse College.
fiercely opposedDarwin's theory of evolutionwentGabriel
Chasediscuss²Josiah Samuel Smith.met
Doctor. Later,¹devolved®a monkeySmith,¡
/Leader of a team of eightÇscientistsáa
Metamorphic Symbiosis Regenerator¶Gallifrey. Thisò¤
unending life of perpetual mutation,«bodies eternally renewed
®vile travesties of«former selves. Their»caught¢
a warp ellipse but, every seventy years, space beacons guided²
within transmat distance of Earth. Mawdryn claimedonlylife
force of a¬Lord's incarnation could put¤end«misery.
¸readysacrificeremaining regenerations,
however,energy releasedmeetingô1977
1983 Brigadiersenoughendlives of Mawdrynfellow
/Trigger-happy commander of Gallifrey's Chancellery Guards at
·¦Omegaäbond himself¸Doctor.
/Theodore Maxtible's daughter.engaged
Arthur Terral.
/Scientist whose time-travelÎ
Edward WaterfieldßDaleks,promised
secret of turning lead®gold.Í«willing agent,
ɪDoctor. Maxtibleturned®a
ýDalek,felldeath while fighting KemelSkaro.
/The¨þburned at¢Devil's End.
/Tegandesignatedbecome Queen ofMay, aý
sacrifice,¯deadlyìgames re-enacted¢Little
HodcombeSir George Hutchinson.
/Civilizationruled Central AmericaæAztecs,
ôAD 250900. Villagraa Mayan princessù
Urbankans, probably circa 731.
/Title borneruler of Karfel.
/Lady Peinforte's servant;¹travelled
1888reluctantlyÉgain control of
Silver Nemesis. After she mergedstatue,¹Cyber
/One ofª
companions, Laird Colin McLaren's piper.ªmet
soonîBattle of Culloden¢1746.¡¿¬
Lord, BenPollyݶGray's sinister clutches.stayed
ªthroughoutrest ofincarnation,
travelling firstBenPolly,¡Victoria,ã
Zoe. Jamie¿Ê¾Zaroff,
Intelligenceits Yeti,Ice Warriors, Salamander,
Weed. Justîthat,¦left Victoria
Harisses,¬Lords (or, more likely,Celestial
Intervention Agency) pulledJamie out of«normal
timelinessent them offSpace Station J7deliver a warning
Dastariøunauthorized·experiments. Jamie¿
target of Shockeye's antrophagous lust. Afterwardsmemories
of this missionerased¬Lords. During
travelsZoe, Jamie¿ÊCybermen,
Dominators,ËBrain ofLand of Fiction (who altered
Jamie's physical appearance),Krotons,Caven's space pirates.
After taking part¢ëGames, Jamiereturned¬
Lordsown era, justîend offirst adventure
Doctor. Jamie's imageßRassilonward off
/Head of production atFarrel plastics
factory.Ëa Nestene-controlled plastic
/Scottish laird, injured at Culloden. He, Ben
JamieÞFfinch,¡takenGray sold®
slavery. Theyfreed thanksª
intervention. He, Kirstyother highlanderssailed
/Colin McLaren's daughter.¿ª
Polly freefather, Jamie,Ben¶Gray's
clutches. She,father,other highlanders
/Sergeant¢Kane's forcesIceworld, sentBazin
îDragon. After she shotDragon, theyboth
disintergratedDragonfire crystal.
/Landlord ofTulloch Inn.
Zygonimpersonated Sister Lamont.
/Gatwick air-traffic controller. His identity
taken overChameleons.
/(aka MECHONOIDS or MECHONS) Large, spherical,
intelligent robots designedbuilt£prepareÇ
worldscolonization. A group of Mechanoids abandonedMechanus
built«own city,awaitingýsettlers. When
Steven Taylor crashedplanet,Mechanoids keptprisoner
because¹did not knowproper control codeswould have
identifieda colonist. TheyÞ©
Ò¢same fashion,°ÉDalek
extermination team sentîthem.Mechanoids
×each other.
/The fifthlast stop¢Daleks' pursuit of
©through·space. Ita world overgrown
hostile vegetation, includingFungoids,first settled
Mechanoids. AfterMechanoids×each
other,²returnedits original inhabited status.
/See MONK.
/Member ofMacra-dominated space colony.first
exposeMacra threatthought mad.
/Mythological character encounteredªDoctor,
Jamie,Zoe¢Land of Fiction.Fendahl Core appeared
golden, Medusa-like woman.
/Aliens resembling hairy jellyfishclaws, teeth
legs.¨claimed theyÞen route¤
Intergalactic Peace Conference.
/Officer ofTitan shuttle taken overVirus.
/Cook at Irongron's castle.
/Component of Zanak's transmat engines.
Itsmasheda spanner wrench psychically operated
¶crushing Earth.
/Justice machinesµlooked like small, shiny, floating
spheresµactedjudge, juryexecutioner.
claimed theyonceû«creators¢contempt
×them.freed two Megara¶a Prision Ship stuck
¢hyperspace,¥so doing committed¤infraction.judged
Megaracondemneddeath. However,¯trial,¹
Õ¢exposing Cessair of Diplos,Megara's first target,
segment ofKey¬banishMegara backDiplos.
/(aka MEGESHRA) Mountain of Peladon,location of
trisilicate mines.
/Last ofZolfa-Thuransa xerophyte, a cactuslike
beingabletake over other bodieschangeshape.
Meglos designedScreens of Zolfa-ThurauseDodecahedron
a weapon,¥crystaltakenTigellaZolfa-Thuran
peace party leader. Eventually,²ûTigellans
worshipped it,ß²power«civilization. Ten thousand
ölater, Meglos hiredGaztaksbringbody of¤
Earthling (George Morris).¡ßshape of
stealDodecahedrontake²backZolfa Thura,
è¹intendeduse²make himself master ofgalaxy.
Meglosdestroyed, alongZolfa-Thura,¢Dodecahedron
/Ordinary police force ofPluto Megropolises.
/Name givenCompanyits sixýsettlements
Pluto.rebellion engineeredçú¢
Megropolis One.
/Planet visitedCaptain Cook.also
claimed familiarplanet.
/Name givencitizens of Trakenevil beings whom
Source turned®calcified statues (It meant 'a fly caught
honey'.)Master'sÃassumedshape of a Melkur, enabling
Ëinfluence Kassia. Later,ËÍnew
Keeper of Traken,åusecontrol ofSource
turnUnion of Traken®¤all-conquering forceseize
another bodyhimself.exposedprevented¶remaining
KeeperDoctor, Adric, NyssaCouncil Tremas.
/Daughter ofArk's Commander,Manyak's friend.
defended©¦Dodo's cold virus infectedArk.
/One ofToymaker's devices.
/ArgolinÔreplaced Morix.ÈHardin's TRG
could rejuvenaterace,refusedsellLeisure
HiveWest Lodge Foamasi. When she began ageing rapidly, she
overthrownPangol. Her£lover, Hardin, pushed
Pangol insideTRG,µbeen repairedDoctor.
/King of SpartaAgamemnon's brother. Whenwife,
Helen, elopedParis,²ledTrojan War.
/Butterfly-like humanoids¶Vortis. Theydriven
away¶«homeworldantlike Zarbi, controlled
evil Animus. Some ofMenoptera remainedVortis,Í
pigmy Menoptera, ledHetra.other Menoptera survived
ºPictos until theyreadylaunch¤éforce, led
Vrestin,reconquer Vortis. With©help,
/Swampie spyworked atmethane refineryDelta
Magna's third moon.Kroll.
/Powerful pyramid-shapedàZeos, builtDrax,
µconducted¤unending spaceìõAtrios. When
ÆÏMarshal, Mentalisprogrammed
destroy itselfboth planets (the so-called 'Amageddon
/Gestalt of Zanak telepaths. They startedappear¦
latent telepaths beganabsorblife force released
planets crushedZanak. LedProlix, they¿
Captainblow upBridge.
/Rapacious, cunning amphibians¶Thoros-Beta. Their
mobilityseverely restricted,they required frequent
watering¢orderbreathe. In«primitive forms, they also
bore a tail stingdeadly venom.Mentorsevolved
Thoros-Betansbecomeleaders of a vast business empire,
µincludedGalatron Mining Corporationother businesses,
virtually enslavedThoros-Alphans,become«
bearersguards.SixthíMentors Sil's plans
Varos,°crossed swordsSil's lord, Kiv
Thoros Beta.
/Chief Surgeon of Atrios.¿
RomanaShadow,married Princess Astra.
/Survivor ofDalek raidspace penitentiaryè
Davroskept.Lytton's men.
/Element necessaryproper functioning of
TARDIS's¬Vector Generator.©replenished its
supplySkaro. Later,ªJamielook
moreWheel¢Space. Planet Vulcan contained mercury
/Drathro's senior servant¢UK Habitat.secretly¿
Free.Balazar¿Sixthdestroy Drathrosave
population ofUK Habitat¶black light explosion
triggeredÏof Drathro's Maglem converter.
/Medical doctor atWenley Moor atomic research
/Physicianexercise devoteeCastrovalva.Ð
¢collapse ofcity.
/One ofXeron rebels.
/Famous wizard of King Arthur's court.of
Áincarnations¢¤alternate dimension. MerlinÉ
alongside King ArthurõMorgaine,buried
bodyExcalibur¢a living spaceship leftêVortigern's
lake, near Carbury,Earth.
/Mind-controlling deviceßMorphoton's Brains
/Star sector¢µHercules 208 star went nova,
Zoe predicted. Its gamma radiation flux deflected meteors towards
/GiantÔofGastropods.çcontrol of Jaconda
¶Azmael, whom¹forceddobidding.Romulus
Remus Sylvestùforce themwork outequations
would have enabledthrow aº®Jaconda's sun,
åcreate¤explosionwould spreadeggs throughout
universe. His planíSixthHugo
Lang. While¢mental battleAzmael,×
Mestor's body. Azmael¡×Mestor's mindcommitting
suicide through a last, fatal regeneration.
/Theß²destroyGiant Robot.
cases of acute regenerative crisis, stolen¶GallifreyMawdryn
life of perpetual mutation,«bodies eternally renewed®vile
travesties of«former selves.
/A blueºa blue sun located¢Acteon
star sector.¨firstätake Jo Grant there soon
visited²alone,¥ûºfull of hostile life forms.
Fromvisit,¹óback a Blue Crystalµenabled
cancel BOSS's hypnotic powers. Metebelis 3°settled
a Lost Ship launched¢22nd century. Underinfluence of its
crystals,£spidersµ»carried mutatedended
up rulingcolonists. Approximately four hundredthirtyö
later, circa 2530,Spiders of Metebelis 3 plottedconquer
Earth. TheyßLupton's psychic circlesendof«own
£fetchBlue Crystal requiredØOne. Their
giveBlue CrystalØOne. Ither,
/The Nestene intelligence arrived£¢form of
a shower of meteorites.ßmeteorite bombardments
a prelude«éof£¢2164.Tractators
ßmeteorite bombardments¢«ìõFrontios
colonists. CrashingÇspaceshipsoften mistaken
/Natural gasû¢abundanceDelta Magna's third
moon,è²refinedturned®a source of protein.
Romana savedrefinery¶power of
/One ofmagazinesµSarah Jane Smith
/Space sectorèUnion of Trakenlocated.
/Mexican rebelsùWarlords,
using·technology stolen¶¬Lords. Those soldiers went
take part¢ëGames, until theseóa stop
/Planet enslavedRani.
/Inhabitants of Miasimia Gora. Theybeen enslaved
Rani who, tryingincrease«productivity, gave them a
drug ofown design. Instead,²deprived them of sleepturned
them®savages. To cureproblem,Rani travelledEarth,
plottingstealbrain fluidsenable humanssleep
Sixth Doctor.
/British astronaut aboardMars Probe 7 ship.
Þmysterious, radioactive aliens,¥
/Sea Base Four synch operator´soonæ
/One of Ace's friends¶Perivale,ùCheetah
People. After¹savagely murderedofCheetahs,animal
nature overtook¹gainedpowerteleport back
Earth.Ëßget revengeDoctor. Midge's
creed of 'survival offittest' leddieî¹
wounded¢a motorcycle accident.
/(aka MILLENIUM) Highly civilized cityMarinus,è
©clear Ian of a murder charge¯
questKeys of Marinus.
/Unnamed slave ofTerileptils.
/Commander of a secret naval base
Northumberland Coast¢1940s.obsessedNorse
mythology,plottedstrike atRussianslettingof
«commandors steal'core' ofUltima Machine,µ¹
booby-trappeda deadly toxin. Millingtonalsoof
'Wolves of Fenric'.
/Daughter ofof Commander Millington's
ancestors.lived only 13 days.
/Deadly mind game played¬Lords.
ÿMorbius¢a mind-bending contest.
/(aka MIND OF EVIL) Evil, brainlike entityó
£Master,åuse²sabotage a World Peace
Conference. Ithoused¢Keller Machine,fedevil. It
could using people's deepest fears,°developed
it. With Barnham's help,ablecontrolParasite,
µãצThunderbolt Missile
/Mineral life forms included:Krotons (tellurium-based);
Nemesis,µïof deadly validium. Both Cessair of Diplos
Borusaturned®living statues. On Traken, criminals
turned®calcified statues dubbed Melkurs.
Planets rich¢mineral resources included:Sense-Sphere,
its abundant supply of Molybdenum;space colony coveted
IMC,µrich¢Duralinium; Solos,µrich¢
Thaesium; Exxilon,its supply of Parrinium,only known
antidotea space plague; Peladon, rich¢Trisilicate;
Voga,ºof gold, deadlyCybermen; Zanak,pirate
planet, whose entire economy revolved around plundering minerals;
Tythonus;Varos, rich¢Zyton-7. Onother
hand, Chlorisaºþdevoid of minerals.
Sandminera mobile ore-processing plant; amongprecious ores
²minedlucanol, zelanitekeefan. Acetenite 455,
Dodrium, VessiliumVulniumamongminerals mined
Zanek. Hard metals included Duralinium, DuriliumDuranium.
Rare minerals included: taranium,ûUranus,of
rarest minerals¢Universe,ßpower«
·machine·destructor; argonite,µcombined
incorruptibility of goldstrength of titanium;
dalekenium, a super-dense metalßthier mobile
casinga super-powerful explosive; jethrik,ߢ
space warp drive engines; madronite 1-5voolium,û
Calufrax; orlion,ûCollactinBandraginus 5;
hymetusite, a type of radioactive crystal requireda tribute
A mineral compound of anti-matterûZeta Minor.
Hullsïof dwarf star alloy blockedTharils' natural time-
travelling capabilities.ߤanti-metal
virusdestroy¾Kettlewell's Giant Robot.
mineral PJX 18 (quartz) could ßreplace a Macromat
Field Intergrator. Vastialhighly explosive mineral
only safe at sub-zero temperatures. Siligtoneof
hardest metals¢universe;²employedAndromedans¢
manufacture of Maglem converters. Vionesiuma magnesium-
like metalûMogar; exposedair,²released intense light.
Sixthß²destroyVervoids. Loyhargil
a special alloy devisedRani's made-up Brain,µshe
åblow up a Strange Matter asteroid. Dynastream
Colodinother types of hard metals. Gregarian rock
supposedlast forever.
ßChronodynemake a substitute sixth piece
courtroom.Jacondan's matter transporter left behind a dust-
like deposit of Zanium. Also see CRYSTALS.
/AÃmalfunction resulted¢¤accidental
miniaturization of©companions. Earth's
populationminiaturizedcarriedmicro-cell slides¢
Ark.Chameleons kept«ýprisoners miniaturized.
Daemon Azal,wellspaceship, existed¢a miniaturized
stateêDevil's Hump.¨Jo Grant
miniaturized withing Vorg's ScopeInter Minor.
clonedminiaturized himselfLeelatrack down
Nucleas ofVirus ofPurpose withinown body.
Drax miniaturized themselvesShadow.
Whole areas of land, along«faunaflora, could
removedstoredlaser crystals inside a Continuous Event
Transmitter.Tissue Compression Eliminatorß
Ëreduced its victimsdoll size.Ëonce accidentally
shrank himselfit,¥ßNumismaton Flamerestore
himself. Meglosßa Redimensionerminiaturize
/Major-General Rutlidge¢charge of supervising
Lethbridge-Stewart's½operationsBritish soil atMinistry
of Defence. His mindcontrolledTobias Vaughn,forced
kill himself.¨dealtvarious British
ministers, including: Sir James Quinlan, Minister of Technology
Space Development;Ministerappointed Chinn;
Minister of Ecology. Sir Charles Grover,mastermind
behind Operation Golden Age,MinisterSpecial Powers¯
Dinosaur Invasion. Jo Grant owedposition at½
uncle, a cabinet minister.Giant RobotCabinet
Minister Joseph Chambers.Brigadier spokePM
(Margaraet Thatcher)¯Zygons' attack.
ßa forged authorizationPMsee Dr Judson.
/Short-range spaceshipsßInternational
Space Corpsdeep space fightingõpirates such
/Inhabitants of Inter Minor. Theirºonce been
devastateda space plague and,a result, theybecome
highly xenophobic. Their president, Zarb,äimprovinglot of
its slave population (called Functionaries)openingº
aliens once again,¥brother, Kalik,äusing Vorg's
Scopediscredit him.stopped¨Doctor.
/Mythological character encounteredªDoctor,
Jamie,Zoe¢Land of Fiction.¨
encountered a real Minotaur¢a labyrinth¢Ancient Atlantis. It
Guardian ofKronos Crystal,a friend of King Dalios,
been turned®a man-beastKronos.extra-
terrestrial race ofNimoncertain features¢common
/Wildlife sanctuaryèMr OllisûOmega's energy
/Humanoid race¶Minyos. Early¢history of«
civilization,¬Lords discoveredMinyans¿them
progressgiving them scientific secrets, suchknowledge of
atom,µtheynot ready.Minyansrejected
¬Lords,¡×each other«º¢
nuclear war. This dramatic event led¬Lordsadopt«
policy of non-interference. However, a few Minyans escapedmoved
a new worldthey christened Minyos II. They developed
pacifierquell aggressive instincts,gatheredgenetic
heritage of«race¢a race bankµthey placed aboard
»P7E en routeMinyos II. However,P7EÍlost.
Another ship, captainedJackson,sentfind it. That quest
lasted over a hundred thousand years. Eventually,help of
Leela, JacksonûP7Eable
bringRace Banks backMinyos II,ètheyÅ
ßrecreateMinyan race.
/Homeworld ofMinyans. It×nuclear wars
causedMinyan's lack of maturity«inability
handlescientific knowledge¬Lordsgiven them.
/New home world set upa few survivors¶Minyos.
/Planet inhabitedVisians, giant, hostile, invisible
creatures.©sent there¶£Froyn
Rhynmal's experimental matter transmitter.
/Planet fraudulently soldgalactic con artist
/One of Kroagnon's designs. Itsupposed
masterpiece.loved²so much¹refusedmove out,
evicted. As revenge,¹booby-trapped²several lives
lost. Ita forerunner of what¹doParadise
/The other inhabitants of Aridius,¤ancient world once
coveredvast oceans, turned®a desertic planet. They
tough, nearly indestructible predatorsprogressively drove
Aridians out of«sealed cities.
/Young member ofHigh Council of Atlantis.Ð
/Two interlocked triangles tattooedarms of
Trion Family sent¢exile. TurloughMalkon bore
/Periodic orbital shiftµaffected Alzarius every
fifty years. It released non-toxic subterranean gasesµ
boosted evolution.
/Leader ofsecurity team hiredDr Fendelman
guardFetch Priory.a Fendahleen.
/Royal Navy sub-lieutenantÀêRidgeway
aboardsubmarineÞSea Devils.¨
¿them escape.
/SergeantêLieutenant Scott's command,
Cybermen's androids¯¾Kyle's underground exploration.
/Scientist working atAntarctic camp of
World Ecology Bureau expeditionµdiscoveredKrynoid pods.
In spite ofefforts,¹
Krynoidtaken over Winlett's body.
/Medical laboratory aboard Monarch's ship.
/Oxygen-freeºlocated¢Perseus. Ita rich source
of rare minerals, including vionesium. Itseverely exploited
/Gentlepeaceful natives of Mogar. Theywear
airtight maskssuits,welltranslating devices,
interfacemankind. Two Mogarians, AtzaOrtezo,ß
Rudge¢¤attempted hijack ofHyperion III space liner,¥
theyDoland. Galactic investigator Hallet poseda
Mogarian named Enzu,¥Sixthunmasked him.
/(aka MOGREN) Kaled councillor whomalerted
Davros's creation ofDaleks.ТÏof
Kaled City.
/Microwave-producing deviceIcthar
Young Silurian plottedusedestroyVan Allen Belt.
/Kitchen maid¢Gray's prison.
/Jagaroth commissioned Leonardo da Vincipaint several
Mona LisasenableÁselffinancetime-travel
/Leader ofUrbankans.exhausted all
resources ofhomeº¢mad desiretravel faster than
light,back through time,witnesscreation of
Universe (MonarchÈhimself God).storedmemories
ofthree billion Urbankanssilicon chipstravelled
Earth,µ¹previously visited four times. During these
visits,¹ùKurkutji, Lin Futu, BigonVillagra,
transformed them®androids.åpoisonpopulation
of£replace²Urbankans,would reincarnated
¢android form,stripºof its resources¢
pursuit ofobsession. His plansí¸
Doctor,ßown toxinkill him. It¡revealed
Monarchremained¢'flesh time'not joined
android brethren.
/Earth's twinºCybermen's home world. It
orbited aroundSun millions ofö¢past. Its
civilization developed more quickly than Earth'sMondasians
visited ourº¢prehistoric times. Later,unknown reasons,
Mondas leftSolar System;²¯this period of wandering
Mondasians evolved®Cybermen.
An energy-starved Mondas returnedSolar System¢1986; its
Cybermen's plandrain energy¶£cybernize its
populationí©- Mondas absorbed too
much energydestroyed. Future galactic ä
prevent Mondas'sÏattemptinglaunch Halley's Comet
®£æabove events,¥ÿ
SixthCryons. Also see CYBERMEN.
/AmongvariousÇÁcurrencies encountered
at·or another were: talmars; opeks;
nargs; grotzis; crowns;even a curious insectoid
creature. On Trion,ñblew through tow-corpera coins
/GuerillaÔ¶¤alternate 22ndÄè
/Leader of Logopolis.ähelping
workings ofcity.
/(aka THE MEDDLING MONK) Renegade¬Lord whom©
met¢England¢AD 1066. Disguiseda monk,¹ä
changecourse of historyreversingoutcome ofBattle
of Hastings.strandedtamperingTARDIS.
However,Monk managedrepairÃresurfaced
Tigus,è¹äget revengelockingout of
TARDIS,¥failed.¡followedAncient Egypt
è¹got involved¢ÊõDaleks'
Masterplan.Monk switched sidesescaped.û
himself again stranded, this·¤unnamed ice world, because
managedsnatchTARDIS's directional unit.
Monk claimedhave¿early Britons build Stonehenge
anti-grav units,have discussed flying machines
Leonardo da Vinci.
/Leader ofMonoids.årelocateñ
Refusis,detonate a fission bombArk, thus destroying
a rebellion ledMonoid Four.
´¢explosion oflauncher.
/MonoidÔquestioned Monoid One's decision
relocateRefusis.´¯battleõMonoid One.
/One-eyed, reptilian aliensno visible facial features,
arrived£î«own worlddied. They offered
«servitudeshelter. Theytaken aboardArk¦
£plunged®Sun. After Dodo's cold virus sappedwill
ofhumans, theyçoverArk (using a speech box
communicate).©preventedMonoid leader, Monoid
One,¶destroyingýrace.remaining Monoids learned
/Floating spheresßMonarchspywhat
happening insideship.
/Theexposed a number of legendary creatures and/or
supernatural monstersbeing aliens, machines, or creatures out of
Aliens:Daemonspowerful aliens.Loch Ness
Monstera Zygon Skarasen. Although¢AD 1179,²probably
Borad.creature assembledSolonhouse
brain of Morbiusa Frankenstein-like creatureïup of various
Çparts. Whateverreal Horror of Fang Rock was,
monster×a stranded Rutan.
GiantÇvampiresonce׬Lords. Mags
Machines:©once met a robotic version of Dracula
Frankenstein Monster.Yetirobotic agents of
ØIntelligence;real Yetiharmless.Mummies
Osirian robots.legendary Dragon of Iceworlda
Creatures out of time:SiluriansSea Devilsa
reptilian lifeform predating man.Minotaur of Atlantis
Kronos's creation. On Earth,vampiresHaemovores¶
Átransported back¢·Fenric. Morgaine's
Destroyer came¶a parallel Earth.
OnÇworlds, monstersnot always what they seemed:
Aggedor,Monster of Peladon,a peaceful animal.giant
squidlike Kroll of Delta Magna's third moona hidden segment of
KeyTime. On Chloris,Creature¶Pit¤
ambassador¶neighbouring planet, Tythonus.Nimon
a plague of space locusts. On Terminus,Garmalso
a well-meaning alien. Also see MAGIC.
/The hid«Invasion Fleetdark side of
Moon,¯20th century.
A Moon baseestablished¢early part of21st century,
êjurisdiction ofInternational Space Command. In 2070,
²attackedCybermen,wanteduse its gravitron
destroy£through weather control. Theyÿ
ªDoctor,Moon Base's scientists, HobsonBenoit.
Half aÄlater,Moon BaseÍlocation of
controls of T-Mat,taken overIce Warriors who,ê
Slaar's leadership, plottedconquer£usingSeeds of
Death. TheyÿªDoctor.
In26th century,Moonbecomeseat ofLuna
Penal Colony,µ¨Jo Grantsent¦
theyaccused of being Draconian spies.
/SoldierÉ¢ëGames.broke free
of Von Weich's hypnotic controlhim.
/Victim ofZygons.
/Raceµßsilent gas dirigiblesapproach Karn,¥
/Renegade¬Lorda member ofHigh Council of
Gallifrey.soughtlead¬Lordsa path of conquest.
Rejectedpeers,¹left Gallifreyraised¤army of
followers, promising them·travelimmortality, using
Elixir of Life producedSisterhood of Karn's Sacred Flame.
Eventually, Morbiusarmyÿ¬Lords
Karn.Renegade¬Lordplaced¢a disposal chamber
Severalölater,Celestial Intervention Agencyûout
Brain of Morbiusbeen secretly preservedof
followers, Dr Solon. They sentSarah Jane Smith
Karn. There,×brain of Morbius, now
housed¢a monstrous new bodyòSolon,¢a mental battle.
body itself°×Ohica ofSisterhood.
Morbius Crisisprobablyoffactorsµled
¬Lords' increasing control over«secrets and,
ultimately,Ravolox Stratagem.
/Incarnation ofevil side ofXeraphin.
/The Mordeeofshipsµleft£at
·ofgreat Break Out of52nd century. It crasheda
nameless planet. In¤unrecorded adventure,Doctor, fresh
¶regeneration,äfix Xoanon, its sentient computer,
¥instead rendered²schizophrenic.returned
cured Xoanon.
/Extra-dimensional knightMorgaine's son.cameour
£trail of Ancelyn,recover Excalibur.
/Science officer aboardMorestran spaceshipZeta
Minor.°Sorenson¦scientist turned®
a neanderthal-like monster.
/Space-faring empire offar future.continued
existence ofMorestran civilizationƫdying
sun.¾Sorenson wentZeta Minor lookingnew,
inexhaustable source of energy,thought¹û²¢
researchingkinetic force ofplanets' movements.
/Circa AD 37166,Sarah Jane Smith
Ûcrew of a Morestran spaceship¶anti-matter creatures.
Thesebeen sentcheck¾Sorenson's expedition
Zeta Minor.
/Small British villageèSarah Jane Smith's Aunt
Lavinia lived. SarahK-9 Mark III exposedÿa sect of
worshippers ofpagan goddess Hecate.
/Powerful, immortal sorceressruled a parallel
dimension.claimed ofFey (or faerie) people.
loved, yet hated King Arthur, whose fallultimate death she
caused.ÉMerlin,¤incarnation ofDoctor.
ÍDominator ofThirteen Worlds, Sunkiller,
Battle Queen ofS'Rax.son, Mordred, met
Doctor, Lethbridge-Stewart,Bambera uponbattlefield
of Carbury,Earth.freedDestroyer,¥
sense of honour prevented¶detonatingSalamander 6-0
missile.remandedUNIT's custody.
/Ruthless©Officer ofInter-planetary Mining
Corporation expeditionExarius. With Captain Dent,¹ßa
variety of tricksõAshe's colonists, including using a mining
Öequippedsimulate lizard attacks.foiled
¨Winton,¢a battle
|Landlord ofDevesham pub.Kraalsï¤android
duplicate of him.
/Founding member,fortune teller, ofPsychic Circus.
RingmastersacrificedGods of
RagnarokChief Clown.
/TheØMorgoa divinity praisedMentors.
/ChairmanChief Director ofSirius Conglomerate of
Androzani Major.once Sharaz Jek's partner, providing
financial backingexploitation of spectrox, while Jek, a
master roboticist, builtandroids necessaryhandle
poisonous substance. Morgus arrangedJekbecome caught¢
of Andozani Minor's deadly mud bursts and, subsequently, horribly
disfigured. After Jek seized control ofcaves of Androzani Minor,
supply of spectrox, Morgus secretlyßStotzsupply
guns.thus ableprolongconflictcause
spectrox pricesrise. Fearful of being exposed, Morgus
assassinatedPresident,¡fledAndrozani Minor, planning
seize Jek's private spectrox hoard.í¸
Doctor.replacedassistant, Timmin,°
/Heresiarch of Argolis´of old age justBrockä
/Race of savage reptileslived undergroundKarfel.
Karfelon scientist Megelen (akaBorad) sprayed himselfM-80
while conducting unethicalÎMorlox. As a result¹
Íhalf Morlox, half Karfelon.Morloxundoubtedly
source of H.G. Well's inspiration'The¬Machine'.
/Onceconquerors of a vast galactic empireµ
fell,ofremnants ofMorok Empire
Space MuseumXeros,µclosed due©
capabilities; therefore,fall of«Empire may attributed
¬Lord interference. may have stolen a Morok
¬Vesselsave Mondasalter history.
/Inhabitants of Morphoton.
/CityMarinuslocation offirst Key. It
ruledGiant Brainskept its population enslaveda mind-
controlling device. Theyÿ©Doctor.
/Earthling abductedGaztaks. His body
taken overMeglos.freed, thanks
/Archeologist rival of¾Rumford's.
/Dancersparaded aroundMay Pole at Devil's
End. Bert disguised himselfentrap¨Doctor.
/Oxford college. Its deanReverend Matthews.
/British townèK'anpo's Tibetan Monasterylocated.
/Member of Wenley Moor's staff.
/Member of Lupton's psychic circle at K'anpo's Tibetan
Monastery.afraid of being discovered,struck Mike Yates.
/Fetchborough farmersecretly a member of Stael's
coven.turned®a FendahleenFendahl and,¢
destroyFetch Priory.
/Race of androids resembling beautiful humans. Their power
source appeared small energy packs they carried«belts.
Movellansûthemselves atì¦theyä
invadeýspace. Both speciesÍlocked¢a stalemate
äwinìrecovering Davros,¥í
Doctor, Tyssan,Movellan commander, Sharrel.
Movellansdesigned a virusµþwiped out
Daleks.fate ofMovellans is unknown,¥²is likely
«over-reliancelogic caused them ÿ
Empire¦they actually attempted«éofý
/Deadly natural phenomenon caused¦Androzani Minor
moved closerAndrozani Major. Heated mud¶Androzani Minor's
core rosesurface, sweeping away everything¢its path.
/The Cranleighs' friend.also Chief
Constable ofarea,investigated James'Digby's murders.
¸gaveSergeant Markham a tour of
Ãproveveracity ofstory.
/Pralix's sisterKimus's girlfriend.¿
MentiadsCaptain of Zanak.
/Ashbridge Cottage Hospital porteroverheard a report
ø¨blood samples,soldnews
/Human avatar ofofthree Gods of Ragnarok at
Psychic Circus.
/Osirian service robots, also called Servicers,ß
Sutekh,powereda cytronic particle accelerator.Monk
trussed upa mummy©Doctor.
/UNIT Captaincordoned off Oxley Woodsîsecond
fall of Nestene meteorites.firstcome across
first Auton invasion.
|Radio operator¤oil rig attackedSkarasen.
managedÝonly° shotZygon
/IanframedEyesen,Millenius,Eprin's murder.
murderer Bennett hid behind Koquillion's Didonian disguise.
Dask, a member ofSandminer crew, turned out mad
roboticist Taren Capel. Dolland,of¾Lasky's
assistants, turned out elusive killer aboard
Hyperion III.
/Driver ofgalactic tour busµcrashed¢1959
Walesîhitting a US satellite. Murray
Bannermen, alongrest oftour group,¦they blew up
/Planet visitedCaptain Cook.
charmed Aggedormusic.ßa dog
whistlesummon K-9 and, once, charmedMandrelsmusic.
/Unstable elementµcausedBoradturn®
a half-Karfelon, half Morlox freak.
/French Huguenot workingAdmiral De Coligny.
/MutationsSkaro includedThals (in«
beautiful, blond humanoid form)Daleks,µmutated
Kaleds. Other, more grotesque, mutantscalled Mutos.
Solonian Mutants ('Mutts')blamedMarshal's
artificially induced atmosphere changes. In fact, theyonly a
transitional stage leadinga super-being life form, reflecting
Solos's five-hundred-year-long seasons.Refusians'
invisibilityresult of a mutation causedsolar flares.
Artificial mutations includedChameleons, mutated¤
atomic explosion;Primords, mutateda mysterious
substanceêEarth's crust;giant maggots, mutated
Green Death;Spiders, mutatedcrystals of
Metebelis 3;¾Sorenson, mutatedanti-matter;
Kroll,¤equatic monster mutateda segment ofKeyTime;
Mawdrynfellow aliens, mutated¬Lords'
Metamorphic Symbiosis Regenerator; Chessene, artificially
augmentedDastari;VervoidsDemeter Seeds,
mutations engineered¾Lasky;Billy,mutated
®a Chimeron-likeÇingesting a Chimeron substance.
/Derogatory nickname givenKaledsThals mutated
neutronic warsSkaro.
/Derogatory nickname givenSolonian Mutants.
/Name given¬Lordssector of
Milky Way Galaxyè£is located.
/Royal Navy petty officer.Chief Sea Devil,¡
/Vena's fiance.plottedõBoradRenis,
/Sea dragon bredmodified®a cyborgSilurians
ßIcthar¢²attackSea Base Four.¸
ßultraviolet lightkill it.
attemptbreak throughGateway,¥µfailed.
/Normal space,opposedE-Space.
/One ofTrogs ofUnderworld.¿
Jackson's crewÊOracle.a number of
ñescapedUnderworld'sÏleaving aboard
Jackson's ship.
/Sutekh's Egyptian worshipper.prepared¾
Scarman's housemaster's return.Sutekh.
/Member of¾Clifford Jones's commune.discovered
Jones's fungusGreen Death maggots.
/Female 'Savage'ÞExorse,whose life
essencedrainedElders. After she recovered, she prevented
Tor¶killing Exorse,Õ¢shaking
Exorse's own belief¢Elders' lifestyle.
/A French armyùWarlords, using
·technology stolen¶¬Lords.soldiers went
take part¢ëGames until theseóa stop
/Daughter of Stengos, a wealthy manbeen
cryogenically frozen at Tranquil Repose. When she suspected
somethingwrong, she wentfriend Grigoryinvestigate.
discoveredDavrossecretly usingbodies' heads
make new Daleks.¿Sixththwart Davros's plans,
survivedÏof Tranquil Repose.
energy unit¶National Space Museum.
/Non-humanoidÇspecies¶Navarro. Galactic tour bus
driver Murray,wellmost ofpassengers,Navarinos.
/Homeworld ofNavarinos.
/A gang of Nazi refugees¢South America, ledDe Flores,
äseize control ofSilver Nemesis. They
/Between 50,00030,000 BC,NeanderthalsÍ
extinctreplacedearly modern humansa result of
ÚofDaemons. There is still considerable
disagreementwhetherNeanderthalsa step¢
evolutionary process leadingmodern humans, orsimply ¤
offshoot branchÍextinct, while modern humans evolved¢
parallel. Nimrod, a Neanderthal,Ûïimmortal
powerful alien, Light.©¿a tribe of
Neanderthals rediscoversecret of fire.
CertainÎcould cause¤evolutionary regression¢
«victims. A green slimeósurface of£
¾Stahlman's Inferno Project turned men®
Neanderthal-like Primords. On Zeta Minor,¾Sorenson's
Neanderthal-like monster. Also see ANTHROPOLOGY, EVOLUTION.
/Sevateem witch doctorXoanon's priest. ActingXoanon's
instructions,¹äkill LeelaDoctor. When¹
ûXoanonnot a god,¥¢facttribe's enemy,
¹Ímentally unbalencedäkillschizophrenic
àa sonic cannon,¥Xoanon instead.
/Alzarian DeciderÍ©Deciderî
Draith's death.extremely indecisive,´¦
Marshmen attackedStarliner.
/(aka NECROS) PlanetèTranquil Repose Mortuary
Kara's protein factorylocated.factoy's output¿feed
galaxy.Sixthexposed Davros'sKara's plotturn
Tranquil Repose's bodies®protein. After Orcini×
mortuary,SixthshowedTranquil Repose employees how
convert local flowers®protein.
/Proctor ofFosters of Traken. AfterË(disguised
a Melkur)Ínew Keeper. NemanÀeven
ï®a Consul. But¹failedprevent¶
thwartingRenegade¬Lord's plans. As a demonstration of
power,Melkur forced Tremasexecute him.
/Statueïofdeadly, living metal, validium.
It landed¢Windsor, Earth,¢AD 1638. There,²shaped®a
statue dubbedSilver NemesisLady Peinforte. After¤untold
battleLady Peinforte,(presumably¢second
incarnation) launchedSilver Nemesis®space¢a rocket-
powered asteroid. However, its bowarrow remained behind.bow
ÍQueen's propertykept at Windsor Castle where,¢
1788,²stolen. Eventually,²fell®Nazis' hands. Lady
Peinforteßarrowtravel forward¢·1988,¦
Silver Nemesis returned£(Its orbitó²near
every 25 years, each·influencing disasters). ItÍ
object of a contestôDoctor,Nazis, led
De Flores, Lady PeinforteCybermen. Lady Peinforte
mergedstatue.¡ßSilver Nemesis
destroyCybermen's space fleet. Aso see VALIDIUM.
/Pygmy MenopteraHetra's deputy.
/Name givenEarthmenfragment of Voga¢orbit
near Jupiter.
/Planet visitedCaptain Cook.
/Professor Zaroff's pet octopus.
/(AD 37-68) Mad Roman emperorrevelled¢violence,
startedØFire of Rome.fell¢love
Barbera,mistook©famous lyre-player,
Maximus Pettulian.
/Space Beacon placeda 30-year assignment¢orbit near
remains of Voga,µitself orbiting near Jupiter, atend
of25th century. Its functionwarn spaceships of Voga's
presence.¾Kellman, secretly workingVogans,
summonedCybermen,ß«CybermatsNeurotropic X
virustake overbeacon. loaded
cyberbombs aboardbeacon,äcrash²®Voga. They
íDoctor, Sarah Jane Smith,Harry
In30th century,¤unprecedented string of solar flares
ÆEarth. Some scientists thoughtflares,µat
·estimatedlast 10,000 years, would cause permanent
damageýgenoplasm. Ingreatest secrecy, Space Beacon
Nervaconverted®a Space Ark, named Terra Nova,è100,000
specimens of 'pure' humanitystored. All records ofArk
¡carefully hidden,its existenceÍþa legend.
Ark's passengerssupposedremain¢suspended
animationnext 10,000 years,¥remained¢state
several thousandötoo long. When they awoke, theyû
Nervabeen infiltratedvengeful Wirrn. Itonly
ÚofDoctor, Sarah Jane SmithHarry
Sullivan,sacrifice ofArk's leader, Noah,µenabled
Spacemen¶Earth's colonies beganðEarth. Like
passengers ofArk, they assumed² lifeless because of
solar flares. Unlike Nerva's inhabitants, however, theyÈ
flareshave happened¦¬Lordsmovedplanet, at
·ofRavolox Stratagemnot¯30th century.
/Leader ofgroup of ShobogansÞLeela
Invasion of Gallifrey.
/Wife of Sabormother of ArakTuarMetebelis 3.
worriedøsons' lives,¥freed¶Spiders
/A billion-year-old collective intelligenceabandoned
«physical bodiesbecome a single entity of pure mind,ïof
energy.Nestene's original shapea tentacled creature,a
large, single eye, combining features ofcraboctopus.
Nestene first arrived£¢plastic meteors. Theya
special affinityplastics,çovermind of Hibbert,
managing director of Autoplatics, Ltd,ßmanufacture
deadly Autons,wellreplicas of VIPs. Theiréfailed
becauseportion of«consciousnessµbeen
Liz Shaw.
Nestenesummoned back£Master,¿
them take overFarrel plastics factory. During«second
invasion,¢additiondeadly, dummy-like Autons,Nestene
also controlled a murderous range of plastic itemsµneeded
arrival of more Nestene activated.¨managed
convinceËNestene would destroytoo,
two¬Lords cooperatedbanish them backouter spaceæ
they could fully materialize.
/Member of Rorvik's crew.´¦privateer's
/Astrologer consulted regularlyAdelaide Lesage.
/Virusß attackMoonbase
Space Beacon Nerva. Infirst instance,²
/Salamaräuse a Neutron Accelerator
/One of¨favourite solutions
reversepolarity ofneutron flow.
/The Tythonians diverted a neutron staraimed²
collideChloris's sunsavengekidnapping of«
ambassador EratoLady Adrasta.Erato
teamed upweavealuminium shell aroundstar
redirect it.
/The culmination ofinitial warsô
/UNIT corporal¿BrigadierõAzal
/Supposedly aºlike Earth,¥unspoiled
pollutiontechnology;goal of»carrying'People'
selectedSir Charles Grover. In reality, because of Operation
Golden Age, New£would have beensame 'old' Earth,¥
·would have been rolled back¾Whitaker's
/Professor Mariusa specialist¢extra-
terrestial, pathological endo-morphisms at New Heidelberg University
¢50th century.
/Space beacon×pirate Caven.
/Cambridge scientific establishmentè
Master, posing¾Thascales, workedTOM-TIT
Kronos Crystal.
/Trisilicate minerPeladon´a result of
Eckersley's schemes.
/Member ofArksentenced miniaturized.
/Danish astronomerMoonbase¯
/Sea Base Four's Controller,Vorshak's second-in-command.
secretly¢employ of a rival Bloc and,Dr Solow's
help, brainwashed Maddox.Sea Devils.
/Bull-headed race of alienscould likeneda plague
of galactic locustsßblack holestravel through
space. Their mode of operationsend a single Nimon ahead
promise wealthpower¤unsuspecting race,¡build a
Complexµenabledother Nimoninfiltrate, take over
drainhostº¶its resources. They called²
ØJourney of Life.Nimon tricked Soldeed®erecting
such a complexSkonnos.Seth exposed
Nimon×Complex, leavingNimon stranded
dying world of Crinoth. Theyäusing¤energy chain reaction
reach another planet,Тensuing
/Huge labyrinthine complex erectedNimon
Skonnos. At its centrea black hole leadingCrinoth. It
powerfulÇLight.ÍJosiah Samuel Smith's servant. At
Gabriel Chase, Nimrod¿thwart Smith's
plans. After Light's defeat,¹left¢Ç»
/Tythonian unit of time.
/Powerful explosiveAce's favourite weapon.
/One ofRed Kangs of Paradise Towers.
/Prime Unit, or Leader, ofChosenArk¢Space.
Ébecausebodybeen taken over
/Tartar Khan whose capitalKarakorum.a fierce
rival of Kublai Khan's, and,Tegana's help,ätake over
China. His plansí©Doctor.
/One of King Thous's advisers¢Atlantis.
/One ofJacondans serving Azmael.workedMestor,
Hugo Lang.
/Also knownVandal ofRoads.of
contestants¢talent contest organizedPsychic Circus,
entertainGods of Ragnarok.´¢ring.
/Alzarian class of citizensrecieved normal education.
/Frontios colonist,Mr Range's daughter.¿
/Home ofparasitic, intelligent Weed.
Zygons' Skarasen also travelled through¤underground passage¶
Loch NessNorth Seaattack several off-shore rigs.
/Copper mineAndrozani Major, owned
Sirius Conglomerate.
/Ancient Vikings buried Fenric's flask¢a small
villagecoast of Northumberland.
ÉWolves of Fenric there¯WorldëII.
/The©ÉMeddling Monk there¢
AD 1066.
/IMC agentclaimed a colonist whose colony
been wiped outlizard attacks,whose survivorsbeen
/CorporalÉDinosaur Invasion.
/Sabalom Glitz's ship. Its crewbeen soldGlitz
frozenKane. In ordermanipulate Glitz®looking
Dragonfire, KaneÆconfiscate it. Kane wanted
Nosferatu destroyed,¥Belaszíhim.»ß¢
evacuation of Iceworld,¥blown upKane. After Kane's
suicide, Glitz rechristened Iceworld Nosferatu II.
/Companyµchartedgalactic tour bus
1959 Disneyland,¥µforcedland¢Wales instead.
AccordingDoctor, theybeen plaguedendless
not part of«mental gestalt.
/Movellan bomb capable of annihilating¤entire
planet. Sharrelåuse²Skaro,¥stopped
/Invery far future,©watched£
plunge®Sun,µmay have triggered a nova-like explosion.
jettisonedFendahl Skull near a
supernovadestroy it. Proamon's sungone nova a
thousandöîKane's exile.
Hand of Omegaa steller manipulatoròOmega,
µcould turn a star®a supernova.ß²
turn Skaro's sun®a supernova.supernovaò
Omega collapsedturned®a black hole trappinggreat
solar engineer inside a universe of anti-matter. Presumably
black holesame black hole°Þ
Rassilon,µÍknownEye of Harmony.
Omegareturned throughArc of Infinity, a collapsed
/One ofSwampiesKroll.
/The¨savedWenley Moor atomic
research station¶Silurians,Nuton Power
Atomic Energy Complex¶Eldrad.ÇDominators did not
hesitateturn aº®a radioactive mass«fuel
/The threat of WorldëIIIaverted several times
¨Doctors. Future£wars
included limited nuclear wars¢early 21st century,µ
Salamanderßown benefit,51stÄbattle
õAlliance ledMagnus Greel. Alien nuclear wars
includedso-called Thousand-YearëôThals
Kaleds,µresulted¢creation ofDaleks,
Dulcian wars,Atrios-Zeos war,Argolin - Foamasi
ìKarfel - Bandril war. Also see WAR.
/Noetic core entity ofVirus ofPurpose. Ita
blood-red, crustacean-like, tentacled monster.Nucleusß
bodyhost, lodging itself¢mind - brain
interface.placed himself¢a self-induced comacut
offmental activityµnourishedNucleus. Miniaturized
clones ofLeela¡dispatched¾
MariuskillNucleas,¥Çentity escapedenlarged
ýsize. LoweçNucleus backits HiveTitan,è
²would ableswarm. Itצ
blew upbase.
/Volcanic flame producedFire Mountain of Sarn.
Ita rare catalytic reagentµcould cure deadly ills,
extend¤individual's lifepowers.¸ß²
save Malkon's life,Ëþ×¢it.
Numismaton Flame of Sarn may have been causedsame
phenomenonµòSisterhood's Sacred FlameKarn.
/Derogatory nickname giveninhabitants of
Llanfairfach¾Clifford Jones's Wholeweal Community.
/Nuclear research centreµê
direction of Sir George Hardiman. In spite of¨
/UNIT corporalset upexplosives
×Silurian shelters at Wenley Moor.
/Sadistic Kaled Security Commander.interrogated
Ò¦they arrivedSkaro. Nyder
fiercely loyalDavros,¿plotÏof
own people.Daleks.
/Companion of¸Doctors,Tremas of
Traken's daughter.¿Ë
Traken,¡went¢search offather, whose bodybeen taken
overRenegade¬Lord (The Master).followedavatar
ofDoctor, knownWatcher,Logopolis,¡Earth,è
she watchedregenerate.¡¿¸
ÊMaster, Monarch,MaraTerileptils.
During a visit at Cranleigh Halt, she discovered shea perfect
doubleAnn Talbot, Charles Cranleigh's fiancee. Alongside
¸Tegan, sheÉCybermen,Ëagain
(disguisedKalid), Omega,Mara again,Mawdryn. Finally
sheûcalling¦she choseremainTerminus
synthesize hydromelhelpvictims of Lazar's disease.
/Morestran guardpart of Vishinsky's landing party
Zeta Minor.anti-matter creatures.
/The Weed's mind slave. Withpartner, Mr Quill,¹
attacked Maggie Harris,°äthwartª
effortsdestroyparasitic intelligence.
/Kastrian technician.
/Quasi-religious order of space knights
devotedfighting evil. Orcinibeen a member,¥
/Tracking probeßMorestrans.
/Name ofZygonimpersonated Sister Lamont.
Angus McRanald.
/(aka ULYSSES) Crafty King of Ithaca.of
Greek warriors involved¢Trojan war.suspected
©not really Zeus,forcedcome up
stratagem ofTrojan Horse.
/One ofSupervisors¢charge ofgas mine work
shiftsMacra-dominated space colony.
/PrivateÉDinosaur Invasion.
/Lobo's second-in-command atMorok's Space Museum.
/Aliens¶Ogrosresembled stone megalithsfeda
globulinû¢ýblood. Three Ogri arrived£
Cessair of Diplos, whom they served. TheyÍpart of a Stone
Circle which, at various times¢history,ÍknownSix,
Seven or Nine Travellers.Ogri×
Doctor, anotherMegarathirdreturned
/Savage, primitive brutesßhenchmenDaleks.
¨encountered them twice.first time, they
pursuingguerillas¶future.second time, they
ßË¢attemptsfoment aìô£
Draconians.travelledOgron home world, a
barren, desolate place, inhabitedfierce, giant lizardsµ
preyedOgrons. Some Ogronsprisoners of Vorg's
/Home world ofOgri, located¢Tau Ceti star
system. Itcovered¢great swamps full of amino acids.
/Priestess ofSisterhood of Karn,assumed
leadership ofSisterhoodîMaren's death.
/Scene of a famous gunfight26th October 1881ô
Clanton brothersJohnny Ringoside,Earp
BrothersDoc Holidayother.
/Chief of Police ofMacra-dominated space colony.
/See JOSH.
/Old cavewoman, member ofTribe of Gum,Za's
mother.thought fireevil.°stabbeddeath
/Leader ofSilurian triad of Wenley Moor,µ
includedYoung SilurianIcthar.developed a
relationshipDr Quinn.¨convinced
Silurians could share£peacefullyMankind. When¹
realizedYoung Siluriantryingwipe out humanitya
antidote.¡Young Silurian. According
some reports,Silurian nameOkdel.
/Game warden¢¤Essex bird sanctuary mistakenly
ùOmega. After helpingThree Doctors
renegade¬Lord,¹safely returnedEarth.
/Arthur Ollis's wife.
/See KARI.
/Intergalactic Olypicsheld¯
27th century.
/Firstforemost ofancient Gallifreyan Solar
Engineers. UsingStellar Manipulator (also knownHand of
Omega),¹detonated a star®a supernova,tremendous energy
ofµrequiredGallifreyansachieve mastery of
·travelbecome¬Lords. However,¦supernova
suddenly collapsed®a black hole, Omegatrappedprojected
®¤anti-matter universe.blamed¬Lords
predicament,swore revenge. When Omegaäescape,¬
Lords summonedThree DoctorsÊhim. Omega¡discovered
¹could not leaveanti-matter universe, because anti-matter
totally×physical being,onlymind
left.presumed dead¢a matter/anti-matter explosion caused
¦anti-matter being came®contactª
positive matter recorder.
However, Omega survivedreturned¶anti-matter universe
usingArc of Infinity, a collapsed Q-star.allied himself
Counciller Hedin, invadedMatrix,äbond
physically¸Doctor, so¹could remain¢our
universe.¡ßa matter converterbanish and,
presumably, destroy Omegaæa huge anti-matter explosion could
annihilate Amsterdam.
|Nickname givenªof
three 'humanized' Daleks.
/Name givenñof Zanakchanges¢
stars caused each·Zanakïa space jump.
/Bigoted Alzarian technicianafraid of
/Monetary unitßthoughoutCyrennic Empire. Garron
wanted ten million opeksRibos,¥settledeight.
/Operation mastermindedSir Charles Grover.
Infirst stage,¾Whitakerß·scoopbring
forward prehistoric monstersclearstreets of London. This
ÍknownDinosaur Invasion. Then, GroverWhitaker
yet unspoiledpollutiontechnology. Groverrecruited
volunteers, dubbed'People',tricked them®believing
theya spaceship en routeanother planet, New Earth.
Peoplesupposedbecomeoccupants of New Earth,µ
would have been¢Â'Old'£î·been rolled
back. Operation Golden Ageexposed,stopped,¨
Sarah Jane Smith.
/Computer oflegendary lost»P7Eµcarried
Minyan Race Banks.P7E driftededge ofuniverse,
èenough space matter accumulated around²²Í
center of¤underground world knownUnderworld.OracleÍ
sentient,ßRace Bankscreate a society comprised of
Seers,GuardsTrogsserve it. Eventually,P7E
ûJacksoncrew. Withhelp of
Leela, they wrestedRace Banks¶Oracle.
Oracleits UnderworldҤexplosion causedtwo
fission grenades disguisedRace Banks,µOracle
intendedusedestroy Jackson's ship.
/Fire god ofcavemen.
/Former knight ofGrand of Oberon.excommunicated
Ía mercenary, accompaniedsquire, Bostock. His
right legbeen replaced¤artificial one. Orcinihired
Karakill Davros.ÉDavros'salongside
Sixth Doctor.sacrificedlifeblow up
Tranquil ReposeDavros's Dalek 'factory'.
/The concept of OrderLightembodied
White Guardian.
/Title borneofficers ofcolony of Frontios.
/Member of Jackson's crew.ÉOracle¢
Underworld alongsideLeela. AfterQuest
over,¹returnedMinyos II.
/Security system
installed aboardArk¢Space.
/Lady Adrasta's court astrologer.thrown®
Pit because¹foreseen Erato's real nature.¿
expose Adrasta's duplicity,reveal Erato's
true nature.
/Venezuelan Portion ofAmazon exploredGeorge
/Precious mineral normallyûonlyCollactin,
Bandraginus Five, aº×Zanak.
/See ATZA.
/Queen Thalia of Peladon's Chancellor.opposed
Federation's interference¢Peladon's affairs.distrusted
joined Gebek¦Azaxyr's Ice Warriorsçover Peladon,
Sskel while helpingQueen escape.
/CommissionerAliens' Admission CommissionInter
Minor. At first,¹¿Kalik¢attemptsdiscredit
President's liberal policies,¥¡balked¦Kalik attempted
freeDrashigs. After Kalikÿ¨
Vorg, Orum surrenderedconfessed.
/Crew member ofspace penitentiaryèDavroskept.
¯Dalek's attack.
/Homeworld ofKraals,ruined²through
internecine atomic wars. ItÍincreasingly radioactive, driving
Kraalsattemptconquest of other planets.
/Luner controller ofT-Mat system. After¹notified
ofsystem's failureGia Kelly,¹returnedMoon.
Ice Warriors.
|UNIT Sergeant¿BrigadierõAzal
/Race of godlike beingsrosePhaester Osiris
visited£¢days of Ancient Egypt. TheirÔHorus
seven hundred other OsiriansÿSutekhimprisoned
inside a secret pyramid,è¹immobilizeda force field
generatedEye of Horus.Eyelocated¢Pyramids of
Mars.Osirians¡leftSolar System. Their final fate is
/Linx's rudimentary·machineßkidnap
/Name givenCitizens of Plutorebelslived
¢Undercity: outlaws, tax criminalsescapees¶
correction centres. Mandrel«leader.
/Firstºever visitedPsychic Circus.
/Young Alzariansrefusedbelieve¢Deciders'
rule,choselive outsideStarliner. Varsh«
/Mythical figure of Sarn's religion, inspired«
early contactsTrions.SarnsÈif they
submittedgod Logar,Outsider would comebring them
many gifts.Ëpretended Outsider.
/Nickname givenhumansSolonians.
/Landing site ofNestene meteorites. Italso
/See GAS.
/Insane Varosian morgue attendent.Azsupposed
dispose ofSixthbody¢¤acid bath,¥instead fell
/Legendary lost»µcarriedMinyan Race Banks. It
driftededge ofuniverse,èenough space matter
accumulated around²²Ícenter of¤underground
world knownUnderworld. Eventually,P7EûJackson
crew. Withhelp ofLeela, they
wrestedRace Banks away¶Oracle.P7E
UnderworldҤexplosion causedtwo fission grenades
disguisedRace Banks,µOracleintendeduse
destroy Jackson's ship.
/Stage doorman atForumèHappiness Patrol
/Fanatical member ofHappiness Patrol.¢
charge ofwaiting zoneèkilljoyskeptæbeing
executed. Afterrevolution overthrew Helen A's regime, she
condemnedrepaintâits original colour.
/Undercover member ofHappiness Patrol of Terra Alpha.
responsiblearrest of 47 killjoys. After¹ä
havearrested,¹mistakena killjoy,
shotHappiness Patrol.
/Device designedMinyansquell aggressive
/HelmsmanRorvik's ship.´¦privateer's
/Ruthless Chief of Security of International Electromatics.
Éalongsideboss, Tobias Vaughn,õª
½make Invasion possible, although
¹did not completely trustCybermen.
/High Lama of Det-Sen monastery, gifted
extraordinary mental powers.metfirst·¢
17th century. Duringofastral journeys,¹°met
ØIntelligence,promisedknowledgelong life,
manipulate itsÖYetiprotect its attempt at reincorporation.
Intelligencea mental battle, enabling JamieThomni
destroy its pyramid gateway.
/Sir Reginald Styles' secretary.
/Henry Gordon Jago's theatre,Magnus Greel's
secret lair.
/UNIT corporalÉõOmega's gel creatures.
/(LORD) Crooked financier.tore up Colonel
Skinsale's gambling debts¢exchangeinsider information,µ
¹intendeduseprofitstock market. His insistence
a speedyðÙcaused»crashFang Rock.
In spite ofefforts,¹
/Tibetan plateauè©met Marco Polo¢
1289 AD.
/One ofeleven geniusesùRanimake
upgiant Brain.
/President ofHigh Council of¬Lords
of Gallifrey.rulednine hundred years.
/AccordingSixth Doctor,¤
/ArgolinclonedTachyon Recreation Generator
¶cells donatedother Argolins.saw himselfa new
Theron,Ôof a new, warlike Argolis. After Mena collapsed,
West Lodge Foamasi plotbuyLeisure Hiveexposed,
PangolåuseTRGrecreate millions of duplicates of
himself. His plansíHardin,
/Ancient, blind Kinda wise-woman.felt£
ExpeditionDeva Lokaa threat«way of life. After she
died, Karuna inherited all ofknowledge.
/Heart ofCapitol of¬Lords of Gallifrey.
Eye of Harmonysecretly keptêPanopticon.
/304-storey luxury residence builtKroagnon,
ØArchitect. Kroagnon's brainsecretly buried¢Towers'
creation.Towers fell®disrepairîmost of its residents
leftÊ¢(presumably)©Dalek Wars.onlyñ
remainCaretakers,Old (or 'Rezzies')Kangs.
Under Kroagnon's influence,robotic Cleaners began
exterminate allýlife insideTowers. Kroagnon
çcontrol ofChief Caretaker's body. Withhelp of Pex
Kangs,managedexposedestroy Kroagnon.
/Scientific theory worked outDastari.
/(aka ALTERNATIVE REALITIES) Worlds similar,¥
not identical,èadventuresçplace.
More often than not, they occured because of a significant temporal
divergence:near-future universeè©
Òended upexhibits¢Morok's Space Museumsuch
¤alternative reality. Other such parallel universes included:
ëIItriggeredassassination of diplomat Sir Reginald
being released¶pyramid. More elaborate parallel
universes included:fascist England×¾
Stahlman's 'Inferno' projectalternative world ruled
MorgaineîsheÿKing Arthur¢Middle Ages.
It has been arguedinterventions¢Earth's
history contributedchanging its future,therefore, many of
ÁEarths visited¬Lordthemselves
parallel universes. Certainly, some ofevents reported¯
so-called 'Trial of¬Lord', suchSixth
original, unrecorded encounterMela number of«
adventures together (includingèthey saved
Hyperion III¶Vervoids),Ípart of a parallel
universeîValeyard's defeat.
/Earth school attendedZoe. It placed¤
emphasispure logicintellectual achievements
detriment of emotions. It may have developed®
founding institution ofBrotherhood of Logicians.
/Parasitic entitiesdependedother living beings
«sustenance included:Fendahl,álife itself;
vampiric life formsfedblood such as:Ogri,Vampires,
Tetraps,Haemovores; vegetal entities such as:Weed
Krynoids,devoured animal life;Virus ofPurpose
Greel drainedenergy of otherssurvive.Krotons drained
Gonds' mental energiesrepower«Dynatrope. Finally,
Other parasites drained all energynatural resources¶
planets, leaving shrivelled husks behind. Among these were:
DominatorspirateºZanak also thrivedother
worlds' destruction.
Other parasitic entitiespreyedýemotions, such
evil or faith, included:Mind Parasite,Mandragora
Helix,MaraMalus.Celestial Toymaker,Ë
Brain ofLand of Fiction,EternalsGods of Ragnarok
all dependedhumansfill«cravingentertainment.
Parasitessimply wantedrulelive atexpense of
«victims included:Animus,Macra,
NesteneSpiders of Metebelis 3.Tharils
once lived a parasitic lifestyle until they
Gundans or enslaved. All conquerors were, economically
speaking, parasites.
Isolated instances of parasitic actions occurred when: Meglos
çover¤Earthman's body; Omegaäbond
¸bodyKroagnon's brainçoverChief
Caretaker's body.Ranißa sluglike parasite
controlvictims' will. Also see VAMPIRES.
/City visited©¯French
Revolutionat·of St Batholomew's Day Massacre.
RomanaÉScaroth there.
|Son of King Priam of Troy.startedchain of events
µledTrojanëelopingHelen, King
Menelaus's wife.
/UNIT privateinvolved¢matter ofthree
/Blind vicarperformed religious rites¦
casket containingHand of Omega buried.
°performedsame services at Mike Smith's funeral.
/Ace's art teacher.
/Sea Base Four crewmember.Sea Devils.
/A rare mineralûonlyExxilon,µproved
only curea space plague.
/AccordingGharmaofKaleds opposedDavros.
/ArcheologistdiscoveredTomb of
Telos¯¤expedition financedLogician Eric
Klieg. When¹realizedmistake, Parry¿ª
/Professor Marius's assistant.shotLowe.
/Young Cambridge studentgraduated¢1975
honors¢chemistry.accidentally borrowedAncient Law of
Gallifrey¶¾Chronotis.friend, Clare
/WeaponµValeyard plotted
kill¬Lords attendingtrial ofSixth Doctor.
overloaded²¤Ion Avalanche Diode.
/Silurian֧Sea Base Four. It
turned¤energy beam backits sender.
/(1822-95) French chemist,ofeleven
geniusesùRanimake upgiant Brain.
/Member ofPeace Party,prisoner atLuna Penal
/Retired sergeant teaching a self-defence course¢
Perivale, whose creed'survival offittest'.taken
ºofCheetah People,¥°refusedlisten
/One of¬Lords' colleges represented
colour heliotrope.
/Doctor employedEuro-Sea Gas Corporation at its
North Sea Refinery. WhenWeed attacked,¹dispatched
Rig D.
|One ofworkers atInferno Project site.
/Member of Lytton's gang of robbers.
/PENTO CYLEINIC METHYL HYDRANE Anxiety-inducing gas pumped
®air ofMegropolises of PlutoCompany,prevent
Citizens¶rebelling. Bishamû¤antidote
/See WAR.
/Former member ofPsychic Circus.
/Mel came¶Pease Pottage, Sussex.
/British aristocrat¶17th century.
shaped validium®statue dubbedSilver Nemesis. It
revealed many secretsø¬Lordsher.
Lady PeinforteÉpossession ofstatue,¥
lost.¡ßstatue's arrowtravel forward¢·
1988 Windsor¹manservant Richard,¦Silver Nemesis
returnedEarth. There, sheÉDoctor,Nazis,
ledDe Flores,Cybermen. Having failedblackmail
secrets, she mergedstatue.
/(aka BEIJING) Capital of China.©met
Kublai Khan there. Magnus Greel's¬Cabinetó
PekingEmperor T'ungchi's soldiers,°givenProf.
Litefoot's family.
/Devilish automation devisedMagnus Greel. It
operateda series of magnetic circuitsa smallà
cerebral cortex of a pig.homunculus needed aý
operator,¥mental feedbackso intenseits swinish
instinctsÍdominant. It hated humanityreveled¢carnage.
Itsupposed a toychildren of ofCommissioner
ofIcelandic Alliance,¥¢Â²¤assassination
weapon.Homunculus massacredCommissionerfamily,
setting off WorldëVIenablingSupreme Alliancetake
over Earth. AfterAlliancebeen overthown,Homunculus
fledMagnus Greel19thÄChina. It¡travelled
Ùwhere,êname of Mr Sin,²playedpart of a
ventriloquist's dummyÍpart of Li H'Sen Chang's magic
act.Homunculus's blood lustcaused²turnõ
all humans, including Greel, whom¹shot downlaser fire. It
/King of Peladonwantedºjoin
Federation. Withhelp ofdelegate Arcturus, Hepesh conspired
stop Peladon,ätakehostage. Peladon
indecisive,only saved¨Jo Grant
(whom¹very fond of).
|Planet rich¢trisilicate. Circa AD 3700,êKing
Peladon's reign,¨¿²joinFederation and,
help of Alpha CentauriMartian Ice Warriors,
exposed¤Arcturian plot. Fiftyölater,¨
preventedhostile Galaxy 5¶usingtraitor
Echersleytake over Peladon's trisilicate mines.
/British army colonelÉWeb of Fear.
/Senior Scientist ofBritannicus Base¢
3000 ADclashedClent overlatter's over-reliance
computers. Penley joined StorrÍa scavenger.°
¿ªIce Warriors,
reconciledClent,îhaving provenvalue ofý
/International Space Corps technician servingê
General Hermack.
/Power sourcetransmats¢25th century.
/Name givenSir Charles Grovervolunteers¹
recruitedtricked®believing theya spaceship
en routeanotherºnamed New Earth.Peoplesupposed
becomeoccupants ofNew Earth,µ¢reality,
merelysame 'old' Earth,î·been rolled back
Operation Golden Age.
/Director ofNewton Research Institute
/Member of K'Anpo's meditation centre.
/Name givenAztecspersonwould
/Planet visitedCaptain Cook.
/Space raider, nicknamedchieftrained
/Ace's home town.çback
confrontfears¢evil house, Gabriel Chase,¢AD 1883.
Eventually, Ace returnedmodern-day Perivalelook up
friends,¿rescue several of its
/Gray's manservant.ãelectedjoin McLaren
other highlanderssailedFrance.
|Megan Jone's assistant.
|UNIT Private¯ Invasion.
|One ofsoldiersêCommander Millington's command¢
/Mr Waterfield's assistant.
/Moreton Harwood G.P.
/HeEnlightenmentMonarch's two Urbankan
android ministers. Persuasion׸Doctor.
/Star sectorèBeta Two,original destination
/One ofMoonbase crew.Cybermen.
/Flight LieutenantÉ Invasion.
|UNIT MajorÉSilurians.
/One of¾Cornish's assistants.
/Member ofSoviet commando, ledCaptain Sorin,
µinfiltrated NorthumberlandstealUltima Machine
/1812 Russian soldier who, along
/Famous Corinthain lyre-player¢league
Taviusassassinate Emperor Nero.©
/Ship attackedSea Devils.
/Young manlived¢Paradise Towers.pretended a
hero,¥¢Âa cowardstayed behind¦
other residentsgoneʢwars.redeemed himself
¦¹sacrificed himselfhelpdestroy
/Homeworld ofOsirians. It×
/Earth project using a radiotelescopesearch
intelligent lifeformstransmit messagesremote planets.
Logopolitansßblock transfer computationscopy it,
broadcastnecessary calculations neededkeepCharged
Vacuum Emboitements openprolonglife ofuniverse. After
Ëdisruptedworkings of Logopolis,CVEs began
closing. Fortunately,Logopolitansdiscovered¤equation
would stabilize them. In spite ofMaster's attempts
¢usingPharos ProjectbroadcastLogopolitans' final
calculations. However,Ëcausedfall
þdie, triggering another regeneration.Ë
ùAdricæleavingsite ofPharos Project.
Philippino Army atBattle of ReykjavikõSupreme
/Professor working atBeacon Hill
Research Establishment.Ëçcontrol ofmind,left
at Rossini's International Circus. Later,¹äuse
kill¨¤explosive device,¥Phillip's
mind rebelledbroke free.çbrunt ofexplosion
/Employee of¾Stahlman's Inferno Project.
|Member of Think Tank Staff.
|One ofLondoners caught up¢Dinosaur Invasion.
/T-Mat operatorMoon¦²taken over
Ice Warriors.Ice Warriors¹ä
/The supply»Silver Carrierthis Class of
/See JEAN.
/Andromedan planetary series, supposedly
location of Castrovalva.
/PlanetèMenoptera retrenchedîtheydriven
/Costume wornboth¸George Cranleigh
¯costume ball at Cranleigh Hall.
/See JOSH.
/The Peking Homunculus incorporatedcerebral cortex of a
pig®a small computer.
/Infamous 17thÄpirate captainsmuggler
wore a hook atend ofright arm.onceÀê
notorious Captain Averyfellow pirates LongfootCherub. Pike
äfind Avery's treasure,evenÉCherubdeath,
/Second-in-command ofMacra-dominated space colony.
|Captain ofSkonnan»µcarriedAnethan tribute
Skonnos. His nameSekkoth.¢a»
/Young Chinese girl¶13thÄmarry
¤aged nobleman. Her betrothed´¯©visit
Peking,shemarriedtrue love, Ling-Tau.
/Nurse¢charge of©Aid at Gatwick Airport. Her identity
taken overChameleons. After MeadowsÇ
double,real Pinto¿ªaliens.
/Original inhabitants of Terra Alpha driven underground
ýsettlers. Their real nameAlpidae,¥they
been nicknamed Pipe People because theybeen relegatedliving
insidecolony's network of pipes. Theyslowly dying of
starvation. A tribe ledWulfricWences¿
Ace overthrow Helen A's tyrannical regime.
/The©ÉCaptain Pike's pirates
Cornish coast¢17th century.ªÉ
Caven's space pirates¢future.É
Captain of Zanak, dubbed'pirate planet',liked
surround himselftrappings of piracy,Captain
Rorvik,heldtime-sensitive Tharils captive.
/Denizen of Marinus.
/Former mineèLady Adrasta kept Erato prisoner.ß
killrebelsdespotic rule.
/Another namequartz,û¢abundanceEarth.
Captain of Zanakpreparedcrush£obtain²replace
damaged Macromat Field Integrator.
/Name givenLady Adrastalanding spot of
Erato's ship.
/Spiridon landmark.
/Captain Revere's son.ÍÔof
Frontios colonyîfatherùTractators.
He, too,ÞTractatorswantedattach
«excavating machine.saved¸
restoredcolony's leader.
/Random agglomeration of proteins assembled¶air
passengers ofConcorde Flight 192,µó
togetherevil Xeraphin's power. Theyß
Ëdobidding¢Jurassic period.
/The Nestenea special affinityplastics.
/Chairman ofAlien's Admission CommissionInter
Minor¢charge of investigating Vorg's Scope.very loyal
President,¥clearly outwittedKalik.
/Name of Ta's star.
/It¯Pliocene era - 2.512 millionö
ago -Fendahl Skull arrivedEarth. Also see
/NinthºofSolar System.Usurians' Company
moved menPluto, aroundµtheybuilt six small
artificial suns. There, mankind lived a heavily taxed life until
/One ofMoroksêLobos atSpace Museum.
/Unnamed peasant enslavedTerileptils.
/Varosian police.
/A Policeman patrolled¢front of 76 Totter's Lane.
Bert Rowsepolicemanarrested Forester.©
mistakena lunaticLiverpool policemen Steven
disguise himselfa policemen¶another other precinct
rescue him. Sergeant RuggofCelestial Toymaker's
Pawns. Autons dressedpolicemenäkill¨
Jo Grant. PC QuickSergeant Kyle interrogated
Leela¢matter ofTong ofBlack Scorpion¢Victorian
London. St Cedd's College porter summoned a policemanî
¾Chronotis's room disappeared.Ëa
policeman near Heathrow Airport. Commander Lytton disguised
two ofmenpolicemencapture or killñ
escaped throughDaleks'·corridor.two
caughtSixth Doctor.
/Retired Navy commanderAunt Lavinia's partner
¢a market-garden shop¢Moreton Harwood. In reality,¹
High Priest of Hecate.Lily Gregsonarrested thanks
efforts of Sarah Jane SmithK-9 mark III.
/The¨Éthreat ofGreen Death¢
Wales. Sir Charles Grover,mastermind behind Operation
Golden Age,founder ofSave Planet£Society.
¾Kettlewell agreedjoinScientific Reform Society
because¹wantedstop pollution.
£becomeþhopelessly polluted52nd century,
¦ÇUsurians offeredmovesurviving population
Mars and, later,Pluto. Others choseemigrate¢what
Íknownª(or Great) Break Out.Sons
of£Émake sureother worlds would not become
pollutedEarth. Duringthousands ofö¯µ
polluted£left alone, a new life form aroseEarth;
ofHaemovores. Eventually,planet's ecological
balancerestored,HaemovoresÍextinct. After
¿men break free¶Usurians' yoke, they reclaimed
/(1254-1324) Venetian merchantexplorer.wanted
presentÃa giftKublai Khan¢hope
Khan would allowðVenice.¿©
prevent Kublai Khan's assassination at Tegana's hands.
/Murderous machine¢form of a parrotµ
Captain of Zanak's pet,µ¹ßdiscipline
crew. It×K-9 mark II.
/Executive Officer aboardMorestran spaceship sent
Zeta Minor.of Vishinsky's landing party,¿
Êanti-matter creatures.
/Planet knownmaking battleships.
/Emperor Nero's vain, viciousgreedy wife.married
¢AD 62,¥she´threeölater.äkill
/A Dickensian bureaucrat working at J.J.Chambers's
Fantasy Factory -¢reality,¤avatar ofValeyard inside
/The porter at St Cedd's called a policemanînoticing
disappearance of¾Chronotis's room.
/The Brigadier told¸Harry
Sullivanbeen secondedNATO,involved¢a secret
operation at Porton Down.
/Leader of Castrovalva impersonatedMaster. His
tapestry showed scenes¶past.
/FamousÙsiteµlocation of
/Life-preserver systemßaboard
Hyperion III.
/Landmark of Paradise Towers.
/Employee at Brendon school.
/Chief Mover ofSandminer crew. In reality,¹¤
investigator sentCompany, alongD84,look
Taren Capel.succumbedrobophobiawent
/Senior officer at Stangmoor Prison.
/Ruling body of Androzani. Itêcontrol
ofSirius Conglomerate.
/Young man of Zanak,Mula's brother.Ía
Mentiadîabsorbinglife force releasedCalufrax.
/Old MenopteraenslavedZarbiVortis.
ledrebellionõantlike creatures,enabled
/Chlorasian astrological sign.
/Young trisilicate miner of Peladon.
Ice Warriors¦¹äfree Gebek.
/Leader ofAndrozani Praesidium.
Ëäfoment aìô£Draconians.
agreedbreak off diplomatic relations,¥steadfastly refused
firstlaunch¤act of war.
/The President ofHigh Council of
¬Lords of Gallifreymost powerful of all¬Lords.
electedHigh Council, sometimes baseda nomination
¶predecessor.President worethree symbols of power;
Coronet,SashRod of Rassilon.
passed judgementªëLords. Then,
President (since no nameprovided,¬Lords have
abilityregenerate,²could have beensame President, or
a different one) suggested teaming upThree Doctors
Omega. WhenPresidentøresign,Chancellor
Gothûout¹would not chosen successor,¹plotted
murder. In ordergain·Ýimmediate execution,
offered himselfa candidatePresidency. After
Goth's death,¹automaticallyÍPresident. When
planningtake over Gallifrey,¹returnedclaim
Presidency,ßsymbols ofofficethem,
later,Sontarans.¡abdicated¢favour of Borusa.
When OmegaÆðour universethreatening
take overFithbody, a regenerated Borusa voted
condemndeath. Borusa regenerated again (which
may have imbalancedmind)fell victima megalomaniacal
passion.decided¹wantedremain President forever
acquiretrue immortality once promisedRassilon. In order
break throughTomb of Rassilon,¹ßFive Doctors
«companions, pitting themõvarious threats¢
Death Zone. Rassilonãgaveimmortality¹sought
turning®a living statue. This¢turn ledCouncil
appoint¸President. But¹ïChancellor
By·Sixthputtrial, Flaviabeen
deposeda new, corrupt President elected. It isPresident
probably initiatedRavolox Strategemß
Valeyard¢¤attemptprevent¶finding out. After
¹exposed¯Trial ofDoctor,¹toodeposed.
Inquisitoräpersuadebecome President
/Famous apothecarymedical pioneer.
visited©a few daysæSt Batholomew's
Day Massacre. Preslinincurredwrath ofAbbot of
Amboise and,help,ablefleeGermany.
/Member ofgroup of ShobogansûLeelaRodan.
¿themrepelSontarans' Invasion
of Gallifrey.
/Sea Base Four Lieutenant.¿¸
ÊSiluriansSea Devils.sacrificedlife
saveof¸Doctor; sheshotSauvix.
/King of Troy,father of both ParisTroilus.´
¯fall of Troy.
/Communication officer atEuro-Sea Gas North Sea refinery
/Termßdesignate mankind's early space wars.
/Noah's titleArk¢Space.
/Telepathic inhabitants of Exarius. Theyharmless
savagesworshippedGuardian ofDoomsday Machine,
sole survivor ofsuper-beingsonce occupied Exarius. They
/Nickname givenmen infecteda green slime released
Inferno project. Mere contactslime caused a
regressive mutation ofbody cells, turningvictim®a
savage, snarling beast.first PrimordHarry Slocum.
Eventually, even¾Stahlman himself turned®a Primord.
Primords needed intense heatsurvive,could
×extreme cold suchfrozen CO2 gas contained¢a
fire extinguisher.
/Planetary system of TigellaZolfa-Thura.
/Professor Scarman's house. Itburned down¢
1911 conflagrationfollowedbattle
/The©briefly visitedprisonºof
Desperus. IanimprisonedMarinus.©
also visitedcompanions,imprisoned at
notorious Conciergerie.©also sawinsides
of Tombstone's jail.¨imprisoned¢
Luna Penal Colony¢Atlantis.Ëengineered
a jailbreak at Stangmoor PrisonseizeThunderbolt missile.
evil¬Lord°jailed¢¤island prison,¥
escaped thanksSea Devils.visited
a space prison;²¢shape of a satellite orbiting£
¢hyperspace abovecircle ofStones of Blood. Sutekh
imprisoned inside a pyramid, guardeda force field controlled
¶Mars.mysterious Shadaprison of¬
imprisonedGallifrey.¸äprevent Davros
¶escaping¶a space prison. SarnTrion's prison planet.
/A Llanfairfach miner´of
Green Death.
/As Lady Pritchard, sheGeorge Pritchard's
wifemistress of Gabriel Chase. After Josiah Samuel Smithç
over, sheÍMrs Pritchard,night housekeeper,À
/Original master of Gabriel Chase.
husband of Lady Margaretfather of Gwendoline.
Gwendoline, actingêJosiah Samuel Smith's control.
/Daughter of GeorgeMargeret Pritchard.
After Josiah Samuel Smithçover Gabriel Chase, she fellê
controlÍward.sent unwanted visitors,
includingown father,'to Java' (a euphemismkilling them).
/KaneXana's homeworld.Proamonsexiled Kane
Svartos,entrusteddragonfire crystalcould power
»(Iceworld)a mechanoid dragon. Proamon's sun went
nova a thousandöîKane's exile. When
told Kane,¹chosecommit suicide.
/British spaceship sentMars.crewmember, Jim
Daniels, died.other, Carrington, met peaceful radioactive
aliens,askedpaveway«Ambassadors. But
xenophobic Carrington°ßAmbassadorstrystart a
/British spaceship sentMars. Its crew, astronauts Lefee
/One ofknown weaknesses ofSontarans. It
a small aperture¢backs of«necks, neededrecharge
«life force¦outside«regular enviroment. Hal, a
Wessex archer,Linxshooting¤arrow®probic
vent. Leelaa Sontaranthrowing a knife®
probic vent.
/Dr Cook's assistant.
|Title borneNeman of Traken.
/Dalek name«planrelease Earth's
molten corereplace²a power system.
/First Elder ofAridians.yielded
Daleks' threat,agreedhand over©Doctor.
/Missiles stored at Sea Base Four.
/Sergeant¢Soviet commando, ledCaptain Sorin,
µinfiltrated NorthumberlandstealUltima Machine 'core'.
/One of¬Lords' colleges;«colours
redgold.Doctor, Drax, Chanceller Gothpresumably,
/CircusòKingpin, also known
Greatest Show¢Galaxy. OnºSegonax,²taken
overGods of Ragnarok,ß²fill«unholy
cravingentertainment. Itheld¢a grip of fear
evil Chief Clownrobotic clowns,µbeen
designedBellboy. Its founder, Kingpin,become a brain
damaged labourer called Deadbeat.Psychic Circus
of Ragnarok. A cured Kingpinålaunch a new circus
/To counteractMentiads'
psychic powers, Mr FibulißVolliumMadronite 1-5
crystals which,¦refined,abilityinterfere
mental power. Itrendered ineffective¦K-9 mark II set
up a counterinterferencewavelength of 337.98 microsbars.
/London streetè¸started
ØFire of 1666.
/Member ofNosferatu crew soldGlitz.
Kaneî¹went®Restricted Zone.
/21stÄpolitical movement whose goals
abandon space explorationretrenchEarth.
Itledworldwide adoption of T-Mat.
/PlaceèVarosian rebelspublicly
tortured.Sixth Doctor, Jondar,AretaÕ¢
/Section ofVarosian Punishment Domeè
perceptionsdistorteddeadly hallucinations.
/The overriding purpose ofVirusswarm
/Company's senior tax collectorMegrospolis
/The©ÉMonk at
·ofconstruction of Kephren's Pyramid, circa 2600 BC.
godlike Osirian Sutekhprisoner inside a pyramid
Earth, somehow prevented¶leavingEye of Horus,µ
kept inside a pyramidMars.
/DrugµenabledCompany's workersdo
without sleep.
/On burn-out a Q star creates Quad magnetism,only
forceabilityshield anti-matter. Also see
/Young member ofHappiness PatrolTerra Alpha.
once knownSusan Lliked blues music.befriended
µãoverthrew Helen A's regime.Earl Sigma¡
began teachingbluesnewly liberated population.
/The only force capable of shielding anti-matter.
Itgenerateda Q star burning out,¥decayed rapidly.
Omegaß²trytake over¸body.
/TARDIS component exchangedË
/Component ofhyperspatial engineµ
propelled Murray's galactic tour bus. Itbroken¢crash,
¥grew a replacement.
/DeadlyÖservantsßDominators. Rago
Tobaßthem¢«planturn Dulkis®radioactive
waste,¥theyran out of powerîtrying
capture or destroyªDulcian friends.
/See PJX 18.
/Quasar investigated¬Lords.
/Famous British rocket scientist,
head ofBritish Rocket Group.several close encounters
Çphenomena.knownRachel Jensen
Allison Williams.
/Shockeye's tribe.
/Queen ofSpiders of Metebelis 3.plotted
õØOne,çcontrol of Sarah Jane Smith
getBlue Crystal.´¦¨
K'anpo freed Sarah.
/Name givenJackson's crew«mission of finding
P7EMinyan Race Banks. Their motto was: 'The Quest
/Member ofMacra-dominated space colony
Medok's friend.
/Police constableassisted¢
battleõMagnus GreelTong ofBlack Scorpion.
/See OAK.
/Sadistic Varosian arch-interrogator,designer of
Punishment Dome. It¹designed a nuclear
bombardment technology capable of transmogrifying aýbody®
¤animal shape.become partially disfigureda result
ofdangerous experiments. Quillam conspiredChief
Officerhelp Sil keep Zyton-7 prices low.deadly
vines while pursuingSixth Doctor.
/Minister of TechnologySpace
Development.secretly conspiredGeneral Carrington
keeparrival ofradioactiveÇAmbassadors secret,
because¹wanted Britain firstbenefit¶such a
contact. Carrington°forcedofalienskill
/Deputy governor of Vulcan.¿ª
îHensell's death.
/Dr Lawrence's deputy atWenley Moor
atomic research station.firstdiscover
Silurians,developed a relationshipOld Silurian.
Because¹wantedbecome a famous scientist¹kept²a secret,
except¶Miss Dawson, hampering¨
investigations.°ÛYoung Silurian,
/Wizardly name conferred upon¨
Miss Hawthorne.
/Location ofTinclavic MinesèTerileptils sent
/Monster whose brainbeen enhancedCrozier.Sixth
defend himself.
/Gold cylinders containing allgenetic heritage of
Minyos,µbeen placed aboard teh P7E.ship's insane
computer,Oracle,ßthemcreateraces ofSeers,
GuardsTrogsserve¢Underworld. Thanks
help,Race Bankstaken away¶
OraclereturnedJackson,çthem backMinyos II.
/See RAY.
/Radiation is generally harmfulhumansmost aliens.
Among its effect are death and, over a period of·mutation.
For example,radioactivityòSkaroneutronic
warsultimately responsiblemany horrible mutations,well
final shapes of bothThals.
Mondasian especially vulnerableradiation.
Kraalsforcedabandon«homeºof Oseidon
because of radioactivity.
Some life forms, however, thrivedradiation.so-called
'Ambassadors of Death'radioactive aliens. Radiation
enabled EldradKastrianregenerate.Usurian
Controller of Pluto maintainedpseudo-human form through
stratified particle radiation.Foamasi could live¢
highly radioactive enviroments.
¬Lordsgreater toleranceradiation than humans,
exposureradiation.Sash of Rassilondesigned
protect its wearerõeffects ofdeadly energies
generatedEye of Harmony.
Finally,Dominators looked upon radioactivitya natural
resourceturned planets®radioactive waste¢order
power«space fleet. Also see MUTATIONS,MINERALS
various radioactive materials.
/Commander¢charge ofT-Mat system,Gia Kelly's
Ice Warriors«Seeds of Death. AfterMartians'
defeat,¹agreed¾Eldredalternative methods
of transport (suchrocketships) needed developed.
/One ofViking raidersÿWulnoth's
/Three mysterious, powerful entities¶
ºSegonaxçcontrol ofPsychic Circusß²
fill«unholy cravingentertainment. They controlled
Circusêavatar of aýfamily (Dad, MumLittle
Girl),throughevil Chief Clownits deadly robotic
powerõthemhelp ofGods meddallion.
/One ofDominators' navigators.subordinate,
wasterepower«fleet.Т¤explosion caused
«own atomic seeding bomb,µbeen removedplaced
space corps expedition,µbeen sentExxilonbring
back parrinium. In spite of¨efforts,¹
wild Exxilons.
/One of Khrisong's men.
/One ofMoonbase crew.turned®a 'zombie'
|Squire John's elderly servant,Terileptils.
/Saladin's main city.
/Atlantean priestbackedª¦¹ä
expose Zaroff.°stabbedmad scientist.
/18thÄartistpainted a portrait of
Lady Montcalm, aka Cessair of Diplos.
/One of Magnus Greel's victims.
equipArgolin's Tachyon Recreation Generatora second
random field frame,¢orderachieve rejuvenating capabilities.
/Varosian torture device.
/Deviced builtrandomize
TARDIS's jumps,thereforeÝvengence ofBlack
reengineerLeisure Hive's Tachyon Recreation Generator so
²could rejuvenateArgolins.
/Chief Science officer ofFrontios colony,Norma's
/Renegade female¬Lord. It is possibleshe
visited India at·¯travels, sincename means
'reigning queen'.a master biologist, completely amoral,
interested only¢fate ofexperiments.attended
same¬Lord UniversityMaster,
allegedly turned mice®giant monstersdevoured
President's pet cat, resulting¢exile¶Gallifrey.
Ranienslavedpopulation of Miasimia Goria.
To increase«productivity, she gave them a drugµinstead
deprived them of sleepturned them®savages. To cure
problem, she travelled£stealbrain fluids
enable humanssleep, planningfeed themMiasimians. By
so doing,Raniindirectly responsiblecausing a number
of violent episodes throughoutýhistory:Trojan War,
Dark Ages,Americanëof IndependanceLuddite
Uprisings. Her latter visit causedrun afoul of both
Sixth Doctor,Master.two renegade¬Lords entered
®¤uneasy alliance,¥still outwittedDoctor,
sent them both spinning®outer fringes ofuniverse¢
Rani's TARDIS.
Rani¡çover Lakertya, controlling its weak-willed
populationhelp ofnew allies,four-eyed Tetraps.
çLakertyans'ÔBeyus,daughter, Sarn,
hostagekeptother Lakertyans submissivethreatening
release a swarm of deadly insects.Raniùeleven of
greatest intellects¢universecombined them®a giant
Brain.also causedSixthÃcrash
Lakertya, triggeringregeneration.plottedlaunch a
Loyhargil rocketblow up¤asteroidïup of Strange Matter.
resulting explosion would have turnedBrain®a planet-
sized¬Manipulator,µshe could have recreated
trickedRaniinducing schizophrenia¢Brain.
causedrocketmissasteroid.Rani escaped¢
TARDIS,¥taken prisonerTetrapswanteduse
/Senior crewman¢charge ofsolariumMorestran
spaceship sentZeta Minor.Sornson¦
scientist turned®a neanderthal-like monster.
/Leader ofSwampiesDelta Magna's third moon.
hatedhumansbought guns¶Rohm-Duttattack Thawn's
methane refinery.fanaticallyÈ¢Kroll's divinity,¥
giant monster.
/Professor Litefoot's address.
/British army captainaide-de-campGeneral Smythe.
ȹfightingõGermans¢WorldëI. In
reality,¹part ofëGames.
/Radar operatorfirst detected Axos.
/Head of SalesDesignsAuto Plastics, Ltd.
returned¶United Statesfindcompanyê
Nestene control. After¹firedManaging Director Hibbert,¹
stumbled uponAutons' secret.warned UNIT,¥°
/ScientistworkedDr Fendelman.ß
Staelturned®Fendahl CoreFendahl.
/Planet incorporated®Tryst's CET.
/Fairytale princess encounteredªDoctor,
Jamie,Zoe¢Land of Fiction.
/One ofGuardsÀSeersOracle¢
Underworld.ÉJackson's Minyans.
UnderworldТexplosion causedfission
grenades disguisedRace Banks,µOracleintended
usedestroy Jackson's ship.
/Founder of¬Lords of Gallifrey.legends around
lifedeeds date backvery origins of¬Lords,
are shrouded¢mystery. Rassilon went®a black hole,
Eye of Harmony,Åòcollapse of Omega's
supernova,Þit,stored²êPanopticon, thereby
providing¬Lordsa virtually inexhaustable souce of
energy, capable of meetinghuge demands of·travel.
Rassilon alsoòRassilon Imprimature, a symbiotic
nucleas contained within¬Lords' genessomehow
destabilization caused·travel,achieve quasi-symbiotic
control of«TARDIS's. Indeed,Rassilon Imprimature
needed'prime' a TARDIS. Lastly, Rassilonòthree
symbols of power wornPresident of¬Lords:Coronet
of Rassilon,µlinkedPresident's mindMatrix
enabled²bend other mindswill;Sash of Rassilon,
µprotected its wearer¶deadly energies released
Eye of Harmony;Rod of Rassilon (orØKey),µ
controlledaccessEye of Harmony itself.
Rassilon°contributed various other artefactsdefences
of Gallifrey:Key of Rassilon,µharnessedenergy of
Eye of HarmonypowerDemat Gun (Another Key of
Rassilon gave accessMatrix);force fields known
Transduction Barrier,µprotected Gallifrey;
deadly Silver Nemesis,ïofliving metal validium,meant
Gallifrey's ultimate defence. Rassilon is also credited
creatingbow shipsµ×ØVampires.
book stolenSalyavin,Ancient Law of Gallifrey,µ
containedsecret of Shada's location,said ¤artefact
ò¢·of Rassilon.
Rassilonmuch of¬Lords' history preserved¢
documents suchBlack Scrolls,Records of
Rassilon,µß kept¢all TARDIS's.
Harp of Rassilonsecret keyhidden roomè
controlsso-called Game of Rassilonkept. It is not
known whether Rassilonresponsiblestarting or ending this
cruel habit of using¬Scoopsnatch beings¶various
placestimesmaking¡Ê¢Death Zone
¬Lords' amusement,¥²is knownbody°
entombed¢a tower located atvery centre ofDeath Zone.
However,spirit lived on,ableprotect Gallifrey¶
megalomania of Borusatricking®accepting
immortality of a living statue (An inscription¢Tomb of
Rassilon promised true immortalityanyonewould take
Ring¶Rassilon's fingers).
/Symbiotic nucleus contained within¬
Lords' physiologyis somehow linked«ability
withstandmolecular destabilization caused·travel,
achieve quasi-symbiotic control of«TARDIS's. Indeed,
Rassilon Imprimatureneeded'prime' a TARDIS. Sontaran
Group Marshal Stike allied himselfChessenecapture
ªDoctor, whom theyådissect¢orderobtain
secret ofImprimature,¥theyíSixth
/One ofmost efficient killing machines
ever devised. Itbuilt-in javelinssensors capable of
detecting any movement,could movelightning speed. A
RastonÖtransportedBorusa¢Death Zone decimated a
squadron of Cybermen.
/Magnus Greel mutated a ratgiant size (ten feet
¶whiskerstail)guardlair insideÙsewers.
/Leader of a British fascist group working
Daleks.ßMike Smith,dug upHand of Omega. After
Daleks' Battle Computer¹äescape.
/Owner ofKillings-worth collieryè
George Stephenson workedµ¹builtfirst
steam-powered locomotive,Blucher.ÛSixth
¶a gang of Luddites¿ÊË
/Alternative nameEarth. WhenSixthfirst set
millionöelapsed; however, historicalarcheological
evidence make this duration unlikely. This action,µseems
have occurred around 14,000, resulted¢considerable death
destruction,¥blameda freak cosmic phenomenon
(a fireball).
Ravalox Stratagemuncovered five hundredölater,¦
SixthPeri Visited Ravalox,publicly exposed
¯trial. Indeed,puttrial
becausecorrupt High Council of Gallifreyafraid¹
would find out what theydone. On Ravolox,met
tribe ofFree, ledKatryca.íSabalom Glitz's
effortsstealsecrets taken¶MatrixSleepers.
Sleepers,ruled¤underground civilization ofýslaves
knownUK Habitat.
Afterwards,¬Lords probably movedSolar System back
its original location¢space,è²'rediscovered'.
Ïcausedplanetary movestill being explained
awayresult of a fireball or solar flares,¦£
reclaimedpassengers ofspace ark Terra Nova,
ýcolonists¶other planets.
/Young Kaled general.´¢Ïof
Kaled Dome.
/The Sixthtriggered a rayphase shift
destroyValeyard's Particle Disseminator.
/One ofThals sentSpiridonstopDaleks.
¿¨freezeDaleks' army.
romantically attractedTaron.
/Ship attackedSea Devils.
/Set of ancient emergency instructionsµ
once kept¢every TARDIS. Althoughpractise°
discontinued,Ãa set,µ
consultedlearn howØVampire. These are
/British spaceship sentinvestigatedisappearance
of Probe 7. Its pilot, astronaut Van Lyden,replaceda
/British spaceshipflown¨
allowmake contactradioactive aliens.
/Space-trap setˢform of
Castrovalva, a block transfer computationòAdric.
1746. They°met a fictional Redcoat¢Land of Fiction.
A Redcoat armyùWarlords, using·
technology stolen¶¬Lords.soldiers wenttake
part¢ëGames, until theseóa stop
/One ofinhabitants of Salamander's Sanctum.
/Freelance criminalhiredGeneral Carrington
kidnapthree radioactiveÇAmbassadors.forcedaliens
do Carrington's biddingdenying themradioactive isotopes
they neededsurvive. Later,¹wantedusealiens
own gain.ÞBrigadier Lethbridge-
/Medical doctor of Devil's End.
/Young Alzarian Outler.Marshmen.
/Race of super-strong, peace loving, invisible aliens
livingºRefusis.Refusians' invisibilityresult
of a mutation causedsolar flares.Refusians¿
©thwart Monoid One's plansdestroyýrace,
welcomed both HumansMonoids«planet.
/Planetµdestination ofArk,µ
ultimatelyÍa new homeboth HumansMonoids,î
/Sister of ArakTuarMetabelis 3.freed¶
/The¬Lords of Galifreyableregenerate,
thus extend«lives. Regenerations could triggered
accidentally,such actions ledfourth, fifth,
sixth,seventh incarnations;a result ofnormal ageing
process (which ledsecond incarnation);¬
Lord decree (which ledthird incarnation);
some regenerations could seemingly triggered at will (such
Romana's first regeneration).
number of regenerations appeared limited (perhaps
arbitrarily?)twelve.Ëran out of regenerations,¥
ȹcould start a new cycletappingpower¶
Eye of Harmony. ThwartedDoctor,¹áTremas of
Traken's bodycontinueexistence. However, since¹
°offered a new cycle of regenerationsCouncil of
¬Lords¦askedrescue¶Dead Zone,
twelfth regeneration was, presumably, not necessaryfinal
enda¬Lord.Valeyardexposedamalgamation of
darker side,ôtwelfthfinal
Romanaableswitchôdifferent forms rapidly¯
¬Lords may havea certain degree of control over
regeneration process.trauma of regeneration has been known
affect¬Lords' mental balence:Third, Fourth,
Sixth,Seventh, Doctors behaved erraticallyî
«regenerations.¸neededisolation of
TARDIS's zero roomîregeneration. Borusa may have
become utterly megalomanicalîa regeneration.
Certain¬Lords appearedhavepowerforesee«
coming regeneration,create a solid, mental projection of
themselvesµcapable of independant action. K'Anpo did this
Other races capable of regeneration included: Mawdryn
fellow aliens,stolen a metamorphic symbiosis regenerator
¶¬Lordsdoomedlive¢a state of perpetual
regeneration:silicon-based Kastrians,could
regenerate, provided theyenough energy«genetic code;
Lords;Xeraphinmerged®single collective
intelligence.Argolinsß«Tachyon Recreation
Generatorachieve¤artificial form of regeneration.
/Sections of Logopolis.coreCentral Register,
µa copy of£Pharos Project, while calculations
performed¢External Registers.
/AliasßSteven Taylor¢Tombstone, Arizona.
/Crewman aboardMorestran spaceship sentZeta Minor.
Sorenson¦scientist turned®a neanderthal-
like monster.
/PlanetèGeneral Harmack didfirst tour of
duty. Milo Clanceya bit of a legend there.
/Thehas come¢contactvarious£
religions throughout history. Inwest,¹involved¢
¨Crusadeþcaught up¢infamous
St Bartholomew's Day Massacre¢Paris.renegade¬Lord
knownMeddling Monk hidêtrappings of a Christian
monk. Sarah Jane SmithK-9 mark IIIÿa cult of
witchesworshippedpagan goddess Hecate.
visited Egypt¯construction ofØ
worshippedgodsancient Egyptians.also
mistakenZeus¯Trojan War.
ÿBrothers of Demnos¢San Martino.
also came¢contactoriental religions
while defendingTibetan monastery of Det-Senõ
ØIntelligence, meetingmentor K'Anpo,posing
a Tibetan lamafighting·traveller Magnus Greel,
posingChinese god Weng-Chiang.
InAmericas, BarbaraächangeAztecs' bloody
religion¥failed.ancient Atlanteans worshippedÇ
sacrificesgoddess Amdo. Infuture,Tribe of
Free worshipped Haldron, god ofEarth.
Other aliens worshipped£'gods' included
Mondasians,Daemons,ancient Exxilon,Osirians,
Mandragora Helix, Scaroth, Cessair of Diplos (asCeltic goddess
Cailleach),Malus, LightFenric. Monarch of Urbanka
wantedtravel back¢·meet God.
OnÇworlds,came¢contacta number of
religionsèprimitiveñworshipped powerful, often
tyrannical, entities:Krotons,Guardian ofDoomsday
Machine,Exxilon City, Xoanon,Oracle,
Kroll,Nimon,MaraGods of
Ragnarok.monster Aggedorþobject of a cult
Peladon.Sisterhood of Karn worshipped
Sacred Flame.Minyans referred¬Lords
'gods'.Ribans worshippedIce Gods.Tigellan
Deons worshippedDodecahedron. On Sarn,Elders
worshipped Logar, god of Fire Mountain.Mentors praised
Finally, although theynot worshippedsuch,
Celestial ToymakerGuardians of¬exhibited
virtually godlike qualities. Also see MAGIC.
/Lavinia P. Hacken-sack's ancestor,
poisonedLady Peinforte.
/In or around AD 1503,Sarah
Jane SmithÿMandragora Helix¢Dukedom of
San Martino, Italy,¿saveRenaissance. A few
ölater,samemetof Scaroth's twelve splinters,
Captain Tancredi,¢Leonardo da Vinci's house.Meddling
Monk once discussed flying machinesLeonardo.
/Jules Renan's sister.
/Frenchman workingJames Stirling,¿
prisoners ofConciergerie (including©
/Name generally giventhose¬Lords
refusedobeyrules of Gallifrey,left²pursue
ambitions of«own. Chief among those areDoctor,Ë
Rani. Other notorious renegades includeMeddling Monk,
ëLords'ëChief, K'Anpo, Drax,
SalyavinAzmael. By refusingðGallifrey
choosingremain¢E-Space, RomanaÍa renegade¬Lord.
Not all renegade¬Lordsvillains.Renegade known
£K'Anpo¾Chronotis (aka Salyavin)
chosenretireEarth. AzmaelchosenretireJaconda.
Shobogans, ledNesbin,¬Lords
voluntarily renounced«positionGallifrey.
Evil¬Lordsbetrayed«own race included: Omega,
Morbius, Chancellor Goth, Castellan Kelner,
Councillor Hedin, and, sadly, President Borusa. Finally,
Valeyardamalgamation ofdarker side
ôtwelthfial regenerations.
/Maylin of KarfelVena's father.
/Name givenmore perfected type of Autoncould
pass offreal people. Replicas included Channing, General
Scobienumerous other famous people. Also see
/Intelligent reptilian lifeforms encountered
included:Earth-born SiluriansSea-Devils;Martian Ice
froglike Urbankans;Terileptils;Bandrils;
LakertyansThoros Betans (or Mentors).
Maraßshape of a snakematerialize,¥primarily
Non-intelligent reptiles includedDidonian Sand Beasts;
Exarian lizards impersonatedIMC robot;
Drashigs;Earth-born dinosaurs;Zygons' Skarasen;
Karfelon Morlox.
Omega's Ergon appearedshare some reptilian features.
Boradhalf human, half Morlox. Josiah Samuel Smith appeared
have evolved¶¤Çreptilian lifeform.
/One of Lesterson's assistantsVulcan.a
Dalek¦scientist repowered it.
/Name givenAukonaltarêTower,
built just aboveèØVampire lay buried.
/Where Kane livedIceworld.
/Name givenFrontios colonistsabandoned
colonyliveoutside. Cockerillͫleader.
/Old lighthouse keeper of Fang RockȢ
/Captain ofFrontios colony.ù
Tractators. They attached«excavating machine,µ
tyrants, such as: Salamander; Magnus Greel; Queen Xanxia;
Lady Adrasta; Varos' Chief Officer;Helen A.
©visited France¯its Revolution.
ªÉalongside American Civilësoldiers¯
has also¿men overthrowÇoppressors such as:
Daleks;Monoids;Macra;Warlords;Spiders of
Metebelis 3; Xoanon;Sunmakers;Nimon;ØVampire;
Occasionally,has takenaliens' sideõmen;
¹aided:Sensorites;Fishmen of Atlantis;
In other cases,has¿raceÊ
oppression of another race, oroverthrow a tyrannical entity;
established order of Gallifrey.
/Capital of Iceland. In51st century,²first
location ofpeaceful Icelandic Alliance,¡°
location ofbattle¢µevil Supreme Alliance
overthrown.claimedhave taken part¢battle.
/Taran princescheduled crowned King of Tara.
Count Grendeläkill him,¥¹saved
Doctor.ended up marrying Princess Strella.
/Police superintendent at Gatwick Airport.
/Contraction of 'residents',nicknameßold
ñstill lived¢Paradise Towers.
/Senior virologist aboardArk¿©
find a cureDodo's cold virus.
/Inhabitants of Ribos. Theya medieval people, steeped
¢superstition,little knowledge ofUniverse.
/Planet located¢constellation of Skythra;²part
ofCyrennic Empire. It116 parsecs away¶Cyrennis
Minimathree light centuries away¶Magellanic Clouds.
Itç64 localöcomplete its elliptical orbit around
sun,µmeantits seasons (Ice¬Sun Time) lasted
32öeach. Because its civilizationstill¢medieval
stages, RibosclassifiedAlliancea Grade-3 planet,
protected¶Çinterference. It principal city
Shurr. Galactic con artists GarronUnstoffeäsell Ribos
ten million opeksGraff Vynda-K, using a lump of
jethrikµturned out a segment ofKey¬
bait. Eventually, Garronjoined forces
Graff,ТRiban Catacombs.
/(aka THE LIONHEART) King of England, third son of
King Henry IIEleanor of Aquitaine,lived¶11571199.
set out¨Crusade¢1189,¥lack of harmonyô
Philip II, King of France,doomedenterprise.
returnedEuropeîmaking a truceSaladin, leaving
Jerusalem¢Saracens' hands.met©Doctor,
nemed Ian Knight of Jaffa.
/Young boySarah Jane Smith's Aunt
Lavinia's ward.lived¢Moreton Harwood. Becauselocal crops
not faring well,cult of Hecate wantedsacrifice Brendan,
¥stoppedSarah Jane SmithK-9 mark III.
/UNIT lieutenantÀêBrigadier Bambera¯
battle at CarburyõMorgaine.heading
Salamander 6-0 convoy,Sorceress.
/First mate ofMary Celeste.
/Crewmember of Captain Maitland'sȢorbit
aroundSense-Sphere. Theyheld captiveSensorites.
Thanks©efforts, sheallowed
ðEarth,îhaving promisedprotectsecret of
Sensorites' existence.
/Royal Navy lieutenant commander¢charge of a
submarine sentCaptain HartinvestigateSea Devils. His
/Satellite around Vita 15Lytton's birthplace.
/Rig DofEuro-Sea Gas Corporation's off-shore
rigs. Itoffirstfeeleffects ofWeed's
attack. Its chief, Carney, calledDr Patterson.Zygons'
Skarasen×three oil rigs offcoast of Scotland.
/Captain ofEmpress. His»crashed®Hecate¦
both ships emerged simultaneously¶hyperspace aboveº
Azure. Tryst hookedvraxoin. Rigg°attacked Romana,
/Confederate corporalȹfighting¢
American Civil War. In reality,¹part ofëGames.
/Highly civilized, peaceful, telepathic aliens whose form
very uglymen. A Rill»attackedDrahvins, led
Maaga. Both ships crashlandeda doomedº¢Galaxy Four.
Withhelp of«robotic 'Chumblies'©Doctor,
/A Zygon.
|Peladonian trisilicate miner. When Ettis proposeddestroy
Queen Thalira's palacesonic lance,¹ästop him,
/One oflamas of Det-Sen Monastery.
/An inscription¢Tomb of Rassilon promised
true immortalityanyonewould takeRing¶Rassilon's
fingers. Borusa did,grantedimmortality of a living
/Controller of International Space Command Headquarters
/Founding member ofPsychic Circus.weakly
followingChief Clown's orders.Morgana
sacrificedGods of RagnarokChief Clown.
/Western outlaw noteddeadly fast draw.
hiredClantonshelp themõEarpDoc Holiday.
©claimedHoliday shot¯gunfight
atOK Corral26th October 1881. Ringo must have survived,
since historical records show¹´nine months later,
14th July 1882.
/Captain Brigg's manifest officer.secretly¢
Cybermen's pay,óthem aboardspace freighter
cargo.Cyber Leader.
/One of Varga's Ice Warrior crewóbacklife
¢AD 3000.
/Frontios orderly.
/Personnel atControl Building of Space Special Security.
/Wing commander¿Cyberman Invasion.
/Boatmanç¨Jo Grant
islandèËkept prisoner.
/Wenley Moor techniciansuffered a mental breakdown.
accidentallyMajor Baker.
|Member ofImperial£Expedition ForceDeva
/(1758-94) French lawyer,
ofprime movers ofFrench Revolution.©
Òcould not preventarrest,¹guillotined
28th July 1794.
/UNIT private whose mental sanitypertubed while
fightingSilurians.´¦¹jumped®a chasm.
/One of Sir Charles Grover's assistants¢Operation
Golden Age.
/Humans controlledthrough electronic pulses
channelled«brains through a headset.ßthem
¯«AD 2164 Invasion of Earth.
/Pathological fear of robots, also knownGrimwold's
Syndrome,µcould cause catatoniaeven suicide. Its victims
saw robotswalking dead men. PoulZilda'sÜsuccumbed
acute robophobia.
/Sentient robotic races included:human-created
MechanoidsSuper-Vocs;Çandroids known
Movellans;Monarch's androids (who allrealý
memories storedsilicon chips).
Sentient individual robots included: K-9;¾Kettlewell's
K-1 Giant Robot;ÇKamelion;Andromedan
L-3, Drathro.
A number of androidsdesignedimpersonate sentient
lifeformscould therefore duplicateappearance of independant
thought,¥probably not 'alive'. These included:Kraals'
androids;Tarans' androids; Sharaz Jek's androids;
Bellboy's robotic clownsBus Conductor. Other androids
¢same category includedDraculaFrankenstein Monster
robots;Dalek-built replica of©Doctor;
Terileptils' 'Grim Reaper';Raston Robot;
Cybermen's androids;Borad's blue-skinned android.
Non-sentient robots programmed onlyserve«creators
incapable of sentience or independant thought included:Rills'
'Chumblies'; WOTON'sëMachines;ØIntelligence's
Yeti;Dominators' Quarks;Servo-Robot;
White RobotsClockwork Soldiers ofLand of Fiction;
IMC's mining robot; Linx'sÖknight; Styre's robot;
Sutekh's 'mummies' (or servicers);Captain of Zanak's
parrotlike polyphase avatron;axe-wielding Gundans;
Drathro's service robot;Paradise Towers' cleaners;
Iceworld's Dragon.so-called 'Robots of Death'
divided®Dums, VocsSuper-Vocs. Onlylast two
categories could talk,onlySuper-Vocs could saidhave
achieved sentience.
Robotsdid not fit¢any ofabove categories included:
Hand of Omega;Kandy Man;Silver Nemesis.
/Controller ofEuro-Sea Gas North Sea refinery
µattackedWeed.first mistookª
a saboteur,constantly refusedheed Harris'sVan
Lutyen's adviceturn offgas supply.fellê
Weed's control,¥freedintervention.
/Charles Gordon's secretary at Gatwick Airport¦
/Hovercraft pilotmistookª
/(aka THE GREAT KEY) An ebonite staff,of
three symbols of power wornPresident ofHigh Council of
¬Lords of Gallifrey. Its secret functionenable its
bearerreleaseEye of Harmony.Ëß²absorb
enough energy¶Eye of Harmonyprolonglife,
þdoomed Gallifrey.held²¦¹
proclaimed President.
/Female¬Lord¢charge of space-time traffic control
befriended Leela¿repelinvaders.
/Tower GuardØVampire's world.
/Device employedGallifreyan Chancellery
/Exarius colonist.
/Captain Hopper's»engineer¾Parry's
/One of Chellak's men.
/Gun smugglersecretly paidThawndeliver
non-functional gunsSwampies, thus justifying Thawn's
extermination policies.Kroll.
/King of Kastria.ordered Eldrad's deathî
Kastrian villain×force field barriersµprotected
world. He, like allother Kastrians,¡chosedie
rather than someday forcedsubmitEldrad's rule¢
event ofreturn.
companions.a 140-year-old¬Lordenlisted
White Guardian (posingPresident ofHigh Council)help
questgathersix segments ofKey
Time. Duringtime, sheÉGraff Vynda-KRibos,
Captain of ZanakVivien Fay. On Tara, sheÞCount
Grendel because she¤exact double of Princess Strella. On Delta
Magna's moon, sheofferedSwampiesa sacrifice
Kroll. Finally,Atrios, sheÉShadow¿assemble
Romana¡choseregenerate and,îa short period of
instability, settledform of Princess Astra of Atrios.
Inguise, she¿Ê
Movellans, Scaroth, Lady Adrasta,Mandrels,Nimon, Skagra,
Pangol,Foamasi, Meglos,MarshmenØVampire.
Even though sheorderedðGallifrey, she chose
remain¢E-SpaceK-9 mark IIhelpTharilsÊslavery.
RomanaÍtrapped¢a·eddy caused
malfunctioning of Borusa's·scoop. Theyfreed
Rassilon'sÚîother four Doctorsexposed
/The©visitedEternal City¢year AD 64
even¼inpired NerostartØFire of
Rome. A Roman LegionùWarlords, using·
technology stolen¶¬Lords.soldiers wenttake
|Varosian guard, secretly sone of Jondar's rebels.
while helpingSixth Doctor, PeriJondarݶ
Punishment Dome.
/Captain¢Federation squadron, ledGeneral Chellak,
sentAndrozani Minor.Þ¸Peri,¥
°¢¤ambush set upStotz.
/Senior Kaled researcher.saved¶
beinga prototype Dalek,wentbetray Davros.
/Captain of a privateer ship.traded¢time-sensitive
Tharil slaves. His navigator, Biroc,çZero Point
ôN-SpaceE-Space,¡ßTharil gateway
Ý®E-Space. Againstadvice, Rorvikä
break throughGateway.ßbackblast of
ship's engines,¥energybounced backGateway's
/Sarn UnbelieverclimbedFire Mountain. He,
AmyandSorastaarrestedTimanov's mencondemned
sacrificedFire Mountain.¿¸
/Phoney Italian, real name Lew Russell.owned
International CircusèËrematerialiesedæ
preparingʨDoctor. UnderMaster's thrall,¹
¿evil¬Lord summonNestene backEarth. Later,
¹men attackedJo Grant.
/Captain of San Martino's guards.ÀCount Federico.
After Federico's death,¹arrestedown men.
/Cryonsaved Peri¶Cybermen.
/One offive Galsec Seven colonists stranded£
circa AD 15,000,î«»been×while answering
a fake Mayday signal.Sontaran Styre performed cruelÎ
determinelimits ofýresistance,left
die of thirst.
stumbled upon©companions.
/Mr Brownrose's superior.
/Pat Rowlinson's wife.been blind until
/Owner ofGore Crow Hotel near Carbury.
wife, Elizabeth,evacuated½¯battleô
/Policemanarrested ForesterSmithers.
/Telephone operator.Ísuspicious of
strange going-ons at Smither's house,alertedhusband, Bert.
invitationaddress them.
/Institution whose resourcesßõ
/The press conference announcing WOTON's
creationheld here.
/Member of Rorvik's crew.´¦privateer's»
/Kindly, eccentric,very near-sighted scientist,
other scientists helprepairship.¿¨
Linxreturnedown·via Linx's Osmic
/19thÄBritish miner whose brain fluids
Sixth Doctor,felldeath¢a mine shaft.
/Security Officer ofHyperion III space liner. Because¹
knew¹soon retired,¹plottedtwo Mogarians,
AtzaOtezo,hijack»steal its precious cargo of
vionesium.íSixthCommodore Travers,
/A member ofstaff ofWheel¢Space.
a Cybermat.
/A sergeantofdeadly pawnsß
Toymaker (in tandemMrs Wiggs)¦¹challenged©
Doctor, StevenDodo.
/Elderly archeologist, author
of Bronze Age Burials¢Gloucestershire.¿
Romana¢«questthird segment ofKey
Time.ÇCessair of Diplosposingfriend
assistant, Vivien Fay. Her big professional rivalDr Idwal Morris.
/Fatuous news commentatorGallifrey.been
assassination.eitherËor Goth.
/Medical doctor at Brendon school.
/East End headquarters ofTong of
Black Scorpion.
/Boer sergeantimmuneëLords' hypnotic
processing,çcharge ofResistance.Éalongside
/Undercover policemanalso Lytton's
supplier of stolen electronic equipment.metSixth
/Green, blob-like aliens, engaged¢¤endless spaceì
Sontarans. Rutans likedcold,a natural affinity
electricity,ableshift«shapes. A Rutan scout
ÍstrandedIsland of Fang Rock,îkilling Reuben,
åuse£a strategic point¢ì
Sontarans.Rutanother lighthouse keepers,
Ben TraversVince Hawkins,wellsurvivors of a
shipwreck: Lord Palmerdale, Adelaide Lesage, Colonel Skinsale
crewmember Harker.Leelaãable
destroyRutana rocket launcher.blew up
mother»using Lord Palmerdale's diamonds,converting
lighthouse®a crude laser cannon.
/Citizen of Castrovalva.uncreatedMaster.
/Professor Cornish'sâatBritish
Space Centre.
/Former military school mate of Brigadier
Lethbridge-Stewartbecome a major-general atMinistry of
Defence.¢charge of supervising Lethbridge-Stewart's½
operationBritish soil. His mindcontrolledTobias Vaughn,
Invasion. When Rutlidge°ärebel, Vaughn forced
kill himself.
/Communications officer ofWheel¢Space.
Tanya Lernov's boyfriend,¿ª
/An Aridianmet©Doctor.
/Alzarian foremansavedTylos¯
Marshmen's attackStarliner.
/Earth Empire's nameDeva Loka.
/Trained snipersßHappiness Patrol
/Arbitan's daughter.accompanied©
questmissing Keys,°married Altos.
/ArakTuar's father.gave himself up rather than
allowingQueen ofSpiderstakeson.kept
prisonerSpidersawaitedfate stoically,¥
Åfreed¦Spiders died.
/NameTesh gaveXoanon's control room.
/Volcanic flamePlanet Karn, not unlike
Numismaton Flame of Sarn,µproducedElixir of Life.
Sacred Flame, or Flame of Life,guardedSisterhood
appeared dying because of a geological obstruction. But
cleared²fire crackers.
/The daughter of Haroun Ed Diin.kepthidden at home
save¶clutches ofvillainous El Akir.
/Captain ofTitan shuttle taken overVirus.
turnedTitan base®a HiveNucleus,°
/Member of Rorvik's crew.Lazlo.
/Aridian desertè©Ã
/On 23rd August 1572, all
leading Huguenots of Parisslain. Later, thousands more
throughoutrest of France.©Steven
visited Paris a few daysæmassacre,¥could not affect
its outcome.
/Cambridge college visited¢unrecorded
adventures¢1955, 1958, 1960 (when¹ç¤honorary degree)
1964. ItthereSalyavin settled¾Chronotis.
ÉSkagraits premises.
/Church¢Northumberland villageè
11381193.offered Ian safe passagehelpsearch
Barbara,beenùEl Akir. Saladinïa
truceKing Richard I ('The Lionheart'),reclaimed Jerusalem.
/Yucatan-born, megalomanical scientistª
double.inventedSuncatcher satellite,µ¹ß
gain political power¢early days of21st century.
alsoß²create earthquakes, intendingkill off Earth's
population,¡repopulateºown people, whom¹
kept¢a secret underground 'Sanctum'. Afterplans
íGiles KentªDoctor,¹äpass
himself offDoctor,¥ejected®deep
/Atomic missile. Brigadier BamberaLieutenant
Richards of½assigneddispose of it. Morgaineþ
detonated it,¥sense of honour ultimately prevailed.
/Young commander¢charge ofMorestran spaceship sent
Zeta Minor. Whenanti-matter creatures beganattack
being a murderer.ã relievedVishinsky.
°Sorenson,¦scientist turned®a
neanderthal-like monster.
/Major¢Federation Armyaide-de-campGeneral
Chellak. Sharaz Jek replaced¤android replica. Thanks
¸Doctor,real Salateen escapedPeri.¿
General Chellak launch a final assaultõJek,¥shot
¤android.Salateen android°Stotz.
/Sabalom Glitz's home planet, located¢Andromeda.
/Notorious Gallifreyan adventurer. His mind-controlü
turned®a criminal. SalyavinÞimprisoned
¬LordsShada.secretly escaped and,cover
tracks,áAncient Law Of Gallifrey,caused¬Lords
forgetøShada.¡retiredSt Cedd's College,è
¹assumedidentity of¾Chronotis. His room was,¢
reality,TARDIS. But¹ûSkagra,ßSphere
learnlocation of Shada. WithRomana's
help, Skagradefeated.returnedAncient Law Of
Gallifreysworenot reveal Salyavin's secret.
/Warder¢Stangmoor Prison's Special Wing.¢
charge ofDeath Row cells.
/Wardrobe woman at Jago's theatre .
/Dukedom¢15thÄItaly. Its rightful ruler,
Giuliano, would have beenCount Federico if²not been
Doctor.¬Lord also preventedMandragora
Helix¶usingDukedoma beachheadprevent Renaissance.
/Name givenSalamandersecret underground
installationè¹kept a small population captive, using lies
pretencea nuclearìragedplanet's surface.
SalamanderåSanctum's inhabitantstake over
£î¹×its population.
/Docile, vegetarian, Didonian bipedslooked like a
crossôa lizarda snake. Vickiadopted a sand beast
a pet,¥²mistakenlyBarbara.
/Commander ofImperial£expedition force
Deva Loka.Kinda's attemptshaveHindle mind-meld
them caused thembecome mentally unbalanced. Theycured
¸Kinda's Jhana Box. Sanders recommended
Deva Loka reclassifiedunsuitablecolonization,
although¹åretire there.
/Giant, mobile factoryprocessing oresminerals
a deserted, windswept planet. Its crew, ledCommander Uvanov,
would all have beenDask's Robots of Death if²not
beenLeela's intervention.
/Famous parametricist whose mindstolenSkagra at
Think Tank space station.´¢Ïof
/Oldestwisest oflamas of Det-Sen monastery.
/Saladin's brother.¢loveJoanna, King
Richard I's sister,passionately wantedmarry her.
/Any personpractised Islam¢Middle Ages.
Originally,Saracens¤Arab tribe living¢Sinai
(Sarakenoi).©encountered Saracens¯
/The Meddling MonkdisguisedÃa saxon
sarcophagus.point of arrival of Sutekh's time-space corridor
¤Egyptian sarcophagus.
/One ofTesh.
/Volcanic planet. Attime,²a Trion colony,¥
proved too inhospitable because of its volcanic activity. While
Trionß²its regenerating Numismaton Flame,planet's
inhabitants slowly revertedtribalismsuperstition. After
revolution,TrionsßSarna dumping groung«
political prisoners.Sarns worshipped Logar, god ofFire
Mountain,sacrificed any Unbelievers.¸ÿ
ËSarn. Turlough summoned Trion's helpevacuate
Sarns,Æa volcanic eruption.
|Young Lakertyan femaleassisted Beyus insideRani's
ship.Beyus'sFaroon's daughter.escaped
ofRani's protective bubbles.
/One ofthree symbols of power worn
President ofHigh Council of¬Lords of Gallifrey. Its
secret functionprotect its wearer¶great sources of
energy, suchEye of Harmony,alsoenablewearer
convertenergyown use. Itprobablyß
Rassilon himself¦¹entered a black holecapture
Eye of Harmony.ËworeSash¦¹releasedEye of
Harmony,ableabsorb enough energyprolonglife,
þdooming Gallifrey.wore²¦¹
proclaimed President.
/Theclaimedthisanother of Sutekh's
names.Daemons resembledChristian Devil.
Also see RELIGION.
/Leader ofSea Devil commandoµreanimated
Silurian Icthar.commando attacked Sea Base Four¢AD 2084.
Icthar's planlaunch nuclear missilesprovoke aì
ôtwo blocs,thus eradicate mankind. Their efforts
ÿ¸Doctor,ßdeadly hexachromite gas
wipe outSiluriansSea Devils.
/Planet visited©Doctor.
/NameElders gaveallegedly primitiveñ
whom they shared«planet.'Savages'artistically
advanced,lived a primitive lifestyle only becauseElders
repeatedly drained«life essence. Theyfreed¶«
servitude©intervention,Steven Taylor
ÍÔofreunited species.
/The Tigellans' scientific caste.
/Aged¬Lordattendedinduction of
President ofHigh Council.
/Pollution-fighting organization founded
Sir Charles Grover.
/The©¿a Saxon villgethwart Viking
/PlateauèCrater of NeedleslocatedVortis.
/Count Federico's torturer.
/Count Scarlioni's wife.apparently
unawarehusband¢ÂScaroth, last of
Jagaroth, a green-skinned, one-eyed alien.Scaroth
îshe forcedrevealtrue identity.
/Professor Scarman's brother.¿
ÊSutekh,¥own brother,
becomeevil Osirian's puppet.
/Egyptologistopened Sutekh's tomb.
claimed¾Scarman ceasedexistaý
being¦¹enteredevil Osirian's tomb.returned
PrioryêSutekh's control,evenbrother, Laurence.
final death¦Sutekh releasedîdestroyingEye of
/Green-skinned, one-eyedÇofìlike Jagaroth
race. Circa 3.5 million BCEarth, Scaroth's crippled spaceship,
µcontained allsurvivors ofJagaroth race, exploded
while taking off.radiation causedexplosion triggered a
mutation¢Earth's primordial 'soup', creating lifeplanet.
Scarothsplit®twelve fragments, scattered across different
·periods, including Ancient Egypt (where¹poseda God),
Germany¢AD 1455 (whenGutenberg Biblefirst printed),
Renaissance Italy¢1505 (where¹ßalias of Captain
Tancredi), England¢1600 (when Shakespeare wrote Hamlet),
Paris¢1980. There,Count Scarlioni, Scaroth hired¾
Kerenskybuild a·machine. To finance Kerensky's research,
Tancredi,¹forced Leonardo da Vincipaint several Mona Lisas,
µ¹soldScarlioni. Eventually,¢spite of
Doctor, RomanaDuggan's intervention, Scarothableð
3.5 million BC. However, Duggan stopped¶preventing
Ïofship, therefore ensuringcreation of life
Earth. Scaroth¡automatically returned20th
century,èsight ofreal shape so frightened
henchman, Hermann,¹caused¤explosionµthem
/Nickname givenGalsec Seven colonists
Styre's robot.
/A race of space mercenaries.
/Astronaut aboardZeus IV space capsule.
¦»disintergratedêMondas's gravitational
/Member of a Silurian Triad also comprised of Icthar
(whomet¨¢20th century)Tarpok. In
AD 2084, they reanimated a Sea Devil commando ledSauvix
attacked Sea Base Four. Their planlaunch nuclear missiles
provoke aìôtwo blocs,thus eradicate mankind.
Scibus´¦¸ßdeadly hexachromite gas.
/Secret organization of elitist
scientistsÈthey should ruleworld. Their leader,
Miss Winters,ßanother member,¾Kettlewell,
Giant Robotobtainmeans of threateningstart World
/British army general.Nestene replaceda
replicastop UNIT,put¢a wax museum.
/Flight Engineer ofConcorde flight¸
ßrescue Flight 192.¿¬Lord
ËXeraphin¢Jurassic period.
/(aka MINISCOPE) A combination·scooppeep-show.
Scope plucked living beings¶«own·spacekept
them prisoner¢a miniaturized state.¨claimed¹
been instrumental¢getting¬Lordscall¤
Intergalactic ConventionbanScopesbeingõ
dignity of sentient life forms. At leastScope survived¢
hands of Galactic showman Vorg. It contained Ogrons,SS Bernice
its crew, a plesiosaurus,savage Drashigs.¨
rematerialized¢Vorg's ScopeºInter Minor.
There a xenophobic official, Kalik,äuseScope
discreditPresident's liberal policies,¥failed.Scope
put out of commission¨Doctor,its
prisoners restored«proper places¢spacetime.
/Harrison Chase's murderous henchman.áa Krynoid pod
¶World Ecology Bureau's Antartic baseç²back
England. When¹realisedfull extent ofKrynoid's threat,
drownedweedsµêKrynoid's control.
/Theªlanded near Culloden¢AD 1746.
Borad, a Karfelon tyrantbeenÿSixth
near Inverness,çup residence¢Loch Ness. Presumably¹
1976. By then,Zygons' SkarasenbecomeLoch Ness
/HeTrevorcommentators at¤Oval test match
ôEnglandAustralia,µbriefly interupted
TARDIS's materialization.
|26THÄlieutenant¢charge ofsquadron protecting
¾Kyle's underground explorations.¿¸
disarm a hidden Cyber-Bomb,¡travelled aboard
ÃCaptain Briggs's space freighter. There,¹¿
Adric prevent ¶crashing»
£destroyAlliance conference. Scott escapedsafety
/Planetary systemèManussalocated.
/Vampire batsûDesperus.
/Five panels designedMeglosfocuspower of
Dodecahedron®a single, powerful blastµcould destroy any
º¢galaxy. Theyblown up, alongZolfa-Thura,
¢Dodecahedron explosion set upDoctor.
/Name Unstoffeïuplump of jethrik.
/Borusa placed a chest containing
forbidden Black Scrolls of Rassilon¢Castellan's living
quartersframe him. Theyצchestopened
without proper safety precautions. These are not
/Underwater base attackedSilurians
Sea Devils¢AD 2084. Its commanderVorshak. After taking²
over,Silurians plotteduse its nuclear missilesprovoke
aìôtwo blocs,thus eradicate mankind. Their
hexachromite gaswipe outSiluriansSea Devils.
/Intelligent reptilian life formµruled£
¯Cretaceous (13665 millionöBC),not
Silurian (430395 milionöBC). They,«'cousins'
shelterssome undetermined cosmic event. A commando of Sea Devils
awoke¶suspended animation¢1973began sinking ships¢
British Channel. TheycontactedËoffered
ally himselfthem.¨Chief Sea Devil
talked peace,¥theyíinterference of
ËWalker, a civil servantordered a depth charge attack.
×Sea Devils' undersea baseæany more Sea Devils
could awakened.
Silurian Icthar reanimated a Sea Devil commando led
Sauvix¢2084,ßthemattack Sea Base Four. His plan
launch nuclear missilesprovoke aìôtwo blocs,
thus eradicate mankind. His effortsÿ
¸Doctor. Also see SILURIANS.
/Inverness InnèGrayTrask conducted«
slave trading business.
/See WEED.
/Police constableMaster.
/The Seal ofHigh CouncilgivenË
Thaliahelpconvince¹been sent
ßPrydonian Sealsign«correspondence.Ø
Seal of Diplos was,¢reality,third segment ofKey
Time. Itbeen stolenCessair,gavepower
ß²banishMegara backDiplos.
/Shipwreck survivorlaboured¢Atlantis's mines.
¿ª¾Zaroff's insane
/Interplanetary salvage company whose
/Name of Captain Hart's research establishment
naval base.
/Navigator ofEmpress.a vraxoin addict¢
leagueTrystDymond. His negligence caused»
crash®Hecate¦emerging¶hyperspace aboveº
Azure. Seckera Mandrel.
/One ofëLords.suspectedrenegade
¬Lord knownëChief ¢leagueª
overthrowëLords.Security Chief
Õ¢exposingëChief's unreliability,¥°
/The Martian 'Seeds of Death' consumed oxygen,¥
vulnerableheatwater.Krynoids travelled through
space¢seed form.¾Lanskydesigned Demeter
Seedsµcould grow food¢desert.
/Riban seeressßprimitive witchcraft.Captain
ofShrievalty askedfind Unstoffe,stolen
jethrikGraff's money.¢Catacombs
Graff Vynda-K,îshepredictedall¥would
die. Thatturned out Doctor.
/Sam's wife.ûNestene swarmÔ
meteorite,µbeen hiddenhusband,°
/PoacherûNestene swarmÔmeteorite
¢Oxley Woods.kept²hidden, thinking¹could profit
/Two Minyans whose headsbeen replaceda machine.
They ruledUnderworld, second¢power onlyOracle.
Their namesAnkhLakh. TheyҤexplosion
causedtwo fission grenades disguisedRace Banks,µ
Oracleintendedusedestroy Jackson's ship.
/PlanetèPsychic Circuslocated.
/Time¯µyoung victimschosen
/Leader ofGonds' Council,Thara's father.
deposedEelek. Later,¹sacrificedlifehelp
/Director of DulkisCully's father.ç
ªside¦¬Lord urgedaction
/The Sensorites' home planet. Itrich¢
/Inhabitants ofSense-Sphere. Theybulbous
headsmindüµincluded telepathyability
control other minds at a distance.Sensoritesß«ü
hold Captain Maitland's»captive, because theyafraid of
Earthmen. When©revealedsurvivors of a
previous£expedition, led¤unnamed Commander,secretly
been poisoningSensorites, they agreedlet Maitland
crewðEarth. However,humans firstswear
protectsecret ofSenorites' existence.
/Chief Medic ofElders' City.operatedlife-
essence transference machines.
/Earth orbital security device.
/Member ofDalek alliance.
/One offive Consuls of Traken.Kassia
êMelkur's influence.
/Robotµguarded Drathro's castle¢
UK Habitat. ItshotKatryca.
/Another nameOsirian Mummies.
/Robot encounteredªJamie
supply»Phoenix IV.
/Young Anethian princepart oftribute requested
married Teka.
/Leela's tribe, descendants of a crashed£ship,
Mordee. Their namea corruption ofwords 'Survey Team'.
Tesh. Whencured Xoanon,Sevateem, led
/Cruel Roman slave trader who,partner Didius,
/One of Skaro's Mutos.befriended Sarah Jane Smith.
|Trusted servant of Varos's Governor.
/Last survivor of Crinothrevealedworkings of
NimonRomana.¼¿Nimon destroy
world.sacrificed himselfenable RomanaðSkonnos.
/Leader ofrebellionõBoradKarfel.
/Prisonºof¬Lords. Salyavinimprisoned
there. After¹escaped,¹caused¬Lordsforgetø
Shada,áAncient Law of Gallifrey,µcontained
secret of its location. SkagraûShada,¥ultimately
/Mysterious servant ofBlack Guardianmanipulated
AtriosZeos®¤unending spaceìõeach other.
exposeddiscoveredrefuge, a small
planetoid locatedôAtriosZeos.recovered
KeyTime,¡redirectedAtrian Marshal's impending nuclear
attackZeosõShadow's planetoid,µdestroyed.
/(1569-1616) English playwright. His image
projected©Space-Time Visualizer.of
Scaroth's twelve fragments obtainedoriginal draft of
Hamlet.claimedhave¿Shakespeare write
it,recognised bits ofown handwritingit.
/Location of Kublai Khan's summer palace.
/1959 Welsh holiday camp managedMr Burton. A
galactic tour bus¶Áforcedland thereî
hitting a US satellite.DELTA.
/Aliens capable of shape-changing included:
Cessair of Diplos; Meglos;android Kamelion.
/The Marshal of Atrios's aide.joined
/Castrovalva's librarian.¿¸
discovertrue nature ofcity. After finding outtruth
¹sacrificed himselfhelp free Adric.
/Movellan commander¢charge ofunit sent
Skarostop¶finding Davros. Romana prevented
¶destroying Skaroa nova bomb.
/One ofMondasian invadedSnowcap
Space Tracking StationɩDoctor.
/One of¨companions, a Cambridge
scientist recruitedUNIT's Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
investigatefirst Nestene invasion.Ífirst
âof¨Doctor, whom she¿õSilurians,
so-called Ambassadors of Death,forces unleashed
¾Stahlman's Inferno. Duringadventure,met
alternate£counterpart, Section-Leader Shaw.left soon
afterwardscontinuescientific career. Her image
ßRassilonward off¨Doctor.
gave Liz's½passAce.
/Heathrow airport controller. After Sir John Sudbury
vouched¸Doctor,¹gaveaccessa Concorde
track down another,µdisappeared.
/LieutenantÉDinosaur Invasion.
/One of£President's secretaries.
/Captain ofVogan City militia.ÛSarah
Harry¶Vorus's Guardians,É save
/A serving woman¢Saladin's camp.
/Moreton Harwood publicanmember of
cult of Hecate.
/Vorg's femaleâcompanion.
/Name given¬Lordsthoserefused
benefits of Gallifreyan civilization. Castellan Spandrell thought of
themvandals. Some Shobogans preferredlive¢
wilderness outsideCapitol; theyknownOutsiders, or
Outcasts. A group of them, ledNesbin,¿
Leela repelSontarans' invasion.
/Savage androgumworkedcook
Space Station J7.accompanied ChesseneDastariEarth.
His genestemporarily transferredªDoctor.
wantedsamplepleasure of eating a human, particularly Jamie
or Peri.Sixth Doctor.
/Graff Vynda-K's old battle companion.´¢
Riban Catacombs¢a rockfallµ¦Captain of
Shrievalty fired a cannon.
/A Kaled opposedDavros.
/Member ofScientific Reform Society.
/Full nameLi Shou Yuing (Shou Yuing meant Little
Cloud), shea young archeologist of Chinese descentworked
êPeter WarmslyCarbury excavation.Ífriend
/One of Ace's friends¶Perivale.ù
Cheetah People,returned£Ace
/(aka SHRIEVES) Order of Riban guards. They derived
«name¶fierce Shrievenzales.
/Fierce lizard beastsRibos,ßRiban
Shrievaltyguard animals. They hunted small animalslived¢
/Guerilla¶¤alternate 22ndÄè
Ìinvaded£îWorldëIII. He, AnatBoaz
travelled back¢·kill diplomat Sir Reginald Styles, not
realizing²this very actionµcausedwar.
blew himself up¢Style's empty house, thereby
/Principal city of Ribos. Itthere
Romanaûfirst segment ofKeyTime,
ÉGraff Vynda-K.
transfer some ofknowledge®Xoanon¢¤attempt
repair it. Instead,²turnedsentientàschizophrenic.
/Inferior type of TARDIS'sßëLords. They
basedtechnology stolen¶¬Lordsrenegade
knownëChief. Their rangepower supply
/AllÇvisitorsTerra Alphacalled Sigma.
/Medical studentlover ofbluesstuck
Terra Alpha.¿Ý¶
Happiness Patrol,supportedrevolutionµã
overthrew Helen A's regime.stayedTerra Alpha, teaming up
Susan Qteachblues ofnewly liberated colony.
/Galactic census bureaucrat sentTerra Alpha
investigate complaintsøcolony.
/Sector of space exploredTryst.
/One ofVanir.other Vanirstayed
Terminushelp Nyssa run²a regular hospital.
/One ofMentors¶Thoros-Beta.Galatron
Mining Corporation's agentVaros.bribedChief Officer of
Varoskeepprices low,¥¹íSixth
Doctor.¡attemptedtake overplanet,¥failed. Sil's
superior, Kiv, replacednegotiated fairer prices
Sil again metSixthThoros-Beta,èCrozier
workinga processtransfermind ofdying Kiv®
Peri's body. At Sil's request, CrozierßCell Discriminator
Sixth Doctor, causingact hostilemore
erratically than usual. Crozier's processdeemed too dangerous
course of natural evolution¬Lords, so they
manipulated eventsarrangeKing Yrcanos of Krontepkill
Crozier, KivSilrescue Peri.Valeyardßa heavily
doctered version of this event, making²appearif Peri
been killed.
/One ofhardest metals¢universe,ßmake
Drathro's Maglem converter. Because siligtonequite valuable,
Dibber suggested¹Glitz could make money
salvaging it.
/Silurian governing body.Wenley Moor triad
comprisedOld Silurian,Young SilurianIcthar.
/Intelligent reptilian life formµruled£
¯Cretaceous (13665 millionöBC),not
Silurian (430395 millionöBC). They«
underwater 'cousins',so-called 'Sea Devils',
drivenhibernate¢underground shelterssome undetermined
cosmic event. Theoriesønature of this included: a
wandering planetoid causing a change¢Van Allen Belt;
movements ofMoon; departure of Earth's twin planet, Mondas; or
possiblyquasi-psychic awareness offorthcoming crash of
a space liner¶future.
Silurians of Wenley Moorreawakened¶suspended
animation¢1971 because of power leaks¶neighbouring
British atomic research center.Old Silurian met Dr Quinn,¡
¨Doctor,Íconvincedñcould share
£peacefullymankind. However,Young Silurianä
wipe out mankinda deadly virus. Afterfailed,¹
Silurian scientist, Icthar, attempteduse a molecular disperser
destroyVan Allen Belt,thus render£inhabitable
humans. Thwarted¨Doctor, they returnedsuspended
animation. Their shelter¡blown upUNIT.
Icthar survived,reawakened¢2084.reanimated a Sea Devil
Commando, ledSauvix,attacked Sea Base Four. His plan
launch nuclear missilesprovoke aìôtwo blocs,
thus eradicate mankind (whichbeenYoung Silurian's last
wish). His effortsÿ¸Doctor,ßdeadly
hexachromite gaswipe outSilurians. Also see SEA DEVILS.
/Codename ofPoenix IV supply»µ
ªJamie rematerializedætravelling
Wheel¢Space. Its only inhabitanta Servo-Robot.
/Eccentric owner of a private museum.
refusedheed¾Travers's warningsðYeti
Professor's custody. Soon afterwards,¹
reactivated Yeti.
/Officer ofTitan shuttletaken over
Virus.shotLoweælattertaken over
/Alien power known¬Lords.
/One oflandmarks of Iceworld's underworld.
/Way stationroadPeking.
/('VAISSEAU QUI COULE') French tavernèBarras met
Napoleonplot Robespierre's downfall.
/Five-world planetary system.Ëimpersonated a
Commissioner¶Sirius Four. Veldana member of a Sirian
colony. Androzani MajorMinorlocated¢Sirian
system.Academius Stolarisa famous gallery located
Sirius Five.
/Powerful corporation locatedAndrozani Major
µcontrolledsupply of spectrox. Itbeen established
MorgusSharaz Jek,°completely taken overMorgus.
After Morgusexposeda traitorfled Androzani Major,
Sirius Conglomerate passed®hands of Timmin, Morgus's
personal assistant.
/Select society of womenKarn dedicated
protection ofSacred Flame,µproducedElixir of Life.
Theygiftedvast psionicüvirtual immortality.
ruinKarn,Sisterhood agreedshareElixirthem.
/One ofXeron rebelsɩ
õMoroks¢Space Museum.
Henry Gordon Jago's theatre.
/PlanetèGraff Vynda-K's menÉ¢
Alliance Wars.
/Geneticist, astro-engineer,multi-talented scientist
¶Dronoidstumbled uponsecret of Salyavin's existence.
Skagra plotteduse¤electronic mind-transference device,
knownSphere,µbeen developedThink Tank
station, togetherSalyavin's mind-control abilities,imprint
mindevery living creature¢universe.á
Ancient Law Of Gallifrey¶¾Chronotisdiscover
secret of Shada's location. On Shada,¹ûSalyavin
pretending Chronotis. Skagraÿ
/Giant, reptilian monsterµZygons claimed they
ó£¢embryo form. They dependedits lactic
fluidstay alive. Growngiant size,SkarasenÍ
knownLoch Ness Monster.Zygonsß²destroy
three oil rigsthreaten a World Energy Conference¢«bid
take over Earth. FreedDoctor,Skarasen
returnedLoch Ness,è²Åled a peaceful life.
/The twelthº¢a solar system not too far¶
£home of bothKaledsThals. It
ravagedneutronic warsôtwo races,µï²
largely radioactive.also DALEKS, DAVROS, THALS.
/High Priest ofSwampiesDelta Magna's third Moon.
/British MP (Thurley)retired
Indian army Colonel, whose gambling debtsbeen cancelled
Lord Palmerdale¢exchangeinsider information.
shipwreckedFang Rock¿Leela
ÊRutan.could not resist picking up Lord Palmerdale's
/(aka SKONNONS) Inhabitants of Skonnos. Theyonce
leaderss of a space empireµNimonpromisedrestore
its former glory. TheirÔSoldeed.
/Planetonceseat of a mighty empire.
Nimon promisedð²its former glory ifSkonnans paid
a tribute of young menwomen,hymetusite crystals.
Skonnans extractedtribute¶peaceful Anethians. They
°discoveredtheybeen trickedNimon,
plottingtake overdestroy«world. Theysaved
/Human settlementMetebelis 3. Its 269 inhabitants
/Earth Imperial space station¢orbit around
/Name of Vorus's missile. It×Cybermen.
/Planetary sector ofCyrennic EmpireµRibos
/Majorº¢Skythra star sector.
/Leader ofMartian commandoµçoverMoonbase.
ädestroyýlife£usingT-Mat system
spreaddeadly, oxygen-absorbing 'Seeds of Death'. After¹
outsmartedªDoctor,causedMartian fleet
plunge®Sun,¹´¦¹accidentally hit
ofown Warriors' sonic blast.
/A Minyan.
/The©met Roman slave traders Didius
Sevcheria,Saracen slaver El Akir.ª
ÿslave trader Gray¢Scotland.
¿Tharilsݶslaver Rorvik. Also see
/In orderobtain¬Lords' time-travel secrets,
spies¶Andromeda (the 'Sleepers')Ìinfiltrated
Gallifreyan Matrix, choosing£«base of operations.
When they discoveredAndomedans' plan,¬Lords stuck back.
actions theyçõAndromeda itself are unknown,¥they
moved£out ofSolar Systemrechristened²Ravalox.
Sleepers went underground, protected«robotic guardian,
Drathro. In all likelihood, they died. Drathroçcontrol of UK
Habitatprotect«secrets. Five hundredölater, Glitz
conned Drathro®givingtape containingSleepers'
secrets,¥²destroyed, alongDrathro,¦Sixth
shut downenergy systemsprevent a black light
explosion. Later, actingMaster's behest, Glitz followed
®MatrixrecoveredSleepers' secrets¶
Valeyard. However,Valeyardtrickedß
Limbo AtrophiertrapËGlitz insideMatrix.
/One ofInferno complex's drill head riggers.
first man turned®a Primord.
/Huge mutated creature¶Skaroµß
guard«Bedfordshire site¯«AD 2164
Invasion of Earth. IttrickedIan,fellits death
¢a mine shaft.
/Vicar of Devil's End.replaced
Ë¢unknown,¥probably nefarious, circumstances.
/Royal Navy chief officerêCaptain Hart's command.
struck˦¹caughtstealing electronic
Survey Agent. While Light slept, Smith evolved®a human.
controlled Gabriel Chaseplotteduse explorer Fenn-Cooper
kill Queen VictoriarestoreBritish Empireits former
glory.íplans. After Light's defeat,
/Sarah Jane's aunta renowned virologist
anthrologist.lived¢village of Moreton Harwood.
/One ofinhabitants of Salamander's Sanctum.
/Sergeant¢British army squadron sentÊ
µinvadedCoal Hill area¢1963.befriended
Ace,¥turned out secretly passing informationRatcliffe.
After being exposed,¹realizednature ofactions
comfronted Ratcliffe.çDaleks'¬Controller,µ
Ratcliffstolen,°little girl
part ofDaleks' Battle Computer.
/Mike Smith's mother.ran a boarding houseµ
off limits'coloured' people. Ace stayed there¦she
/Companion of¨Doctorsa
plucky British journalist. Posingaunt Lavinia, she
infiltrated½look®mysterious disappearancess of
several important scientists.¡stowed away¢Ã
ûherself¢12th century,èshe¿¨
Sontaran, Linx. Afterwards, Sarah Jane¿
¨Sir Charles Grover's Operation Golden Age,
Daleks,Ice WarriorsSpiders of Metebelis 3.
watchedregenerated®fourth incarnation.
Along½medical officer Surgeon-Lieutenant Harry Sullivan,
she¿õ¾Kettlewell's Giant
Robot (which developed a fondnessher);Wirrn, another
Sontaran named Styre;Cybermen;Zygons.there
¦DavrosòDaleks. After Harry's departure, she
continuedtravelsDoctor, helpingõ
anti-matter monsters of Zeta Minor; Sutekh;Kraals; Morbius;
Krynoids;Mandragora HelixEldradKastrian.
announced shefed uptravellingwantedleave
TARDIS,¥¦she heardjust been summoned
Gallifrey, she changedmindwantedgohim. However,
wouldn't takedroppedback¢own·
(1977),more or lessown space (in aúµnot
South Croydon.
In 1981, Sarah Janea third version of K-9, sent
Doctor,µÿa coven of witchesworshipped
pagan goddess Hecate¢Moreton Harwood. Lateryear,
Sarah JaneùBorusatake part¢Game of
Rassilon.teamed up¨and, together
other incarnationsvarious companions,¿
thwartmegalomaniacal¬Lord's plansimmortality.
/Idealistic scientist who, using Forester's financial
backing, discovereddeadly insecticide, DN6.°Í
Forester's reluctant accomplice¢Farrow's murder.
/One ofëLords¢charge ofëGames.posed
a British General¢WorldëI sector,è¹
nicknamedButcher.firstexposethreat of
/Manussan ceremonyßbanishMara.
Dojjen taught²¸Doctor.
/International Space Command base
located¢Antartic. It¢charge of trackingZeus IV
space capsule. Itêcommand of General Cutler
houseddeadly Z-Bomb. Snowcapinvaded ¶
/One of Lieutenant Scott's troopers.
Cybermen's androids¯¾Kyle's underground
/Landmark of Paradise Towers.
/OneúèQuarb Crystalsfound.
/An unprecedented string of solar flaresÆ
£¢30th century. Some Imperial scientists theorized
flares,µat·estimatedlast 10,000
years, would cause permanent damageýgenoplasm.
Ingreatest secrecy, Space Beacon Nervaconverted®a
Space Ark dubbed Terra Nova,è100,000 specimens of 'pure'
However, this stretchedEmpire's resourcesbreaking point,
Empire fell. Surprisingly,Solar flares cameabated.
They did not damageýgenoplasm¥triggered a new
Ice Age,µÉoffhelp of ionizers.
Whenpassnegers ofspace ark Terra Nova awoke, circa
AD 15,000,beganðEarth, they assumed²
lifeless because ofsolar flares.Galsec Seven
colonists, however, knew²deserted because of solar flares
(or fireballs)µhappened only ten centuries earlier¦
¬Lordsmove Earth,¯Ravolox Stratagem.
Also see NERVA, RAVOLOX.Refusians' invisibilityresult
of mutation causedsolar flares.
/The Solar System included, at·or another,
following planets (satellites not included):
nine known worlds: Mercury; Venus (the mention of Venusian
aiki-do¨undoubtedly refersýcolonies
set upVenus);£; Mars (homeworld ofso-called
Ice Warriors,°terraformedman); Jupiter; Saturn; Uranus;
Neptune;Pluto, home of a segment of mankind¯era of
To this list of known worlds can added: Mondas (Earth's twin
planet, home world ofCybermen,×¢1986);
so-called¸º(homeworld ofFendahl,·looped
¬Lords); another,yet unnamed,ºµbroke up
whose remains formedasteroid belt; Cassius, aºbeyond
Pluto's orbit;ãso-called Planet 14,è
/Art galleryStricium.
/Leader of Skonnoshigh priest ofNimon.
thought of exactingNimon tribute¶Aneth.sent
friends®Nimon Complex. When¹
û¹been trickedNimon,¹went mad´¢
/Counciller ofSevateemLeela's father.´¢
test ofHorda.
îPresident's assassination.
/Gas requiredTerileptilsbreathe. It
rats,¥²went out of controlcausedØFire of
/Disreputable galactic surgeonauthor of a
famous papermicrosurgical techiques¢tissue transplants.
a follower of Morbius,savedbrain ofevil
¬Lord.ïa monstrous new bodyhouse it,¥
/Inhabitants of Solos. They started mutatingî
Marshal beganalter«planet's atmosphere. In reality,²
a change reflecting«world's 500-year-long seasons. Due
¬Lords'¨intervention, a radioactive
crystal¿«leaders, Ky,completemutation
turn®a super-being.Solonians wentshake off
yoke of£Empire,Ía modelother resistance
/Planetê£Empire's control. Its atmosphere
unbreathablehumans, because nitrogen isotope¢its soil
combinedultraviolet raysgenerate a poisonous mist. Solos,
was, however, rich¢thaesium, a mineral covetedEmpire.
With¾Jaeger's help,sadistic Marshaläalter
its atmosphere.alsoçpleasure¢huntingkilling
Solonian Mutants. From¬Lords' records,¾
Sondergaard's research,¨ûout
mutations¢fact causedSolos's 500-year-long seasons.
(Theºçtwo thousandöorbit around²sun.).
/Sea Base Four's psycho-surgeon. She, like Nilson,
secretly¢employ of a rival Bloc.brainwashed Maddox,
/Native of Edenµrendered its victim unconscious
a mild narcoticætaking some of«blood. A
Somno-Moth¶Tryst's CET escapedattacked Romana aboard
saved¨life, translatedancient Solonian
records provided¬Lords,¿solvemystery
ofmutations. AfterMarshal's defeat,¹remained
Soloshelp Ky take care ofpeople.
/Interplanetary corporation involved¢
business dealingsMentors.
/Abbot of Det-Sen Monastery. His mindtaken over
Padmasambhava (or, more accurately,ØIntelligence).
Underevil entity's control,¹Khrisong.
/DeviceßGavrokbooby trapTARDIS.
´¦¹fell®its deadly beam.
/Equipment offeredtrisilicate miners of
PeladonFederation. ItstolenEttis,
äuse²destroy Queen Thalia's Palace. But a
self-destruct mechanism caused²explode¦activated,
killing Ettis instead.
/Multi-purpose instrument firstß
ªopen a gas pipeline junction boxNorth
Sea Coast. It°ßother incarnations of
open a variety of locks,disarm a variety of enemies or
mind powers. Itã×Terileptil Leader.
/Nonviolent political group ofÁµ
äprevent mankind¶polluting other worldsway²
polluted Earth. Theyactive¢support ofSwampies
Delta Magna.
/Homeworld ofSontarans.
/Militaristic alienslooked like short, stubby
humanoid trolls. Their home world, Sontar,a gravity superior
Earth's,µgave¡superhuman strength.Sontaransa
cloned species (although theyoncea primarysecondary
reproductive system), capable of hatching millions of warriors,
therefore of sustaining huge military losses¢«millenia-
longì«galactic foes,Rutans.Sontarans'
weaknesses included a small aperture¢back of«neck
called a Probic Vent,needrecharge«life force¦
outside«regular enviroment. Theyalso vulnerable
coronic acid.
first metSontarans¢12thÄWessex¦
stranded Sontaran, Linx,ùscientists¶20thÄ
helprepairstarship. Linxshot¢Probic Vent
archer Hal,»exploded.
Then, circa AD 15,000,Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith
Harry Sullivan met another Sontaran, Styre,performed cruel
ÎÞhumansdiscover mankind's ability
resist aåSontaran invasion. TheyÿStyre who, drained
of energy perished.
SontaransßVardansdeactivate Gallifrey's
transduction barriers and,êStor's leadership, a Sontaran
commando invadedCapitol of¬Lords. Theyÿ
¦ßDemat Gun.
Finally, Sontaran Group Marshal Stike allied himself
androgum Chessenescientist Dastariobtainsecret of
Rassilon Imprimature,¥ÿcombine efforts of
ªSixth Doctors,wellChessene's betrayal.
/Captain ofSkonnos military.¢charge of
guardingNimon Complex. After²destroy,¹ÍÔ
of Skonnos.
/Leader ofUnbelievers of Sarn. She, AmyandRoskal
arrestedTimanov's men,condemned sacrificed
Fire Mountain.¿¸
/International Space Corps lieutenant¢charge of
Space Beacon Alpha Four.ÞCaven°
a space pirate.
/Morestran scientisttravelled
Zeta Minorfind a new source of energysaveplanet.
discovered a gateway®a universe of anti-matter. Disregarding
advice, Sorenson carried some anti-matter
board Salamar's Morestran spaceship¦¹left Zeta Minor. But
bodybeen infectedanti-matter,¹turned®a
neanderthal-like monster. Sorensonsaved¦
returnedanti-matterZeta Minor.
/Captain ofSoviet Army.led a secret commandoa
missionstealcore ofBritish Ultima Machine.of
'Wolves' of Fenric, SorinÍattractedAce,¥´at
hands ofAncient HaemovoreîFenrictaken control
ofbody. Accordingsome accounts, Ace
marriedofancestors¢1880 France.
/One ofThoros-Alphan rebelsfollowed Tusa
/Powerful bioelectronic deviceµótogether
energy ofmillion mindscomprisedUnion of Traken.
ItcontrolledSource Manipulator,channelled through
mind ofKeeper, whose duty²regulatesystem.
source heldUnion of Traken¢a state of peaceharmony
thousands of years. AfterKeeper's dissolution,Ë
(disguisedMelkur) temporilyÍnew Keeper.å
useSourceturnUnion of Traken®¤all-conquering
force,seize another bodyhimself.exposed
prevented¶remainingKeeperDoctor, Adric,
NyssaCouncil Tremas.
/Mechanical deviceµorganizedrefined
Sourceplaced its power¢single hands ofKeeper.
remaining Keeper of Traken.
/Antarctic base whose personnel came
taken overKrynoid.
/Military organizationµpatrolled
space lanes¯of Earth's early expansion periods. General
Hermack ofSpace CorpsresponsibleÏof
notorious pirate, Caven. Major Stotta drug smuggling
assignmentIntelligence Section ofSpace Corps¦¹
/The creation ofMoroks,²locatedXeros.
Museum's last commanderLobos. Itdismantled
Xeronsî«successful rebellionõMoroks.
In¤alternate future,©Òended up
exhibits there.
/British intelligence organizationµ
dealt'Ambassadors of Death'.
/HeadKarlton, this corps of elite agents
formed£checkthreatsõits security -¢
particular,Daleks. Among its most notorious agentsMarc
Cory,Daleks, Bret Vyon, Sara Kingdom
Kert Gantry.
Morok Space Museum,µenabledsee scenes throughout·
space, including aåDalek attackõhim.
/The SixthÛª¶Chessene
Sontarans¢Seville.of Captain Pike's pirates
/Castellan of Gallifrey.¿
expose Chancellor Gothassassin ofPresident ofHigh
Council,save Gallifrey¶Master.retired soon after.
/One of Captain Pike's pirates.
/Mavic Chen's ship. Ithijacked©
/Headquarters ofIntergalactic Pursuit
SquadronèCommander Fabian briefed Lieutenant Lang soonî
kidnapping of RomulusRemus Sylvest.
/Specially engineered Dalekextra fire
power. ItßImperialÊ
possession ofHand of Omega.
/Life-extending drug refined¶poisonous bat guano
ûonlyAndrozani Minor, so deadly²could harvested
onlyandroids. IndriverevengeõMorgus, Sharaz
Jek seized control ofcaves of Androzani Minorentire
spectrox supply.
/Deadly infection causedexposureraw
spectrox. Its symptonsrash, followedcramps, spasms, a
slow paralysis ofthoracic spinal nerve;²ended¢thermal
death.¸PeriÍinfectedAndrozani Minor.
¾jackij discoveredonly antidotemilk of
a queen bat¶speciesµproduced spectrox.
sacrificed himselfgive Perilast ofantidote,¡
/Life form of Nekros.
/Chameleon Tours pilot workingêBlade. His identity
been taken overChameleons.shot Gascoigne
|Wenley Moor techniciana mental breakdown while
spelunking¢Silurian caves.
/Title borneAncelyn.
/Electronic mind-transference device designedThink Tank
stolenSkagra.åuse it, togetherSalyavin's
mind-control abilities,projectmind®of every other
living being¢universe.Sphere°fragmented®
numerous, smaller versions of itself.
gained control of²ß²Skagra.
/When a Lost Ship¶22ndÄcrashlanded
Metebelis 3,£spidersµ²carried mutatedê
influence ofplanet's crystals.Spiders (who perferred
call themselves 'Eight-Legs') ended up rulingcolonists
430 years. Circa AD 2530,Spiders decidedconquer Earth.
TheyßLupton's psychic circlesendof them£¢
20thÄretrieveBlue Crystal required«
true leader,ØOne.energy feedbackØ
|Alzarian spiders evolved®Marshmen. Their bite
infected Romanatemporarilyïpart ofAlzarian
/Planet whose inhabitantsgift of invisibility.
Spiridon contained hostile vegetal life forms,wellspores
deadlyhumans.ºalso featured ice volcanoes.
stored ten thousand of«own kind there¢preparation¤
invasion,¥theyentombed dueÚof
/Galsec Seven colonistStyre.
/Midge's little sister.
/Local authority¢17thÄCornish villageè
©Doctor, Ben,PollyÉCaptain Pike's pirates.
¢ÂÔof a local smuggling ring¢league
|FarmerattackedYoung Silurian
/Farmer Squire's wife.a nervous breakdown
îencounterYoung Silurian.
/Ice Warrior servingêAzaxyrPeladon.
a blast¶Azaxyr's sonic weapon,µbeen redirected
/Ice Warrior servingêIzlyrPeladon.
/Megalomaniacal scientistworked atFetch
PrioryDr FendelmanThea Ransome.secretÔ
of a covenworshippedFendahl,instrumental¢
recreating him. ButFendahl would not controlledturned
õhim.let Stael have a gun
µ¹committed suicidesave himself¶being turned
®a Fendahleen.
/Mad scientist responsibleInferno project.
Because¹could not bearsee any delay¢obsession
penetrateEarth's crust,¹Éanythinganyonestood
¢way, including Project Director Sir Gold, drilling consultant
Greg Sutton,¨Doctor.Ícontaminated
green slime releasedInfernoturned®a Primord.
´¦Sutton sprayedfrozen CO2.
/Potential source of energy discovered
/Unnamed merchantwelcomed
/Location ofWorld Energy Conference
/British prison. Its governorVictor Camford. It
testingúofKeller Machine. Later,Ë¿
prisoners, ledMailer,take overPrison,ßits
inmateshijackThunderbolt Missile. Stangmoorã
/Location ofairfieldèËhid
Thunderbolt Missile.
/Captain ofConcorde flight¸ß
rescue Flight 192¶Jurassic era.¿¬Lord
ËfreeXeraphin. Withgood Xeraphin's
help, Stapley pilotedTARDIS,sabotagedMaster's
TARDIS, thus ensuring¸victory.
/Member of Stotz's gang of gun-runners.
/Terradonian spaceshipµcrashedAlzarius; its
original passengersnative Marshmen. Then,¢
course of four thousand generations, these evolved®Terradonian-
like humanoidsforgot«true origins (theyÉonly 40
generationselapsed). Eventually, at Mistfall, new Marshmen
roseagain attackStarliner.¿
Starliner community rediscovertruthøthemselves.ï
them realizeStarlineralready repairedthey could leave
Alzarius at any time,µthey did.
/ArmsßChancellery GuardsGallifrey.
/Official ofCranliegh Halt railway station.
/MethodßCompanyits capital executions
Pluto. Leelacondemneddeathsteaming.
/Professor¿Tryst createCET machine.
/Dr Steven's secretary.
/PlanetèHalletinvestigated granaries
shortagesmet Kimber.
/Female childwandered throughout Iceworld¯
/Brand of guns smuggledRohm-Dutt.
/One ofSixthfriends. His daughter, Natasha,
Ísuspicious ofapparent desire cryogenically frozen
at Tranquil Repose. Upon investigation, she°discovered
father's headbeing turned®of Davros's new Daleks.
Fortunately, Stengosmercifullyæ
/(1781-1848) English engineerprincipal
inventor ofrailroad locomotive. In 1813,¹chief engineer
atKillingsworth colliery, ownedLord Ravensworth,µ
¹builtfirst steam-powered locomotive,Blucher.
Ëwantedkidnap a number of scientistsbeen invited
George Stephenson (Faraday, Watt, etc.)harness«
geniusown ends,¥íSixth Doctor.
/Member ofcult of Hecate.
/Director ofGlobal Chemicals'
LLanfairfach Refinery. His brainlinkedàBOSS,
µlearned¶²secret ofýsuccess
inefficiencyillogicality. BOSS¡programmed Stevensadd
those featureshimself,Ísentientself-controlling,
notmention megalomaniacal. With BOSS's help, Stevensä
stop¨Doctor,½¾Clifford Jones¶
shutting downLlanfairfach RefineryîGreen Death
effects. Then BOSSätake overworld,¥¨
ßBlue Crystalfree Stevens,×BOSS.
/Gravediggerburiedcasket containing
Hand of Omega.
/Commander of Space Beacon Nerva.¿
ÊCybermen,saved Nerva¶totalÏ
redirectingSkystriker missile atCybermen's ship.
/Scientist working atAntarctic camp of
World Ecology Bureau expeditionµdiscoveredKrynoids pods.
Krynoidtaken over Winlett's body.
/Younger space pilot ofC-982 cargoȏ
¨rematerialized¢AD 2540.»attacked
Ogrons,helpingËfoment aìô£
|Commander of¤£marine space corps expedition sent
Exxilonbring back parrinium,antidotea deadly space
plague. Injured¦»crashed,¹´soon afterwards.
/A Dalek duplicate whose tasklure¸
a Dalek ship,è¹could duplicated.Õ¢
helping Stien overcomeconditioning.sacrificed
space penitentiaryèDavrosbeen kept.
/Helen A's pet, Fifi,a Stigorax, a vicious life
form¶Terra Alpha.
/Sontaran Group Marshalallied himselfChessene¢
ordercaptureªDoctor, dissect him,obtain
secret ofRassilon Imprimature. Chessene betrayed¹
´¢explosion ofship.
/Hardin's assistant.West Lodge
Foamasi saboteur masqueradingKlout.
/Member ofImperial£Expedition ForceDeva
/New York Sketch correspondent.
/The Meddling Monk claimedhave¿natives
build Stonehengeantigrav lifts. Itof
three Gorsedds of Britain.
/See OGRI.
/Sontaran commanderßVardansinvade Gallifrey.
¬LordßDemat Gun.
/Trapperscavenger¯Ice Age of AD 3000.
Penley's companion,°Ice Warriors.
/Third member of Tryst's Volante zoological expedition. In
reality,¹a Major¢Intelligence Section ofSpace
Corpsa drug-running assignment.¢loveDella.
Tryst shotleftdieEden,¥¹caught up¢
CET.escapedîEmpress crashed®Hecate,
¿Romana expose Trystfellow
vraxoin smuggler, Dymond.
/Leader of gun-runners supplying Sharaz Jek.secretly
¢employ of Morgus,Chairman ofSirius Conglomerate.
ɸDoctor. StotzMorgus returnedAndrozani
Minortrysteal Jek's personal spectrox hoard.shot
Salateen android.
/Extra-dense matter first discovereda Princeton
physicist¢1984.Rani plottedlaunch a Loyhargil rocket
blow up¤asteroidïup of Strange Matter¢orbit around
Lakertya.resulting explosion would have recreatedconditions
ofLeptonic Eraproduced Helium 2,µwould have turned
artificial Brain®a planet-sized¬Manipulatorµ
she could have recreateduniverse.í
/Royal princess of TarabeenùCount
Grendal.åuse Romana's remarkable similarity
Princessa meanskill Prince Reynart.Û
ended up marrying Prince Reynart.
/One ofEternals.¸metwhile¹
¢guise ofcaptain of¤Edwardian space yacht engaged
/A Perivale manùCheetah People,°
findfriend Colin Frazer,beenù
/One ofMarshal's menSolos.Cotton agreed
/Chief scientist ofKraals.ßastronaut Guy
Crayfordýandroid duplicatestake overDevesham
Space Research Station.¡åexterminate mankind
a special virus. His effortsíDoctor,
¹´¦¹accidentally splatteredown
/British diplomatåhold a peace
conference¢orderavert a third world war. Guerillas¶
îvery sameìtaken place,äassassinate
Styles, not realizing²this very actionµwould cause
conferencefailtriggerwar. Fortunately¨
ablesave Styles,peace conference
/Medical officersurvivedDalek raid
space penitentiaryèDavroskept.managedarm
self-destruct system,¥of Lytton's men.
/Sontaran field-majorcirca AD 15,000, performed
cruelÎÞýcolonies¶Galsec Seven
£discover mankind's abilityresist aåSontaran
Invasion.Doctor, Sarah Jane SmithHarry Sullivan
ÿStyre who, drained of energy, perished.
/High-ranking British civil servant
C19, a department¢charge of½liason.vouched
¸îa Concorde disappeared.
/One ofÒ
Surgeon-lieutenant of UNIT.Brigadier entrusted
care justîregeneration. Harry¿
Sarah Jane SmithÊScientific Reform Society
¾Kettlewell's Giant Robot.¡accompanied
Sontaran Styre, Voga (atµ·
òDaleks. After fightingZygons,¹choseremain
ï¤android duplicate of him.Brigadier°
told¸Harrybeen secondedNATO,
involved¢a secret operation at Porton Down.
/Interplanetary empire once ruled¶Manussa.
It meant 'Empire ofMara'.
/Chairman ofBritish Post Office.
/Stangmoor Prison's medical doctor. Mailerß
negotiateGovernor Camford.alsoçcare of
/Royal Navy petty officer aboard Lieutenant Ridgway's
submarine.¿ÊSea Devils.
|One of¾Sorenson's Morestran crew
Zeta Minoranti-matter creatures.
/Divinities worshippedRibos.
/Ribos's 32-year-long summer, causedplanet's
elliptical orbit.Ribans thoughtSun¬a product
ofìôSun GodsIce Gods.
/Orbital device, inventedSalamander,µ
harnessed solar energybeamed²barren areas ofworld,
thereby turning them®arable land.
/One ofancient VikingsóFenric's flask
backEngland;¤ancestor of Captain Sorin.
/Joseph Sundvik's wife.
/19thÄdescendant ofViking settlers
óFenric's flaskNorthumberland.wife
five daughters: Sarah, Martha, Jane, ClaraAnnie.
/Nickname ofUsurians' CompanyPluto.
/Member ofMacra-dominated space colony.
/RobotsßaboardSandminerµcould not
only speak¥advanced enough classified semi-sentient.
SV7undercover D84Super-Vocs.
/Officer¢charge ofgas mine work shifts
Macra-dominated space colony.
/League of ruthless dictatorsçover
£îMagnus GreelßPeking Homunculusmurder
Icelandic Alliance Commissionerthus set off WorldëVI.
Supreme Allianceoverthrown atBattle of Reykjavik.
Greel,¡Alliance's Minister of Justice,
Homunculus, fled19thÄChina¢a flawed time-travel
machine knownZigma Experiment .
/Thegrandaughter (sometimes called Susan Foreman
îname ofowner ofjunkyardèÃ
parked; Ian Chesterton mistakenly assumedForeman
real name). While©£business
connectedHand of Omega,a short time, SusanÍa
student atCoal Hill School. There, she met teachers Ian
ChestertonBarbara Wright who, curiousøodd areas of
knowledge, followed®TARDIS. Together, they met cavemen,
Daleks, Marco Polo,Aztecs,Sensorites
temporarily miniturizedant size. Susan¡fell¢love
Dalek fighter David Campbell¯Daleks' AD 2164 Invasion of
Earth.would have left him,¥©Doctor, convinced
she would better offDavid, lockedout ofTARDIS.
Susan remained¢21stÄÅmarried
David. Later, sheßBorusaa pawn¢Game of
Rassilon.teamed up©and, together
other incarnationsvarious companions,¿thwart
megalomaniacal¬Lord's plansimmortality.
/Menßsuspended animationpreserve
«bodies, either¯interstellar travel, such¢case
ofArk, or over a long period of time, suchten
thousandöµfollowedsolar flares. Tranquil
Reposemortuary dedicatedpreservation of dying
millionairespoliticians. Suspended Animation techniques
alsoßcontrol prisoners suchDavros. Alien
racesßsuspended animationvery muchsame reasons.
ChameleonsKaneß²captive humans;
Other entitiesû¢suspended animation included:Ice
Soldiers of Marinus; VargaIce Warriors;
Krotons;SiluriansSea Devils;
Daemon Azal; Davros;Malus;Sleepers
/EvilÜof Horus,Ôofgod-like Osirians,
visited£¢days of Ancient Egypt.also known
Set, Satan, SadokTyphonian Beast. Horusother
OsiriansÿSutekhimprisonedinside a secret pyramid,
trapped inside a force field generatedEye of Horus, itself
located¢Pyramids of Mars. Sutekhçover¾Scarman's
body¢¤attemptdestroyPyramids of Mars. Thwarted
Doctor,¹çover¬Lord's bodyßÃ
travelMarsdestroyEye. ButæSutekh could
escape,trapped¢¤endless·corridor. According
Doctor, Sutekh aged seven thousandö¢a few seconds
/Expert drilling consultant summonedInferno
projectSir Gold.ÍattractedPetra Williams,
¿¨stop¾Stahlman. On a parallel Earth,
¹a political prisoner,Цforces unleashed
/Super-VocÖsupervisor aboardSandminer.fellê
Dask's control,ledother Robots of Death.tricked
®killing Dask,×
/Planetètrading post of Iceworldlocated.
citizens of Proamonexiled KaneSvartosentrusted
dragonfire crystala mechanoid dragon.
/One ofViking raidersÿWulnoth's Saxons.
/Green-skinned humanoid natives of Delta Magna. They
been senthumansliveplanet's third moon,è
theyÍknown'Swampies'. They worshipped Kroll, a gigantic
squid-like creature.Romana saved them¶
being exterminatedThawn.
/Salamander's Sanctum's chief scientist. When Swann
accidentally learned ofliesSalamanderßmaintain
«underground existence,¹Æexpose him,¥
murderedvillain. However,æ¹died, Swann·
revealtruthAstrid Ferrier.
/Another nameVirus ofPurpose.
/(1667-1745) Irish writer.ªDoctor, Jamie
Zoe encounteredcreation Lemuel Gulliver¢
Land of Fiction.
/Father of RomulusRemus.
concernedapplied power oftwins' mathematical genius
could changeuniverse.
/Identical twin sons of¾Sylvest
mathematical geniusesùAzmael at Mestor's behest
computeequations necessaryaccomplishment ofinsane
plan. TheyÛSixth Doctor,returned them
/Rex Farrel's secretary.
/Human operator linked upa computer.a
necessary elementlaunch Sea Base Four's missiles. Maddox
replaced Michaelsits synch operator.
/B-grade technicianjoined Mandrel's rebels,¿
/Name givenStarliner filesµcontained
/(aka TRAVEL-MAT) Instantaneous form of travel so widelyß
£¢°part of21stIJvirtually
ïregular space travel (through rocketsspaceships) extinct.
After'Seeds of Death' episode,²again never relied upon
so totallyexclusively.
/Location ofvast argonite mines ownedIssigri Mining
Company. It orbited aroundstar Plinyalso space pirate
Caven's secret base. CavenÆblow up TA,¥
/SheTildatwo old Rezzieslived¢Paradise
Towerssecretly fedKangs. TheyþMel,
themselvesof Kroagnon's robotic devices.
/(TRG) Argolin deviceµß
faster-than-lighttime-altering properties of tachyonics.
ArgolinsßTRGclone Pangolcounteractsterility of
«race. Italsoofkey attractions of
Leisure Hive. PangolåuseTRGcreate¤army of
billions of duplicates of himself.Hardin
reengineeredTRG so²rejuvenated MenaPangol.
/One ofemployees at Tranquil Repose.called
¶Skarostop Davros¶completely taking over
/Female member of Jackson's crew.regenerated,¡É
Oracle¢Underworld alongsideLeela.
AfterQuestover, she returnedMinyos II.
/She looked exactly like Nyssa of Traken; shebeen
George Cranleigh's financee but,î¹presumedhave
´¢Amazon, she agreedmarryyoungerÜCharles.
news ofwedding causeddisfigured George,¢Â
hidden¢Cranleigh Hall,go mad.
/Nickname givenKangsdrink dispensers
theyßa means of communications.
/Monetary unitßCompanyPluto.
/One ofMondasian invadedSnowcap
Space Tracking StationɩDoctor.
/Gallifreyan technicianreportedtransmission of
/Computer scientist atBritish Space Centre.
secretly workingGeneral Carrington.a
bomb intended¨Doctor.
/Type of airlocksßAridius.
/Young Kaled security captain¢Kaled bunkerSkaro.
/Noblewoman of Manussawife ofFederator.
Lon's mother,Ídistraught¦son fellê
Mara's evil influence.
/Lord Cranleigh's chauffeur.
/The Portreeve's tapestry¢Castrovalva showed scenes
¶past. In reality,²screen behindµ
Ëkept Adric prisoner.
/Planet colonizedEarthmenchosepattern«
lifesyles19thÄcustoms.Taran nobilityçpride¢
«scientificmechanical ignorance, leaving such matters
'peasants'.Taransmaster android-makers.
/Former Tower GuardÍofrebel leaders
ØVampire's world.ZargoCamillaî
¹freed Romana.
/One ofrarest minerals¢Galaxyû
Uranus. Mavic Chen delivered a taranium corepower
«¬Destructor,¥²stolen©Doctor. It
been speculatedtaraniumkeyDaleks'·
corridor. Taranium may relatedKontron crystals.
/Acronym of¬Relative Dimension (or Dimensions) In
Space,name given¬Lords«space-time travel
capsules. Susanfirstmentionname¯a
conversationIan ChestertonBarbara Wright.
Under normal conditions, aÃlooked like a blank, non-
descript cabineta door. However,²immensely larger inside
than outside, dueits transdimensional nature. Indeedspace
inside aÃcould manipulated, expanded or reduced,
accordingwishes of its owner.once able
jettisonTARDIS's Zero Room. This factor apparently caused
most weaponsbecome non-functional inside, although there
some exceptionsrule. AÃwas,¢theory, virtually
invulnerableoutside attacks, although²could turned
invisible, imprisoned¢a force field, hijacked¶space-time
vortex or otherwise captured.
AÃequippedmultiple defence systems, including
abilitydematerializerematerializeîits attacker
gone (HADS). A chameleon circuit enabled²change its
outside appearence¢orderblend¢safelyits
environment. Somehow,áacquired certain properties
ofobject²mimicked, including sizeweight, since TARDIS's
at times stolen, moved or transportedoutside forces,
even though²once reportedTARDIS,ê
Earth's gravity conditions, weighed (10*10) power 5 kilos. In
theory, nothing or nocould enter aÃwithout either being
invited¢or having a key (a trionic device or¤old-fashioned
one). But again, thereexceptions:Guardians, Sutekh,
Keeper of TrakenMaraall able mentallypenetrate
TARDIS.Ãalso invadeda space virus, Biroc
It has been theorizedaÃsemi-sentient, gifted
rudimentary empathic qualities. Indeed,Ã
sometimes appearedact of its own volitionalert its
mastera grave danger, using its 'Cloister Bells'.
Amongsubstances aÃneededrun properly were:
mercury, Zyton-7artron energy. In orderbecome
fully operational aà primeda¬Lord, whose
bodies contained a symbiotic nucleus (the 'Rassilon Imprimature')
µenabled themachieve molecular stabilizationa
quasi-symbiotic control ofTARDIS. Among other components
µpart of a÷rotor (located at
centre of its control console); a dematerialization circuit; a·
vector generator; a quantum accelerator, a temporal limiter,a
dynamorphic regenerator.
äold Type 40 (ofµ305
originally registered¬Lords),isomorphic controls,
meaning that,¢theory,²could operated onlyDoctor.
It certainly refusedobey Salamander, Sutekh
Eldrad;¥Adric, RomanaMaster, among others,
ableoperate it.'borrowed' it. Its chameleon
circuitstuck, leaving its outside shape permanently frozen
¢form of aÙPolice Box - exceptsingle·¦
repaired it.TARDIS's steering
mechanismknown faultybehave erratically, although
possibly notoftenclaimed. When¬Lords
exiledEarth, theyçawayTARDIS's
dematerialization circuit,¥returned²îOmega crisis.
ToݶBlack Guardian,equipped
Ãa Randomizer,¥disposed of²
Some offeatures ofÃincluded: two control
rooms,mainwood-panelled secondary one;
Zero Room;Cloisters, whose bellÀ¤alarm
system; a swimming pool; a power station disguised¤art
gallery; a large boot cupboard;various guest rooms.
Ãlockeda trionic device.
TARDIS's could controlled¶afar¬Lords,
severely restricted«usageownership.once lost
âa game of backgammonKublai Khan. A few
TARDIS's, however,stolenfollowing renegade¬Lords:
Ë(hisÃoften disguiseda grandfather clock or
a Corinthian column);Meddling Monk;ëChief; Salyavin;
Rani.built crude, taranium-powered·
machines, somewhat similarTARDIS's.ëLords operated
TARDIS-like 'SIDRATS',¥¬Lord technology stolen
/Destination of Rossini's circus.
/One ofGuardsÀSeersOracle¢
Underworld.ÉJackson's Minyans.
UnderworldҤexplosion causedtwo fission
grenades disguisedRace Banks,µOracleintended
usedestroy Jackson's ship.
/One ofThals sentSpiridonstopDaleks.
¿¨freezeDaleks' army.romantically
/Member of a Silurian Triad also comprised of Icthar (who
met¨¢20th century),Scibus. In AD
2084, they reanimated a Sea Devil commando ledSauvix,µ
theyßattack Sea Base Four. Their planlaunch nuclear
missilesprovoke aìôtwo blocs,thus eradicate
mankind. Tarpok´¦¸ßdeadly
hexachromite gas.
/Scientistaccompanied£marine space
corps expeditionExxilon. Their missionbring back
parrinium,antidotea deadly space plague possibly spread
Daleks, whom she¿¨fight.
Íromantically attractedPeter Hamilton.
/Chief Enquirer of Millenius.accused Ian of Eprin's
murder¯©questKeys of Marinus.
/Black hole®µBruchner would have steered
Hypeion III,¹not been stoppedtwo Mogarians, Atza
/One ofworkers at Tranquil Repose. Because she
constantly humiliatedspurnedJobel, Davrosable
manipulate®murdering him.°of
Davros's White Daleks.
/Star system of Diplos, home world of Cessair,
of Ogros, home ofOgri.
/Marshall of FranceCatherine de Medici's aide.
principal instigator ofSt Bartholomew's Day's
Massacre. Tavannes blamedAbbot of Amboisefailure
assassinate Admiral de Coligny,executed.¡ß
Abbot's deathstirCatholics' wrathõ
/Slave supervisor of Roman Emperor Nero.óBarbara
handmaidenPoppaea. TaviusMaximus Pettullian
secret Christians, conspiringkill Nero.
/One of©companions, a space pilot
crashedMechanus,been kept prisoner
Mechanoidstwo years. Steven fled©
Vicki.encounteredMeddling MonkDrahvins.É
(as Diomedi)¯Trojan War,facedDaleks,Monoids
Celestial Toymaker. BeforeSt Bartholomew's Day Massacre,
Steven savedlife of Anne Chaplette,of Dodo's ancestors.
Earp. Finally, Steven leftÃbecomeÔof
/Ben Jackson's ship.
/Dulcian student sentKando,êBalan's supervision,
checkradiation levelsIsland of Death.Þ
ªruthless aliens.
/Tartar warlord of13th century.poseda peace
ambassadorKublai Khan,¶rival MongolÔNoghai.ä
¹Ð¢attempt. Teganaalsoästeal
Ãbehalf ofmaster.
/Young Anethian princesspart oftribute requested
married Seth.
/Renis's assistant.Ínew Maylin of Karfelî
19thÄScotlandbring backBorad's talisman,µ
Venagraspedæfalling¢Timelash. When¹ã
shoot him,¥himself instead.
/The abilitymove matterpower ofmind.
Entitiesdisplayed telekinetic talent includedCelestial
Toymaker;Daemons;Solonian Mutants;mutated Spiders of
Metebelis 3¾Clegg; SutekhOsirian;Sisterhood
of Karn;Tesh;Mentiads of Zanak;Xeraphin;
/The abilityread minds or emotions. Telepathic races
Silurians;Daemons;Solonian Mutants;mutated Spiders of
Metebelis 3;Osirians;Sisterhood of Karn;Tesh;
Vardans;Guardians of Time;Mentiads of Zanak;native
Alzarians;Kinda;Xeraphin;Eternals;Cheetah People;
and,some extent,¬Lords of Gallifrey.
Individuals or single entities (other than members ofabove-
listed races)have exhibited telepathicüincluded:
Animus;Celestial Toymaker;ØIntelligence;
Padmasambhava;ËBrain ofLand of Fiction;Mind
Parasite;Guardian ofDoomsday Weapon; Kronos;¾
Clegg;Mandragora Helix; Eldrad of Kastria; Xoanon;Fendahl;
Senior of Ribos;Megara Justice Machines;
ØVampire; Meglos;Keeper of Traken;
Mara; Kamelion;Malus; Mestor;Gods of Ragnarok; Morgaine;
Light;Fenric. Also see HYPNOSISMIND POWERS.
/Instantaneous transmission of matter¶point
another. Technological teleportationfirst researched at
CambridgeË(posing¾Thascales), using
Kronos Crystalpart ofTOM-TIT project. Itperfected
¢second half of21st century. KnownT-Mat,²Í
so widelyßthat,a short while,²nearlyïregular space
travel redundant. AfterIce Warriors' attack,«
subsequentªDoctor, T-Matrelegateda
more normal usage.
Transmat beamsßSpace Beacon Nerva; these
powereda pentalion drive.ßthem
transport down¶Ark¢Space.Empireß
transmat technologyteleport¶Solos. In AD 4000,
a more advanced, experimental form of matter transmission, known
Cellular Projection,ßFroynRhynmaltransport
Among otherÇraces using various technological forms of
teleportation were:¬Lords;Daleks;Keeper of
Conscience of Marinus;ëLords (presumably using stolen
¬Lord technology;Captain of Zanak,turned
wholeº®a giant spaceship;ñof Atrios
Zeos;NimonMawdryn. Also see FASTER THAN LIGHT.
Jacondans' matter transporter left behind a dust-like cloud of Zanium.
Teleportation could also achieved through mental powers.
Amongentities capable of natural teleportation
Guardians of Time,Celestial Toymaker,ËBrain of
Land of Fiction,Mind of Evil,Daemons, Kronos,
Spiders of Metebelis 3,Sisterhood of Karn,Vardans (capable
of travelling along wavelengths),Keeper of Traken,Xeraphin,
Eternals, Light, MorgaineCheetah People.
/Famous Scottish civil engineerlived¶
genius,¥íSixth Doctor.
/Crystalline substance,principal element of
Krotons' composition. It could dissolvedsulphuric acid.
/Originally, Telosprobably a sub-zero ice planet, since
²gave birthCryon race,could exist only¢very low
temperatures. For unknown reasons, Telos's surface temperatures
rose dramatically, drivingCryons underground,èthey built
giant refrigerated cities. Later,¯23rd century,
Cybermen,been driven¶«worldsAlliance
¯©Cyber Wars, conquered Telos,çcontrol of
Cryons' cities. They converted them®vast storage
facilities«own kind,¢¤attempthealpreserve
These so-called 'Tombs'discoveredopenedKlieg
¾Parry¢26th century. Klieg resurrectedCybermen,
closed again. However, oncetombsbeen opened, either
continued reactivated, or other Cyber forces
drifting¢spacesummonedcompletejob Kliegbegun.
In any event, reemergeda serious galactic threat.
But theyagainÿAlliance¯ª
Cyber Wars,forcedretrenchTelos.
JustæAllianceïa final attackTelos,
áa·vessel (possibly¶decaying Morok
own history. However,Cryon survivors,retreated deep
insideplanet, hired space mercenary Lyttonsteal·
vessel.Sixth¿a Cryon prisoner, Flast, set up¤
control of Telos.
©Doctor.Daleks,¢spite ofplea
peacecooperationôtwo races.
/A landmark of Vortis.
/AÃcomponent exchangeË
/Codename of Bret Vyon's expeditionKembel.
/Ineffective chairman of Dulkis,a Quark¦
¹dared argueRago.
/Theread a bookøits origins
/Reptilian warlike aliens. Three Terileptils outcasts,
escaped¶Tinclavic Mines of Raaga,stranded
£¢AD 1666. Withhelp of¤androidïuplook
likeGrim Reaper, they plotteduseBlack Plague
depopulate our planet.¸×them«
plans, causingØFire of London.
/Huge, time-travellingÇspace station located at
physical center ofuniverse. ItßTerminus, Inc.
a restingúvictims of lazar disease.¸
discoveredexplosion ofof Terminus's two unstable
enginesbeencause ofBig Bang,resulting
shockwaveprojected»billions ofö®future.
Withhelp ofGarm,narrowly averted another
explosion, thereby savinguniverse.
/Ruthless multiplanetary corporationµ
supposedly offering a cureLazar disease. In reality, they
ßTerminusa final homeLazars, whom they keptê
control«pain-killing hydromel drug. When Nyssa synthesized
hydromel, Terminus, Inc. lost its control of Terminus.
/Earth colony ruledHelen A,èñforced
happy. Anyonenotdeemed a 'killjoy',
arrestedHappiness Patrol,drowned¢boiling candy, or
delivereddeadly Kandy Man.Ace¿
a revolution ledDrones,µãoverthrew Helen A's
regime. Terra Alpha's natives,Pipe People,been forced
live undergroundagain ableshare¢freedom of
planet's surface.
/Terra Alpha's neighbour colony.
/One of Terra Alpha's neighbouring colonies. It did not
share Alpha's deadly, obsessive policieshappiness. Andrew X's
books denouncing Terra AlphapublishedTerra Omega.
/StarlinerµcrashedAlzarius originated
/The original TerradonianscrashedAlzarius
Marshmen.met humanoidsÈ
themselves Terradonians,¥¢ÂAlzarian
Marshmenevolved over four thousand generations.
/Ruth Maxtible's fiance.secretly controlled
/Vital componentµenabledSontarans
recharge themselvesenergy. When Harry removed²¶
Styre's ship,¹caused a reversal of this process, causing Styre
drained of energy instead.
/The Master, having reachedtwelthfinal
regeneration,hidingthisº¦Chancellor Goth
/Descendants of a crashed£ship,Mordee, whose name
a corruption ofword 'Technicians'.madà
Xoanonbred thempsionicümanipulated them®
¤endlessìServateem. Whencured
Xoanon,Tesh, ledJaleb,reunited
/Technician atDevesham Space Research Station.
/ShortTetrapyriarbians. Four-eyed, batlike aliens
Theyrudimentary intelligencefedplasma. After
Rani'sathands ofDoctor,Tetraps'
leader, Urak,ùtakebackTetrapyriarbus
/Homeworld ofTetraps.
/Head ofWorld Ecology Bureau.
¿Major Beresford of½
/SubstanceûSolos, a valuable rocket fuel.
/Chancellor ofHigh Council of¬Lords of
OmegaÆðthis universetaking over
body.probablylater,¢Death Zone
/Queen of Peladondaughter of King Peladon. Because
ofyoung age, she, overly reliedadvice of
Chancellor, Ortron. Eventually, Thalira stood upAzaxyr
Ice Warriors¿¨save Peladon's
trisilicate mines.taken hostageEchersley,¥
Ûreal Aggedor.
/Humanoid race¶ºSkaro,a fierce
enmity towardsKaleds,whom they sharedplanet. Thals
Kaleds engaged¢savage warfare, culminating
neutronic wars,µ×most of Skaroturnedº
®a radioactive wasteland. Ultimately,Thalsable
destroyKaledsa super-rocket, thanksDavros's betrayal.
They were, however, subsequently exterminedDavros's first
AfterentombedDaleks,Thal survivors
so-called 'Mutos' (mutants) livedSkaro's surface
evolved®a perfect, peace-loving race of blond
humanoids. When another branch ofäkill them all
engineering a new increase¢radiation,ThalsÉ
ÿthemhelp of©Doctor. Butdoing so,
Thals rediscovered«ancestors' warlike ways.
rest ofThals' history is mostly unchronicled. However
²appears likelyThalsforced
abandon SkaroDaleks. Later,Alliance's
support theyableregain control of Skaro. During
time, a Thal commando¿¨freeze a Daleké
ultimateÁofThals remains unknown. By·
returnedSkaro,ºappeared a
deserted, bombed-out wasteland, leading usassumption
Thalseither exterminated, or again forced®exile.
/Selris's son, a young Gond¢loveVana.afraid
of losing¦sheselectedbecome a 'companion'
/Race of lion-faced time-sensitivescould time-shift,
therefore travel through·vortex unaidedunharmed
·winds.Tharilsß«übuild a vast empire
enslave other humanoid races. However,«slaves built
robotic Gundanscross·windsslayTharils
Day ofFeast. Their power broken,TharilsÍslaves
¢turn,«abilities making them invaluable space navigators.
Tharil leader, Biroc, escaped¶privateer Rorvik and,
help ofDoctor, crossedGateway back®
E-Space. When Rorvik×own ship,other Tharils
released. RomanaK-9 Mark II stayedTharils¢
E-Spacehelp them free«brethren¶slavery.
/Alias ofËatNewton Research
/A Crusadersupplier of Ben Daheer.
|UNIT Field-Marshal based¢Geneva. When Major-General
Invasion. Brigadier Lethbridge-StewartÆ
go overhead, directlyThatcher.
/Prime Minister of England¯
Zygon attack.
/Controller ofmethane refinery builtDelta Magna's
third moon.secretly conspiredRohm-Duttexterminate
native Swampies,¥plansexposedDoctor.
When Kroll appeared,¹älaunching a rocketµwould have
wiped outentire Swampie race.
/Planet visitedCaptain Cook.
/Planet fraudulently soldGarron.
/Planet visitedCaptain Cook.
/TheªLaw of Thermodynamics is:
'Entropy increases'.Logopolitans discovereduniverse
long ago passedpoint of fatal collapse. To dispose of
entropy, theyßblock transfer computationscreate Charged
Vacuum Emboitementsopen voids®other universes.
Foamasi.helmet of Theronbecomesymbol of Argolis's
warlike past.
/Space powerèleadmore valuable
than gold.
/AccordingDrax, a nicknameß
¯öat¬Lord academy.
mentionedmuchTrevor Sigma.
/British research establishmentboth private
government scientists. Its director, Miss Winters,
âJellicoesubverted²®servingaims of
secret Scientific Reform Society.
|Nickname ofspace stationèFoundation
Study of Advanced Scienceslocated. Skagraáelectronic
mind-transference device knownSphere,µ¹developed
Caldera, Ia, SantorivThira. Think Tank
/Famous psychologist whose mindstolenSkagra at
Think Tank space station.´¢Ïof
/Space sectorèSpace Station J7located. It
contained nine planets.
/Dominion ruledMorgaine.
/One of Lord Cranleigh's friends.
/Confederate sergeantȹfighting¢
American Civil War. In reality,¹part ofë
/Victim of¯«AD 2164 Invasion
of Earth.
/Khrisong's lieutenant.ÉØIntelligence
itsÖYeti alongsideªDoctor,¿
Jamie smashIntelligence's gateway.
/The Mentorsselling laser weaponsWarlords
of Thordon.
/Neighbouringºof Thoros-Beta, inhabited
humanoidsmostly been enslavedMentors of
Thoros-Beta,ßthem«bearersguards. Tusa
ÔofThoros-Alphans' rebellionThoros-Beta.
/Planetgreen skiespink seas. It
homeworld ofreptilian Mentors,controlledGalatron
Mining Corporationmany other interplanetary businesses. They
sold laser weaponsThordonKrontep,µledSixth
Thoros-Betainvestigate. His mindaffected
Crozier's Cell Discriminator,¹þresponsible
Peri's death¦Crozierätransferring dying Lord Kiv's
/Owner ofDevil's End grocery store.
cowed®submissionMaster.ølight a
fire meantburn¨death¦Miss Hawthorne
stopped him.
/King of Atlantis.first duped¾Zaroff,
/Leader ofCryonshired LyttonGriffiths
steal·vessel hijackedCybermen.
/Author of FloraFauna ofUniverse,
a book occasionally quotedDoctor.
/Missile armeda warhead of deadly nerve gas.
Captain Yatesresponsibleescorting²dumping²¢
ocean.Ëßprisoners¶Stangmoorhijack it,
intendinguse²destroyWorld Peace Conference. It
/God of Tigella worshippedDeons.
/The©landedPamir Plateauthere,
met Marco Polo¢1289.ØIntelligence first attempted
conquer£¢Tibet¢Mid-1930's using Det-Sen
Monastery's High Lama PadmasambhavaitsÖYeti,¥
íªDoctor. Duringcourse of this
adventure,indicated¹visited Tibet¯
17th century. K'Anpo, a retired¬Lord,adoptedlifestyle
of a Tibetan Monkrun a Tibetan monastery¢Mortimer, near
London,µþtaken overSpiders of Metebelis 3.
/Planet located¢Prion planetary system. Its
aggressive vegetation forced itsñlive¢¤underground
civilization, poweredDodecahedron. After Meglosá
Dodecahedron,Tigellans, ledDeedrix Caris, reclaimed
«planet's surface.
/Inhabitants of Tigella. TheyledZastor,
divided®technical Savantsreligious Deons,
worshippedgod TiDodecahedron.
/A mute slave´¦ordereddrink a
poisoned drinkEmperor Nero.
/Barren, volcanic worldè©stopped¯
Masterplan.Meddling MonkästrandTigus
/Count Grendal's dwarf manservant.
/Youngstera Chameleon TourGermany.
/Chief Elder of Sarn, a deeply religious manÈ
¢god Logar.Ëßfaithturnõ
¸Doctor; Timanov would have refusedevacuatedoomed
Sarn if¹not mistaken AmyandLogar.
/Weapon designedßBorad;²
could age a persondeath¢a matter of seconds.
/Xoanon set up a·barrierisolateTesh¶
Sevateem. It functioneda force field preventing contact
ôtwo cultures.
/Type of·corridorßËhijack
a Concorde planeJurassic period.
/Spherical deviceßcontrol«
·corridors. Itprobably powereda minute quantity
of taranium.
/While strivingMovellans,
first discoveredrudiments of·travel. They begancreate
·corridors throughspace-time vortex. Towardsend of
27th century,opened a·corridor20thÄ
London,µtheyßtrap¸Doctor. They alsoß
a·corridortryprevent Davros's White¶seizing
Hand of Omega.
/Devices builtQueen Xanxia of Zanakslowflow
of·a virtual standstilldying body. They
secretly poweredenergy stolen¶worlds crushed
Zanak. However,revealed·dams'
energy needs grew¢¤exponential fashion,sooner or later,
there wouldn't enough energy¢universeprevent Xanxia's
original body¶dying.·damsblown up
/A÷designedpart of«
Masterplanõ£powereda taranium core.¬
Destructor could locally reverse, or accelerate,flow of time.
Itactivated©Kembel. Its
effectsSara Kingdom,Daleks,all life
/A freak phenomenon ofspace-time vortex.
Romanacaught up¢a·eddy¯
Game of Rassilon.
/Time corridor devisedBoradµlinked Karfel
Earth. Itßa method of banishmentexile those
rebelledõBorad,poweredKontron crystals.
world ofëLords.¨Ëteamed
upimprison Axos¢a·loop. Vorg's Scopeß
principles of·loop.¸Planet ofSolar
Vardans' home worldî¹tricked them®materializing
¶destroying Zeos. Meglos of Zolfa-Thura imprisoned
¢a primitive type of¬Loop called Chronic
Hysteresis.SixthßKontron crystals
manufacture short, portable·loopsBorad.
/The rulers of Gallifrey. All¬Lords¶
Gallifrey,¥not all Gallifreyans¬Lord's.¬Lords
divided®various colleges, suchArcalians, Patrexes
Prydonians, each headedCardinals. Theyruleda High
Council,µcomprised of a President, a Chancellor,
Cardinals,various high-ranking officials.Castellan¢
charge of security,commandedChancellery Guards.
Celestial Intelligence Agency (CIA)covert arm ofHigh
Council,òsecretlysafeguard¬Lords' interests.
¬Lords' prisonºShada.
Those¬Lordsturned«backsbenefits of
Gallifreyan societyknownRenegades.most famous renegade
ëChief, K'Anpo, Morbius, Drax, SalyavinAzmael.
Shobogans (or Outsiders)¬Lordsvoluntarily
renounced«positionGallifreylive outsideCapitol.
¬Lords' physiology included two hearts, a respiratory
bypass system,abilitywithstand a greater range of
temperatureradiation than humans, telepathicüand,
finally,abilityregenerate«bodies at least twelve
times. On certain occasions,¬Lords could create a projection
of«Áselveshelp them through«impending
regeneration: Cho-Je,WatcherpossiblyValeyardsuch
Atdawn of a historyµspanned millions of years, Omega
ßsteller manipulatorcreate a supernovaµcollapsed
®a black hole. Rassilonóblack hole back
knownEye of Harmony. Its virtually inexhaustible supply of
energy gave¬Lords«mastery over·travel.
Early¬Lord history is shrouded¢secrecy.¬Lords
played irresponsibly«ü¦theyòDeath
Zone,creatures scooped¶various places¢·space
forcedʫamusement. Eventually, Rassilon closed
Death Zonebanned¬Scoop. Still¢«active
Vampires,îaìso bloodythey foreswore violence.
¬Lords also gaveMinyans more technology than they
ablehandle,ultimately responsibleÏ
of Minyos. This ledcreation of a policy of strict non
interference¢other races' affairs, exceptè¬Lord
For example,¬Lords (orCIA) banded togetherõ
renegade Morbiusattemptedcurtail dangerous·
ÎSpace Station J7. They warned¨
ofMaster's arrivalEarth,sentî
knowledge ofDoomsday Weapon. They alsoßsecure
Peladon's entry¢Federation,helpSolonians
achieve«super-human form, possibly¢¤effortbring
down Earth's Empire.¬Lords sent
back¢·preventcreation ofDaleks,µmay
have been onlyofmany steps²çensure«final
destruction. They also sentKarndealBrain of
repository of all«knowledge. Eventually, Rassilon passed
awaybodylocked insideTomb of Rassilon,¢
Death Zone, even thoughintelligence lived on. With
passage of·came maturity,¡senilitydecadence. Science
replacedritual, knowledgedogma.
In more recent history,¬Lordsalerted
ªëLord's plans. They×ëLord
·loopedplanet. They judgedªDoctor, exiled
£forcedregenerate. They°pardoned
¦¹two previous incarnationsÿOmega
saved Gallifrey.again saved Gallifrey, first
¶a plotËChancellor Goth,¡¶
our universetaking overbody. President Borusa°
ßFive Doctorstrydiscoversecret of immortality.
Afterwards, a newcorrupt High Council initiated
Ravolox stratagem,¥exposedSixth¯
nature ofrelationshipô¬Lords
Guardians of¬is unknown, even thoughHigh Council is
obviously aware ofexistence ofGuardians.
/The Rani plottedturnartificial Brain
®a planet-sized¬Manipulator,µshe could have
/Disastrous phenomenon causedtwo TARDIS's occupying
same coordinates¢spacetime.¨engineered
release KronosdestroyKronos Crystal.
Skaroa missionpreventDaleks' creation.
Later,²carriedbackSpace Beacon Nerva.
/Column located atcentre ofÃcommand
console. Its vertical movement indicatedâ
/DeviceòDr Fendelmanstudyorigins
of man,µòa hole¢·Æstability
ofcontinuum. ItßStaelrecreateFendahl.
rigged²create a·inplosionµ
utterly×Fetch Priory alongFendahl Core
Fendahleen.Ãis also equippeda¬
/Device߬Lords¯Dark Times,
pull creatures¶·spaceúthem¢Death Zone
«amusement;²outlawedRassilon. Borusa
ß²pullFive Doctors«Òtogether
bidtrue immortality.Ëonce duplicated
effects of¬ScoopKronos Crystal.¾
Whitaker designed a primitive type of¬Scoopfetch dinosaurs
help Sir Charles Grover's Operation Golden Age.Ç
Miniscope, outlawed¬Lords,another type of¬
/Inbeginning, only¬Lordsa few
powerful cosmic entitiesracesabletravel¢·a
regular basis. These includedtwo Guardians of Time, Kronos
Kronavores,lived¢space-time vortex,
Celestial Toymaker,Tharils (whoabilitytravel
unaided¢space-time vortex)Eternals,lived
'in eternity'.
There is evidenceother races or entitiesat least
theoretical or limited knowledge of·travel. These included
Master-Brain,Daemons,Miniscope's designers,Spiders of
Metebelis 3,Osirians,Mandragora Helix (which also seemed
inhabitvortex), Xoanon, Queen Xanxia of Zanak,Zolfa-Thurans,
Monarch of Urbanka,XeraphinBorad.Argolins'
΢tachyonicsa form of·manipulation.
¬travel required enormous quantities of power.¬Lords
ableobtain such power onlyîOmegaßsteller
manipulatorcreate a super-nova,µ¢turn collapsed®
a black holeµRassilon°óbackGallifrey,è
²ÍknownEye of Harmony. Rassilon alsoò
Rassilon Imprimature, a symbiotic print contained within¬
Lords' genessomehow connected«abilitywithstand
stress of·travel.
secret of·traveljealously guarded¬Lords,
oftençdrastic stepsprotect it. These included sending
ªJamieinvestigate unauthorised·
ÎKartzReimerSpace Station J7 of¨
Zone,fightingSontaransprotectsecrets of·
travel, even thoughSontaran°developed crude
time-travel technology thanks«Osmic Projectors.
¬Lords also arrangedoutlawing ofMiniscopes,µ
involved a rudimentary form of a·scoop. They probably
Õ¢preventing ¶acquiring time-travel
technology. They may have contributedfall ofMoroks,
ß·travelfill«Space Museum,of
Borad,ßKontron crystalsbuild a·corridor
knownTimelash. They certainly stoppedWarlords,
obtained time-travel secrets¶a renegade¬Lord.
¶developing·travel. Dalek·travelÍpossible
¦ûadequate supplies of taranium. However,
Dalek·travel remained crude¬Lord standards,at
first relied only·corridors.fact
Íextinct, due mostlyÚof
(often manipulatedCelestial Intervention Agency) may
evidence of¬Lord intervention.
By AD 10,000, possiblya result ofMobius affair,
other species beganengage¢attemptsobtainsecret of
·travel. Spies¶Andromeda, using£«base,
ÌinfiltratedGallifreyan Matrix,µled
¬Lordsstrike back¢whatÍknownRavolox
Stratagem. Ultimately,²seems¬Lords
unsuccessful¢«attemptsprevent other races¶
discovering·travel, since·
Mel metyoung Chimeron Queen, Delta,·travel appeared
have become widely accessible throughoutknown universe.
Incidental research®·travel£included:
work of Theodore MaxtibleEdward Waterfield, using mirrors
static electricity;¾Whitaker's·scoop,
Operation Golden Age; Magnus Greel's Zigma Experiment;
ScarothJagaroth, thanks¾Kerensky's work.
/Element ofÃcontrols. It needed
mercury¢its fluid linksfunction.ªß
²boostWheel¢Space's X-ray laser
/Streams of deadly energy blowing through·
vortex.time-shifting Tharils could phase through·
winds unscathed.handinjured·
winds,¥cured¦¹stepped throughGateway®E-Space.
K-9 mark IIalso damaged·winds,could function
properly only¢E-Space.
/Morgus's personal assistant. After Morgus fledAndrozani
Minor, she betrayedPraesidium,ÍChairman
Chief Director ofSirius Conglomerate.
sent«outcastsîdisfiguring them.
/The Master's favourite weapon. It
reduced its victimdoll size through matter condensation. It
said a particularly painful death.Ëaccidentally
shrank himselfit,¥ßNumismaton Flamerestore
himselffull size.
/Headquarters of Alexander Denes¢Budapest.
/One of Saturn's moons. Atend of50th century,
its refuelling baseinvadedVirus,turned®a
Hive. It×Doctor.
/Small, deserted planetoidèMestorbuilt
safe house. Coincidentally,²also thereSixth
/One ofsoldiers at Snowcap Space Tracking Station.
Mondasian Cybermen.
/One ofAztecs.
/Aztec High Priest of Sacrifice. Barbaraäput¤
endgruesome practices,¥failed.
/The Dominators' sadistic Probationer.superior,
wasterepower«fleet.Т¤explosion caused
«own atomic seeding bomb,µbeen removedplaced
/Kaftan's powerful manservant.Þ
Telos,replacedarmscyber appendages.
Later, shakenKaftan's death, Toberman regainedhumanity
/Editor of Moreton Harwood's Echoa member of
Cult of Hecate.
/Strong man hiredArthur Terral.Daleks.
/Scientist ofImperial£Expedition forceDeva
Loka.Kinda's attemptshavemind-meldthem caused
become mentally unbalanced.cured¸
Kinda's Jhana Box,¿Mara.
/One ofRim Worlds of24th century.
/One of Cully's tour party.
/CouncillerCharles IX, King of France.
/Alien employee at¤hyperstatial tollport
welcomedMel«ten billionth
customers -prizea trip1959 Disneyland.°
/Hyperspatial tollportè
Ace won a tripDisneylandèDelta sneaked aboard
Murray's tour bus.
/The eldest of Lady Adrasta's scientistsChloris.
Doran's colleague.
/Stable boy at Jacob Kewper's inn.
|One ofRani's assistants¢19thÄEngland.
Teleportation device designeedËatNewton Research
Institute. TOM-TIT Unfortunatelyòdisturbances¢·
field.Ëß²summon Kronos,duplicateeffects
of a·scoop. It is likelyTOM-TIT research
óøcreation of T-Mat.
/Counciller ofSevateem,Leela's friend.saved
¶Neeva's men,¿Calib
overcome Xoanon.
/(aka THE DARK TOWER) Edifice located atcenter
ofDeath ZoneGallifrey. ItthereRassilonsaid
entombed. When President Borusa decided¹wantedrule
¬Lords forever,¹neededgainsecret of true immortality
promisedRassilonlocatedTomb. In orderbreak through
Tomb of Rassilon,¹ßFive Doctors«companions,
pitting themõvarious threats¢Death Zone. Rassilon
living statue.
/Small town¢Arizonaµacquired a reputation
lawlessness. In 1881,²Ílocation offamous gunfight
atOK CorralôEarpsClantons.
/Retarded manlived at K'Anpo's Tibetan monastery;
mindrestoredBlue Crystal of Metebelis 3.É
Spiders alongside¨Sarah.
/Chinese secret societies. Underguise ofgod
Weng-Chiang, Magnus Greel ledTong ofBlack Scorpion.
/Aztec crony of Tlotoxl.chosen
replace Autloc.
/Empire conqueredKing Yrcanos of Krontep.
/Strongman at Rossini's International Circus.
/Point¶µCaptain Brigg's space
freighter departed.
/Uvanov's second-in-command aboardSandminer.
Uvanovonly survivors ofattack ofRobots of Death.
/YoungÔofXeron rebellion.Éõ
Moroks alongside©¢Space Museum.
|One ofSavages.äkill Exorse,¥stopped
/Chancellor of Peladon¢favour ofº
/Former miner,somewhat dim-wittedÔof Chloris's
/Mobile armoured suit employed
£Expedition ForceDeva Loka.
/Location of I.M. Foreman's junkyard (at number 76),
µ©Sixth Doctorsßa rematerialization point.
Galactic mercenary Lyttonßjunkyarda launching base
a criminal expedition®sewers of London. Italso
site of a battleôBritish soldiersDaleks.
/The©visitedtop ofEmpire State
Building,soon afterwards, a House of Horrors¢1996 Ghana,
è¹met android versions of DraculaFrankenstein
Monster. Later,¹exploredMoroks' Space MuseumXeros.
¨Ítrapped¢Vorg's outlawed Miniscope,
instrumental¢destroyingExxilon's Perfect City,
of700 wonders ofUniverse.
ÉMagnus Greel¢Henry Gordon Jago's theatre¢Victoria
London,visitedLeisure Hive,first ofLeisure
Planets.also showedsights of ParisRomana
poseda touristoutwit Gatherer Hade.
ÉBannermen atWelsh holiday camp of Shangri-La,
freedPsychic Circus¶Gods of Ragnarok's evil
influence. Morton DillLavinia Hackensack
two American tourists. Colin Frazera tourist¢Amsterdam
/Abode of Zargo, CamillaAukon,ØVampire's
world. In reality,²Hydrax, gutted of its scientific
equipment.ØVampire himself lay buried beneath it.
/Creatures¶Land of Fiction.
/(aka CELESTIAL TOYMAKER) Attired¢dress of a
Chinese Mandarin,¹¢Â¤eternal being of great mental
physicalücould not destroyed.Toymaker's
passionlure travellersforce themplaygames -
if they lost, they¡Íplaythings.Toymaker
challenged©Doctor, StevenDodoa series of such
deadly games,µthey won. However,discovered
makelast, winning move¢Toymaker's Trilogic Game would
condemn them alloblivion.¬Lord¡outwitted
ToymakerorderingmoveToymaker's voice, thereby
enablingÃÝwhile finishinggame.
Accordingsome accounts,SixthPeriÉ
Toymaker¢Blackpool,¯µ·they discovered
Toymaker came¶another, entirely different universe.
/Resident of Moreton Harwoodmanager of Aunt
Lavinia's marker-garden shop. His family dated back
Publius Trescus Roman family.a member of
Cult of Hecate.
/George Tracey's son.a somewhat
reluctant member ofCult of Hecate.
/Insect-like burrowers, universal outcasts,µ
formed a collective intelligence, through withoutguiding will
of«Ôtheyonly mindless animals. Theygreat
naturalüof gravity controlonce attacked Trion.
¸discovered theyinfectedcolony of Frontios;
«leader,Gravis,secretly drawnýcolonists
Frontios because¹neededuse«bodiesmindspower
excavating machines.ßGravis's desire
Ãcutoff¶other Tractatorsthereby render
them helpless.
/A member of½¿ª
/Located¢Mettula Orionsis,Union of Trakena
multiplanetary confederation held¢a state of harmony
Source,µcontrolledKeeper. AfterKeeper's
dissolution,Ë(disguisedMelkur) temporarily
Ínew Keeper.åuseSourceturnUnion
of Traken®¤all-conquering forcesieze another body
himself.exposedprevented¶remaining Keeper
Doctor, Adric, NyssaCounciller Tremas.Union
of Traken°×¦Ëtampered
/Notorious galactic mortuaryèbodies of
famousrichñkept cryogenically frozen. Tranquil
Reposesecretly taken overDavros (posingØHealer)
ßfrozen headsgrowloyalhimself,sold
restKara's protein factory. AfterSixthintervened,
Tranquil Reposeblown upOrcini. Its personnel turned
refining local flowers®food.
/Quantum-powered force fieldsò
Rassilonprotect Gallifrey.pulled them down
allowVardansmaterialize, so¹could unmask them.
Unfortunately,doing so¹enabledSontaransinvade
/Another nameKartz-Reimer·
/Member ofDalek Alliance¢«Masterplanõ
Earth.betrayedMavic Chen,
/Hollywood actor.
/Captain of»Annabelle,µ¹stolen¶
MacKayusingtransport Gray's slavesWest
Indies.¢a swordÊJamie.
/Androzani equivalent of Mister.
/See T-MAT.
/Nickname given
/Nickname givencircle ofStones of Blood.
At various times¢history, theylabelled Six, Seven or Nine
Travellers, because three ofstones were,¢reality,
ÇOgri, servants of Cessair.
/Daughter of¾Edward Travers,scientific
adviserarmy task forceµÉØIntelligence¢
United States.
/Electrical engineer,ofthree lighthouse
keepers of Fang Rock.offirst victims of
/British explorertravelledTibet¢
mid 1930's, accompaniedfriend Mackay,solvemystery
ofYeti. After Mackay's death, Travers mistrustedª
Doctor,¥joined forcesØ
IntelligenceitsÖYeti. Thirtyölater, Travers
reactivatedofYeti's silver control spheres,µled
Intelligence's attackLondon. Made scientific adviser (with
daughter, Anne)army task forceµÉ
Intelligence¢Ùunderground. Travers again joined forces
ªColonel Lethbridge-Stewartthwart
evil cosmic entity's plans. Whenä
contactsoon afterwards, prior invasion,¹
toldIsobel WatkinsTraversdaughtergone
spend a year¢United States.
/Commodore ofHyperion III space liner.
met梤unrecorded adventure.¿Sixth
saveȦblack hole of Tartarus,a
hijack attemptRudge,destroyVervoids.
/One of Dr Lawrence's technicians atWenley Moor atomic
research station.Silurians¦theyç
overnuclear reactor.
|Brendan Richards' school friend.
/Name givenTrogsUnderworld's
tunnel system.
/One offive Consuls of Traken, marriedKassia
father of Nyssa.¿exposevillainy
ofMelkur,revealed Master,prevented
¶remaining Keeper of Traken. However, justæ¹left Traken,
Renegade¬Lord seized Tremasçcontrol ofbody.
/Former British colonelgovernor ofprison
èËkept.evil¬Lord tricked®
believing¹helping unmaskenemy agents sinking ships¢
British Channel, whereas theyactually tryingcontact
Sea Devils. When Trenchard realized he'd been fooled,¹ä
shootMaster,¥Sea Devilstaken over
/Roman ancestor ofTraceys of Moreton Harwood.
|Pupil at Brendon School.
/Jester figurepart ofKinda rituals,
ßa dollmimefables.
/Neural inhibitorßË
Gallifreysimulateappearance of death.
Doctor. It consisted of ten triangular piecesµformed a pyramid.
playerreformpyramidtransferring allpieces
at a·never placing a larger piece upon a smaller one.
won¢1023 moves,ïlast move
Toymaker's voice.
/Turlough's home planet. Itonce attacked
Tractators. Trionruled¤imperial family, ofµ
Turloughexiled£ten years. Malkon crashlanded
Sarn,ènew regime sent its political prisoners. Trion kept
agentsmany civilised worlds (Their agent£
solicitorTurlough sentBrendon). Eventually,new
regimeÍmore lenient. When Turlough summoned help¶Trion
evacuate Sarn,¹pardoned.Malkon returnedTrion
/Type of lockßTARDIS.
A trionic Latticea pendant-shaped keyßGreel
/Mineral vitalFederation'sìeffortõ
Galaxy Five. Itû¢abundancePeladon.
/Cessairßtritium crystalspowerwand.
/A component ofInter Minorans' Eradicator.
/Descendants ofMinyans. Withhelp,
a number of TrogsÛJacksontravelled
Minyos II.othersÅТ¤explosion caused
two fission grenades disguisedRace Banks.
/Trojan princeson of King Priam.fell¢love
Vicki (then knownCressida). TroilusVicki fled
Aeneasîfall of Troy.
/Legendary conflictôearly Greeks
city of Troy,µçú¢12th or 13thÄBC.
TrojanëbeganîParis, son of King Priam of Troy, ran off
Helen, wife of Menelaus of Sparta. Agamemnon, Menelaus's brother,
¡led a Greek expeditionõTroy.ìlasted ten years,
ãendingîcrafty Odysseus prompted©
come upstrategem ofTrojan Horse.
/The Captain of Zanak set up a roomèshrunken
remains ofworlds crushedZanakall kept¢perfect
gravitational alignment.proclaimed²
most brillient piece of astro-gravitational engineering¹ever
seen.Captainsecretly planninguse its energykill
Queen Xanxia. ItundoneDoctor,its
contentsßfill Zanak's hollow core.
/Ancient city of northwestern Anatoliasite of
Trojan War.
/Pupil at Brendon school.
/Professor of interplanetary zoology whose ambition
catalogue every species¢galaxy. In ordersecure funding
research, Tryst decidedsmuggledrug vraxoin,µ¹
discovered could derived¶essence ofMandrels,
savage monsters¶ºEden. TrystßCET machine
captureMandrelshand themdrug smuggler Dymond. After
Empress crashed®Hecate, Trystäframe
/YoungerÜof ArakMetebelis 3.hot-headed,
thought Sarah Janea spy. In spite of¨help
¹fell backêSpiders' control,¥freed¦
/Small villageScottish Coast, not far¶
Loch Ness.½based there¯its investigation®
Zygons' attacks.
/Chinese emperor whose soldiersÞGreel's¬
Cabinet,°offered²a present¾
Litefoot's mother.
/Way stationroadPeking.
/One of¸companions. When
¬Lord met him, Turlougha schoolboy£at Brendon
School. After a minor car accident¹entered®a pact
Black GuardiankillDoctor. During«adventure
Terminus,¹ïseveral half-hearted attempts,¥failed. Finally,
îencounterEternals, Turlough turnedõ
Black Guardian and,throwingEnlightenment crystal at him,
freed himself. Afterwards,¹¿ÊMaster.
Dead Zone of Gallifrey,¿themBorusa. Turlough went
Sea Devils,Malus,TractatorsDaleks. Finally
Turloughrevealed a political prisoner¶Trion,
sentencedten years' exileEarth. After another battleõ
ËSarn, Trion's prison planet, Turloughû
exilebeen rescinded.returnedhome world
newlyûbrother, Malkon. As a Trion political prisoner, Turlough
been tattooedMisos Triangle.
/Brendon school pupil.
/UNIT Captainassisted Brigadier Lethbridge-
Stewart¯ Invasion.fell¢love
Isobel Watkins.
/One of Varga's Ice Warrior crew,óbacklife
¢AD 3000.¢¤ice avalanche while chasing
/Leader ofThoros-Alphans' rebellionThoros-Beta,
decidedteam upKing Yrcanos. Together,¬Lords'
secret help, theyKiv, SilCrozier. Afterwards, Tusa
probably lednow-freedñback«world.
/Egyptian builder of pyramids workingKheprea.
/Sector of SpaceèSvartoslocated.
/Name of a Foamasi clan.
/Name givenSpiders of Metebelis 3humans.
/Karfelon rebel, banished throughTimelash.
/Strong-willed manled Dortmun's resistance
fighters.Éalongside©¯AD 2164
Dalek Invasion of Earth.
/Cosmic ray reseacher at Wessex University.¿
Three DoctorsÊOmega.
/Martha Tyler's son;¹¿
/Old woman,white witch ofvillage of
Fetchboroughknew allancient rituals.son
providedrock saltµßkill a Fendahleen.
/Young Alzarian OutlerMarshmen
while helping save Rysik.
/Name ofmodel ofTARDIS. 305
originally registered¬Lords. As more advanced models
built, all Type 40'sderegistered except
/The Rani kept a tyrannosaurus embryo¢
/One of Stagra's Think Tank colleagues.
/Chief Counciller ofVogans.terrified
remains ofºwould ûCybermen,strongly
disapproved of Vorus's plan.shot Vorus¦Guardian fired
/Starship engineer servingEarth's deep space fleet.
ÞDaleks,takenSkarobecome part
ofslave labour force lookingDavros. Tyssan¿
ça captive Davros backEarth.
/Inhabitants of Tythonus, very advanced aliens
looked like giant greenish blobs.Tythonianscomposedþ
entirely of brain tissue,communicated through«skins, or
through a shield-shaped deviceµenabled themuse another
person's larynx. Some Tythonians, like Erato,ability
secrete a metallic substance,could weave«own egg-shaped
/Planet rich¢metals¥poor¢chlorophyll, a substance
vitalTythonians' reproduction. Tythonus sent Ambassador
EratoChloris,è¹imprisonedLady Adrasta,¥°
/Drug Harris wanteduseª
Òrelieveeffect of tranquillizer darts.
/A subterranean civilization built¢Ù
Undergroundprotect a group of humans¶fireball (in
Stratagem).UK Habitattaken overDrathroprotect
secrets ofAndromedan Sleeperssealed¶contact
outside. Waterrationed,population kept constant through
Cullings. However, Merdeen secretly enabled some intended victims
Ýsurface.SixthsavedUK Habitat¶
being×a black light explosion, accidentally triggered
¦Dibber blew up Drathro's Maglem converter. With Drathro's
destruction,UK Habitat's populationfreeðlive
/One ofViking raidersÿWulnoth's Saxons.
/Earlyàdesigned¢1940'sDr Judson
break German naval cyphers. Its precious 'core'booby-trapped
Commander Millington¢a mad schemestrike atRussians.
In spite ofefforts,Ultima Machine
ßreleaseevil Fenric.
/TheªdiscoveredVictoria's screams
deadlyparasitic Weed.Sonic LanceSonic
Screwdriver also reliedultrasound.Vanir controlled
Garm¤ultrasonic box.Young Chimeron Princess
ÿBannermanultrasonic powers, amplified
Shrangri-La's public-address system.
/The¸ßUV lightkill
/Citizens of Sarndid not believe¢god
Logar. Theyusually sacrificedvolcano.
/Location ofhideout of Mandrel's rebels,ê
/Theªmet Atlantean survivorsbuilt
¤undersea civilization.alsoÿa parasitic Weed
µabsorbedýbrainsattacked a North Sea natural gas
refineryoff-shore rigs.bottom ofseaalso home
Sea Devils,ßËõ
¨Doctor. Theyÿagain¸¦they
attacked aýunderwater base, Sea Base Four,¢AD 2084.
attack off-shore platforms¢North Sea.Rutans
blob-like creaturescould liveêwater.
Haemovoresûplasma-like substances they needed¢fresh
sea water off Maiden's Point.
/Nicknameunderground world of Matter
accumulated over a hundred thousandöaroundP7E. It
ruledOracle, assistedtwo Seers.population
comprised ofGuardsTrogs, allò¶Minyan
Race Banks.UnderworldinvadedJackson's
crew who,help ofLeela, managed
wrestRace Banks away¶Oracle.Underworld
×¢explosion causedtwo fissin grenades disguised
Race Banks,µOracleintendedusedestroy
Jackson's ship.
/Mythical animal encounteredªDoctor,
JamieZoe¢Land of Fiction.
military force whose missiondealÇor extraordinary
Earth-based threatspotentialendangerwhole planet.
½headquarters¢Genevaplacedêsole command
ofUnited Nations. In practice, however,²subject
supervision of various national ministerslocal authorities.
concept of a special forcedealÇthreats
probably first arose¢Britainîsecret Dalek attack of
1963,undoubtedly reinforcedWOTAN's failed attempt
take overÙitsëMachines¢1966.
Yetiéof 1969,íª
British Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart,most likelycatalyst
µresulted¢creation of UNIT. Now promotedrank of
Brigadier, Lethbridge-Stewartput¢charge of UNIT's British
branch.ably assistedcompetant Sergeant Benton
Captain Mike Yates.
½extremely active¯early 1970's. Brigadier
Lethbridge-StewartmenÉ alongside
ª¦theyÆinvade Earth. Soon afterwards,
exiled£¬Lords. Then¢third
incarnation,¹ÍUNIT's scientific adviser. Withhelp of
assistants, Liz Shaw, Jo Grant and, later, Sarah Jane Smith,
so-called 'Ambassadors of Death',¾Stahlman's 'Inferno'
project,Master, Axos, Azal,Daleks,Sea Devils, Kronos,
Omega, BOSS, Linx, Sir Charles Grover's Operation Golden Age
Spiders of Metabelis 3.
Doctor, still assistedSarah Jane SmithJoined
½medical officer Sugeon-Lieutenant Harry Sullivan,¡
¿Brigadierõ¾Kettlewell's Giant Robot
Scientific Reform Society,Zygons.
Atøtime, UNIT's British HQmoveda priory
µbeen Egyptologist Marcus Scarman's residence¢1911.
Soon afterwards,Doctor, Sarah Jane SmithHarry
Sullivan returnedhelp½Colonel FaradayKraals'
android invasion.Sarah also¿
Sir Colin Thackeray ofWorld Ecology BureauMajor Beresford
of½destroy a Krynoid.
In 1977, Lethbridge-Stewart retired¶UNIT, leavingBritish
branch of½¢capable hands of Colonel Crichton. Benton
also left. Lateryear, TeganNyssa, two of¸
companions, metretired Brigadier at Brendon School
together travelled forward1983ÊMawdryn.Brigadier
In 1983,¸ß½clearancesolve
mystery ofdisappearance of a Concorde airplane at Gatwick
Airport. Later,¸metretired Brigadier
(whoforgotton«previous encounter)Mawdryn.
Brigadier recoveredmemoryrenewedcontacts
UNIT. But Borusa snatchedª(who
transgressedLaws of¬visitold friend)dayæ
aå½reunion. TogethervariousÒ(including
Sarah Jane Smithillusions¢form of Liz ShawMike
Yates),Brigadier¿Five DoctorsBorusa.
Soonîthat,¹marriedold flame, Doris.
In 1992,Ace teamed upLethbridge-
Stewartmet Brigadier Bambera of UNIT. Together, theyÉ
sorcery of Morgaine, Queen of¤alternative Earth.
/Duringfirst incarnation,
visited New YorkHollywood, both very briefly, and,
a longer time, Tombstone, Arizona. A Confederate Army
ùëLords. Peri Brown¤American.
©met American General Cutler atSouth Pole Space
Tracking Station.¨met American security
agent Bill Filer.¿American security
agents HawkWeismuller recover a lost satellite. Lady
Peinfortegiven a rideAmerican tourist Lavinia P. Hackensack
near Windsor.©met another American tourist,
Moreton Dill, attop ofEmpire State Building.°
met Hollywood producer Steinberger P. Green.
/Garron's assistant.áGraff Vynda-K's million
opekslump of jethrik. ThanksBinro,¹ûrefuge
¢catacombs.woundedGraff's men,¥left
Ribos safelyGarronGraff's treasure.
/UNIT private.´fightingSilurians.
/Leader ofTetraps servingRaniLakertya.
impressedgenius and,îathands of
/Taraniumûofmoons of Uranus.
/Planet located¢system of Inokshi¢galaxy RE 1489.
Its leader, Monarch,exhausted all of its minerals,¡
polluted²technology until its ozone layerutterly
destroyed;²allmad desiretravel faster than
lightback through·witnesscreation of
Universe (MonarchÈhimself God).
/Reptilian aliensresembled frogswhose glands
secretedofdeadliest toxins¢universe. After«
leader, Monarch,virtually׫home world,
memories of all three billion Urbankansstoredmemory chips.
Monarchåpoisonpopulation of£replace²
Urbankans, reincarnated¢android form (unlike«original
'flesh time').Urbankansvisited£before. When¸
met Monarch¢1981,¹claimed²taken
speed ofȦeach previous visit.approximate dates
ofUrbankans' visits£would¡have been 34481 BC,
4481 BC, 519 BC,AD 1981. However, historical informationø
native Earthmen takenaliens contradictedabove dates.
Ittherefore likelyreal·²ç
Urbankansreach£onlyø1250 years,«
visits occurred¢3019 BC, 1769 BC, 519 BC, AD 7311981.
/Captain ofConcorde flightµtaken
Jurassic periodMaster.
/Alien racelooked like greenish seaweedeyes,
although theyableassumeretainýform thanks
stratified particle radiation. Theygreedy exploiters of other
races. In52nd century, theyßCompanymove mankind
¶a highly polluted£Mars,¢exchange«labour.
Several centuries later,Usurians moved menPluto, around
µtheybuilt six small artificial suns. There, men lived a
heavily taxed life until theyfreed throughÚof
Leela.exposedUsurian Collector
òa deadly inflationary spiralhim.
/The Usurians' home world.
/Amazon Indian tribe. Latonionce been«chief.
/Peace-loving racesbuilt, oräbuild,
utopias includedThals,Sensorites,Didoi,Dulcians,
Gonds,ñof Traken,Logopolitans,Kinda
Utopiasfailed includedworld of Marinus,
French Revolution,world ofEldersSavages,
Sir Charles Grover's Operation Golden AgeHelen A's
Terra Alpha.
Apparent utopiasµcontainedproverbial snake¢
paradise includedýcolony secretly controlled
Macra,pirateºof Zanak,Union of Traken
Castrovalva,µnothing more than a block transfer computation
òAdricDeva Loka,ºofKinda,è
Mara lurked. Also see its opposite, DYSTOPIAS.
/Commander ofSandminer. Because of
intervention,¹aide Toosonly survivors of
attack ofRobots of Death.savedlife
destroying SV7.
/One ofRobots of Death, disabledUvanov²attacked
/A Robot of Deathµattacked Leela.
/A Robot of Deathµattacked Toos.
/One ofRobots of Death. It locked up
/One ofRobots of Death. Itatcontrols of
/Massive T-shaped spaceshipßGeneral Hermack of
International Space Corps¢campaignõCaven's pirates.
ItequippedMinnow fighters.
/Killjoyonce Helen A's gag writerTerra
Alpha (he¡knownHarold F).arrested
Happiness Patrolî¹went lookingbrother, Andrew X.
electrocuteda rigged jackpot machine.
/Incarnation ofevil side ofXeraphin.
/One ofThals sentSpiridonstopDaleks.
/Title meaning 'Learned Court Prosecutor'.
Valeyardamalgam ofdarker side,ô
twelththirteenth regenerations. AfraidSixth
would learntruthøRavolox stratagem,corrupt
High Council of¬LordsóValeyard®being.
They offeredremaining regenerations if¹would
destroyearlier Incarnation.Valeyard prosecuted
attrial, introducing false evidence¶Matrix
concerningadventuresRavoloxThoros-Beta, including¤
untrue account of Peri's death.°accusedof
genocidehaving×Vervoids. ThanksMaster's
Fantasy Factory. Hiding behindidentity of Mr Popplewick,
Valeyard plotteduse a Particle Disseminatormurder
¬Lords attendingTrial.also trappedËGlitz
replacingstolen secrets ofMatrix theyseeking
a Limbo Atrophier.íValeyard's
plans,¥evil¬Lord escaped again, taking overbody of
Keeper ofMatrix.
/One ofVanir. Ambitious,¹wantedtake over
Eirak's leadership,enteredForbidden ZoneîBor
¸Doctor.other Vanirremained
Terminushelp Nyssa run²a regular hospital.
/Deadly living metal allegedly stolen
æ¹left Gallifrey. Validium ¬Lord's ultimate
defence. After²ß¢a series of unknown circumstances,
µagain involvedDoctor, validium landed£¢
Windsor¢1638. There,²shapedLady Peinforte®a
statue dubbed Silver Nemesis.ß
Silver NemesisdestroyCybermen's space fleet,¡
ordered²reshape itself. Also see NEMESIS, SILVER.
/A member ofstaff ofWheel¢Space.
taken over °freed
/One of Bragen's rebelsVulcan. After
murdered Janley,girl¹loved,¹beganrealize
Bragenreally a megalomaniacal madman,
/Gigantic space aliensµmay have been related
Daemons. Feedingblood, theynearly immortal. They swarmed
throughoutuniverseÍso powerfulVampire
could sucklife¶¤entire planet. Finally, they
hunted down¬Lords×bow ships¢a
ìso longbloody that, afterwards,Gallifreyans foreswore
violence.Vampires' leader,ØVampire, escaped®
E-Space. Although¹near death,¹stillmental strength
attract£»Hydrax.offered its three officers,
Aukon, ZargoCamilla, vampiric immortality if theyÀhim.
They fedblood ofýcolonists«
descendantsa thousand years, planning¬of Arising
¦they would swarm back®normal space.ØVampire's
Hydrax scout ships like a stakekill him.
On Earth, vampire-like creatures arose¢future,¦
£become totally polluted. TheycalledHaemovores.
A number of themtransported back through·Fenric,
gave riselegendsøvampires. FenricߤAncient
©once met a robotic version oflegendary
vampire Dracula¢a House of Horrors. OtherÇlife forms
µfedblood included:Screamers;Ogri;
Somno-moths;Tetraps. Psychic or life-energy vampires
included:Elders;Krotons;Mind ParasiteMagnus
Greel. Energy vampires included: AxosNimon. Also see
/Douhgnut-shaped radiation belt surrounding£
protecting²¶Sun's more harmful rays.Young
SilurianIcthar attempteddestroy²a molecular
disperser¢orderrender£uninhabitableMankind. They
/A top executive ofEuro-Sea Gas Corporation.
based¢Haguea friend of Van Lutyens.
/American touristbefriended Peri's
/Dutch engineer.dispatched
Euro-Sea Gas Corporationcheck upNorth Sea refineryµ
attackedWeed.äconvince its controller,
Robson,shut offgas supply,taken over
Weed.freedhelp ofªDoctor.
/British astronautboardMars Recovery 7
spaceship.Þmysterious, radioactive aliens.
/Thara's girlfriend, a young Gond girlbeen selected
become a 'companion' ofKrotonssaved just¢
·ªintervention. After she
recovered¶ordeal, she¿¬Lorddestroy
/CrewmanCaptain Brigg's space freighter.
/See NORD.
/Tegan Jovanka's aunt.near Heathrow
/Personnel¢charge of Terminus.
/Captain of Zanak's great raiding cruiser,µ
/Method of capitol punishment߬
/Elderly SolonianÔbetrayedownñ
Marshal. His son£Administrator,¥¹°
ÆtelltruthshotMarshal. When Varan
sawdead son,¹rebelled
/Aliensabilitytravel mentally along any
wavelength.only obstacle«powerlead. When«
ºtouchedof¬Lords' scan beams, theyß²
invadeMatrix. Being telepathic, they contacted
help them¢«planstake over Gallifrey.
pretendedhelp them¢ordergain«confidenceforce
themmaterialize fully (atµpoint²revealed«
true formfully humanoid).¡placed«º¢
a·loop. ButVardansactually beenßdupes
Sontarans,themselves invaded Gallifrey.
/Planet atìKosnax. Their crossfire accidentally
×Xeriphas.ofTrion agents¤agrarian
/Leader of a squadron of Martian warriors (the so-called
Ice Warriors). His»crashlanded£¯its
©Ice Age,¹crewaccidentally entombed¢
ice. VargaûArden,óbacklife¢AD 3000.
|Vegetable life form indigenousSkaro.Varga Plants
poisoned spinesµinduced dementia¢«victims, whose
some Varga plantsKembel.
/Argolin guide atLeisure Hive.
|PresidentwayNekroswife's perpetual
/Sontaran field major.aide of Group Marshal
Stike. Chessenecoronic acid.
/Young SwampieìchiefDelta Magna's third moon.did
not believe Krolla god,¿Romana
/Chancellery guard appointedKelnerkeep¤eye
¯Vardanéof Gallifrey.
/Cryonwelcomed Peri.°
/Miningºinhabiteddescendants of a colony
criminally insane. Itset up a civilizationµthrived
public torture,provided 'snuff' entertainmentrest
ofgalaxy. Italso a major producer ofrare mineral
Zyton-7. WithSixthhelp, Varos's Governorable
Sil's planscornerZyton-7 market.
/Leader ofOutlersAlzariusAdric's older brother.
Marshmen while defendingStarliner.
/Gilbert M'sºof origin.
/Trapper living¢Marinus's icy wastes.äkill
IanBarbara¯«questmissing Keys.
/Highly explosive mineralsafe only at sub-zero
temperatures.SixthgaveCryon Flast a thermal lance
µshe buried¢a box of vastial, thereby creating a huge
/Managing director of International Electromatics.
allied himselfCybermen.åuse themtake
overworld,¡discard themusing¾Watkin's
Cerebration Mentor. His bodyalready been partially converted
cybernetics. When¹realized prepareddestroy
helpª½destroyCybermen's hypnotic
beam pulser.
/One of Mandrel's rebels.¿
Leela overthrowCompanyPluto.
/A mole man¶Vega star system.of
two Federation trisilicate mining engineersPeladon (the other
Eckersley).appeared struck downAggedor's ghost,¥
¢ÂEckersley's Aggedor projector/heat ray
/Intelligent vegetable life forms included:¤Earth-based
parasitic sea Weed,µcould take control of humans;
ÇKrynoids,fedorganic life forms;cactus-like
Zolfa-Thurans, like Meglos,could assume other creatures'
shapes;Vervoids, creations of¾Lasky.
Beaus might have been a vegetable life form.
Dangerous¥nonintelligent plants includedaccelerated
plants of Marinus;hostile fungoids of Mechanus;
Varga plants of Skaro;Martian 'Seeds of Death',µ
consumed oxygen;hostile vegetation of Spiridon;
carnivorous Wolf Weeds of Chloris;aggressive vegetation of
Tigella;deadly vines of Varos.
Sixthshowedpersonnel of Tranquil Repose how
refine local flowers®protein.Raniòexplosive
devicesµturnedñ®trees.galaxy's largest flora
collectionZaakros.claimed Honorary
President ofIntergalactic Flora Society. Also see SEEDS.
/Member of a Sirian space colony.Þ
takenSkarobecome part ofslave labour
force lookingDavros.
/Karfelon girl bethrothedMykros. When¹arrested,
Vena seizedBorad's amulet,µTekker wore,plunged®
Timelash. It transported19thÄScotland,è
she met H. G. Wells.Sixthç(and Wells) back
/Law of physicsµstated: 'Lightmass
energy intermixed; therefore energy radiatedphotons
tachyons is equalenergy absorbed.
/Planet visited©Doctor.
/George Cranleighdisfigured while exploring
Orinoco portion ofAmazon¢Venezuela.
/Mavic Chenprepared a secret armyVenusÊ
Daleks.¨claimed a master at Venusian
Aiki-Do -ofrare two-armed beingshave mastered
difficult art.
/Subject Guardian enslavedArk's Monoids. After
©¿Monoids, sheDassuk led
Humans®¤honourable peaceremaining Monoids, so
they could all live¢harmonyRefusis.
/A Krontep heavenèwarriorsthought
/Ship attackedSea Devils.
/Tegan's grandfather.lived¢Little Hodcombe
discoveredMalus¢local church.¡kept prisoner
Sir George Hutchinson. After¹rescued,¹¿¸
/Member ofrebellionõØVampire.
/Member ofSoviet commando ledCaptain Sorin.
infiltrated Northumberland¢orderstealUltima Machine
'Core'. Vershinin°Commander Millingtonîjoining
forcesCaptain Bates.
/Planetary systemèFrontioslocated.
/Intelligent, mutant vegetal life formsò
¾Lasky, BruchnerDolandMogar. Theymobile,
could talk,equippedvenomous stingsemitted
poisonous marsh gas.Vervoidsdormant¦they
loadedHyperion III space liner,¥awakened¤
electrical light burst. Theyätaking overship,¥
×Sixth Doctor,ßvionesium light bursts
cause themwitherdie.chargedgenocide
Valeyardthis action.
/One ofminerals minedZanak.
/Planet visitedCaptain Cook.
/One of©companions,¤eighteen-year-old
£girl (last name unknown)¶25th century,û
herself strandedDidoîa space crash.Û
©Doctor, Ian ChestertonBarbara Wright,¿
exposeevil designs ofcompanion, Bennett. Vicki¡
accompanied©Doctor, IanBarbara¢«journeys.
Rills (whose robots she nicknamed 'Chumblies').É
Zarbi,Saracens,Moroks,Daleks,Meddling Monk
Drahvins. DuringTrojan War, Vickifell¢love
Troilus and, adoptingname of Cressida, followed
ûa new cityîfall of Troy.
/British army major¿¨õ
Mind of Evil.
|Queen of Englandlived¶18191901. Josiah
Samuel Smith plotteduse explorer Fenn-Cooperkill her,
hoping therebyrestoreBritish Empireits former
/Planet incorporated®Tryst's CET.
/The Meddling Monkåsabotage a Viking raid just
æ1066¢orderensure King Harold's victory. During
9th century, a group of Vikings -°dubbed'Wolves of
Fenric' -manipulatedevil entitybringflask
containing²back¶OrientNorthumberland. Their
descendants settledarea.
/Only name givensoleýcommunity
ØVampire's world.
/Mayan princessùUrbankans, probably
circa AD 731. Her memoriesstoredsilicon chips,ß
animate¤android¢image. After¸ÿ
Monarch, shefellow androids decidedlookanother
/19thÄMexican revolutionaryimmune
ëLords' hypnotic processing.çcharge of a pocket of
resistance,ÉalongsideªDoctor, JamieZoe
/Professor Parry's second-in-commandexpedition
reawakening of ¶«Telosian Tombs.
/YrcanosLord ofVingten.
/Mr Burton'sâat Shrangri-La.Burton
/Common form of lightingßTerileptils.
/Magnesium-like metalûMogar. Exposedair,²
released intense light.Sixthß²destroy
/First Medtech aboardArk¢Space.çcommand¦
²Íclear NoahêWirrn's control,¿
/Space entity capable of making contact
other forms of intelligencetaking control of them. It enslaved
crew ofTitan shuttle,convertedTitan base®a
Hive.Virus's Nucleus invadedbody,¥
Foundation. It returnedTitanpreparedswarm,¥
צblew upbase.
/TheÉVirus ofPurpose
Titan.alsoߤanti-metal virus
destroy¾Kettlewell's Giant Robot.
Also see DISEASES.
/Older senior officer ofMorestran spaceship sent
Zeta Minor. Whenmutated¾Sorensonantimatter
creatures beganattackship,¹çover command¶
ð²its native universe.
/Giant, hostile, invisible inhabitants of Mira.©
ÊõDaleks' Masterplan.VisiansÉ
/Lytton's homeworld.
/Middle class of robotsßlabour force
aboardSandminer. They could speak.
/NicknamedPlanet of Gold because its heartþpure
gold. In23rd century,¯©Cyber Wars,£its
alliesÿ discoveringgoldfatal
«enemies. Before«defeat, ï¤attempt
destroy Voga,¥a fragment survivedended up¢orbit near
Jupiter,è²ÍknownNeo Phoebus.Nerva Beacon
placeda thirty-year assignmentwarn spaceships of its
Towardsend of25th century,ofBeacon's officers,
¾Kellman, secretly workingVogan Vorus, summoned a
small band of isolated Cybermen, remnants of©Cyber Wars.
Vortus's plandestroy usingSkystriker, a
rocket ofown design. ß«cybermats
neurotropic X virustake overBeacon. Theyloaded
cyberbombs aboardBeaconäcrash²®Voga. They
íDoctor, Sarah Jane Smith
Harry Sullivan.
/AlienslivedVoga. AfterǼpartially
× î©Cyber Wars,survivors,
ledTyrum, lived¢fear of being discoveredCybermen.
After Vorus's Skystriker missile×Cybermen, thanks
reintegrate themselves¢galactic Alliance.
/Kara's secretary.Davros's Daleks.
/In Kinda terminology, a mancommunicate verbally
rather than mentally. Arisbeenbeen givenGift of Voice
Mara and, accordingKinda prophecies obeyed.
/Tryst's ship. Its zoological expeditionEden
comprised of Tryst,assistant, Della,Stott.
/Salamander triggered volcanic eruptionstake over
Earth. A volcanic eruptionÆÃDulkis.
¨ß¤ice volcanoSpiridonfreeze a Dalek army.
On Sarn,volcanic Numismaton Flame could extend life. Volcanic
eruptionsºofCheetah People reflectedsavagery
of its inhabitants. Tigusa mostly volcanic planet.
infinitely variable.
/Nekros life form.
/One ofëLords¢charge ofëGames.
poseda German major¢WorldëI sectora
Confederate officer¢American Civilësector.
Private Moor.
/One ofminerals extracted¶CalufraxZanak.
ItßMr FibulipowerPsychic Interference
/Inhabitants of Marinus,dark, rubbery skins¤
enigmatic, snoutish face, theyimmuneConscience's
mind-control powers. Underleadership of Yartek, a Voord commando
ätaken overConscience¥Ð¦©
Ian Chesterton tricked them®destroying
/Galactic showman¶Lurmaowneddefective Scope
è¨rematerialized.¿thwart Kalik's
devious schemes,ßEradicatordestroy
rampaging Drashigs.
/Commander of Sea Base Four.¿¸
ÊSiluriansSea Devils.sacrificedlife
save¸¦¹abortingmissile launch.
/(SPACE-TIME) Area beyond·space throughµ
Ãtravels. Some entities, likeGuardians of Time,
KronavoresMandragora Helix, might said
inhabitVortex.Tharils appeared abletravel
throughVortex unaided.
/The Lake ofHigh King¢Old English. It
located near Carbury. Itat its bottomKing Arthur's
bodyExcaliburburied, inside a living spaceship.
/Cold, craggyºofIsop Galaxy, home of
/Sleeping gasßprotect Space Station J7's
/Leader ofVogan Guardians.hired¾Kellman of
Space Beacon Nervasummon Voga,èthey could
×Skystriker missile.wantedfreeñ
¶threat ofCybermen,¥ended up clashingTyrum.
shotTyrum¦¹launchedrocket but, thanks
/Prisoner at Stangmoor Prison¿Mailer take
overPrison.Charlie let¨escape.
°Mind Parasite.
/Deadly drug derived¶essence ofMandrels,¢
use among humans¢early part of22nd century. It induced
a state of warm complacency, followedagonizing withdrawal
symptoms,death.also TRYST DYMOND.
/Leader ofMenopteraéforceVortis.
/See V-41.
/Earth colony ledGovernor Hensell. Itþtaken
overDaleks,¥ÛªDoctor. At
time,²inhabitantsßa dating system indicating²
Year AD 2020, although²more likely at leastÄ°
/One ofminerals minedZanak.
/PlanetèCaptain CookûMags.
/Member of¾Sorenson's party.
/One offive£colonists¶Galsec Seven stranded
£circa AD 15,000,î«»×while
answering a fake mayday signal. Styre performed cruelÎ
determinelimits ofýresistance.betrayedcrew
/Unscrupulous, warlike tyrant of Levithia. While¹
went offÊAlliance Wars,¹deposedñ
replacedhalf-brother.swore revenge,offeredbuy
Ribos¶Garron, hopingturn²®a training ground¤
army. When¹ûout¹been conned,¹äkill Garron
Doctor.´¢catacombs, victims ofown
explosive device.
/Agent sentSpace Special SecurityKembelî
Marc Cory failedreturn. VyonbornMars,Colony 16.
discoveredDaleks' Masterplan and,©
help, managedðEarth. Bret Vyonown
sister, Sara Kingdom, another SSS agent. Sarabeen manipulated
believeBreta traitorsuperior, Karlton,
secretly¢leagueMavic ChenDaleks.
/Codename ofspace station attacked
Cybermen. ItdefendedªDoctor,boosted its
X-ray laser cannoninvaders,using
TARDIS's¬Vector Generator.
/One ofcrew ofEternals' ships.
/Defence correspondent ofDaily Chronicle.
questionedBrigadierøoccurrences at Oxley Moor
/One of Cully's tour party.
/Vicar of Saint Jude's church,¢Northumberland
village°attackedFenric,of'Wolves' of Fenric.
His grandfatherbeenfirsttranslaterunes carved¢
church's crypt. His actionscontributedFenric's
release. AfterBritish bombed Germany,faith wavered,¹
/Real name of lead singer John Smith, of
John SmithCommen Men.started offChris Waites
/Television journalist.reported
events atBritish Space Centre¦Mars Recovery 7
spaceshipÞradioactive aliens,again¦
General Carringtonäcall uponworldü
launch¤all-out attackõaliens.
/The¨wentWelsh village of Llanfairfach
dealGreen Death. In 1959,¿
save DeltaSouth Wales holiday camp of Shrangri-La¶
/Politician sent¶Ùdeal
Sea Devils affair.ordered Captain Hartlaunch a depth-charge
a peaceful settlementSea Devils.
/Alien raceloved gambling. Vorgwon
/Ranulf Fitzwilliam's castle.
Paradise Towers.
/Arden's assistant.Ice Warriors.
|UNIT sergeant.assisted Lethbridge-Stewart¯
|One of Lieutenant Scott's men. His jobmonitor
progress ofunderground expedition.
/UNIT majorÉSilurians.
/Chinese manager ofway station at Lan-Chow.
/Historical wars: amongvarious historical£warsµ
visitedTrojan War;¨Crusade;
French Wars of Religion (St Bartholomew's Day Massacre);
battle of Culloden;WorldëII (in Northumberland).
technologykidnap soldiers¶various£wars, up
including WorldëI. Among thesesoldiers¶WorldëI,
American Civil War,Mexican RebellionPunic Wars.
In Little Hodcombe,êMalus's influence, Sir George
Hutchinson reconstructedevents ofEnglish Civil War.
Rani admittedshevisited several of Earth's wars
(includingTrojanëAmerican Civil War), making them
worsedraining of brain fluids. Lastly,¤
alternate Earth, Morgainepreservedtenets ofwarlike
culture of King Arthur's times. Also see WORLD WAR I, II
Future wars:threat of WorldëIIIaverted several times
Doctor. Future£wars included limited nuclear wars¢
early 21st century,µSalamanderßown benefit,
51stÄbattleõMagnus Greel's Supreme Alliance. Future
warsõaliens included several Dalek Wars; Cyber Wars;
SpaceëõDraconians,µsecretly engineered
ËDaleks;ìõGalaxy 5.
inhabitants of Paradise Towersleftútake part¢a
ì- possibly©Dalek War. Also see INVASIONS.
Alien wars:ôaliens includedso-called Thousand Year
ë(or Neutronic Wars)ôThalsKaleds,µresulted¢
creation ofDaleks.ìôtwo species
continued, resulting¢Ïof Skaro,
possiblyannighilation ofThals. Other warsôaliens
õRills;Xerons' rebellionõMoroks;
Sontaran - Rutan war;ìultimate finish
extermination ledBannermenõChimeron.
Xeriphasbeen devastated¢crossfire ofìô
Zolfa-Thurans are racesþ×themselves¢
civil wars.Minyans°developedPacifierquell«
aggressive instincts.Graff Vynda-Ka warlike tyrant
deposedñwhile¹off fighting¢a
Peace-loving cultures included:Thals,ultimately
Didonians;Rills;Dulcians,similarly forced
War-loving cultures includedDaleks;Cybermen;Voord;
Moroks;Drahvins;Martian Ice Warriors
Ímore pacifist;Dominators;Krotons,ëLords,
Sea Devils;Sontarans;Zygons;Kraals;Vardans;
Dedicatedìmachines included WOTON's mobile extensions;
Cybermats;Yeti;Autons;Doomsday Machine;
MentalisàZeos;deadly Raston Robot;
aýchild turned®a Dalek battle computer;
Silver Nemesis. Also see WEAPONS.
/Vast operation launchedÇëLordsï
possible¬Lord technology stolenrenegade known
ëChief. It involved kidnapping thousands of£soldiers¶
various wars prior to,including, WorldëI.soldiers
¡subjectedhypnotic processingtoldcarry«wars
¤artificial planet.purpose ofëGames
ëLordsconquergalaxy usingbest army ever trained.
Eventually,ëGamesdiscoveredªDoctor, who,
help of Jamie, Zoe, Lieutenant Carstairs, Lady Jennifer
Buckinghamother Resistance fighters,ÿëLords.
¡alerted¬Lords,put a final endëGames
returned every soldierproperú¢·space.
/Leader ofëLords. Withhelp of¬Lord
technology stolenrenegade knownëChief,¹set up
exposeda traitorSecurity Chief. Captured¬
Lords,¹refusedacknowledge defeat.ä
/Name givenbellicose aliensset upë
Games. Theirºforever sealed inside a
force field (possibly a·loop)¬Lords.
/Mobile extensions of WOTAN.©ßa
powerful magnetic fieldcapture aëMachineturn²
/19thÄBritish miner whose brain fluids
stolenRani.fellêRani's influence,¥
°curedSixth Doctor.
/George Stephenson's protegeJack Ward's son.
ËßofRani's parasitesenslavedecieve
Sixth Doctor.turned®a tree¦¹stepped
ofRani's deadly mines.
/Professor Scarman's oldest friend.did not trust
Namin,of Sutekh's mummies.
Carbury siteuncovered Excalibur's scabbard. His
âShou Yuing.evacuated½prior
/International Space Corps major servingê
General Hermack.orderedfollow Clancey,
ledsquad of minnow fightersµ×Caven.
/Communications technician aboard Space Beacon Nerva.
infectedNeutrope X virusdied.
/Condition of a object placed¢a fixed orbit¢
·well¢space. Mawdryn's»¢a warp ellipse
above Earth.
/Galsec colonistStyre.
/Member ofDalek Alliance.
/Mysterious projection offuture, intended
incarnation.Watcher first appearedwarnof
impending doom athands ofMaster.also transported
Nyssa¶TrakenLogopolis,AdricNyssa backEarth,
æãmerging®dying body ofDoctor.
Watchernot unlikeCho-Je projection of
¬Lord K'Anpo.
/19thÄprofessor whose static electricity
time-travel experiments, conductedTheodore Maxtible, drew
Earth. They¡çdaughter Victoria hostage. Using
alias of 'J. Smith',¾Waterfield¿
/One ofªÒ
Edward Waterfield's daughter.taken hostageDaleks,
¡joinedTARDIS's crewSkaroîfather's death.
Yeti,Ice Warriors, Salamanderintelligent seaweed
creatures,µturned out vulnerableultra-sounds¢
voice. VictorialeftstayHarris family,
ç¢a daughter.
/Professor Watkins' niecea talented
photographer.staying at¾Travers's house¦
she metªDoctor, JamieZoe.Éalongside
them,½ Invasion plotted
Tobias Vaughn.fell¢loveCaptain Walters.
/Friend of¾Traversuncle of
Isobel Watkins.inventor ofCerebration Mentor
ùTobias Vaughn of International Electromatics,
/Director ofExperimental Nuclear Research Complex
attackedEldrad.Kastriançover Sarah Jane Smith's,
¡Driscoll's, mindstrigger a nuclear explosion,energy of
µ¹ßregenerate.¾Watson attacked Eldrad,¥
/Professor Watson's daughter.
/Famous Scottish inventor (1736-1819)contributed
development ofsteam engine.been inviteda
meetingGeorge Stephenson.Ëwantedkidnap
harnessgenius,¥íSixth Doctor.
/Royal Navy lieutenant commander.ÉSea Devils.
/Geological field whose stabilitychecked
/The Autonsïlook like waxwork dummies. When
Nestene began replacing importantñreplicas,
originalsput¢«places¢a waxwork exhibit.
/Private¢army task forceµÉØ
/Weapons devisedmankind included: a variety of deadly
missilesrockets, suchThunderbolt,Proton missiles
Salamander 6-0 powerful bombs suchZ-Bomb;various
rayguns suchDisintergrator, Stelsons, etc. Salamanderß
Suncatchercreate Earthquakes. Mankindßglitterguns,
Cerebration Mentor,Gravitron¤X-Ray laser cannonõ
Cybermen. TheyßIonizerõMartians. Other
miscellaneous weapons included WOTAN'sëMachines,Varosian
Cell Destructor,Rorvik's MZ cannon.
Alien weapons included:Daleks,«exterminator sticks
located¢«helmets, cyberbombs;Martian Ice Warriors,
sonic guns«claws;Yeti,«deadly web guns;
SiluriansSea Devils, thir third eyedeadly
hand weapons,well«Molecular Dispersera particle
¬Lord weapons included:¬Loops;¬Scoops;Bow
Ships;Hand of Omega; Validium;Demat Gun;Limbo
Atrophierparticle disseminator; smaller weapons included
Chancellery Guards' stasers.ËpreferreduseTissue
Compression Eliminator.Ranißminesµturnedñ®
treesswarms of deadly insects.
Eldersßlight guns;Krotonsß«Dynatrope;
missile;Morestransßa Neutron Accelerator;Bandrilsß
a Bendalypse.Kinda's Jhana Boxa psychic weapon.Doomsday
Weaponamongmost powerful weapons ever devised.
Other, non-mechanical types of weapons included: crystals, such
Key¬Dodecahedron (also see CRYSTALS); deadly
gases, suchzaphra, balariumhexachromite (also see GASES);
mind-control devices, suchBrains of Morphoton's Mesmeron,
Cybermen's Celensky capsuleshypno-beam pulsers,Rani's slugs
Coronet of Rassilon (also see HYPNOTISM); quasi-living
entities, suchSlyther,Skarasen,MykraSilver
Nemesis (also see CYBORGS). VirusesÇdiseases
/Weather control£established
first half of21stÄ(circa 2050). Itachieved
controllingtidesGravitron,µlocated at
Moonbase,probably usingSuncatcher satellite designed
Salamander. AfterMoonbase proved vulnerablea
Cyberman attack,Weather Control systemsrelocated
Earth. ItthereWeather Control°ß
ªdestroyIce Warriors' 'Seeds of Death'.
/Guns emitting a thick, clinging substanceß
ØIntelligence¢its attackLondon.
/English prisoner atConciergerie¯French
Revolution.gave a cryptic messageIanJames Stirling
/A form of intelligent seaweedµfednatural gas. It
already been spotted18thÄNorth Sea mariners. During
its attackrefineryoff-shore rigs ofEuro-Sea Gas
Corporation,Weedïa deadly use of its sting, foam
poison gas. It also evidencedabilitytake control of humans
turn them®weed-covered mind slaves (suchOakQuill
and, later, refinery controller Robson).ª
ßWeed's vulnerabilityoxygencertain types of sounds
(suchVictoria Waterfield's high-pitched screams)destroy it.
/Moreton Harwood residentmember ofcult
of Hecate.
/Liverpool policeman.
/Brendan Richards' school.
/English novelistlived¶1866
1946. While vacationing¢Scotland¢1885,¹met Vena,
been transported thereBorad's Timelash.accompanied
SixthKarfel,蹿¬Lord expose
Borad. Undoubtedly,adventure inspiredwrite
classic novel¬Machine (1895).
/SectionÔatDaleks' Bedfordshire site¯
«AD 2164 Invasion of Earth.
/One ofPipe People.¿Aceݶ
Happiness Patrol,hurtFifi.
/Chinese god impersonatedMagnus Greel. His
followers,Tong ofBlack Scorpion,ȹwouldð
ruleworld. Weng-Chiangpowerblow poisonous
fumes¶mouth,could kill mendeadly eye beams. God
of abundance,¹could also make living things grow bigger.
/Derbyshire site of a British atomic research station,
built¢a network of underground cavesµalsolocation
of a Silurian shelter. Power leaks¶station awakened
Silurians. It¡plaguedlosses of powera high rate
of mental breakdowns among its staff, all causedSilurians.
Its director, Dr Lawrence,called½investigate.
/The Lukoserofpathetic results of Crozier's
experiments. Mags¤Çwerewolf¶Vulpina
become Captain Cook's protege.humans infected
Cheetah People presented certain werewolf characteristics.
/Sir Edward's landscastle. Irongronätake
them over.
/Foamasi clansabotagedLeisure Hive¢order
buy Argolis. Their agentsía Foamasi investigator
exposed them.two agents°×Argolins.
/One ofinvisible Spiridonians¿¨
ThalsõDaleks.saved Jo Grant's life
later, sacrificedown lifestopDaleks.
/See W3.
/Natural park located just outsideÙµDodo
once visitedschool.
/Inventor of a type of·scoopµ¹ß
at Sir Charles Grover's requestbring forward prehistoric monsters
clearstreets of London. ThisÍknownDinosaur
Invasion. Then, GroverWhitakeråroll·back
ð£¤age¦²yet unspoiledpollution
technology. After seeingscheme fall apart because of
¨intervention, GroveräѾ
Whitaker's device,two mensent backprehistory.
/The White Guardiana conceptual entity
embodying LightOrder.enlistedhelp of
gathersix segments ofKey of¢orderrestore
universal balance ofcosmos.also warned
øBlack Guardian. Eventuallysucceeded,
assembledKey, outwittingBlack Guardianenabling
White Guardianrestorebalance. Later,White
GuardianBlack Guardian offered Enlightenment, symbolized
a crystal of unknownügreat value,prize
winner of a planet-spanning space race undertakenEternals.
Black Guardian hoped that,such a prize,Eternals might
wreak havoc throughoutUniverse. Instead,¸won
race¥turned down Enlightenment.White Guardian banished
EternalsofferedEnlightenment crystalTurlough. But
Turlough refused,threwcrystal atBlack Guardian,
vanished¢a burst of flames. However,White Guardian explained
Black Guardian existedlong¹did,would continue
exist until theyboth no longer needed.
/Robotic servants ofËofLand of Fiction.
ªDoctor, JamieZoeÉthem¢orderregain
/Farrow's supervisor.
/One ofcontestants¢talent contest organized
Psychic CircusentertainGods of Ragnarok.´
/Bessie's licence plate.
/Licence plate ofWhomobile.
/Name ofcommunity founded¾Clifford
Jones¢Llanfairfach, Wales,Nobel Prize money. It
nicknamed Nuthutchlocals.
/Nickname givena combination hovercraftflying
machine designed¨Doctor. Itïa brief appearance
¯Dinosaur Invasion°hijacked
Luptonî¹áBlue Crystal.
/See RUGG.
/Secretary-General of International Space Command
at·ofMondasian Cybermen's attackEarth.
/Termßcitizen of Castrovalva
outside of«city.
/Porter at St Cedd's.
/One ofinhabitants of Devil's EndêMaster's
/Police constable.
/Duke of NormandyÿKing
Harold at Hastings¢1066 ADbecome King of England.
/Young Cambridge scientist sentassist
Rachel JensenGroup Captain Gilmore¢«Êõ
Daleks,invadedCoal Hill area¢1963.
/Cleaning woman at Global Chemicals Refinery
/Astronaut aboard Zeus IV.¦
capsule disintegratedêMondas's gravitational pressure.
/Professor Stahlman's assistant.Í
attractedGreg Sutton and,¦shecamerealize
threat posedInferno Project.¿¨
put¤endit. On a parallel Earth, she´¦forces
/Earth Generalmilitary aidePresident¯
£- Draconian conflict.fearedDraconians
once been responsible¤attack¤unarmed Draconian envoy
»started a firstìôDraconiaEarth. Twenty
ölater,¦Ëäfoment a new
war, Williams wanted£strike back atDraconians. When
¨Draconian Ambassador presented
evidence ofmistaken judgement¢first conflict,¹changed
mindpersonally ledexpeditionOgron worldµ
exposedDaleks' plan.
/British Army sergeantȹfighting
õGermans¢WorldëI. In reality,¹part of
/Name attributedofcrew ofMary Celeste.
/Sir George Hutchinson's land agenthenchman.
/Guard atprisonèËkept. Trenchard
ßshow¨men could resistMaster's
hypnotic powers.
/Crew member of South Bend Antarctic Base.
/Planet conducting businessMentors.
/Moreton Harwood police sergeanta member of
Cult of Hecate.
/Liverpool police inspector.
|Validium landed¢Windsor¢1638shaped®
Silver NemesisLady Peinforte.launchedSilver
Nemesis®space¢a rocket-powered asteroid.statue's bow
ÍQueen's propertykept at Windsor castle,è
Íobject of aìôDoctor,Nazis,
ledDe Flores, Lady PeinforteCybermen.
/Scientist working atAntarctica camp of
World Ecology Bureau expeditionµdiscoveredKrynoid
pods. His bodytaken overofKrynoids,¹°
´¦campblown upScorby.
/Head of research atNuton Power Complex.so
desperate firststudy Axonite¹ignored
¨warnings. WhenAxonite sample's nutrition cycle
accidentally triggeredaccelerating²¢a particle
accelerator,²burst outabsorbed Winser.
/Squire of Devil's End.refusedserve
Master, soevil¬LordBok kill him.
/Director of Think Tank.assistant,
Jellicoe,also¢charge ofsecret Scientific Reform
Society. Miss WintersarrestedBrigadier
Sarah Jane Smith.
/Head of security ofExarius colony.
Jo Granttaken hostageDent. ThanksCaldwell,¹
escaped and,õAshe's advice, urgedcoloniststake arms
lifehelping themݶ«doomed spaceship.
/Alien insectoid life form not unlike£wasps,¢
particular¢Queen laid eggs inside living hosts. When
Empire×Wirrn's breeding coloniesAndromeda Gamma
Epsilon,Wirrn swore revenge upon humanity.of«Queens
ûTerra Nova (Nerva) arklaideggs inside
Dune. Eventually,WirrnçoverArk's leader, Noah,¥
צNoah's mind rebelled¹blew up
transport vessel¢µ¹Wirrn swarmtravelling.
/Carnivorous plants especially grown¢Lady Adrasta's
nurseriesßtrack downkill criminalsChloris.
TheycontrolledHuntsman. They trapped K-9 mark II¢
a resin webErato.
/Little Hodcombe farmerMiss hampden's friend.
Ía colonel¢Sir George Hutchinson'sìgames,¥°
realizedmadness ofactions.¿¸
/Nickname givendescendants oforiginal
Viking settlersóFenric's flaskNorthumberland. These
included Ace, Commander Millington, Dr Judson, Captain Sorin,
SundviksAncient Haemovore.
/The¨claimed thereseven
hundred of them, includingExxilons' Perfect City.
/The Yetiéof 1969 was,
possible exception ofDaleks' brief attack of 1963,
first credible instance of¤Çenemy attemptinginvade or
destroy Earth. This convincedü ofnecessity
¤international, United-Nations-backed entitydealsuch
global threats. This ledformation of several multinational
organizations such½World Ecology Bureau, charged
protectingplanet's ecological balance.head of WEB
Sir Colin Thackeray. WEB assisted½¢
destroyingtwo Krynoid podsûof its Antarctica
exploration teams.
/TheInternational Energy congress
çúat Stanbridge House. Brotonßshape ofDuke
of Forgilltrydestroy it,¥²saved
/Conference held¢London.Ë
åsabotage²start a third world war.first
arrangedassassination ofChinese Delegate. Later,¹
ßMind Parasiteescapees of Stangmoor Prison
hijack a Thunderbolt Missile,µ¹proposedaim at
Conference. Itsavedcombined efforts of¨
UNIT.World Peace Conference efforts
°continuedSir Reginald Styles.
/French, BritishPrussian WorldëI armies
ùëLords, using·technology stolen¶
¬Lords.soldiers wenttake part¢ëGames,
until theseóa stopªDoctor.
©claimed¹Susanonce caught¢a
Zeppelin air raid¯WorldëI.
/Thevisited Northumberland at
·of WorldëIICurse of Fenric.
/The threat of WorldëIIIaverted several
Mind Parasite¶starting it.
preventedScientific Reform Society¶triggering
/Itset off¢51stÄîPeking
Homunculus assassinatedCommissioner ofIcelandic Alliance
family. ItóMagnus Greel's Supreme Alliance®
/Division ofworld¢21st century.
hypnotized its creators. WOTAN¡itself linkedother
telecommunications computersdesigned mobile extensions
(nicknamedìmachines)µ¹ätake over London.
WOTANÿ©Doctor,ßof its own
ëMachinesdestroy it.
/One ofEternals.¸met¢guise
ofcaptain ofBuccaneer, a»engaged¢race
Enlightenment.secretlyÀBlack Guardian.¸
threwMansell overboard.
/One of©companions,history
teacher at Coal Hill School.Ian Chestertondrawn®
ëcuriosity atadvanced knowledge exhibited
of«students, Susan. They¡accompanied©
a series of adventures,¯µBarbara met cavemen,
Daleks, Marco Polo,VoordSensorites.hailed
Aztecsreincarnation of Yetaxa,¡Ítemporarily
miniaturizedant size. Later, she¿rescue Vicki,
ÞRoman slave traders,ÉZarbi,þ
Ípart of El Akir's harem¢Palestine. Afer being pursued
through·spaceDaleks, sheIandecided
Doctor. They arrived twoöîtheyleft.
/UNIT private.Silurians¢gallery 5
êWenley Moor.
/Leader ofPipe People. Afterrevolution supported
overthrew helen A's tyrannical regime,¹
/Elderly Saxon farmer whose villageÿa Viking
/Type of Megropolis Three residentsPluto.
/UNIT private posted atInferno project.mutated®
a Primord°felldeath.
/One ofSavages whose life essencebeen drained
/Isolation wing ofBi-Al Foundation.
/Earth battle cruiser.
/Harold V's brother, a killjoywritten booksø
lifeTerra Alpha,them smuggledTerra Omega.
drowned¢boiling candy.
/The laser cannon ofWheel¢SpaceßX-Rays.
/Kane's loverÔof a gang of deadly criminals
Proamon.herself rather than captured. Kane
exiledSvartos,a sculptor create¤ice statue of
/Evil, warlike Queen of Zanaknearly׺
¢endless galactic wars,obsessedeternal life.
cyborg, secretly controllingmachine half.¡ï
buildhuge transmat enginesµturned Zanak®a pirate
planet.ßenergy stolen¶worlds crushedZanak
power·damsslowflow of·a virtual standstill
dying body.¡ßa cell projectorrecreate a
younger version of herself,µshe thought wouldday become
fully corporeal. While secretly ruling Zanak she posed
Captain's nurse,¥exposedsecret
revealedplandoomedfail: Xanxia would always remain
dependantlife ofold body and,moment of
real death approached,·dams would need ever greater amounts
of energyslow time.Captain¹äkill
avenge Mr Fibuli's death,¥¹·disconnect
cell projector.´¦Mentiads
blew upBridge·damsrestored Zanaka
normal world.
/Aliens¶Xeriphasamongmost highly developed
intelligences¢universe, giftedgreat mental powers. Their
ºdevastated¢crossfire ofìôVardon
Kosnax. Injuryedradiation sickness,«entire race physically
amalgamated®intelligence,µårest until
contaminationpassed,¡regenerate.Xeraphin travelled
Jurassic£build a new home,metËwho, disguised
himselfKalid,ß«evil side (personifiedZarak)
incorporate them¢TARDIS.¾Hoyter sacrificed himself
joiningXeraphin,enable«good side, Anithon,
communicate¸Doctor.secretly reprogrammed
Master'sÃsendXeraphin backaÁXeriphas,
free of radiation. They regeneratedwent«lives.
/Homeworld ofXeraphin. Itdevastated¢
crossfire ofìôVardonKosnax, forcinginjured
/People of Xeros. TheyconqueredMoroks,
deportedadult populationslave labour. Later, a weak
resistance force ledTor grew amongyoung Xerons. With
help of©Doctor,XeronsdroveMoroks
awaydismantled«Space Museum.
/Meglos of Zolfa-Thuraa xerophyte - a cactus-like
beinggreat powers.
/Home ofXerons,location ofMoroks' space
museum. Withhelp of©Doctor,Xerons
/Name of Guy Crayford's experimental spaceshipJupiter.
Kraalsß²invade Earth.
/Sentientà¶Mordee expeditionµ
crasheda nameless planet. In¤unrecorded adventure,
Doctor, fresh¶regeneration,ärepair Xoanon¥
instead turned²schizophrenic. As a result, Xoanon set himself up
a god,manipulateddescendants ofship's survey
teamtechniciansevolve®two different tribes,
SevateemTesh,permanently atìeach other.
returnedcured Xoanon.two tribes
/Leader ofVoord commandoätake over
Conscience of Marinus.firstdiscover a way
immunized¶Conscience's mind-control influence. Yartek
Arbitan¥tricked©Ian Chesterton,
handeda fake Key.´¢Conscience's destruction.
/UNIT captain¿¨¢
battlesõMaster,Nestene«deadly Autons,
Mind of Evil, Axos, Azal,Daleks, KronosBOSS.þ
brainwashedBOSS and, possiblya consequence,°betrayed
½helping Sir Charles GroverlaunchOperation Golden
Age. After Yatesexposed,¹given extended sick leavea
chanceresign quietly.redeemed himself¢Êõ
Spiders of Metebelis 3,¯µ¹woundedcured
K'Anpo. Yate's imageßRassilonward off¨
/Recreationalºwhose speciality
vistic therapy.
/Human slave ofMonoids.landedRefusis
Monoid Two,protestingMonoids' plan
/Young Alzarian Outler´atonset of Mistfall.
/Aztec high priest.Ãrematerialized¢tomb,
AztecsÈBarbara reincarnation.
/Peaceful, harmless primates, living¢Himalayas.
ØIntelligenceßrobotic replicas ofYeti, controlled
telepathically through small silver spheres lodged¢«chest,
frighten travellers away¶Det-Sen monasteryprotect its
first attempt at reincorporation. This planí
ªDoctor,¾Travers, JamieVictoria.
donatedJulius Silverstein's private museum. Reactivated,²
otherÖYetißweb gunslaunch¤attackcapture
¢Ùunderground.again teamed up
Travers, Jamie, VictoriaColonel Lethbridge-StewartÊ
Intelligence,Õ¢reprogramming aÖYeti. All
ÖYetis°collapsed¦Jamie wrenched
Intelligence's mind-draining device¶head.
A yetißBorusaa pawn¢Game of Rassilon.
Real Yetistaller, less bulky,longer, silkier reddish
fursoft, dark eyes.
/Junior member ofSilurian triad of Wenley Moor
µincludedOld SilurianIcthar.wounded
Major Baker,°Dr Quinn.Young Silurian¡ä
wipe out mankinda deadly virus. After¹learned
Old Siluriangiven¨meansfind¤
antidote,¹Ínew leader.
Silurian scientist Icthar¡attempteduse a molecular disperser
destroyVan Allen Beltrender£uninhabitable
watchñðsuspended animation.shot
¢explosions set up½destroyWenley Moor shelter.
Accordingsome reports,Silurian nameMorka.
/Barbaric King ofKrontep, Lord ofVingten
Conqueror ofTonkonp Empire.Mentorsselling laser
more cooperative.fell¢lovePeristaged a rebellion
õMentors, enlisting Tusa's help.betrayed
Sixthactingêinfluence of Crozier's
Cell Discriminator.Sixth°freedso¹
could save Peri¶havingmind replacedKiv's.Valeyard
ßa falsified version of this event¢µPeriactually
killed. In reality, shesavedYrcanos,Crozier,
KivSil.¡married PerireturnedKrontepè
two lived happily afterwards.
/Doomsday bombµcould split aº¢half. General
CutlerÆuse²õMondas, not realizing²
would also endanger Earth. ¡äuse²
destroy Earth,¥í©Doctor.
/Caveman member ofTribe of Gum.son of
previous chiefof Old Mother.also Hur's loverKal's
rivalcontrol ofTribe.Kal. After
©Ian¿rediscoversecret of fire,
¹alsoäkeep them prisoners,¥failed.
/Recreationalºwhose great attraction
galaxy's largest flora collection.
/Taran swordmaster.ÀPrince Reynart.
/One offive£colonists¶Galsec Seven stranded
£circa AD 15,000î«»×while
answering a fake mayday signal.Sontaran Styre performed cruel
Îdeterminelimits ofýresistance.
´¦¹äݶStyre's robot.
/Planet ruledQueen Xanxiaþײ¢
galactic wars.Captain hollowed²outturned²®a
pirate planet, capable of jumping through space, rematerializing
around another world,mining its mineral wealth. Withhelp
ofMentiads,exposed Xanxiablew up
Captain's Bridge.expanded remains ofworlds×
Zanakßturn²back®a normal world.
/A dust-like deposit of Zaniumleft behind
Jacondan's matter transporter.
/Cully's younger sister.
/Paralyzing gasßMoroks.
/Madame Zaraa Manussan fortune teller.a fraud,
Íhysterical¦Tegan summonedMara.
/Leading incarnation ofevil side ofXeraphin.
seducedˢguise of Kalid.
/President of Inter MinorKalik's brother.favoured
liberal policiesimprovelot ofFunctionariesrelax
Inter Minor's xenophobic treatment of aliens. Kalikäuse
Vorg's Scopediscredit him,¥í
/Giant ant-like creatures¶ºVortis,
ÉMenoptera. They were,¢reality, mentally controlled
Animus,reverted«original mindless natureî
Barbara manageddestroyevil entity.
/(aka MILES SHARKEY) Former Captain of£»Hydrax,
µdrawn®E-SpaceØVampire. Undermaster's
influence, SharkeyÍLord Zargo,ofthree immortal
vampiric rulers ofØVampire's world. Zargo´¦
/Incarnation ofevil side ofXeraphin.
/Scientist,Ô¢field of producing food
¶sea.went mad and, upon locating a surviving Atlantean
outpost,¹promised its King, Thous,raise²abovesea.
In reality,¹plotteddrainocean®Earth's core
thus destroyplanet.íªDoctor,
´fightingLolem¦seaãbroke through
/Tigellan leader.summonedTigella
¦Dodecahedron beganfail.ästrike a balance
ôreligious Deons, ledLexa,Savants, led
/Kastrian commander.×Eldrad's space capsule.
/UNIT sergeantÀêBrigadier Bambera¯
battle at CarburyõMorgaine.
/Artistsculpted¤ice statue of XanaKane
Iceworld. After¹finished, Kanehim.
/Recreationalºwhose specialtyhistorical
/Ore processed aboardSandminer.
/Survivor ofDalek raidspace penitentiary
/Prosecutor aboardArk.assumed commandî
Commandertaken sickDodo's cold virusþ
/Inhabitants of Zeosentrustedconduct of«
unendingìõAtriosMentalis computer.
/Twinºof Atrios, located atedge ofHelical
Galaxy, involved¢¤unending spaceìõits neighbour.
Zeos was,¢reality, deserted,ìwaged
Mentalis computer. Behind²Shadowdesiredobtain
Princess Astra of Atrios,sixth segment ofKeyTime.
Doctor, RomanaDrax.
member ofDalek Alliance¢«MasterplanõEarth.
©impersonatedátaranium core.
once caught¢a Zeppelin air raid¯WorldëI.
/Cabinet builtTeganNyssacarry
/White nothingnessµpoint of intersection
ôN-SpaceE-Space. ItthereTharils'
/Neutral environment insideÃè
¸could completeregeneration while being isolated
¶rest ofuniverse.
/Planetedge ofknown universe, beyond
Cygnus A,distant¶Artoro Galaxy¶
Anterides. Itlocation ofBlack Pool, a gateway
¤anti-matter universe. By removing some anti-matter,¾
Sorensonòa crisis¯µanti-matter creatures
attacked a Morestran ship.returned
anti-matterZeta Minor.
/Component ofSandminer's propulsion
/Most powerful ofgods ofGreek pantheon. During
Trojan War,©mistakenZeus.
/Space capsule monitored¶Snowcap Space Tracking
Station at·ofMondasian invasion. It
disintergratedêMondas's gravitational pressure.
/Space capsule pilotedTerry Cutler. Itlaunched
¢¤effortrescue Zeus IV.
/Flawed·travel experiment devisedMagnus
Greel. GreelHomunculusßits¬Cabinettravel
¶51stÄ19th. Because²reliedFindecker's
theories,Zigma Experimenta failure. Greel's metabolism
distorteduse of¬Cabinet,¹would have
Ðcellular collapse if¹not stolen other humans
life essences. Ifnot prevented Greel¶
using¬Cabinet again,Zigma Experiment would have
×most of London.
/Planet incorporated®Tryst's CET.
/Crewmember ofSandminerRobots of
Death. HerÜhimselfݶrobots,
/Nicknamed'Terrible', shea threat
would face sometime¢future.
/Tower GuardØVampire's world.
/Planet located¢Prion planetary system. It
seat of a great technological civilization.Zolfa-Thurans
×themselves¢aìôthose (ledMeglos)
wanteduseDodecahedrona weapon,thosedid not.
Ten thousandölater,ºÐ¢
Dodecahedron explosion.
/Race of xerophytes - cactus-like beings -
powertake over other bodieschange shapes. Meglos
last survivor ofZolfa-Thurans.
/Creatures manufacturedExxilon Cityprotect
itselfõinvaders. They×Daleks.
Also see VAMPIRES.
/Varga's second-in-commandofIce Warriors
óbacklife¢AD 3000. After¹disabled
ªDoctor,threw ammonium sulphide¢face,¹´
¢explosion of Varga's ship.
/Political entitiesµïup 21stÄ£
/CardinalMember ofHigh Council of¬Lords
of Gallifrey.votedcondemn¸death¦
OmegaÆðthis universetaking over
body.probably¢Death Zone.
/Elder of Sarn.
/Aliensshape changing powers. Circa AD 1676,
crippled spaceship ofZygons landed¢Loch Ness. Three hundred
ölater,«leader, Broton, learned«homeworld
been×¢a steller explosion,people's space
fleetlookinga new home.decidedconquer Earth,
ßSkarasensink three oil rigs. ImpersonatingDuke
of Forgill, Brotonådestroy a World Energy Conference.
Zygons' spaceship×Doctor,Broton
/(aka ZEITON-7) Extremely precious mineralûonly
Varos.Galatron Mining Corporationäkeep Zyton's prices
low, ButíSixth Doctor,goneVaros
because¹desperately needed Zyton-7keep